Diwan Al Habib

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Transcription and Translation of

The Noble Wird

    -
                      

This note precedes the original edition
of the litany in Arabic

This is our Noble Wird. For one who wishes it and seeks
it, it is a means to all goodness and a shield against all evil.
One who wishes to recite it regularly should do so with
permission from the Shaykh or from a muqaddim to whom the
Shaykh has given permission to convey this litany. May Allah
bring together in the servant the revealed law (al-sharϢa) and
Spiritual Truth (al-haqÏqah).
The formulas of blessing and seeking forgiveness
that follow called the Al-¢A·imiyya and Istighf¥r
al-KabÏr are attributed to SÏdÏ A^med Ibn IdrÏs,
may Allah be pleased with him, a Moroccan
shaykh in the lineage of SÏdÏ ¢Abd al ¢AzÏz
Dabbagh, who died in Yemen in /.
These were not part of the original Wird but
were added by the present Shaykh.



All¥humma |alli ¢al¥ Sayyidn¥ Mu^ammadin, ¢abdika wa

ras‰lika-n-nabiyyi ¢l-ummÏyÏ, wa ¢al¥ ¥lihi wa |a^bihi wa
sallim taslÏm¥, ¢adada khalqika, wa ri\¥ nafsika, wa zinata
¢arshika, wa mid¥da kalim¥tik. A¢‰dhu bi-Ll¥hi- s-SamÏ¢i-
l-¢AlÏm mina-sh-shay~¥ni-r-rajÏm, bismi-Ll¥hi-r-Ra^m¥ni-r-
Ra^Ïm, wa l¥ ^awla wa l¥ quwwata ill¥ bi-Ll¥hi-l-¢AlÏyi-l-¢A·Ïm
O Allah, send blessings to our master Mu^ammad, Your servant and
messenger, the unlettered prophet, and to his family and Companions, and
greetings upon greetings of peace, (as limitless as) Your creation, Your
contentment, the weight of Your Throne, and the ink of Your words.
I seek refuge in Allah, the Hearer and Knower, from the devil, accursed. In
the Name of Allah, Merciful and Compassionate: There is no power nor
strength but in Allah, the Sublime and All-Mighty

   

 -   ¢     

All¥humma inniy uqaddimu ilayka bayna yaday kulli nafasin

wa lam^atin wa ~arfatin ya~rifu bih¥ ahlu-s-sam¥w¥ti wa ahlu-
l-ar\, wa kulli shay•in huwa fÏ ¢ilmika k¥•inun aw qad k¥n,
uqaddimu ilayka bayna yaday dh¥lika kullih:
O Allah, I send forth to You with every breath and every glance and every
blink of the eyes of all the inhabitants of heaven and earth, and all that is in
Your knowledge, all that is now existing or has ever existed…I send forth
to You with all those things:

L¥ il¥ha illa-Ll¥h, Mu^ammadu Ras‰lu-Ll¥h, ßalla-Ll¥hu

¢alayhi wa sallam, fÏ kulli lam^atin wa nafas, ¢adada m¥
wasi¢ahu ilmu l-L¥h, L¥ il¥ha illa-Ll¥h, wa-Ll¥hu akbar ()

There is no god but Allah, our master Mu^ammad is the Messenger of

Allah, may Allah send him blessings and salutations of peace, with every
look and every breath, as multitudinous as all that Allah's
knowledge encompasses. There is no god but Allah, Allah is greater.

      

All¥humma inniy as•aluka bi N‰ri Wajhi-Ll¥hi- l-¢A·Ïm,

al-ladhÏ mala•a ark¥na ¢Arshi-Ll¥hi-l-¢A·Ïm, wa q¥mat bihi
¢aw¥limu-Ll¥hi-l-¢A·Ïm, an tu|alliya ¢al¥ Sayyidn¥ wa Mawl¥n¥
Mu^ammadin dhi-l-qadri-l-¢A·Ïm, wa ¢al¥ ¥li NabÏyyÏ-L¥hi-
¢A·Ïm, bi qadri ¢a·amati dh¥ti-Ll¥hi-l-¢A·Ïm, fÏ kulli lam^atin
wa nafas, ¢adada m¥ fÏ ¢ilmi-Ll¥hi-l-¢A·Ïm, |al¥tan d¥•imatan
bi daw¥mi -Ll¥hi-l -¢A·Ïm, ta¢·Ïman li ^aqqika, y¥ Mawl¥n¥, y¥
Mu^ammadan, y¥ dha-l-khuluqi- l-¢A·Ïm, wa sallim ¢alayhi wa
¢al¥ ¥lihi mithla dh¥lik, wa-jma¢- baynÏ wa baynahu kam¥ jama¢ta
bayna-r-r‰^i wa-n-nafs, ·¥hiran wa b¥~in¥, yaqa·atan wa man¥m¥,
wa-j¢al hu, y¥ Rabbi, r‰^an li dhatÏ min jamÏ¢i- l-wuj‰hi
fÏ-d-duny¥ qabla-l-¥khirati, Y¥ ¢A·Ïm

   

O Allah, I ask You by the Light of the Face of Allah All-Mighty which
fills the pillars of the Throne of Allah All-Mighty, and upon which stand
the worlds of Allah All-Mighty, that You send blessings to our master and
guardian Mu^ammad of mighty stature, and to the people of the Prophet
of Allah All-Mighty, as vast as the infinitude of the Essence of Allah
All-Mighty, at every glance and breath, as numerous as all that is in the
knowledge of Allah All-Mighty, a blessing as eternal as the eternity of Allah
All-Mighty, with the veneration that is your right…O our guardian, O
Mu^ammad, O you of mighty nature … and send to him and his family
salutations of peace as well, and join me with him as You joined spirit to
person, outwardly and inwardly, (whether I am) awake or asleep, and
make him, O Lord, the spirit of my very essence, from every aspect, in this
world before the Next, O All-Mighty!

Astaghfiru-Ll¥ha- l-¢A·Ïma- l-ladhÏ l¥ il¥ha ill¥ Huwa-l-¤ayya-

l-Qayy‰m, Ghaff¥ra-dh-dhun‰bi, Dha-l-Jal¥li wa-l-Ikr¥m,
wa at‰bu ilayhi min jamÏ¢i-l-ma¢¥|Ï kullih¥ wa-dh-dhun‰bi
wa-l-¥th¥m, wa min kulli dhanbin adhnabtuhu, ¢amdan wa
kha~a•¥, ·¥hiran wa b¥~in¥, qawlan wa fi¢l¥, fÏ jamÏ¢i ^arak¥tÏ,
wa sakan¥tÏ, wa kha~ar¥tÏ, wa anf¥sÏ kullih¥, d¥•iman,

      

abadan, sarmad¥, mina-dh-dhanbi-l-ladhÏ a¢lamu,

wa mina-dh-dhanbi-l-ladhÏ l¥ a¢lamu,
I seek forgiveness from Allah the All-Mighty, beside Whom there is no god,
the Living and Eternal, Forgiver of sins, Majestic and Noble, and I turn to
Him in repentence from all disobedience, the greater sins and lesser, from
every sin I have committed intentionally and mistakenly, outwardly and
inwardly, (in) word and deed, in all my movements and rests, my thoughts
and my breaths, all of them, always, forever, eternally … from the sin I
know and the sin I do not know.

¢adada m¥ a^¥~a bihi al-¢Ilmu, wa a^|¥hu al-Kit¥bu, wa

kha~~ahu-l-Qalamu, wa ¢adada m¥ awjadat•hu al-Qudratu,
wa kha||a|at•hu-l-Ir¥datu, wa mid¥da kalim¥ti Ll¥hi, kam¥
yambaghÏ li Jal¥li Wajhi Rabbin¥, wa Jam¥lihi, wa Kam¥lihi,
wa kam¥ yu^ibbu Rabbun¥ wa yar\¥
(I ask forgiveness) as many times as (the creatures) which the (Divine)
Knowledge encompasses, and the Book tallies, and the Pen inscribes,
And As (often) as Divine Power brings into being, and (Divine) Will
determines, and (is written in) the Ink of Allah's Words, as is befitting to
the Majesty of the Face of our Lord, and to His Beauty and Perfection,
and as our Lord loves and finds pleasing.

   -   ¢  

 -  -

  

I seek forgiveness of Allah

All¥humma |alli ¢al¥ Sayyidn¥ Mu^ammadin, ¢abdika wa

ras‰lika-n-nabiyyi-l-ummiyyi, wa ¢al¥ ¥lihi wa |a^bihi wa sallim
O Allah, send blessings to our master Mu^ammad, Your servant and
messenger, the unlettered prophet, and to his family and Companions,
greetings of peace

L¥ il¥ha illa-Ll¥h, wa^dahu l¥ sharÏka lah, lahu-l-mulku wa

lahu-l-^amd, wa huwa ¢al¥ kulli shay•in qadÏr ()
There is no god but Allah, One, without partner, His is the Kingdom and
His the Praise, and He, over all things, has power. ()

Sub^¥na-Ll¥hi wa-l-^amdu li-Ll¥hi, wa l¥ il¥ha illa-Ll¥h,

wa-Ll¥hu akbar, wa l¥ ^awla wa l¥ quwwata ill¥ bi-Ll¥hi-l-
¢AlÏyyi-l-¢A·Ïm ()
Glory be to Allah and Praise, there is no god but Allah, Allah is greater and
there is no strength nor power but in Allah, Sublime and All Mighty

      

Sub^¥na-Ll¥hi wa bi-^amdihi, sub^¥na-Ll¥hi-l-¢A·Ïm ()
Glory be to Allah and Praise, Glory be to Allah, All Mighty

Al-^amdu li-Ll¥hi, wa-sh-shukru li-Ll¥h ()
Praise be to Allah and thanks

Laqad j¥•akum ras‰lun min anfusikum, ¢azÏzun ¢alayhi m¥

¢ani(n)ttum, ^arÏ|un ¢alaykum, bi-l-m‰minÏna ra•‰fu-r-ra^Ïm.
There has come to you a messenger from among yourselves, distressed if
you suffer, anxious for your (welfare), full of compassion and
mercy for the faithful

Fa in tawwallaw, fa qul ^asbiya-Ll¥hu, l¥ il¥ha ill¥ Hu, ¢alayhi

tawakkalt, wa Huwa Rabbu-l-¢Arshi-l-¢A·Ïm ()
But if they turn away, say, Allah suffices me. There is no god but He. In
Him I put my trust, and He is the Lord of the Mighty Throne.

   

* * *
() *
Bismi-Ll¥hi-r-Ra^m¥ni-r-Ra^Ïm * Qul Huwa-Ll¥hu A^ad *
All¥hu a|-ßamad * Lam yalid wa lam y‰lad * wa lam yaku(n)
lahu kufu•an a^ad ()
In the Name of Allah, Merciful and Compassionate: Say: He, Allah,
is One. Allah, the eternally Besought. He does not beget and He was not
begotten. And there is nothing else like Him.

Tab¥raka-Ll¥h ()
Blessed be Allah!

* *
* * *

Bismi-Ll¥hi-r-Ra^m¥ni-r-Ra^Ïm * Al-^amdu li-Ll¥hi Rabbi-

l-¢®lamÏn * Ar-Ra^m¥ni-r-Ra^Ïm * Maliki yawmi-d-dÏn *
Ïyy¥ka na¢budu wa Ïyy¥ka nasta¢Ïn * Ihdina-|-|ir¥~a-
l-mustaqÏm * |ir¥~a-l-ladhÏna an¢amta ¢alayhim, ghayri-l-
magh\‰bi ¢alayhim wa la-\-\¥llÏn * ®mÏn ()
Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds. The Merciful, the Compassionate.
Sovereign of the Day of Judgment. You alone do we worship and You alone
do we ask for help. Guide us along the straight path. The path of those
whom You have graced, not those who have earned Your wrath
nor those who go astray. Amen

      

* *

Sub^¥na Rabbika Rabbi-l-¢izzati ¢amm¥ ya|if‰n, wa sal¥mun

¢ala-l-mursalÏn, wa-l-^amdu li-Ll¥hi Rabbi-l-¢¥lamÏn.

Glorified be your Lord, Lord of Honor, above all they attribute to Him,
and Peace be upon all those sent with the message, and praise be to Allah,
Lord of the Worlds

All¥humma |alli ¢al¥ sayyidin¥ Mu^ammadin, ¢abdika wa

nabÏyika wa ras‰lika-n-nabiyyi-l-umiyi wa ¢al¥ ¥lihi wa
|a^bihi wa sallama taslÏm¥, bi qadri ¢a·amati dh¥tika fÏ
kulli waqtin wa ^Ïn ()

O Allah! Send blessings to our master Mu^ammad, Your servant, Prophet,

and Envoy, the Unlettered Prophet, And to his family and Companions,
and send them salutations upon saluations of peace as infinite as the
infinitude of Your Essence, at every time and place.

¥mÏn ¥mÏn ¥mÏn

   

* *

Sub^¥na Rabbika Rabbi-l-¢izzati ¢amm¥ ya|if‰n, wa sal¥mun

¢ala-l-mursalÏn, wa-l-^amdu li-Ll¥hi Rabbi-l-¢¥lamÏn.
Glorified be your Lord, Lord of Honor, above all they attribute to Him, and
Peace be upon all those sent with the message, and Praise be to Allah,
Lord of the Worlds.

All¥humma, inniya as•aluka isl¥man |a^Ï^an, ya|•^abuhu

istisl¥mu li aw¥mirika wa naw¥hik, wa Ïm¥nan kh¥li|an,
r¥sikhan, th¥bitan, ma^f‰·an min jamÏ¢i-sh-shubuhi
wa-l-mah¥lik, wa i^s¥nan yazujju bin¥ fÏ ^a\ar¥ti-l-ghuy‰b,
wa nata~ahharu bihi min anw¥¢i-l-ghafal¥ti wa s¥•iri-l-¢uyy‰b,
wa Ïq¥nan yakshifu lan¥ ¢an ^a\ar¥ti-l-asm¥•i wa-|-|if¥t, wa
yar^alu bin¥ il¥ mush¥hadati anw¥ri tajalliy¥ti-dh-Dh¥t, wa

      

¢ilman n¥fi¢an, nafquhu bihi kayfa nata•addabu ma¢aka wa

nun¥jÏka fÏ-|-|alaw¥t, wa-mla-qul‰ban¥ bi anw¥ri ma¢rifatika
^att¥ nash•hada qayy‰mÏyataka-s-s¥riyata fÏ jamÏ¢i-l-
makhl‰q¥t, wa-j¢aln¥ min ahli d¥•irati -l-fa\li-l-ma^b‰bÏna
ladayk, wa mina-r-r¥sikhÏna-l-mutamakkinÏna fi-t-tawakkuli
wa |idqi-l-¢tim¥di ¢alayk
O Allah, I ask You for genuine Submission (that) comes with active
acceptance of Your commandments and prohibitions, and faith (that
is) sincere, deep-rooted, firm, protected from all doubtful things and
destructive sins…And excellence by which we plunge into the worlds of
the Unseen and are cleansed of the varied forms of heedlessness and all the
other faults, … and certitude that reveals to us the domains of the Names
and Attributes and carries us to directly perceiving the Lights of the Essence
revealing Itself … and beneficial knowledge by which we will know right
action in Your Presence and how to speak with You in prayer. Fill our
hearts with the Lights of direct knowledge of You that we might perceive
Your Immutability flowing through all creation, And make us among the
people in the circle of Your grace, beloved in Your Presence, (make us)
among those deeply-rooted in faith and firmly established in trust
and true dependence upon You,

wa ^aqqiq raj¥•an¥ bi-l-ij¥bati, y¥ KarÏmu, y¥ Wahh¥bu, fÏ kulli

m¥ sa•aln¥k, wa l¥ takiln¥, y¥ Mawl¥n¥, fÏ jamÏ¢i ^arak¥tin¥

   

wa sakan¥tin¥ il¥ a^adin siw¥k. Fa innaka ¢awwadtan¥

i^s¥naka min qabli su•¥lin¥, wa na^nu fÏ bu~‰ni-l-ummah¥t,
wa rabbaytan¥ bi la~Ïfi rub‰bÏyyatika tarbÏyyatan taq|uru ¢an

Fulfil our hopes with an answer, O You Who are Infinitely Generous, O
Bestower of gifts, to all that we ask of You, and do not place us, O Lord
and Protector, in all our movements and rests in the charge of anyone else
but You. For truly, You accustomed us to Your Excellence before we (could
even) ask for it when we were (still) in our mothers’ wombs, And You
nurtured us with the gentleness of Your Nuturing in a way that (even the
most) illuminated minds cannot fully grasp.

Fa nas•aluka-Ll¥humma bi nabiyyika-l-ladhÏ fa\\alta hu ¢al¥

s¥•iri-l-anbiy¥•i wa-l-mursalÏn, wa bi ras‰lika-l-ladhÏ ja¢alta
ris¥latahu ¢¥mmatan wa ra^matan li-l-khal¥•iqi ajma¢Ïn, an
tu|allÏya wa tusallima ¢alayhi wa ¢al¥ ¥lihi |al¥tan wa sal¥man
nan¥lu bihim¥ ma^abbatahu wa mut¥ba¢atahu fÏ-l-aqw¥li,
wa-l-af ¢¥li, wa-l-mar¥qabati, wa-l-mush¥hadati, wa-l-¥d¥bi,
wa-l-akhl¥qi wa-l-a^w¥l
So we ask You by Your Prophet whom You favored above the rest of the
prophets and messengers, and by Your Messenger whose message You
made all-inclusive and as a Mercy for all creatures, that You send blessings

      

and salutations of peace upon him and his folk, blessings and peace by which
we might attain his love and be among those who follow him in word and
deed, in vigilance and perception, in manners, virtues, and states

wa nas•aluka, y¥ Mawl¥n¥, bi j¥hihi an tahaba lan¥ ¢ilman

n¥fi¢an yantafi¢u bihi kullu s¥mi¢, wa takhsha¢u lahu-l-qul‰bu
wa taqsha¢irru minhu-l-jul‰du, wa tajrÏ lahu-l-mad¥mi¢, innaka
and we ask You, our Guardian Lord, by his honor, to endow us with
beneficial knowledge by which those who hear may benefit, and by which
hearts may grow humble, and skin may tingle, and tears may flow. You
are the One Who is Able, the One Who Wills, the One Who Knows, the
Living, the All-Encompassing.

* *

Sub^¥na Rabbika Rabbi-l-¢izzati ¢amm¥ ya|if‰n, wa sal¥mun

¢ala-l-mursalÏn, wa-l-^amdu li-Ll¥hi Rabbi-l-¢¥lamÏn.
Glorified be your Lord, Lord of Honor, above all they attribute to Him,
and Peace be upon all those sent with the message, and Praise be to Allah,
Lord of the Worlds.

   

All¥humma |alli wa sallim bi anw¥¢i kam¥l¥tika fÏ jamÏ¢i

tajjaliyy¥tika ¢al¥ sayyidn¥ wa mawl¥n¥ Mu^ammadin,
awwali-l-anw¥ri-l-f¥•i\ati min bu^‰r ¢a·amati-dh-Dh¥t,
al-muta^aqqiqi fÏ ¢¥lamaya-l-bu~‰ni wa-·-·uh‰ri, bi
ma¢¥ni-l-asm¥•i wa-|-|if¥t. Fa huwa awwalu ^¥midin wa
muta¢abbidin bi anw¥¢i-l-¢ib¥d¥ti wa-l-qurub¥t, wa-l-mumiddu fÏ
¢¥lmaya-l-arw¥^i wa-l-ashb¥hi li jamÏ¢i-l-mawj‰d¥t, wa ¢al¥ ¥lihi
wa a|•^¥bihi |al¥tan takshifu lan¥-n-niq¥ba ¢an wajhihi-l-karÏmi
fÏ-l-mar¥•Ï wa-l-yaqa·¥t, wa tu¢arrifun¥ bika wa bihi fÏ
jamÏ¢i-l-mar¥tibi wa-l-^a\ar¥t. [Wa-l~uf bin¥, y¥ Mawl¥n¥,
bij¥hihi fÏ-l-^arak¥ti, wa-s-sakan¥ti, wa-l-la^az¥ti, wa-l-kha~ar¥t]

      

O Allah, send blessings and salutations through all Your Perfections and
unveilings to our master and guardian Mu^ammad, first of the Lights
overflowing from the seas of the Majesty of the Essence, the one who
realizes, in both the Inward and Outward domains, the Meanings of the
Names and Qualities. He is the first of those to praise and worship through
(all) the modes of worship and means of approach, the one who helps all
that exists in the two worlds of spirit and form, and (send blessings) to
his family and Companions, (blessings) which unveil to us his noble face,
both in dream visions and (while) awake. And bestow upon us a direct
knowledge of You and of him at every level (of the way) and every realm
of your Presence. And we ask You, O our Guardian and Protector, by his
honor, that Your Infinite Kindness (be ever with us) in (our) movements
and rests, (our) glances, and thoughts.

* *

Sub^¥na Rabbika Rabbi-l-¢izzati ¢amm¥ ya|if‰n, wa sal¥mun

¢ala-l-mursalÏn, wa-l-^amdu li-Ll¥hi Rabbi-l-¢¥lamÏn.
Glorified be your Lord, Lord of Honor, above all they attribute to Him,
and Peace be upon all those sent with the message, and Praise be to Allah,
Lord of the Worlds.

   

A¢‰dhu bi-Ll¥hi mina-sh-shayt¥ni-r-rajÏm: Al-ladhÏna q¥la
lahum-n-n¥su: Inna-n-n¥sa qad jama¢‰ lakum fa-khshawhum,
fa z¥dahum‰ Ïm¥na(w), wa q¥l‰:
I take refuge in Allah from the devil accursed. Those to whom people say,
"The people have gathered against you! Fear them!" And they are
increased in faith and say,

^asbuna-Ll¥hu wa ni¢ma-l-WakÏl ( )
«Allah suffices us, the most excellent one to trust»

Fanqalab‰ bi ni¢matin mina-Ll¥hi wa fa\lin,
lam yamsas-hum s‰' ()
And they returned with bounty and favor from Allah and no
harm touched them.

 *
Wa-ttaba¢‰ ri\w¥na-Ll¥h. Wa-Ll¥hu dh‰ fa\lin ¢a·Ïm ()
And they followed the good pleasure of Allah. And Allah is the Possessor
of Infinite Bounty.

      


Wa in yurÏd‰u a(y)- yakhda¢‰ka, fa inna ^asbaka-Ll¥h.

Huwa-l-ladhÏ ayyadaka bi na|rihi wa bi-l-m‰minÏna, wa allafa
bayna qul‰bihim. Law anfaqta m¥ fi-l-ar\i jamÏ¢an, m¥ allafta
bayna qul‰bihim, wa l¥kina-Ll¥ha allafa baynahum, innahu
¢AzÏzun ¤akÏm. Y¥ ayyuha-n-nabiyyu, ^asbuka-Ll¥hu wa
mani-t-taba¢aka mina-l-m‰minÏn. ()
And if they would deceive you, Allah is surely sufficient for you. He is
the One Who supported you with His victory and with the faithful, and
put harmony between their hearts. If you had spent all that was on the
earth, you could not have put harmony between their hearts, but Allah put
harmony between them…Truly, He is Precious and Wise. O Prophet!
Allah is sufficient for you and for those of the faithful who follow you.

   

A l¥, y¥ La~Ïfu, y¥ La~Ïfu, laka l-lu~fu

fa Anta-l-La~Ïfu, minka yashmaluna-l-lu~fu
O La~Ïf, O La~Ïf ! Is not Kindness Yours?
For You are al-La~Ïf and Your Kindness envelops us

La~Ïfu, La~Ïfu, innanÏ mutawassilun

bi lu~fika fa-l~uf bÏ, wa qad nazala-l-lu~fu
(O) La~Ïf, La~Ïf, truly I am one beseeching You by Your Kindness
to grant me your kindness and Your Kindness descends

Bi lu~fika ¢udhn¥, y¥ La~Ïfu, wa h¥ na^nu

dakhaln¥ fÏ was~i-l-lu~fi wa-nsadala-l-lu~fu
In Your Kindness we have taken refuge, O La~Ïf, and here we are Entering
the center of Your Kindness, and Kindness comes down

Najawn¥ bi lu~fi-Ll¥hi, dhÏ-l-lu~fi innahu

La~Ïfun La~Ïfun, Lu~fuhu d¥•iman Lu~fu
We are saved by the Kindness of Allah, the One Who possesses Kindness,
truly He is La~Ïf, La~Ïf, and His Kindness is always Kindness.

      

A l¥ , y¥ ¤afÏ·u, y¥ ¤afÏ·u, laka-l-^if·u

fa Anta-l-¤afÏ·u, minka yashmalun¥-l-¤if·u
O ¤afiz, is not Protection Yours? You are al-¤afiz … and Your
Protection envelops us

¤afÏ·u, ¤afÏ·u, innan¥ nataw¥ssalu

bi ¤if·ika fa-^fa·n¥ wa qad nazala-l-¤if·u
O) ¤afiz, ¤afiz , surely we are beseeching You by Your Protection,
that You protect us, and Your Protection descends

Bi ¤if·ika ¢udhn¥ y¥ ¤afÏ·u wa h¥ na^nu

dakhaln¥ fÏ was~i-l-^if·i wa-n sadala-l-¤if·u
In Your Infinite Protection have we taken refuge, O ¤afiz, and here we
are: we have entered the center of Your Protection, and Your Infinite
Protection comes down

Najawn¥ bi ^if·i-Ll¥hi, dhÏ-l-^if·i innahu

¤afÏ·un ¤afÏ·un, ¤if·uhu d¥•iman ^if·u
We are saved by Allah's Infinite Protection, the One
Who possesses Protection, truly He is ¤afiz, ¤afiz, and His Protection
is always protection.

   

Bi j¥hi im¥mi-l-mursalÏna Mu^ammadin

fa law l¥hu ¢aynu-l-^if·i, m¥ nazala-l-^if·u
By the honor of the Imam of the Messengers, Mu^ammad,
Were he not the spring of Protection, Protection would not descend.

¢Alayhi |al¥tu-Ll¥hi m¥ q¥la munshid‰n

al¥, y¥ ¤afÏ·u, y¥ ¤afÏ·u, laka-l-¤if·u
Upon him be blessings as long as those who chant his blessings say:
O ¤afiz, O ¤afiz, is not Infinite Protection Yours?

( )

L¥ il¥ha illa-Ll¥h ( )

L¥ il¥ha illa-Ll¥h, Sayyidun¥ Mu^ammadu-r-Ras‰lu-Ll¥h,

|alla-Ll¥hu ¢alayhi wa sallama wa ¢al¥ ¥lih(i)
There is no god but Allah. Our master Mu^ammad is the Messenger
of Allah, may Allah bless him and send to him and to his
family salutations of peace,

      

Thabbitn¥, y¥ Rabbi, bi qawlih¥, wa-nfa¢n¥, y¥ Mawl¥n¥, bi

dhikrih¥ wa 'adkhiln¥ fÏ mayd¥ni ^i|nih¥ wa-j¢aln¥ min afr¥di
ahlih¥ wa ¢inda-l-mawti n¥~iqÏn¥ bih¥, ¢¥limÏn¥ bih¥ wa-
^shurn¥ fÏ zumrati sayyidin¥ wa mawl¥n¥ Mu^ammadin,
|alla-Ll¥hu ¢alayhi wa sallama wa ¢al¥ ¥lihi wa a|•^¥bihi wa ¢al¥
jamÏ¢i ¢ib¥di-Ll¥hi-l-m‰minÏn. ¥mÏn ¥mÏn ¥mÏn
Make us steadfast, O Lord, by saying it, And benefit us, O Guardian
Lord, by its mention and remembrance, and bring us inside the domain of
its citadel, and make us among its people, and at the moment of death, one
of those who pronounce it and know it, and resurrect us among the ranks
of our master and guardian, Mu^ammad, may Allah bless him and his
family, and Companions, and all the faithful servants of Allah.

[wa sal¥mun ¢ala-l-anbiy¥•i wa-l-mursalÏn] () wa ¢al¥ jamÏ¢i

¢ib¥di-Ll¥hi-|-|¥li^Ïn, wa ¥khiru da¢w¥n¥ ani-l-^amdu
li-Ll¥hi Rabbi-l-¢¥lamÏn,
And salutations of peace be upon (all) the Prophets and Messengers and
upon all right-acting servants of Allah. And our final supplication is: praise
be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds.

   

wa l¥ ^awla wa l¥ quwwata ill¥ bi-Ll¥hi-l-¢AlÏyyi-l-¢A·Ïm. Wa

m¥ tawfÏqiya ill¥ bi-Ll¥h, ¢alayhi tawakkaltu wa ilayhi unÏb,
wa-l-^amdu li-Ll¥hi ¢al¥ ni¢amati-l-isl¥mi wa kaf¥ bih¥ ni¢ma
And there is no strength nor power but in Allah, the Sublime and Mighty;
And I have no success except in Allah. In Him do I put my trust, and
to Him do I return. And praise be to Allah for the blessing of Islam …
sufficient it is as a blessing!

Y¥ Awwalu, Y¥ ®khiru, Ya <¥hiru, Ya B¥~in isma¢ nid¥•Ï bim¥

sami¢ta bihi nid¥•a ¢abdika sayyidin¥ ZakarÏyya ¢alayhi s-sal¥m,
wa-n|urnÏ bika lak, wa ayyidnÏ bika lak, wa-jma¢ baynÏ wa
baynak, wa ^ul baynÏ wa bayna ghayrik
O You who are the First! You who are the Last! You who are the Outward!
You who are the Inward! hear my call as You heard the call of Your
servant, our master Zakariya, upon whom be peace. And help me by You
for You. And support me by You for You. And unite me with You, and
come between me and all else but You.

     ( )

      

   

Bismi-Ll¥hi-r-Ra^m¥ni-r-Ra^Ïm. All¥humma inniya as•aluka

bi sirri-dh-Dh¥t, wa bi dh¥ti-s-Sirr. Huwa Anta wa Anta
Hu(wa). i^tajabtu bi n‰ri-Ll¥h, wa bi n‰ri ¢arshi-Ll¥h, wa bi
kulli ismi-Ll¥h, min ¢ad‰wÏ wa ¢ad‰wwi-Ll¥hi, bi mi•ati alfin:
L¥ ^awla wa l¥ quwwata ill¥ bi-Ll¥h, khatamtu ¢al¥ nafsÏ, wa
¢al¥ dÏnÏ, wa ¢al¥ kulli shay•in a¢~¥nÏhi RabbÏ bi kh¥tami-Ll¥hi-
l-manÏ¢, al-ladhÏ khatama bihi aq~¥ra-s-sam¥w¥ti wa-l-ar\
O Allah, I ask You by the innermost secret of Your Essence and by the
essence of Your innermost secret, You are It and It is You. I have veiled
myself with the Light of Allah, and with the Light of Allah's Throne, and
with each of Allah's Names, from my adversary, and the adversary of
Allah, through a hundred thousand: “There is no strength nor power but in
Allah” and I seal (it) closed upon myself, and my religion, and everything
that my Lord has given me, by the seal of Allah, the Invulnerable, Who has
thereby sealed closed the heavens and earth.

   

Wa ^asbuna-Ll¥hu wa ni¢ma-l-WakÏl, ni¢ma-l-Mawl¥, wa

ni¢ma-n-Na|Ïr, wa |alla-Ll¥hu ¢al¥ sayyidn¥ wa mawl¥n¥
Mu^ammadin wa ¢al¥ ¥lihi wa a|•^¥bihi ajma¢Ïn, wa sallama
taslÏm¥n kathÏr¥, wa-l-^amdu li-Ll¥hi Rabbi-l-¢¥lamÏn.
And Allah is sufficient for us, the most excellent on whom to depend, the
most excellent guardian, and most excellent ally. And may Allah bless
our master and guardian Mu^ammad and his family and Companions
all together. And greet them with salutations of peace in abundance, and
thanks be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds.

   

 

Y¥ Wad‰d (), Y¥ Dha-l-¢arshi-l-majÏd (), Y¥ Mubdi•u y¥

Mu¢Ïd (), Y¥ Fa¢¥l¥ lim¥ yurÏd () as•aluka bi N‰ri Wajhika-
l-ladhÏ mala•a ark¥na ¢arshik (), wa as•aluka bi l-qudrati-l-latÏ
qadarta bih¥ ¢al¥ khalqik () wa bi Ra^matika-l-latÏ wasi¢at
kulla shay () L¥ il¥ha ill¥ Anta, Ya MughÏtha, aghithn¥ ()

      

O You Who Loves, You of the Glorious Throne, You Who begins creation
and starts it anew, You Who accomplishes what He wills, I ask You by the
Light of Your Face which fills the pillars of the Throne, and I ask You by
the Power with which You determine Your creation and by Your Mercy
which envelopes all things. There is no god but You,
O You who sends relief, send us relief!

Sub^¥na Rabbika Rabbi-l-¢izzati ¢amm¥ ya|if‰n, wa sal¥mun

¢ala-l-mursalÏn, wa-l-^amdu li-Ll¥hi Rabbi-l-¢¥lamÏn.
Glorified be your Lord, Lord of Honor, above all they attribute to Him,
and Peace be upon all those sent with the message, and Praise be to Allah,
Lord of the Worlds

 ,
All¥hu La~Ïfun bi ¢ib¥dih, yarzuqu ma(n)y yash¥,
wa Huwa ¢l-QawÏyyu-l-¢AzÏz ()

Allah is the Infinitely Kind to His servants. He provides for whomsoever he

wills and He is the Strong, the Precious.
[In the morning, add the following dhikr, repeated  times] :


   

L¥ il¥ha ill¥-Ll¥h, wa-Ll¥hu akbar, wa sub^¥na-Ll¥hi wa bi

^amdihi, wa-'Astaghfiru-Ll¥h, wa l¥ ^awla wa l¥ quwwata ill¥ bi-
Ll¥h, Huwa-l-Awwalu wa-l-¥khiru wa-·-<¥hiru , wa-l-B¥~in, bi
Yadihi-l-khayr, yu^yÏ wa yumÏt, wa Huwa
¢al¥ kulli shay•in qadÏr ()
There is no god but Allah and Allah is greater. Glory be to Allah and
thanks, and I seek forgiveness from Allah. There is no strength nor power
but in Allah. He is the First and the Last, the Outward and the Inward, in
His hand is all good. He gives life and gives death,
and He, over all things, has Power.

Wa |alla-Ll¥hu ¢al¥ sayyidn¥ wa mawl¥n¥ Mu^ammadin, wa

¢al¥ ¥lihi wa |a^bihi wa sallama taslÏm¥ ¢adada khalqika, wa
ri\¥ nafsika, wa zinata ¢arshika, wa mid¥da kalim¥tik.
And may Allah bless our master and guardian Mu^ammad, and his family
and Companions and send them salutations of peace in abundance, as
(limitless as) Your creation, Your contentment,
the weight of Your Throne, and the ink of Your words.

* *

Sub^¥na Rabbika Rabbi-l-¢izzati ¢amm¥ ya|if‰n, wa sal¥mun

¢ala-l-mursalÏn, wa-l-^amdu li-Ll¥hi Rabbi-l-¢¥lamÏn.
Glorified be your Lord, Lord of Honor, above all they attribute to Him,
and Peace be upon all those sent with the message,
and Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds.

      


Sub^¥na-Ll¥h, wa-l-^amdu li-Ll¥hi, wa l¥ il¥ha illa-Ll¥h,

wa-Ll¥hu akbar, wa l¥ ^awla wa l¥ quwwata ill¥ bi-Ll¥hi-l-¢Aliyyi-l-
¢A·Ïm,¢adada m¥ ¢alima, wa zinata m¥ ¢alima, wa mil•a m¥ ¢alim ()
Glory be to Allah, Praise be to Allah, there is no god but Allah, Allah is
greater. There is no strength nor power but in Allah the Sublime, the All
Mighty. (Glorification and praise) as limitless as all He knows, and as
weighty as all He knows, and as full as all He knows.

* *

Sub^¥na Rabbika Rabbi-l-¢izzati ¢amm¥ ya|if‰n, wa sal¥mun

¢ala-l-mursalÏn, wa-l-^amdu li-Ll¥hi Rabbi-l-¢¥lamÏn.
Glorified be your Lord, Lord of Honor, above all they attribute to Him,
and Peace be upon all those sent with the message, and Praise be to Allah,
Lord of the Worlds.

   

closing suplications

All¥humma-fta^ ba|¥•iran¥ li mur¥qabatika wa

mush¥hadatika, bi j‰dika wa fa\lik, wa nawwir sar¥•iran¥
li tajalliy¥ti asm¥•ika wa |if¥tika bi ^ilmika wa karamik,
wa 'afnin¥ ¢an wuj‰din¥-l-maj¥zÏ fÏ Wuj‰dika-l-^aqÏqÏ bi
~awlika wa mannik, wa-'abqin¥ bika, l¥ bin¥, mu^¥fa·Ïna ¢al¥
sharÏ¢atika wa sunnati Nabiyyik, innaka ¢al¥ kulli shay•in qadÏr,
wa bi-l-ij¥bati jadÏr, bi sirri wa barak¥ti:
O Allah, open our inner vision to Your Vigilance and Perception by Your
excellence and grace, and illuminate our innermost being to the unveilings
of Your Names and Attributes by Your Gentleness and Generosity, and
efface us from our figurative beings in Your true being by Your Forbearance
and Favor, and sustain us by way of You, not by way of ourselves, in Your
Revealed Law and the way of Your Prophet. Verily You, over all things,
have power and are the most reliable to answer (prayers).

      

* *
* * *

Bismi-Ll¥hi-r-Ra^m¥ni-r-Ra^Ïm * Al-^amdu li-Ll¥hi Rabbi-

l-¢®lamÏn * Ar-Ra^m¥ni-r-Ra^Ïm * Maliki yawmi-d-dÏn
* Ïyy¥ka na¢budu wa Ïyy¥ka nasta¢Ïn * Ihdin¥-|-|ir¥~a-l-
mustaqÏm * |ir¥~a-l-ladhÏna an¢amta ¢alayhim, ghayri-l-
magh\‰bi ¢alayhim wa la-\-\¥llÏn * ®mÏn
Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds, the Merciful, the Compassionate,
Sovereign of the Day of Judgment. You alone do we worship and You alone
do we ask for help. Guide us along the straight path. The path of those
whom You have graced, not those who have earned Your wrath
nor those who go astray. Amen

* *

Sub^¥na Rabbika Rabbi-l-¢izzati ¢amm¥ ya|if‰n, wa sal¥mun

¢ala-l-mursalÏn, wa-l-^amdu li-Ll¥hi Rabbi-l-¢¥lamÏn.
Glorified be your Lord, Lord of Honor, above all they attribute to Him,
and Peace be upon all those sent with the message, and Praise be to Allah,
Lord of the Worlds.
[Here is the place for a personal prayer, silently or aloud, which should
include asking forgiveness for yourself, your parents, your teachers in the
way, the present shaykh of the tariqa, and all believers, male and female.]

   

All¥humma |alli ¢al¥ sayyidin¥ Mu^ammadin wa ¢al¥ ¥li

sayyidin¥ Mu^ammadin, |al¥tan tunjÏn¥ bih¥ min jamÏ¢i-
l-ahw¥li wa-l-¥f¥t, wa taq\Ï lan¥ bih¥ jamÏ¢a-l-^¥j¥t, wa
tu~ahhirun¥ bih¥ min jamÏ¢i-s-sayyi•¥t, wa tarfa¢un¥ bih¥
'a¢l¥ d-daraj¥t, wa tuballighun¥ bih¥ aq|¥-l-gh¥y¥ti min
jamÏ¢i- l-khayr¥ti fÏ-l-^ay¥ti wa ba¢ada-l-mam¥t.
O Allah, bless our master Mu^ammad, and the people of Mu^ammad,
with a blessing which delivers us from all crises and loss, and through which
all our needs are fulfilled, and by which we are cleansed of ill deeds and
elevated to the highest degree and brought to the utmost of all
goodness, both in life and after death.

      

All¥humma anzil ¢alayn¥ fÏ h¥dhihi-s-s¥¢ati min khayrika wa

barak¥tika kam¥ anzalta ¢al¥ awliy¥•ik, wa kha|a|ta bihi
a^ibb¥•ak, wa adhiqn¥ barda ¢afwika wa ^al¥wata maghfiratika,
wa-nshur ¢alayn¥ ra^mataka-l-latÏ wasi¢at kulla shay, wa-rzuqn¥
minka ma^abbatan wa qab‰l¥, wa tawbatan na|‰^¥, wa
ij¥bata(n)w wa maghfirata(n)w wa ¢¥fiya, ta¢ummu-l-^¥\irÏna
wa-l-gh¥•ibÏn Wa-l-a^y¥•a wa-l-mayyitÏn, bi ra^matika,
(3) [Y¥ ar^ama-r-R¥^imÏn]

O Allah, send down to us at this time Your goodness and blessings as You
send (them) down to Your saints, and choose for Your beloved friends, and
give us a taste of the coolness of Your Pardon, and the sweetness of Your
Forgiveness, and spread over us Your Mercy which envelops all things, and
grant us Your Love and acceptance, sincere repentance, an answer (to our
prayers), and forgiveness and pardon embracing all those who are present,
absent, living or dead … by Your Mercy, O Most Merciful of
those who are merciful !

   

All¥humma l¥ tukhayyibn¥ mimm¥ sa•aln¥k, wa l¥ ta^rimn¥

mimm¥ rajawn¥k, wa-^fa·n¥ , wa-^fa·n¥, wa-^fa·n¥ fÏ-l-
ma^y¥ wa-l-mam¥t, innaka MujÏbu-d-da¢aw¥t
O Allah, do not disappoint us in what we ask of You, and do not forbid us
from what we hope from You, and Protect us, protect us, protect us, in life
and in death. Truly You are the one who answers prayers.

Sub^¥na Rabbika Rabbi-l-¢izzati ¢amm¥ ya|if‰n, wa sal¥mun

¢ala-l-mursalÏn, wa-l-^amdu li-Ll¥hi Rabbi-l-¢¥lamÏn.

Glorified be your Lord, Lord of Honor, above all they attribute to Him,
and Peace be upon all those sent with the message, and
Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds.

      

All¥humma inniya astakhÏruka bi ¢ilmik, wa astaqdiruka bi

qudratik, wa as•aluka min fa\lika-l-¢a·Ïmi-l-a¢·am, fa innaka
taqdiru wa l¥ aqdir, wa ta¢lamu wa l¥ a¢lam,
wa Anta ¢All¥mu-l-ghuy‰b:
O Allah, I truly seek what You choose (for me) in Your Knowledge, and
what You Determine (for me) in Your Power, and I ask You for Your
Grace, the greatest of (all that is) great. For You are the One Who is able,
and I am unable, and You are the One Who Knows, and I do not know,
and You are the Knower of the unseen.

Allahumma, in Kunta ta¢lamu anna hadha-al-amr … wa huwa

jamÏ¢u ^arak¥tÏ wa sakan¥tÏ, a·-·¥hira wa-l-b¥~ina, min qawlin,
wa fi¢lin, wa khuluqin, wa ^¥l, ¢ib¥datan wa ¢¥da, fÏ ^aqqÏ wa fÏ
^aqqi ghayrÏ, [fÏ h¥dha-l-yawmi wa fÏ m¥ ba¢dahu] [fÏ h¥dhihi-l-laylati
wa fÏ m¥ ba¢dah¥] wa fÏ baqÏyyati ¢umurÏ … khayru(n) l-lÏ fÏ dÏnÏ,
wa duny¥ya, wa ma¢¥shÏ, wa ma¢¥dÏ, wa ¢¥qibati amrÏ, ¢¥jilihi
wa ¥jili(h), fa-qdurhu lÏ, wa yassirhu lÏ, thumma b¥rik lÏ fÏh

   

O Allah, if in Your knowledge, You know that this matter … which is the
totality of my movements and rests, outward and inward, in speech and in
deed, in virtue and state, whether worship or everyday actions, in respect
to myself or in respect to another, in this day and in what follows it (in this
night and in what follows it) and in the remainder of my life … is good for
me in my religion, my worldly life, and my living, in my appointed destiny
and the outcome of my concern, in the long run and in the short run, then
put it within my reach and make it easy for me, and bless me therein.

Wa in kunta ta¢lamu anna h¥dha-l-amra … wa huwa jamÏ¢u

^arak¥tÏ wa sakan¥tÏ, a·-·¥hira wa-l-b¥~ina, min qawlin, wa
fi¢lin, wa k^uluqin, wa ^¥l, ¢ib¥datan wa ¢¥da, fÏ ^aqqÏ wa fÏ
^aqqi ghayrÏ [fÏ h¥dha-l-yawmi wa fÏ m¥ ba¢dahu] [fÏ h¥dhihi-l-laylati
wa fÏ m¥ ba¢dah¥] wa fÏ baqÏyyati ¢umurÏ … sharru(n) l-lÏ fÏ dÏnÏ,
wa duny¥ya, wa ma¢¥shÏ, wa ma¢¥dÏ, wa ¢¥qibati amrÏ, ¢¥jilihi
wa ¥jili(h) fa-|rif hu ¢annÏ, wa-|rifnÏ ¢anh(u) wa ¢qdur lÏ-l-khayr
^aythu k¥n, thumma ra\\inÏ bih(i), innaka
¢al¥ kulli shay•in qadÏr.

      

And if in Your knowledge, You know that this matter … which is the
totality of my movements and rests, outward and inward, in speech and
in deed, in virtue and state, whether in worship or in everyday actions, in
respect to myself or in respect to another, in this day and in what follows it
(in this night and in what follows it) and in the remainder of my life … is
bad for me in my religion, my worldly life, and my living, in my appointed
destiny and the outcome of my concern, in the long run and in the short run,
then keep it away from me and me away from it, and decree for me what is
good, whatever it may be, then make me content with it.
Verily You, over all things, have power.

All¥humma-qsim lan¥ min khashyatika m¥ ta^‰lu bihi baynan¥

wa bayna ma¢¥|Ïk, wa min ~¥¢atika m¥ tuballighun¥ bihi
Jannatak, wa min-l-yaqÏni m¥ tuhawwinu bihi
¢alayn¥ ma|¥•iba-d-duny¥
O Allah, grant for us the reverent fear of You which will intervene between
us and acts of disobedience to You and the obedience by which we may
reach Your heaven, and the certainty that will ease for us
the tribulations of this world

   

All¥humma matti¢n¥ bi asm¥¢in¥ wa ab|¥rin¥ wa quwwatin¥

m¥ a^yaytan¥, wa-j¢alhu-l-w¥ritha minn¥, wa-j¢al tha•ran¥
¢al¥ man ·alaman¥, wa-n|urn¥ ¢al¥ man ¢¥d¥n¥, wa l¥ taj¢al
mu|Ïbatan¥ fÏ dÏnin¥, wa l¥ taj¢ali-d-duny¥ akbara hammin¥, wa
l¥ mablagha ¢ilmin¥, wa l¥ gh¥yata raghbatin¥, wa l¥ ila-n-n¥ri
ma|Ïran¥, wa l¥ tusalli~ ¢alayn¥ bi dhun‰bin¥ man l¥ yakh¥fuka
wa l¥ yar^amun¥. [Y¥ Ar^ama-r-R¥^imÏn] ()

O Allah, benefit us in our hearing, sight, and strength as long as You

give us life, and make them our heirs. Place our vengeance only upon one
who would oppress us, and be our ally against any who would harm us,
and do not place tribulations for us in our religion, and do not make this
world our greatest concern or the extent of our knowledge, or the limit of
our aspirations, nor make the Fire our final destination. And do not give
authority over us – due to our sins – to one who does not fear You and is
not merciful towards us. O Most Merciful of those who are merciful.

      

All¥humma y¥ Rabbi, bi j¥hi Nabiyyika-l-Mu|~af¥, wa Ras‰lika-

l-Murta\¥, ~ahhir qul‰ban¥ min kulli wa|fin yub¥¢idun¥ ¢an
mush¥haditika wa ma^abbatik, wa amitn¥ ¢al¥-s-sunnati
wa-l-jam¥¢ati, wa-sh-shawqi il¥ liq¥•ik
[Y¥ Dha-l-Jal¥li wa-l-Ikr¥m] ()
O Allah, by the honor of Your chosen Prophet, and the Messenger with
whom You are pleased: cleanse our hearts from every attribute which
removes us being aware of You and loving You, and cause us to die in
orthodoxy, with a longing for the meeting with You. O You who
possesses Majesty and Generosity.

   

Fa sub^¥na-Ll¥hi ^Ïna tums‰na wa ^Ïna tu|bi^‰n, wa lahu-l-
^amdu fÏ-s-sam¥w¥ti wa-l-ar\i, wa ¢ashÏyya wa ^Ïna tu·hir‰n.
Yukhriju-l-^ayya mina-l-mayyiti, wa yukhriju-l-mayyata mina-l-
^ayy, wa yu^yÏ-l-ar\a ba¢da mawtih¥,
wa ka dh¥lika tukhraj‰n.
So glory be to Allah when you reach the evening and in the morning when
you arise. His is the praise in the heavens and upon earth, and in the late
afternoons, and at midday. He brings the living forth from the dead, and
the dead forth from the living, And He brings the earth back to life after its
death, … even thus will you be brought forth.

All¥humma, inn¥ nas•aluka ri\¥ka wa-l-Janna, wa m¥

yuqarribu ilayhim¥ min qawlin wa ¢amal, wa na¢‰dhu bika min
sakha~ika wa-n-n¥r, wa m¥ yuqarribu ilayhim¥ min
qawlin wa ¢amal.
O Allah, we ask You for Your contentment and heaven, and for words and
deeds that bring (us) near them, And we seek refuge in You from Your
anger and from the Fire, and from words and deeds
that bring us near them.

      

All¥humma, y¥ S¥bigha-n-ni¢am, wa y¥ D¥fi¢a-n-niqam, wa

y¥ F¥rija-l-ghumam, wa y¥ K¥shifa-·-·ulam, wa y¥ a¢dala man
^akam, wa y¥ ^¥siba man ·alam, wa y¥ WalÏyya man ·ulim.
Y¥ Awwalan bil¥ bid¥ya, y¥ ®khiran bil¥ nih¥ya, ya man lahu
Ismun bil¥ kuny¥, [farrij ¢ann¥ wa ¢an jamÏ¢i- l-muslimÏna m¥
hum fih]*, bi Sirri-ismika-l-Makhz‰ni-l-Makn‰ni-l-Mub¥raki-
~->¥hiri-l-Mu~ahhari-l-Muqaddas. Innaka ¢al¥ kulli shay•in
QadÏr wa bi-l-ij¥bati JadÏr
O Allah! You are the One Who abounds in blessings, defends against
malice, relieves tribulation, dispels the darkness; You are the One Who
is the Most Just to judge, the One Who brings to reckoning the oppressor
and is the Guardian of the oppressed, the First without beginning, the Last
without end, the One Who has a Name with no last name, [Relieve us and
all Muslims in whatever (hardship) they may be in]* , by the mystery of
Your Name, kept in the treasure (of the unseen), concealed, blessed, pure,
purifying, and holy. You, over all things, have Power and
are the most reliable to answer prayers.

   

All¥humma |alli |al¥tan k¥milatan, wa sallim sal¥man t¥mman,

¢al¥ sayyidin¥ Mu^ammadin al-ladhÏ tan^allu bihi l-¢uqad, wa
tanfariju bihi-l-kurab, wa tuq\¥ bihi-l-^aw¥•ij, wa tun¥lu bihi-
r-ragh¥•ib, wa ^usna-l-khaw¥tim, wa yustasq¥-l-gham¥mu bi
wajhihi-l-karÏm, wa ¢al¥ ¥lihi wa |a^bihi, fÏ kulli lam^atin wa
nafas, bi ¢adadi kulli ma¢l‰min lak
O Allah, send a perfect blessing and complete salutation of peace to our
master Mu^ammad, the one through whom knots are untied and obscurity
cleared, and needs fulfilled, (the one) through whom we achieve the desired
goals and the best of ends, (the one) by whose noble face the clouds give forth
their rain…and (bless) his family and Companions, at every moment and
every breath, (with blessings) as numerous
as all that is known to You.

Sub^¥na Rabbika Rabbi-l-¢izzati ¢amm¥ ya|if‰n, wa sal¥mun

¢ala-l-mursalÏn, wa-l-^amdu li-Ll¥hi Rabbi-l-¢¥lamÏn
Glorified be your Lord, Lord of Honor, above all
they attribute to Him. And peace be upon the
Messengers, and Praise be Allah,
Lord of the Worlds.


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