The Benefit of Dhuha Prayer

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The benefit of dhuha prayer

1. The form of thanks and our gratitude to God

Duha prayer is an expression of our thanks to Allaah, for healthy and delicious bugarnya every
joint of the body. According to the Prophet Shallahu ' alaihi wassalam, every joint in our body
totaling 360 joints that each day we should give alms as food.And Duha prayer is the food for
these joints.
"On any human created 360 joints and should the person concerned (owner of joints), and gifts
for every join." Then, the companions asked: "o Messenger of Allah Shallahu alaihi wasallam
and blessings, who was able to do it?" Rosululloh Shallahualaihi wasallam explains:
"Clean up the dirt that is in the mosque or get rid of something (which can harm people) from the
highway, if he is not capable then Duha prayer two raka'at, can replace it" (H.R. Ahmad Ibn
Hanbal and Abu Dawud)

2. Make A House in paradise

For the diligent work the Duha prayer, then he will be built a home in heaven. This is
described in a Hadith of the Rosululloh Shallahu alaihi wasallam :
"Whoever Duha prayer as much as four rak'ahs and previous four rak'ahs, then he will be built a
home in heaven." (Saheeh al-jaami ': 634)

3. Obtain the rewards in the afternoon

From Abu Darda ' ra, he said that Rosululloh Shallahualaihiwasallam said:
Allaah said: "a son of Adam, to pray four rak'ahs of my early days, and I will full fill your
life (reward) in the afternoon" (Saheeh al-jaami ': 4339).
In another narration also mentioned: ' Allah ' Azza Wa zalla said: "a son of Adam,suffice it for
me four rak'ahs in the early days, then I will full fill in the afternoon your days fun".

4. Reward of Umrah
Abu Umamah ra that Rosululloh Shallahualaihi wasallam said:
"Whoever comes out of his house in a State of purity for praying obligatory, then reward as one
who performed Hajj. Whoever comes out to praying Duha, then reward such as performing '
umrah ... " (Saheeh al-Targheeb: 673).
In a other hadist mentioned that Rosululloh Shallahu ' alaihi wassalam said:
"Whoever does pray Fajr (dawn) congregation, and then (after an
eventful) sat Remembering God until Sunrise, then he pray two rak'ahs (Duha), he
was rewarded as the reward of Hajj and umrah; perfect, perfect, perfect. " (Saheeh al-
jaami ': 6346).

5. Obtain Forgiveness of sins

"Anyone who's praying Duha with lasting, will be forgiven by God, though sin is as
much froth in the ocean." (Narrated By Tirmidhi).

Walaupun banyak sekali keutamaan dan manfaat sholat dhuha, namun kita harus tetap menjaga
niat kita. Alangkah baiknya jika kita melakukannya dengan ikhlas tanpa pamrih, hanya
mengharap ridho dan kasih sayang Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala.

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