Numerical Analysis of The Axial-Flexural Behavior
Numerical Analysis of The Axial-Flexural Behavior
Numerical Analysis of The Axial-Flexural Behavior
Xiao Hu , Albert Albareda , Xiangbo Bu , Francesc López-Almansa
doi: 10.20944/preprints202308.1198.v1
Keywords: Seismic behavior; Mid-rise framed buildings; Composite building columns; Concrete-filled steel
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Numerical Analysis of the Axial-Flexural Behavior of
CFST Columns with Active Transverse Prestressing
Xiao Hu 1, Albert Albareda 2, Xiangbo Bu 3 and Francesc López-Almansa 4,*
1 State Key Laboratory of Geohazard Prevention and Geoenvironment Protection (Chengdu University of
Technology), Chengdu;
2 Associate Professor, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - BarcelonaTech (UPC), Department of
Architectural Technology.
* Correspondence:
Abstract: This paper presents a numerical study on the vertical (axial) and lateral (flexure) behavior of CFST
(Concrete-Filled Steel Tube) columns with active hoop prestress; this transverse prestressing effect is achieved
by bolting together two steel half-tubes. This study refers to new construction only (i.e., no retrofit). 12
prototype CFST column specimens (segments) are analyzed. These specimens differ in the prestressing force
(3 levels) and in the gravity loading ratio (4 levels); they are selected to represent typical ground columns of
mid-rise buildings. The structural behavior of these column specimens is simulated with a nonlinear model
implemented in Abaqus; the concrete and steel behavior are described with a damage-plasticity and a plasticity
model, respectively. Finally, the interface concrete-steel interaction is represented by a hard (compression-only)
surface-to-surface contact model. The calculations involve three consecutive loading steps: (i) transverse
prestress, (ii) axial force, and (iii) lateral loading (shear force and bending moment). The structural behavior of
the CFST columns is deeply examined and discussed; the results show that their axial-flexural capacity is
adequate. Noticeably, it is concluded that the overall benefits of prestressing the columns are only modest.
Preliminary studies on the aforementioned mid-rise buildings equipped with the CFST columns show that
their gravity and wind capacities are largely enough; conversely, their seismic capacity is sufficient for
moderate seismic ground motions only.
Keywords: seismic behavior; mid-rise framed buildings; composite building columns; concrete-filled steel
tubes; confinement effect; active hoop prestress
1. Introduction
CFST (Concrete-Filled Steel Tube) is a composite construction technology increasingly used for
columns and beam-columns of buildings and other constructions. CFST is basically an external steel
tube filled with either plain or reinforced concrete. Nowadays, it is widely accepted that this solution
has several relevant structural and non-structural advantages; the latter refers mainly to the fire
behavior [1,2]). The structural gains have been verified both with testing [3–7] and numerical
simulation [8–11]. Regarding structural issues, the main benefit of CFST is the confinement effect of
the concrete by the steel tube; therefore, additional active hoop prestressing might provide even
higher confinement. In this sense, the paper [12] numerically analyzes the performance of axially-
compressed circular concrete-filled steel tubes having external hoop and longitudinal prestressing;
results show that properly selected prestressing forces can provide a relevant enhancement in
compressive capacity, both in terms of strength and ductility. The work [12] deals only with single
short columns under centered compression; nonetheless, most actual columns also undergo relevant
bending. Therefore, this paper takes a step forward, considering the joint axial and bending coupled
behavior of groups of CFSTs with active hoop prestressing; the study conducted focuses only on new
construction. The authors have some experience in similar fields, as one of them has carried out
research on column steel jacketing for seismic retrofit of RC frame columns [13–15].
This paper numerically analyzes the structural behavior of half parts (segments) of 12 prototype
building CFST columns that have active hoop prestressing and undergo axial and lateral forces.
Those specimens differ in the prestressing force and gravity load ratio; are selected to represent
typical ground columns of midrise buildings. The loading process is represented by three consecutive
steps: transverse prestress, axial compression, and shear (lateral) force; obviously, this sequence is
intended to roughly reproduce the situation in real buildings. From these results, tentative sectional
interaction charts are derived. Finally, the vertical and lateral behavior of arrays of building columns
(representing stories of building frames) is investigated to obtain relevant conclusions for the overall
structural performance of the building.
This research is a part of a wider research effort aimed at promoting active hoop prestressing in
CFST columns [12–15], mainly for buildings undergoing wind and seismic effects. Upcoming
research activity will involve retrofit strategies, experimental testing, numerical parametric studies,
and implementation in actual full-scale buildings [16].
The column segments are considered to be clamped at their lower end (i.e., all their
displacements and rotations are restrained), and free at the upper one; however, in that section, the
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Navier-Bernouilli condition (cross sections remain planar and orthogonal to the column axis) should
hold. These boundary conditions are well suited for first-story columns, provided they are connected
to a rigid foundation. For story columns, the situation is only slightly different, as the bending
flexibility of the lower column and framed beams may allow some rotation in the segment lower
section; hence, is higher (equation (1) still applies). Therefore, although this study refers mainly to
first-story columns, their conclusions can be broadly extended to story columns.
Figure 1.a and Figure 1.c present a plan view and an elevation of the column, respectively; they
show that the column consists of a two-halved steel coating and a confined plain concrete
(unreinforced) core. Each steel half has a curved central part and two external short vertical flat
flanges, intended to hold the prestressing bolts (transversally). Therefore, the concrete core is
transversally prestressed through the steel coating; the concrete-steel interaction stress (p0) is
assumed to be uniformly distributed along the core perimeter, as displayed by Figure 1.d. Noticeably,
simple equilibrium equations of proper steel coating parts (subsection 4.6) can relate the tensile hoop
stress in the steel tube (and the forces in the bolts) to p0.
The core diameter is D = 500 mm, the steel coating thickness is t = 8 mm, the steel yield point is
fy = 355 MPa, the characteristic value of the concrete compressive strength is fck = 30 MPa (C30), and
the column segment height is L = 1.5 m. These values have been selected to correspond to the lower
stories of most of midrise buildings (broadly speaking, between 12 and 25 floors). Apart from these
common values, the analyzed cases (specimens) are distinguished by the active hoop prestress (p0)
and the initial axial compression (N). The demanding axial force and bending moment are
normalized with respect to their resistance values:
= = (2)
In equation(2), NR is the resisting axial force, MR is the pure moment strength (i.e., without any
shear force) corresponding to zero axial force, and and are the normalized values of N and M,
respectively. In this paper, 0 refers to the initial value of (i.e., for V = 0, see section 3).
NR is obtained, according to the Chinese regulation [17,18], as:
NR = Ac fck (1 + ) (if 1 / ( 1)2) NR = Ac fck [1 + + ()½] (if > 1 / ( 1)2) (3)
In equation (3), Ac is the concrete core area, is a dimensionless parameter that accounts for the
positive confinement effect of concrete and depends on its strength [17,18] (for C30 concrete, = 2),
and is the ratio between steel and concrete individual strengths:
𝐴 𝑓
= (4)
𝐴 𝑓
In equation (4), As is the steel tube area and fy is the steel yield point. In the specimens analyzed
× ×
in this paper, = = 0.7576; therefore, 1 / ( 1)2 and, thus, the first relation in
equation (3) applies:
NR = Ac fck (1 + ) = 2502 30 (1 + 2 0.7576) = 14816 kN (5)
Analogously to , the normalized moment is denoted by and is defined as the ratio between
the demanding (M) and resisting (MR) moments (equation (2)); the corresponding strength is also
determined according to the Chinese regulation [17,18] as:
MR = 0.2 NR D = 0.2 14816 500 = 1482 kNm (6)
As previously announced, different values of p0 and 0 are considered for the analyzed
specimens; the values adopted are discussed below. As for p0, three levels are taken: 0 (no hoop
prestress), 2 MPa (moderate prestress), and 5 MPa (intense prestress). About 0, 4 loading intensities
are taken: 0.3 (slightly loaded column), 0.5 (intensely loaded column), 0.7 (extremely loaded column),
and 0.9 (overloaded column). Table 1 displays such values of the geometric and mechanical
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Table 1. Geometric and mechanical properties of the analyzed column segments (specimens).
Figure 2. Relation between the lateral force (Fb) on the axial forces (N) of the building columns.
Figure 2 shows that the horizontal force Fb (base shear) is the sum (resultant) of all forces pushing
on a given frame; it is located at a height d above ground level. Fb mainly generates two opposite axial
forces N in the external columns of the frame, while the effect on the axial forces in the inner columns
can be ignored. Fb and N are related by the following equilibrium condition:
Fb d = N B (7)
In equation (7), B is the horizontal separation between both extreme columns. Equation (7) shows
that the ratio between Fb and N is rather constant, depending mainly on the geometric characteristics
of the building. Regarding the particular case depicted in Figure 2, it can be reasonably assumed that
the external shear force Fb is distributed uniformly between all the columns of the frame: V = Fb / 5 (V
is the column shear force due to the lateral effect). For the mid-rise buildings on which this study
focusses, d 2 B; therefore, in this paper it is assumed that N and V are related by:
N = 10 V (8)
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In equation (8), the positive and negative signs correspond to the right and left columns,
respectively (Figure 2). It should be kept in mind that equation (8) refers merely to a feasible and
representative case.
These considerations show that, in the last loading step, the situation of the internal and external
columns is different: in the internal ones only the lateral forces increase, while in the external ones
both axial and lateral forces vary. Therefore, two sets of loading steps are considered in this paper:
Internal columns. Step 1 corresponds to p0, and steps 2 and 3 to N and V, respectively.
External columns. Steps 1 and 2 are the same than in the internal columns; regarding the last
loading step, it is known as 3´, and involves variation of both N and V (these variations are
represented by N and V, respectively).
For further clarity, Figure 3 graphically describes such loading paths for the internal and external
Figure 3. Loading steps for internal columns (steps 1, 2 and 3) and external columns (steps 1, 2 and
3´) (Figure 2).
Figure 3 shows that loading step 1 (purple) has three possible horizontal (coaxial) branches: no
load (i.e. without prestress), or reaching the p0 = 2 MPa or p0 = 5 MPa points. Then, loading step 2
consists in three parallel horizontal branches (red) starting from these points, respectively; they reach
the points corresponding to 0 = 0.3, 0.5, 0.7 or 0.9 and continue until failure. Finally, loading steps 3
and 3´ develop into 12 vertical (blue, step 3) and inclined (grey, step 3´) parallel branches that are
maintained until failure. Noticeably, unlike step 3, both branches of step 3´ (upward and downward)
are not symmetric; the upward one (termed next as 3´+, + sign in equation (8)) corresponds to the right
external column in Figure 2, while the downward branch (termed next as 3´, sign in equation (8))
refers to the left column in that Figure. The loading steps depicted in Figure 3 aim to reproduce the
situation of actual new buildings (or even in other constructions): step 1 corresponds to the initial
prestressing (before most of the gravity loads are applied), step 2 represents the effect of gravity loads,
and steps 3 and 3´ roughly reproduce the effect of lateral forces. Regarding this last effect, such forces
can be extremely important (mainly in high seismicity regions); hence, steps 3 and 3´ are prolonged
until collapse. It should be noted that steps 3 and 3´ for 0 = 0.7 and 0.9 are only included for
comparison purposes, as highly loaded columns are not expected in seismic areas; for this reason,
these branches are indicated with dashed lines in Figure 3.
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Figure 4.a shows that the bolts and flanges (Figure 1.a and Figure 1.c) are not modelled, just the
tube itself. Figure 4.a also shows that, to avoid hour-glassing effect, the tube thickness is discretized
into three layers of elements (being 2.67 mm thick each, then), and Figure 4.d shows that two layers
of elements are utilized in the plate thickness (15 mm thick each).
c 0 = 𝐴 −𝐵 (9)
0.92 = (1 − 𝑞) + 𝑞
c > 0 1 (10)
< 0.92
−1 +
In equations (9) and (10), c and c are the compressive concrete stress and strain, respectively.
In the first growing segment (c 0), 0 is the peak stress, and 0 is the corresponding strain; A and B
are dimensionless coefficients, given by A = 2 K and B = 1 K, where K = 0.1 0.745, being the ratio
between the steel and concrete capacities (equation (4)). In equation (9), the peak stress is =
𝑓 1.194 + −0.07485 + 0.5789 .Then, the corresponding strain is = + 1400 +
800 (stress in MPa and strain in ), where c0 is the peak strain of plain concrete ( = 0);
it is obtained with c0 = 1300 + 14.93 fck. The initial slope (tangent modulus of deformation) follows
from E0 = 0 A / 0; hence, A is the ratio between the tangent and secant moduli of deformation.
Equations (10) correspond to the second segment (c > 0). In the top equation ( 0.92, rather
high confinement), q is an interpolation coefficient 𝑞 = . Then, in the bottom equation ( <
. .
0.92, rather moderate confinement), = (2.36 × 10 ) . ( . ) 5 (𝑓 ) 10 . The top equation (10)
grows continuously, but the bottom one decreases to zero, albeit slowly; this distinction is apparently
aimed to reproduce the higher ductility when the confinement is more intense. In this study, =
0.7576 (section 2); therefore the top equation (10) must be considered.
Equation (11) describes the tensile stress-strain law:
= 1.2
1 (t >
(t 0t) = (11)
. 0t)
− 0.2 α −1 +
In equation (11), 0t is the tensile peak stress; it corresponds to strain 0t. These parameters are
given by σ = 0.26 × (1.25 𝑓 ) ⁄ (in MPa) and ε = 65 σ . (in ). Finally, t is a dimensionless
coefficient, being obtained as α = 0.312 σ .
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In this study, the following major values are determined: 0 = 43.95 MPa, 0t = 2.91 MPa, 0 =
0.003451, and 0 A / 0 = 43.95 1.919 / 0.003451 = 24435 MPa. By using these data, Figure 5 displays
the concrete compressive (Figure 5.a) and tensile (Figure 5.b) curves. Figure 5 shows that the
compressive behavior is highly ductile (due to the confining effect of the steel tube), while the tensile
one is quite fragile.
Concrete 3-D behavior modelling is discussed in this paragraph. Regarding initial behavior, the
concrete Poisson ratio is c = 0.18. Going into plastic behavior, the yield surface is described by
parameters Kc and σb0 / σ0; Kc is the ratio between the biaxial and triaxial isobaric compressive
strengths, and σb0 / σ0 is the ratio between the equi-biaxial to the uniaxial compressive maximum
stress. In this paper, Kc = 2 / 3 [24] and σb0 / σ0 = 1.16 [25]. After yielding, the flow rule is characterized
by the dilation angle () and the eccentricity; the dilation angle is = 20º [26], and the eccentricity is
set to 0.1 [25]. This rather unusually small dilation angle aims to compensate the fact that the
confinement effect (in terms of ductility) is already taken into consideration by the highly ductile
uniaxial concrete compressive constitutive law (equation (8) and Figure 5.a). Finally, the viscosity
coefficient is used to adjust the constitutive law to improve the convergence efficiency in the softening
stage; the assumed value is close to 0 [25].
bt is the ratio between the plastic tensile strain and the cracking strains: 𝑏 = . In this study, it is
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assumed that bc = 0.7 and bt = 0.82 [11,29]. Figure 6 displays the plots of damage variable (compressive
and tensile) vs. strain.
1 1
0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0 0
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008
(a) Compressive damage variable (dc) (b) Tensile damage variable (dt)
σ σ = −A ε + 𝐵 ε =𝑓 1 σ
σ =𝑓
=𝐸 ε +C = 1.6 𝑓
ε −ε (14)
+ 0.6
ε −ε
e1 < s
s e e < s e1 e2 < s e3 s > e3
In equation (14)(14), the boundary strains are defined as e = 0.8 fy / Es (80% of the corner yield
strain), e1 = 1.5 e, e2 = 10 e1, and e3 = 100 e1. In the second (parabolic) segment, A, B and C are
coefficients given by A = 0.2 fy / (e1 e)2, B = 2 A e1, and C = 0.8 fy + A (e)2 – B e.
In this study, fy = 355 MPa (Table 1) and Es = 210 GPa; then e = 0.00135, e1 = 0.00203, e2 = 0.02029,
and e3 = 0.20286. From these parameters, Figure 7 displays the 5-segment curve described by
equation (14).
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Regarding the 3-D elastic behavior, the steel Poisson ratio is s = 0.29. On the 3-D plastic behavior
yield, the Von Mises yield criterion is employed, and the post-yield behavior is described with an
isotropic strain hardening model.
Figure 8 shows that the vertical normal stresses are fairly uniformly distributed along the section
(both in the concrete and steel parts); this confirms the proper reproduction of the Navier-Bernouilli
hypothesis (planar sections remain planar). Regarding the longitudinal (vertical) distributions of the
cz and sz stresses, they are also rather uniform, except for some local effects near the two dummy
upper and lower end plates (Figure 4).
Before analyzing the results in Figure 9 in depth, the initial slope of the -w plots in Figure 9.a is
compared with manual calculations. Such calculations are performed according to the combination
theory described in [32], and provide a vertical axial stiffness of 5994 kN/mm; this result is
satisfactory, since it conforms to that of Figure 9.a (6033 kN/mm). Likewise, Figure 9.a shows that, as
expected, the force capacity for the non-prestressed case (p0 = 0) corresponds approximately to = 1.
These coincidences point out the reliability of the performed simulations; then, the remarks provided
by Figure 9 are discussed in the following paragraphs. In this sense, the results are regular,
predictable and compatible.
This paragraph presents, based in Figure 9, general remarks on the column segment structural
behavior in step 2. Figure 9.a shows that the hoop prestress (p0) provides a positive effect, since the
higher p0 is, the longer the initial near-linear branch is; moreover, the maximum force capacity is
greater for higher p0. However, this effect is only moderate, since the force for w = 8 mm is
approximately 7.5% larger for p0 = 5 MPa than for p0 = 0. Analogously, Figure 9.b provides similar
positive remarks, as in the non-prestressed case (p0 = 0) the steel tube confines the concrete core for
approximately 0.4 (when most needed); in the prestressed cases (p0 = 2 and 5 MPa) the prestressing
is maintained continuously (except in the final collapse, for > 1), although it is significantly and
progressively reduced as collapse approaches (mainly for p0 = 5 MPa). In other words, such a
significant decrease in concrete transverse compressive stress (p) apparently precludes further
increases in axial force capacity. This circumstance endorses the modelling of the prestressing effect
as a “horizontal” (i.e., like a set of independent hoops) temperature reduction of the steel jacketing
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(subsection Error! Reference source not found.), because its representation by a constant external
pressure would lead to relevant errors on the unsafe side.
Beyond the overall comments in the previous paragraph, deeper interpretations are provided
below. To do this, the initial behavior (linear elastic) is analyzed; given that in loading step 2 the
principal stresses directions inside the concrete core coincide with the axes in Figure 1 (more
precisely, all the horizontal axes are principal), the initial values of the radial strains in concrete
(throughout the core) and steel (in the inner surface of the tube) are given by:
σ −𝑝 σ −𝑝 σ −σ
ε =ε = − −
= [(𝑝 − 𝑝 ) (1 − ) − (σ − σ ) ]
𝐷 (15)
σ −2𝑡 𝑝 σ −𝑝 σ +σ
ε =− − −
−1 𝐷
= (𝑝 − 𝑝 ) + + (σ + σ )
𝐸 2𝑡
In equations (15), subindexes r and t refer to radial and tangential directions, respectively;
subindex 0 in cz0 and sz0 corresponds to their initial values (Figure 8). Also in equations (15), cr and
sr represent the strain variation (shortening is positive) with respect to the initial situation (i.e., when
p = p0), and cr, ct and cz are the actual concrete stresses (compression is positive). The top equation
(15) (for concrete), has been derived by taking into consideration that, inside the core, cr = ct = p; in
the bottom equation (15) (for steel), sr = p (compression) and st = p (D / 2 t) (tension). Notice that,
since equations (15) are linear, they require that p can take positive (compression) and negative
(tension) values; Figure 9.b shows that this holds except for p0 = 0 and < 0.4.
Although equations (15) are derived for linear elastic behavior, the same relations still hold for
higher values of the normalized axial load (however then Ec, Es, c and s should be replaced with the
corresponding nonlinear secant values). Therefore, equations (15) can be utilized to analyze, in an
approximated and unquantified way (that is, conceptually), the initial trends displayed in Figure 9.
To perform this operation, it is highlighted that, except when concrete and steel are separated (this
only occurs in the initial segment of the non-prestressed case, Figure 9.b) their tangential strains are
equal (ct = st); this relation provides the following expression for p:
(σ + σ ) − (σ − σ )
𝑝=𝑝 − (16)
+ 2 𝑡 + 𝐸 (1 − )
Equation (16) is utilized next in the interpretation of the plots in Figure 9. That Figure shows that
all the plots can be divided into three segments (branches): initial (linear), intermediate (moderately
nonlinear), and final (more intensely nonlinear). Those segments are separated by symbols ▼ and ▲,
respectively; since they correspond to the same values of in Figure 9.a, Figure 9.b, Figure 9.c and
Figure 9.d, it is presumable that these three segments can receive common interpretations.
Accordingly, next three paragraphs provide explanations for these three segments, respectively.
Initial segments. The initial segments exhibit different characteristics in the non-prestressed
and prestressed cases. In the non-prestressed case (p0 = 0), initially (that is, for small values of ),
the steel tube separates from the concrete core (i.e., ct < st), and p remains being zero (Figure
9.b) because it cannot be negative (subsection 4.5); then, slightly before reaches 0.4, concrete
and steel resume contact (ct = st) and p begins to take positive values. In the prestressed cases
(p0 = 2 and 5 MPa), the situation is different, as the initial value of the interaction contact stress
(p) is nonzero and, thus, can decrease from the very beginning without taking negative values.
These circumstances can be explained (both for the non-prestressed and prestressed cases)
because the initial steel Poisson ratio is higher than that of concrete and, thus, the numerator in
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equation (16) is positive. For the later segments (intermediate and final) equation (16) becomes
less applicable, as the behavior is nonlinear.
Intermediate segments. Figure 9 shows three different tendencies in these segments: the linear
behavior terminates (indicated by the points ▼), p increases (Figure 9.b), and the vertical axial
stress is progressively transferred from concrete to steel (Figure 9.c and Figure 9.d). The first and
last trends can be explained by the onset of a relevant concrete nonlinear behavior (Figure 5.a),
and the growth of p is due to an increase of the concrete Poisson ratio. Regarding this last issue,
concrete crushing generates significant volume expansion, resulting in an unusually high
apparent Poisson ratio c (greatly exceeding 0.5).
Final segments. In Figure 9, the end of the intermediate segments (indicated by the points ▲)
correspond to high values of (close to 0.8), where the steel stiffness decreases drastically
(Figure 7) and, hence, most of the load is taken by the concrete (Figure 9.c and Figure 9.d).
Unsurprisingly, this steel yielding causes higher axial flexibility (Figure 9.a) and less
confinement (Figure 9.b).
V (kN)
V (kN)
p0 = 0
p0 = 0 200 p0 = 2 MPa
200 p0 = 2 MPa p0 = 5 MPa
p0 = 5 MPa 0
0 0 20 40 60 80 100
0 20 40 60 80 100 Δ (mm)
Δ (mm)
(a) Initial normalized axial force 0 = 0.3 (b) Initial normalized axial force 0 = 0.5
600 300
V (kN)
V (kN)
200 p0 = 0 100 p0 = 0
p0 = 2 MPa p0 = 2 MPa
p0 = 5 MPa p0 = 5 MPa
0 0
0 20 40 60 0 5 10 15
Δ (mm) Δ (mm)
(c) Initial normalized axial force 0 = 0.7 (d) Initial normalized axial force 0 = 0.9
Figure 10. Loading step 3. V- curves for central columns in Figure 2. Analysis without considering
the concrete damage model (subsection 4.3).
Figure 11 reveals similar trends to Figure 10; regarding the influence of the prestress, the increase
percentages for p0 = 5 MPa with respect to p0 = 0 are approximately 5.8% (0 = 0.3), 11.4% (0 = 0.5),
34.2% (0 = 0.7) and 335% (0 = 0.9). About this tendency, the same explanation than in Figure 10
(based on Figure 9.a) still holds. On the other hand, comparison between Figures 10 and 11 shows
that, unsurprisingly, the consideration of the concrete damage model (subsection 4.3) has a significant
impact. More precisely, in Figure 11 there is a reduction in the maximum capacity of lateral force;
also unsurprisingly, this reduction is higher for larger values of 0 (as the damage is higher). Finally,
Figure 11.d shows that in the most axially loaded specimen (0 = 0.9), the initial stiffness of the non-
prestressed case is smaller than those of the prestressed ones. This indicates that the lack of active
prestressing corresponds to the initial nonlinear behavior (i.e., for V = 0) of the analyzed structural
element; the absence of this effect in Figure 10.d shows that it only occurs when the concrete damage
model is taken into consideration.
For greater clarity, Figure 12 displays plots of compressive and tensile vertical stresses for
concrete (cz and tz, respectively) and steel (sz) at the extreme left and right fibers (points) of the
bottom section of the analyzed column segment; those points are represented in Figure 12 as and
, respectively. These magnitudes are plotted in Figure 12 against the lateral demanding force (V).
Figure 12.a through Figure 12.d correspond to 0 = 0.3, 0.5, 0.7 and 0.9, respectively. Figure 12.a and
Figure 12.b correspond to 0 = 0.3, and Figure 12.c and Figure 12.d to 0 = 0.9. In all these Figures, the
negative sign corresponds to compression.
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1000 1000
800 800
600 600
V (kN)
V (kN)
400 400
p0 = 0 p0 = 0
200 p0 = 2 MPa 200 p0 = 2 MPa
p0 = 5 MPa p0 = 5 MPa
0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
Δ (mm) Δ (mm)
(a) Initial normalized axial force 0 = 0.3 (b) Initial normalized axial force 0 = 0.5
600 200
p0 = 0
V (kN)
p0 = 2 MPa
V (kN)
400 p0 = 5 MPa
200 p0 = 0
p0 = 2 MPa 50
p0 = 5 MPa
0 0
0 20 40 60 0 5 10 15
Δ (mm) Δ (mm)
(c) Initial normalized axial force 0 = 0.7 (d) Initial normalized axial force 0 = 0.9
Figure 11. Loading step 3. V- curves for central columns in Figure 2. Analysis by considering the
concrete damage model (subsection 4.3).
(a) cz (compression, negative) and tz (tension, (b) sz (compression, negative) for initial
positive) for initial normalized axial force 0 = 0.3 normalized axial force 0 = 0.3
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250 250
200 200
V (kN)
150 p0 = 0 (left)
V (kN)
p0 = 0 (left) p0 = 0 (right)
100 p0 = 0 (right) 100 p0 = 2 MPa (left)
p0 = 2 MPa (left)
p0 = 2 MPa (right)
50 p0 = 2 MPa (right) 50 p0 = 5 MPa (left)
p0 = 5 MPa (left)
p0 = 5 MPa (right)
0 p0 = 5 MPa (right) 0
-100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 -400 -300 -200 -100 0
σcz (MPa) σsz (MPa)
(c) cz (compression, negative) for initial (d) sz (compression, negative) for initial
normalized axial force 0 = 0.9 normalized axial force 0 = 0.9
Figure 12. Loading step 3. Shear force (V) vs. concrete (cz) and steel (sz) maximum compressive and
tensile vertical stress in the column segment bottom section.
Figure 12 presents regular and predictable results; in this sense, the plots of Figure 12 are a
continuation of those of step 2 (Figure 9). More specific considerations are discussed next.
Vertical stress of concrete and steel for 0 = 0.3. The behavior described by Figure 12.a and
Figure 12.b agrees with Figure 11.a. More specifically, Figure 12.a and Figure 12.b show that the
initial behavior is linear, and then, for approximately V = 300 kN, the tensile concrete stress (tz)
reaches its maximum capacity; this stress is progressively taken by steel, thus generating an
increase of the concrete compressive stress is also generated. Figure 12.a shows that the concrete
compressive stress reaches extraordinarily high values, clearly above 0 (Figure 5); this
circumstance highlights the importance of the steel confinement, being this effect rather
independent of the hoop prestress. In Figure 12.b, points marked with correspond to the steel
Vertical stress of concrete and steel for 0 = 0.9. Figure 12.c and Figure 12.d provide rather
similar remarks than Figure 12.a and Figure 12.b (for 0 = 0.3); perhaps the main differences lie
in the fact that concrete is always under compression, and the steel branches for points and
are asymmetric due to early steel yielding at point .
Figure 13. Loading step 3´+. V- curves for the right columns in Figure 2 (positive sign in equation
Figure 13 shows a regular and anticipated behavior; comparison with Figure 11 shows that the
aforementioned increase of the axial force has led to a significant decrease of the shear force capacity.
Unsurprisingly, the higher the initial force (0), the more intense the reduction. Figure 13.d indicates
that the initial nonlinear behavior shown by Figure 11.d extends also to the case p0 = 2 MPa.
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V (kN)
V (kN)
200 p0 = 0
200 p0 = 0 p0 = 2 MPa
p0 = 2 MPa p0 = 5 MPa
p0 = 5 MPa
0 0 20 40 60 80 100
0 20 40 60 80 100 Δ (mm)
Δ (mm)
(a) Initial normalized axial force 0 = 0.3 (b) Initial normalized axial force 0 = 0.5
1000 1000
800 800
600 600
V (kN)
V (kN)
400 400
p0 = 0 p0 = 0
200 p0 = 2 MPa 200 p0 = 2 MPa
p0 = 5 MPa p0 = 5 MPa
0 0
0 20 40 60 0 5 10 15
Δ (mm) Δ (mm)
(c) Initial normalized axial force 0 = 0.7 (d) Initial normalized axial force 0 = 0.9
Figure 14. Loading step 3´. V- curves for the left columns in Figure 2 (negative sign in equation
To better understand the results displayed in Figure 14, the final approximate values (i.e., for
the maximum imposed displacement) approximate values of the axial force in the left columns are
presented next (equation (8)): N = 1295 kN (Figure 14.a), N = +727 kN (Figure 14.b), N = +2607 kN
(Figure 14.c), and N = +4327 kN (Figure 14.d); negative values indicate tension. In general terms, the
results in Figure 14 are consistent and likely. Comparison with Figure 13 indicates an important
increase in shear capacity, mainly for highly loaded columns (except, perhaps, for 0 = 0.9); in this
sense, unlike Figure 11 and Figure 13, the shear capacity is higher for the specimen with the greatest
initial compression (Figure 14.d). On the other hand, the influence of the active hoop prestress has
almost disappeared (with the exception of 0 = 0.9); this circumstance can be explained by the
predominance of forces near zero or tensile. Finally, the ductility is significantly higher than in any
other comparable situation (Figure 11 and Figure 13); seemingly, it is due to the virtual absence of
second-order effects (or even positive effect for tensile forces). Regarding this trend, it should be kept
in mind that plots in Figure 14.c and Figure 14.d are deliberately interrupted for consistency with the
corresponding plots in Figures 11 and 13.
with symbols , , and , respectively. Figure 9.a (loading step 2, Figure 3) corresponds to = 0
(no bending); the ordinate is the ultimate value of (for w = 8 mm). In Figure 11 (loading step 3,
Figure 3), obviously, the ordinate values are = 0.3, 0.5, 0.7 and 0.9; the abscissae are obtained from
the second-order equilibrium equation (1) using the maximum (ultimate) value of in the
corresponding V- plots in Figure 11. In Figure 13 and Figure 14 (loading steps 3’+ and , respectively),
the values of are determined by integration of the normal vertical stresses of concrete and steel
along the column section; the abscissae are obtained similarly as in Figure 11. Notice that second-
order effects cause that the maximum values of shear force V do not always coincide with the maxima
of moment M.
Figure 15. Sectional interaction diagrams - (normalized axial force vs. bending moment).
Figure 15 shows that, as expected, the influence of p0 is higher for large values of (and small
values of , then) than in the opposite situation ( 0); more precisely, in that case, the influence of
p0 is practically negligible. Figure 15 also shows that the section capacity is not highly sensitive to the
loading path, as the chart points arising from load steps 3 and 3’ (for the same value of p0) are either
close to each other or belong to one of the rather smooth - interaction diagrams plotted in Figure
15. On the other hand, in the diagram for p0 = 0, unsurprisingly, = 0 corresponds to 1; however,
when = 0, then 0.7. This last apparent inconsistency can be explained by the influence of the
shear force in the moment strength, since refers to the pure moment strength MR (equation (2)).
(Figure 9.a); in other words, the remarks exposed from that Figure (mainly in terms of axial force
capacity) can be applied almost directly to the building overall behavior under gravity loads. Given
these considerations, the obvious final conclusion is that a proper design of the CFST columns can
lead to a satisfactory vertical load capacity of the building story.
4000 4000
3000 3000
V (kN)
V (kN)
2000 2000
p0 = 0 p0 = 0
1000 p0 = 2 MPa 1000
p0 = 2 MPa
p0 = 5 MPa p0 = 5 MPa
0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
(mm) (mm)
(a) Initial normalized axial force 0 = 0.3 (b) Initial normalized axial force 0 = 0.5
Figure 16. Global V- (shear force vs. lateral displacement) plots for a building framed story (Figure
Figure 16 shows that the story shear capacity is rather sufficient to resist moderate seismic events
(approximately corresponding to PGA = 0.2 g); it should be kept in mind that, as the considered
demanding seismic forces have been divided by a rather high response modification factor,
significant damage (both structural and nonstructural) is to be expected. Figure 16 also points out
that the benefit provided by the active hoop prestressing is only moderate; this circumstance is
predictable, given the information provided by Figure 11, Figure 13 and Figure 14. Regarding
ductility, plots in Figure 16 seem to indicate quite satisfactory displacement ductility. In relation to
wind, the story shear capacity is largely enough in all the cases analyzed.
8. Conclusions
This paper assesses numerically the vertical and lateral structural performances of CFST
(Concrete-Filled Steel Tube) columns that are actively prestressed transversely by bolting together
two steel half-tubes; the study refers to new construction only. Representative prototype CFST
column specimens (segments) are analyzed; they differ in their prestressing force and gravity loading
ratio. The nonlinear structural static behavior of the column specimens is simulated with a model
implemented in Abaqus. The obtained results provide the following major conclusions on the CFST
columns performance (sections 5 and 6):
Vertical loads (axial force). As expected, the strength of CFST columns for vertical centered axial
compression is significant (subsection 5.2). The benefit of the active hoop prestress is relevant,
although not outstanding; this circumstance can be explained by the tube transverse expansion
(due to Poisson effect) that impairs the concrete core confinement (although not cancelling it
Lateral forces (bending). Also as expected, the bending strength of CFST columns is significant
(subsections 5.3 and 5.4). The benefits of the active hoop prestress are smaller than for the axial
load; this trend is seemingly due to the lack of sectional global lateral expansion during bending.
Axial force-bending moment interaction. The strength for eccentric axial loads is pretty high;
for moderate compression, the moment capacity is clearly higher than for pure bending (section
6). The influence of the active transverse prestress is higher for large axial compression; for pure
bending and for axial tension, that influence is practically negligible.
The results on the CFST columns are extended to make available preliminary estimates on the
gravity, wind and seismic performance of mid-rise (roughly, between 12 and 25 floors) unbraced
frame buildings equipped with such elements (section 7):
Gravity loads. Given the notable axial capacity of the CFST columns, a proper design can make
available a satisfactory vertical strength.
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Lateral forces (wind and seismic). The story shear capacity provided by CFST columns is
sufficient for moderate seismic ground motions (approximately, Peak Ground Acceleration 0.2
g). This conclusion refers to a rather high response modification factor; therefore, the columns
would be significantly damaged, and, thus, high ductility is required. Regarding this last issue,
the displacement ductility is rather satisfactory. Finally, about wind, the story shear strength is
largely enough.
Further research includes numerical analysis of retrofit strategies, experiments on the proposed
active transverse prestressing technique, wider numerical parametric studies, and implementation in
actual full-scale buildings. The results of the experiments are expected to allow calibration of the
column segments numerical model.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, A.A.; methodology, F.L.-A.; software, X.H.; validation, F.L.-A.;
formal analysis, F.L.-A.; investigation, X.H.; resources, X.H.; data curation, X.H.; writing—original draft
preparation, F.L.-A.; writing—review and editing, F.L.-A., A.A. and X.B.; visualization, F.L.-A.; supervision,
A.A.; project administration, X.H.; funding acquisition, X.H. and X.B. All authors have read and agreed to the
published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research has been partially funded by the Spanish Research Agency (AEI) of the Ministry of
Science and Innovation (MICIN) through project with reference: PID2020-117374RB-I00 / AEI /
10.13039/501100011033. The stay of Prof. Xiao Hu in Barcelona was funded by the State Key Laboratory of
Geohazard Prevention and Geoenvironment Protection of China (Grant No. SKLGP2020K010). The study of Mr.
Xiangbo Bu in the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC-BarcelonaTech) is funded by the Chinese Government
Scholarship (CSC No. 201906560013). These supports are gratefully acknowledged.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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