Soda Straw Rocket Lesson 5

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​NGSS Lesson Planning Template

Grade/ Grade Band​​: 3-5th grade Topic:​​ Soda Straw Rocket Lesson #​​ ​_5__​ in a series of ​5 ​ lessons
Brief Lesson Description​​: The mission is complete and we will need to get the crew back to Earth.
Performance Expectation(s):
3-PS2-1 Plan and conduct an investigation to provide evidence of the effects of balanced and unbalanced forces on the motion of an
3-PS2-2 Make observations and/or measure of an object’s motion to provide evidence that a pattern can be used to predict future
Specific Learning Outcomes: By investigating the best model design for a straw rocket, students will be able to build and test a straw
rocket and then test the rocket to determine the best construction. Students will finish up the storyline and complete the unit.
Lesson Level Narrative
Our mission is to get our crew launched into orbit from the surface of Mars. You will build the rocket on the surface of the planet to send
the mission crew back to Earth when they are done with their mission.

Science & Engineering Practices: Disciplinary Core Ideas: Crosscutting Concepts:

Planning and carrying out investigations to PS2.A Forces and Motion Patterns
answer questions or test solutions to ● Each force acts on one particular ● Patterns of change can be used to
problems: object and has both strength and make predictions
● Plan and conduct an investigation a direction. An object at rest Cause and effect
collaboratively to produce data to typically has multiple forces acting ● Cause and effect relationships are
serve as the basis of evidence, on it, but they add to give zero net routinely identified
using fair tests in which variables force on the object’s speed or
are controlled and the number of direction of motion.
trials considered ● Patterns of an object’s motion in
● Make observations and/or various situations can be observed
measurements to produce data to and measured; when that past
serve as the basis for evidence for motion exhibits a regular pattern,
an explanation of a phenomenon future motion can be predicted
or test a design solution. from it.
Possible Preconceptions/Misconceptions:
Students tend to call the active actions “force” but do not consider passive actions as “forces”​ ​Gunstone, R., Watts, M. (1985). Force and
motion. In Driver, R. (Ed.), ​Children's ideas in science​ (pp. 85-104). Many students know that a force can cause an object to move. A typical
example of students sharing their understanding of forces is that the source of motion comes from outside the object (for example, the
soccer ball moves because someone has kicked it). Students need activities to engage in that will help them uncover the four sources of
change in motion. Force can change an object’s speed and make an object move. Force can stop an object and change It’s direction.


ENGAGE: Opening Activity – Access Prior Learning / Stimulate Interest / Generate Questions​​:
- Asked the students what activity was done last week
- Discovering the which sample had life and which samples did not
- Tell the students what else do they need since they have done ( write on the board the cycle)
- Heavy Lifting​​ ( Being able to travel all the way to Mars), ​Touchdown​​ ( landing to Mars safe ), ​Roving to mars​​ ( being able
to move around mars and last long by changing the different types of wheels),​ Astrobiology​​ ( which sample has live last
week activity), Lastly ​Straw Rockets​​ ( getting back to earth)

EXPLORE: Lesson Description – What should the teachers ask and do? What will the students do? (Meggan)
Straw Rocket activity
- materials: straw, paper, sissors, tape, pencil
- additional materials: rulers, pencil to write with
- groups of 4: pick one variable to change, everything else has to be the same
- (have them pick out their variable from a cup: thickness of body, length of body, nose of rocket, how many fins, design of fins)
EXPLAIN: Concepts Explained and Vocabulary Defined:
- concept
- things to keep in mind when building rocket
- reduce aerodynamic resistance (hand outside of window)
- paper airplane- trying to go the distance

QUESTION- what can we cotntrol?

- engineering design process- Improving a design based on testing

ELABORATE: Applications and Extensions:

- What were some of the variables that you and your group altered in the building process?
- What worked and what didn't work?
- What did you notice that made your rockets go further?
- How can we use this activity to understand real life rockets better?


Formative Monitoring (Questioning / Discussion):

The purpose of this activity was to finalize the mission to mars which is to land back to Earth. what did you learn from this activity? in
other words what is something that the NASA engineers would think about when constructing this rocket?
(fins, wings, distance, fuel, direction, capsule, designated safe spot)

Summative Assessment (Quiz / Project / Report):

We will draw our story of what steps are needed to go to Mars.
(launching, touchdown-landing, roving in Mars, Exploring life-Is it living, coming back home-rocket)
Tell your partner the story. Take turns sharing and afterwards volunteers will share their story to the class.

Elaborate Further / Reflect: Enrichment:

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