Effect of Glutamate Supplementation Upon Semen Quality of Young Seasonally Sexual-Inactive Dorper Rams
Effect of Glutamate Supplementation Upon Semen Quality of Young Seasonally Sexual-Inactive Dorper Rams
Effect of Glutamate Supplementation Upon Semen Quality of Young Seasonally Sexual-Inactive Dorper Rams
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The aim of this study was to determine if exogenous administration of glutamate to young Dorper rams is able to enhance semen
quality under long-day photoperiods in northern Mexico (25° north). Dorper rams (n=10) with homogeneous live weight (LW;
56±0.9 kg), body condition score (BCS; 3.2±0.1 units) and scrotal circumference (SC; 31.9±0.38 cm) were randomly divided
into two experimental groups and treated with: i) GLUT (n=5; 7 mg kg-1 LW of glutamate, every 3d × 28d, im.) and ii) CONT
(n=5; 1 mL of saline, every 3d × 28d, im.). At the end of the experimental period (d28), semen was collected throughout the
use of an artificial vagina; different quality and quantity parameters were evaluated. The ANOVA reveled treatment differences
(P<0.05) regarding sperm concentration with the largest value observed in the GLUT-rams (4,260±95.9 × 106 cells) regarding to
the CONT-rams (2,828±209.2 × 106 cells). Yet, when considering the rest of the response variables which included ejaculation
latency (47 ± 15.8 sec), seminal volume (1.1 ± 0.15 ml), total number of ejaculated sperms (4024.5 ± 696.5 × 106 cells), mass
motility (2.1 ± 0.3 units) and the percentage of sperms alive (57.5 ± 9.4 %), no statistical differences (P>0.05) were observed
between treatments. Results of this study unveils to glutamate as an interesting molecule positively affecting the spermatogenesis
process by increasing the sperm concentration of young Dorper rams during photo-inhibitory reproductive schemes. Results
also denote interesting outcomes not only to other animal industries but may also embrace translational applications.
Keywords: Ram, Dorper, reproductive arrest, glutamate, seminal quality
Several environmental factors affect small ruminant retinal photic receptors which translate this photic input
reproductive activity, not only in females but also in males to an endocrine output in the pineal gland throughout
(D’Alessandro and Martemucci, 2003; Gonzalez-Bulnes the synthesis and secretion of melatonin. In turn, the
et al., 2011; Escareño et al., 2013). Certainly, in rams specific endocrine pattern of melatonin release is a signal
from some breeds and(or) developed in certain areas, not perceived at hypothalamic level, activating or deactivating
only the libido but also the reproductive activity across the GnRH pulse generator (Meza-Herrera et al., 2011a;
the year is modified, being the photoperiod one of the Meza-Herrera and Tena-Sempere, 2012; Schlatta and
main environmental cues affecting testicular function, Ehmcke, 2014).
reproductive behavior and seminal quality (Roselli et al.,
Certainly, once day length increases, a phase of
2004; Gonzalez-Bulnes et al., 2011: Bravo et al., 2014).
reproductive arrest is observed: the hypothalamic centers
To generate such seasonal reproduction pattern, small
become exquisitely sensitive to the negative retroaction
ruminants are able to perceive the day length through
from the gonadal steroids, promoting the long day
Calderón-Leyva et al.
pattern release of melatonin which inhibits the secretion production unit in a semi-desert area of Northern Mexico,
of the hypothalamic GnRH, compromising, in turn, the at 25° 64’ N and 103° 26’ W, an altitude of 1,120 m, and
hypophyseal release of gonadotropins (Polat et al., 2011; annual average temperature from 22° to 24°C.
Meza-Herrera and Tena-Sempere, 2012). Upon reduction
of gonadal testosterone secretion, the male reproductive
Management and experimental treatments
function is suppressed, generating a decrease in testicular
volume, spermatogenesis output and libido (Bustos and Dorper rams (n=10, 11 mo.) were fed alfalfa hay, corn
Torres-Díaz, 2012). Because of that, long-day photoperiods silage and corn grain twice daily (12:00 and 18:00h). Once
during spring and summer are related to a reduction in rams were individually identified and prior to the onset of
both quality and quantity of semen production (Gastel et treatments, LW, BCS and SC were registered; while the
al., 1995; Ibrahim, 1997; Andersen et al., 2011). BCS was measured by dorsal palpation (Russel, 1984)
ranging from the scale of 1 (very thin) to 5 (very fat), the
On the other hand, the excitatory amino acid glutamate,
SC considered the measure of widest part of the testes
is considered the main neurotransmitter in the central
using a flexible tape (Braun et al.,1980). In March, rams,
nervous system (Brann and Mahesh, 1997; Meza-Herrera,
which were homogeneous in terms of live weight (LW;
2008). Glutamate influences GnRH secretion because
56±0.9 kg), body condition score (BCS; 3.2±0.1 units),
of the action of glutamatergic neurons which trigger a
and scrotal circumference (SC; 31.9±0.38 cm), were
hormonal cascade affecting the hypothalamic-pituitary-
randomly assigned to one of two experimental treatments:
gonadal axis (Meza-Herrera, 2012). Such neuroendocrine
i). Glutamate group (GLUT; intramuscular injection of
scenario has been linked to an enhancement in reproductive
7mg kg-1 LW of L-glutamate (pH Eur EMPROVE® exp;
efficiency in females (Meza-Herrera et al., 2014a,b)
MERCK-C5H9NO4-art-101791, diluted in distilled water);
as well as in the sexual behavior of males (Andersen
the solution was prepared as previously described by
et al., 2011), promoting an endocrine milieu prone to
Meza-Herrera et al. (2011) and applied every 3d × 30d,
an amplified sexual behavior at courtship (Walkden-
and ii). Control group (CONT, intramuscular injection of
Brown et al., 1999). Interestingly, the expression not
1 mL of physiological saline every 3 d × 30 d). During the
only of ionotropic and metabotropic glutamate receptors
experimental period, which lasted from March to April,
(Takarda et al., 2004) but also the presence of multiple
rams had ad libitum access to clean water, shades and
glutamate transporters (Lee et al., 2011) at testicular level,
mineral salts.
suggest that glutamate homeostasis must be critical in
the mammalian testis. Nonetheless, the possible action
of glutamate supplementation upon the seminal quality Response variable: measurements of semen quality
and quantity in male sheep under sexual photo-inhibitory
On day 28 of the experimental period, semen was collected
schemes is still elusive; this study was designed to respond
with the use of an estrus female treated with 2 mg estradiol
such research question.
cipionate (Laboratorios NORVET, Mexico) in order to be
mounted by rams. Yet, to proceed with the collection of
MATERIALS AND METHODS semen, a standard sheep artificial vagina was used at a 42°
All the methods and management of the experimental C temperature. Previously, the artificial vagina was pre-
units used in this study were in strict accordance with heated from 30 to 41°C. Once collected, the tubes with
accepted guidelines for ethical use, care and welfare of the recuperated fresh semen were immediately submerged
animals in research at international (FASS, 2010) and in a plastic container with water heated at 38°C and
national (NAM, 2002) levels, with institutional approval transported to the lab for its posterior analyses during the
reference number UAAAN-UL: 1330-8241-2903. following 10 minutes. The measurements of semen quality
i. Latency to ejaculation (seconds), considered the
Experimental area and environmental conditions
period of time from the moment at which the ram was
The study was conducted during spring under natural light exposed to an estrus ewe up to the moment in which
conditions of increased photoperiods in an intensive sheep the ram ejaculated inside the artificial vagina.
ii. Ejaculated volume (ml), was quantified directly in the most response variables. Nonetheless, the greatest number
gradated collection conic tube with 0.1 ml optically of sperms per ml (sperm concentration), favored to the
visible intervals. GLUT group regarding the CONT group (P<0.05; 4,260 ±
96.5 × 106 cells vs. 2,828 ± 597.2 × 106 cells).
iii. Sperm concentration was determined through
photometric analysis (Spermacue®, 12300/0500 Certainly, although most variables were not affected
Minitub, Landshut, Germany; Olivera-Muzante et al., because of glutamate administration, the number of
2011) using non-diluted semen and expressed as 106 ejaculated sperms per ml favored to the GLUT treated
cells per ml. rams, obtaining a 66.4% sperm concentration increase in
those young Dorper rams treated with glutamate. To the
iv. Total number of ejaculated sperms (units) was
best of our knowledge, this is the first report that document
calculated considering the sperm concentration per
such findings. A possible explanation of such performance
ml and multiplied by the total ejaculated volume, and
is the previously documented results regarding the
expressed as 106 cells.
positive action of glutamate upon not only the GnRH
v. Mass motility (%), was assessed with the use of neurons (Meza-Herrera, 2012), being GnRH the common
an arbitrary 1 to 5 scale; 1=25% to 5=100% motile triggering hormone activating the hypothalamic-pituitary-
sperms) as suggested by Mahsud et al. (2013). Sperm gonadal function (Andersen et al., 2011) but also because
motility was determined with the use of a pre-heated of the presence of both ionotropic and metabotropic
platform (37°C) using a phase contrast microscopy, glutamate receptors and glutamate transporters in the
X400. testicular tissue (Takarda et al., 1994; Lee et al., 2011).
vi. Live sperms (%), sperm viability was assessed by using Here, the interesting situation is that such testicular output
the eosine-nigrosine staining technique as described triggered by glutamate supplementation, was promoted
by Kafi et al. (2004). At least 200 spermatozoa were under long-day photoperiods which inhibit reproductive
recorded per slide by light microscopy (1000X), function at this latitude (25° north).
and the percentage of dead (colored pink) and live On this respect, Olney et al. (1976) stated that subcutaneous
(unstained) cells were quantified. All the evaluations administration of glutamate in mice incremented both
were made by the same skilled operator. frequency and amplitude of GnRH acting in a positive
fashion not only on the hypophyseal release of LH and
FSH but also regarding the release of gonadal testosterone
Statistical analyses
(Polat et al., 2011). Besides, in the testicular Sertoli cells,
Data were normalized by square root transformation, and both FSH and testosterone are responsible for initiate
the least squares means were analyzed by the General the spermatogenesis process and testosterone completes
Linear Model (GLM) ANOVA procedure of SAS (SAS the sperm development until it is released to the rete
Institute Inc, Cary, NC, USA, V9.1). The statistical model testis (Bustos and Torres-Días, 2012; Dong et al., 2016).
to analyze the response variables include the effect of Therefore, merging such neuroendocrine and cellular
treatment; the results are presented as non-transformed events, our results suggest that in the establishment of both
means ± SEM and were considered statistically significant previous scenarios, glutamate treatment may had triggered
at P<0.05. an increased spermatogenesis output, augmenting the
observed sperm concentration in the glutamate-treated
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION rams. Besides, it has been demonstrated the presence of
glutamate in the seminal plasma while the seminal amino
Our working hypothesis stated that the i.m. administration acid content could serve as oxidizable substrate in the
of glutamate would promote a positive effect upon semen sperm metabolism (Pruneda et al., 2007).
quality and quantity of young Dorper rams treated during
the natural sexual resting season; our results partially Table 1 shows the results for the classical semen quality
support such hypothesis. Analysis of variance reveled that parameters. General averages for seminal volume (1.1 ±
treatments were not a significant source of variation for 0.15 ml), mass motility (2.1 ± 0.3 units) and the percentage
Table 1: Least square means ± standard error for different parameters for sexual behavior and semen quality in young Dorper rams
(n=10) supplemented with Glutamate (GLUT) or Control (CONT) under natural photoperiodic conditions during the natural sexual
resting season (March to April) in northern Mexico (25 ̊ North)
(n=5) (n=5)
Latency to ejaculation (s) 29 ± 8.7a 65 ± 23a
Volume ejaculated (ml) 1.1 ± 0.1a 1.1 ± 0.2a
Sperm concentration per ml, (×106 cells) 4,260 ± 96.5a 2,828 ± 597.2b
Total number of spermatoza ejaculated (×106 cells) 4,397 ± 500.9a 3,652 ± 893.9a
Mass motility, (1-5 units) 2.1 ± 0.3a 2.1 ± 0.3a
Live sperms, (%) 62 ± 7.9a 53 ± 10.9a
a,b Values in the same line with different superscript, differ (P<0.05).
of sperms alive (57.5 ± 9.4 %), without observing statistical cycle, from the first A1-spermatogonial mitosis up to the
differences (P>0.05) between treatments. Regarding release of the spermatozoon to the rete testis (Cardoso
the total number of sperms per ejaculation, despite the and Queiroz, 1988). A second interesting point is that the
GLUT treated group got the largest value (4397±95.9 vs Dorper rams most of the time display a quite short period
3652±609.2), such differences did not reach significance of seasonal reproductive arrest (Malejane et al., 2014).
(P>0.05). Yet, it is worth to mention that such lack of Both mentioned situations may had impede to observe
significance was probably due to the huge variability of the statistical differences for the other response variables
standard error of the CONT group that, compared to the defining semen quality. Indeed, we would expect to observe
GLUT group, was greater than 620%. Certainly, while the a more defined effect of glutamate administration in some
observed reproductive response was quite homogeneous response variables, (i.e. sperm motility), since glutamate
in the GLUT-treated rams, an extremely large variation has shown to positively affect ATP production which plays
for such response variable occurred in the CONT-group. A a relevant role in the sperm metabolism as energy source
similar figure can be mentioned with respect to the latency to promote sperm motility (Susetyarini, 2015).
to ejaculation that although no statistical differences
Different research groups have demonstrated a crucial
observing (P>0.05) between treatments (general averages
role of glutamate upon sexual behavior. In adult male rats,
47 ± 15.8 s), a 264% increase in the standard error was
increases in cellular glutamate have been related to an
observed in the CONT-rams regarding those treated with
enlarged number of ejaculations, a reduced reaction time
glutamate. Therefore, in some non-defined way, glutamate
to ejaculation as well as a diminished period of time to
administration served to reduce the large variation in the
accomplish the next ejaculation (latency to ejaculation)
sexual and reproductive responses observed in the CON-
(Dominguez et al., 2006). Moreover, it has been stated
that both the frequency of ejaculations and the libido are
At this point, two ideas must be highlighted. The first is that positively correlated with sperm concentration (Mahsud
regarding to the length of the experimental period which et al., 2013). Such findings can be considered in line with
only considered 28 days. Although we got promising the positive effect of glutamate administration upon sperm
results when considering the positive effect of glutamate concentration observed in this study.
administration upon sperm concentration, as previously
Results of this study unveils to glutamate as an
stated, the other response variables were not affected
interesting molecule which potentially affected the
because of the glutamate inclusion. On this respect,
spermatogenesis process, observing in turn an increased
future studies should consider to increase the length of
sperm concentration of those young Dorper rams treated
the experimental period (i.e. 40-60 days), especially when
with glutamate even under photo-inhibitory reproductive
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