Oocytes Development in The Fry of Blue Gourami, Trichogaster Trichopterus

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Oocytes Development in the Fry of Blue Gourami, Trichogaster trichopterus

Article · January 2018

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Gad Degani
Tel-Hai Academic College


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International Journal of Zoological Investigations Vol. 4, No. 1, 11-20 (2018)

International Journal of Zoological

Contents available at Journals Home Page: www.ijzi.net

ISSN: 2454-3055

Oocytes Development in the Fry of Blue Gourami, Trichogaster trichopterus

Gad Degani 1,2
1MIGAL – Galilee Technology Center, P.O. Box 831, KiryatShmona 10200, Israel
2School of Science and Technology, Tel-Hai Academic College, Galilee, Israel

*Corresponding Author

Received: 30th January 2018

Accepted: 22nd February 2018

Abstract: In this study, we examined the first period of ovarian development as well as the levels of Estradiol-17β
(E2) and gonadal CYP19 (bgCYP19a) in blue gourami, Trichogaster trichopterus. Samples of larvae were taken 38, 55
and 80 days after hatching for histological examination. In the ovary of 38 days larvae, the number of oocytes and
ovary size were small. On day 80 after hatching, the number of oocytes increased. On day 38 after hatching, all the
oocytes were in the perinuclear stage. This stage did not change on day 80, but very few oocytes did change. In
several oocytes, there is brining of granulose continuous vitelline which indicates the start of vitellogenesis. The
mRNA expression of the bgCYP19a gene was detected by using real-time PCR (TPCR) in the tissues of 38- and 80-
days larvae after hatching. The level decreased insignificantly from day 38 to day 80. The E 2 increased significantly
in larvae at the age of 80 days compared to larvae at the age of 38 days.

Keywords: Estradiol-17𝛽 (E2), Gonadal CYP19 (bgCYP19a), Blue gourami, Vitellogenesis



The increasing economic importance of Anabantidae. The Anabantidae family

aquarium fish has encouraged studies of contains 16 genera and about 50 species. It
their reproductive physiology. Blue gourami is distributed throughout most of southern
(Trichogaster trichopterus) is a Asia, India and central Africa, and is native
multispawning, asynchronic and male- to Malaysia and Thailand (Forselius, 1975).
dependent fish (Degani, 1993). Blue It gets its name from its basic blue coloring.
gourami belongs to the order Perciformes The gourami has a touch of silver on its belly
and suborder Labyrinthici (characterized by and even a slash of green on the tips of its
the presence of an air-filled breathing cavity, gill covers and fins. This native blue gourami
the labyrinth located above the gills under also has two large black spots on its sides,
the operculum), and to the family with the eye making up the third spot
(hence the name three-spot) (Degani, 2001). (Degani et al. 2017a). The differences found
The labyrinth is a circular spot of much between Kiss2 and Kiss2r in juvenile and
wrinkled tissue that offers more surface mature females were statistically significant.
area for oxygen intake. This cavity There was no significant difference between
supplements the breathing function, since it PV and VT in the mRNA levels of Kiss1r. In
is well suited to gaseous interchange comparing the transcription of Kiss1r to
(Degani, 2001). Because of these accessory Kiss2r and Kiss2 mRNA levels, we found
organs, Anabantidae fishes can survive in significant differences in transcription levels
water with very little oxygen content in both juvenile and mature females
(Forselius, 1975; Degani, 2001). The males between the genes, and proposed a quality
often become territorial and very protective model showing the Kiss2 mechanism
of the bubble nest. As the female prepares to involved in regulating the main states of
lay her eggs, the male wraps himself around oogenesis VT (Degani et al., 2017a). Thus,
her, catches the eggs in his mouth and spits Kiss1 controls the hypothalamus pituitary
out the eggs into the nest (Degani, 1989, gland (HPG) axis, acts on the caudal
1993). hypothalamus and seems to affect receptors
of the gonadotropin-releasing hormone
The blue gourami fish offers the great
(GnRH) (Servili et al., 2011 ; Shahjahan et al.,
advantage in that the later stages of
2014). The GnRH1 controls VT, and GnRH3
oogenesis can be controlled. In females,
regulates OM and OEV (Levy et al., 2009;
ovarian development starts at three months
Levy and Degani, 2011) in blue gourami by
of age, and vitellogenesis is completed at five
affecting gonadotropins (GTH), the follicle-
months in fish maintained in dense
stimulating hormone (FSH) and the
populations, at which stage the female is
luteinizing hormone (LH) (Jackson et al.,
ready to reproduce. Oocyte maturation (OM)
1999). The GTH hormones control oogenesis
and ovulation (OEV) take place only when
by various steroids in blue gourami (Degani,
the female is isolated with a male. This clear
2016, 2017). FSH controls 17β-estradiol
differentiation between vitellogenic and
(E2). Testosterone (T) increased during VT
maturational stages makes this species a
at a relatively high level in the plasma
good model for the study of hormonal
(Degani, 1990; Degani et al., 1994 ) and
control of oogenesis (Jackson et al., 1994).
17α,20β-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one (17, 20
The oogenesis of mature female blue
P) increased during OM and OEV in blue
gourami is described in detail (Jackson et al.,
gourami ( Degani and Boker, 1992; Degani,
1994) and the hormones controlling
oogenesis have been studied in detail along
the brain pituitary gonadaxis (BPG-axis). In Although several studies exist on
blue gourami, relative mRNA levels of oogenesis in mature female blue gourami,
Kisspeptin2 (Kiss2) and Kiss receptors the period of gonadal development before
(GPR54 or Kiss2r, Kiss1r) were determined the maturation of ovarian development has
in brains excised from females before been studied meagerly. This is a very critical
vitellogenesis (previtellogenic) (PV) and period of gonadal differentiation and well
during vitellogenesis (VT) in mature females described in different fish (Tzchori et al.,

2004; Hurvitz et al., 2007; Yaron and Levavi- two days for two months for whole body
Sivan, 2011) and is controlled by various analysis and histological examination during
genes and steroids. In blue gourami, the the 80 days of growth. The larvae were
gonad cytochrome P450 aromatase affects sampled on different days after hatching
gonadal differentiation in the ovary (38, 55 and 80 days). For sampling, each fish
(Ezagouri et al., 2008) similar to the other was anesthetized in a clove oil bath (0.25
fish (Tzchori et al., 2004). mg/l), and length was recorded using
The aim of the present study is to binoculars. All of the larvae bodies (n=7) at
examine the critical period when gonads different ages (38, 55 and 80 days) were
differentiate to the ovary and describe the used for expression studies and were stored
beginning of ovarian development in the fry in RNALater buffer (AmbionInc., Austin, TX).
of blue gourami. Total RNA was extracted from RNALater
stored in tissues using the RNeasy_Total
Materials and Methods
RNA Kit (QIAGEN, Alameda,CA) according to
Fish maintenance and growth manufacturer’s recommendations (Ezagouri
Female and male blue gourami (Trichogaster et al., 2008).
trichopterus), maintained and bred at MIGAL Real-time PCR ovary aromatase (CYP19a)
laboratories in northern Israel, were used in
Estradiol-17β (E2)
this study. The fish were grown in
containers measuring 2 x2 x0.5 m at a The real-time PCR ovary aromatase of blue
temperature of 27C and under a light regime gourami (bgCYP19a) was carried out as
of 12h light: 12h darkness (Degani, 2014). described in detail by Ezagouri et al. (2008).
The fish were fed artificial diet (45% cDNA cloning was made of all larvae
protein,7% fat) supplemented by live food bgCYP19a, sequence, assembly and analysis,
(Artemia salina). Breeding and larvae as described by Ezagouri et al. (2008). Total
growth were described previously in detail RNA was extracted from freshly excised blue
(Degani, 1989, 2001; Degani and Gur, gourami larvae. First-strand cDNAs were
1992). synthesized from 2 lg of each total RNA
Several days after the larvae hatched sample larvae using the Superscript System
from the eggs, the fish were fed twice a day (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA). The single-strand
with a mix of larvae dry food with yeast cDNAs were used to amplify, clone and
(52% protein and 5.8% fat (Miloubar, sequence cDNA internal fragments using
Oshrat, Industry, Israel). After one month, gene-specific primers for bgCYP19a
the fry were fed only dry food (48% protein (Ezagouri et al., 2008). The gene-specific
and 6% fat), about 5% of their body weight, primers for the cloning of bgCYP19a cDNA
and 3% of mixed meat was added (77% internal fragments were designed according
turkey heart, 13% chicken liver, 1% to conserved DNA sequences and identified
vitamins and minerals, and 3% tubifex). by multiple sequence alignment of several
The larvae of blue gourami were larvae aromatase cDNAs (Ezagouri et al.,
collected five days after hatching and every 2008).

In order to compare the levels of The larvae were embedded in paraffin
bgCYP19a mRNAs in larvae, their relative and glycol methacrylate. Thin paraffin
abundance was normalized with an sections (6 µm) were cut using Microtome
endogenous reference, the rRNA of the 18S (Minnesota, USA GMI, Ramsey Biocut 2030
subunit, using the comparative threshold Microtome) and stained with Mallory
cycle (CT) method (Livak and Schmittgen, trichrome or PAS (Jackson et al., 1994).
2001). This method was validated using Results
serial dilutions (0.5, 0.10, 0.01, 0.02 and
The gonadal development of juvenile
0.005) of cDNA preparations from the larvae
females is presented in Figures 1-3. In
body (for CYP19a). The amplification
Figure 1, the histology of juvenile females at
efficiencies of each target mRNA and 18S
the age of 38 days and a length of 11 mm is
rRNA were compared by plotting DCT
depicted. Before this age after hatching, it is
versus log (template) (Muller et al., 2002;
very difficult to identify the gonads in a light
Ezagouri et al., 2008). Estradiol-17β (E2)
microscopic study.
was determined by specific ELISA (Hurvitz
et al., 2005 ). In the larvae at 38 days, it is possible to
identify the ovary just after differentiation
Histological examination with primary oocytes at perinuclear stages,
The histological preparations of larvae kidney, gut, liver and muscle (Fig. 1).
during growth and gonadal development In female larvae at the age of 55 days and
were made as previously described (Jackson a length of 22 mm, the number of oocytes
et al., 1994; Jackson et al., 2005), with increased at the perinuclear stage and the
modifications to study the larvae histology. diameter was larger than 50 µm (Fig. 2). In
The larvae were aestheticized with 0.2 g/l female larvae at the age of 80 days and a
ethyl m-amino benzoate methane sulfomate length of 45 mm, it is possible to recognize
(MS222). The larvae and juveniles were then several oocytes at the brining of granulose
transferred for 48h in 8% formic acid. The continuous vitellogenin (Fig. 3).
samples were examined using a light The mRNA expression of the bgCYP19a
microscope, incubated at different ethanol gene was investigated in larval tissues at 38
concentrations, washed with 70% for 1h, and 80 days after hatching using RTPCR and
twice with 96% for 2h (after 1h added fresh are shown in Figure 4. The abundance of
solution) and with 100% for 3h (after every bgCYP19a transcripts indicated that the
1h changed with fresh solutions). The gene was expressed at both ages as
samples were then incubated in Xylene indicated. The mRNA expression of
(Frutarom, Haifa, Israel) and each washed bgCYP19a at 38 and 80 days was relatively
twice for 45 minutes. To penetrate paraffin high in the larvae at these ages; the
into the tissue, the samples were incubated difference was not significant at the
overnight in a mixture of 1:1 paraffin xylene different stages (Fig. 4). The E2 level of larval
at 60C. One day later, the samples were tissues at the age of 38 days was
washed twice (one hour each) with 100% significantly lower than in the larvae at the
paraffin and incubated overnight at 60C. age of 80 days (Fig. 5).

Figure 1: Histological section of a juvenile female with a standard length of 11mm (38 days). (A)
ov, ovary; k, kidney; g, gut; l, liver; m, muscle. Bar =190µm. (B) ov, ovary. Bar = 71µm. (C)
Oocyte (OC) at the perinuclear stage. Bar = 20µm.


Figure 2: Histological section of a juvenile female with a standard length of 22mm (55 days). (A) ov, ovary; k,
kidney; g, gut; l, liver; m, muscle. Bar = 320µm. (B) ov, ovary. Bar = 121µm. C) Oocyte (OC) at the
perinuclear stage. Bar = 20µm.

Figure 3: Histological section of a female larvae with a standard length of 45mm (80 days). (A) ov, ovary; k,
kidney; g, gut; l, liver. Bar = 360µm. (B) vo, vitallogenic oocyte. Bar = 45µm. (C) Oocyte (OC) at the
perinuclear stage. Bar = 20µm.


Gonadal CYP19 relative mRNA level


± SE X 10 - 4
11mm (38 day) 45mm(80 days)
Sizes of female larvae

Figure 4: Gonadal bgCYP19a mRNA level (mRNA/18 S)(mean+SE) in blue gourami larvae

17β-estradiol level in larvae


11mm (38 day) 45mm(80 days)
Size of female larvae

Figure 5:17β-estradiol (E2) level in larvae. Each histogram represents the average of five
independent measurements (mean+SE)

Figure 6: A proposed quality model showing the hormone involved in ovarian development before
vitellogenensis. Abbreviations: II receptor (GnRH IIR), pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide
type I receptor (PACAP IR), and G-Protein coupled receptor 54 (Kisspeptin-54 (GPR54, KissR2),
Kisspeptin-2 (Kiss2),17β-estradiol (E2), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), growth hormone (GH),
insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1), vitellogenin (VT) mechanism involved in regulating oocyte develop
before vitellogenesis in blue gourami. The model is based on the present study and Degani (1990, 1993),
Degani and Boker (1992), Jackson et al. (1994), Degani et al. (1994, 1995, 1999, 2017 a), Mananos et al.
(1997), Levy and Degani (2011, 2012)

In the present study, the ovarian the brain of blue gourami (Degani et al.,
development is described in the larvae of 2017a), together with a study on GnRH1, 2
blue gourami hatched from eggs at various and 3 (Levy and Degani, 2012), showed an
stages. The larvae of blue gourami were effect of FH and LH in controlling oogenesis
grown in optimal conditions at 27C. At the (Degani, 2016) with steroids. A proposed
age of 38 days, only small ovaries were quality model showing the Kiss2 mechanism
detected before vitellogenesis, and at the involved in regulating oogenesis in the BPG-
age of 80 days, this is just before this axis in blue gourami affected vitellogenesis
process started. The vitellogenesis period (Degani et al., 2017a) strengthens the
has been described in numerous studies. It results of the present study. The process of
is of special interest in fish having economic sex differentiation in blue gourami was less
value in order to study the control of clear before the female ovary appears. In
reproduction in those species (Yaron and other fish, CYP19 is the main enzyme
Levavi-Sivan, 2011). During this period, the affecting the gonad to differentiate to the
steroids controlled by FSH affect gonad female (Tzchori et al., 2004). CYP19a
differentiation (Degani, 2017). However, expression is higher in females than in males
this critical period varies in different fish (Ezagouri et al., 2008), therefore CYP19a is
species (Degani, 2016). In the present study apparently involved in sex differentiation in
the bgCYP19a mRNA level was high before females. In the present study, CYP19a was
vitellogenesis, and decreased slightly when detected in the larvae at both 38 and 80
vitellogenesis started. This result is in days, but the difference was not significant.
agreement with Ezagouri et al. (2008) who Therefore, we suggest that this enzyme,
described the effect of bgCYP19a during which changes testosterone to E2 is active
vitellogenesis in blue gourami. The just before the start of vitellogenesis. E2 is
bgCYP19a mRNA level was high at significantly higher in larvae at the age of 80
vitellogenesis and very low at advanced days compared to 38 days, and at 80 days,
vitellogenesis (Ezagouri et al., 2008). The several oocytes are at the beginning stage of
explanation for this result is given by vitellogenesis. Another very important
Ezagouri et al. (2008), whereby in advanced finding is that the number of oocytes found
vitellogenesis, the process stopped and in the pre-vitellogenesis stage increased in
waited until maturation, which was larvae from 38 days to 80 days. This finding
dependent on male behavior (Degani, 1993). in blue gourami might be explained by the
On the other hand, the E2 was very low in interaction between the BPG-axis including
ovaries of larvae after 38 days of growth, as kiss, GnRH, FSH, LH (Levy and Degani, 2012;
noticed in the present study, and increased Degani, 2016; Degani et al., 2017a) and
at 80 days of growth just before steroids. The situation of larvae growth and
vitellogenesis started. This result is also in gonad development before vitellogenenin
agreement with reports by Degani (1990). (VT) synthesis and accumulation in the
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