Early Childhood Research Quarterly: Lia E. Sandilos, Priscilla Goble, Sara E. Rimm-Kaufman, Robert C. Pianta
Early Childhood Research Quarterly: Lia E. Sandilos, Priscilla Goble, Sara E. Rimm-Kaufman, Robert C. Pianta
Early Childhood Research Quarterly: Lia E. Sandilos, Priscilla Goble, Sara E. Rimm-Kaufman, Robert C. Pianta
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The present study examines the extent to which participation in a 14-week professional development
Received 15 July 2016 course designed to improve teacher–child interactions in the classroom moderated the relation between
Received in revised form 9 September 2017 teacher-reported job stress and gains in observed teacher–child interaction quality from the beginning
Accepted 13 October 2017
to the end of the intervention. Participants were preschool teachers (N = 427; M age = 42) with an average
Available online 2 November 2017
of 11 years of experience teaching. Teachers reported how intensely they experienced different sources
of stress at pre-test only (i.e., prior to being randomized into the treatment condition [course or control]).
Teacher–child interactions were measured through classroom observations at pre and post intervention.
Teacher stress
Results demonstrated that control teachers reporting higher professional investment stress showed fewer
Professional development gains in observed emotional support relative to control teachers experiencing less professional invest-
Preschool ment stress. These findings were not evident for teachers in the course condition. Interestingly, teachers
with higher professional investment stress showed fewer gains in instructional support in the control
condition and greater gains in the course condition, relative to teachers in their respective treatment
groups who reported lower levels of professional investment stress. Findings suggest that participation
in the professional development intervention had a buffering effect on the negative association between
professional investment stress and emotional support. With regard to instructional support, it is possible
that teachers’ heightened awareness and anxiety over their need to develop professionally may have
made them more responsive to an intervention designed to improve practice.
© 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
0885-2006/© 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
L.E. Sandilos et al. / Early Childhood Research Quarterly 42 (2018) 280–290 281
way to ameliorate feelings of job stress and boost the quality of Breckler, 2000; Greenberg, Brown, & Abenavoli, 2016). Stress is
teacher–child relationships. Yet, professional development oppor- also not unidimensional. Teachers’ experience with job stress stems
tunities take time, increase workload, and could even result in more from various sources–both personal and environmental influences.
feelings of stress and burnout, rather than less (Ozer & Beycioglu, Some teacher stress reflects investment in their professional career.
2010). Therefore, the current study bridges these two lines of Other stress stems from behavioral problems and low motivation
research: teacher stress and professional development. Given on the part of their students. Yet another source of stress emanates
that existing empirical and theoretical work indicates teacher from work issues such as high workload, unusually high numbers
stress is negatively associated with the quality of teacher–child of students in their class, or too many professional responsibili-
interactions, the purpose of this study was to examine whether par- ties (Fimian & Fastenau, 1990; von der Embse, Kilguss, Solomon,
ticipation in a high quality professional development intervention Bowler, & Curtiss, 2015).
targeting teachers’ interactions and relationships with students Prior research has described professional investment stress as
moderates the relation between teachers’ self-reported job stress the most prevalent source of stress among teachers. Teachers’
and their observed teacher–child interactions. feelings of stress related to professional investment included frus-
trations with lack of control over job-related decisions and limited
1.1. Teacher–child interactions access to professional growth opportunities, as well as a feeling
of low intellectual or emotional stimulation (Fimian & Fastenau,
Types of interactions that are beneficial to young students relate 1990). Indeed, more recent data suggest that ongoing professional
to the emotional and instructional supports provided by teach- learning opportunities for teachers in the U.S. are limited com-
ers, as well as teachers’ management of the classroom (Pianta & pared to other high-achieving countries (Darling-Hammond, Wei,
Hamre, 2009). Teachers facilitate the development of students’ & Andree, 2010). Additionally, for preschool teachers, perceived
social-emotional competence by creating warm and emotionally lack of control over their job is regarded as a major contributor to
supportive environments infused with mutual respect and posi- job stress and has been shown to be detrimental to classroom prac-
tive communication, providing opportunities for autonomy, and tice (Curbow et al., 2000; Hagekull & Hammarberg, 2004; Raver,
demonstrating sensitivity to students’ emotions (Birch & Ladd, 2004).
1997; Brock & Curby, 2014; Denham, Bassett, & Zinsser, 2012; Managing student behavior is another prominent and fre-
Pianta & Steinberg, 1992). Teachers establish productive and orga- quently studied source of stress for teachers, regardless of the grade
nized classrooms that support academic instruction and student level taught (Friedman-Krauss, Raver, Neuspiel, & Kinsel, 2014;
learning behaviors by instituting consistent behavioral expecta- Grayson & Alvarez, 2008). As one example, a study of teacher stress
tions and classroom routines, as well as maximizing instructional in the primary through secondary grades indicated that stressors
learning time (Choi et al., 2016; McLeod, Fisher, & Hoover, 2003). related to student behavior had more detrimental effects on feel-
Relatedly, teachers provide high quality instruction by fostering a ings of teaching efficacy than stress associated with overall teaching
deeper understanding of academic concepts through open-ended workload (Klassen & Chiu, 2010). Moreover, the concurrent rela-
questions, problem solving, and real-world application, and by tion between high teacher stress levels and increased behavioral
encouraging language development through conversation, repeti- issues or teacher-student conflict has been highlighted in the lit-
tion, and elaboration (Hamre & Pianta, 2005; Torgesen, 2002). erature regarding teacher well-being (e.g., Jennings & Greenberg,
National trends in teacher–child interactions indicate that the 2009; Whitaker et al., 2015).
quality of interactions often declines over the course of the year Structural features of early childhood education, such as large
(National Center on Quality Teaching and Learning, 2013). To bet- class size and limited planning time, have long been considered
ter understand how teachers can maintain high quality interactions stressful aspects of the occupation (Raver, 2004). More recently,
with students throughout the school year, researchers need to con- increased workload associated with documentation and paperwork
sider the psychological and professional factors that influence the has accompanied accountability reforms (Gooze, 2014; Stipek,
quality of teacher–child interactions (Rimm-Kaufman & Hamre, 2006). In many early childhood settings these high work-related
2010). Teachers’ emotional well-being contributes to their func- demands do not occur in tandem with adequate job supports, and
tioning in the classroom setting (Hamre & Pianta, 2004; Jennings & for that reason, teachers experience high rates of burnout and
Greenberg, 2009; Sandilos et al., 2015). Teachers who experience turnover in the early childhood workforce (6; Maslach, Schaufeli, &
high levels of stress face difficulty achieving and sustaining high Leiter, 2001; Whitebook et al., 2014).
quality interactions with their students (Li-Grining et al., 2010). Existing literature shows that teacher stress is complex and
multifaceted. Not only is it important to consider the overall job
1.2. Teacher stress in early childhood settings stress a teacher is experiencing, but it is also valuable to exam-
ine sources of stress separately to disentangle key stressors that
Early childhood teachers are under immense pressure to ensure teachers face in their profession (Chang, 2009; Curbow et al., 2000;
that their young students are prepared for future success in school. Klassen, Foster, Sajani, & Bowman, 2009). Furthermore, exploring
These pressures have been compounded by the reality that early the ways in which different sources of stress influence teachers’
childhood professionals still tend to be underappreciated by society interactions with students has the potential to provide more spe-
as evidenced by lack of mobility within the career track and dis- cific levers for improving school-based professional development
parities in pay between preschool teachers and teachers in grades and other interventions targeting work-based stress.
K-12 (National Survey of Early Care and Education, 2013; USDH,
2016; Whitebook, Philips, & Howes, 2014). The high professional 1.3. Teacher stress and interaction quality
demands and low compensation make early childhood educators
particularly vulnerable to stress (Gooze, 2014). Teacher stress has consequences for the quality of interactions
Teacher stress is broadly defined as a negative emotional expe- in the preschool classroom (Hamre & Pianta, 2004), which in turn
rience associated with an individual’s ability to cope with job influences the social, emotional, and academic skills of the young
stressors (Kyriacou, 2001). Teachers’ experience with stress is children (Raver, 2004). For instance, preschool teachers who report
related to a variety of negative outcomes, such as poor health, high levels of stress tend to be in classrooms rated lower in emo-
lower quality instruction, burnout, absenteeism, and turnover (e.g., tional support, classroom management, and instructional support
Alkon, Ramler, & MacLennan, 2003; Curbow, Spratt, Ungaretti, & (Collmann, 2012; Li-Grining et al., 2010). Conversely, reductions
282 L.E. Sandilos et al. / Early Childhood Research Quarterly 42 (2018) 280–290
in stress are linked to teachers’ provision of higher quality envi- 1.5. Present study
ronments and improved outcomes for students (Zinsser, Bailey,
Curby, Denham, & Bassett, 2013). As one example, lower lev- The present study examines the extent to which a 14-week pro-
els of overall teacher job stress and higher ratings of classroom fessional development course designed to improve teacher–child
management were related to increased ratings of learning moti- interactions in the classroom moderated the relation between
vation in preschoolers (Pakarinen et al., 2010). Although existing sources of teacher-reported job stress and gains in observed qual-
work establishes the link between higher stress and lower qual- ity of teacher–child interactions from the beginning to the end of
ity teacher–child interactions in early childhood classrooms, less is the intervention. The following research question was explored: Is
known about different sources of job stressors and their implica- the relation between teachers’ ratings of different sources of stress
tions for preschool teachers’ interactions with their students, which and the quality of their interactions with preschool students mod-
is an issue addressed in the present study. erated by participation in a PD intervention focused on improving
teacher–child interactions?
The current study extends previous research by examining how
1.4. Professional development different sources of job stress relate to preschool teachers’ interac-
tion quality. Three sources of stress (i.e., professional investment,
One potential way to buffer against the effects of teacher job discipline and motivation, and work-related stressors) and three
stress is to provide teachers with additional supports and skills types of interactional quality (i.e., emotional support, classroom
through professional development (Jennings & Greenberg, 2009). organization, and instructional support) were examined separately
High quality professional development (PD) can result in positive to better understand how various sources of stress might be dif-
changes in preschool teachers’ instruction and improved outcomes ferentially associated with gains in different types of interactional
for young children (Kinzie et al., 2014; Pianta, Mashburn, Downer, quality. Moderation was tested by examining whether or not the
Hamre, & Justice, 2008). However, the PD experiences provided to relations between source of stress and change in interaction qual-
teachers in schools and center-based settings vary widely in struc- ity depended on assignment to the intervention (course) or control
ture and quality (Sheridan, Edwards, Marvin, & Knoche, 2009). The condition.
variability and inconsistent quality of teacher PD spawned a large
body of research exploring effective and systematic methods for 2. Method
providing additional training to teachers. Concurrently, the mount-
ing evidence that teacher–child interactions are a vital aspect of The data for this study were drawn from a large multi-site, ran-
early childhood programming has resulted in the creation of PD domized controlled trial (i.e., National Center for Research on Early
interventions that target interaction quality in preschools (e.g., Childhood Education [NCRECE] Professional Development Study;
Domitrovich et al., 2009; Pianta, Mashburn et al., 2008). Initial Downer et al., 2014; Hamre et al., 2012). The larger study evaluated
outcomes from PD interventions aimed to improve teacher–child two forms of professional development aimed to improve teach-
relationships indicate that teachers can change the way they inter- ers’ interactions with children over three phases of intervention.
act with students through the use of observations and feedback The first phase of the intervention (Phase 1) consisted of a 14-week
(Hamre, Downer, Jamil, & Pianta, 2012; Zan & Donegan-Ritter, college-level course, as described below. Data for this study were
2014). drawn from Phase 1 only.1
Despite the strong research on PD and teacher–child interac-
tions in early childhood, somewhat less is known about the relation 2.1. Participants
between preschool teachers’ experience with stress and PD expe-
riences. One possibility is that additional PD is not sufficient to Participants were preschool teachers recruited from large com-
influence the relation between stress and interaction quality. Yet munity preschools and Head Start programs across ten sites (i.e.,
another possibility is that participation in PD could provide teach- cities) in the United States (New York, NY; Hartford, CT; Chicago,
ers with new skills and strategies to utilize in the classroom, which IL (2 sites); Stockton, CA; Dayton, OH; Columbus, OH; Memphis,
may in turn render teachers’ feelings of stress less influential on TN; Charlotte, NC; Providence, RI). Participants were eligible for
their interactions with students. International work on this topic NCRECE based on four criteria: (a) they were the lead teacher in a
has shown that teachers exhibit positive attitudes toward PD when publicly-funded classroom in which the majority of children were
they perceive a link between their accomplishments and the PD eligible for kindergarten the following school year, (b) the majority
experience, and demonstrate negative attitudes toward PD when of children did not have an IEP at the start of the current school
they feel the experience increased their feelings of burnout (Ozer year, (c) classroom instruction was primarily in English, and (d)
& Beycioglu, 2010). Though not directly examined in this study, it high-speed internet access was available for teacher use at the pro-
is important to note that there are a variety of potential mech- gram site. The research team extended invitations to the program
anisms influencing the relation between PD and teacher stress. administrators, established program agreements, and facilitated
For example, when administered effectively, PD experiences can IRB approval at specific sites. Teacher recruitment was conducted
increase teachers’ feelings of self-efficacy in the targeted area of PD after administrators confirmed that their site would participate in
instruction (Goddard, Hoy, & Woolfolk Hoy, 2004; Rimm-Kaufman the study. After agreeing to take part in the study, teachers were
& Sawyer, 2004; Tschannen-Moran & McMaster, 2009), which, in then randomized into the course or control condition within site
turn, may mitigate any negative feelings of stress associated with for the first phase of the study (Hamre et al., 2012). The number
that aspect of their job (Schwarzer & Hallum, 2008). Moreover, of teachers assigned to the course condition ranged from 37% to
a characteristic of high quality PD is providing teachers with the 56% across the ten sites. Incentives for participation in the study
opportunity to discuss new concepts or skills and to talk about included the receipt of stipends as data collection materials were
problems that arise in the classroom (Garet, Porter, Desimone, submitted as well as monthly books. Teachers’ names were also
Birman, & Yoon, 2001), the act of which may be stress-relieving.
Thus, participation in PD targeted at improving teacher–child inter-
actions may buffer the negative association between teachers’ 1
Phase 2 included coaching and Phase 3 encompassed a post-intervention period
feelings of stress and interaction quality between teachers and of data collection. For more information regarding Phases 2 and 3, please see related
students. NCRECE publications (e.g., Downer et al., 2014; Pianta et al., 2014).
L.E. Sandilos et al. / Early Childhood Research Quarterly 42 (2018) 280–290 283
2.3. Procedures and measures motivation (e.g., student behavior problems, student motivation;
␣ = 0.80).
Teachers completed an online questionnaire prior to beginning
the course that included demographic information and a self-report 2.3.3. Covariates
measure of job stress. The self-report measure of job stress was A number of covariates were included either because they were
collected only at the start of Phase 1 of the study. Teacher use determined to be conceptually important in this sample or because
of effective teacher–child interactions was coded from videotapes they had appeared in prior studies of teacher–child interactions
teachers submitted to the research team. All teachers were pro- (Cabell et al., 2013; Hamre et al., 2012; Mashburn et al., 2008;
vided with a digital video camera and were asked to submit four Pianta, Mashburn et al., 2008). The full list of covariates included:
30-min videos during the course phase of the study. Teachers were teacher race/ethnicity, annual income, years of education, years
provided with specific instructions regarding the types of lessons of teaching experience, teaching efficacy/beliefs,2 and Head Start
to tape. Each videotape was required to meet the following criteria: affiliation (e.g., teaching in a Head Start center). Additionally, to
(a) at least 30 consecutive minutes of instruction, (b) a language or examine change in teacher–child interactions using residualized
literacy lesson/activity is taking place that is reflective of a typical change scores, the time 1 (fall) CLASS domain was entered into the
day in the classroom, (c) the teacher is interacting with students, model as a predictor and the corresponding time 2 (spring) CLASS
and (d) the teacher is visible throughout the taping. Two 15-min domain was used as the outcome in each model.
segments were CLASS coded from each 30-min video. The segments
selected for this study were gathered at two time points: a) time 2.4. Analytic approach
1, corresponding to the time period before the start of the course
through the first two weeks of the course, and b) time 2, corre- Correlation coefficients showed associations among the stress
sponding to the time period between the mid-point of the course subscales (work-related stressors, professional investment, and
to within 2 weeks after the last day of class. discipline and motivation) with coefficients ranging from 0.56 to
Coding was randomly assigned to raters at the segment level. 0.67. Including all three subscales in a single model raised multi-
Each segment was double-coded. Coders attended a 2-day CLASS collinearity concerns. However, analyzing each separately meant
training and had to pass the CLASS reliability that findings in models for each source of stress also contain
test, which requires scoring five segments and demonstrating information about the portion of variance shared across sub-
consistency with master codes (80% of codes within 1 point of mas- scales. Resolution involved a two-part approach: first, analyzing
ter code). Average reliability for the Reliability I test was 84%, with a each source of stress alone in separate models (keeping all the
range of 60% to 100%. Coders who did not pass this initial test were other covariates the same), and second, computing models with
provided with feedback and given a second test. Coders who did all three subscales entered simultaneously. Results revealed sig-
not pass this second test were assigned to other responsibilities. nificant moderation regardless of the analytic approach. In models
Throughout the coding period, all coders attended weekly meet- examining each source of stress separately, simple slopes for spe-
ings that focused on assessing progress and reliability, as well as cific sources of stress were significant; whereas, in the model with
addressing issues of potential drift. During these meetings 89% of all subscales entered simultaneously, the simple slopes of the mod-
codes were within 1 point of the master code. eration analyses exhibited similar trends but were non-significant
(for both groups). Careful examination of the results from both
models speaks to the potential suppression effects at play in the
2.3.1. Teacher–child interactions model containing the three correlated predictors. Thus, results are
Teacher–child interactions were measured using the Class- reported from models that included each source of stress sepa-
room Assessment Scoring System – Pre-Kindergarten (CLASS Pre-K; rately and findings are interpreted in ways that acknowledge this
Pianta, La Paro et al., 2008). The CLASS Pre-K includes10 dimen- decision.
sions assessing teacher–child interactions. Each dimension is rated The current study had 10 data collection sites. Programs/centers
on a 7-point scale with behavioral indicators and anchor point within sites were not recorded as part of the data collection proce-
descriptions provided for low (1–2), medium (3–5), and high (6–7) dure. To correct for the non-independence of teachers within site,
levels of that dimension. The dimensions are aggregated to create we used the Mplus TYPE = COMPLEX option, which provides scaled
three primary domains. Emotional support consisted of positive cli- standard errors robust to non-independence and non-normality.
mate, negative climate (reversed), regard for student perspectives,
and teacher sensitivity. Classroom organization consisted of behav- 3. Results
ior management, instructional learning formats, and productivity.
Instructional support consisted of concept development, quality of Preliminary analyses were conducted using SPSS Version 23 to
feedback, and language modeling. examine the descriptive statistics of all study variables. The means
and standard deviations of all variables used in the final models are
listed by condition in Table 2. T-tests were conducted to examine
2.3.2. Teacher job stress differences in all variables due to treatment condition (course vs.
Teachers’ reported job stress was collected only at the pre- control; see Table 2). Results indicated significant differences on
test time point using the Teacher Stress Inventory (TSI; Fimian & all three teacher–child interaction outcome variables (emotional
Fastenau, 1990). In this inventory, teachers reported how intensely support, classroom organization, instructional support) at time 2.
they experienced stress, by responding to a series of statements Teachers in the course condition outperformed teachers in the con-
(e.g., my class is too big) using a Likert-type response scale rang- trol condition on all teacher–child interaction outcomes at time
ing from 1 (not stressful) to 5 (highly stressful). A full list of items 2. However, there were no differences between teachers on these
is presented in Table 1. Sixteen items make up the three sub- variables at time 1. There were no differences by condition for
scales of the inventory (subscales had adequate reliability [␣] teacher race/ethnicity, annual income, years of education, years
in the current sample): Work-related stressors (e.g., workload,
size of classes, professional responsibilities; ␣ = 0.80); profes-
sional investment (e.g., opportunities for professional improvement, 2
Details regarding Teaching Efficacy/Beliefs (Tschannen-Moran & Woolfolk Hoy,
emotional/intellectual stimulation; ␣ = 0.75); and discipline and 2001) can be obtained from the primary author.
L.E. Sandilos et al. / Early Childhood Research Quarterly 42 (2018) 280–290 285
Table 2
Descriptive statistics for covariates by treatment condition.
% M SD % M SD
Teacher Characteristics
Race (African-American) 43 46
Ethnicity (Hispanic) 17 15
Annual Income $32,531 $10,870 $33,174 $11,775
Years of Education 15.51 1.54 15.71 1.65
Years of Experience 13.80 8.64 14.39 9.48
Teaching Efficacy/Beliefs 7.44 1.01 7.59 0.97
Classroom Characteristics
Head Start affiliation 61 35
Teacher-child Interactions
Emotional Support (pre) 5.30 0.48 5.26 0.50
Classroom Organization (pre) 2.50 0.68 2.36 0.69
Intructional Support (pre) 5.17 0.64 5.22 0.65
Teacher-child Interactions
Emotional Support (post) 5.42 a 0.49 5.17 a 0.58
Classroom Organization (post) 2.96 b 0.64 2.51 b 0.65
Intructional Support (post) 5.46 c 0.59 5.27 c 0.65
Note. Pre = pre-midterm. Post = post-midterm. Items with the same subscript significantly differ between course and control condition at p < 0.05. df for t-tests ranged from
237 to 345.
of teaching experience, teaching efficacy/beliefs, and Head Start ized change in interactional quality, interaction effects were tested
affiliation. Correlations between the study controls, predictors, and in a second set of regression models (Model 2, Table 4). Signif-
outcomes are presented by condition in Table 3. icant moderation was found for the course condition (receipt of
Moderation analyses were run in Mplus7 (Muthén & Muthén, PD course) in the relations between two types of teacher-reported
1998–2012) because the program supports the use of a full infor- job stress, professional investment and discipline and motivation,
mation maximum likelihood estimator (FIML) to handle missing and residualized change in all three types of interactional qual-
data and appropriately adjusts standard errors when clustering is ity. Specifically, the interaction between treatment condition and
present. All main effects were tested in an initial set of regression teacher-reported stress in professional investment was signifi-
models (Model 1, Table 4). As can be seen in Table 4, teachers who cantly related to change in emotional support (ˇ = 0.27, p < 0.01),
participated in the PD intervention made significantly greater gains classroom organization (ˇ = 0.15, p < 0.05), and instructional sup-
in the quality of their interactions with children across all domains port (ˇ = 0.26, p < 0.001). Additionally, the interaction between
(i.e., emotional support, classroom organization, instructional sup- treatment condition and teacher-reported stress in discipline and
port) than teachers in the control condition. motivation was significantly related to change in instructional sup-
To explore the moderation effect of participation in the PD port (ˇ = 0.16, p < 0.05).
intervention on the relation between sources of stress and residual-
Table 3
Correlations between study variables and spring teacher-child interactions by treatment condition
Course Control
Teacher Race (Black) 0.02 0.17 0.12 −0.10 0.07 −0.03
Teacher Ethnicity (Hispanic) 0.05 0.10 0.16 −0.03 −0.18 −0.08
Teacher Annual Income 0.07 0.19 * −0.06 0.00 0.12 0.25 **
Teacher Years of Education −0.04 0.10 0.05 0.09 0.18 * 0.10
Teacher Years of Experience 0.12 −0.15 0.19 * 0.05 0.02 −0.01
Teaching Efficacy/Beliefs 0.11 0.16 0.05 0.10 0.23 * 9.00
Head Start Affiliation −0.02 0.00 −0.16 0.08 −0.03 0.02
Teacher-child Interactions (pre) 0.19 * 0.21 * 0.28 *** 0.37 *** 0.22 * 0.49 ***
Note. ES = Emotional Support. CO = Classroom Organization. IS = Instructional Support. Teacher-child Interactions (pre) = corresponding Teacher-child Interactions (Emotional
Support, Classroom Organization, Instructional Support) observed pre-midterm. * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001.
286 L.E. Sandilos et al. / Early Childhood Research Quarterly 42 (2018) 280–290
Table 4
Main effects of sources of stress and moderation effects of intervention to predict change in teacher-child interaction quality.
Note. Model 1 = Main effects model. Model 2 = Moderation model. Teacher-child Interactions (pre) = corresponding Teacher-child Interactions (Emotional Support, Classroom
Organization, Instructional Support) observed pre-midterm. Covariate estimates are presented from a model excluding all treatment condition, teacher stress, and interaction
predictors.Standardized estimates are reported with standard errors in parenthesis. *p < 0.05. **p < 0.01. ***p < 0.001.
structural equation modeling (SEM) in order to verify the robust- to the start of the intervention, it was not possible to directly test
ness of the regression findings. Specifically, observed stress items whether or not the course actually reduced professional investment
were used to create the three latent stress factors, which were stress for teachers in the course condition. Therefore, an important
then used to predict the latent CLASS outcomes with treatment next step in examining professional development interventions,
condition as the moderator. The SEM results were consistent with such as the model used in this study, is to explore the intervention’s
the regression analyses, with significant moderation occurring direct impact on sources of stress at post-test.
between professional investment stress and treatment condition Professional investment stress at the start of the school year
for emotional support (b = 0.94, p < 0.05) and instructional support was associated with growth in instructional support in the course
(b = 1.04, p < 0.05).3 However, because interactions using latent pre- group. One aspect of professional investment stress reflected teach-
dictors in Mplus must be run with the ‘type = random’ function, the ers’ concerns about their own professional growth; it is possible
SEM models were unable to account for clustering by site. Thus, the that teachers who were high in professional investment stress prior
regression results were selected as the main findings given that to the start of the intervention had greater uptake of the inter-
those analyses were consistent with SEM and also robust to the vention. This finding was not anticipated. However, it is plausible
effects of clustering. that teachers’ heightened awareness and anxiety over their need to
develop professionally may have made them more responsive to an
4. Discussion intervention designed to improve practice. Still, it is not clear why
teachers in the course condition showed a significant positive asso-
The present study explored the moderating effect of partici- ciation between professional investment stress and instructional
pation in PD on the relation between job stress and change in support, but not for emotional support. One potential explanation
teacher–child interactions. Prior research indicated that teachers relates to the intervention’s focus on improving interactions that
who participated in the course (intervention) condition exhibited contribute to language and literacy skills. It is possible that teach-
improvements in emotional support, classroom organization, and ers elected to participate in the larger study if they needed more
instructional support (Hamre et al., 2012). Extending those find- assistance with content-specific instructional supports, which may
ings, the current results demonstrated that participation in the help to explain why there was a significant positive association
PD course significantly moderated the relation between one spe- between professional investment stress and instructional support
cific source of job stress and change in two domains of observed in the course condition. To unpack this further, more information
teacher–child interaction quality. is needed regarding teachers’ motivations for participating in the
An examination of interactions and simple slopes between larger study.
stress and treatment condition revealed that professional invest- Although trends suggested that discipline and motivation stress
ment was the only source of stress significantly associated with had a more deleterious influence on teacher–child interactions in
teacher–child interaction quality. Professional investment stress the control group than in the course group, the main effect did
refers to teachers’ general displeasure with their career, such as not yield statistical significance. Existing literature reveals that
not feeling emotionally or intellectually stimulated by their job, student behavioral issues (e.g., behavioral problems, attentional
lacking sufficient opportunities for professional development, and issues, low motivation) can degrade teacher-student relationships
perceiving low levels of control over job-related decisions. For the due to ongoing conflict in the classroom (Friedman-Krauss et al.,
teachers in the control condition, high professional investment 2014; Grayson & Alvarez, 2008; Kyriacou, 2001). However, in this
stress at the start of the school year related negatively to growth in sample, we see no statistically detectable relation between teach-
emotional and instructional support over the course of the year. ers’ frustration with discipline issues and declines in the quality of
The mechanisms behind this finding align with the burnout lit- teacher–child interactions.
erature. Perceptions of limited job growth and lack of supports Work-related stress, such as reporting that there is too much
for career development can lead to a reduced sense of personal work to complete or that the pace of the school day is too fast,
accomplishment, which has long been considered an important did not relate to change in teacher–child interactions in either
aspect of career burnout (Maslach & Jackson, 1981). As teachers’ the course or control condition. Although factors such as work-
sense of accomplishment or growth in their career diminishes, overload and time pressures have been linked to job stress and
they may also experience waning enthusiasm for their job and eventual burnout (Lambert et al., 2006; Maslach et al., 2001), it may
feelings of emotional burnout. This experience of stress and emo- be that these job characteristics are more closely tied to general
tional burnout will not only influence teachers’ ability to support career attitudes rather than day-to-day interactions with students.
others emotionally, but could impair their own motivation and cog- These findings suggest that teachers in this sample who experi-
nition, consequently weakening their ability to provide high quality enced high work-related stress did not interact differently with
instructional supports to students over the course of a school year students when compared to teachers reporting lower levels of
(Jennings & Greenberg, 2009). work-related stress.
In contrast, for the teachers receiving PD, professional invest- Yet another surprising finding was that none of the sources
ment stress did not relate to change in the quality of emotional of stress were significantly associated with changes in levels of
support. These findings suggest that PD participation buffered the classroom organization, which assesses teachers’ ability to manage
relation between professional investment stress and the teachers’ behavior, facilitate a productive classroom that maximizes learn-
ability to foster an emotionally supportive classroom. Given that ing time, and provide varied materials for learning. This finding
the course focused directly on improving interactions and provided is unexpected given that existing literature has identified links
outlets for discussing classroom concerns, it is possible that teach- between teacher stress and classroom management (Friedman-
ers strengthened their skills in emotional support to such an extent Krauss et al., 2014; Klassen & Chiu 2010) and has described this
that their interactions were less vulnerable to personal factors such relation in the context of a “burnout cascade” (e.g., Jennings &
as emotional state. Since teacher stress was measured only prior Greenberg, 2009). It is possible that the lack of association stems
from key differences in the domains being assessed. The dimen-
sions of classroom organization tap into aspects of teaching and
SEM output using the ‘type = random’ function in Mplus does not provide stan-
instruction that may already be established as classroom routines
dardized beta weights. Therefore, only unstandardized betas are reported in the (e.g., behavioral expectations, rapid transitions, classroom mate-
robustness check section. rials; Pianta, La Paro et al., 2008). In contrast, emotional support
288 L.E. Sandilos et al. / Early Childhood Research Quarterly 42 (2018) 280–290
involves warmth and sensitivity in interpersonal interactions and extend existing work by including normative measures of emo-
instructional support requires cognitive energy (e.g., concentra- tional health in an effort to generate comparisons with the general
tion, memory) to cultivate higher-order thinking, all of which tend population and by administering stress measures at pre and post
to be affected by stress (American Psychiatric Association, 2013; intervention.
Sapolsky, 1996). Consequently, it may be that some of the more rou-
tinized aspects of teaching measured in classroom organization are
4.2. Implications for research and practice
less sensitive to an individual’s day-to-day emotional functioning
than the emotionally- or cognitively-demanding aspects of teach-
The findings from this study have both empirical and prac-
ing. Moreover, the duration and latency of the measurement of
tical implications. Research has indicated that teacher–child
CLASS scores may not have been sufficiently long enough to detect
interactions are beneficial to students’ academic and emotional
changes or a “cascading effect” in these more routinized aspects of
development and that high levels of teacher stress may be detri-
teaching. Continued work exploring the association between stress
mental to classroom quality (e.g., Li-Grining et al., 2010). The
and instructional effectiveness is needed to further understand
present findings reveal that professional investment stress may
these relationships (or lack thereof).
be particularly salient to teacher–child interaction quality. Con-
These results are important for administrators and policy-
tinued research exploring the differential influence of sources of
makers who face challenging decisions on whether or not to adopt
stress on teacher functioning is needed to better understand the
professional development for teachers. Decision-makers should
ways in which teachers can be more effectively supported in their
weigh the advantage of professional development against the dis-
profession. Future studies of various early childhood PD models
advantage of adding a time-consuming activity to the lives of
should also consider teachers’ emotional well-being as an outcome
already burdened and busy teachers. Though specific to the NCRECE
of interest in addition to changes in teachers’ instructional practice.
professional development, these findings can inform decision-
In a practical context, this study has implications for train-
making. Engagement in this professional development appears to
ing within the early childhood education workforce. For example,
mitigate the effect of stress related to professional investment
rather than simply utilizing a quality rating system to evaluate
on teachers’ emotionally supportive interactions. The presence of
preschools, the rating tools could be used diagnostically to target
professional investment stress also may be a proxy of teachers’
professional development efforts. In light of the findings related
readiness to engage in PD aimed at improving instructional prac-
to professional investment stress, early childhood centers would
be well-served to provide more training and continuing educa-
tion opportunities to preschool teachers, particularly in areas of
4.1. Limitations and future directions
instruction that are causing them concern or stress. In particular,
preschools should consider PD and other experiences that allow
There are several limitations that warrant mention. The first
for conversations and feedback regarding classroom interactions
two limitations relate to teacher selection and the nature of the
(Garet et al., 2001) given that the opportunity to develop in this
intervention (Hamre et al., 2012). First, the teachers at each site
area appeared to positively affect teachers’ classroom practices and
volunteered to participate in this study. Given the voluntary nature
emotional functioning. In addition, preschool centers could bene-
of participation, we cannot determine the extent to which these
fit from surveying teachers at regular intervals to gauge aspects
volunteer teachers differed from non-participating teachers at the
of the work environment that may be causing stress. This type
different sites or from the larger population of pre-kindergarten
of school-based data collection would enable administrators to be
teachers in the United States. Additionally, the fact that teachers in
more responsive to instructional and contextual issues that arise in
the course condition were voluntarily taking the course may have
their centers, and it would also convey a message to teachers that
resulted in improved uptake of course material. Consequently, the
their emotional well-being is valued.
findings have limited generalizability beyond the current sample.
In conclusion, teachers’ emotional well-being demands atten-
Second, the control teachers were placed in a business-as-usual
tion as we explore ways to improve early childhood educational
condition and did not receive any alternative coursework as part
experiences. Continued consideration and exploration of the piv-
of the study. Future work is needed to examine whether or not
otal role that various sources of stress can play in teacher behavior is
coursework in a different area, such as programming focused
an important issue as we identify ways to improve developmental
on stress-reduction (e.g., mindfulness, wellness, social-emotional
outcomes for young children. Further, the potential buffering effect
learning; Greenberg et al., 2016; Roeser, Skinner, Beers, & Jennings,
that high quality PD can have on the relation between stress and
2012), still moderates the influence of stress on teachers’ interac-
teacher–child relationships may have great benefit for preschool
tions with students or if the coursework needs to be targeted to
the outcome of interest (i.e., teacher–child interactions). Third, the
CLASS data collection timeline was such that there was variation
in teachers’ exposure to the course when they submitted CLASS References
videos (e.g., teachers may have submitted their first of four post-
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