Hysteretic Energy Response of Steel Moment-Resisting Frames With Vertical Mass Irregularities
Hysteretic Energy Response of Steel Moment-Resisting Frames With Vertical Mass Irregularities
Hysteretic Energy Response of Steel Moment-Resisting Frames With Vertical Mass Irregularities
Dynamic analyses were carried out to study the seismic response of high-rise steel moment-resisting frames in
16-storey buildings. The frames are intentionally designed using three different design procedures: strength-
controlled design, strong column–weak beam controlled design, and drift-controlled design. The seismic per-
formances of the so-designed frames with vertical mass irregularities were discussed in view of drift ratio, plastic
hinge rotation, hysteretic energy input and stress demand. A demand curve of hysteretic energy inputs was also
presented with two earthquake levels in peak ground accelerations for a future design application. Copyright ©
2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This research was carried out to investigate the hysteretic energy input characteristics, plastic rotation
distributions, and storey drift ratios on 16-storey high-rise steel moment-resisting frames. The paper
covers mass and stiffness irregularities using 16-storey steel moment-resisting frames.
In many countries today many buildings are constructed to fulfil both commercial and residential
functions. The lower storeys of the building are normally used for commercial purposes, say below
the third storey, the remaining upper storeys being used for residential purposes. These types of build-
ing are attractive because they can fulfil many functions, some of the major ones being housing, shop-
ping, commerce, parking and dining.
Mass irregularities exist in this type of building. The structural safety of this type of building is
easily overlooked, and dynamic analysis under strong earthquake ground motions not checked. Seismic
responses, especially energy characteristics, have not been fully researched in structures with vertical
mass irregularities. It would be interesting to investigate the irregular mass and strength difference
effects, including loading path, hysteretic energy input characteristics, plastic rotation, drift ratios and
detailed stress distributions, for these types of structures subjected to various seismic loadings. For
this type of building it is necessary to install very large transfer girders in the lower floors. The trans-
fer girder should carry the upper floors’ loadings to the columns at the lower storeys. Under earth-
quake loading, the structural system of these buildings can be damaged due to the irregularity of the
stiffness or mass. In other words, stiffness or vertical mass irregularity can occur in this type of build-
ing. These irregularities can occur unknowingly in any design phase if engineers forget to check the
mass or stiffness irregularities according to the Uniform Building Code (UBC, 1997). This point is
the most critical problem in engineering practice.
* Correspondence to: Byong Jeong Choi, Department of Architecture, Kyonggi University, Suwon, Kyonggido 442-760, Korea
E-mail: bjchoi@kyonggi.ac.kr
Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Received May 2003
Accepted June 2003
124 B. J. CHOI
Therefore, this paper considers the seismic response of steel moment-resisting frames through exam-
ining vertical mass irregularities under various seismic loadings. The seismic response in terms of hys-
teretic energy inputs, plastic rotations and storey drifts using 16-storey steel moment-resisting frames
is presented. The stress distribution at the beam–column connection of the first floor was studied to
take account of the damage patterns under the same seismic loading using finite element analysis.
Finally, the hysteretic energy input at two design levels of earthquake ground motions is considered
A structure is considered to be irregular if it has significant physical discontinuities in its configura-
tion or in its lateral force-resisting system. Many structural codes specify limited values for structural
irregularities. According to UBC (1997) the following irregularities exist:
• Mass irregularity: mass (weight) irregularity is considered to exist where the effective mass of any
storey is more than 150% of the effective mass of an adjacent storey. A roof that is lighter than the
floor below need not be considered.
• Stiffness irregularity: a soft storey is one in which the lateral stiffness is less than 70% of that of
the storey above, or less than 80% of the average stiffness of the next three storeys above.
• Discontinuity in capacity (weak storey): a weak storey is one in which the storey strength is less
than 80% of that of the storey above. The storey strength is the total strength of all seismic-
resisting elements that share the storey shear for the direction under consideration.
The irregularities can occur as setbacks, mass irregularities, stiffness irregularities or weak storeys.
The vertical irregularities in a building may result in a concentration of forces of deflections or in an
undesirable load path in the vertical lateral force-resisting system. In extreme cases, this can result in
serious damage to or collapse of a building, since the lateral system is often integral with the gravity-
load-resisting system (FEMA-274, 1997).
To date, vertical irregularities for tall steel moment-resisting frames have not been fully investi-
gated with regard to hysteretic energy inputs, plastic rotations, drift ratios, and stress demands. These
research points are also easily overlooked in many undeveloped countries.
The hysteretic energy input is a very valuable parameter for investigating the seismic response of
steel moment-resisting frames subjected to various seismic loadings. The displacement ductility itself
does not fully demonstrate the damage pattern of the structure. However, the hysteretic energy input
represents the low cycle fatigue and structural damage. Accordingly, the hysteretic energy input param-
eter was used as one of the main parameters in this essay. Uang and Bertero (1997), Kuwamura and
Galambos (1989) and Akiyama (1985) measured the energy input of structures due to various earth-
quake ground motions. These investigations proved the possibility that the hysteretic energy input
is a good parameter for explaining structural demands and damages. Valmundsson and Nau (1997)
published a paper regarding seismic response of building frames with vertical irregularities. Their
paper mainly focused on the ductility demand ratio using multi-degree-of-freedom (MDOF) systems.
However, the hysteretic energy input characteristics and plastic rotations of the MDOF systems with
vertical irregularities were not fully covered in their research.
Therefore, it is necessary to study the seismic responses of the vertical irregularities using various
parameters. This proposed research was performed to find the hysteretic energy input characteristics,
plastic rotations, drift ratios, and stress distribution pattern of 16-storey steel moment-resisting frames
with vertical mass irregularities. The seismic responses of the above parameters are examined to find
the critical damage patterns of mass irregularities using time history analysis and the finite element
Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Struct. Design Tall Spec. Build. 13, 123–144 (2004)
method. The additional study using the finite element analysis was very beneficial for understanding
the stress demand at the beam–column connection area with vertical mass irregularities.
Eventually, the energy should be balanced to keep the stability of the system:
EI (t ) = EK (t ) + ED (t ) + ES (t ) + Eh (t ) (4)
Equation (4) implies that total energy equals the sum of damping energy (ED), kinetic energy
(EK), strain energy (ES) and hysteretic energy (Eh). The hysteretic energy demand on the lateral
load-resisting elements was further characterized by a factor similar to the displacement ductility
umax Eh
mh = = +1 (5)
uy fy uy
Eh = f y (um - u y ) (6)
The hysteretic energy ductility demand was defined as one plus total hysteretic energy dissipated by
the element during all inelastic cycles divided by twice the energy absorbed at the first yield shown
in Figure 1 (Mahin and Bertero, 1981). Accordingly, in a monotonic loading condition hysteretic
energy demand can be acquired as represented in Equation (6).
On the other hand, energy input can be expressed by total energy input divided by the mass of a
system. Uang and Bertero (1990) measured the absolute energy input using a six-storey braced steel
frame. While the relative energy formulation has been used in the majority of previous investigations,
their study shows that the absolute energy equation is physically more meaningful. They presented a
formula of energy input for the SDOF system as follows:
Eimax 2 2
= 0◊5(1◊0 + 0◊1t D ) ugo (7)
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uy umax
Figure 1. Definition of hysteretic energy ductility demand (Mahin and Bertero, 1981)
Fajfar et al. (1991) proposed the maximum input energy, which is imparted to systems with funda-
mental periods in the vicinity of the predominant period of the ground motion. They proposed an
equation of energy input, which can be written in the following form:
EI vg 2
= 0◊85 Ú ug dt (8)
m ag
According to our studies, the energy equation was completely explained in the form of total energy
input divided by mass. However, it is also meaningful to explain energy by using the total hysteretic
energy input of the represented structural damage. The energy characteristics were plotted in the form
of the total hysteretic energy input divided by the structure mass to plot an energy demand curve for
the future.
4.1 Selection of earthquake level
To examine the characteristics of selected earthquake ground motions, response spectrum analyses
were carried out using the SPCEQ program (Nigam and Jennings, 1968). Two design earthquake levels
(DEQL) scaled to 0·3 g (DEQL I) and 0·6 g (DEQL II) were used in this study. Three earthquake ground
motions were used and scaled to the two design earthquake levels. The characteristics of the ground
motions were as shown in Table 1. The normalized response spectra of earthquake ground motions
are shown in Figure 2.
Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Struct. Design Tall Spec. Build. 13, 123–144 (2004)
Ground Epicentral
No. motion Component distance (km) A/g ugo, cm s-1 tg (s) tD (s) Geology
EQ1 El Centro S00E 14·9 0·3489 33·45 0·55 24·46 Stiff soil
18 May 1940
EQ2 Miyagi EW 160 0·2073 25·27 1·12 24·78 Alluvium
12 June 1978
EQ3 Northridge New–360 30·72 0·5963 56·89 0·68 5·50 Alluvium
17 Jan. 1994
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
period, T, sec.
tively. For the roof, dead and live loads were 350 and 200 kgf/m2, respectively. For middle-level floors,
dead load and live load were 500 and 200 kgf/m2, respectively. For the ground floor, dead load and
live load were 540 and 500 kgf/m2, respectively.
Relative energy was used to define work of an equivalent force (mass multiplied by ground accel-
eration) on the fixed-based system. The rigid body translation on the structure was not considered in
the study.
Damping is another factor affecting hysteretic energy (Zarah and Hall, 1984; Leger and Dussault,
1992). For simplicity, the viscous damping was fixed at 2%. Straining hardening of 2% was assumed
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for the MDOF systems. The hysteretic energy input was investigated to find the hysteretic energy input
pattern of the steel moment-resisting frames with vertical mass irregularities.
 Z (F - P
c yc uc Ag )
≥ 1◊0 (9)
ÂZ F b yb
 Z (F
c yc - Puc Ag )
≥ 1◊0 (10)
Vn db H ( H - db )
where Ag = gross area of a column, Fyb = specified minimum yield strength of a beam, Fyc = specified
minimum yield strength of a column, H = average of the storey heights above and below the joint,
Puc = required axial strength in the column (in compression), Vn = nominal strength of the panel zone,
Zb = plastic section modulus of a beam, Zc = plastic section modulus of column, and db = average
overall depth of beams framing the connection.
The SCWB-C frame does not follow the drift limit by the code of Equation (7). A drift limit of
0·015 h was observed in the DRFT-C frame. The LRFD method and 1997 UBC code were used for
those designs. To obtain a smoothed design strength over the floor, all designs were made in such a
way that the interaction of flexure and axial compression to each beam–column connection ranged
between 0·85 and 0·95, i.e. smaller than 1·0. The plan view of the steel moment-resisting frame is
shown in Figure 3.
After designing the three basic systems, the mass of the basic system is artificially changed to create
mass irregularities without changing the total mass shown in Figure 4. With case 1, the mass at the
ground floor was increased by 50% and the mass at the second floor was decreased by 50% for three
basic designs. Therefore, a vertical mass irregularity of 200% was made in an adjacent storey. A value
of mass (m) by 3·5469 tf s2/cm was used in the design.
The same adjustments were made for cases 2 and 3 to the 8th floor and 15th floor, respectively,
with the three basic systems. However, the total structural mass has not been changed in each case,
to keep the structural integrity. The selected member sizes of the SD, SCWB and DRFT systems are
shown in Table 2.
The overall analysis was performed as follows:
1. The non-linear pushover analysis was carried out for the three basic systems.
2. The non-linear time history analysis was performed to evaluate the seismic response, including
hysteretic energy input, plastic rotation, and drift for the SD system.
3. Next, procedure (2) was performed for cases 1, 2, and 3 of the SD system.
4. Procedures (1), (2), and (3) were repeatedly performed for SCWB and DRFT systems.
5. Finally, finite element analysis was performed for the DRFT system where the 2D plate element
was used.
Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Struct. Design Tall Spec. Build. 13, 123–144 (2004)
8 1.5m
2 0.5m
Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Struct. Design Tall Spec. Build. 13, 123–144 (2004)
Table 2. Beam/column schedules with H-shaped members for control systems (mm)
Figure 5. Pushover analysis of three steel moment-resisting frames for control frames
The difference in stiffness and yield strength ratio of the three systems, SD-C, SCWB-C and DRFT-
C frames, are 1, 1·18 and 1·32, respectively. In other words, the yield strength of the DRFT control
model (DRFT-C) is 1·32 times higher than the SD control frame (SD-C).
As shown in Figures 6–9 the drift ratio was evaluated with three earthquakes. The results are shown
with EQ1 and EQ2 in peak ground accelerations scaled to 0·3 g and 0·6 g. In the case of the SD-C
frame, the drift ratio resulted in high values compared with SCWB-C and DRFT-C frames at upper
floors around the 12th storey through the 16th storey as shown in Figure 6. In the case of EQ1 with
0·6 g, the drift ratio of the SD-C frame reached a higher value, 2·2 times the DRFT-C system, as shown
in Figure 7. As shown in Figure 8 the drift ratios are well distributed for SCWB-C and DRFT-C frames
at EQ2 0·3 g. The drift ratios of the SD-C frame increased with increase in intensity of earthquake
ground motions. The drift ratio of the SD-C model showed about 10% radian under 0·6 g in PGA, as
shown in Figure 9. According to the result of the SD-C frame, the drift ratio increased with increase
of peak ground acceleration (PGA). The primary reason for this high drift ratio at the upper floors
was that the SD frame was designed only by the required strength without checking drift or strong
column–weak beam conditions. In the case of the other two frames, SCWB-C and DRFT-C frames,
the drift ratio increased slightly. However, the overall shape of the drift ratio plot showed twisted lines
for SCWB-C and DRFT-C frames, as shown in Figure 9.
The drift ratios were well distributed over the storeys in the case of the DRFT-C frame. On the other
hand, the SCWB control model (SCWB-C) showed slightly higher drift ratios at the lower levels up
to the 4th floor compared with that of the DRFT-C model in all three earthquakes with 0·3 g in PGA.
Generally the drift ratio of the SCWB-C frame resulted in similar drift ratios to that of the DRFT-C
frame at the seismic loadings up to 0·3 g levels in PGA. If the earthquake ground motion increased
up to 0·6 g in PGA, the drift ratio of the SCWB-C frame increased by 43% and 100% compared with
the DRFT-C frame at the 5th and 10th floors, as shown in Figure 9. However, the drift ratios of DRFT
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132 B. J. CHOI
Storey level
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5
Drift ratio, %
Storey level
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5
Drift ratio, %
Figure 7. Strength and stiffness effect explained by drift ratio at EQ1 0·6 g
Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Struct. Design Tall Spec. Build. 13, 123–144 (2004)
Storey level
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Drift ratio, %
Figure 8. Strength and stiffness increase effects explained by drift ratio at EQ2 0·3 g
Storey level
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Drift ratio, %
Figure 9. Strength and stiffness increase effects explained by drift ratio at EQ2 0·6 g
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134 B. J. CHOI
and SCWB models ranged from 1·0% to 3·5% over all floors for all earthquakes in 0·6 g. The drift
responses of the SCWB-C and DRFT-C frames were similar to each other under the seismic loading
of 0·3 g in PGA. Accordingly, in the drift ratio results under a low seismic loading of as much as
0·3 g, the drift limitation by code did play a role in decreasing the drift ratio for the DRFT-C frame
under the seismic loading of 0·3 g for the steel moment-resisting frames. However, this study shows
that the drift ratio limitation by code is very crucial and beneficial for medium and high seismic areas
having a PGA beyond 0·3 g.
The plastic hinge rotations of the three basic systems are shown in Figure 10 with EQ1 0·6 g.
The SD-C frame showed weak plastic rotation behavior compared with the other two frames under
increased seismic intensity. The high plastic hinge rotation distribution correlated with the higher drift
ratio at the upper floors for the SD-C model. These high drift ratios also explain the results of hys-
teretic energy distribution. The weak strength effect clearly appeared in the results from EQ2 with
0·6 g, as shown in Figure 11. The overall plastic hinge resulted in values smaller than 0·1% radian at
a lower seismic intensity such as 0·3 g for all frames. However, higher plastic rotation occurred in the
SD-C frame.
As long as structures are designed by keeping one of the regulations such as strong column–weak
beam and drift limitation conditions, the drift ratio resulted in small values in this type of high-rise
steel moment-resisting frame. This was well represented by the results of the low plastic hinge rota-
tions for SCWB-C and DRFT-C frames. However, if structures are designed only to satisfy strength
requirements, it is unsafe for SD frames at high seismic intensity areas like the SD-C frame, and drift
ratio can increase greatly in high seismic intensity areas beyond 0·3 g in PGA, regardless of taking
advantage of longer periods. Also, at high seismic intensity, the SCWB-C design can cause high drift
ratios at the lower floors. Thus, it is important to keep strong column–weak beam conditions and drift
limitations in designs at the seismic intensity regions.
Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Struct. Design Tall Spec. Build. 13, 123–144 (2004)
Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Struct. Design Tall Spec. Build. 13, 123–144 (2004)
136 B. J. CHOI
Storey level
6 Case3
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
Drift ratio, %
Figure 12. Drift ratios of SD frames with vertical mass irregularities, EQ2 0·6 g
Storey level
8 Case1
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
Drift ratio, %
Figure 13. Drift ratios of DRFT frames with vertical mass irregularities, EQ2 0·6 g
Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Struct. Design Tall Spec. Build. 13, 123–144 (2004)
Figure 14. Plastic rotations of SD systems with mass irregularities, EQ2 0·6 g
Figure 15. Plastic rotations of DRFT systems with mass irregularities, EQ2 0·6 g
in all cases. Among the three cases, the mass irregularity effect in cases 1 and 3 were more signifi-
cant than in case 2, where the vertical mass irregularity was made artificially. The mass irregularity
effect using the case 2 was minor compared with the other two frames. The mass variation at the first
floor and upper floors can cause a serious drift ratio increment, as shown in cases 1 and 3. The plastic
hinge rotation distributions for the DRFT frame were not significant: about 1·0% radian for high-rise
steel moment-resisting frames. Also, plastic hinges tend to concentrate at areas where mass irregular-
ities are made. If a mass (weight) irregularity exists in any storey mentioned above, a drift ratio
response is critical, rather than plastic hinge rotations for this type of high-rise steel moment-
resisting frames.
If a mass irregularity of more than 200% of an adjacent storey exists, the drift ratio response is
more important than the plastic rotation response. Thus, research reassured that the drift ratio could
reach more than 5% radian under the guideline value of 200% of vertical mass irregularity of UBC
from the studied case 3 model. The general drift ratios for DRFT frames are shown in Table 3.
Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Struct. Design Tall Spec. Build. 13, 123–144 (2004)
Storey 15~16 15~16 15~16 – 1~2 1~2 1~2 1~2 15~16 7~8 7~8 – 7~8 15~16 15~16 –
0·6 g – 2·56 2·77 2·77 2·10 46·54 26·4 23·78 31·79 13·81 19·16 15 12·28 451·49 116·39 36·69 198·84
Storey 14~15 2~3 2~3 – 1~2 1~2 1~2 1~2 3~4 6~7 6~7 – 1~2 15~16 15~16 –
Based on the provided drift response (Table 3), the average drift ratio of the control frames was
1·55% under three earthquakes at 0·3 g. The average drift ratio of the control frames was 2·10% under
three earthquakes at 0·6 g. The results showed that the most severe case of vertical mass irregularity
was caused by the change in mass at the upper floors, as in case 3. The next most severe case caused
by mass variation was at the lower storeys, as in case 1. The drift increase ratio, on average, was 28%
and 199% at 0·3 g and 0·6 g, respectively, in case 3. The drift ratio for case 1 increased up to 23% and
32% at 0·3 g and 0·6 g, respectively, on average. Therefore, it is more dangerous if vertical mass irreg-
ularities occur at the lower or upper floors than if they occur in the centre levels of the structure.
Storey level
8 Case1
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
Hysteretic energy, (cm/sec)2
Figure 16. Hysteretic energy inputs with mass irregularity effects of DRFT frames, EQ2 0·6 g
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Storey level
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
Hysteretic energy, (cm/sec)2
Figure 17. Hysteretic energy input of beams and columns with mass irregularity of DRFT frame, EQ2 0·6 g
hysteretic energy input demand did not vary under the mass irregularity effect. However, we have to
note that hysteretic energy input demand can increase without much variation of total hysteretic energy
input demand at the certain floor where the vertical mass irregularity is created.
Until now the vertical mass irregularity effect has been studied with parameters such as drifts, plastic
Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Struct. Design Tall Spec. Build. 13, 123–144 (2004)
Eh/m, (cm/sec)2
0.3g (DEQL I)
Choi et al. results-2001(0.3g)
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
period, T, sec.
Figure 18. Revised empirical hysteretic energy normalized by mass of steel moment-resisting frames
rotations and input energies. The stress response at the beam–column connection was included in this
essay to explain the stress demand using finite element analysis. To examine the stress demand for
case 1, the DRFT frame, the same conditions of load and vertical mass irregularity were used to sim-
ulate mass irregularity effects. The stress demand of the beam–column connection is shown in Plate
1. The maximum stress near the connection area was about 92 kgf/cm with EQ3 0·6 g. The stress
demand showed that the maximum stress occurred in the top flange of the beam and propagated into
the panel zone. In that case the stress demand at the lower flange of the beam and panel zone was
The simulated stress results showed that the damage mainly occurred at the upper beam flange and
upper panel zone. The energy demand then propagated to the lower flange of the beam–column con-
nection areas.
Finally, an empirical curve of the hysteretic energy input demand is presented in Figure 18. This
curve is well accorded in the results of former researchers (Choi and Shen, 2001). In Figure 18, the
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hysteretic energy input was illuminated by variation of the natural period by adding current results to
those of Choi et al. The empirical equation can be drawn using interpolation from the following results:
Here Eh/m is the normalized hysteretic energy input demand and T is the target period of structures.
The results have two important implications. First, the hysteretic energy of systems decreases with
increasing period. In the same fashion, the hysteretic energy of structures increases with increasing
base shear coefficient (V/W). Secondly, the mean hysteretic energy input of MDOF systems can be
approximated from Figure 18. All of the hysteretic energy input results are tabulated in Tables 4, 5
and 6.
The presented curve represented that hysteretic energy input demand gradually decreased with
increase of the natural period of vibration. The empirical equation was valid only in limited regions.
The hysteretic energy input demand can be estimated with a known T. Therefore, the empirical curve
of the energy input demand is valuable as a design tool that uses an energy approach for steel moment-
resisting frames.
Mass irregularity is an important factor affecting structural responses under seismic loadings. This
paper has presented the seismic responses of structures with vertical mass irregularities using high-
rise steel moment-resisting frames. The drift ratio, plastic rotation, energy distribution and stress in
element level were investigated. Based on the research, the following conclusions can be drawn.
The more a structure is strengthened and stiffened, the less the drift ratio will occur. As far as struc-
tures are designed by keeping one of the regulations such as strong column–weak beam and drift
limitation in high-rise steel moment-resisting frames, the plastic hinge and drift ratios are of small
value in seismic intensities up to 0·3 g in PGA. However, with structures that are designed with both
strength and strong column–weak beam requirements, (SD and SCWB frames in the study), high drift
ratios with increased seismic intensity such as 0·6 g in PGA occur. Accordingly, the observed drift
ratio of UBC-97 or similar code in design is much more meaningful in high seismic regions.
From investigations of the vertical mass irregularities, the average drift ratio of the control frames
was 1·55% and 2·10% under three earthquakes at 0·3 g and 0·6 g, respectively. The results showed that
the most severe cause of vertical mass irregularity was to change the mass at the upper floors as in
case 3. The next severe case was then to change mass at the lower storeys as in case 1. The drift
increase ratio on average was 28% and 199% at 0·3 g and 0·6 g, respectively in case 3. The drift ratio
for case 1 increased up to 23% and 32% at 0·3 g and 0·6 g, respectively, on average. Therefore, it is
dangerous if vertical mass irregularities occur at the lower or upper floors rather than at the centre of
the structure. The plastic hinge rotations and energy distribution well supported the statements.
The hysteretic energy input demands were increased at a higher rate than that of the drift ratios. For
instance, a hysteretic energy of 80% was increased by the vertical mass irregularity of the first floor,
as in case 1. The hysteretic energy input demands were increased by 51% and 46% at the middle and
roof floors where the vertical mass irregularities were made. As far as the structure is designed in com-
pliance with the strong column–weak beam condition, a larger hysteretic energy demand occurred in
the beams than in the columns, except with the first floors. Thus, careful attention is needed to avoid
a weak storey mechanism in a structure. Based on this study’s results, the hysteretic energy input
demand curve was acquired in a relationship between hysteretic energy input and natural period at
0·3 g and 0·6 g in peak ground accelerations. This proposed curve was acquired empirically by com-
Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Struct. Design Tall Spec. Build. 13, 123–144 (2004)
piling various multi-degree-of-freedom systems. Thus, an empirical curve of the hysteretic energy
input demands could be used for the energy designs and applications.
Even though the hysteretic energy study has been carried, there still exist many unknowns. In the
figures with vertical mass, the vertical mass irregularity needs to be compared in various structural
systems such as braced frames and shear wall frames. Future studies may include other structural
systems and more seismic records to provide more appropriate information concerning the hysteretic
energy input of the regular and irregular structures.
Ag = Gross area of a column, cm
Fyb = Specified minimum yield strength of a beam, kgf/cm2
Fyc = Specified minimum yield strength of a column, kgf/cm2
H = Average of the story heights above and below the joint, cm
Puc = Required axial strength in the column (in compression) ≥ 0
Vn = Nominal strength of the panel zone
Zb = Plastic section modulus of a beam, cm3
Zc = Plastic section modulus of column, cm3
db = Average overall depth of beams framing into the connection, cm
The author wishes to acknowledge grant support from the Research Department of Kyonggi Univer-
sity (2001) for the work presented here.
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Plate 1. Stress demand at 1st floor of DRFT frame for case 1, EQ6 1·6 g