Shell 99

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SHELL99 may be used for layered applications of a structural shell model. While SHELL99
does not have some of the nonlinear capabilities of SHELL91, it usually has a smaller element
formulation time. SHELL99 allows up to 250 layers. If more than 250 layers are required, a
user-input constitutive matrix is available.

The element has six degrees of freedom at each node: translations in the nodal x, y, and z
directions and rotations about the nodal x, y, and z axes. See Section 14.99 of the ë 
   for more details about this element.

G c 



The geometry, node locations, and the coordinate system for this element are shown in Figure
4.99-1. The element is defined by eight nodes, average or corner layer thicknesses, layer
material direction angles, and orthotropic material properties. Midside nodes may not be
removed from this element. See Section 2.4.2 of the ë     for
more information about the use of midside nodes. A triangular-shaped element may be
formed by defining the same node number for nodes K, L and O.
The following graph shows element formation and stress recovery time as a function of the
number of layers. While SHELL91 uses less time for elements of under three layers,
SHELL99 uses less time for elements with three or more layers.

The elastic foundation stiffness (EFS) is defined as the pressure required to produce a unit
normal deflection of the foundation. The elastic foundation capability is bypassed if EFS is
less than, or equal to, zero. ADMSUA is the added mass per unit area.

The input may be either in matrix form or layer form, depending upon KEYOPT(2). If matrix
form, the matrices must be computed outside of the ANSYS program. See Section 14.99.3 of
the ë  
  . Briefly, the force-strain and moment-curvature relationships
defining the matrices for a linear variation of strain through the thickness (KEYOPT(2)=2)
may be defined as:

where these terms are defined in Section 14.99.3 of theë  

  . The
submatrix [A] is input by real constants as:

Submatrices [B] and [D] are input similarly. Note that all submatrices are symmetric. {MT}
and {BT} are for thermal effects. Real constants also include the element average density
(AVDENS) and the element average thickness (THICK). As flat elements have been seen to
give better results than curved elements for KEYOPT(2)=2, midside nodes are internally
redefined for this case to be on a straight line connecting the corner nodes midway between
the nodes for geometric computations. If KEYOPT(2)=3, quadratic effects are also included
with matrices [E], [F], and {QT}, and midside nodes are not redefined. Section 4.99.3
provides a limitation on the use of matrix input. No stresses, thermal strains, or failure criteria
are available with matrix input.

For non-matrix input, the element coordinate system orientation is as described in Section 2.3.
The local coordinate system for each layer is defined as shown in Figure 4.99-2. The layer
number (LN) can range from 1 to 250. In this local right-handed system, the x' axis is rotated
an angle THETA(LN) (in degrees) from the element x axis toward the element y axis.

The total number of layers must be specified (NL). The properties of all layers should be
entered (LSYM = 0). If the properties of the layers are symmetrical about the mid-thickness
of the element (LSYM = 1), only half of properties of the layers, up to and including the
middle layer (if any), need to be entered. While all layers may be printed, two layers may be
specifically selected to be output (LP1 and LP2, with LP1 usually less than LP2).

The material properties of each layer may be orthotropic in the plane of the element. The real
constant MAT is used to define the layer material number instead of the element material
number applied with the Œ  command. MAT defaults to 1 if not input. The material X
direction corresponds to the local layer x' direction. Properties not input default as described
in Section 2.4.

Use G and   to supply global values for reference temperature and damping,
respectively. Alternatively, use the Œ Êcommand to specify element-dependent values for
reference temperature (Œ,REFT) or damping (Œ,DAMP); layer material numbers are
ignored for this purpose.

Each layer of the laminated shell element may have a variable thickness (TK) by selecting
KEYOPT(2)=1. The thickness is assumed to vary bilinearly over the area of the layer, with
the thickness input at the corner node locations. If the layer has a constant thickness, only
TK(I) need be input. If the thickness is not constant, all four corner thicknesses must be input.
The total thickness of each shell element must be less than twice the radius of curvature, and
should be less than one-fifth the radius of curvature.

You can specify the nodes to be at the top, middle or bottom surface of the element. The
choice is made through the node offset option (KEYOPT(11)). This option is very convenient,
for example, when modelling laminated structures with ply drop-off, where the location of the
top or bottom surface may be better defined than the location of the midplane as shown in
Figure 4.91-4.

You can also define two elements that share the same nodes, but with each element having a
different setting of KEYOPT(11), as shown in Figure 4.91-5.

The failure criteria selection is input in the data table [], as described in Table 4.99-1a.
Three predefined criteria are available and up to six user-defined criteria may be entered with
user subroutines. See Section 14.99 of the ë  
   for an explanation of the
three predefined failure criteria. See ë  for an
explanation of user subroutines.

Element loads are described in Section 2.7. Pressures may be input as surface loads on the
element faces. The edge pressures act at the nodal plane as shown by circled numbers 3
through 6 on Figure 4.99-1. The mass matrix is also assumed to act at the nodal plane.
Depending on KEYOPT(11), the nodal plane may be at the midsurface, or at the top or
bottom surface. Positive pressures act into the element. Edge pressures are input as force per
unit length. Temperatures may be input as element body loads at the "corner" locations (1-8)
shown in Figure 4.99-1. The first corner temperature T1 defaults to TUNIF. If all other
temperatures are unspecified, they default to T1. If only T1 and T2 are input, T1 is used for
T1, T2, T3, and T4, while T2 (as input) is used for T5, T6, T7, and T8. For any other input
pattern, unspecified temperatures default to TUNIF.

A summary of the element input is given in Table 4.99-1. A general description of element
input is given in Section 2.1.


  I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P
If KEYOPT(2) = 0, supply the following 12+(3*NL) constants:
(Blank), (Blank), (Blank), (Blank), (Blank), (Blank),
MAT, THETA, TK for layer 1, MAT, THETA, TK for layer 2, etc. up to
layer NL

If KEYOPT(2) = 1, Supply the following 12+(6*NL) constants:


 (Blank), (Blank), (Blank), (Blank), (Blank), (Blank),
MAT, THETA, TK(I), TK(J), TK(K), TK(L) for layer 1, etc. up to layer NL

If KEYOPT(2) = 2, supply the following 79 constants: A(21), B(21), D(21),


If KEYOPT(2) = 3, supply the following 127 constants:

A(21), B(21), D(21), E(21), F(21), MT(6), BT(6), QT(6), AVDENS,
If KEYOPT(2) = 0 or 1, supply the following 13*NM properties where NM
is the number of materials (maximum is NL):
NUYZ, NUXZ), DENS, GXY, GYZ, GXZ, for each of the NM materials.

    If KEYOPT(2) = 2 or 3, supply none of the above.

Supply DAMP and REFT only once for the element (use Œ  command to
assign material property set). See the discussion in Section 4.99.1 for more
face 1 (I-J-K-L) (bottom, in +Z direction),

face 2 (I-J-K-L) (top, in -Z direction),
face 3 (J-I), face 4 (K-J), face 5 (L-K), face 6 (I-L)
 T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8 if KEYOPT(2) = 0 or 1, or
none if KEYOPT(2) = 2 or 3
 Plasticity, Creep, Swelling, Stress stiffening, Large deflection, Large strain,
  Birth and death, Adaptive descent.
0 - Constant thickness layer input (250 layers maximum)
1 - Tapered layer input (125 layers maximum)
2 - Matrix input using linear logic
3 - Matrix input using quadratic logic
0 - Basic element printout
1 - Integration point strain printout
2 - Nodal force and moment printout in element coordinates
3 - Force and moment per unit length printout (available only if
KEYOPT(2) = 0 or 1)
4 - Combination of all three options
0 - No user subroutines used to define element coordinate system
4 - Element x-axis located by user subroutine USERAN
!"c 5 - Element x-axis located by user subroutine USERAN and layer x-axes
located by user subroutine USANLY (see the ë 
 for user written subroutines)
Determines whether strains or stresses will be used with KEYOPT(6)
0 - Strain results will be used
1 - Stress results will be used
2 - Both strain and stress results will be used
Used for printout control. no stresses, thermal strains, or failure
criteria are available with matrix input.
0 - Basic element printout, as well as the summary of the maximum of all
the failure criteria
1 - Same as 0 but also print the summary of all the failure criteria and the
summary of the maximum of the interlaminar shear stress
2 - Same as 1 but also print the layer solution at the integration points in the
 bottom layer (or LP1) and the top layer (or LP2)
3 - Same as 1 but also print the layer solution at the element centroid for all
layers, as well as the interlaminar shear stress solution between layers
4 - Same as 1 but also print the layer solution at the corner nodes for all
layers, as well as the interlaminar shear stress solution between layers
5 - Same as 1 but also print the layer solution with the failure criterion
values at the integration points for all layers, as well as the interlaminar
shear stress solution between layers
0 - Store data for bottom of bottom layer (or LP1) and top of top layer (or
!"  LP2). Also store data for maximum failure criteria layer.
1 - Store data for all layers.
#Volume of data may be excessive.
Not available if KEYOPT(2) = 0 or 1 with NL = 1
!" 0 - Evaluate strains and stresses at top and bottom of each layer
1 - Evaluate at mid-thickness of each layer
0 - No material property matrices printed
1 - Print material property matrices integrated through thickness for first
element, if it is a SHELL99 element
0 - Nodes located at midsurface
!" 1 - Nodes located at bottom surface
2 - Nodes located at top surface

The failure criteria table is started by using the  command (with p=FAIL). The data
table is input in two parts:

àÊ the failure criterion keys

àÊ the failure stress/strain data.

Data not input are assumed to be zero. See Section 14.99 of the ë  
an explanation of the predefined failure criteria. The six failure criterion keys are defined with
the   command following a special form of the Œ command
[Œ,,CRIT] to indicate that the failure criterion keys are defined next. The constants
(C1-C6) entered on the   command are:

"  Œ


Maximum Strain Failure Criterion - Output as FC1 (uses strain constants 1-9)
0 - Do not include this predefined criterion.
1 - Include this predefined criterion.
-1 - Include user-defined criterion with subroutine USRFC1.
2 Maximum Stress Failure Criterion - Output as FC2 (uses stress constants 10-18)
Options are the same as for constant 1, except subroutine is USRFC2.
Tsai-Wu Failure Criterion - Output as FC3 (uses constants 10-21)
0 - Do not include this predefined criterion
3 1 - Include the Tsai-Wu strength index
2 - Include the inverse of the Tsai-Wu strength ratio
-1 - Include user-defined criterion with subroutine USRFC3
User-defined Failure Criteria - Output as FC4 TO FC6
0 - Do not include this criterion.
-1 - Include user-defined criteria with subroutines
USRFC4, USRFC5, USRFC6, respectively.

The failure data, which may be temperature-dependent, must be defined with the  
command following a temperature definition on the Œ command. Strains must have
absolute values less than 1.0. Up to six temperatures ( =6 maximum on the 
command) may be defined with the Œ commands. The constants (C1-C21) entered on
the   command (6 per command), after each Œ command, are:


 -   - Œ

 - ( ) - Failure strain in material x-direction in tension (must be positive).
 - ( ) - Failure strain in material x-direction in compression (default = - ) (may not be
 - ( ) - Failure strain in material y-direction in tension (must be positive).
c - ( ) - Failure strain in material y-direction in compression (default = - ) (may not be
- ( ) - Failure strain in material z-direction in tension (must be positive).

- ( ) - Failure strain in material z-direction in compression (default = - ) (may not be

- ( ) - Failure strain in material x-y plane (shear) (must be positive).

) - Failure strain in material y-z plane (shear) (default = ).

 - ( ) - Failure strain in material x-z plane (shear) (default = ).
$ - ( ) - Failure stress in material x-direction in tension (must be positive).
 - ( ) - Failure stress in material x-direction in compression (default = - ) (may not be
 - ( ) - Failure stress in material y-direction in tension (must be positive).
 - ( ) - Failure stress in material y-direction in compression (default = - ) (may not be
c - ( ) - Failure stress in material z-direction in tension (must be positive).
 - ( ) - Failure stress in material z-direction in compression (default = - ) (may not be

- ( ) - Failure stress in material x-y plane (shear) (must be positive).
 - ( ) - Failure stress in material y-z plane (shear) (default = ).
 - ( ) - Failure stress in material x-z plane (shear) (default = ).
 - ( ) - x-y coupling coefficient for Tsai-Wu Theory (default =-1.0).
$ - ( ) - y-z coupling coefficient for Tsai-Wu Theory (default = -1.0).
 - ( ) - x-z coupling coefficient for Tsai-Wu Theory (default =-1.0).

-Tsai-Wu coupling coefficients must be between -2.0 and 2.0. Values between -1.0 and
0.0 are recommended. For 2-D analysis, set , , , and to a value several orders of
magnitude larger than , , or ; and set Cxz and Cyz to zero.

c  "

The solution output associated with the element is in two forms:

àÊ nodal displacements included in the overall nodal solution

àÊ additional element output as shown in Table 4.99-2.

Several items are illustrated in Figure 4.99-2. The element stress directions correspond to the
layer local coordinate directions.

Various layer printout options are available. For integration point output, integration point 1 is
nearest node I, 2 nearest J, 3 nearest K, and 4 nearest L. Failure criterion output is evaluated
only at the in-plane integration points. (See Section 14.99 of the ë  
After the layer printout, the in-plane forces and moments are listed for the entire element if
KEYOPT(3)=3 or 4. These are shown in Figure 4.99-2. The moments include the moment
about the x-face (MX), the moment about the y-face (MY), and the twisting moment (MXY).
The forces and moments are calculated per unit length in the element coordinate system and
are the combined sum for all layers. If KEYOPT(3) = 2 or 4 for this element, the 6 member
forces and moments are also printed for each node (in the element coordinate system).
KEYOPT(8) controls the amount of data output on the postdata file for processing with the
 ! or  !
command. A general description of solution output is given in
Section 2.2. See the ë  ë    for ways to view results.

G c  "

The following notation is used in Table 4.99-2:

A colon (:) in the 

 column indicates the item can be accessed by the Component Name
method [ , "] (see Section 2.2.2). The " and  columns indicate the
availability of the items in the file Î  OUT (") or in the results file (), a ! indicates
that the item is    available, a number refers to a table footnote which describes when the
item is    available, and a - indicates that the item is  available.

 c   " 

p Element number ! !
!" Nodes - I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P ! !
þ!p# Volume ! !
!$! Average temperatures at top and bottom faces ! !
è #%$$& Global X, Y ,Z location ! !
Pressures P1 at nodes I, J, K, L; P2 at I, J, K, L;

 ! !
P3 at J, I; P4 at K, J; P5 at L, K; P6 at I,L
 Temperatures T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8 1 1
'  Integration point number 2 -
! Top (TOP), Bottom (BOT), Mid-thickness (MID) of element 2 -
%'$'$&' Global X,Y,Z location of integration point 2 -
!#%$$&$%$ Total strains (no thermal strain adjustment) in element
2 2
&$%& coordinates

Layer number 3 -
ë Material number of this layer 3 -
(ë Material direction angle for layer (THETA) 3 -
ëþ('è Average thickness of layer 3 -
Accumulative average thickness (thickness of element from
ëèèëþ('è 3 -
layer 1 to this layer)
ëþ Average temperature of layer 3 -
Top (TOP), Bottom (BOT), Mid-thickness (MID) of layer
! 3 -
(see KEYOPT(9) for control options)
p!è Center location (avg) (if KEYOPT(6)=3) 3 -
!" Corner node number (if KEYOPT(6)=4) 3 -
'  Integration point number (if KEYOPT(6)=2 or 5) 3 -
Elastic strains (in layer local coordinates) 4 -
Stresses (in layer local coordinates) 4 -
è$)))$è$ Failure criterion values and maximum at each integration point,
4 -
èë% output only if KEYOPT(6)=5
è Failure criterion number (FC1 to FC6, FCMAX) 5 !
Maximum value for this criterion (if value exceeds 9999.999,
þëp 5 !
9999.999 will be output)
p Layer number where maximum occurs 5 !
p*%$$&$%$ Elastic strains (in layer local coordinates) causing the maximum
5 !
&$%&+ value for this criterion in the element.
*%$$&$%$&$ Stresses (in layer local coordinates) causing the maximum value
5 !
%&+ for this criterion in the element.
 Interface location 6 6
'p%& Interlaminar SXZ shear stress 6 6
'p& Interlaminar SYZ shear stress 6 6
Angle of shear stress vector (measured from the element x axis
'pë  6 6
toward the element y axis in degrees)
'p Shear stress vector sum 6 6
Layer numbers which define location of maximum interlaminar
p $p , 7 !
shear stress (ILMAX)
Maximum interlaminar shear stress (occurs between LN1 and
'pë% 7 !
Element total in-plane forces per unit length (in element
*%$$%+ 8 8
*%$+ Out-of-plane element X and Y shear forces 8 8
*%$$%+ Element total moments per unit length (in element coordinates) 9 9
*%$$&+ Member forces for each node in the element coordinate system 10 -
Member moments for each node in the element coordinate
!*%$$&+ 10 -

1. If KEYOPT(2)=0 or 1

2. Integration point strain solution (if KEYOPT(3)=1 or 4)

3. Layer solution (if KEYOPT(2)=0 or 1 and KEYOPT(6)>1)

4. The item output is controlled with KEYOPT(5)

5. Summary of failure criteria calculation (only if KEYOPT(2)=0 or 1).

If KEYOPT(6)=0, only maximum of all failure criteria (FCMAX) in element is output.
Output of the elastic strains and/or stresses (depending on KEYOPT(5)) for each failure
criterion and the maximum of all criteria (FCMAX).

6. Interlaminar stress solution (if KEYOPT(2)=0 or 1 and KEYOPT(6)>2)

7. Printed only if KEYOPT(2)=0 or 1, andKEYOPT(6)#0

8. Output at the corner nodes only if KEYOPT(2)=0 or 1, and KEYOPT(3)=3 or 4

9. Output at the corner nodes only if KEYOPT(2)=0 or 1, KEYOPT(3)=3 or 4, and

KEYOPT(9) # 1

10. Output only if KEYOPT(3)=2 or 4

Table 4.99-3 lists output available through the   command using the Sequence
Number method. See Chapter 5 of the ë  ë    and Section of this manual for more information. The following notation is used in Table 4.99-3:

Name - output quantity as defined in the Table 4.99-2

Item - predetermined ' label for   command
E - sequence number for single-valued or constant element data
I,J,...,L - sequence number for data at nodes I,J,...,L




'p%& SMISC (2*i)+7 (2*NL)+9
'p& SMISC (2*i)+8 (2*NL)+10
'p NMISC (2*i)+5 (2*NL)+7
'pë  NMISC (2*i)+6 (2*NL)+8

 SMISC (2*NL)+11 (2*NL)+12 (2*NL)+13 (2*NL)+14
, SMISC (2*NL)+15 (2*NL)+16 (2*NL)+17 (2*NL)+18
- SMISC (2*NL)+20 (2*NL)+19
. SMISC (2*NL)+22 (2*NL)+21
/ SMISC (2*NL)+24 (2*NL)+23
 SMISC (2*NL)+25 (2*NL)+26

èë%*0 + NMISC 1
þëp NMISC 2
'pë% NMISC 4
p  NMISC 5
p , NMISC 6
èë%* + NMISC 2*(NL+i)+7
þëp* + NMISC 2*(NL+i)+8
è NMISC 4*NL+8+15(N-1)+1
þëp NMISC 4*NL+8+15(N-1)+2
p NMISC 4*NL+8+15(N-1)+3
p% NMISC 4*NL+8+15(N-1)+4
p NMISC 4*NL+8+15(N-1)+5
p& NMISC 4*NL+8+15(N-1)+6
p% NMISC 4*NL+8+15(N-1)+7
p& NMISC 4*NL+8+15(N-1)+8
p%& NMISC 4*NL+8+15(N-1)+9
% NMISC 4*NL+8+15(N-1)+10
 NMISC 4*NL+8+15(N-1)+11
& NMISC 4*NL+8+15(N-1)+12
% NMISC 4*NL+8+15(N-1)+13
& NMISC 4*NL+8+15(N-1)+14
%& NMISC 4*NL+8+15(N-1)+15

-The i in Table 4.99-3 (where i= 1, 2, 3 ..., NL) refers to the layer number of the shell.
NL is the maximum layer number as input for real constant NL (1 <= NL <= 250). N refers to
the failure criterion number: N=1 for the first failure criterion, N=2 for the second failure
criterion, and so on.

Zero area elements are not allowed. This occurs most often whenever the elements are not
numbered properly. Zero thickness layers or layers tapering down to a zero thickness at any
corner are not allowed. If KEYOPT(11) = 0, all nodes are assumed to be at the mid-thickness
of the element. The offset effect of the layers from the node is automatically included. No
slippage is assumed between the element layers. Shear deflections are included in the element,
however, normals to the center plane before deformation are assumed to remain straight after
deformation. This element may produce inaccurate stress under thermal loads for doubly
curved or warped domains.

The applied transverse thermal gradient is assumed to be linear through the element and over
the element surface. The stress varies linearly through the thickness of each layer.
Interlaminar transverse shear stresses are based on the assumption that no shear is carried at
the top and bottom surfaces of an element. Further, these interlaminar shear stresses are only
computed at the centroid and are not valid along the element boundaries. If accurate edge
interlaminar shear stresses are required, shell-to-solid submodeling should be used. The
element matrices are reformed every iteration unless option 1 of the ' command is
active. Only the lumped mass matrix is available. The mass matrix is assumed to act at the
nodal plane.

The large deflection option for SHELL99 is not as convergent as it is for SHELL91 (the
nonlinear layered shell element). SHELL91 may be the preferred element type when
constructing models that include large deflection

If you have defined the element using the node offset option (KEYOPT(11) 0), be aware of
the following:

àÊ You should not use shell-to-solid submodeling ["G] or temperature interpolation

àÊ You should not use the matrix input option (KEYOPT(2) = 2 or 3).
àÊ The transverse shear stresses will not be valid if two elements share the same nodes
but have different settings of KEYOPT(11) (for example, as shown in Figure 4.91-5).
Also, POST1 nodal results in this case should be obtained from either the top or the
bottom element, since nodal data averaging will not be valid if elements from both
sides of the nodal plane are used.
c  c    
When used in the product(s) listed below, the stated product-specific restrictions apply to this
element in addition to the general assumptions and restrictions given in the previous section.


àÊ This element is limited to 20 constant thickness layers, or 10 tapered layers, and does
not allow the user-input constitutive matrix option (i.e., KEYOPT(2)=2 or 3 is not
àÊ The DAMP material property is not allowed.
àÊ KEYOPT(4) can only be set to 0 (default).
àÊ The six user-defined failure criteria (subroutines USRFC1 through USRFC6) are not

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