SP User Manual

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Prima SP Anaesthetic

Machine Range
User Manual

Quality and Assurance in Anaesthesia


WARNING Anaesthesia system monitors and patient

monitors are very desirable aids for the
anaesthetist but are not true clinical moni-
Anaesthetic systems have the capability tors as the condition of the patient is
to deliver mixtures of gases and vapours also dependent on his respiration and the
to the patient which could cause injury or
functioning of his cardio-vascular system.
death unless controlled by a qualified
There can be considerable variation in ARE MONITORED FREQUENTLY AND
the effect of anaesthetic drugs on indi- REGULARLY AND THAT ANY OBSERVA-
vidual patients so that the setting and TIONS ARE GIVEN PRECEDENCE OVER
observation of control levels on the MACHINE CONTROL PARAMETERS IN
anaesthesia systems does not in itself JUDGING THE STATE OF A CLINICAL
ensure total patient safety. PROCEDURE.

Servicing and Repairs

In order to ensure the full operational life of

this anaesthetic machine, servicing by a
Penlon-trained engineer should be
undertaken periodically.

The machine must be serviced to the

schedule detailed in section 6.4.1.

Details of these operations are given in the

Prima SP Service Manual, available only for
Penlon trained engineers.

For any enquiry regarding the servicing or

repair of this machine, contact the nearest
accredited Penlon agent:

or communicate directly with:

Service Department
Penlon Limited
Radley Road
OX14 3PH

Tel: +44 (0) 1235 547063

Fax: +44 (0) 1235 547062
E-mail: service@penlon.co.uk

Always give as much of the following

information as possible:

1. Type of equipment
2. Product name
3. Serial number
4. Approximate date of purchase
5. Apparent fault


This manual has been produced to provide

authorised personnel with information on the
function, routine performance and
maintenance checks applicable to the Prima
SP anaesthetic machine range.

Information contained in this manual is

correct at the date of publication.
The policy of Penlon Limited is one of
continued improvement to its products.
Because of this policy, Penlon Limited
reserves the right to make any changes
which may affect instructions in this manual,
without giving prior notice.

Personnel must make themselves familiar

with the contents of this manual and the
machine’s function before using the

Copyright © Penlon Limited, 2001.

All rights reserved.


Page No.




3.1 Framework and General Construction 06
3.2 Gas Circuit 07
3.3 Gas Circuit Schematic 07

3.4 Gas Supply Safety Devices 10

3.5 Mechanical Anti Hypoxic Device (AHD) 11
3.6 Pressure Gauges 12
3.7 Flowmeters and Controls 13
3.8 Vaporizers 14
3.9 Common Gas Outlet (CGO) Block 15
3.10 Electrical Power Supply 16
3.11 Third/Fourth Gas Options 17
3.12 Auxiliary Gas Outlets 17
3.13 Oxygen Monitor 18
3.14 A100 Absorber 23

4.1 Physical Dimensions 24
4.2 Gas Supplies 25
4.3 Flowmeters 25
4.4 Gas Pressures 26
4.5 Auxiliary Gas Outlets 27
4.6 Oxygen Failure Warning Devices 27
4.7 Oxygen Flush 27
4.8 Mechanical AHD System 27
4.9 Environmental 28
4.10 Third and Fourth Gas Options 28
4.11 Electrical Supply 28
4.12 Oxygen Monitor 29

5.1 Pre-use Check List 31

5.2 Pre-use Checks (Non-AHD Machines) 33

5.2.1 Gas Pipeline Supplies 33
5.2.2 Gas Cylinder Supplies 33
5.2.3 Flowmeters 33
5.2.4 Air/N2O Interlock 34

5.3 Pre-use Checks (Machines with Mechanical AHD) 35

5.3.1 Gas Pipeline Supplies 35
5.3.2 Gas Cylinder Supplies 35
5.3.3 Flowmeters 36
5.3.4 Air/N2O Interlock 36

5.4 Leak Rate Check 37

5.5 Electrical Supply 37
5.6 Patient Breathing System 38
5.7 Oxygen Flush 42
5.8 Anaesthetic Gas Scavenge System (AGSS) 42
5.9 Alarm System Testing 43
5.10 Vaporizers 44
5.11 Ventilator 44
5.12 Oxygen Monitor 45

6.1 Cleaning and Sterilisation 49
6.2 A100 Circle System Absorber 50
6.3 Oxygen Monitor 51
6.4 Service Schedule 52

Accessories 53

Back-up Battery Care (Oxygen monitor) 55
Product Classification and Labelling Terminology 56


This anaesthetic machine has been built to Statements in this manual preceded by the
conform with the specification and operating following words are of special significance:
procedures stated in this manual and/or
accompanying labels and notices when WARNING means there is a
checked, assembled, operated, maintained possibility of injury to
and serviced in accordance with these yourself or others.
CAUTION means there is a possibility
To ensure the safety of this device it must be of damage to the apparatus
checked and serviced to at least the or other property.
minimum standards laid out in this manual.
A defective, or suspected defective, product NOTE indicates points of
must not under any circumstances be used. particular interest for more
efficient and convenient
The user must accept responsibility for any
malfunction which results from non-
compliance with the servicing requirements
detailed in this manual. Always take particular notice of the
warnings, cautions and notes provided
Additionally, the user must accept throughout this manual.
responsibility for any malfunction which may
result from misuse of any kind or non-
compliance with other requirements detailed
in this manual.

Worn, broken, distorted, contaminated or

missing components must be replaced
immediately. Should such a repair become
necessary it is recommended that a request
for service advice be made to the nearest
Penlon accredited agent.

This device and any of its constituent parts

must be repaired only in accordance with
written instructions issued by Penlon
Limited and must not be altered or modified
in any way without the written approval of
Penlon Limited. The user of this equipment
shall have the sole responsibility for any
malfunction which results from improper
use, maintenance, repair, damage or
alteration by anyone other than Penlon or its
appointed agents.

USA and Canadian Federal Law restricts the

sale and use of this device to, or on the order
of, a licensed practitioner.


The following WARNINGS and accidentally tipped, resulting in

excessive and uncalibrated volumes of
CAUTIONS must be read and anaesthetic drug entering the breathing
understood before using this system
anaesthetic apparatus.
Do not install or connect any
vaporizers of any description between
WARNINGS the Common Gas Outlet (CGO) and the
breathing system unless they are
1. This apparatus is designed for use only specifically designed for such use.
with non flammable anaesthetic (If this is done, the oxygen flush flow
agents. It must not be used with or in will pass through the vaporizer and
close proximity to flammable may result in gross overdosage when
anaesthetic agents, due to a possible the flush valve is operated.)
fire or explosion hazard.
7. The breathing system which conveys
2. Exterior panels must not be removed gases from the anaesthetic machine to
by unauthorised personnel and the the patient and disposes of expired
apparatus must not be operated with gases is a vital part of the anaesthetic
such panels missing. delivery system.
On machines with an electrical power Because breathing systems require
supply, there is a possible electric frequent cleaning and disinfection they
shock hazard. are not a permanent part of the
anaesthetic machine and therefore
3. No oil, grease or other flammable cannot be directly under the control of
lubricant or sealant must be used on the anaesthetic machine manufacturer.
any part of the machine in close However, we strongly recommend that
proximity to medical gas distribution only breathing systems which have
components. been approved and authorised by
There is a risk of fire or explosion. Penlon for use with the Prima SP range
should be employed.
4. When attaching cylinders of medical This is particularly important when
gases ensure that the machine yoke mechanical ventilation is employed.
and cylinder faces are dust free and
clean and that the sealing washer 8. When mechanical ventilation is
provided is in position between the employed the patient breathing system
cylinder valve and the yoke. must be connected directly to an over-
Tighten the yoke securely before pressure relief valve to prevent the
opening the cylinder valve. Dust and possibility of barotrauma.
dirt presents a fire hazard in the
presence of high pressure gas. 9. Always perform a pre-use check of the
Leakage of high pressure gas can machine, including vaporizers,
cause serious injury. ventilator, circle absorber and monitors
before clinical use. Follow the pre-use
5. Anaesthesia apparatus must be checklist (see section 5) as a minimum
connected to an anaesthetic gas requirement.
scavenging system (AGSS) to dispose Many clinical incidents occur because
of waste gas and prevent possible of a failure to check for correct
health hazards to operating room staff. function.
This requirement must be observed
during test procedures as well as 10. The machine must not be used if any of
during use with a patient. the alarm, monitoring or protection
system devices are not functioning
6. Prima SP machines must only be used correctly.
with Sigma Delta vaporizers (or other
vaporizers approved by Penlon 11. The machine must not be fitted with
Limited) installed by means of the more than four operator accessible
Cagemount or Selectatec system. mains socket outlets. There is a risk of
Free-standing vaporizers may be an excessive leakage current.


12. The use of antistatic or electrically 5. Mechanical AHD system - The oxygen
conductive breathing hoses is not flow control is restricted to prevent the
recommended when using high needle valve from fully closing. This
frequency electrical surgery equipment ensures a minimum basal flow of oxygen.
(e.g. : Diathermy). DO NOT attempt to close the flow to zero.
Burns may be caused. Do not overtighten.

13. Before any electrically powered 6. Compressed gas supplies must be clean
machine is used clinically for the first and dry.
time, check that the hospital
engineering department has carried
out an earth continuity test.

14. Before using any additional electrical

equipment powered by the auxiliary
sockets on the machine, check that the
additional equipment is correctly wired
and is earthed through its plug.
A missing or defective protective earth
conductor may increase earth leakage
currents to the patient to values
exceeding the allowable limits,
resulting in ventricular fibrillation, or
interference with the pumping action of
the heart.

15. Additional equipment placed on the top

shelf must be securely attached.
Take care when moving a fully loaded
machine, particularly when negotiating
Check that hoses or power leads are
not trailing on the floor.


1. Flowmeter needle valves are designed to

seal with light torque and may be
damaged if tightened excessively.
Take particular care with the carbon
dioxide flowmeter control (if fitted); do not
force the control knob past either the fully
open or fully closed positions.

2. Open cylinder valves slowly to avoid

damage to pressure reducing valves.
Ensure that cylinder valves are at least
one full turn open when in use.

3. Under no circumstances should

anaesthetic agents be used for cleaning

4. After use, always disconnect the machine

from the piped gas supply and/or close the
gas cylinder valves.


Oxygen Monitor CAUTIONS

1. Do not sterilise the oxygen sensor or
control unit components.
WARNINGS These components are not compatible
1. We recommend calibration of the with sterilisation techniques and damage
oxygen monitor every time the system may result.
is turned on, as a safety precaution.
2. Do not autoclave or expose the sensor to
2. Do not attempt to open the fuel cell. high temperatures.
The sensor contains a small quantity
of electrolyte, classified as a harmful 3. If the sensor shows signs of being affected
irritant which is potentially hazardous. by condensation, dry the sensor with soft
3. ALWAYS check the integrity of the Do not use heat to dry the sensor.
sensor assembly before use. See
section 5.12.

4. Once exhausted, the sensor must be

disposed of according to hospital, 1. The O2 SENSOR FAULT alarm indicates
local, state and federal regulations. that one of the following conditions has
5. The sensor measures oxygen partial a) Internal electrical fault
pressure, and its output will rise and b) Software/electronics fault
fall due to pressure change. c) Oxygen sensor fault.
An increase in pressure of 10% at the
sensor inlet will produce a 10% 2. The concentration read-out may, in
increase in sensor output. certain conditions of excess pressure,
show a value above 100%.
Using the oxygen monitor To accommodate these conditions it is
possible to set the high alarm value up to
105% (see section 5.12).
6. When the battery voltage has fallen to
the minimum safe level, the oxygen
3. To maintain maximum sensor life, always
monitor will automatically shut down
remove the unit from the breathing circuit
to avoid permanent damage to the bat-
after use.

7. If the internal battery is fully dis-

charged, the oxygen monitor will not
function in the event of mains power
The battery must be recharged before
the oxygen monitor is used clinically,
otherwise back-up time can not be
See section 3.13.


The Prima SP anaesthesia workstation Anti-hypoxic Device (AHD)

range is intended to provide controlled
concentrations and flows of anaesthesia Machines can be specified with a
gases into a patient breathing system, from mechanical AHD system, designed to
where the anaesthesia ventilator and minimise the risk of a hypoxic mixture
breathing circuit will then deliver this fresh reaching the patient, see section 3.
gas mixture to the patient

Use the Prima SP in conjunction with

anaesthetic vaporizers, breathing hoses and
Oxygen monitor (optional)
patient connection fittings which comply with
the relevant ISO standard or equivalent.
The Oxygen Monitor is intended to
Depending upon the patient circuit selected, continuously measure and display the
the machines can be used in open, semi- concentration of oxygen in breathing gas
open, semi-closed or closed circuit mixtures used in anaesthesia, and is
configurations. intended for adult, paediatric and neonatal
The range has been designed to give a wide The oxygen monitor is a module within an
choice of configurations and accessories, as anaesthesia system.
follows: The oxygen monitor is intended for use by
health care providers, i.e. Physicians,
Nurses and Technicians for use with patients
during general anaesthesia.
Machine size

Prima SP101 Induction machine with a

single vaporizer on the backbar manifold,
and up to three gas cylinders.

Prima SP102 Medium width machine with

capacity for two vaporizers on the backbar
manifold, and up to four gas cylinders.

Gas supplies

SP101 Up to three gases

SP102 Up to four gases (oxygen,

nitrous oxide, carbon
dioxide, and air, with pin-
index cylinder yokes (see
above), and provision for up
to three pipeline supply

Vaporizer mounting systems

Backbar manifold for Selectatec Compatible,

or Cagemount type vaporizers.


3.1 Framework and General


The machine has a cast aluminium base,
extruded aluminium uprights, with aluminium
and plastic panels.

Trolley models have four castors, with a
brake on each of the front castors. The
castors are five inches diameter, with anti-
static rubber tread.
A footrest is built into the front of the
To aid manoeuverability, two side handles
are provided.

Mounting posts and brackets

A ‘T-slot’ mounting system is built into each
side upright, to allow the use of pole-mount
brackets, V-brackets, and ventilator
mounting brackets.
The pole mount upright (see illustration) can
be used to mount a complete AV-series
Ventilator, or bellows unit only.
V-brackets can be used to mount a gas
scavenging system, suction units, and
Prima SP 102 with
standard top shelf
Draw units and work surfaces
The machine can be fitted with a base and base drawer unit
drawer unit (as illustrated) plus two
additional smaller drawers.
The work surface has raised edges to
prevent instruments, vials etc., from rolling

The Prima SP 102 illustrated on this page is

equipped with a standard full-width top shelf
unit suitable for a large monitor, and a pull-
out writing tablet mounted under the work
Options available include a CPU tray
mounted on the drawer unit.

Pole mount system

fitted to frame upright


3.2 Gas Circuit pressure gauge tapping for direct mounting

of a pressure gauge, and a non-return valve
to prevent back flow of gas.
Gas Supplies
For each size machine, a variety of cylinder In addition, gas blocks for cylinder supplies
and pipeline combinations can be added to have a diaphragm pressure regulator to
the basic specification of oxygen and nitrous reduce the pressure of the compressed gas
oxide cylinder and pipeline supply. supply, and a pressure relief valve, factory
set to prevent any pressure build up under
For example, the Prima SP102 can be sup- the diaphragm should any leakage develop
plied with an extra two gas cylinders (choose across the reducing valve seat.
from one additional oxygen, one additional
nitrous oxide, one carbon dioxide, one air),
and one extra pipeline supply - Air. Secondary Pressure Regulator
For oxygen, nitrous oxide, and air, a second
Note a) Kits are available for fitment to stage regulator reduces the pressure
existing machines - see section supplied to the flowmeter controls to 270
7 (Ordering Information). kPa (40 psi).
b) Carbon dioxide is not available
on US specification machines. The fitment of a secondary regulator for
oxygen and nitrous oxide enhances the
performance of the mechanical AHD system
Cylinder Yokes (if fitted).
The cylinder yokes are rear mounted and
conform with ISO standards for pin-index Secondary regulation of the air supply is
fitting. also utilised to allow connection to high
To ensure that only cylinders of the pressure (7 bar) air pipeline supplies.
appropriate gas may be installed the yokes
are designed so that the retaining latch Carbon Dioxide Flow Restrictor
cannot be closed unless the index pins are
On machines with a carbon dioxide supply,
fully engaged.
an integral, factory set, flow valve is fitted to
restrict the flow of carbon dioxide to 500
Pipeline Inlets ml/min.
Machines can be fitted with up to three
pipeline gas inlets mounted on the rear of
the machine.
3.3 Gas Circuit Schematics
Pipeline supply hoses are connected by
non-interchangeable, threaded unions. Gas circuit schematics for:
a) Non-AHD machines
Filters b) Mechanical AHD machines
To prevent dirt entering the gas system, are shown on the following pages, and both
cylinder yokes and pipeline inlets are fitted show a four-gas machine.
All available gas supply options are shown.
with filters.
Note that carbon dioxide is not available for
Gas Inlet Block US specification machines.
Each individual gas supply, from a cylinder
or pipeline, is routed through a separate gas

Each gas block has an integral high

Prima SP Non-AHD Machine
UK specification four-gas machine
Note: US spec. machines are not fitted with CO2 facility

Pneumatic pressure Gas cut-off valve Flowmeter

source (normally open)
Gas cut-off valve Vaporizer
(normally closed)
Pressure gauge Oxygen flush valve
Gas cut-off valve
Non-return valve
Pressure regulator
Reservoir Power take-off point
(or test point)
Pressure relief valve
Audible alarm Gas reference
Flow control valve Visual indicator
Pneumatic on/off (variable, but note
that valve 1 is not

Prima SP Mechanical AHD Machine
UK specification four-gas machine
Note: US spec. machines are not fitted with CO2 facility

Pneumatic pressure Gas cut-off valve Flowmeter

source (normally open)

Filter Vaporizer
Gas cut-off valve
(normally closed)
Oxygen flush valve
Pressure gauge
Gas cut-off valve
(open/closed) Non-return valve

Pressure regulator Power take-off point (or

Reservoir test point)
Gas reference
Pressure relief valve connection
Audible alarm
Mechanical connection

Pneumatic on/off Flow control valve

Visual indicator
switch (variable, but note
that valve 1 is not


3.4 Gas Supply Safety 3.4.4 Air/N 2 O Interlock

Devices (Machines with Air option)
The user can switch
between Air and
3.4.1 Gas Supply Cut-off Device Nitrous Oxide (A).
A gas cut-off device, triggered by low oxygen
supply pressure, cuts the supply of nitrous NOTE
oxide, and carbon dioxide (if fitted). a) The machine will
NOT deliver a
The cut-off operates when the oxygen mixture of Air and
pressure falls below 172 kPa (25 psig). nitrous oxide.
b) On machines with B
Gas supplies are reinstated only when the
Mechanical AHD, the
oxygen supply pressure rises above 227
kPa (33 psig). O2/N2O linkage
continues to operate. A

3.4.2 Oxygen Supply Failure

Warning Whistle 3.4.5 Oxygen Supply Visual
A whistle gives an audible warning when Indicator
there is a reduction of oxygen supply The indicator (B) is operated from the
pressure. oxygen supply and shows GREEN when the
Operated solely by the remaining oxygen in supply is at working pressure, and RED if
the machine system, the warning whistle is the pressure falls.
prolonged by an oxygen reservoir built into
the gas circuit, allowing a minimum warning 3.4.6 CO2 Flow Restriction
whistle of 7 seconds duration.
The maximum flow of carbon dioxide is
restricted to 500 ml/min by a pre-set flow
The whistle will start to sound when the
control valve.
pressure falls to approximately 172 kPa (25
This valve is not user-adjustable.
psig), and will continue to sound until the
Note that carbon dioxide is not available for
pressure falls to approximately 70 kPa (10
US specification machines.

Oxygen consumption of the whistle is

approximately 2 L/min when sounding and 3.4.7 Mechanical AHD
nil at other times. A mechanical link between the oxygen
control valve and a needle valve in the
nitrous oxide flow ensures that the machine
3.4.3 Fresh Gas Pressure Relief delivers a fresh gas mixture with a minimum
27% oxygen, irrespective of the flow of
nitrous oxide set by the anaesthetist.
A pressure relief valve is mounted between
With the nitrous oxide control valve fully
the vaporizer back bar and the common gas
open, the oxygen and nitrous oxide flows are
outlet (CGO) on the inside face of the
then both controlled by the oxygen control
machine right hand upright.
See section 3.5 for a full description
It is designed to prevent fresh gas being
delivered to the breathing system at
pressures exceeding 39 kPa (5.4 psig).
This valve also protects machine 3.4.8 Low Pressure Gas Tubing
components against excessive pressure in Diameter-indexed tubing is used for the low
the event of a total blockage of the CGO. pressure gas system - see section 4.


3.5 Mechanical AHD (Anti

Hypoxic Device)
3.5.1 Introduction
The Mechanical AHD is housed within the A
flowmeter module and comprises a gear
linkage between the oxygen control valve
and a needle valve in the nitrous oxide flow.

The system is designed to control the

relative flow rates of oxygen and nitrous B
A predetermined minimum oxygen
concentration of 27% in the oxygen / nitrous
oxide mixture is maintained over the flow
range to ensure that a hypoxic mixture is not
supplied from the anaesthetic machine.

3.5.2 Gas Delivery Switch This switch must be in the N2O position to
allow a flow of Nitrous Oxide.
The Gas Delivery Switch (A) operates on the
oxygen supply and must be in the ‘On’
The nitrous oxide control knob on the
position for normal operation of the
flowmeter module operates a secondary
anaesthetic machine.
needle valve in the nitrous oxide flow. It is
positioned downstream of the primary valve
The switch consequently controls the supply
and therefore is used only to restrict the flow
of all gases provided with a gas cut-off
already set by the primary valve, which itself
triggered by a predetermined pressure level
has been determined by the position of the
within the oxygen supply (see section 3.4.1).
oxygen control knob.
A whistle (oxygen failure warning whistle)
Therefore, for any oxygen flow set by the
will sound briefly whenever the gas delivery
user, the mixture delivered will still contain a
switch is turned on or off. Note that the
minimum 27% oxygen even with the nitrous
whistle functions continuously if the oxygen
oxide control knob fully open.
supply fails (see section 3.4.2).
As the nitrous oxide knob is progressively
closed, the oxygen content of the mixture
3.5.3 Gear Linkage and Nitrous increases to 100%.
Oxide Control Valves
A gear linkage connects the oxygen control
knob on the flowmeter module and a needle 3.5.4 Oxygen Basal Flow
valve in the nitrous oxide flow. This linkage To allow the system to function correctly, an
limits the flow of nitrous oxide relative to the oxygen basal flow of approximately 150
flow of oxygen set by the user. ml/min is continuously supplied. This basal
flow can only be turned on and off by using
Note that this needle valve acts as the the Gas Delivery Switch.
primary nitrous oxide valve, and is actuated
only by movement of the oxygen control. CAUTION
NOTE The oxygen control is restricted to prevent
Machines with an Air supply option are fitted the needle valve from fully closing. This
with an Air/N 2 O Interlock switch (B). ensures a minimum oxygen basal flow.
The machine will NOT deliver a mixture of DO NOT attempt to close the flow to zero.
Air and nitrous oxide - see section 3.4.4) . Do not overtighten the knob.

3.6 Pressure Gauges

Pressure gauges (50 mm diameter) are
located on the front panel below the
flowmeter bank.

The gauges for the third and fourth gases (if

fitted) are positioned between oxygen and
nitrous oxide. Unused gauge positions are
blanked out.

All pressure gauges are colour coded and

labelled for the gases whose pressures they
are indicating.

Cylinder contents are marked CYLINDER

and pipeline pressure gauges are marked

The gauges are calibrated in kPa x 100.


3.7 Flowmeters and supply of oxygen and must be in the ON

position for normal operation of the
Controls machine.

3.7.1 All models Flow control of each gas is achieved by a

The flowmeters, mounted behind the needle valve comprising a polished stainless
perspex cover on the left hand side of the steel needle mounted concentrically in a
machine, are length-indexed to prevent common manifold block. To minimise wear
inadvertent, incorrect installation. and material pick-up the needle seat is
All floats indicate flow rate in line with the manufactured from silver. The flow control
upper surface as shown below. knob is turned counter-clockwise to increase
the gas flow.
Read flow at
this level
Needle valves are designed to seal with light
torque and may be damaged if tightened

3.7.2 Optional Dual Cascade

Flow Tubes
The flow of gas through dual cascade
system flow tubes always flows through the
Each flow control valve is positioned directly low-flow tube first. The high-flow tube will not
underneath the flow tube assembly to which show any flow until more than 1 L/min is set.
it corresponds, and the control knob is
colour-coded for the gas which it controls. At flows above 1 L/min, the high-flow tube
reading indicates the rate of flow for that gas.

The oxygen flow control knob is made

physically distinguishable from the other flow
3.7.3 Carbon Dioxide Flow
controls for identification by touch in
accordance with ISO standards. Restriction
The maximum flow of carbon dioxide (if
When fitted, air and carbon dioxide fitted) is restricted to 500 ml/min.
flowmeters are always installed in the inner
positions on the flowmeter assembly. These
positions are blanked out if air or carbon
dioxide are not specified for the machine.

Machines with an Air supply option are fitted
with an Air/N 2 O Interlock switch (The
machine will NOT deliver a mixture of Air
and nitrous oxide - see section 3.4.4) .
This switch must be in the N2O position to
allow a flow of Nitrous Oxide.

The gas delivery switch, positioned to the

right of the flowmeter bank, controls the


3.8 Vaporizers 3.8.2 Selectatec Compatible

CAUTION Selectatec compatible vaporizers, (e.g. the
Read the instruction manual supplied with the Sigma Delta with the Selectatec connector
vaporizer before clinical use. block), may be mounted on a universal back
bar manifold, built onto the Prima SP range
as an option.
3.8.1 Vaporizer Mounting
Systems Single and two-station manifolds are
Vaporizers for the administration of volatile available, with each station fitted with two
anaesthetic agents can be fitted to valve capsule assemblies for vaporizer
customer’s requirements as follows: connector block attachment.

(a) Up to two Penlon Sigma Delta When a vaporizer is installed on a station the
Selectatec compatible vaporizers, valves on that station open automatically to
mounted on a Selectatec compatible allow gas flow into and out of the vaporizer.
universal backbar. Removal of the vaporizer from the station
(b) One or two Penlon Sigma Delta closes the valves on that station.
Cagemount vaporizers mounted on a
Modura rail (check that relevant Selectatec compatible vaporizer interlock
national standards for your country systems are described in the literature
allow fitment of more than one supplied with the vaporizer.
cagemount type vaporizer).
3.8.3 Cagemount Vaporizer
Vaporizers fitted with cagemount tapers
Vaporizers must always be securely mounted,
and never used free-standing. have the male taper (inlet port) on the left,
Unmounted vaporizers may be accidentally and the female taper on the right (viewing
tipped resulting in uncalibrated and excessive the front of the vaporizer).
volumes of liquid anaesthetic drug entering
the breathing system. It is recommended that detachable
cagemount connectors are retained with a
Vaporizers of any description must not be safety clip (catalogue number 52275) to
installed or connected between the Common prevent inadvertent disconnection.
Gas Outlet (CGO) and the Breathing
System, unless they are specifically
designed for such use. (If this is done, the
oxygen flush flow will pass through the
vaporizer, and severe overdosage may


3.9 Common Gas Outlet

(CGO) Block

The CGO block is mounted on the rail on the

front of the machine, and can be moved
along the rail.
Slacken the securing screw (A) under the B
block and carefully slide the block along the
rail to the required position.
Tighten the screw to hold the block in place.
The fresh gas outlet is located on the front
face of the block, with 22 mm male taper and
concentric 15 mm female taper. The male
taper incorporates the Penlon Safelock
system designed to prevent accidental
disconnection of the breathing system.

A high mounting position for the CGO is

available as an option for induction

Oxygen Flush
An emergency oxygen flush valve button (B)
is mounted on the top front of the CGO block
and is marked ‘O2 FLUSH’.
Depressing the button provides a delivery of
between 35-75 litres/min of oxygen into the
common gas outlet.
Releasing the button allows the spring-
loaded valve to return to its normal position.


3.10 Electrical Power 3.10.4 AV900 or AV800 Ventilator

Supply (if specified) (if fitted) Power Supply

3.10.1 Mains Power Supply The mains lead for an AV-series ventilator
can be plugged into one of the auxiliary
Power is fed to the machine via the mains
power sockets on the rear of the machine.
lead, to power an auxiliary output panel, and
optional flowmeter bank light. Should the electrical power supply to the
ventilator fail, the ventilator has a battery
NOTE back up system to power the ventilator for 60
a) It is the user’s responsibility to ensure minutes, if the battery has been maintained
that the total sum of leakage currents from in a fully charged condition.
additional equipment plugged into the
auxiliary sockets plus the leakage current Reference must be made to the separate
from the machine does not exceed the user instruction manual supplied with the
values specified in any relevant national ventilator
standards that may apply in the country
where the machine is in use. Charging of the back-up battery takes place
b) Each socket is protected with a 5 Amp automatically when the ventilator mains lead
fuse. is connected to a ‘live’ mains supply.
The OFF indicator on the ventilator front
3.10.2 Auxiliary Power Supply control panel will show a yellow light during
Sockets (if fitted)

An optional mains electricity auxiliary panel NOTE

with three or four sockets can be specified, The stated battery back-up period will only
and fitted to the rear of the machine. be available if the battery is kept fully

If the battery has been allowed to discharge

below the LOW BATTERY condition, the
ventilator will not function correctly until the
voltage raises above the LOW BATTERY
A fourteen hours recharge will be necessary
to bring the battery to full charge.

The supply to the sockets is controlled by an 3.10.5 Monitor and Other

ON/OFF switch (A). Accessories (if fitted)
The mains lead (or adaptor) for a monitor
system or other accessories requiring an
3.10.3 Flowmeter Bank Lighting electrical supply can be plugged into one of
(Optional) the auxiliary sockets on the rear of the
The lighting system is controlled by the
main ON/OFF switch (A).


3.11 Third/Fourth Gas


3.11.1 Air
When air is specified as the third/fourth gas,
the machine specification is modified as stated
in 4.10.1.
Machines with an Air supply option are fitted
with an Air/N 2 O Interlock switch (A)
The machine will NOT deliver a mixture of Air
and nitrous oxide - see section 3.4.4.
This switch must be in the N2O position to
allow a flow of Nitrous Oxide.

3.11.2 Carbon Dioxide

When carbon dioxide is specified as the
third/fourth gas, the machine specification is
modified as stated in 4.10.2.

Gas supply cut-off devices operate on carbon

dioxide in all machines.

An integral, factory-set flow valve is fitted to

restrict the flow of carbon dioxide to 500

Note that carbon dioxide is not available on US

specification machines.

3.12 Auxiliary Gas Outlets

Auxiliary oxygen outlets are mounted on the
right hand side frame upright.

On machines with an air cylinder/pipeline
supply, an auxiliary air outlet is fitted above the
oxygen outlets.


3.13 Oxygen Monitor (Optional)

The oxygen monitor continuously measures and

indicates the concentration of oxygen in the breathing
system, and triggers an alarm when the concentration
varies from the set levels.

If your machine is fitted with an AV900 Ventilator with
a built-in Oxygen Monitor, please refer to the AV900
user manual for instructions on setting up and

3.13.1 System Description

The Oxygen Monitor uses a fast-responding, oxygen-
specific, self powered sensor that achieves 90% of
final value in less than 10 seconds.

Sensor life:
approximately 1,500,000 O2 percent hours at
(minimum one year in most normal applications).

An external probe is supplied with a 2 m (6 ft)

extendable cable and diverter fitting for a standard 15
mm Tee adaptor. The probe has a safety lock.

The system has user-adjustable high-level and low-

level alarms with visual and audible indication of
alarm conditions.

Easy-to-read, seven segment LED display for high-

set, low-set, and oxygen concentration readings.

The monitor is controlled by the machine gas system

master On/Off switch (A).

A back-up battery provides a minimum of 60 minutes

operation in the event of mains failure.
The battery is charged when the machine is
connected to the mains supply.
3.13.2 System On/Off Switch
The switch controls gas delivery from the anaesthetic
machine, and electrical power to the oxygen monitor.

The switch must be in the On position to use the

oxygen monitor and anaesthetic machine.

When switched to On, the monitor will always default

to previous settings.


5 4

3 10 6

2 9

1 8

Oxygen monitor control panel

1. O2 Concentration display 6. High set key
2. Low alarm set display 7. Low set key
3. High alarm set display 8. Calibrate key
4. Alarm LEDs 9. Low alarm set / Calibration control
5. Alarm mute key 10. High alarm set control

3.13.3 Displays

Oxygen Percentage Readout

The display provides direct readout of oxygen concentrations in the range of 0-100%.
If the oxygen concentration exceeds 100%, the display will flash.

Low Alarm Set Readout

The indicated value represents the oxygen percentage at which the low alarm will be activated.
The low alarm set value is limited within 18-99%.
To set the low oxygen concentration alarm, see section 5.12.

High Alarm Set Readout

The indicated value represents the oxygen percentage at which the high alarm will be activated.
The high alarm set value is limited within 19-105% (Note that in certain conditions of excess pressure,
the readout may show a value above 100%.)
To set the high oxygen concentration alarm, see section 5.12.


3.13.4 Alarm Conditions will fall very quickly to zero within two to
three weeks of normal usage.
HIGH O2 ALARM See section 6 for sensor replacement.
The high O2 alarm is triggered when the
oxygen concentration is 1% above the NOTE
setting. To maintain maximum sensor life, always
In this alarm condition, a red HIGH O2 remove from breathing circuit after use.
ALARM LED will flash at a 0.5 second rate,
accompanied by a high priority sound. LOW BATTERY
To cancel this alarm, the high alarm setting This alarm indicates that the battery is
must be equal to, or above the oxygen disconnected or the battery voltage has
concentration. dropped below acceptable limits.
If the monitor is in use under battery power,
LOW O2 ALARM and the battery voltage is less than 11.5
The low alarm is triggered when the oxygen volts, a low priority alarm is triggered, to
concentration is 1% below the setting. indicate that the battery has less than 20
In this alarm condition, a red LOW O2 minutes life left.
ALARM LED will flash at a 0.5 second rate, If the battery voltage falls to less than 10.8
accompanied by a high priority sound. volts a flashing medium priority alarm is
To cancel this alarm, the low alarm setting triggered to indicate there is less than 5
must be equal to, or below the oxygen minutes power left in the battery.
concentration. To cancel this alarm, mains power must be
O2 MONITOR INOP (inoperative) NOTE If this condition persists, contact your
This alarm indicates when the oxygen Penlon Service Centre, or Penlon Customer
monitor is in malfunction condition. Service Department in the UK.
The alarm can be triggered by electronic At the end of the final 5 minute warning
components failure or software malfunction. period, the oxygen monitor will shut down, to
In this alarm condition, a red O2 MONITOR prevent damage to the battery.
ALARM LED will flash at a 0.5 second rate,
accompanied by a high priority sound.
If this mode occurs you can reset the system MAINS FAILURE
by pressing the ALARM MUTE and LOW This alarm indicates mains power failure or
ALARM SET buttons simultaneously for 3 cut-off. The yellow MAINS FAILURE LED will
seconds. illuminate, and a low priority sound will be
The alarm is triggered:
a) when either the oxygen sensor is 3.13.5 Alarm Mute
disconnected or approaching the end of its In an alarm condition, pressing the ALARM
life. MUTE button will deactivate the alarm
b) if the the oxygen concentration exceeds sounder but the alarm LED will continue to
110%. flash. The yellow MUTE ALARM LED will
In the alarm condition, a red O2 SENSOR illuminate, accompanied with a SINGLE
ALARM LED will flash at a 0.5 second rate, ‘beep’ sound.
accompanied by a high priority sound.
To cancel this alarm, check the sensor The alarm mute cannot be operated:
connection or replace the sensor. a) until the mute time is over, or the alarm
condition has been rectified.
O2 SENSOR LOW b) when the oxygen concentration drops
This alarm indicates the sensor has below 18%.
approached the end of its life.
In high priority and medium alarm conditions
The yellow O2 SENSOR LOW LED will light
the alarm mute deactivates the sounder for
up, and a low priority sound will be triggered. 30 seconds and 120 seconds respectively.
The sensor must be replaced as the output

3.13.6 The MOX-3 Oxygen Sensor

The MOX-3 oxygen sensor offers quick
response, linear output over the entire 0-
100% oxygen range, and long service life.

The MOX-3 is a self-powered galvanic cell

that generates current, and the current is
proportional to the rate of oxygen

The cell has a highly stable output over its

operating life. Significant output loss is only
shown at the very end of its life. Typical Sensor Installation at the
Typical sensor drift rates are less than 1% Machine CGO
per month when the sensor is exposed to
gas in typical applications. The sensor assembly consists of an
Sensor lifetime is governed by the mass of external probe and 2 m (6 ft) cable and
lead available to react with the oxygen and diverter on a standard 15 mm Tee
its rate of consumption. High oxygen partial adaptor.
pressure and high temperature will increase On machines with an A100 Absorber,
the sensor output current, thus shortening the probe can also be mounted on the
the operation life. dome of the inspiratory valve (see
Nevertheless, average sensor life will still section 5.12).
exceed one year.
At the point where all lead has been
consumed, the output will fall very quickly to
zero over a period of two to three weeks.
To maintain maximum sensor life, always
remove from breathing circuit after use.


3.13.7 Power Supply

Mains Power Supply
Power is fed to the machine via the mains lead to a
switching mode power supply.
The oxygen monitor is powered by 14.2 V.
The monitor is controlled by the machine gas system
master On/Off switch (see 3.13.2).

Back-up Battery
Should the electrical power supply to the machine
fail, the emergency battery supply for the unit comes
into action automatically.
This is indicated by the illuminated yellow ‘MAINS
FAILURE’ LED alarm, accompanied with a ‘beep’
The battery is maintained in a fully charged state
during normal use (i.e. the machine connected to the
mains power supply).
A fully charged battery will power the unit for a
minimum of 60 minutes.

Low Priority Battery Low Alarm

When the battery is discharged, and the mains
power supply is not restored, the ‘BATTERY LOW’
LED alarm will illuminate, accompanied with a low
priority alarm sound.

Medium Priority Battery Low Alarm

When the battery is further discharged, and the
mains power supply is not restored, the ‘BATTERY
LOW’ LED will flash at a two second rate and a
medium priority audible warning will be given when
the minimum safe level of voltage is reached.

Low Battery Shut Down

When the battery voltage has fallen to the minimum
safe level, the oxygen monitor will automatically shut
down to avoid permanent damage to the battery.

Recharging the Battery

Charging of the back-up battery takes place
automatically when the mains power supply is on,
irrespective of the position of the machine gas
system On/Off switch position.
The stated battery back-up period will only be available if
the battery is kept fully charged. After the back-up power
supply has been run down, the oxygen monitor will not
function until the battery is recharged.
An eight hours recharge will be necessary to bring the
battery to full charge.


3.14 A100 Absorber

In-board Mounting
The canister and valve block assemblies are
mounted under the work surface and can be
detached separately for cleaning (see
section 6).


4.1 Physical Dimensions

Overall size: Height x Width x Depth (cm)

SP 101 137 x 58 x 68
SP 102 137 x 71 x 68

Work surface height: 87 cm

Work surface size: 57/45 x 30 cm
Writing tablet: 30 x 22 cm

Top shelf: 71/58 x 34 cm

Loading: 30 kg (66 lb) - evenly distributed.
Mid shelf: 71/58 x 34 cm
Loading: 25 kg (55 lb) - evenly distributed
Drawers: 12 x 53/36 x 33 cm.
Loading: 10 kg (22 lb) evenly distributed

Castors: Front pair braked

Absorber posts: Swivels on a 254 mm radius around the left

hand side frame upright:
Height adjustment 300 to 760 mm
Loading 30 kg (66 lb)

Ventilator bellows post Bushed to accept 25.4 mm (1 inch) or 22

mm (7/8 inch) poles.
Loading 30 kg (66 lb)

Gas scavenging fixing Dovetail clip on frame upright

Loading 30 kg (66 lb)

Common gas outlet: 22 mm male taper with coaxial 15 mm

female taper connections Safelock fitting

SP 101 70 kg (154 lb)
SP 102 75 kg (165 lb)


4.2 Gas Supplies

Cylinders: Oxygen, nitrous oxide, air, and carbon dioxide

cylinder fittings can be specified to the maximum
numbers given below.
All cylinder yokes are pin-indexed

SP 101 Maximum of three

SP 102 Maximum of four

SP 101/102 Maximum of three (oxygen, nitrous oxide, air).
All to relevant national standards.

Medical gas colour codes:

Oxygen White* or Green
Nitrous oxide Blue
Medical air Black/White* or Yellow
Carbon dioxide Grey

*To comply with relevant national standards.

Internal pipework is diameter indexed for each gas

Oxygen: 8 mm Carbon Dioxide: 4 mm

Nitrous oxide 6 mm Air 5 mm
Mixed gas 10 mm

4.3 Flowmeters

Flow ranges:
Single flow tubes
Oxygen: 0 - 10 L/min
Nitrous Oxide: 0 - 10 L/min
Air 0 - 10 L/min
Carbon Dioxide 0 - 700 ml/min (flow limited to 500 ml/min)

Cascade flow tubes

Oxygen /Air /Nitrous Oxide (1) 0 - 1000 ml/min
(2) 0 - 10 L/min


Flowmeter Accuracy
The accuracy of the flowmeter tubes is ± 2.5% of full scale reading

Flowmeter construction and dimensions

Tubes and floats are matched, and must not be interchanged.
Flowmeter tubes have antistatic coatings.

Tubes are length indexed:

Oxygen 260 mm (10.24 inch)
Nitrous oxide 250 mm (9.84 inch)
Other gases 240 mm (9.45 inch) (see 3.12)

Scale length 152 mm (6 in) minimum

(all flow tubes except carbon dioxide)

4.4 Gas Pressures


Pipeline supplies 340 kPa 400 kPa

(50 psig) (60 psig)

Cylinder supplies 310 kPa 380 kPa

(45 psi) (55 psi)

Supply pressure variation ±10% ± 10%

Reduced pressure from regulator 310 kPa +15 kPa / -35 kPa 370 kPa +15 kPa / -35 kPa
(at 5 L/min flow) (45 psig +2 psig / -5 psig) (55 psig +2 psig / -5 psig)

Regulator diaphragm 2800 kPa 2800 kPa

bursting pressure (410 psig) (410 psig)

Reduced pressure system 510 kPa 610 kPa

safety valve (75 psig) (90 psig)

Safety valve 39 kPa ±10% 39 kPa ±10%

(to protect flowmeter, (5.4 psi ±10% ) (5.4 psi ±10%)
vaporizer etc.)


4.5 Auxiliary Gas Outlets

Two self sealing connections on side frame upright
Oxygen supply at pipeline pressure 340 kPa (50 psig)

Total flow rate: not less than 100 L/min to free air
80 L/min against 243 kPa (36 psig) resistance
70 L/min against 270 kPa (40 psig) resistance
50 L/min against 297 kPa (44 psig) resistance

One self sealing connection on side frame upright.

4.6 Oxygen Failure Warning Devices

1. Gas system whistle

2. Visual indicator, direct pressure operated

4.7 Oxygen Flush

Button on CGO block

The system supplies 35 - 75 L/min when fully depressed.

4.8 Mechanical AHD System

Minimum oxygen concentration 30% +2% / -3% of total O2 + N2O flow

Oxygen basal flow 150 ml/min + 50 ml/min

Reduced pressure from secondary regulators 275 ± 15 kPa (38 ± 3 psi)

(at 5 L/min flow)


4.9 Environmental
Temperature (including transport and storage):
Basic machine -5 to 60oC (23 to 140oF)
Oxygen monitor option -5 to 50oC (23 to 122oF )

Operating ambient +10 to 38oC (50 to 100oF)

Altitude 2438 m (8000 ft) maximum

Humidity 10 - 95% R.H. non-condensing.

Cleaning Wipe external surfaces with dry or damp cloth.

Use mild soap, or disinfectant solution if necessary.

4.10 Third and Fourth Gas Options

4.10.1 Air
Air flowmeter range: 1 - 10 L/min.
Cylinder yoke pin-indexed for medical air.
Pipeline inlet for air.
Cylinder contents gauge.
Pipeline pressure gauge.
Air pipework is colour coded at each junction.

4.10.2 Carbon Dioxide

Carbon dioxide flowmeter range 20 - 700 ml/min (flow restricted to 500 ml/min).
Cylinder yoke pin-indexed for carbon dioxide.
Cylinder contents gauge
Carbon dioxide pipework is colour coded at each junction.

4.11 Electrical Supply (if fitted)

Standard: 5.5 amp, 220-240 v, 50 Hz
Optional: 6 amp, 110-120 v, 60 Hz

Permanently attached 3 metre lead.

Stowage hooks for cable on rear.
Auxiliary electrical power outlets (if fitted):
SP102 4 outlets
SP101 3 outlets
Max. total current 5A

Battery back-up (oxygen monitor):

12v, 1.8-1.9 AH, rechargeable sealed lead acid battery, provides a minimum of 60 minutes


4.12 Oxygen Monitor

Measurement Range: 0-l00%
Resolution: ±1%
Accuracy and Linearity: ±2% of full scale (at constant temperature and pressure)
Response Time: 90% of final value in approx. 10 seconds (air to 100% O2)

Operating Temperature: +10 to 38oC (50 to 100oF)

Storage Temperature: -5°C to 50°C (23°F to 122°F )
Transport Temperature: -5°C to 50°C (23°F to 122°F )
Relative Humidity Range: 5%-95% (non-condensing)

Battery Back-up: See section 4.11

Sensor Type: MOX-3 galvanic fuel cell

High Priority Alarm: Flashing, 5 audio pulses with 6 seconds repeat time.
Medium Priority Alarm: Flashing, 3 audio pulses with 24 seconds repeat time
Low Priority Alarm: Static with single beep sound
Alarm Mute: 30 seconds for high priority alarm
120 seconds for medium priority alarm
Low Alarm Set Range: 18%-99% (+/- 1%)
High Alarm Set Range: 19%-105% (+/- 1%)

Cable length: 2 m (6 ft), fully extended

Type: Galvanic fuel cell sensor (0-100%)
Life: One year minimum in typical applications

Interference Gases and Vapours (in 30% Oxygen, 70% Nitrous Oxide)

Interference Volume % Dry Interference in O2%

Nitrous Oxide 80% <1%

Carbon Dioxide 5% <1%
Halothane 5% <1%
Enflurane 5% <1%
lsoflurane 5% <1%
Sevoflurane 5% <1%

Humidity Effects
Sensor output is relatively unaffected by prolonged operation in either high or very low relative
If the sensor shows signs of being affected by condensation, dry the sensor with soft tissue.
CAUTION DO NOT use heat to dry the sensor.


Oxygen Monitor - continued

Temperature Effects
The sensor has a built-in temperature compensation circuit, and is relatively unaffected by
temperature changes within the operating temperature range given above.

Pressure Effects
The sensor measures O2 partial pressure, and its output will rise and fall due to pressure
change (e.g. changes in barometric pressure, or breathing system pressure).
An increase in pressure of 10% at the sensor inlet will produce a 10% increase in sensor


5.1 Pre-use Checklist

A pre-use checklist for the Prima SP range of
machines is printed on the next page.
This checklist is also supplied with the

Where necessary, subsequent sections in this

manual provide an explanation and procedure
for setting up the machine and ancillary
equipment and the various checks that must
be carried out before clinical use.

In addition, checks specific to non-AHD

machines, and mechanical AHD machines
are explained in separate sub-sections:

5.2 Non-AHD machines

5.3 Machines with mechanical AHD

Details of checks common to ALL types of

machine (e.g. Check correct connection and
functioning of vaporizers) are explained in
sections 5.4 onwards.

Pre-use checks must be performed before
each period of clinical use.
These checks must be supplemented by
periodic Function Testing, and full Service
Testing by a Penlon-trained engineer to the
Service Schedule given in the Prima SP
Service Manual.

These checks will not in themselves ensure

the safe use of the apparatus, which remains
the responsibility of the qualified practitioner
in charge of it.



The machine must be carefully inspected and checked as follows.

An incorrectly functioning machine must be repaired by a suitably

qualified person before use.

1. Check for visible damage, machine stability, and condition of gas

supply hoses.
2. Check for labelling which may indicate status of machine, including
faults or recent servicing.
3. Check correct connection of electrical supply.
4. Check correct connections of gas supplies.
5. Check adequate pipeline supply and back-up cylinder supply.
6. Switch on gas delivery switch, and note special operating system:
Check functioning of flowmeters.
Check function of Mechanical AHD.
Check function of Air/N2O interlock switch.
7. Check correct connection and functioning of the vaporizers.
8. Check functioning of oxygen flush.
9. Check leak rate of low pressure gas system.
10. Check the integrity of the patient circuit.
11. Test the alarm system.

Refer to Section 5 in the User Manual for further information.

Ancillary equipment
12. Check operation of the AGSS.
13. Check functioning of ventilator, including disconnect alarm.
14. Check that the oxygen analyser and other patient monitoring
equipment functions correctly.

Refer to the relevant user manual for further information.

PRE-USE CHECKS - (Non-AHD Machines)

5.2 Pre-use Checks - Gas Supply

(Non- AHD Machines)

5.2.1 Gas Pipeline Supplies

1. Connect the oxygen pipeline hose only.
Check that the warning whistle sounds briefly as the hose is
connected and that the correct pressure gauge reading is
2. Switch the Gas Delivery Switch (A) to ON.
On machines with Air, set the Air/N2O interlock switch (B) to A
N2O (see 5.2.4).
Open the oxygen and nitrous oxide flowmeter needle valves.
Check that flow is only shown in the oxygen flowmeter.
3. Close the flowmeter valves. B
4. Connect the other pipeline hoses in turn.
Check the gauge reading for each gas.
For Air, set the interlock switch (B) to Air,

5.2.2 Gas Cylinder Supplies

Open the cylinder valves slowly to avoid damage to the pressure reducing
valve and pressure gauges. Ensure that valves are at least one full turn
open when in use.

1. Fit the gas cylinders to their respective yokes, open the

cylinder valves one at a time.
Check the contents on each pressure gauge.
A) When two cylinders are provided for a single gas, test each separately,
clearing pressure after each test by opening the flowmeter valve.
B) Turn off the reserve cylinders during normal use.

2. Open the cylinder valve of the third and fourth gas cylinders (if
Check the reading on the pressure gauge for each gas.
3. Ensure that all flowmeters are kept closed until gas supplies
are required.

5.2.3 Flowmeters
1. Operate each flowmeter control knob in turn.
Check that the full scale of flow can be obtained and that the
floats in all tubes move freely and rotate when at a steady
On machines with Air, use the interlock switch (B) to select Air
and N2O in turn.
Check the supply for each gas.
2. Check that the flow can be turned off by gentle rotation of the
knob and that the floats reseat on the bottom stop.
3. On machines with optional dual cascade flow tubes, check
that gas flow is through the low flow tube initially, then through
the high flow tube.

PRE-USE CHECKS - (Non-AHD Machines)

5.2.4 Air/N 2O Interlock

(machines with Air supply option)

1. Switch the Gas Delivery Switch (A) to ON.

2. Set the Air/N 2 O Interlock switch (B) to Air.
3. Open the Air flowmeter control and check that
Air is delivered. A
4. Open the N 2 O flowmeter control.
5. Check that N2O is NOT delivered.
6 Set the Air/N 2 O Interlock switch to N2O.
7. Check that the flow of Air has stopped.
8. Check that N2O is now delivered.

For additional checks on

non-AHD machines, see
sections 5.4 onwards

PRE-USE CHECKS - Machines with Mechanical AHD

On machines fitted with a mechanical AHD, the
5.3 Pre-use Checks - Gas Supply oxygen flowmeter control is restricted to prevent
(Machines with Mechanical AHD) the needle valve from fully closing.
This ensures a minimum oxygen basal flow.
DO NOT attempt to close the flow to zero.
5.3.1 Gas Pipeline Supplies - Machines Do not overtighten the knob.
with Mechanical AHD
1. Connect the oxygen pipeline hose only.
Check that the correct pressure gauge reading
is obtained.
2. Turn on the Gas Delivery switch (A).
Check that the warning whistle sounds briefly,
and that a basal flow of 150 ml/min of oxygen
is delivered.
3. Open both oxygen and nitrous oxide flowmeter
valves. A
On machines with Air, set the Air/N2O interlock
switch (B) to N2O (see section 5.3.4).
Check that flow is only shown in the oxygen
4. Close both valves. Turn off the Gas Delivery
Check that the warning whistle sounds briefly, B
and that the oxygen basal flow is stopped.
5. Connect the other pipeline hoses.
Check the gauge reading for those gases.

5.3.2 Gas Cylinder Supplies

Open the cylinder valves slowly to avoid damage to
the pressure reducing valve and pressure gauges.
Ensure that valves are at least one full turn open
when in use.

1. Fit the gas cylinders to their respective yokes,

open the cylinder valves one at a time and
check the contents on each pressure gauge.

A) When two cylinders are provided for a single gas,
test each separately, clearing pressure after each test
by opening the flowmeter valve.
B) Turn off the reserve cylinders during normal use.

2. Check the third and fourth gas cylinders (if

fitted), open the cylinder valve and check the
contents on the pressure gauge.

3. Ensure that all flowmeters are kept closed until

gas supplies are required.

PRE-USE CHECKS - Machines with Mechanical AHD

5.3.3 Flowmeter - Machines with

Mechanical AHD

1. Turn on the Gas Delivery switch (A) and check that

the warning whistle sounds briefly.
2. On machines with Air, set the Interlock switch (B) to
3. Open the nitrous oxide needle valve and check that
there is no nitrous oxide flow.
2. Operate the oxygen flowmeter needle valve.
Check that full scale of flow of oxygen and nitrous
oxide can be achieved, and that the floats in both
tubes move freely and rotate when at a steady flow.
3. Check that the nitrous oxide flow can be turned off
by gentle rotation of the oxygen knob. B
Check also that the nitrous oxide float reseats on
the bottom stop, and that the oxygen basal flow
resets to 150 ml/min.
4. Operate the other control knobs in turn to check:
the full scale of flow can be obtained;
the floats move freely and rotate at a steady flow;
the flow can be turned off by gentle rotation of the
knob; and that
the floats reseat on the bottom stop.

On machines with Air, set the interlock switch (B) to

Air, to check the supply for this gas.
On machines with optional dual cascade flow
tubes, check that gas flow is through the low flow
tube initially until full flow is achieved, then through
the high flow tube.

5.3.4 Air/N 2O Interlock

(machines with Air supply option)

1. Switch the Gas Delivery Switch (A) to ON.

2. Set the Air/N 2 O Interlock switch (B) to Air.
3. Open the Air flowmeter control and check that Air
is delivered.
4. Turn on the oxygen supply at the flowmeter.
5. Open the N 2 O flowmeter control.
6. Check that N2O is NOT delivered.
7 Set the Air/N 2 O Interlock switch to N2O.
8. Check that the flow of Air has stopped.
9. Check that N2O is now delivered.

For additional checks on

machines with Mechanical
AHD, see sections 5.4
PRE-USE CHECKS - All models

5.4 Leak Rate Check - Low

Pressure Gas System
1. Attach a side branch connector to the fresh
gas outlet on the CGO block outlet.
Connect the side branch tube to a
2. Turn on a flow of 150 ml/min of oxygen.
Block the open port of the connector with a
The pressure in the low pressure gas
system will rise and be displayed on the
3. Check that the pressure rises to at least
100 mmHg.
Release the finger seal immediately the
pressure is reached.

Do not maintain closure of the open port longer than
necessary to perform the test.
This test should be performed:
(a) With all vaporizers ‘off’ and isolated.
(b) With each vaporizer in turn set to 1%.

This test is equivalent to, or more severe than the
leakage rates quoted in national standards.

5.5 Electrical Supply
(if fitted)

1. Connect the machine power lead to a

suitable mains supply socket.

2. Set the switch (A) to ON.

Check for correct function of all electrical O2 Monitor
equipment, including devices powered by
the auxiliary power outlets on the rear of
the machine.
3. Machines with optional O2 Monitor:
Check for correct fitment of the mains lead
(B) into the rear of the monitor unit. C
Switch the Gas Delivery Switch (C) to ON.
Check that the monitor control panel LEDs

PRE-USE CHECKS - All models

5.6 Patient Breathing System

5.6.1 Hose Connections

Check that all hoses are correctly connected, as shown in the following

5.6.2 A100 Absorber

Always follow the pre-use check procedures given in the

instruction manual supplied with the absorber.
The use of an oxygen monitor (and a carbon dioxide analyser) is highly
recommended when using any partial rebreathing anaesthetic system.

5.6.3 Breathing System Hose, Reservoir Bag,

Connectors for the Inspiratory hose (A) and Expiratory hose (B), and the
reservoir bag connector (C) are 22 mm male.
All connectors comply with ISO 5356/1.

The ventilator connection point (D) is also 22 mm male.

Hose and bag connections are fitted with Penlon Safelock high security

Check all connections for gas tightness.

5.6.4 Fresh Gas Supply

The fresh gas hose assembly (E) supplied with the machine has a
Penlon connector at the absorber inlet and a 22 mm Safelock taper at
the other end.
This should be connected to the common gas outlet (F) of the
anaesthetic machine.

Check all connections for gas tightness.

In-board A100 Absorber and
AV900 Ventilator Bellows
(AV900 Control Unit mounted on side bracket or shelf)

Spirometer and pressure AV900 Control Unit

monitor connections.
Refer to AV900 User
Manual. CGO Block


A100 A C
Canister A100
B Valve

AV900 Bellows

In-board A100 Absorber

AV900 Ventilator and Bellows Unit
mounted on side bracket or shelf AV900

Spirometer and pressure

monitor connections. CGO
Refer to AV900 User Block



Canister A C

PRE-USE CHECKS - All models

Breathing System (REAR VIEW)
Connections AV900 with Monitor mounted on
built-in monitor anaesthetic machine






Breathing Circuit Connections

A Inspiratory Hose F CGO

B Expiratory Hose G APL Valve
C Reservoir bag connector H Spirometer
D Ventilator Connection J Bacterial Filter
E Fresh Gas Hose K HME (heat and moisture exchanger)
(connection at rear
of absorber)

1. To protect the expiratory limb of the breathing circuit, and the spirometer (H), use a
breathing circuit bacterial filter (J), or a heat and moisture exchanger (K) at the patient
2. Follow the instructions in the relevant user manual for connection to analysers and
PRE-USE CHECKS - All models

5.6.5 Breathing System Pre-use


Connect the CGO block outlet on the

machine to the fresh gas inlet of the
breathing system.

This machine must be fitted with a breathing
system complying with approved design
parameters, at the selection of the qualified

The breathing system components do not

constitute part of the machine but
connections between the machine and
breathing system should be verified as

1. Occlude the adjustable pressure

limiting (APL) valve (if fitted), and the
patient connection port .
Press the oxygen flush valve button
Check that the reservoir bag inflates.
If the system includes a manometer,
inflate the bag to approximately 40

2. Release the oxygen flush valve.

Check that the pressure is maintained
in the system with less than 200
ml/min fresh gas delivered into the
breathing system, showing that no
leaks are present.


5.7 Oxygen Flush

Check that oxygen flows through the CGO

outlet when the flush valve button is
pressed and that the flow ceases when
the button is released.

This is most conveniently done after the

breathing system has been attached,
using the reservoir bag as an indicator of
gas flow.

5.8 Anaesthetic Gas

Scavenge System
By inspection, check that all sources of
expired anaesthetic gases, e.g. the
absorber APL valve, and the ventilator
bellows patient gas exhaust port, are
connected to an approved collection
system leading to an AGSS.

Vacuum systems must not be
connected directly to the APL valve on
the absorber. A receiving system with
a positive and negative pressure
control function must be interposed.
Systems must comply with standard
ISO 8835 part 2.


5.9 Alarm System Testing

The anaesthetic machine must not be used if any alarm is
not functioning correctly.

Primary Oxygen Failure Alarm

The machine is fitted with a warning whistle and a visual
indicator (A).
These components act as oxygen supply failure devices
and constitute the primary alarm system, powered only by
the residual oxygen supply, as described in section 3.

The system can be checked whenever the low pressure

oxygen system is first pressurised by turning on a cylinder
or connecting a pipeline.
a) The whistle will sound briefly as pressure increases, B
b) The visual indicator will turn from red to green.
Whistle, Visual Indicator, and Gas Cut-off
Device Test
A formal test (including the action of the internal gas cut- C
off device) is performed as follows:
1. Connect both oxygen and nitrous oxide supplies.
2. Set the Gas Delivery switch (B) to ON, and check
that the warning whistle sounds briefly.
3. On machines with Air, set the Interlock switch (C) to
4. Set a flow of 2 L/min on both flowmeters.
(include CO2, if this gas is provided).
5. Disconnect the oxygen supply at the wall socket or
close the oxygen cylinder valve and check:
a) that as the oxygen flow slows down the whistle
starts to sound when the flow rate has fallen from
2 L/min to 1.2 L/min +/- 0.2 L/min.
b) that the whistle continues for at least 7 seconds.
c) that the flow of nitrous oxide (and carbon dioxide
if fitted) is cut off completely before the oxygen
flowmeter shows zero flow.
d) that the visual indicator turns red before the
oxygen flow is entirely stopped.
NOTE All gases must be included in the pre-operative
6. Reinstate the oxygen supply.
Check that all gas flows are reinstated, and that the
visual indicator turns green again.

Oxygen Monitor (if fitted)

See section 5.12.

5.10 Vaporizers 5.10.2 Selectatec Compatible

Vaporizers with Interlock
Always follow the procedures and WARNING
checklist given in the instruction manual Only vaporizers with the Selectatec
supplied with the vaporizer, particularly compatible interlock function will interlock if
when filling the vaporizer with installed on the manifold
anaesthetic agent.
When using 2 interlock vaporizers on a 3
station manifold, one of the vaporizers must
WARNING be fitted to the centre station for the interlock
Vaporizers must always be mounted, never to function.
used free-standing.
Free standing vaporizers may be accidentally The installation of non-interlock vaporizers
tipped resulting in excessive and uncalibrated allows the possible operation of more than
volumes of anaesthetic drug entering the one vaporizer at the same time.
breathing system.
Check that the interlock mechanisms of all
Vaporizers of any description must not be
installed or connected between the Common the vaporizers on the manifold are working
Gas Outlet and the breathing system unless correctly, i.e. that only one vaporizer at a
they are specifically designed for such use. (If time can be turned on.
this is done, the oxygen flush flow will pass
through the vaporizer, and severe overdosage 5.10.3 Cagemount Vaporizer
may result). Note that some international standards
demand that this type of vaporizer should
5.10.1 Selectatec Type Mounting only be used on machines with a single
System mounting station.
Dependent on choice of backbar manifold In addition, use safety clip (Catalogue No.
system, up to two Selectatec compatible 52275) to retain the cagemount taper cones
vaporizers may be fitted. in position on the vaporizer.
To install the vaporizer, carefully offer the
vaporizer up to the manifold. 5.10.4 Pre-use Checks
Check that the gas connection ports on the (All Vaporizers)
vaporizer are aligned with the valves on the Before use:
manifold. 1. Check all joints for gas tightness.
Carefully lower the vaporizer onto the 2. Check vaporizer agent level.
manifold and lock the vaporizer into position 3. Check for correct anaesthetic agent
by clockwise rotation of the locking lever delivery concentrations - use an
through 90o. agent analyser.
Always follow the pre-use check
NOTE procedures given in the instruction
Do not use excessive force to lock the vaporizer manual supplied with the vaporizer.
onto the manifold. Damage to the
locking fastener will result.

CAUTION 5.11 Ventilator (if fitted)

To prevent damage to the locking shaft, ensure
that the gas connection ports are aligned with the
valves on the manifold, and are correctly Always follow the pre-use check
engaged, before tightening the locking lever. procedures given in the instruction
manual supplied with the ventilator.
Check all hose and tubing connections for
gas tightness.

PRE-USE CHECKS - Oxygen Monitor

5.12 Oxygen Monitor

The pre-use checks for the oxygen monitor
include a set-up and calibration procedure.

5.12.1 Sampling Tee

Check that the monitor system sampling tee
is correctly attached at the CGO hose 1
connector (1),
a) using a 22 mm taper and Safelock nut,
or 2
b) using a 22 mm male/female tee fitting
of suitable design.

The probe can also be mounted on the

dome of the absorber inspiratory valve (2).

Check that the cables and leads (3) are 3

correctly fitted at the rear of the monitor unit

5.12.2 System Set-up

Switch on the oxygen monitor using the Gas
Delivery switch (4) on the front panel.

The Gas Delivery switch must be in the On
position for gas delivery from the anaesthetic 4
machine, and to supply electrical power to the
oxygen monitor.

Check that the display LEDs (5) and the

alarm indicators (6) are lit for two seconds,
and that the audible alarm sounds.

5.12.3 Calibration 6
The new unit must be calibrated before
clinical use.
Thereafter, we recommend calibration
every time the system is switched on, as a
safety precaution.

Calibration must also be performed:

A) when the sensor is replaced, or
B) when point-of-use elevation changes by 5
more than 160 m (500 ft).

We recommend calibration with a 100%

oxygen standard source, at a pressure
and flow similar to your application.
Calibration at lower concentrations or with
room air is possible, but less desirable.

PRE-USE CHECKS - Oxygen Monitor

5 4




5.12.4 Calibration Procedure - 6. Turn the SET/CAL knob (7) until the
Using 100% Oxygen display shows 100%.

1. Switch on the oxygen monitor using 7. When value is set, press the CAL
the Gas Delivery switch on the button (6) again to accept the
machine front panel. calibration setting.
The LEDs (1, 2, 3) and alarm visual The O2 concentration display LED (1)
indicators (4 and 5) will illuminate, and will now stop flashing (and a single
the audible alarm will sound. ‘beep’ warning will sound),
The display will return to normal
2. Ensure the oxygen sensor is mounted operation.
correctly at the CGO hose connector -
see section 5.12.1. Sensor Low Indication
All vaporizers must be OFF.
The unit has a self detect feature to indicate
when the sensor life is low.
3. Flush 100% oxygen through the CGO
During calibration, if the O2 SENSOR LOW
and maintain the flow through the
alarm LED (8) illuminates (and a single
total breathing circuit for
‘beep’ warning sounds) this indicates that
approximately 20 seconds.
the sensor must be replaced.
Sensor output will fall very quickly to
4. Allow the oxygen reading to stabilise.
zero over a period of two to three weeks
This will take at least 30 seconds.
from the first time that the alarm is
5. Press the CAL button (6) to enable
sensor calibration mode.
The O2 CONC LED (1) will flash, and
a single ‘beep’ warning will sound.

PRE-USE CHECKS - Oxygen Monitor

5 4

3 8

2 7

1 6

5.12.5 Calibration Procedure - 5. Turn the SET/CAL knob (7) until the
Using Room Air display shows 21%.

NOTE Calibration in room air may not 6. When value is set, press the CAL
provide as great an accuracy as calibration button (6) again to accept calibration
carried out in 100% oxygen. setting.
The display LED (1) will now stop
1. Switch on the oxygen monitor using flashing and a single ‘beep’ warning
the Gas Delivery switch on the will sound.
machine front panel. The display will return to normal
The LEDs (1, 2, 3) and alarm visual operation.
indicators (4 and 5) will illuminate, and
the audible alarm will sound.
Sensor Low Indication
2. Remove the sensor from the The unit has a self detect feature to indicate
anaesthetic machine, gently move it when the sensor life is low.
through the air to allow room air to During calibration, if the O2 SENSOR LOW
circulate for 20 seconds. alarm LED (8) illuminates (and a single
‘beep’ warning sounds) this indicates that
3. Allow the O2 Concentration reading the sensor must be replaced.
(1) to stabilise. Sensor output will fall very quickly to
This will take at least 30 seconds. zero over a period of two to three weeks
from the first time that the alarm is
4. Press the CAL button (6) to enable activated.
sensor calibration mode.
The O2 CONC LED (1) will flash, and
a single ‘beep’ warning will sound.
PRE-USE CHECKS - Oxygen Monitor

2 3 1

5 6

5.12.6 Set Alarms Set Low Alarm

The low alarm value cannot be set lower
Set High Alarm than 18%, or above 99%.
The high alarm value cannot be set below
19%, or above 105%. 1. Press the LOW ALARM SET button
(Note that in certain conditions of excess (4) to enable low alarm set mode.
pressure, the readout may show a value The LOW ALARM display (5) will
above 100%.). flash, and a single ‘beep’ warning will
1. Press the HIGH ALARM SET button
(1) to enable high alarm set mode. 2. Turn the adjacent SET/CAL knob (6)
The HIGH ALARM LED (2) will flash, to desired setting.
and a single ‘beep’ warning will
sound. 3. Press LOW ALARM SET button (4)
2. Turn the adjacent ‘SET’ knob (3) to The unit will exit low alarm set mode.
the desired setting. The LED display will now stop
flashing, and a single ‘beep’ warning
3. Press HIGH ALARM SET button (1) will sound.
The unit will then exit the high alarm
set mode.
The LED display (2) will now stop
flashing, and a single ‘beep’ warning
will sound.


User Maintenance is restricted to:
A) Cleaning the external surfaces of the machine.
B) Oxygen monitor (if fitted) - replacing the oxygen sensor.

All other maintenance and servicing must only be car-

ried out by Penlon-trained engineers.
The Prima SP must be only be serviced according to
the schedule and procedures given in the Service

Ancillary Equipment
Follow the instructions given in the relevant user manual for
detailed information on maintenance and service requirements
for the ancillary equipment used with the anaesthetic machine:


6.1 Cleaning and Sterilisation

Frequently wipe over the external surfaces of the machine with a

damp cloth.
Mild antiseptic solutions may be used but should be rinsed off
with clean water.
Always allow the machine to dry off thoroughly before clinical

Breathing system hoses and other components must be

sterilised to the manufacturer’s recommended methods.


6.2 A100 Circle System Absorber

Follow the user maintenance procedures and service recommendations
detailed in the A100 circle absorber user instruction manual.

6.2.1 Inboard Mounting System

Access to the Canister and Valve Block

Absorber Canister Absorber Valve

Block Assembly

1. Lift the retaining

pin (C).
Remove Disconnect the
1. Slide the canister and sup- hoses.
port plate out from the Support the
machine. weight of the
valve block as it
A is removed from
2. Disconnect the hoses. the machine.
Rotate the retainer (A), and
support the canister as it is
removed from the machine.

Refit D
1. Align the buttons
(D) on the top of
the canister block
with the slots (E).

2. Slide the canister

Refit into the support
1. Align the buttons (B) on the top of plate.
the canister block with the slots
in the support plate. 3. Reconnect the
A hoses (see 5.6.4).
2. Slide the canister into the support
plate, and rotate the retainer (A) 4. Fit the retaining
to lock the canister in position. pin (C).
3. Reconnect the hoses (see 5.6.4),
Slide the canister and support
plate under the machine work


6.3 Oxygen Monitor .

6.3.1 Sensor - Cleaning and Disinfection

If you use ethylene oxide for sterilisation, use only a low
temperature ethylene oxide method. Do not immerse the
sensor in any cleaning solution.
Do not autoclave or expose the sensor to high temperatures.

6.3.2 Sensor Replacement

The sensor contains:
a) A small quantity of electrolyte, classified as a harmful
irritant which is potentially hazardous.
b) Lead
Do not attempt to open a cell.
ALWAYS check the integrity of the sensor assembly before
Once exhausted, the sensor must be disposed of according to
hospital, local, state and federal regulations.

6.3.3 Sensor Expiry Date

The approximate expiry date is marked on the sensor label,
using two boxes which represent the year and month.
Thus, for a sensor marked as below, the approximate expiry
date is end of December 2001. A

YR 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
6.3.4 Sensor Unit - Remove and Refit
1. Pull out the cable connector (A) from the expired
sensor (B).
2. Remove sensor from the Tee adaptor (C).
Note that the sensor may also be fitted to the dome of C
the inspiratory valve, if fitted to a circle system
absorber (see section 5.12).
3. Discard the expired sensor and flow diverter (D).
4. Insert the cable connector into the new sensor (B).
5. Screw the new flow diverter (D) onto the new sensor,
and fit new O rings.
6. Fit the assembly into the Tee adaptor or dome.
7. Calibrate the new sensor, see section 5.12. Replacement parts
8. Dispose of the used components according to hospital 58780 Sensor (includes flow
regulations and relevant national legislation. diverter and O rings)
58779 Tee adaptor

6.4 Service Schedules

6.4.1 Prima SP

The Prima SP range of anaesthetic machines must be

serviced to the following service schedule:

6 months Inspection and Function Check

12 months Annual service which includes routine
replacement of seals, etc. as preventive
2 and 6 years Additional tests and component

Details of these service operations are given in the Prima

SP Service Manual, available only to Penlon trained

6.4.2 Delta Vaporizer

Follow the instructions given in section 8 of the vaporizer

user instruction manual.

Servicing includes a periodic leak test and calibration

test, and a major overhaul at 10 years (5 years for
Halothane models).

On vaporizers with interlock, the system must be tested

during the vaporizer calibration test.

6.4.3 Monitoring Systems

Follow the service recommendations detailed in the
monitor user instruction manual.

6.4.4 AV- series Ventilators

If the anaesthetic machine was supplied with an AV-
series ventilator, refer to section 7 of the ventilator user
instruction manual, for servicing requirements.
These include:
Every 6 months Inspection and Function Check
Every 12 months Replace bellows
Replace O seals and drive gas inlet
filter, etc.

6.4.5 Anaesthetic Gas Scavenging System

Follow the service recommendations detailed in the AGSS
user instruction manual.



Contact the Sales Department for details of the full range of accessories
available for your Prima SP anaesthetic machine.

AV 900 Mounting Systems

58127 SP AV 900 mounting bracket

58125 SP AV900 fill in panel for use with secondary monitoring shelf
58128 SP AV900 upright mount
58470 Bellows mount for free standing absorber only
(not required for built in A100)

A100 Integrated Absorber accessories - SP102 only

58110 SP Manometer
52582 Absorber detachables Breathing Circuit and 3 litre bag
51250 Silicon Absorber detachables
51251 Paediatric Silicon Absorber detachables
51041 Breathing Hose
52012 Female Hose Connector
58111 SP Pole Mount - mid point for stand alone A100

Side Brackets , Panels and Monitor Mounting Accessories

58120 SP V-bracket
58121 SP Rail
58122 SP Side Monitor Pole Mount , Agilent , M1 etc
58123 SP Agilent Processor Mounting Kit on Drawers
58124 SP Agilent Flat Screen Mounting Kit (Basic Monitor Shelf)
58134 SP Datex-Ohmeda AS3/AS5 CPU Tray

Sharps Bin Mounts - does not include bin

58612 Sharpsafe
58613 Daniels Bin

Suction and Vacuum

For suction systems information please refer to section 4 in the Penlon Price List.
58126 SP V-bracket Forward Facing for Suction
58130 SP Vacuum Kit


Rail mounted accessories

59961 Cylinder Manifold O2 and N2O

59962 Wall Bracket for Cylinder Manifold

Oxygen Monitor Accessories

58779 Sample Tee Piece
58780 Sensor (includes flow diverter and O rings
58784 Heavy Duty Sample Tee Piece

Other Accessories

58621 Patient Cable Management Arm

1401-000 Drip Stand
58747 Breathing System Hook

58131 SP US Spec O2 therapy flowmeter , upright mounted

58133 SP UK Spec O2 therapy flowmeter , upright mounted

58132 SP High CGO (Standard Rail and Pendant models)

58100 SP Flowmeter lighting option (requires power outlets)

58101 SP Large Cylinder Kit (Aga Style)

2 Gas Oxygen and Nitrous Oxide with
Gas Specific Braided Hoses and Cylinder Mounting Plate



Machines with oxygen monitor

Care of back-up battery

A. Batteries installed in machines

The batteries must be charged before the machine is released
for use with a 24 hour charge.
Subsequently the recharge periods for batteries on machines
in store are similar to those in B, below.

Batteries in machines in normal use will be kept charged by the

internal power supply and will only require special charging care
following the discharge test carried out during function testing.

B. Battery care/storage requirements.

During storage the batteries will require a periodic recharge, the

frequency of which is determined by the storage temperature,
which must not exceed 122oF (50oC).

Storage Recharge
temperature period

38 to 50oC (100 to 122oF) 1 month

21 to 38oC (70 to 100oF) 3 months
7 to 21oC (45 to 70oF) 6 months
0 to 7oC (32 to 45oF) 9 months
-5 to 0oC (23 to 32oF) 12 months

Duration - recharge until the charge current is less than 25 mA

(typically overnight).

It is recommended that at each charge an updated label is

affixed to each battery to indicate date of the last charge.

C. Disposal of used batteries

Used batteries must be disposed of according to hospital,
local, state and federal regulations.



Product Classification and Labelling Terminology

The terms Class 1 and Type B are defined in IEC 601-1 (the
standard for electrical medical equipment).

This symbol denotes: Type B equipment

Type B equipment calls for a particular degree of protection against

electric shock.

Class 1 equipment has additional protection such that metal parts of

the unit that are accessible to the user (e.g. the metal casing of the
oxygen monitor unit) cannot become live in the event of failure of the
basic insulation of the electrical components within the unit.

This symbol denotes: Refer to the User Manual !

Cat. No. 52792
Doc. No. PR SP 0102UI
January 2002

Copyright © Penlon Ltd 2002 All rights reserved.

Penlon Limited, Radley Road, Abingdon, Oxon, OX14 3PH, UK.

Service Tel: 01235 547063 UK Sales Tel: 01235 547036 International Sales Tel: 01235 547001
Service Fax: 01235 547062 UK Sales Fax: 01235 547023 International Sales Fax: 01235 547021
E-mail: service@penlon.co.uk uksales@penlon.co.uk export@penlon.co.uk

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