Mr. Sharat Kumar Baral

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Page 1 of 35 Ground Floor(Detail)


OVER PLOT NO-1478/7326,KHATA NO-1330/7224
(i) CIVIL WORKS- (GROUND FLOOR) Description of Items Nos Length Width Height Quantity Units
1 Earthwork in excavation in all types of soil for
site leveling, foundation, pits, trenches and
other civil works upto and including 1.5 metre
lift and stacking the soil upto a lead of 100
metre and including dewatering, removing
slush,shoring and strutting (as required),
complete as per specification and as directed
by the Engineer-In-Charge.

a) In all kind of soil

Peripherial wall 1 47.710 0.600 0.750 21.470
Footing:- F1 14 2.430 1.820 2.840 175.843
Total 197.312 Cum

b) Stoney earth
1 197.312 vol. 0.300 59.194
Total 59.194 Cum

c) Hard Rock :-
1 197.312 vol. 0.300 59.194
Total 59.194 Cum

2 Filling at all depth with available excavated

earth (excluding rock) in trenches, plinth,
sides of foundations etc. in layers not
exceeding 15cm in depth: consolidating each
deposited layer by ramming and watering
complete (lead upto 100m) as directed by the
Engineer-In-charge. 1 197.312 area 0.670 132.199
Total 132.199 Cum

3 Supplying and filling sand in foundation and

over areas including watering,ramming,
consolidating and dressing, labours, tools,
taxes etc., all complete as per the
specification and direction of E.I.C.

Peripherial wall 1 47.710 0.600 0.150 4.294

Footing:- F1 14 2.430 1.820 0.300 18.575

Inside Plinth area :-

1 111.100 area 0.600 66.660
Total 89.529 Cum

4 Diluting and injecting chemical emulsion (to

be supplied free of cost at site of work) for
PRE CONSTRUCTIONAL Anti-termite treatment
and creating a continuous chemical barrier
under and all-round the column pits, wall
trenches, basement excavation, top perimeter
of building, expansion joints, over the top
surface of consolidated sorroundings of pipes
and conduits etc. complete as per
specifications (plinth area of the building at
ground floor only shall be measured for
Plinth Area 1 111.100 area 111.100
Total 111.100 Sqm
Page 2 of 35 Ground Floor(Detail) Description of Items Nos Length Width Height Quantity Units

5 Providing and laying plain cement concrete
1:4:8 (1 cement: 4 sand: 8 stone aggregate
40mm nominal size) as levelling course in
foundation and plinth etc. including
tempering, curring, shuttering etc.complete
all depth and height.
Peripherial wall 1 47.710 0.600 0.150 4.294
Footing:- F1 14 2.430 1.820 0.150 9.287
Total 13.581 Cum

6 Providing and laying plain cement concrete

1:3:6 (1 cement : 3 sand : 6 stone aggregate
12mm nominal size) as levelling course in
floor and plinth etc. including tempering,
curring, shuttering etc.complete all depth and
1 42.860 0.150 6.429
Total 6.429 Cum

7 Brick work with Fly ash Bricks in cement

mortar (1:6) in Foundation and Plinth having
crushing strength not less than 75.00 kg/cm2
immerging the bricks in water not less than
six hours before use in masonary.

Peripherial 1 47.710 0.500 0.150 3.578

1 47.710 0.375 0.150 2.684
2 47.710 0.250 0.600 14.313
Total 20.575 Cum

8 Brick work with Fly ash Bricks in cement

mortar (1:6) in super structure having
crushing strength not less than 75.00 kg/cm2
immerging the bricks in water not less than
six hours before use in masonary.

250mm thick wall :-

X-axis 1 5.100 0.250 3.000 3.825
1 3.000 0.250 3.000 2.250
1 2.830 0.250 3.000 2.123
1 2.650 0.250 3.000 1.988
2 1.850 0.250 3.000 2.775
Y-axis 1 4.450 0.250 3.000 3.338
1 3.480 0.250 3.000 2.610
1 3.300 0.250 3.000 2.475
1 3.000 0.250 3.000 2.250
1 2.450 0.250 3.000 1.838

Deduction :- Door -3 1.050 0.250 2.100 -1.654

D2 -2 0.900 0.250 2.100 -0.945
Window -7 1.500 0.250 1.350 -3.544
W1 -1 0.900 0.250 1.250 -0.281
V -2 0.900 0.250 1.350 -0.608
V1 -2 0.600 0.250 0.600 -0.180
Utility -1 2.700 0.250 1.350 -0.911

Lintel :- Door -2 1.650 0.250 0.150 -0.124

D2 -1 1.500 0.250 0.150 -0.056
Window -7 2.100 0.250 0.150 -0.551
W1 -1 1.500 0.250 0.150 -0.056
V1 -2 1.200 0.200 0.150 -0.072
Total 16.488 Cum
Page 3 of 35 Ground Floor(Detail) Description of Items Nos Length Width Height Quantity Units

9 Half Brick work with Fly ash Bricks in cement
mortar (1:4) in superstructure having crushing
strength not less than 75.00 kg/cm2
immerging the bricks in water not less than
six hours before use in masonary .
125 mm thick wall :-
X-axis 1 8.300 0.125 3.000 3.113
1 2.300 0.125 3.000 0.863
1 2.100 0.125 3.000 0.788
Y-axis 1 3.350 0.125 3.000 1.256
1 4.250 0.125 3.000 1.594
1 3.500 0.125 3.000 1.313

Deduction :- D1 -2 1.000 0.125 2.100 -0.525

D2 -1 0.900 0.125 2.100 -0.236
D3 -2 1.000 0.125 2.100 -0.525

Lintel :- D1 -2 1.600 0.125 0.150 -0.060

D2 -1 1.500 0.125 0.150 -0.028
D3 -2 1.350 0.125 0.150 -0.051
Total 7.500 Cum

10 Providing and laying reinforced cement

concrete of M-25 grade with 20 mm and down
grade black hard granite (Crusher broken)
chips including cost of all materials, labours
T&P etc. Complete but excluding the cost of
shuttering and reinforcement. at all heights
and all floors
a)Footings :-
F1 20 2.430 1.820 0.650 57.494
Total 57.494 Cum

b) Pedestal :-
C1 20 0.353 0.557 1.371 5.391
Total 5.391 Cum

c)Plinth Beam :-
PB1 3 12.650 0.250 0.350 3.321
1 3.200 0.250 0.350 0.280
PB2 4 8.800 0.250 0.350 3.080
1 3.800 0.250 0.350 0.333
1 2.800 0.250 0.350 0.245
Total 7.258 Cum

d) Column up to Pl :-
C1 20 0.250 0.250 2.380 2.975
Total 2.975 Cum

e) Column up to Slab :-
C1 20 0.250 0.250 3.000 3.750
Total 3.750 Cum
f) Lintel :-
250 mm width wall
Door 2 1.650 0.250 0.150 0.124
D2 1 1.500 0.250 0.150 0.056
Window 7 2.100 0.250 0.150 0.551
W1 1 1.500 0.250 0.150 0.056
V1 2 1.200 0.250 0.150 0.090

125 mm width wall

D1 2 1.600 0.125 0.150 0.060
D2 1 1.500 0.125 0.150 0.028
D3 2 1.350 0.125 0.150 0.051
Page 4 of 35 Ground Floor(Detail) Description of Items Nos Length Width Height Quantity Units

Total 1.016 Cum

g) Chajja :-
Window 6 1.800 0.450 0.100 0.486
Total 0.486 Cum
h) Roof Beam :-
PB1 3 12.650 0.250 0.350 3.321
1 3.200 0.250 0.350 0.280
PB2 4 8.800 0.250 0.350 3.080
1 3.800 0.250 0.350 0.333
1 2.800 0.250 0.350 0.245
Total 7.258 Cum

i) Slab :-
1 104.350 1.000 0.125 13.044
Total 13.044 Cum
j) Staircase :-
Landing beam 1 2.050 0.250 0.350 0.179
Landing 2 2.050 0.900 0.150 0.554
Waste Slab 2 1.750 0.900 0.150 0.473
Steps 18 0.900 0.300 0.150 0.729
Total 1.934 Cum

Total M-25 Casting 83.204 Cum

11 Supplying, straightening, cutting, bending,

placing in position and binding reinforcement
steel work in RCC/reinforced brick works as
per drawing and specification including
preparation of respective bar bending
schedule and binding ( Binding wire to be
used as per the IS code) etc. all complete as
per direction of Engineer-In-Charge.Cold
Twisted bars,Thermo-Mechanically-treated
a) Footing
bars. 1 57.494 Kg/Cum 106.000 6094.343
b) Pedestal 1 4.044 Kg/Cum 106.000 428.664
c) Plinth Beam 1 7.258 Kg/Cum 180.000 1306.463
d) Col up to Pl 1 2.975 Kg/Cum 250.000 743.750
e) Col up to slab 1 3.750 Kg/Cum 250.000 937.500
f) Lintel 1 1.016 Kg/Cum 125.000 127.000
g) chaiji 1 0.486 Kg/Cum 125.000 60.750
h) Roof Beam 1 7.258 Kg/Cum 220.000 1596.760
i) Slab 1 13.044 Kg/Cum 100.000 1304.375
j) Staircase 1 1.934 Kg/Cum 150.000 290.156
99.259 Total 12889.761 Kg
Total 128.898 Qtl

12 16mm cement plaster on external RCC/brick

surfaces in cement plaster 1:6 (1 cement : 6
coarse sand) including necessary scaffolding,
curing etc. all complete at all floors and all
External wall 1 42.860 3.450 147.867
Deduction :-
Door -2 1.050 2.100 -4.410
Window -7 1.500 1.350 -14.175
W1 -1 0.900 1.250 -1.125
Balcony -1 2.700 1.350 -3.645
V -2 0.900 1.350 -2.430
V1 -2 0.600 0.600 -0.720
Total 121.362 Sqm
Page 5 of 35 Ground Floor(Detail) Description of Items Nos Length Width Height Quantity Units

13 12mm cement plaster on internal smooth side
of RCC/brick surfaces with cement mortar of
mix 1:6 (1 cement : 6 fine sand) including
necessary scaffolding, curing etc. all complete
at all floors and all heights.
bedroom 1 4.000 2.000 3.000 24.000
1 3.400 2.000 3.000 20.400
bedroom-1 1 4.160 2.000 3.000 24.960
1 3.400 2.000 3.000 20.400
Toilet 1 2.300 2.000 3.000 13.800
1 1.520 2.000 3.000 9.120
Toilet-1 1 2.300 2.000 3.000 13.800
1 1.700 2.000 3.000 10.200
Kitchen 1 2.210 2.000 3.000 13.260
1 2.830 2.000 3.000 16.980
Page 6 of 35 Ground Floor(Detail) Description of Items Nos Length Width Height Quantity Units

Utility 1 2.700 1.000 3.000 8.100
1 1.210 2.000 3.000 7.260
1 2.700 1.000 0.900 2.430
Drawing 1 5.860 2.000 3.000 35.160
1 5.320 2.000 3.000 31.920
Staircase 1 3.300 2.000 3.000 19.800
1 2.050 2.000 3.000 12.300
Portico 1 5.000 1.000 3.000 15.000
1 3.300 1.000 3.000 9.900
1 5.000 1.000 0.900 4.500
1 3.300 1.000 0.900 2.970

Deduction :- Door -4 1.050 2.100 -8.820

D1 -4 1.000 2.100 -8.400
D2 -4 0.900 2.100 -7.560
D3 -4 0.750 2.100 -6.300
Window -7 1.500 1.350 -14.175
W1 -2 0.900 1.250 -2.250
V -2 0.900 1.350 -2.430
V1 -2 0.600 0.600 -0.720
Total 265.605 Sqm

14 6 mm cement plaster on RCC surfaces at

ceiling/slab soffit and other locations with
cement mortar of mix 1:4(1 cement : 4 fine
sand) including necessary scaffolding, curing
etc. all complete at all floors and all heights.
1 111.100 1.000 1.000 111.100
Total 111.100 Sqm

15 Providing and laying Vetrified floor tiles

600x600 mm (thickness to be specified by the
manufacturer) 1st quality conforming to IS:
equivalent approved make, colours & shades,
except white, ivory, grey, fume red brown, laid
on 20 mm thick cement mortar 1:4 (1cement :
4coarse sand ) including pointing the joints
with white cement and matching pigments,
etc. complete as per direction of EIC at all
floors and all heights.

Floor area 1 111.100 1.000 111.100

Total 111.100 Sqm

16 Vetrified tile skirting, dado, risers of steps with

12mm th. cement mortar 1:3 (1cement : 3
coarse sand) finished with a floating coat of
neat cement including rounding of junctions
with floors where required etc. complete as
per direction of the Engineer-In-Charge at all
floors and all heights.
Floor area 1 101.400 1.000 0.150 15.210
Total 15.210 Sqm

17 Providing and laying Anti-skid ceramic glazed

floor tiles 300x300 mm (thickness to be
specified by the manufacturer) 1st quality
conforming to IS : 15622 of NITCO, SOMANY,
ASIAN, KAJARIA or equivalent approved make,
colours & shades, except white.

Toilet 1 3.920 area 3.920

Toilet-1 4 3.500 area 14.000
Total 17.920 Sqm
Page 7 of 35 Ground Floor(Detail) Description of Items Nos Length Width Height Quantity Units

18 Providing and fixing 1st quality ceramic glazed
wall tiles conforming to IS: 15622 (thickness
to be specified by the manufacturer) minimum
thickness 5mm of NITCO, SOMANY, ASIAN,
KAJARIA or equivalent approved make in all
colours, shades except burgundy.

Toilet 1 7.600 2.100 15.960

Toilet-1 4 8.000 2.100 67.200
Deduction :- Door -2 0.750 2.100 -3.150
-2 0.600 0.600 -0.720
Total 79.290 Sqm

19 Providing and fixing 20mm thick Granite

stone in floor and Skirting (sample of sample
of stone should be approved by EIC) for any
similar locations where ever required in
horizontal/vertical surfaces of required size of
approved shade, colour and texture, with
moulding edge etc. laid over 25mm thick bed
of cement mortar 1:1 (1 cement: 1 coarse
sand) with joints treated with white cement
mixed with matching pigment, epoxy touch
ups including rubbing, curing, moulding and
polishing to give high gloss finish etc.
complete as per direction of Engineer-In-
charge. In all floors Landing
and all heights. 2 2.050 0.900 3.690
Tread 17 0.900 0.300 4.590
Riser 18 0.900 0.150 2.430
Kitchen Platform 1 2.200 0.600 1.320
Portico Tread 2 1.050 0.300 0.630
Riser 3 1.050 0.150 0.473
Total 13.133 Sqm

20 Providing and fixing seasoned sal wood work

in frames at any locations including doors,
windows,cupboard, clerestory and other
frames fixing in position including cost of
hinges, M.S. flat (30mm x 6mm) hold fasts
lugs or dash fasteners of required dia and
length as per drawing / specification, at all
floors and all heights.
Door 2 5.250 0.125 0.075 0.098
D1 2 5.200 0.125 0.075 0.098
D2 2 5.100 0.125 0.075 0.096
Window 7 5.700 0.125 0.075 0.374
W1 1 4.500 0.125 0.075 0.042
Total 0.708 Cum

21 Providing and fixing ISI marked flush door

shutters conforming to IS : 2202 (Part I)
decorative type, core of block board
construction with frame of 1st class hard wood
and well matched teak 3 ply veneering with
vertical grains or cross bands and face
veneers on both faces of shutters.32mm thick.
(both side 1mm th. laminate, Teak wood
leapping and glass pannel including all S.S.
hardware fittings)
D 2 1.050 1.000 2.100 4.410
D1 2 1.000 1.000 2.100 4.200
D2 2 0.900 1.000 2.100 3.780
Total 12.390 Sqm
Page 8 of 35 Ground Floor(Detail) Description of Items Nos Length Width Height Quantity Units

22 Providing & fixig aluminium work for windows
(sliding type) madeup aluminium section 151-
154, 151-155 as frame section No. 151-155,
151-153 and 151-167 as shutter frame with
12mm thick black glass as panel fitted with
rubber bedding including lucking
arrangement. In all floors and all heights.
Window 7 1.500 1.350 14.175
W1 1 0.900 1.250 1.125
V 2 0.900 1.350 2.430
V1 2 0.600 0.600 0.720
Total 18.450 Sqm

23 Supplying fitting and fixing Fibre Reinforced

Polymer FRP composite door shutter with
hinge as per approved section with glass fibre
reinforced plastic moulded skins and a special
sandwiched core, so as to impart monolithic
composite structure as per approved
technology (DST) to satisfy IS: 14856 door
testing performance criteria including all
complete, as approved by EIC.
Standard size 2050mm X 905 mm/670mm
(32mm thick ).
D3 2 0.750 1.000 2.100 3.150
Total 3.150 Sqm

24 Providing and fixing M.S grill of required

patterns for windows/verandahs etc. with M.S
flats, square or round bars etc. including
applying a coat of approved steel primer and
two or more coats of synthetic enamel paint of
approved make & shade, all complete as per
drawing & specification. Kg.
Window 7 1.500 27.000 1.350 382.725
W1 1 0.900 27.000 1.250 30.375
V 2 0.900 27.000 1.350 65.610
V1 2 0.600 27.000 0.600 19.440
Total 498.150 Kg

25 Providing & Applying priming coat with

Cement primer of approved brand and
manufacture on plaster surface as per the
instruction of Engineer-In-Charge at all
elevations including all material & labour
complete. area 1.000 121.362
External Wall 1 121.362
Internal wall 1 265.605 area 1.000 265.605
Ceilling 1 111.100 area 1.000 111.100
Total 498.067 Sqm

26 Providing and applying to outside walls with

two or more coats of Anti-Fungal Weather
coat water proofing paint including scaffolding
and cleaning the surface before application of
approved colour and manufacture as per
specification, instruction of Engineer-In-
Charge at all elevations including all material
labour complete. 1 121.362 area 1.000 121.362
External Wall
Total 121.362 Sqm
Page 9 of 35 Ground Floor(Detail) Description of Items Nos Length Width Height Quantity Units

27 Providing and applying white cement based
putty of average thickness 1 mm of approved
brand and manufacturer, over the plastered
wall surfaces to prepare the surface even and
smooth as per the instruction of Engineer-In-
Charge at all elevations including all material
& labour complete. 1.000 121.362
External Wall 1 121.362 area
Internal wall 1 265.605 area 1.000 265.605
Ceilling 1 111.100 area 1.000 111.100
Total 498.067 Sqm

28 Preparing surface and painting at all height

with two or more coats of interior Plastic
Emulsion "Royale Shyne" of Asian Paints or
equivalent of approved shade as per the
instructions of the manufacturers; giving
uniform shade etc in all heights of walls etc.
including interior wall primer & providing
scaffolding, cleaning, curing and supply of all
materials and labour complete as per drawing,
design and direction of Architect/Engineer-In-
Internal wall 1 265.605 area 1.000 265.605
Ceilling 1 111.100 area 1.000 111.100
Total 376.705 Sqm

29 Providing & Applying priming coat with ready

mixed pink or gray primer of approved brand
and manufacture on wood /Ply work (hard and
soft wood)as per the instruction of Engineer-
In-Charge at all elevations including all
material & labour complete.
Door 2 5.250 1.000 0.300 3.150
D1 2 5.200 1.000 0.300 3.120
D2 2 5.100 1.000 0.300 3.060
Total 9.330 Sqm

30 Providing & Painting with synthetic enamel

paint of approved brand and manufacture to
give an even shade as per the instruction of
Engineer-In-Charge at all floors and all heights
including all material & labour complete.
V 2 0.900 1.100 1.350 2.673
V1 2 0.600 1.100 0.600 0.792
Window 7 1.500 1.100 1.350 15.593
W1 1 0.900 1.100 1.250 1.238
Total 20.295 Sqm

31 Supplying, fitting and fixing of Stainless steel

of 304 grade in hand ralling using 50mm dia
of 2mm thick circular pipe with Balustrade of
size 32mm X 32mm X 2mm @ 0.90mtr. C/C
and stainless square pipe bracing of size
32mm X 32mm X 2mm in 3 rows in stair case
as per approved design and specification,
buffing, polishing etc with cost, conveyance,
taxes, all materials, labour, T&P etc. required
for the complete in all respect. kg/Sqm
1 3.250 10.460 33.995
Total 33.995 Rmt.
Page 10 of 35 Ground Floor(Detail) Description of Items Nos Length Width Height Quantity Units

32 Making plinth protection 50mm thick of
cement concrete 1:3:6 (1 cement : 3 coarse
sand : 6 graded stone aggregate 20mm
nominal size) over 75mm bed of dry brick
ballast 40mm nominal size well ramed,
consolidated and grouted with fine sand and
finishing the top smooth including shuttering
at the edges, excavation and disposing of
surplus earth with a lead of 100m.
1 42.860 0.600 25.716
Total 25.716 Sqm
Page 12 of 35 Ground Floor(Detail)


OVER PLOT NO-1478/7326,KHATA NO-1330/7224

8 Brick work with Fly ash Bricks in cement

mortar (1:6) in super structure having
crushing strength not less than 75.00 kg/cm2
immerging the bricks in water not less than
six hours before use in masonary.

250mm thick wall :-

X-axis 1 5.100 0.250 3.000 3.825
1 3.000 0.250 3.000 2.250
1 2.830 0.250 3.000 2.123
1 2.650 0.250 3.000 1.988
2 1.850 0.250 3.000 2.775
Y-axis 1 4.450 0.250 3.000 3.338
1 3.480 0.250 3.000 2.610
1 3.300 0.250 3.000 2.475
1 3.000 0.250 3.000 2.250
1 2.450 0.250 3.000 1.838

Deduction :- Door -3 1.050 0.250 2.100 -1.654

D2 -2 0.900 0.250 2.100 -0.945
Window -7 1.500 0.250 1.350 -3.544
W1 -1 0.900 0.250 1.250 -0.281
V -2 0.900 0.250 1.350 -0.608
V1 -2 0.600 0.250 0.600 -0.180
Utility -1 2.700 0.250 1.350 -0.911

Lintel :- Door -2 1.650 0.250 0.150 -0.124

D2 -1 1.500 0.250 0.150 -0.056
Window -7 2.100 0.250 0.150 -0.551
W1 -1 1.500 0.250 0.150 -0.056
V1 -2 1.200 0.200 0.150 -0.072
Total 16.488 Cum

9 Half Brick work with Fly ash Bricks in cement

mortar (1:4) in superstructure having crushing
strength not less than 75.00 kg/cm2
immerging the bricks in water not less than
six hours before use in masonary .
125 mm thick wall :-
X-axis 1 8.300 0.125 3.000 3.113
1 2.300 0.125 3.000 0.863
1 2.100 0.125 3.000 0.788
Y-axis 1 3.350 0.125 3.000 1.256
1 4.250 0.125 3.000 1.594
1 3.500 0.125 3.000 1.313

Deduction :- D1 -2 1.000 0.125 2.100 -0.525

D2 -1 0.900 0.125 2.100 -0.236
D3 -2 1.000 0.125 2.100 -0.525

Lintel :- D1 -2 1.600 0.125 0.150 -0.060

D2 -1 1.500 0.125 0.150 -0.028
D3 -2 1.350 0.125 0.150 -0.051
Total 7.500 Cum
Page 13 of 35 Ground Floor(Detail)

10 Providing and laying reinforced cement

concrete of M-25 grade with 20 mm and down
grade black hard granite (Crusher broken)
chips including cost of all materials, labours
T&P etc. Complete but excluding the cost of
shuttering and reinforcement. at all heights
and all floors
a)Footings :-
F1 20 2.430 1.820 0.650 57.494
Total 57.494 Cum

b) Pedestal :-
C1 20 0.353 0.557 1.371 5.391
Total 5.391 Cum

c)Plinth Beam :-
PB1 3 12.650 0.250 0.350 3.321
1 3.200 0.250 0.350 0.280
PB2 4 8.800 0.250 0.350 3.080
1 3.800 0.250 0.350 0.333
1 2.800 0.250 0.350 0.245
Total 7.258 Cum

d) Column up to Pl :-
C1 20 0.250 0.250 2.380 2.975
Total 2.975 Cum

e) Column up to Slab :-
C1 20 0.250 0.250 3.000 3.750
Total 3.750 Cum
f) Lintel :-
250 mm width wall
Door 2 1.650 0.250 0.150 0.124
D2 1 1.500 0.250 0.150 0.056
Window 7 2.100 0.250 0.150 0.551
W1 1 1.500 0.250 0.150 0.056
V1 2 1.200 0.250 0.150 0.090

125 mm width wall

D1 2 1.600 0.125 0.150 0.060
D2 1 1.500 0.125 0.150 0.028
D3 2 1.350 0.125 0.150 0.051
Total 1.016 Cum

g) Chajja :-
Window 6 1.800 0.450 0.100 0.486
Total 0.486 Cum
h) Roof Beam :-
PB1 3 12.650 0.250 0.350 3.321
1 3.200 0.250 0.350 0.280
PB2 4 8.800 0.250 0.350 3.080
1 3.800 0.250 0.350 0.333
1 2.800 0.250 0.350 0.245
Total 7.258 Cum

i) Slab :-
1 104.350 1.000 0.125 13.044
Total 13.044 Cum
j) Staircase :-
Landing beam 1 2.050 0.250 0.350 0.179
Landing 2 2.050 0.900 0.150 0.554
Waste Slab 2 1.750 0.900 0.150 0.473
Steps 18 0.900 0.300 0.150 0.729
Total 1.934 Cum

Total M-25 Casting 83.204 Cum

Page 14 of 35 Ground Floor(Detail)

11 Supplying, straightening, cutting, bending,

placing in position and binding reinforcement
steel work in RCC/reinforced brick works as
per drawing and specification including
preparation of respective bar bending
schedule and binding ( Binding wire to be
used as per the IS code) etc. all complete as
per direction of Engineer-In-Charge.Cold
Twisted bars,Thermo-Mechanically-treated
a) Footing
bars. 1 57.494 Kg/Cum 106.000 6094.343
b) Pedestal 1 4.044 Kg/Cum 106.000 428.664
c) Plinth Beam 1 7.258 Kg/Cum 180.000 1306.463
d) Col up to Pl 1 2.975 Kg/Cum 250.000 743.750
e) Col up to slab 1 3.750 Kg/Cum 250.000 937.500
f) Lintel 1 1.016 Kg/Cum 125.000 127.000
g) chaiji 1 0.486 Kg/Cum 125.000 60.750
h) Roof Beam 1 7.258 Kg/Cum 220.000 1596.760
i) Slab 1 13.044 Kg/Cum 100.000 1304.375
j) Staircase 1 1.934 Kg/Cum 150.000 290.156
99.259 Total 12889.761 Kg
Total 128.898 Qtl

12 16mm cement plaster on external RCC/brick

surfaces in cement plaster 1:6 (1 cement : 6
coarse sand) including necessary scaffolding,
curing etc. all complete at all floors and all
External wall 1 42.860 3.450 147.867
Deduction :-
Door -2 1.050 2.100 -4.410
Window -7 1.500 1.350 -14.175
W1 -1 0.900 1.250 -1.125
Balcony -1 2.700 1.350 -3.645
V -2 0.900 1.350 -2.430
V1 -2 0.600 0.600 -0.720
Total 121.362 Sqm

13 12mm cement plaster on internal smooth side

of RCC/brick surfaces with cement mortar of
mix 1:6 (1 cement : 6 fine sand) including
necessary scaffolding, curing etc. all complete
at all floors and all heights.
bedroom 1 4.000 2.000 3.000 24.000
1 3.400 2.000 3.000 20.400
bedroom-1 1 4.160 2.000 3.000 24.960
1 3.400 2.000 3.000 20.400
Toilet 1 2.300 2.000 3.000 13.800
1 1.520 2.000 3.000 9.120
Toilet-1 1 2.300 2.000 3.000 13.800
1 1.700 2.000 3.000 10.200
Kitchen 1 2.210 2.000 3.000 13.260
1 2.830 2.000 3.000 16.980
Page 15 of 35 Ground Floor(Detail)

Utility 1 2.700 1.000 3.000 8.100

1 1.210 2.000 3.000 7.260
1 2.700 1.000 0.900 2.430
Drawing 1 5.860 2.000 3.000 35.160
1 5.320 2.000 3.000 31.920
Staircase 1 3.300 2.000 3.000 19.800
1 2.050 2.000 3.000 12.300
Portico 1 5.000 1.000 3.000 15.000
1 3.300 1.000 3.000 9.900
1 5.000 1.000 0.900 4.500
1 3.300 1.000 0.900 2.970

Deduction :- Door -4 1.050 2.100 -8.820

D1 -4 1.000 2.100 -8.400
D2 -4 0.900 2.100 -7.560
D3 -4 0.750 2.100 -6.300
Window -7 1.500 1.350 -14.175
W1 -2 0.900 1.250 -2.250
V -2 0.900 1.350 -2.430
V1 -2 0.600 0.600 -0.720
Total 265.605 Sqm

14 6 mm cement plaster on RCC surfaces at

ceiling/slab soffit and other locations with
cement mortar of mix 1:4(1 cement : 4 fine
sand) including necessary scaffolding, curing
etc. all complete at all floors and all heights.
1 111.100 1.000 1.000 111.100
Total 111.100 Sqm

15 Providing and laying Vetrified floor tiles

600x600 mm (thickness to be specified by the
manufacturer) 1st quality conforming to IS:
equivalent approved make, colours & shades,
except white, ivory, grey, fume red brown, laid
on 20 mm thick cement mortar 1:4 (1cement :
4coarse sand ) including pointing the joints
with white cement and matching pigments,
etc. complete as per direction of EIC at all
floors and all heights.

Floor area 1 111.100 1.000 111.100

Total 111.100 Sqm

16 Vetrified tile skirting, dado, risers of steps with

12mm th. cement mortar 1:3 (1cement : 3
coarse sand) finished with a floating coat of
neat cement including rounding of junctions
with floors where required etc. complete as
per direction of the Engineer-In-Charge at all
floors and all heights.
Floor area 1 101.400 1.000 0.150 15.210
Total 15.210 Sqm

17 Providing and laying Anti-skid ceramic glazed

floor tiles 300x300 mm (thickness to be
specified by the manufacturer) 1st quality
conforming to IS : 15622 of NITCO, SOMANY,
ASIAN, KAJARIA or equivalent approved make,
colours & shades, except white.

Toilet 1 3.920 area 3.920

Toilet-1 4 3.500 area 14.000
Total 17.920 Sqm
Page 16 of 35 Ground Floor(Detail)

18 Providing and fixing 1st quality ceramic glazed

wall tiles conforming to IS: 15622 (thickness
to be specified by the manufacturer) minimum
thickness 5mm of NITCO, SOMANY, ASIAN,
KAJARIA or equivalent approved make in all
colours, shades except burgundy.

Toilet 1 7.600 2.100 15.960

Toilet-1 4 8.000 2.100 67.200
Deduction :- Door -2 0.750 2.100 -3.150
-2 0.600 0.600 -0.720
Total 79.290 Sqm

19 Providing and fixing 20mm thick Granite

stone in floor and Skirting (sample of sample
of stone should be approved by EIC) for any
similar locations where ever required in
horizontal/vertical surfaces of required size of
approved shade, colour and texture, with
moulding edge etc. laid over 25mm thick bed
of cement mortar 1:1 (1 cement: 1 coarse
sand) with joints treated with white cement
mixed with matching pigment, epoxy touch
ups including rubbing, curing, moulding and
polishing to give high gloss finish etc.
complete as per direction of Engineer-In-
charge. In all floors Landing
and all heights. 2 2.050 0.900 3.690
Tread 17 0.900 0.300 4.590
Riser 18 0.900 0.150 2.430
Kitchen Platform 1 2.200 0.600 1.320
Portico Tread 2 1.050 0.300 0.630
Riser 3 1.050 0.150 0.473
Total 13.133 Sqm

20 Providing and fixing seasoned sal wood work

in frames at any locations including doors,
windows,cupboard, clerestory and other
frames fixing in position including cost of
hinges, M.S. flat (30mm x 6mm) hold fasts
lugs or dash fasteners of required dia and
length as per drawing / specification, at all
floors and all heights.
Door 2 5.250 0.125 0.075 0.098
D1 2 5.200 0.125 0.075 0.098
D2 2 5.100 0.125 0.075 0.096
Window 7 5.700 0.125 0.075 0.374
W1 1 4.500 0.125 0.075 0.042
Total 0.708 Cum

21 Providing and fixing ISI marked flush door

shutters conforming to IS : 2202 (Part I)
decorative type, core of block board
construction with frame of 1st class hard wood
and well matched teak 3 ply veneering with
vertical grains or cross bands and face
veneers on both faces of shutters.32mm thick.
(both side 1mm th. laminate, Teak wood
leapping and glass pannel including all S.S.
hardware fittings)
D 2 1.050 1.000 2.100 4.410
D1 2 1.000 1.000 2.100 4.200
D2 2 0.900 1.000 2.100 3.780
Total 12.390 Sqm
Page 17 of 35 Ground Floor(Detail)

22 Providing & fixig aluminium work for windows

(sliding type) madeup aluminium section 151-
154, 151-155 as frame section No. 151-155,
151-153 and 151-167 as shutter frame with
12mm thick black glass as panel fitted with
rubber bedding including lucking
arrangement. In all floors and all heights.
Window 7 1.500 1.350 14.175
W1 1 0.900 1.250 1.125
V 2 0.900 1.350 2.430
V1 2 0.600 0.600 0.720
Total 18.450 Sqm

23 Supplying fitting and fixing Fibre Reinforced

Polymer FRP composite door shutter with
hinge as per approved section with glass fibre
reinforced plastic moulded skins and a special
sandwiched core, so as to impart monolithic
composite structure as per approved
technology (DST) to satisfy IS: 14856 door
testing performance criteria including all
complete, as approved by EIC.
Standard size 2050mm X 905 mm/670mm
(32mm thick ).
D3 2 0.750 1.000 2.100 3.150
Total 3.150 Sqm

24 Providing and fixing M.S grill of required

patterns for windows/verandahs etc. with M.S
flats, square or round bars etc. including
applying a coat of approved steel primer and
two or more coats of synthetic enamel paint of
approved make & shade, all complete as per
drawing & specification. Kg.
Window 7 1.500 27.000 1.350 382.725
W1 1 0.900 27.000 1.250 30.375
V 2 0.900 27.000 1.350 65.610
V1 2 0.600 27.000 0.600 19.440
Total 498.150 Kg

25 Providing & Applying priming coat with

Cement primer of approved brand and
manufacture on plaster surface as per the
instruction of Engineer-In-Charge at all
elevations including all material & labour
complete. area 1.000 121.362
External Wall 1 121.362
Internal wall 1 265.605 area 1.000 265.605
Ceilling 1 111.100 area 1.000 111.100
Total 498.067 Sqm

26 Providing and applying to outside walls with

two or more coats of Anti-Fungal Weather
coat water proofing paint including scaffolding
and cleaning the surface before application of
approved colour and manufacture as per
specification, instruction of Engineer-In-
Charge at all elevations including all material
labour complete. 1 121.362 area 1.000 121.362
External Wall
Total 121.362 Sqm

27 Providing and applying white cement based

putty of average thickness 1 mm of approved
brand and manufacturer, over the plastered
wall surfaces to prepare the surface even and
smooth as per the instruction of Engineer-In-
Charge at all elevations including all material
& labour complete.
Page 18 of 35 Ground Floor(Detail)

External Wall 1 121.362 area 1.000 121.362

Internal wall 1 265.605 area 1.000 265.605
Ceilling 1 111.100 area 1.000 111.100
Total 498.067 Sqm

28 Preparing surface and painting at all height

with two or more coats of interior Plastic
Emulsion "Royale Shyne" of Asian Paints or
equivalent of approved shade as per the
instructions of the manufacturers; giving
uniform shade etc in all heights of walls etc.
including interior wall primer & providing
scaffolding, cleaning, curing and supply of all
materials and labour complete as per drawing,
design and direction of Architect/Engineer-In-
Internal wall 1 265.605 area 1.000 265.605
Ceilling 1 111.100 area 1.000 111.100
Total 376.705 Sqm

29 Providing & Applying priming coat with ready

mixed pink or gray primer of approved brand
and manufacture on wood /Ply work (hard and
soft wood)as per the instruction of Engineer-
In-Charge at all elevations including all
material & labour complete.
Door 2 5.250 1.000 0.300 3.150
D1 2 5.200 1.000 0.300 3.120
D2 2 5.100 1.000 0.300 3.060
Total 9.330 Sqm

30 Providing & Painting with synthetic enamel

paint of approved brand and manufacture to
give an even shade as per the instruction of
Engineer-In-Charge at all floors and all heights
including all material & labour complete.

V 2 0.900 1.100 1.350 2.673

V1 2 0.600 1.100 0.600 0.792
Window 7 1.500 1.100 1.350 15.593
W1 1 0.900 1.100 1.250 1.238
Total 20.295 Sqm

31 Supplying, fitting and fixing of Stainless steel

of 304 grade in hand ralling using 50mm dia
of 2mm thick circular pipe with Balustrade of
size 32mm X 32mm X 2mm @ 0.90mtr. C/C
and stainless square pipe bracing of size
32mm X 32mm X 2mm in 3 rows in stair case
as per approved design and specification,
buffing, polishing etc with cost, conveyance,
taxes, all materials, labour, T&P etc. required
for the complete in all respect. kg/Sqm
1 3.250 10.460 33.995
Total 33.995 Rmt.

32 Making plinth protection 50mm thick of

cement concrete 1:3:6 (1 cement : 3 coarse
sand : 6 graded stone aggregate 20mm
nominal size) over 75mm bed of dry brick
ballast 40mm nominal size well ramed,
consolidated and grouted with fine sand and
finishing the top smooth including shuttering
at the edges, excavation and disposing of
surplus earth with a lead of 100m.
1 42.860 0.600 25.716
Total 25.716 Sqm
Page 19 of 35 Ground Floor(Detail)


OVER PLOT NO-1478/7326,KHATA NO-1330/7224

8 Brick work with Fly ash Bricks in cement

mortar (1:6) in super structure having
crushing strength not less than 75.00 kg/cm2
immerging the bricks in water not less than
six hours before use in masonary.

250mm thick wall :-

X-axis 1 5.100 0.250 3.000 3.825
1 3.000 0.250 3.000 2.250
1 2.830 0.250 3.000 2.123
1 2.650 0.250 3.000 1.988
2 1.850 0.250 3.000 2.775
Y-axis 1 4.450 0.250 3.000 3.338
1 3.480 0.250 3.000 2.610
1 3.300 0.250 3.000 2.475
1 3.000 0.250 3.000 2.250
1 2.450 0.250 3.000 1.838

Deduction :- Door -3 1.050 0.250 2.100 -1.654

D2 -2 0.900 0.250 2.100 -0.945
Window -7 1.500 0.250 1.350 -3.544
W1 -1 0.900 0.250 1.250 -0.281
V -2 0.900 0.250 1.350 -0.608
V1 -2 0.600 0.250 0.600 -0.180
Utility -1 2.700 0.250 1.350 -0.911

Lintel :- Door -2 1.650 0.250 0.150 -0.124

D2 -1 1.500 0.250 0.150 -0.056
Window -7 2.100 0.250 0.150 -0.551
W1 -1 1.500 0.250 0.150 -0.056
V1 -2 1.200 0.200 0.150 -0.072
Total 16.488 Cum

9 Half Brick work with Fly ash Bricks in cement

mortar (1:4) in superstructure having crushing
strength not less than 75.00 kg/cm2
immerging the bricks in water not less than
six hours before use in masonary .
125 mm thick wall :-
X-axis 1 8.300 0.125 3.000 3.113
1 2.300 0.125 3.000 0.863
1 2.100 0.125 3.000 0.788
Y-axis 1 3.350 0.125 3.000 1.256
1 4.250 0.125 3.000 1.594
1 3.500 0.125 3.000 1.313

Deduction :- D1 -2 1.000 0.125 2.100 -0.525

D2 -1 0.900 0.125 2.100 -0.236
D3 -2 1.000 0.125 2.100 -0.525

Lintel :- D1 -2 1.600 0.125 0.150 -0.060

D2 -1 1.500 0.125 0.150 -0.028
D3 -2 1.350 0.125 0.150 -0.051
Total 7.500 Cum
Page 20 of 35 Ground Floor(Detail)

10 Providing and laying reinforced cement

concrete of M-25 grade with 20 mm and down
grade black hard granite (Crusher broken)
chips including cost of all materials, labours
T&P etc. Complete but excluding the cost of
shuttering and reinforcement. at all heights
and all floors
a)Footings :-
F1 20 2.430 1.820 0.650 57.494
Total 57.494 Cum

b) Pedestal :-
C1 20 0.353 0.557 1.371 5.391
Total 5.391 Cum

c)Plinth Beam :-
PB1 3 12.650 0.250 0.350 3.321
1 3.200 0.250 0.350 0.280
PB2 4 8.800 0.250 0.350 3.080
1 3.800 0.250 0.350 0.333
1 2.800 0.250 0.350 0.245
Total 7.258 Cum

d) Column up to Pl :-
C1 20 0.250 0.250 2.380 2.975
Total 2.975 Cum

e) Column up to Slab :-
C1 20 0.250 0.250 3.000 3.750
Total 3.750 Cum
f) Lintel :-
250 mm width wall
Door 2 1.650 0.250 0.150 0.124
D2 1 1.500 0.250 0.150 0.056
Window 7 2.100 0.250 0.150 0.551
W1 1 1.500 0.250 0.150 0.056
V1 2 1.200 0.250 0.150 0.090

125 mm width wall

D1 2 1.600 0.125 0.150 0.060
D2 1 1.500 0.125 0.150 0.028
D3 2 1.350 0.125 0.150 0.051
Total 1.016 Cum

g) Chajja :-
Window 6 1.800 0.450 0.100 0.486
Total 0.486 Cum
h) Roof Beam :-
PB1 3 12.650 0.250 0.350 3.321
1 3.200 0.250 0.350 0.280
PB2 4 8.800 0.250 0.350 3.080
1 3.800 0.250 0.350 0.333
1 2.800 0.250 0.350 0.245
Total 7.258 Cum

i) Slab :-
1 104.350 1.000 0.125 13.044
Total 13.044 Cum
j) Staircase :-
Landing beam 1 2.050 0.250 0.350 0.179
Landing 2 2.050 0.900 0.150 0.554
Waste Slab 2 1.750 0.900 0.150 0.473
Steps 18 0.900 0.300 0.150 0.729
Total 1.934 Cum

Total M-25 Casting 83.204 Cum

Page 21 of 35 Ground Floor(Detail)

11 Supplying, straightening, cutting, bending,

placing in position and binding reinforcement
steel work in RCC/reinforced brick works as
per drawing and specification including
preparation of respective bar bending
schedule and binding ( Binding wire to be
used as per the IS code) etc. all complete as
per direction of Engineer-In-Charge.Cold
Twisted bars,Thermo-Mechanically-treated
a) Footing
bars. 1 57.494 Kg/Cum 106.000 6094.343
b) Pedestal 1 4.044 Kg/Cum 106.000 428.664
c) Plinth Beam 1 7.258 Kg/Cum 180.000 1306.463
d) Col up to Pl 1 2.975 Kg/Cum 250.000 743.750
e) Col up to slab 1 3.750 Kg/Cum 250.000 937.500
f) Lintel 1 1.016 Kg/Cum 125.000 127.000
g) chaiji 1 0.486 Kg/Cum 125.000 60.750
h) Roof Beam 1 7.258 Kg/Cum 220.000 1596.760
i) Slab 1 13.044 Kg/Cum 100.000 1304.375
j) Staircase 1 1.934 Kg/Cum 150.000 290.156
99.259 Total 12889.761 Kg
Total 128.898 Qtl

12 16mm cement plaster on external RCC/brick

surfaces in cement plaster 1:6 (1 cement : 6
coarse sand) including necessary scaffolding,
curing etc. all complete at all floors and all
External wall 1 42.860 3.450 147.867
Deduction :-
Door -2 1.050 2.100 -4.410
Window -7 1.500 1.350 -14.175
W1 -1 0.900 1.250 -1.125
Balcony -1 2.700 1.350 -3.645
V -2 0.900 1.350 -2.430
V1 -2 0.600 0.600 -0.720
Total 121.362 Sqm

13 12mm cement plaster on internal smooth side

of RCC/brick surfaces with cement mortar of
mix 1:6 (1 cement : 6 fine sand) including
necessary scaffolding, curing etc. all complete
at all floors and all heights.
bedroom 1 4.000 2.000 3.000 24.000
1 3.400 2.000 3.000 20.400
bedroom-1 1 4.160 2.000 3.000 24.960
1 3.400 2.000 3.000 20.400
Toilet 1 2.300 2.000 3.000 13.800
1 1.520 2.000 3.000 9.120
Toilet-1 1 2.300 2.000 3.000 13.800
1 1.700 2.000 3.000 10.200
Kitchen 1 2.210 2.000 3.000 13.260
1 2.830 2.000 3.000 16.980
Page 22 of 35 Ground Floor(Detail)

Utility 1 2.700 1.000 3.000 8.100

1 1.210 2.000 3.000 7.260
1 2.700 1.000 0.900 2.430
Drawing 1 5.860 2.000 3.000 35.160
1 5.320 2.000 3.000 31.920
Staircase 1 3.300 2.000 3.000 19.800
1 2.050 2.000 3.000 12.300
Portico 1 5.000 1.000 3.000 15.000
1 3.300 1.000 3.000 9.900
1 5.000 1.000 0.900 4.500
1 3.300 1.000 0.900 2.970

Deduction :- Door -4 1.050 2.100 -8.820

D1 -4 1.000 2.100 -8.400
D2 -4 0.900 2.100 -7.560
D3 -4 0.750 2.100 -6.300
Window -7 1.500 1.350 -14.175
W1 -2 0.900 1.250 -2.250
V -2 0.900 1.350 -2.430
V1 -2 0.600 0.600 -0.720
Total 265.605 Sqm

14 6 mm cement plaster on RCC surfaces at

ceiling/slab soffit and other locations with
cement mortar of mix 1:4(1 cement : 4 fine
sand) including necessary scaffolding, curing
etc. all complete at all floors and all heights.
1 111.100 1.000 1.000 111.100
Total 111.100 Sqm

15 Providing and laying Vetrified floor tiles

600x600 mm (thickness to be specified by the
manufacturer) 1st quality conforming to IS:
equivalent approved make, colours & shades,
except white, ivory, grey, fume red brown, laid
on 20 mm thick cement mortar 1:4 (1cement :
4coarse sand ) including pointing the joints
with white cement and matching pigments,
etc. complete as per direction of EIC at all
floors and all heights.

Floor area 1 111.100 1.000 111.100

Total 111.100 Sqm

16 Vetrified tile skirting, dado, risers of steps with

12mm th. cement mortar 1:3 (1cement : 3
coarse sand) finished with a floating coat of
neat cement including rounding of junctions
with floors where required etc. complete as
per direction of the Engineer-In-Charge at all
floors and all heights.
Floor area 1 101.400 1.000 0.150 15.210
Total 15.210 Sqm

17 Providing and laying Anti-skid ceramic glazed

floor tiles 300x300 mm (thickness to be
specified by the manufacturer) 1st quality
conforming to IS : 15622 of NITCO, SOMANY,
ASIAN, KAJARIA or equivalent approved make,
colours & shades, except white.

Toilet 1 3.920 area 3.920

Toilet-1 4 3.500 area 14.000
Total 17.920 Sqm
Page 23 of 35 Ground Floor(Detail)

18 Providing and fixing 1st quality ceramic glazed

wall tiles conforming to IS: 15622 (thickness
to be specified by the manufacturer) minimum
thickness 5mm of NITCO, SOMANY, ASIAN,
KAJARIA or equivalent approved make in all
colours, shades except burgundy.

Toilet 1 7.600 2.100 15.960

Toilet-1 4 8.000 2.100 67.200
Deduction :- Door -2 0.750 2.100 -3.150
-2 0.600 0.600 -0.720
Total 79.290 Sqm

19 Providing and fixing 20mm thick Granite

stone in floor and Skirting (sample of sample
of stone should be approved by EIC) for any
similar locations where ever required in
horizontal/vertical surfaces of required size of
approved shade, colour and texture, with
moulding edge etc. laid over 25mm thick bed
of cement mortar 1:1 (1 cement: 1 coarse
sand) with joints treated with white cement
mixed with matching pigment, epoxy touch
ups including rubbing, curing, moulding and
polishing to give high gloss finish etc.
complete as per direction of Engineer-In-
charge. In all floors Landing
and all heights. 2 2.050 0.900 3.690
Tread 17 0.900 0.300 4.590
Riser 18 0.900 0.150 2.430
Kitchen Platform 1 2.200 0.600 1.320
Portico Tread 2 1.050 0.300 0.630
Riser 3 1.050 0.150 0.473
Total 13.133 Sqm

20 Providing and fixing seasoned sal wood work

in frames at any locations including doors,
windows,cupboard, clerestory and other
frames fixing in position including cost of
hinges, M.S. flat (30mm x 6mm) hold fasts
lugs or dash fasteners of required dia and
length as per drawing / specification, at all
floors and all heights.
Door 2 5.250 0.125 0.075 0.098
D1 2 5.200 0.125 0.075 0.098
D2 2 5.100 0.125 0.075 0.096
Window 7 5.700 0.125 0.075 0.374
W1 1 4.500 0.125 0.075 0.042
Total 0.708 Cum

21 Providing and fixing ISI marked flush door

shutters conforming to IS : 2202 (Part I)
decorative type, core of block board
construction with frame of 1st class hard wood
and well matched teak 3 ply veneering with
vertical grains or cross bands and face
veneers on both faces of shutters.32mm thick.
(both side 1mm th. laminate, Teak wood
leapping and glass pannel including all S.S.
hardware fittings)
D 2 1.050 1.000 2.100 4.410
D1 2 1.000 1.000 2.100 4.200
D2 2 0.900 1.000 2.100 3.780
Total 12.390 Sqm
Page 24 of 35 Ground Floor(Detail)

22 Providing & fixig aluminium work for windows

(sliding type) madeup aluminium section 151-
154, 151-155 as frame section No. 151-155,
151-153 and 151-167 as shutter frame with
12mm thick black glass as panel fitted with
rubber bedding including lucking
arrangement. In all floors and all heights.
Window 7 1.500 1.350 14.175
W1 1 0.900 1.250 1.125
V 2 0.900 1.350 2.430
V1 2 0.600 0.600 0.720
Total 18.450 Sqm

23 Supplying fitting and fixing Fibre Reinforced

Polymer FRP composite door shutter with
hinge as per approved section with glass fibre
reinforced plastic moulded skins and a special
sandwiched core, so as to impart monolithic
composite structure as per approved
technology (DST) to satisfy IS: 14856 door
testing performance criteria including all
complete, as approved by EIC.
Standard size 2050mm X 905 mm/670mm
(32mm thick ).
D3 2 0.750 1.000 2.100 3.150
Total 3.150 Sqm

24 Providing and fixing M.S grill of required

patterns for windows/verandahs etc. with M.S
flats, square or round bars etc. including
applying a coat of approved steel primer and
two or more coats of synthetic enamel paint of
approved make & shade, all complete as per
drawing & specification. Kg.
Window 7 1.500 27.000 1.350 382.725
W1 1 0.900 27.000 1.250 30.375
V 2 0.900 27.000 1.350 65.610
V1 2 0.600 27.000 0.600 19.440
Total 498.150 Kg

25 Providing & Applying priming coat with

Cement primer of approved brand and
manufacture on plaster surface as per the
instruction of Engineer-In-Charge at all
elevations including all material & labour
complete. area 1.000 121.362
External Wall 1 121.362
Internal wall 1 265.605 area 1.000 265.605
Ceilling 1 111.100 area 1.000 111.100
Total 498.067 Sqm

26 Providing and applying to outside walls with

two or more coats of Anti-Fungal Weather
coat water proofing paint including scaffolding
and cleaning the surface before application of
approved colour and manufacture as per
specification, instruction of Engineer-In-
Charge at all elevations including all material
labour complete. 1 121.362 area 1.000 121.362
External Wall
Total 121.362 Sqm

27 Providing and applying white cement based

putty of average thickness 1 mm of approved
brand and manufacturer, over the plastered
wall surfaces to prepare the surface even and
smooth as per the instruction of Engineer-In-
Charge at all elevations including all material
& labour complete.
Page 25 of 35 Ground Floor(Detail)

External Wall 1 121.362 area 1.000 121.362

Internal wall 1 265.605 area 1.000 265.605
Ceilling 1 111.100 area 1.000 111.100
Total 498.067 Sqm

28 Preparing surface and painting at all height

with two or more coats of interior Plastic
Emulsion "Royale Shyne" of Asian Paints or
equivalent of approved shade as per the
instructions of the manufacturers; giving
uniform shade etc in all heights of walls etc.
including interior wall primer & providing
scaffolding, cleaning, curing and supply of all
materials and labour complete as per drawing,
design and direction of Architect/Engineer-In-
Internal wall 1 265.605 area 1.000 265.605
Ceilling 1 111.100 area 1.000 111.100
Total 376.705 Sqm

29 Providing & Applying priming coat with ready

mixed pink or gray primer of approved brand
and manufacture on wood /Ply work (hard and
soft wood)as per the instruction of Engineer-
In-Charge at all elevations including all
material & labour complete.
Door 2 5.250 1.000 0.300 3.150
D1 2 5.200 1.000 0.300 3.120
D2 2 5.100 1.000 0.300 3.060
Total 9.330 Sqm

30 Providing & Painting with synthetic enamel

paint of approved brand and manufacture to
give an even shade as per the instruction of
Engineer-In-Charge at all floors and all heights
including all material & labour complete.

V 2 0.900 1.100 1.350 2.673

V1 2 0.600 1.100 0.600 0.792
Window 7 1.500 1.100 1.350 15.593
W1 1 0.900 1.100 1.250 1.238
Total 20.295 Sqm

31 Supplying, fitting and fixing of Stainless steel

of 304 grade in hand ralling using 50mm dia
of 2mm thick circular pipe with Balustrade of
size 32mm X 32mm X 2mm @ 0.90mtr. C/C
and stainless square pipe bracing of size
32mm X 32mm X 2mm in 3 rows in stair case
as per approved design and specification,
buffing, polishing etc with cost, conveyance,
taxes, all materials, labour, T&P etc. required
for the complete in all respect. kg/Sqm
1 3.250 10.460 33.995
Total 33.995 Rmt.

32 Making plinth protection 50mm thick of

cement concrete 1:3:6 (1 cement : 3 coarse
sand : 6 graded stone aggregate 20mm
nominal size) over 75mm bed of dry brick
ballast 40mm nominal size well ramed,
consolidated and grouted with fine sand and
finishing the top smooth including shuttering
at the edges, excavation and disposing of
surplus earth with a lead of 100m.
1 42.860 0.600 25.716
Total 25.716 Sqm
Page 26 of 35(Abstract)


OVER PLOT NO-1478/7326,KHATA NO-1330/7224
Sl.No. Description of Items Units Qnty Rate Amount In Rs.
1 Earthwork in excavation in all types of soil for site leveling,
foundation, pits, trenches and other civil works upto 1.5 metre
stacking the soil upto a lead of 100 metre and including
dewatering, removing slush, shoring and strutting (as required),
complete as per specification and as directed by the Engineer-In-

a) All type of Soil Cum 197.31 160.00 31569.93

b) Stoney earth Cum 59.19 280.00 16574.21

c) Hard Rock Cum 59.19 2518.00 149049.54

2 Filling at all depth with available excavated earth (excluding rock)

in trenches, plinth, sides of foundations etc. in layers not
exceeding 15cm in depth: consolidating each deposited layer by
ramming and watering complete (lead upto 100m) as directed by
the Engineer-In-charge.
Ground Floor Cum 132.20 103.98 13746.06

3 Supplying of filling sand in foundation and over areas including

watering,ramming, consolidating and dressing, labours, tools,
taxes etc., all complete as per the specification and direction of
Ground Floor Cum 89.53 463.91 41533.31

4 Diluting and injecting chemical emulsion (to be supplied free of

cost at site of work) for PRE CONSTRUCTIONAL Anti-termite
treatment and creating a continuous chemical barrier under and
all-round the column pits, wall trenches, basement excavation, top
perimeter of building, expansion joints, over the top surface of
consolidated earth on which apron is to be laid, surroundings of
pipes and conduits etc. complete as per specifications (plinth area
of the building at ground floor only shall be measured for

Ground Floor Sqm 111.10 102.22 11356.64

5 Providing and laying plain cement concrete 1:4:8 (1 cement: 4

sand: 8 stone aggregate 40mm nominal size) as levelling course
in foundation and plinth etc. including tempering, curring,
shuttering etc. complete all depth and height as direction of the
Ground Floor Cum 13.58 3914.08 53158.53

6 Providing and laying plain cement concrete 1:3:6 (1 cement: 3

sand: 6 stone agregate 12mm nominal size) as levelling course in
foundation and plinth etc. including tempering, curring, shuttering
etc.complete all depth and height.
Ground Floor Cum 6.43 4810.39 30926.00

7 Fly Ash. brick masonry of size 25 cm. x 12 cm. x 8 cm. having

crushing strength not less than 75 kg. Per Sqr. Cm. in cement
mortar of mix (1:6) with approved grade cement and screened &
washed sand for mortar after immersing the bricks for 6 (Six)
hours in water before use in foundation & plinth including splays
cutting, circular moulding, corbelling, chamfering and similar such
type of works, watering and curing etc. including cost,
conveyance, loading, unloading, royalties and taxes of all
materials, cost of all labour, scaffolding, sundries, T&P required
for the works etc. complete in all respect as directed by the

Ground Floor Cum 20.57 3611.54 74307.21

Page 27 of 35(Abstract)

Sl.No. Description of Items Units Qnty Rate Amount In Rs.

8 Fly Ash. brick masonry of size 25 cm. x 12 cm. x 8 cm. having
crushing strength not less than 75 kg. Per Sqr. Cm. in cement
mortar of mix (1:6) with approved grade cement and screened &
washed sand for mortar after immersing the bricks for 6 (Six)
hours in water before use in Superstructure including splays
cutting, circular moulding, corbelling, chamfering and similar such
type of works, watering and curing etc. including cost,
conveyance, loading, unloading, royalties and taxes of all
materials, cost of all labour, scaffolding, sundries, T&P required
for the works etc. complete in all respect as directed by the

Gr. Floor Cum 27.35 3644.87 99694.48

First Floor Cum 27.35 3644.87 99694.48
Second Floor Cum 27.35 3644.87 99694.48
Terrace Floor Cum 21.82 3818.00 83289.67

9 Brick work with Fly ash Bricks in cement mortar (1:4) in

superstructure having crushing strength not less than 75.00
kg/cm2 immerging the bricks in water not less than six hours
before use in masonary .

Gr. Floor Cum 7.50 3855.60 28917.00

First Floor Cum 7.50 3855.60 28917.00
Second Floor Cum 7.50 3855.60 28917.00

10 RCC work M-25 grade as per approved designs and drawings

having a minimum compressive strength (in work test) 20 N. /
Square mm. in 15 cm. cubes at 28 days after mixing and test
conducted in accordance with I.S. 456 and I.S. 516 using 12 mm.
to 20 mm. size black hard crusher broken granite stone chips and
screened and washed sharp sand for mortar of approved quality
from approved quarry, washed and cleaned (20 mm. size chips
not to exceed 25 % ) to be mixed in concrete mixture with
approved grade cement including hoisting, lowering, laying and
compacting concrete by using vibrators, watering and curing for
28 days, centring and shuttering and finishing the exposed
surface smooth providing grooves or beads wherever necessary
including cost, conveyance, loading, unloading, royalties and
taxes of all materials and cost of all labours, sundries, T&P,
required for the work etc. complete in all respect but excluding
cost and conveyance of M.S. rods or Tor steel and binding wires
and labour charges for straightening, cutting, bending etc. of M.S.
rods or Tor steel tying the grills and placing in proper position as
per direction of the Engineer in charge

Gr Floor
a) Footing :- Cum 57.49 5578.65 320737.79
b) Pedestal;- Cum 4.04 5578.65 22560.06
c)Tie Beam :- Cum 7.26 5941.60 43124.88
d)Column up to Pl Lvl :- Cum 2.98 9962.86 29639.51
e)Column up to roof lvl :- Cum 3.75 9962.86 37360.73
f)Lintel :- Cum 1.02 8889.78 9032.02
g)Chaiji :- Cum 0.49 8642.30 4200.16
h)Roof Beam :- Cum 7.26 9962.86 72310.44
i)Roof Slab :- Cum 13.04 9168.80 119595.54
j) Staircase :- Cum 1.93 9051.40 17508.80

First Floor
e)Column up to roof lvl :- Cum 3.75 9962.86 37360.73
f)Lintel :- Cum 1.02 8889.78 9032.02
g)Chaiji :- Cum 0.49 8642.30 4200.16
h)Roof Beam :- Cum 7.26 9962.86 72310.44
i)Roof Slab :- Cum 13.04 9168.80 119595.54
j) Staircase :- Cum 1.93 9051.40 17508.80

second Floor
e)Column up to roof lvl :- Cum 3.75 9962.86 37360.73
f)Lintel :- Cum 1.02 8889.78 9032.02
g)Chaiji :- Cum 0.49 8642.30 4200.16
h)Roof Beam :- Cum 7.26 9962.86 72310.44
i)Roof Slab :- Cum 13.04 9168.80 119595.54
j) Staircase :- Cum 1.93 9051.40 17508.80

Terrace Floor
d)Column up to roof lvl :- Cum 0.61 10611.45 6504.82
g)Roof Beam :- Cum 1.07 10611.45 11333.03
h)Roof Slab :- Cum 1.53 9570.82 14595.50
Page 28 of 35(Abstract)

Sl.No. Description of Items Units Qnty Rate Amount In Rs.

11 Cutting, straightening coiled or bent up M.S. rods, HYSD steel or
Tor Steel of grade Fe-415 confirming to I.S.-1786 - 1985 welding
or jointing if necessary, bending, binding, tying the grills as
required for RCC works, and hoisting, lowering and placing in
proper position according to approved designs and drawings
including cost, conveyance, loading, unloading, taxes of M.S.
rods, HYSD steel or Tor steel and binding wires of 18 to 20 gauge
required for the work and cost of all labour, sundries, T&P and
scaffolding complete in all respect as directed by the Engineer-in-
Charge (payment will be made according to the actual weight of
M.S. rod, HYSD steel or Tor steel consumed in the work and no
separate payment will be made towards weight of binding wires
which is to be borne by the contractor at his own cost).

Gr. Floor Qntl 109.46 8612.84 942752.85

First Floor Qntl 109.46 8612.84 942752.85
Second Floor Qntl 109.46 8612.84 942752.85
Terrace Floor Qntl 5.22 8612.84 44984.86

12 Providing 16 mm. thick cement plaster in all floors at all height

with cement mortar of mix (1:6) with approved grade cement and
with screened and washed sharp sand for mortar and finished
smooth to the rough surface of brick masonry walls after racking
out joints including watering and curing, rounding of corners etc.
complete with cost, conveyance, loading, unloading, royalties and
taxes of all materials, cost of all labour, T&P, sundries and
scaffolding required for the work etc. with providing grooves as
directed by the Engineer in charge.

Gr. Floor Sqm 121.63 146.63 17834.90

First Floor Sqm 121.63 146.63 17834.90
Second Floor Sqm 121.63 146.63 17834.90
Terrace Floor Sqm 96.67 151.96 14689.97

13 Providing 12 mm. thick cement plaster in all floors at all height

with cement mortar of mix (1:6) with approved grade cement and
with screened and washed sharp sand for mortar and finished
smooth to the rough surface of brick masonry walls after racking
out joints including watering and curing, rounding of corners etc.
complete with cost, conveyance, loading, unloading, royalties and
taxes of all materials, cost of all labour, T&P, sundries and
scaffolding required for the work etc. with providing grooves as
directed by the Engineer in charge.

Gr. Floor Sqm 265.61 104.29 27699.95

First Floor Sqm 265.61 104.29 27699.95
Second Floor Sqm 265.61 104.29 27699.95
Terrace Floor Sqm 68.16 106.42 7253.06

14 6mm cement plaster on RCC surfaces at ceiling/slab soffit and

other locations with cement mortar of mix 1:4 (1 cement : 4 fine
sand) including necessary scaffolding, curing etc. all complete at
all floors and all heights.
Gr. Floor Sqm 111.10 114.40 12709.84
First Floor Sqm 111.10 114.40 12709.84
Second Floor Sqm 111.10 114.40 12709.84
Terrace Floor Sqm 12.20 116.90 1426.18

15 Providing and laying Vetrified floor tiles size 600x600 mm

(thickness to be specified by the manufacturer) 1st quality
conforming to IS:15622 of NITCO, SOMANY, ASIAN, KAJARIA or
equivalent approved make, colours & shades, except white, ivory,
grey, fume red brown, laid on 20 mm thick cement mortar 1:4
(1cement: 4coarse sand) including pointing the joints with white
cement and matching pigments, etc. complete as per direction of
EIC at all floors and all heights.

Gr. Floor Sqm 111.10 841.23 93460.78

First Floor Sqm 111.10 841.23 93460.78
Second Floor Sqm 111.10 841.23 93460.78

16 Vetrified tile skirting , dado, risers of steps with 12mm th. cement
mortar 1:3 (1cement : 3 coarse sand) finished with a floating coat
of neat cement including rounding of junctions with floors where
required etc. complete as per direction of the Engineer-In-Charge
at all floors and all heights.

Gr. Floor Sqm 15.21 1049.87 15968.55

Page 29 of 35(Abstract)

Sl.No. Description of Items Units Qnty Rate Amount In Rs.

First Floor Sqm 15.21 1049.87 15968.55
Second Floor Sqm 15.21 1049.87 15968.55

17 Providing and laying gold premium matt digital ceramic floor tile in
size 300x300 mm (thickness to be specified by the manufacturer)
1st quality conforming to IS : 15622 of NITCO, SOMANY, ASIAN,
KAJARIA or equivalent approved make, colours & shades, except

Gr. Floor Sqm 17.92 1370.31 24556.03

First Floor Sqm 17.92 1370.31 24556.03
Second Floor Sqm 17.92 1370.31 24556.03

18 Providing and fixing 1st quality ceramic glazed wall tiles in size
300x200 mm conforming to IS: 15622 (thickness to be specified
by the manufacturer) minimum thickness 5mm of NITCO,
SOMANY, ASIAN, KAJARIA or equivalent approved make in all
colours, shades except burgundy.

Gr. Floor Sqm 79.29 2177.04 172617.50

First Floor Sqm 79.29 2177.04 172617.50
Second Floor Sqm 79.29 2177.04 172617.50

19 Providing and fixing 20mm thick Granite stone in floor and

Skirting (sample of sample of stone should be approved by EIC)
for any similar locations where ever required in horizontal/vertical
surfaces of required size of approved shade, colour and texture,
with moulding edge etc. laid over 25mm thick bed of cement
mortar 1:1 (1 cement: 1 coarse sand) with joints treated with white
cement mixed with matching pigment, epoxy touch ups including
rubbing, curing, moulding and polishing to give high gloss finish
etc. complete as per direction of Engineer-in-charge. In all floors
and all heights.

Gr. Floor Sqm 13.13 4141.50 54388.25

First Floor Sqm 13.13 4141.50 54377.90
Second Floor Sqm 13.13 4141.50 54377.90

20 Providing and fixing seasoned sal wood work in frames at any

locations including doors, windows,cupboard, clerestory and other
frames fixing in position including cost of hinges, M.S. flat (30mm
x 6mm) hold fasts lugs or dash fasteners of required dia and
length as per drawing / specification, at all floors and all heights.

Gr. Floor Cum 0.78 81071.00 63235.38

First Floor Cum 0.78 81071.00 63235.38
Second Floor Cum 0.78 81071.00 63235.38
Terrace Floor Cum 0.01 81071.00 810.71

21 Providing and fixing ISI marked flush door shutters conforming to

IS : 2202 (Part I) decorative type, core of block board construction
with frame of 1st class hard wood and well matched teak 3 ply
veneering with vertical grains or cross bands and face veneers on
both faces of shutters.32mm thick. (both side 1mm th. laminate,
Teak wood leapping and glass pannel including all S.S. hardware

Gr. Floor Sqm 12.39 6136.00 76025.04

First Floor Sqm 12.39 6136.00 76025.04
Second Floor Sqm 12.39 6136.00 76025.04
Terrace Floor Sqm 2.57 6136.00 15787.93

22 Providing & fixig aluminium work for windows (sliding

type) made up aluminium section 151-154, 151-155 as
frame section No. 151-155, 151-153 and 151-167 as
shutter frame with 5mm thick glass as panel fitted with
rubber bedding including lucking arangement. In all floors
and all heights.
A)Powder coated aluminium approved colour (minimum thickness
of powder coating 50 micron)
Gr. Floor Sqm 18.45 3564.70 65768.72
First Floor Sqm 18.45 3564.70 65768.72
Second Floor Sqm 18.45 3564.70 65768.72
Terrace Floor Sqm 2.43 3564.70 8662.22
Page 30 of 35(Abstract)

Sl.No. Description of Items Units Qnty Rate Amount In Rs.

23 Supplying fitting and fixing Fibre Reinforced Polymer FRP
composite door shutter with hinge as per approved section with
glass fibre reinforced plastic moulded skins and a special
sandwiched core, so as to impart monolithic composite structure
as per approved technology (DST) to satisfy IS: 14856 door
testing performance criteria including all complete, as approved
by EIC.

Standard size 2050mm X 905 mm/670mm (32mm thick ).

Gr. Floor Sqm 3.15 4259.00 13415.85
First Floor Sqm 3.15 4259.00 13415.85
Second Floor Sqm 3.15 4259.00 13415.85

24 Providing and fixing M.S grill of required patterns for

windows/verandahs etc. with M.S flats, square or round bars etc.
including applying a coat of approved steel primer and two or
more coats of synthetic enamel paint of approved make & shade,
all complete as per drawing & specification. (All steel sections
contractor's own supply).

Gr. Floor Kg. 498.15 256.76 127904.99

First Floor Kg. 498.15 256.76 127904.99
Second Floor Kg. 498.15 256.76 127904.99

25 Providing & Applying priming coat with Cement primer of

approved brand and manufacture on plaster surface as per the
instruction of Engineer-In-Charge at all elevations including all
material & labour complete.

Gr. Floor Sqm 498.07 40.56 20201.60

First Floor Sqm 498.07 40.56 20201.72
Second Floor Sqm 498.07 40.56 20201.72
Terrace Floor Sqm 177.03 41.47 7341.23

26 Providing and applying to outside walls with two or more coats of

Anti-Fungal Weather coat paint including scaffolding and cleaning
the surface before application of approved colour and
manufacture as per specification, instruction of Engineer-In-
Charge at all elevations including all material labour complete.

Gr. Floor Sqm 121.36 52.70 6395.78

First Floor Sqm 121.36 52.70 6395.78
Second Floor Sqm 121.36 52.70 6395.78
Terrace Floor Sqm 96.67 53.45 5167.01

27 Providing and applying white cement based putty of average

thickness 1 mm of approved brand and manufacturer, over the
plastered wall on external surfaces to prepare the surface even
and smooth as per the instruction of Engineer-In-Charge at all
elevations including all material & labour complete.

Gr. Floor Sqm 498.07 70.99 35357.78

First Floor Sqm 498.07 70.99 35357.78
Second Floor Sqm 498.07 70.99 35357.78
Terrace Floor Sqm 177.03 71.86 12721.02

28 Preparing surface and painting at all height with two or more

coats of interior Plastic Emulsion "Royale Shyne" of Asian Paints
or equivalent of approved shade as per the instructions of the
manufacturers; giving uniform shade etc in all heights of walls
etc. including interior wall primer & providing scaffolding,
cleaning, curing and supply of all materials and labour complete
as per drawing, design and direction of Architect/Engineer-In-

Gr. Floor Sqm 376.71 96.50 36352.03

First Floor Sqm 376.71 96.50 36352.52
Second Floor Sqm 376.71 96.50 36352.52
Terrace Floor Sqm 87.76 96.50 8468.36

29 Providing & Applying priming coat with ready mixed pink or gray
primer of approved brand and manufacture on wood /Ply work
(hard and soft wood) as per the instruction of Engineer-In-Charge
at all elevations including all material & labour complete.

Gr. Floor Sqm 9.33 41.06 383.09

First Floor Sqm 9.93 41.06 407.73
Second Floor Sqm 9.93 41.06 407.73
Terrace Floor Sqm 1.58 41.97 66.11
Page 31 of 35(Abstract)

Sl.No. Description of Items Units Qnty Rate Amount In Rs.

30 Providing & Painting with synthetic enamel paint of approved
brand and manufacture to give an even shade as per the
instruction of Engineer-In-Charge at all floors and all heights
including all material & labour complete.

Gr. Floor Sqm 1010.00 135.39 136743.90

First Floor Sqm 1010.00 135.39 136743.90
Second Floor Sqm 1010.00 135.39 136743.90
Terrace Floor Sqm 508.50 135.39 68845.82

31 Supplying, fitting and fixing of Stainless steel of 304 grade in hand

ralling using 50mm dia of 2mm thick circular pipe with Balustrade
of size 32mm X 32mm X 2mm @ 0.90mtr. C/C and stainless
square pipe bracing of size 32mm X 32mm X 2mm in 3 rows in
stair case as per approved design and specification, buffing,
polishing etc with cost, conveyance, taxes, all materials, labour,
T&P etc. required for the complete in all respect.

Gr. Floor Kg 34.00 324.70 11038.18

First Floor Kg 34.00 324.70 11038.18
Second Floor Kg 34.00 324.70 11038.18

32 Making plinth protection 50mm thick of cement concrete 1:3:6 (1

cement : 3 coarse sand : 6 graded stone aggregate 20mm
nominal size) over 75mm bed of dry brick ballast 40mm nominal
size well ramed, consolidated and grouted with fine sand and
finishing the top smooth including shuttering at the edges,
excavation and disposing of surplus earth with a lead of 100m.

Ground Floor Sqm 25.72 761.85 19591.73

33 Providing and laying 25mm thick grading concrete with C.C. 1:2:2
including adding water proofing compoung, all materials & labour
complete as per dspecification and direction of Engineer-In-
Terrace Floor Sqm 111.10 825.25 91685.28

Total Rs. 8291828.35
Say Rs. 8291828.00
A. CIVIL WORKS :- (TERRACE FLOOR) Description of Items Nos Length Width Height Quantity Units
8 Fly Ash. brick masonry of size 25 cm. x 12 cm. x 8 cm.
having crushing strength not less than 75 kg. Per Sqr.
Cm. in cement mortar of mix (1:6) with approved grade
cement and screened & washed sand for mortar after
immersing the bricks for 6 (Six) hours in water before
use in Superstructure including splays cutting, circular
moulding, corbelling, chamfering and similar such type
of works, watering and curing etc. including cost,
conveyance, loading, unloading, royalties and taxes of
all materials, cost of all labour, scaffolding, sundries,
T&P required for the works etc. complete in all respect
as directed by the Engineer-in-charge

250 mm thick wall :-

Parapet wall 2 8.800 0.250 1.000 4.400
2 12.650 0.250 1.000 6.325
Head room 4 3.800 0.250 2.450 9.310
2 2.300 0.250 2.450 2.818
deduction :-
Door -1 1.050 0.250 2.100 -0.551
Window -2 0.900 0.200 1.350 -0.486
Total 21.815 Cum.

10 Providing and laying reinforced cement concrete

of M-25 grade with 20 mm and down grade black
hard granite (Crusher broken) chips including
cost of all materials, labours T&P etc. Complete
but excluding the cost of shuttering and
reinforcement. at all heights and all floors

e) Column up to Slab :-
Head room Column 4 0.250 0.250 2.450 0.613
Total 0.613 Cum
f) Roof Beam :-
Head room Column (Staircase) 2 3.800 0.250 0.350 0.665
2 2.300 0.250 0.350 0.403
Total 1.068 Cum
g) Slab :-
1 12.200 1.000 0.125 1.525
Total 1.525 Cum
Total M-25 Casting
3.205 Cum
11 Cutting, straightening coiled or bent up M.S. rods,
HYSD steel or Tor Steel of grade Fe-415 confirming to
I.S.-1786 - 1985 welding or jointing if necessary,
bending, binding, tying the grills as required for RCC
works, and hoisting, lowering and placing in proper
position according to approved designs and drawings
including cost, conveyance, loading, unloading, taxes
of M.S. rods, HYSD steel or Tor steel and binding wires
of 18 to 20 gauge required for the work and cost of all
labour, sundries, T&P and scaffolding complete in all
respect as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge
(payment will be made according to the actual weight of
M.S. rod, HYSD steel or Tor steel consumed in the
work and no separate payment will be made towards
weight of binding wires which is to be borne by the
contractor at his own cost).

e) Col up to slab 1 0.613 Kg/Cum 220.000 134.860

f) Roof Beam 1 1.068 Kg/Cum 220.000 234.960
g) Slab 1 1.525 Kg/Cum 100.000 152.500
3.206 Total 522.320 Kg
Total 5.223 Qtl

12 16mm cement plaster on external RCC/brick surfaces

in cement plaster 1:6 (1 cement : 6 coarse sand)
including necessary scaffolding, curing etc. all complete
at all floors and all heights.
Head room 1 7.000 2.000 2.450 34.300
1 2.800 2.000 2.450 13.720
Parapet wall 1 6.900 4.000 1.000 27.600
1 10.150 2.000 1.000 20.300
1 3.150 2.000 1.000 6.300
1 2.100 1.000 1.000 2.100
Deduction :- Door -2 1.050 2.100 -4.410
Window -2 1.200 1.350 -3.240
Total 96.670 Sqm

13 12mm cement plaster on internal smooth side of

RCC/brick surfaces with cement mortar of mix 1:6 (1
cement : 6 fine sand) including necessary scaffolding,
curing etc. all complete at all floors and all heights.

Head room 1 3.800 2.000 2.450 18.620

1 2.300 2.000 2.450 11.270
Parapet wall 1 8.800 2.000 1.000 17.600
1 12.650 2.000 1.000 25.300
Deduction :- Door -1 1.050 2.100 -2.205
Window -2 0.900 1.350 -2.430
Total 68.155 Sqm

14 6 mm cement plaster on RCC surfaces at ceiling/slab

soffit and other locations with cement mortar of mix
1:4(1 cement : 4 fine sand) including necessary
scaffolding, curing etc. all complete at all floors and all
Slab 1 12.200 area 1.000 12.200
Total 12.200 Sqm
20 Providing and fixing seasoned sal wood work in frames
at any locations including doors, windows,cupboard,
clerestory and other frames fixing in position including
cost of hinges, M.S. flat (30mm x 6mm) hold fasts lugs
or dash fasteners of required dia and length as per
drawing/specification, at all floors and all heights.

Door 1 1.050 0.125 0.075 0.010

Total 0.010 Cum
21 Providing and fixing ISI marked flush door shutters
conforming to IS : 2202 (Part I) decorative type, core of
block board construction with frame of 1st class hard
wood and well matched teak 3 ply veneering with
vertical grains or cross bands and face veneers on both
faces of shutters. 35mm thick. (both side 1mm th.
laminate, Teak wood leapping and glass pannel
including all S.S. hardware fittings)

Door 1 1.050 2.450 2.573

Total 2.573 Sqm

22 Providing & fixig aluminium work for windows

(sliding type) madeup aluminium section 151-
154, 151-155 as frame section No. 151-155,
151-153 and 151-167 as shutter frame with
12mm thick black glass as panel fitted with
rubber bedding including lucking arrangement.
In all floors and all heights.
Ventilator 2 0.900 1.350 2.430
Total 2.430 Sqm

24 Providing and fixing M.S grill of required patterns

for windows/verandahs etc. with M.S flats,
square or round bars etc. including applying a
coat of approved steel primer and two or more
coats of synthetic enamel paint of approved
make & shade, all complete as per drawing & Kg.
Ventilator 2 0.900 27.000 1.350 65.610
Total 65.610 Kg

25 Providing & Applying priming coat with Cement primer

of approved brand and manufacture on plaster surface
as per the instruction of Engineer-In-Charge at all
elevations including all material & labour complete.

External Wall 1 96.670 area 96.670

Internal wall 1 68.155 area 68.155
Ceilling 1 12.200 area 12.200
Total 177.025 Sqm
26 Providing and applying to outside walls with two or
more coats of Anti-Fungal Weather coat water proofing
paint including scaffolding and cleaning the surface
before application of approved colour and manufacture
as per specification, instruction of Engineer-In-Charge
at all elevations including all material labour complete.

External Wall 1 96.670 area 96.670

Total 96.670 Sqm
27 Providing and applying white cement based putty of
average thickness 1 mm of approved brand and
manufacturer, over the plastered wall surfaces to
prepare the surface even and smooth as per the
instruction of Engineer-In-Charge at all elevations
including all material & labour complete.

External Wall 1 96.670 area 96.670

Internal wall 1 68.155 area 68.155
Ceilling 1 12.200 area 12.200
Total 177.025 Sqm

28 Preparing surface and painting at all height with two or

more coats of interior Plastic Emulsion "Royale Shyne"
of Asian Paints or equivalent of approved shade as per
the instructions of the manufacturers; giving uniform
shade etc in all heights of walls etc. including interior
wall primer & providing scaffolding, cleaning, curing
and supply of all materials and labour complete as per
drawing, design and direction of Architect/Engineer-In-

Internal wall 1 68.155 area 68.155

Ceilling 1 19.600 area 19.600
Total 87.755 Sqm

29 Providing & Applying priming coat with ready mixed

pink or gray primer of approved brand and manufacture
on wood / Ply work (hard and soft wood)as per the
instruction of Engineer-In-Charge at all elevations
including all material & labour complete.

1 5.250 1.000 0.300 1.575

Total 1.575 Sqm

30 Providing & Painting with synthetic enamel paint of

approved brand and manufacture to give an even
shade as per the instruction of Engineer-In-Charge at
all floors and all heights including all material & labour

Ventilator 2 0.900 1.100 1.350 2.673

Total 2.673 Sqm

32 Providing and laying grading conc. 40 mm (avg.

thickness) cement concrete of required slope of mix
1:2:4 (1cement:2coarse sand:4graded stone aggregate
of 10 mm nominal size) mixed with approved water
proof compound as per manufacturer's specification on
top of slab including cement slurry, all complete,
including the cost of water proofing admixture, which
should be approved by the Engineer-In-Charge prior to
material procurement by the contractor.

1 111.100 1.000 111.100

Total 111.100 Sqm

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