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Count on the New Semi-Quantitative Test

The new semi-quantitative VIDAS® SARS-COV-2 IgG tests supports in the assessment of
Immune Status of patients (Post- Infection or Post Vaccination)
SARS-COV-2 IgG test targets RBD/S protein, with excellent correlation to the WHO
international Standard in BAU/mL (Binding Antibody Units/mL).


Index Index Index Index Index Index
BAU/ml BAU/ml BAU/ml BAU/ml BAU/ml BAU/ml
Value Value Value Value Value Value
<0.4 <8.13 3.1 63.02 6.1 124.01 9.1 185.00 12.1 245.99 15.1 306.98
0.4 8.13 3.2 65.06 6.2 126.05 9.2 187.04 12.2 248.03 15.2 309.02
0.5 10.17 3.3 67.09 6.3 128.08 9.3 189.07 12.3 250.06 15.3 311.05
0.6 12.20 3.4 69.12 6.4 130.11 9.4 191.10 12.4 252.09 15.4 313.08
0.7 14.23 3.5 71.16 6.5 132.15 9.5 193.14 12.5 254.13 15.5 315.12
0.8 16.26 3.6 73.19 6.6 134.18 9.6 195.17 12.6 256.16 15.6 317.15
0.9 18.30 3.7 75.22 6.7 136.21 9.7 197.20 12.7 258.19 15.7 319.18
1 20.33 3.8 77.25 6.8 138.24 9.8 199.23 12.8 260.22 15.8 321.21
1.1 22.36 3.9 79.29 6.9 140.28 9.9 201.27 12.9 262.26 15.9 323.25
1.2 24.40 4.0 81.32 7.0 142.31 10.0 203.30 13.0 264.29 16.0 325.28
1.3 26.43 4.1 83.35 7.1 144.34 10.1 205.33 13.1 266.32 16.1 327.31
1.4 28.46 4.2 85.39 7.2 146.38 10.2 207.37 13.2 268.36 16.2 329.35
1.5 30.50 4.3 87.42 7.3 148.41 10.3 209.40 13.3 270.39 16.3 331.38
1.6 32.53 4.4 89.45 7.4 150.44 10.4 211.43 13.4 272.42 16.4 333.41
1.7 34.56 4.5 91.49 7.5 152.48 10.5 213.47 13.5 274.46 16.5 335.45
1.8 36.59 4.6 93.52 7.6 154.51 10.6 215.50 13.6 276.49 16.6 337.48
1.9 38.63 4.7 95.55 7.7 156.54 10.7 217.53 13.7 278.52 16.7 339.51
2.0 40.66 4.8 97.58 7.8 158.57 10.8 219.56 13.8 280.55 16.8 341.54
2.1 42.69 4.9 99.62 7.9 160.61 10.9 221.60 13.9 282.59 16.9 343.58
2.2 44.73 5.0 101.65 8.0 162.64 11.0 223.63 14.0 284.62 17.0 345.61
2.3 46.76 5.1 103.68 8.1 164.67 11.1 225.66 14.1 286.65
2.4 48.79 5.2 105.72 8.2 166.71 11.2 227.70 14.2 288.69
2.5 50.83 5.3 107.75 8.3 168.74 11.3 229.73 14.3 290.72
2.6 52.86 5.4 109.78 8.4 170.77 11.4 231.76 14.4 292.75
2.7 54.89 5.5 111.82 8.5 172.81 11.5 233.80 14.5 294.79
2.8 56.92 5.6 113.85 8.6 174.84 11.6 235.83 14.6 296.82
2.9 58.96 5.7 115.88 8.7 176.87 11.7 237.86 14.7 298.85
3.0 60.99 5.8 117.91 8.8 178.90 11.8 239.89 14.8 300.88
5.9 119.95 8.9 180.94 11.9 241.93 14.9 302.92
6.0 121.98 9.0 182.97 12.0 243.96 15.0 304.95
Values are reported in Binding Antibody Units/ ml (BAU/ml)
Conversion Factor: 1.00 Index Value = 20.33 BAU/ml of WHO International Standard Toll Free No.: 1800 102 7791

Index Index Index Index Index
Value BAU/ml Value BAU/ml Value BAU/ml Value BAU/ml Value BAU/ml
17.1 347.64 22.1 449.29 27.1 550.94 32.1 652.59 37.1 754.24
17.2 349.68 22.2 451.33 27.2 552.98 32.2 654.63 37.2 756.28
17.3 351.71 22.3 453.36 27.3 555.01 32.3 656.66 37.3 758.31
17.4 353.74 22.4 455.39 27.4 557.04 32.4 658.69 37.4 760.34
17.5 355.78 22.5 457.42 27.5 559.08 32.5 660.73 37.5 762.38
17.6 357.81 22.6 459.46 27.6 561.11 32.6 662.76 37.6 764.41
17.7 359.84 22.7 461.49 27.7 563.14 32.7 664.79 37.7 766.44
17.8 361.87 22.8 463.52 27.8 565.17 32.8 666.82 37.8 768.47
17.9 363.91 22.9 465.56 27.9 567.21 32.9 668.86 37.9 770.51
18 365.94 23 467.59 28 569.24 33 670.89 38 772.54
18.1 367.97 23.1 469.62 28.1 571.27 33.1 672.92 38.1 774.57
18.2 370.01 23.2 471.66 28.2 573.31 33.2 674.96 38.2 776.61
18.3 372.04 23.3 473.69 28.3 575.34 33.3 676.99 38.3 778.64
18.4 374.07 23.4 475.72 28.4 577.37 33.4 679.02 38.4 780.67
18.5 376.11 23.5 477.76 28.5 579.41 33.5 681.06 38.5 782.71
18.6 378.14 23.6 479.79 28.6 581.44 33.6 683.09 38.6 784.74
18.7 380.17 23.7 481.82 28.7 583.47 33.7 685.12 38.7 786.77
18.8 382.20 23.8 483.85 28.8 585.50 33.8 687.15 38.8 788.80
18.9 384.24 23.9 485.89 28.9 587.54 33.9 689.19 38.9 790.84
19 386.27 24 487.92 29 589.57 34 691.22 39 792.87
19.1 388.30 24.1 489.95 29.1 591.60 34.1 693.25 39.1 794.90
19.2 390.34 24.2 491.99 29.2 593.64 34.2 695.29 39.2 796.94
19.3 392.37 24.3 494.02 29.3 595.67 34.3 697.32 39.3 798.97
19.4 394.40 24.4 496.05 29.4 597.70 34.4 699.35 39.4 801.00
19.5 396.44 24.5 498.08 29.5 599.74 34.5 701.39 39.5 803.04
19.6 398.47 24.6 500.12 29.6 601.77 34.6 703.42 39.6 805.07
19.7 400.50 24.7 502.15 29.7 603.80 34.7 705.45 39.7 807.10
19.8 402.53 24.8 504.18 29.8 605.83 34.8 707.48 39.8 809.13
19.9 404.57 24.9 506.22 29.9 607.87 34.9 709.52 39.9 811.17
20 406.60 25 508.25 30 609.90 35 711.55 40 813.20
20.1 408.63 25.1 510.28 30.1 611.93 35.1 713.58 40.1 815.23
20.2 410.67 25.2 512.32 30.2 613.97 35.2 715.62 40.2 817.27
20.3 412.70 25.3 514.35 30.3 616.00 35.3 717.65 40.3 819.30
20.4 414.73 25.4 516.38 30.4 618.03 35.4 719.68 40.4 821.33
20.5 416.76 25.5 518.42 30.5 620.06 35.5 721.72 40.5 823.37
20.6 418.80 25.6 520.45 30.6 622.10 35.6 723.75 40.6 825.40
20.7 420.83 25.7 522.48 30.7 624.13 35.7 725.78 40.7 827.43
20.8 422.86 25.8 524.51 30.8 626.16 35.8 727.81 40.8 829.46
20.9 424.90 25.9 526.55 30.9 628.20 35.9 729.85 40.9 831.50
21 426.93 26 528.58 31 630.23 36 731.88 41 833.53
21.1 428.96 26.1 530.61 31.1 632.26 36.1 733.91 41.1 835.56
21.2 431.00 26.2 532.65 31.2 634.30 36.2 735.95 41.2 837.60
21.3 433.03 26.3 534.68 31.3 636.33 36.3 737.98 41.3 839.63
21.4 435.06 26.4 536.71 31.4 638.36 36.4 740.01 41.4 841.66
21.5 437.09 26.5 538.75 31.5 640.39 36.5 742.05 41.5 843.70
21.6 439.13 26.6 540.78 31.6 642.43 36.6 744.08 41.6 845.73
21.7 441.16 26.7 542.81 31.7 644.46 36.7 746.11 41.7 847.76
21.8 443.19 26.8 544.84 31.8 646.49 36.8 748.14 41.8 849.79
21.9 445.23 26.9 546.88 31.9 648.53 36.9 750.18 41.9 851.83
22 447.26 27 548.91 32 650.56 37 752.21 42 853.86

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