Turbine Notes
Turbine Notes
Turbine Notes
Now a days turbojets are universally used in all aircraft . Gas turbines are more popular for
Marine application, locomotives and power generation .
The air is taken into the compressor at atmospheric condition and it is compressed . Now the
high pressure and high temperature air is supplied in the combustion chamber at constant
pressure . The product of combustion then passes through the turbine where it expands for
doing mechanical work . The part of power developed by the turbine is used for driving the
compressor. The product of combustion coming from the turbine are released into the
atmosphere . The working fluid must be replaced continuously because they are released into
the atmosphere
Closed cycle constant pressure gas turbine
The compressed fluid coming out from compressor is heated in heater by an external source at
constant pressure and then high pressure and high temperature fluid develops work while
passing through the turbine. The gases coming out from the turbine is cooled to its original
temperature in the cooler using external cooling source.
1) Higher pressure throughout the cycle results in reducing the size of plant for given
2) Closed cycle awards corrosion and erosion of turbine blades.
3) Filtration of incoming air is not required in closed cycle because compressor has to
handle Limited amount of clean air.
4) Solid fuel can be used because indirect heating is used in closed cycle . This reduces cost
of power developed .
5) Maintenance cost is low and reliability is high due to longer useful life .
6) Working fluid in closed cycle is not necessarily air . Heavier working fluid with higher
adiabatic index and high specific heat can be used to reduce the size of plant , to
increase thermal efficiency and to increase the output for given maximum temperature
and mass flow rate .
1) Large amount of cooling water is required in cooler therefore its use is limited to
stationary installation or Marine application where large amount of water is available .
2) It cannot be used for aircraft turbines .
3) The ratio of weight per kilowatt power developed is hi high. Which is not economical for
moving vehicle .
4) Higher initial installation cost .
5) Response of power plant to the changing load on the plant is very poor .
Method for improvement of thermal efficiency of simple open cycle constant pressure gas
turbine plant
1 Regeneration
The exhaust gases from turbine carry lot of heat . The heat of exhaust gases can be used to heat
the air coming out from the compressor which will reduce the mass of fuel supplied in the
combustion chamber .
2 Intercooling
The work required by compressor can be reduced by compressing the air in two stages and by
intercooling in between the two stages .
3 Reheating
Improvement in the output can be achieved by expanding the gases in the turbine in two
stages with reheater in between the two stages . This increases the cycle efficiency .
By increasing the value of maximum cycle temperature Turbine efficiency can be increased
2 The mechanical efficiency of turbine is very high 95% compare with IC engine 85% because IC
engine has large number of sliding parts.
3 Gas turbine is a continuous power developing machine where IC engine develops power
intermittently . Torque on the turbine shaft is continuous and uniform therefore flywheel is not
4 Work done per KG of air supplied in turbine is more than work done per kg of air in IC engine
The weight of gas turbine is hardly 0.15 kg/ KW where as the weight of IC engine is 2.5 kg / KW
7 Maximum pressure used in gas turbine is very low 5 bar compared with IC engine 60 bar
therefore components of gas turbine can be made lighter.
8 Lubrication and ignition systems are much more simple as compared with IC engine.
9 Gas turbine can use cheaper fuels like Residue oil or powdered coal .
10 Fuel consumption of gas turbine does not increase with period of operation like IC engine.
12 Exhaust from gas turbine is free from smoke and less polluting compared with IC engine
Disadvantages of turbine
Turbojet engine
This engine consists of diffuser, compressor, combustion chamber turbine and exhaust nozzle.
The function of diffuser is to convert kinetic energy e of air into static pressure rise . Then air
enters into compressor other axial or Centrifugal which further compresses the air and delivers
it to the combustion chamber. Nozzle feeds the fuel continuously and continuous combustion
of air fuel takes place at constant pressure . Now high pressure and high temperature gases
enters into the turbine where they are expanded to provide power output . Turbine is directly
coupled with the compressor and all the power developed by the turbine is given to the
compressor . Exhaust gases from the turbine now expanded further in nozzle and these gases
leaves the nozzle with very high velocity and produce thrust for the propulsion .
1) The plant is very noisy, materials are costly and life is short.
It is similar to Turbo jet engine but here 80% of expansion takes place in turbine and remaining
20% expansion takes place in nozzle . The total power developed by the turbine is used to run
the compressor as well as the propeller . The forward motion of aircraft is given partly by the
propeller and partly by the jet produced by the nozzle .
1) It develops higher thrust and power at the time of takeoff and climb.
2) Specific fuel consumption is low.
3) It has low frontal area and low weight .
4) It has less vibrations and noise
5) It has high efficiency.
The function of supersonic and subsonic diffuser is to convert kinetic energy of air into
pressure rise which is called as Ram pressure .
The air entering into the Ramjet with Supersonic speed is slowed down to Sonic velocity in the
Supersonic diffuser which increases air pressure .
The air pressure is further increased by subsonic diffuser increasing the temperature of air .
The fuel injected into combustion chamber is burnt with the help of flame stabilizer .
The high pressure and high temperature gases are passed through the nozzle which converts
pressure energy into kinetic energy .
This high velocity gases coming from nozzle provides forward thrust .
Major drawback of ramjet engine is it cannot be started from rest . It has to be accelerated to
certain flight velocity by some launching device . Ramjet is always equipped with small Turbojet
which helps in starting the Ramjet.
Rrocket propulsion
Fuel and oxidizer both are mounted in the propelling body . Rocket can function in vacuum .
The rocket motor can be propelled with solid propellants or liquid propellants .
When high Thrust is required for longer duration the propellants are supplied to the nozzle at
high pressure with the help of pumps .
These pumps are operated by gas turbine where high pressure and high temperature gases
formed by the fuel and oxidizer are passed to the gas turbine.
Liquid propellants is circulated around the wall of combustion chamber and nozzle to cool the
surface .
1) Once propellant is ignited it consumes entire fuel without any option of shut off.
2) Cannot be used where large rest is required for longer duration of time.
Advantages of liquid propellants
Regeneration method
Exhaust gases carry lot of heat and their temperature is very high above the
ambient temperature. The heat of the exhaust gas can be used to heat the air coming
out the compressor. Thus reducing the mass of fuel supplied in the combustion
With the use of regenerator in the circuit there is no change in the compressor work and
turbine work but reduction in the quantity of fuel supplied in combustion chamber.
Power developed by the gas turbine is used by the compressor. The work
required by the compressor can be reduced by compressing the air in two stages and
with the use of intercooler between the two stages.
The intercooling helps to increase the net output per kg of air.