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Effect of temperature on the silane coupling agents when

bonding core resin to quartz fiber posts

Francesca Monticelli a,∗ , Manuel Toledano b , Raquel Osorio b , Marco Ferrari a

a Department of Restorative Dentistry and Dental Materials, University of Siena, Policlinico Le Scotte, Viale Bracci, 53100 Siena, Italy
b Department of Dental Materials, School of Dentistry, University of Granada, Spain

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Objectives. To evaluate the effect of different silane agents and air-drying temperatures on
Received 21 June 2005 bond strength of translucent quartz fibre posts to composite resin.
Received in revised form Methods. The post surface was etched with 10 vol% hydrogen peroxide for 20 min. A two-
1 September 2005 liquid coupling agent containing 4-methacryolxyethyl trimellitate anhydride (4-META) and
Accepted 4 November 2005 ␥-trimethoxysilyil propyl methacrylate (␥-MPTS) and two pre-hydrolyzed single component
silanes containing 3-methacryloxypropyltrimethoxysilane (3-MPS) and glycid-oxi-propyl-
trimetil-oxi-silane (GPS), respectively, were used for treating the fiber posts. Two different
Keywords: post-silanization drying temperatures were applied (21 and 38 ◦ C). A dual-cure composite
Fiber posts resin (Core Paste XP) was selected to build-up the core around posts, obtaining cylindrical
Core build-up specimens that were serially cut in beams and subsequently loaded in tension (␮TBS) at a
Silane coupling cross-head speed of 1 mm/min until failure. Bond strength data were statistically analyzed
Air-drying by two-way ANOVA and Student–Newman–Keuls tests (˛ = 0.05).
Solvent evaporation Results. Warm air-drying determined significantly higher bond strengths (p < 0.001) for glycid-
oxi-propyl-trimetil-oxi-silane (11.6 MPa) and 4-methacryolxyethyl trimellitate anhydride/␥-
trimethoxysilyil propyl methacrylate silane (11.7 MPa). These two systems exhibited lower
bond strengths (6.9 and 8.8 MPa, respectively) than 3-methacryloxypropyltrimethoxysilane
(11.0 MPa) when dried at 21 ◦ C. No statistical differences were recorded for 3-
methacryloxypropyltrimethoxysilane when drying at 21 or 38 ◦ C.
Significance. The composition of the silane coupling agent in terms of acidic content, solvent
rate or degree of hydrolysis may influence resin/post bond strength when dried at 21 ◦ C.
Drying at 38 ◦ C most likely facilitates the evaporation of solvents present in the silane agent,
resulting in increased bond strength of the composite resin to the fiber post.
© 2005 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction cal reaction begins with the hydrolysis of the alkoxide groups
(R) into silanols (SiOH) that may condense forming siloxane
Several studies suggested the use of silane coupling agents in bonds [2,3].
coating applications to promote adhesion between inorganic Many factors (pH, presence of solvents, molecule size, etc.)
surfaces and polymeric molecules [1,2]. may exert an influence in the way silane molecules can absorb,
Organosilanes have the formula R -Si-(OR)3 with an organic condense or interact with the substrate, influencing coupling
functional group (R ) and three alkoxy groups (R): the chemi- effectiveness [4,5].

Corresponding author. Tel.: +39 0338 4623264; fax: +39 0577233117.
E-mail address: (F. Monticelli).
0109-5641/$ – see front matter © 2005 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
d e n t a l m a t e r i a l s 2 2 ( 2 0 0 6 ) 1024–1028 1025

To accelerate the mechanism of chemical interaction Six experimental groups (n = 5) were formed and three
between the silane and the inorganic surface, the reaction may different silane coupling agents were used: a pre-hydrolyzed
be catalyzed by acid treatment or heating [6,7]. Heat treatment silane coupling agent containing 3-methacryloxypropyl-
of silanated glass is routinely performed in the glass indus- trimethoxysilane (3-MPS) (Monobond-S, batch no. E53184,
try to maximize bond strength [8]. Silane has been proven Ivoclar-Vivadent, Schaan, Liechtenstein); a two-component
to increase ceramic-composite bond strength during luting silane coupling agent containing 4-methacryolxyethyl
procedures or when repairing chipped ceramic restorations trimellitate anhydride (4-META) and trimethoxysilyil propyl
[9–11]. Drying with hot air increases the effectiveness of some methacrylate (␥-MPTS) (Porcelain Liner M, batch no. GF1, Sun
silane coupling agents when bonding ceramics to composite Medical Co. Ltd., Japan); a pre-hydrolyzed silane coupling
resins [7,12]. agent containing glycid-oxi-propyl-trimetil-oxi-silane (GPS)
High temperature silane heat treatment (70–80 ◦ C) is not (Porcelain Silane, batch no. 4101PFS, BJM Lab, Or-Yenuda,
feasible for chair-side procedures, but a stream of warm air Israel) at two different air-drying temperatures (21 and 38 ◦ C).
(38 ◦ C) may be used for this purpose [7]. The tested materials were applied following manufacturers’
Fibre posts are extensively used in combination with recommendations. The composition and application mode of
composite resins to directly restore endodontically treated the tested materials are described in Table 1.
teeth [13,14]. The efficacy of silane coupling agents increas- pH measurements were performed for all tested silane cou-
ing bond strength between fiber post and composite core pling agents with a digital pH-meter and a glass electrode
restorations have been recently reported [15–18]. However, calibrated with standard buffer solutions (Micro pH 2000, Cri-
no information is available concerning the possible influence son Instruments, Alella, Spain).
of different silane coupling agents’ composition or silanizing After etching and silanizing the post surface, compos-
modalities on post/composite bond strength. In particu- ite build-up was performed following a technique previously
lar, the possible influence of heating on the condensation described by Goracci et al. [15] and using a dual-curing resin
reaction of silane molecules on the post surface is still composite (Core Paste XP, batch no. 030653101, Dent Mat,
unknown. The aim of the study was to determine the effect Santa Maria, CA, USA). Core Paste XP is a low viscosity
of warm air drying and different silane coupling agents on core material and contains glass fillers in a methacrylate
the achieved bond strength between fiber posts and resin matrix. Samples were stored 24 h at room temperature before
composite. testing.
The null hypothesis is that silane composition and air- Microtensile test specimens were prepared by sectioning
drying temperature do not influence the microtensile bond each sample with a diamond saw under water cooling (Isomet
strength between fiber post and composite resin. 4000, Buehler, Lake Bluff, IL, U.S.A). A medium of 29 beams
of 1-mm in thickness were tested for each group. For the
microtensile bond strength test, each beam was glued with
2. Materials and methods cianoacrylate (Zapit, Dental Ventures of America, Corona,
USA) to the flat grip of a testing device (Bencor, Multi-T,
Thirty quartz fiber posts, with a maximum diameter of Danville Engineering, San Ramon, CA, U.S.A.) and loaded
1.80 mm in the cylindrical coronal portion and 1.0 mm at the in tension at a cross-head speed of 1 mm/min until failure
radicular end (DT Light Post #2, batch no.100US0311A, RTD, (Instron Model 4411, Instrom, Canton, MA, U.S.A.). The modes
St. Egéve, France) were used for this study. DT Light posts are of failure were evaluated after testing under a stereomi-
made of unidirectional pre-tensed quartz fibers (60%) bound croscope (Olympus SZ-CTV, Olympus, Tokyo, Japan) at 40×
in an epoxy resin matrix (40%). magnification. Failure modes were classified as adhesive (at
The posts were etched in 10 vol% hydrogen peroxide solu- the post/core interface), cohesive (within the resin compos-
tion (Panreac Quı́mica, Barcelona, Spain) for 20 min at room ite) or mixed (combination of the two modes on the same
temperature [19]. They were rinsed with tap water and ultra- surface).
sonically cleaned for 10 min in deionised water (P Selecta Interfacial bond strength values were expressed in MPa
S.A. Abrera, Barcelona, Spain), subsequently immersed in 96% using a mathematical formula previously described by Bouil-
ethanol and dried with an air stream. laguet et al. [20]. Data were analyzed by two-way ANOVA

Table 1 – Silane coupling agent compositions and procedures tested in the study
Material Composition Application

Monobond-S (Ivoclar-Vivadent, 3-MPS (1%), ethanol/water-based solvent, acetic acid Apply with a brush; leave
Schaan, Liechtenstein), pH ≈ 3.8 undisturbed for 60 s; gently air-dry
Porcelain Liner M (Sun Medical Co. Liquid A: MMA, 4-META (10%); liquid B: MMA, ␥-MPTS (10%) Apply with a brush; gently air-dry
Ltd., Japan), pH ≈ 4.5
Porcelain Silane (BJM Lab, Or-Yenuda, GPS (3%), ethanol-based solvent Apply with a brush; gently air-dry
Israel), pH ≈ 1.8

3-MPS: 3-Methacryloxypropyltrimethoxysilane; MMA: methyl methacrylate; 4-META: 4-methacryolxyethyl trimellitate anhydride; ␥-MPTS:
trimethoxysilyil propyl methacrylate; GPS: glycid-oxi-propyl-trimetil-oxi-silane.
1026 d e n t a l m a t e r i a l s 2 2 ( 2 0 0 6 ) 1024–1028

Table 2 – Mean (standard deviation) of microtensile bond strength values (MPa) and percentage of failure mode obtained
for each tested group
21 ◦ C 38 ◦ C

Mean (S.D.) Adhesive (%) Cohesive (%) Mean (S.D.) Adhesive (%) Cohesive (%)
a1 c2
Porcelain Liner M 8.8 (3.1) , n = 30 90 10 11.7 (2.7) , n = 27 97 3
Porcelain Silane 6.9 (2.0)b1 , n = 30 90 10 11.6 (2.8)c2 , n = 30 100 –
Monobond-S 11.0 (2.9)c2 , n = 28 100 – 11.4 (2.5)c2 , n = 30 97 3

Superscript letters show differences within the same column and numbers within the same row (p < 0.05).

to evaluate the effect of the factors (silane composition mixing the silane coupler (␥-MPTS) with the acidic monomer
and air-drying temperature) on the dependent variable (4-META) just before its application [24,25]. Pre-activated
(microtensile bond strength). Interactions were included in silane solutions are expected to exhibit a higher rate of hydrol-
the analysis. Multiple comparisons were performed with ysis compared to the two-component systems in which an
Student–Newman–Keuls test. Statistical significance was set incomplete reaction may eventually take place if the solvent
at ˛ = 0.05. The sample size was calculated to ensure a power is not completely evaporated, affecting bond strength [8,25].
of 0.8 in the statistical analysis. 3-MPS and GPS are considered neutral silanes with a similar
degree of coupling power: under mildly acidic concentration,
they condense rapidly to reach an equilibrium composition in
3. Results a short time [7].
GPS silane is appropriate for epoxy resin coupling: however,
Mean microtensile bond strength values are shown in Table 2. its application on the post surface has been proven to decrease
Bond strength was influenced by the air-drying temperature bond strength at least if dried at 21 ◦ C [26].
(p < 0.001), and by the application of different coupling agents Pre-activated silane primers have a limited shelf-life due to
(p < 0.001) on the bond strength. Interactions were also signif- the rapid formation of oligomers [2,8] At high silane concen-
icant (p < 0.001). 3-MPS performed similarly, regardless of air- tration (3% GPS in the tested silane) the potential of oligomer
drying temperature. If dried at 21 ◦ C, GPS and 4-META/␥-MPTS formation increases: moreover, the physiosorbed silane tends
silanes exhibited lower bond strengths than 3-MPS. Similar to form a weak boundary layer onto the quartz fibres that may
results were attained for all coupling agents when dried at act deficiently in the post/composite interface, causing a lubri-
38 ◦ C. GPS and 3-MPS had a similar acidic pH (4.5 and 3.8, cation effect [2,5,27]. It explains the lower ␮TBS attained by
respectively), while 4-META/␥-MPTS silane recorded a lower the pre-hydrolyzed GPS-based silane when compared to 3-
value (1.8). MPS silane when dried at 21 ◦ C. The results from this study
The distribution and percentages of failures are described indicated that by using a GPS coupling on the post surface,
in Table 2. A percentage of adhesive failure between 90 and 38 ◦ C air-drying is advisable to facilitate solvent removal and
100% was recorded in all tested groups. to achieve chemical stability [28].
Silane coupling is considered a technique-sensitive step.
Among the factors affecting its effectiveness, solvent evapo-
4. Discussion ration plays an important role: a small amount of solvent may
be beneficial in promoting silane wetting, but an incomplete
The use of different air-drying temperatures on the silanated removal may compromise coupling [29]. Ethanol evaporates
posts and the different composition of the silane coupling easily without affecting the reactivity of silane, especially
agents affected the bond strength of composite to fiber posts. in pre-hydrolized coupling agents [7,30]. However, if evapo-
Thus, the null hypothesis is rejected. ration is not completed at 21 ◦ C, warm air-drying may help
Silane enhances post-resin bond strength by promoting the ethanol and other by-product evaporation, facilitating the
wetting of the etched post surface and facilitating the diffusion elimination of the detrimental outer physiosorbed silane
of the fluid composite resin into the retentive spaces among layer [31]. The higher bond strength results achieved for GPS
the exposed fibers [19]. When silane is applied on the post dried at 38 ◦ C may confirm this aspect. Ethanol/water-based
surface and dried, two phases are created [21,22]: an outermost silanes had a more stable behavior, probably due to the
physisorbed layer with few siloxane bonds and a hydrolytically mixing ratio of the two solvent components [32]. At the
stable chemisorbed layer on the post surface [2,7]. two selected temperatures, no significant differences in
Further reactions between silane molecules and the the evaporation rate of water are expected to occur. Higher
organic surface (fiber posts) have been proven to occur, values may facilitate water removal and could increase bond
enhancing condensation and providing a more tightly packed strength.
configuration of the coupler molecules on the post surface The selection of a warm air stream rather than heat treat-
[2,23]. ment, seems to be more effective in bonding to polymers and
Two different silane agents were tested in this study: it may be considered a clinically-feasible chair-side procedure
two single-phase pre-activated solutions based on different to overcome some of the problems related to silane composi-
silane molecules (3-MPS and GPS, respectively) and a two- tion and/or application [6,7,21]. Some results recently achieved
component system. In the latter, hydrolysis occurs when on ceramics seem to confirm this aspect, in particular for the
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Italy. The work was supported by the University of Siena and by
cement. Oper Dent 2004;29:60–8.
grants CICYT/FEDER: MAT#2004-06872-C03-02 and Red CYTED [19] Monticelli F, Toledano M, Tay FR, Sadek FT, Goracci C, Ferrari
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