Diwan Al Habib
Diwan Al Habib
Diwan Al Habib
This note precedes the original edition
of the litany in Arabic
This is our Noble Wird. For one who wishes it and seeks
it, it is a means to all goodness and a shield against all evil.
One who wishes to recite it regularly should do so with
permission from the Shaykh or from a muqaddim to whom the
Shaykh has given permission to convey this litany. May Allah
bring together in the servant the revealed law (al-sharϢa) and
Spiritual Truth (al-haqÏqah).
The formulas of blessing and seeking forgiveness
that follow called the Al-¢A·imiyya and Istighf¥r
al-KabÏr are attributed to SÏdÏ A^med Ibn IdrÏs,
may Allah be pleased with him, a Moroccan
shaykh in the lineage of SÏdÏ ¢Abd al ¢AzÏz
Dabbagh, who died in Yemen in /.
These were not part of the original Wird but
were added by the present Shaykh.
O Allah, I ask You by the Light of the Face of Allah All-Mighty which
fills the pillars of the Throne of Allah All-Mighty, and upon which stand
the worlds of Allah All-Mighty, that You send blessings to our master and
guardian Mu^ammad of mighty stature, and to the people of the Prophet
of Allah All-Mighty, as vast as the infinitude of the Essence of Allah
All-Mighty, at every glance and breath, as numerous as all that is in the
knowledge of Allah All-Mighty, a blessing as eternal as the eternity of Allah
All-Mighty, with the veneration that is your right…O our guardian, O
Mu^ammad, O you of mighty nature … and send to him and his family
salutations of peace as well, and join me with him as You joined spirit to
person, outwardly and inwardly, (whether I am) awake or asleep, and
make him, O Lord, the spirit of my very essence, from every aspect, in this
world before the Next, O All-Mighty!
I seek forgiveness of Allah
Sub^¥na-Ll¥hi wa bi-^amdihi, sub^¥na-Ll¥hi-l-¢A·Ïm ()
Glory be to Allah and Praise, Glory be to Allah, All Mighty
Al-^amdu li-Ll¥hi, wa-sh-shukru li-Ll¥h ()
Praise be to Allah and thanks
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Bismi-Ll¥hi-r-Ra^m¥ni-r-Ra^Ïm * Qul Huwa-Ll¥hu A^ad *
All¥hu a|-ßamad * Lam yalid wa lam y‰lad * wa lam yaku(n)
lahu kufu•an a^ad ()
In the Name of Allah, Merciful and Compassionate: Say: He, Allah,
is One. Allah, the eternally Besought. He does not beget and He was not
begotten. And there is nothing else like Him.
Tab¥raka-Ll¥h ()
Blessed be Allah!
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Glorified be your Lord, Lord of Honor, above all they attribute to Him,
and Peace be upon all those sent with the message, and praise be to Allah,
Lord of the Worlds
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Fulfil our hopes with an answer, O You Who are Infinitely Generous, O
Bestower of gifts, to all that we ask of You, and do not place us, O Lord
and Protector, in all our movements and rests in the charge of anyone else
but You. For truly, You accustomed us to Your Excellence before we (could
even) ask for it when we were (still) in our mothers’ wombs, And You
nurtured us with the gentleness of Your Nuturing in a way that (even the
most) illuminated minds cannot fully grasp.
and salutations of peace upon him and his folk, blessings and peace by which
we might attain his love and be among those who follow him in word and
deed, in vigilance and perception, in manners, virtues, and states
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O Allah, send blessings and salutations through all Your Perfections and
unveilings to our master and guardian Mu^ammad, first of the Lights
overflowing from the seas of the Majesty of the Essence, the one who
realizes, in both the Inward and Outward domains, the Meanings of the
Names and Qualities. He is the first of those to praise and worship through
(all) the modes of worship and means of approach, the one who helps all
that exists in the two worlds of spirit and form, and (send blessings) to
his family and Companions, (blessings) which unveil to us his noble face,
both in dream visions and (while) awake. And bestow upon us a direct
knowledge of You and of him at every level (of the way) and every realm
of your Presence. And we ask You, O our Guardian and Protector, by his
honor, that Your Infinite Kindness (be ever with us) in (our) movements
and rests, (our) glances, and thoughts.
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A¢‰dhu bi-Ll¥hi mina-sh-shayt¥ni-r-rajÏm: Al-ladhÏna q¥la
lahum-n-n¥su: Inna-n-n¥sa qad jama¢‰ lakum fa-khshawhum,
fa z¥dahum‰ Ïm¥na(w), wa q¥l‰:
I take refuge in Allah from the devil accursed. Those to whom people say,
"The people have gathered against you! Fear them!" And they are
increased in faith and say,
^asbuna-Ll¥hu wa ni¢ma-l-WakÏl ( )
«Allah suffices us, the most excellent one to trust»
Fanqalab‰ bi ni¢matin mina-Ll¥hi wa fa\lin,
lam yamsas-hum s‰' ()
And they returned with bounty and favor from Allah and no
harm touched them.
Wa-ttaba¢‰ ri\w¥na-Ll¥h. Wa-Ll¥hu dh‰ fa\lin ¢a·Ïm ()
And they followed the good pleasure of Allah. And Allah is the Possessor
of Infinite Bounty.
( )
L¥ il¥ha illa-Ll¥h ( )
( )
O You Who Loves, You of the Glorious Throne, You Who begins creation
and starts it anew, You Who accomplishes what He wills, I ask You by the
Light of Your Face which fills the pillars of the Throne, and I ask You by
the Power with which You determine Your creation and by Your Mercy
which envelopes all things. There is no god but You,
O You who sends relief, send us relief!
All¥hu La~Ïfun bi ¢ib¥dih, yarzuqu ma(n)y yash¥,
wa Huwa ¢l-QawÏyyu-l-¢AzÏz ()
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closing suplications
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O Allah, send down to us at this time Your goodness and blessings as You
send (them) down to Your saints, and choose for Your beloved friends, and
give us a taste of the coolness of Your Pardon, and the sweetness of Your
Forgiveness, and spread over us Your Mercy which envelops all things, and
grant us Your Love and acceptance, sincere repentance, an answer (to our
prayers), and forgiveness and pardon embracing all those who are present,
absent, living or dead … by Your Mercy, O Most Merciful of
those who are merciful !
Glorified be your Lord, Lord of Honor, above all they attribute to Him,
and Peace be upon all those sent with the message, and
Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds.
O Allah, if in Your knowledge, You know that this matter … which is the
totality of my movements and rests, outward and inward, in speech and in
deed, in virtue and state, whether worship or everyday actions, in respect
to myself or in respect to another, in this day and in what follows it (in this
night and in what follows it) and in the remainder of my life … is good for
me in my religion, my worldly life, and my living, in my appointed destiny
and the outcome of my concern, in the long run and in the short run, then
put it within my reach and make it easy for me, and bless me therein.
And if in Your knowledge, You know that this matter … which is the
totality of my movements and rests, outward and inward, in speech and
in deed, in virtue and state, whether in worship or in everyday actions, in
respect to myself or in respect to another, in this day and in what follows it
(in this night and in what follows it) and in the remainder of my life … is
bad for me in my religion, my worldly life, and my living, in my appointed
destiny and the outcome of my concern, in the long run and in the short run,
then keep it away from me and me away from it, and decree for me what is
good, whatever it may be, then make me content with it.
Verily You, over all things, have power.
Fa sub^¥na-Ll¥hi ^Ïna tums‰na wa ^Ïna tu|bi^‰n, wa lahu-l-
^amdu fÏ-s-sam¥w¥ti wa-l-ar\i, wa ¢ashÏyya wa ^Ïna tu·hir‰n.
Yukhriju-l-^ayya mina-l-mayyiti, wa yukhriju-l-mayyata mina-l-
^ayy, wa yu^yÏ-l-ar\a ba¢da mawtih¥,
wa ka dh¥lika tukhraj‰n.
So glory be to Allah when you reach the evening and in the morning when
you arise. His is the praise in the heavens and upon earth, and in the late
afternoons, and at midday. He brings the living forth from the dead, and
the dead forth from the living, And He brings the earth back to life after its
death, … even thus will you be brought forth.