Neonates Maternal Drugs Which May Adversely Affect The Newborn Baby
Neonates Maternal Drugs Which May Adversely Affect The Newborn Baby
Neonates Maternal Drugs Which May Adversely Affect The Newborn Baby
• The survival of very premature babies has been greatly newborn baby
increased through the use of antenatal betamethasone o opiates for pain relief during labor
and neonatal surfactant treatment to prevent and treat o B-blockers for pregnancy-induced hypertension
surfactant deficiency o benzodiazepines for eclamptic seizures
• the feto-placental unit creates a unique route for drug • Corticosteroids
delivery o used to promote fetal lung maturation when
• Drug disposition and metabolism in the neonate are very preterm delivery is planned or expected
different from those at any other time of life o Drug of Choice: Betamethasone for promote
• preterm babies grow very fast, so doses have to be re- fetal lung function
calculated at regular intervals o Prednisolone – is metabolized in the placenta
• drug elimination in the neonate can be much slower than and does not reach the fetus
in children, especially in the first week, so dose intervals • Enteral Drug absorption
have to be longer. o erratic in any newborn baby
• 23 weeks gestation – earliest in pregnancy at which o unavailable in the ill baby because the stomach
newborn can survive (10%) does not always empty effectively
• <32 weeks – high risk of death/disability • Most drugs are given intravenously to ensure
• gestation at birth vs. birth weight-practical and prognostic maximum bioavailability
value • Rectally Administered:
• high-risk pregnancy pts – transferred for delivery to a o paraldehyde and diazepam for neonatal seizures
hospital capable of providing neonatal intensive care o paracetamol for simple analgesia
o 1-2% of all babies will receive intensive care, and • Trachea
the most common reason is the need for o the preferred route of administration when
respiratory support surfactant administration is required or where
• <32 weeks gestation with NICU – go home when feeding adrenaline (epinephrine) is given for
adequately. 35-40 postmenstrual age resuscitation
• Neonatal inpatients for 3-4 months – 3x weight, dramatic • Buccal Route
change in physiology and metabolism o used to administer glucose gel in the treatment
of hypoglycemia
Definitions of Terms • Skin
Normal length of human 37 up to 42 completed o extremely thin and a poor barrier to water loss
pregnancy (term) weeks of gestation during very preterm baby of 28 weeks’ gestation
Preterm <37 weeks of gestation at o harmful with prolonged contact with
birth chlorhexidine in 70% methylated spirit which
Post-term 42 completed weeks causes severe chemical burn and results in
Low birth weight (LBW) <2500g o normally avoided in premature babies because
Meningitis Group B streptococci, E. coli - One of the most difficult surgical judgements is
deciding if and when to operate to remove necrotic