Neck Pillow Pattern

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Neck Pillows

Neck Pillows are requc~tcd by Frederick Memorial Hospital for

patients of all ages. Aft~r surgery, many patients need a little support
while they rest, eat, etc. Sharon Hannaby, Director of Volunteers,
Frederick Memorial Hospital, thanks Care Wear Volunteers
participants who make neck pillow for FMH patients.

Fabric: Fleece or other sofl fabrics

Direction for fleece or other non-raveling fabric:

1. Cut TWO of pattern positioned on fold
2. Position two layers with WRONG side together
3. Pin seam allowance around the outside of the neck pillow
4. Sew~" seam leaving an opening for stuffmg
5. Stuff with fiberfill
6. Stitch opening closed

Directions for fabrics that ravel:

o 1. Cut TWO ofpattem positioned on fold
z 2. Position two layers with RIGHT sides together
3. Pin seam allowance around the outside of the neck pillow
4. Stitch Y-." seam allowance leaving an opening for stuffing
-n 5. Clip seam allowances on curves
o 6. Turn pillow right side out
r 7 . Stuff with fiberfill
tJ 8 . Stitch opening closed

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