Mystery Science 1 Taskstream

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Mystery Science 1 ​Lesson Plan

Name:Rosemarie Luna Date: October 29, 2018 / Time:​​ 11:50-12:50

Lesson Title: Human Machine (Body, Senses, & the Brain)

Grade Level: 4 Standard(s):(NGSS)

Subject: Science
Discipline: Life Sciences
Performance Expectation ​4-LS1-1

Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) 

Discipline: Life Sciences 
Performance Expectation: 4-LS1-1 From Molecules to Organisms:
Structures and Processes 
Construct an argument that plants and animals have internal and
external structures that function to support survival, growth,
behavior, and reproduction. 
Crosscutting Concept: Cause and Effect 
Disciplinary Core Ideas: LS1.A: Structure and Function 
Plants and animals have internal and external structures that serve
various functions in growth, survival, behavior, and reproduction. 

Learning Objectives(s):
Learning Target: 

I can Identify the ​different components​ that helps make our body move. 
I can explain how our finger moves  

(​Success Criteria)

I can  
• Identify the role of my skeleton 
• Identify the role of joints 
• Identify the role of muscles 
• Identify the role of tendons  

Differentiation Strategies: Content, Process, Product

Peer helper, Visual, Videos, Whole class instruction, Hands on Manipultives

Teaching Targets (timing, activity types, purpose, kinds of grouping)

Time​​: Teaching Strategy - the Purpose - the why Method - the how (whole
what group, small groups,
partners, individual, etc.)

11:50-11:11:55 Direct communication To transition students Whole class

from Lunch to Science
Cool Down

Dr. Stephanie H Kamai, FA18


12:00-12:05 Direct communication To go over expectations Whole Class

(Learning Target)
I can describe the  (Have Teacher Assistant Why​ Teacher Assistant:
different components  Lead ) Allows students to have a
leadership role/student
that helps make our  engagement
body move. 
I can explain how our 
finger moves  

(​Success Criteria)

I can  
• Identify the role of my 
• Identify the role of 
• Identify the role of 
• Identify the role of 

12:05 - 12:10 Direct communication Have students write their Independent

answer in their Sci.
Review EQ: Tablets Partner Share

Why do you biceps  Share their answer with a Whole Class Share
bulge? partner

Call on students to share

to whole class

(Call on ​Focus student 1 and

2: Have them verbally share
their ideas because they
struggle with writing it down.

Dr. Stephanie H Kamai, FA18


12:10-12:30 Direct Communication Go over Powerpoint ​(SEE Whole Class

PG. 7)
Building Background
Knowledge Have students repeat
vocabulary word. Practice
(Build Students pronouncing the word

Vocabulary Words:
• Skeletal System
• Joints
• Muscular System
• Tendons

12:30-12:45 Direct communication/ Re-enforce the different Whole Class

Cooperative Learning components to that helps
Mystery Science Videos make our body move Partner Share

Day 2: Activity

11:50-12:00 Direct communication/ Go over expectations Whole Class

Activity Introduction Call on focus students to

• Go over/ hand out repeat back what we need
materials to do (Repeated

Dr. Stephanie H Kamai, FA18


12:00-12:45 Direct Allow students to watch Whole Class

Activity: communication/Cooperati Mystery Science.
ve Learning Independent/ Partner
Create a paper robot  Model What students work
hand to demonstrate  need to be doing
the role of bones, 
joints, muscles and  Have students work
tendons  independently/ in
partners when creating
their paper robot hand

Allows students to have a

physical manipulative to
demonstrate how
different components
helps the body move

12:45-12:55 Direct Communication Post Assessment: For me Independent

to check if the students
Post Assessment got it

Differentiated post test

criteria for focus student
(​See pg. 8)

Materials/Handouts​​: (tangible items used to Extensions: ​Ways to reinforce academic skills, etc.
implement the lesson)
- If there is time ( Whole Robot Hand Activity)
-Science Tablet
-Eraser and Pencil -Review and build on knowledge throughout other
—Actvity Materials ​(See Pg. 5) mystery Sciences within the unit
​ Robot Finger Templete
Ruler -Science WS assigned for HW
3x5 Index Card -Unit Test
18’ of string
2 paper clips
Piece of paper

-Pretest (Given day before) ​See pg.6

-Post Assessment (Given After ScienceLesson) ​See Pg.
-Mystery Science Videos
-Building Vocabulary Slides ​See pg. 9

Dr. Stephanie H Kamai, FA18


Resources: ​(what you used to prepare to teach the


- Mr. Ige

Reflection: ​As I am designing my lesson plan, I made sure to use the program; Mystery Science that is being
used throughout the grade level to teach Science Content.

I am planning on incorporating student learning inventory. I have learned that students need visual
demonstrations to help them prior to doing independent work. I plan on making sure to physically show
students what do during the activity additional to having them watch the Mystery Science Videos. I also plan on
brining in physical props such as a skeleton for students to have a physical example of their bones. I also plan
on incorporating collaboration with their peers. Allowing high level students to be partnered with the lower
and EL students.

Focus Students
Focus Student 1: Hands on manipulative, Repeated Instruction and have student verbally explain their knowledge rather
then having them write it
Focus Student 2: Videos, visuals, additional time and have students verbally explain their knowledge rather then having
them write it

For time management wise, I decided to give the pre assessment day prior to the observed lesson. This will
allow me more time to teach the content and the activity. I have also broken down this lesson in multiple days
(Day 1: Build Background Knowledge)
(Day 2: allow students to participate in the Paper Robot Activity)

Materials for the


Dr. Stephanie H Kamai, FA18


PRE Test
Name: __________________________________________ Date: _____________

1. What do you think helps make your body move? (At least 1 Example)



2. The role of my skeleton is to

A) Support my Body
B) Protect my body’s organs
C) Help my body move
D) All of the above

3. ​Joints in your body is ​ where two bones meet and allows movement. Circle an
example of a joint.

A) Tongue
B) Ear
C) Arm
D) None

4. Muscles are:
A) Made up of 206 Bones
E) Tissue that helps make the body parts move

Dr. Stephanie H Kamai, FA18


5.​ ​Tendons​​ helps you move you body. ​True or False

Post Test

Assessment Criteria:
ME: (8 Points) = 8/8 
MP: (7 Points)= 7/8 

Dr. Stephanie H Kamai, FA18


DP: (6 Points)= 6/8 

WB: (5 and Below)   

Focus Students Assessment Criteria  

• Question 1:​​ I can ​verbally ​​identify and ​show on my robot finger ​​the 4 
components that help your finger move. 

• 4 Pts:  Correctly Identified 4 Components ​Verbally 

• 3 Pts: Correctly Identified 3 Components ​Verbally 

• 2 Pts: Correctly Identified 2 Components ​Verbally 

• 1 Pts: Correctly Identified 1 Components ​Verbally 

• O Pts: Did not correctly identified any of the components 

learned ​Verbally 

• Question 2: I can verbally/show how these components helps your finger move. 

Dr. Stephanie H Kamai, FA18


Power Point Slides

Dr. Stephanie H Kamai, FA18


Dr. Stephanie H Kamai, FA18


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