Time-Dependent Nanoindentation Behavior of High Elastic Modulus Dental Resin Composites
Time-Dependent Nanoindentation Behavior of High Elastic Modulus Dental Resin Composites
Time-Dependent Nanoindentation Behavior of High Elastic Modulus Dental Resin Composites
J. Mater. Res., Vol. 25, No. 3, Mar 2010 © 2010 Materials Research Society 529
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Y. Wang et al.: Time-dependent nanoindentation behavior of high elastic modulus dental resin composites
The viscoelastic properties of dental resin composites Corp., Tokyo, Japan), a dental primer used to improve
and other polymer composites are commonly explored adhesion between resins and ceramics. Metaltite con-
using dynamic mechanical analysis.13,15 It is a good tains 6-methacryloyloxyhexyl 2-thiouracil-5-carboxylate
method to investigate the effects of temperature on be- (MTU-6) in an ethanol solution. Metaltite-treated filler
havior as it clearly indicates the glass transition tempera- had 3 mass% of Metaltite applied to the surface before
ture. It is also used to determine the modulus and the mixing with the monomer solution. After treatment, the
time dependence of the response, the loss tangent, and a filler particles were washed with ethanol to remove redun-
function of external factors such as temperature and dant or unbonded coupling agent. The dried powder was
aging time. Our study examined the effect of microstruc- then gradually added into the monomer solution.
ture, namely filler loading and filler bonding to the The second coupling agent was 3-methacryloxypro-
matrix, on the viscoelastic behavior of our new high pyltrimethoxysilane (MPTMS; Sigma-Aldrich). It is a
modulus composites.6 We used a new nanoindentation- silanizing agent commonly used to provide a chemical
based approach developed by Oyen and Cook16–18 to bond between silicate fillers and an organic matrix. The
characterize viscoelastic response to allow us to separate alumina was silanized in a rotary evaporator by mixing it
viscoelastic and plastic contributions to the observed with MPTMS in cyclohexane with n-propylamine as a
behavior. This method combines measurement of load– catalyst in a 90 C water bath until dry. The dried powder
displacement behavior and development of a viscous- was then added to the monomer solution.
elastic–plastic (VEP) analytical model with experimentally In both cases, the mixture of filler and monomer were
determined constants. This approach is unique because cured in an oven at 120 C for about 6 h. The detailed
the VEP model has not been previously applied to highly fabrication procedure and microstructural characteriza-
cross-linked, highly filled thermoset resin composites, tion are described elsewhere.6 These studies indicated
and there has been limited work using nanoindentation that the alumina nanoparticles were well dispersed with
to characterize dental composites. Drummond19 used the composite. The compositions of the specimens eval-
low-load nanoindentation to evaluate elastic modulus uated in this study are listed in Table I.
and hardness of highly filled dental composites. The
small loads produced small indents and produced large B. Nanoindentation testing
variations in results because the composites contained
microparticles with a size similar to the indents. This A Nano Indenter XP (MTS Nano Instruments, Oak
process allowed differentiation of the properties of fillers Ridge, TN) with a standard Berkovich diamond tip was
and resin. However, it did not provide information regard- used for the nanoindentation tests. The Nano Indenter
ing viscoelastic behavior as only one loading/unloading instrument is located in a clean room of Class 10,000
rate used (10 s/cycle). with 24 0.25 C temperature control and 40 % 5%
relative humidity control. All the results presented for a
given composition were done on a single sample to min-
imize effects from minor processing variations. How-
ever, 2–3 additional samples of each composition were
A. Materials and composition fabricated and the same tests were repeated on them to
The resin system was 49.0 mass% bisphenol A glycidyl verify behavioral characteristics and reproducibility.
methacrylate (Bis-GMA; Esstech, Essington, PA) and Cross-linked composites were cut, ground, and polished
49.0 mass% triethylene glycol dimethacrylate (TEGDMA; to a 0.5- or 1-mm diamond finish to provide a flat and
Sigma-Aldrich Inc., St. Louis, MO) with 2.0 mass% parallel surface for testing.
benzoyl peroxide [an aqueous solution of 75% benzoyl The tests to characterize the viscoelasticity of the
peroxide (BPO; Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA)] as the composites were performed at room temperature in the
polymerization initiator. Nanosized alumina (NanoTek load-control mode of the machine. A triangle-wave
Aluminum Oxide, Nanophase Technologies Corporation, loading–unloading cycle was applied, as shown in Fig. 1.
Romeoville, IL) was used as the filler. The manufacturer The test time was equally divided between loading and
characterized this alumina as an equiaxed powder with an unloading. Total test times were 30, 100, or 300 s. The
average particle diameter of 47 nm and an overall density
of 3.6 g/cc. Both the manufacturer’s specifications and our TABLE I. Sample composition and abbreviation.
measurements indicated a specific surface area Brunauer–
Sample design Coupling agents Filler vol%
Emmett–Teller analysis (BET) of 35 m2/g. The BET mea-
surements and scanning electron microscopy of fracture PR Pure resin None 0
surfaces6 support the manufacturer’s measurements. UT Untreated None 46.6
MT Phosphate coupled Metaltite 47.0
The surface of alumina filler was modified by two SA Silane coupled MPTMS 57.6
types of coupling agents. One was Metaltite (Tokuyama
PP ¼ a1 Hh2P ; ð3Þ
30 and 100 s curves. Here, the experimental data for MT C. Mechanical properties derived from the VEP
are plotted with hollow symbols. The simulated {P, h} model
responses from the VEP model are indicated with In the VEP model, fitting and simulation give a way to
dashed, dotted, and solid lines for the 30, 100, and 300 s estimate the mechanical properties of the composite, i.e.,
tests, respectively. The 300 s data were used to determine E, H, and t. In Table II, the VEP inferred elastic modulus
the P and h from the model so the model curve overlays matches well with data obtained from direct nanoinden-
the data almost exactly. The loading and unloading tation tests.6 This gives confidence in the other mechan-
curves predicted by the VEP model fit the100 s data well ical properties derived from the data using the VEP
indicating that the model provides a good prediction for model. The similarity of the elastic modulus determined
the deformation behavior of the composite. The fit is not from the VEP model and direct nanoindentation measure-
as good for the 30 s test. This may be explained by ments in conjunction with the fit of the data to the 100 s
Deborah number effect, i.e., the apparent time constant tests indicate that the VEP model can be used with highly
describing material flow behavior varies with the obser- filled highly cross-linked network polymer composites.
vation time of the test.16 Briefly, this is related to the fact This is significant since the model was derived for ther-
that there are multiple flow mechanisms involved during moplastic polymers or composites with low filler loading
the loading–unloading event and they have different time and has not been applied to highly filled systems.16,25
constants. Thus, when the loading–unloading time changes; The VEP calculated hardness (true hardness) data
the contribution from each mechanism changes as well. were much greater than those obtained from direct tests.
In a heavily particle-filled system like ours, with limited This issue has been discussed in the literature. In the
numbers of tests, it is hard for the simple VEP model to VEP model, the total irreversible deformation consists
predict accurate load–displacement response for each of two parts: plastic and viscous deformation. The true
potential deformation mechanism. However, it should hardness from the model is based on the plastic deforma-
be noted that for longer rise times, additional, slower tion, viscous deformation is excluded. In the direct CSM
mechanisms such as the matrix flowing past and then mode tests, the total irreversible deformation determined
breaking free from a particle are likely to be involved and the hardness. Thus, the hardness values were lower since
they may contribute more to the displacement. In other they included both plastic and viscous deformation.
words, as the observation time increases, the slower flow Other researchers have reported the same finding.25 This
mechanisms contribute more to overall displacement. In means that it is important to specify what is meant by
this study, the parameters used for prediction were hardness when the VEP model is used.
extracted from a single 300 s test, thus the parameters in The numbers within brackets are E and H obtained
the VEP model represented displacements from each from direct testing by nanoindentation. The numbers
mechanism active during the 300 s test. However, when without brackets are the values E and H obtained from
rise time is shorter, some deformation mechanisms will VEP modeling (the H is also called true hardness).
not be active, so that using load and deformation parame- The ability to separate the plastic and viscous contri-
ters derived from the 300 s test would tend to over-predict butions to the observed displacement provides a way to
displacement as was observed for loading the 30 s curve. estimate the relaxation time for viscous flow in resin
Thus, the VEP model is limited by both its simplicity and composites. This is important because the relaxation time
the nature of flow with multiple time constants. Using a provides insight into the coupling between the filler and
single time constant model, it is hard to predict mechanical the resin matrix. The relaxation times, t, are presented in
behavior that stems from multiple mechanisms with dif- Table II. For PR, the t was about 156 s so the unloading
ferent time scales. It was also found by Cook and Oyen16 times (15, 50, and 150 s) corresponded to about 1/10, 1/3,
that the VEP model did not provide a good fit to the data and 1/1 of t. For sample SA, the t was about 420 s, so the
for extreme cases. In their study, the model fitting to the unloading times correspond to about 1/28, 1/8.4, and
data for very long rise times was poor. Thus, further work 1/2.8 of t. Thus, viscous flow would not play as dominant
to include time constants for mechanisms operative at a role in behavior for SA because the time constant
different time scales would enhance the predictive capa- is much longer than the test period indicating that the
bility of the model.
Samples PR UT MT SA
E (GPa) 4.7 (4.6) 21.0 (20.4) 22.1 (21.5) 31.5 (31.2)
H (GPa) 0.97 (0.244) 2.50 (0.753) 3.27 (0.934) 5.68 (1.340)
t (s) 156 259 331 420
Filler fraction (vol%) 0 46.6 47.0 57.6
viscous flow mechanisms are too slow to contribute sig- National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
nificantly to the observed deformation. From a practical for their helpful discussions and use of their equipment.
viewpoint, increased relaxation time should correlate with We also thank Prof. Van Thompson of New York Uni-
decreased creep and thus better long-term performance. versity for helpful discussions. Financial support was
In our experiments the relaxation time increased as the provided by National Institutes of Health (NIH) Grant
volume fraction of inorganic filler increased and with the NIDCR PO1 DE10976. This work was done in partial
addition of effective coupling agents. For particle-filled fulfillment of dissertation requirements for Yijun Wang.
composites with a similar degree of cross-linking, it We also thank ESSTECH for donating BisGMA for the
makes sense that relaxation time would increase and initial materials studies.
viscous flow would decrease as the volume fraction of
filler is increased, because filler particles (i) decrease the
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