(8C) Periodontal Microbiology
(8C) Periodontal Microbiology
(8C) Periodontal Microbiology
For a comprehensive reading on this topic, please refer to CHAPTER 8 – BIOFILM AND
PERIODONTAL MICROBIOLOGY in Carranza’s Clinical Periodontology, 13th ed.,
From an ecologic viewpoint, the oral cavity, which communicates with the pharynx,
should be considered as an “open growth system” with an uninterrupted ingestion and removal of
microorganisms and their nutrients. Most organisms can survive in the oropharynx only when
they adhere to either the soft tissues or the hard surfaces. Otherwise, they may be removed by:
On the basis of physical and morphologic criteria, the oral cavity can be divided into six
major ecosystems (also called niches), each with the following distinct ecologic determinants:
1).The intraoral and supragingival hard surfaces (teeth, implants, restorations, and prostheses);
2).Subgingival regions adjacent to a hard surface, including the periodontal/peri-implant pocket;
3).The buccal palatal epithelium and the epithelium of the floor of the mouth; 4).The dorsum of
the tongue; 5).The tonsils; 6).The saliva.
The soft tissue surfaces are actively involved in the process of bacterial adhesion and
colonization (153). They use a variety of mechanisms to prevent the adhesion of pathogenic
organisms, with shedding being one of the most important.
Bacteria also adhere to hard tissues. From a microbiologic viewpoint, teeth and implants
are unique for two reasons: (1) they provide a hard, non-shedding surface that allows for the
development of extensive structured bacterial deposits; and (2) they form a unique ectodermal
interruption. A special seal of epithelium (junctional epithelium) and connective tissue is present
between the external environment and the internal parts of the body. The accumulation and
metabolism of bacteria on these hard surfaces are considered the primary causes of caries,
gingivitis, periodontitis, and peri-implantitis.
Oral bacteria and especially pathogenic bacteria, such as Porphyromonas gingivalis (Fig.
8.2H and J) and Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans (Fig. 8.2K), have a large battery of
virulence factors, one of which is the ability to adhere to hard intraoral surfaces and/or to the
oral mucosae (Fig. 8.3) (56-58, 110-377).
In the periodontal pocket, different strategies contribute to bacterial survival, such as
adhesion to the pocket epithelium and, when dentin is encountered, the colonization of the dentinal
tubules (305).
Any individual may harbor hundreds of different species. Next to bacteria, nonbacterial
organisms can also be found in the dental plaque biofilm, including archaea, yeasts, protozoa,
and viruses (62, 217).
Dental plaque is broadly classified as supragingival or subgingival on the basis of its
position on the tooth surface toward the gingival margin.
•Supragingival plaque is found at or above the gingival margin; when in direct contact with the
gingival margin, it is referred to as marginal plaque.
•Subgingival plaque is found below the gingival margin, between the tooth and the gingival
pocket epithelium.
The process of plaque formation can be divided into several phases: (1) the formation of
the pellicle on the tooth surface; (2) the initial adhesion/attachment of bacteria; and (3)
colonization/plaque maturation.
Formation of the Pellicle. All surfaces in the oral cavity, including the hard and soft
tissues, are coated with a layer of organic material known as the acquired pellicle. The pellicle
on tooth surfaces consists of more than 180 peptides, proteins, and glycoproteins, including
keratins, mucins, proline-rich proteins, phosphoproteins, histidine-rich proteins, and other
molecules that can function as adhesion sites (receptors) for bacteria (366, 367-453). Enamel is
permanently covered with an acquired pellicle from the moment that teeth erupt. Consequently,
bacteria that adhere to tooth surfaces do not contact the enamel directly but interact with the
acquired enamel pellicle. However, the pellicle is not merely a passive adhesion matrix. Many
proteins retain enzymatic activity when they are incorporated into the pellicle.
Initial Adhesion/Attachment of Bacteria. Tooth-brushing removes most but not all
bacteria from the exposed surfaces of teeth. Colonizing bacteria can be detected within 3 minutes
after the introduction of sterile enamel into the mouth (139).
The initial steps of transport and interaction with the surface are essentially nonspecific
(i.e., they are the same for all bacteria). The proteins and carbohydrates that are exposed on the
bacterial cell surface become important when the bacteria are in loose contact with the acquired
enamel pellicle. The specific interactions between microbial cell surface “adhesin” molecules
and receptors in the salivary pellicle determine whether a bacterial cell will remain associated
with the surface. Only a relatively small proportion of oral bacteria possess adhesins that interact
with receptors in the host pellicle, and these organisms are generally the most abundant bacteria
in biofilms on tooth enamel shortly after cleaning. Over the first 4 to 8 hours, the genus
Streptococcus tends to dominate, usually accounting for >20% of bacteria present (82, 273, 427).
Other bacteria that commonly present at this time include species that cannot survive
without oxygen (obligate aerobes), such as Haemophilus spp. and Neisseria spp., as well as
organisms that can grow in the presence or absence of oxygen (facultative anaerobes), including
Actinomyces spp. and Veillonella spp. (1-79). These species are considered the “primary
colonizers” of tooth surfaces. The primary colonizers provide new binding sites for adhesion by
other oral bacteria. The metabolic activity of the primary colonizers modifies the local
microenvironment in ways that can influence the ability of other bacteria to survive in the dental
plaque biofilm. For example, by removing oxygen, the primary colonizers provide conditions of
low oxygen tension that permit the survival and growth of obligate anaerobes.
Colonization and Plaque Maturation. The primary colonizing bacteria (Table 8.3)
adhered to the tooth surface provide new receptors for attachment by other bacteria as part of a
process known as coadhesion (185). Together with the growth of adherent microorganisms,
coadhesion leads to the development of microcolonies (Fig. 8.15) and eventually to a mature
Cell-cell adhesion between genetically distinct oral bacteria also occurs in the fluid phase
(i.e., in saliva). In the laboratory, interactions between genetically distinct cells in suspension
result in clumps or coaggregates that are macroscopically visible (Fig. 8.16).
Different species—or even different strains of a single species— have distinct sets of
coaggregation partners. Fusobacteria coaggregate with all other human oral bacteria, whereas
Veillonella spp., Capnocytophaga spp. (Fig. 8.2Q), and Prevotella spp. bind with streptococci
and/or actinomyces (184, 186, 442). Each newly accreted cell becomes itself a new surface and
therefore may act as a coaggregation bridge to the next potentially accreting cell type that passes
Secondary colonizers (Table 8.3) such as P.intermedia, P.loescheii, Capnocytophaga
spp., F. nucleatum, and P.gingivalis do not initially colonize clean tooth surfaces but rather
adhere to bacteria that are already in the plaque mass (184). The transition from early
supragingival dental plaque to mature plaque growing below the gingival margin involves a shift
in the microbial population from primarily Gram-positive organisms to high numbers of Gram-
negative bacteria. Therefore, during the later stages of plaque formation, coaggregation among
different Gram-negative species is likely to predominate. Examples are the coaggregation of
F.nucleatum with P.gingivalis or Treponema denticola (Fig. 8.2L) (173, 180, 186).
The changes within the subgingival microbiota during the first week after mechanical
debridement showed an only partial reduction of around 3 logs (from 10 8 bacterial cells to 105
cells) followed by rapid regrowth toward nearly pretreatment levels (−0.5 log) within 7 days
(118, 145, 242). The fast recolonization was explained by followings: the remaining bacteria
after mechanical debridement, the pathogens penetrating the soft tissues or the dentinal tubules,
and subgingival irregularities.
Bacterial adhesive preferences as well as other interaction affinities could explain the
presence of color-coded “complexes” in the subgingival plaque. The color-coded complexes of
periodontal microorganisms tend to be found together in health or disease. The composition of
the different complexes was based on the frequency with which different clusters of
microorganisms were recovered, and the complexes were color coded for easy conceptualization
(Fig. 8.8) (384).
Interestingly, the early colonizers are either independent of defined complexes (A.
naeslundii, A. oris) or members of the yellow (Streptococcus spp.) or purple complexes (A.
odontolyticus) (see Fig. 8.2D).
The microorganisms primarily considered secondary colonizers fell into the green,
orange, and red complexes.
The green complex includes Eikenella corrodens, A. actinomycetemcomitans serotype a,
and Capnocytophaga spp.
The orange complex includes Fusobacterium, Prevotella, and Campylobacter spp. (Fig.
8.2R). The green and orange complexes include species recognized as pathogens in
periodontal and nonperiodontal infections.
The red complex consists of P.gingivalis, T. forsythia, and T. denticola. This complex is
of particular interest because it is associated with bleeding on probing (384).
predominate in mature plaque are anaerobic and asaccharolytic (i.e., they do not break down
sugars), and they use amino acids and small peptides as energy sources (231).
There are many metabolic interactions among the different bacteria found in dental
plaque (Fig. 8.23).
Antibiotic resistance may be spread through a biofilm via the intercellular exchange of
DNA. The high density of bacterial cells in a biofilm facilitates the exchange of genetic
information among cells of the same species and across species and even across genera.
communication between keystone pathogens and other members of the community (known as
accessory pathogens) is considered one important factor that leads to overgrowth of the more
pathogenic microbiota and to a dysbiotic microbial community.
The oral microbial ecology is dynamic. The presence and numbers of particular
microorganisms, even as a part of a community colonizing a niche in a human being, are
controlled by the type and quantity of nutrients present (nutritional determinant), their ability to
tolerate the specific physicochemical factors (physicochemical determinants), and their ability to
cope with antimicrobial compounds (biologic determinants) or mechanical removal forces
(mechanical determinants) (445). Although these determinants are well defined from a theoreti-
cal point of view, in practice they overlap each other, especially in more complex environments
(i.e., multispecies environments). Inherent to their biologic nature, bacteria interact with each
other, with their environment, and vice versa.
Therefore, the microbial ecology will change its composition or the composition of the
microbial ecology will be changed when transitioning from a healthy status to a diseased status
or vice versa. A change in the composition of a bacterial community as the result of external,
nonmicrobial factors is termed allogenic succession. Smoking is a good example of such
interaction. In autogenic succession (i.e., a change in the composition of a microbial community
that arises from microbial activities), interbacterial and viral-bacterial interactions are involved.
The number and proportions of different subgingival bacterial morphotypes differ between
healthy and diseased sites (Figs. 8.31 and 8.32) (223, 373, 380). The total number of bacteria,
which was determined by microscopic counts per gram of plaque, was twice as high in peri-
odontally diseased sites as compared with healthy sites (380). Because considerably more plaque
is found at diseased sites, this suggests that, in general, the total bacterial load in diseased sites is
greater than that of healthy sites. The microbiota in periodontally healthy sites consists
predominantly of Gram-positive facultative rods and cocci (approximately 75%) (373). The
recovery of this group of microorganisms is decreased proportionally in gingivitis (44%) and
periodontitis (10% to 13%). These decreases are accompanied by increases in the proportions of
Gram-negative rods, from 13% in health to 40% in gingivitis and 74% in advanced periodontitis.
The current concept regarding the etiology of periodontal diseases considers three
groups of factors that determine whether active periodontal destruction will occur in a subject: a
susceptible host, the presence of pathogenic species, and the absence or small proportion of so-
called beneficial bacteria (389, 448). The clinical manifestations of periodontal destruction will
result from a complex interplay among these etiologic agents. In general, small amounts of
bacterial plaque can be controlled by the body’s defense mechanisms without destruction;
however, when dysbiosis happens (e.g., as a result of increased susceptibility, high bacterial
load, or pathogenic infections), periodontal destruction could occur (23).
8. Pathogenic Bacteria
The second essential factor for disease initiation and progression is the presence of one
or more pathogens of the appropriate clonal type and in sufficient numbers. Despite the
difficulties inherent in characterizing the microbiology of periodontal diseases, a small group of
pathogens is recognized because of their close association with disease. Obvious data support