5e Ngss Lesson Planning Template 0 1
5e Ngss Lesson Planning Template 0 1
5e Ngss Lesson Planning Template 0 1
From Molecules to
Lesson: Structures and
Brief Lesson Description: The students will be expected to identify parts of plant and
how these part help plant.
Performance Expectation(s): Develop models to describe that organisms have unique
and diverse life cycles, but all have in common birth, growth, reproduction, and
Grade/ Grade Band:
Grade 3
The students will be able to describe how roots and stems take in, transport or store
water and nutrients the plant needs to grow.
Narrative / Background Information
Prior Student Knowledge:
Crosscutting Concepts:
Possible Preconceptions/Misconceptions:
Students may think that a celery stalk is a stem. However, to be a stem, a cross
section must be circulated to square in shape. A celery stalk cross section has a
crescent shape. In addition, the word stalk is short for leaf stalk. So, the celery stalk
is part of the leaf. If you have a bunch of celery and you remove each stalk one by
one, you will find the conical stem in the center.
ENGAGE: Opening Activity Access Prior Learning / Stimulate Interest / Generate Questions:
Review the pervious lesson by giving each group a small card with a marker and ask
them a question. Then they should discuss their answer in a group. Moreover, using
a frog board to give them a smile face or point when they are participating.
Using PowerPoint to explain the lesson for how roots and stems help the plant. I ask
students about the new vocabulary by sharing and discuss the ideas.
Show the students' video about the type of roots and how they can grow and in
which way. Lets them to watch the video then I ask them what they learn about the
Vocabulary: nutrient
ELABORATE: Applications and Extensions:
Ask the students to open their books and answer the question.
Make a discussion with the students review what they learned today.
Elaborate Further / Reflect: Enrichment: