k-6 Lesson Plan

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M Teacher: Ms.

Strickland Academic Area: Science/ The Structures

And Functions of Living Organisms

Grade Level: 5th -

Classroom Context My classroom is going to be student centered. Most of my activities will

be group activities and the students will be responsible for further
explaining i information after I have taught because some students may
learn better
from learning through a different point of view.

Student Context 14 girls, 8 boys

nstInstructional Implications If students are struggling I will put students in groups so that they could
I I re receive help from their peers for better explanations.

Lesson Objective Outcome: 5.L.2.2 Classify the organisms within an ecosystem according to the
function they serve: producers, consumers, or decomposers (biotic factors).

Essential Question(s): I can identify the major systems of the human body.
What does the different systems do for the body?

Materials/Resources Essential Vocabulary

● Human Body books ● Digestive System

● Guest Speaker (Mr. Charles Walker from Cell ● Respiratory System
Safari) ● Circulatory System
● Internet Resources (Biology4Kids.com, ● Muscular System
https://www.neok12.com/Cell- ● Skeletal System
Structures.htm) ● Cardiovascular System
● Computer lab

Instructional Presentation

Focus & Review Students will practice more with research. Students will be in groups.
Each group of students will research a word and will create a regular

Teacher Input I will show how to identify the different types of systems in the body. I
(I do; you watch.) will show the different task that each system does in the body.
Shared Practice I will teach the students the new vocabulary terms and so the students
(We do) will understand the material better. Then I will read a book and play a
video about the different body functions.

Guided Practice The students will have note cards with the different systems digestive,
(You do; I help.) respiratory, circulatory, muscular, skeletal and cardiovascular. I will
say a fact or characteristic about one of the systems and the students
will have to put up the note card for which they think it is and I tell the
class the correct answer.

Independent Practice The students will have different stations where they match up the
(You do; I watch.) different parts of each system and they will rotate.

The assessment will be made on the student’s ability to match up the

C Closing/Summarizing Strategy different parts of each system in the different stations that they are
placed in.

Differentiation Strategies

Extension Intervention Language Development

Students find a book or article to Have students ELL students will match the definitions of the
read and write a summary about on play a definition systems.
the different systems for a week. game on

Assessment(s) & Reflection

A Asessment(s): Ask students the definitions of the different systems. What is the cardiovascular system
made up of ? (all the systems) Why are the systems important to the human body? What are the
systems functions?

Te Teacher Reflection: (Next steps?) I will check the students understanding by giving them a test on the
di different systems. Also each student will have to pick a system that they want to do a presentation on
Create a labeled model for

K-6 Lesson Plan

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