Hunter Water Elect Design Spec

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Hunter Water Corporation A.B.N. 46 228 513 446

Standard Technical Specification for:



This Standard Technical Specification was developed by Hunter Water to be used for the construction and/or
maintenance of water and/or sewerage works that are, or are to become, the property of Hunter Water. It is
intended that this Standard Technical Specification be used in conjunction with various other standard and
project specific drawings and design requirements as defined by Hunter Water for each particular project.
Hunter Water does not consider this Standard Technical Specification suitable for use for any other purpose or
in any other manner. Use of this Standard Technical Specification for any other purpose or in any other manner
is wholly at the user's risk.
Hunter Water makes no representations or warranty that this Standard Technical Specification has been
prepared with reasonable care and does not assume a duty of care to any person using this document for any
purpose other than stated.
In the case of this document having been downloaded from Hunter Water's website;
- Hunter Water has no responsibility to inform you of any matter relating to the accuracy of this Standard
Technical Specification which is known to Hunter Water at the time of downloading or subsequently comes to
the attention of Hunter Water.
- This document is current at the date of downloading. Hunter Water may update this document at any time.
Copyright in this document belongs to Hunter Water Corporation.

1 GENERAL ...................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Scope...................................................................................................................................1
1.2 Interpretation........................................................................................................................1
1.3 Referenced Documents .......................................................................................................1
1.4 Abbreviations and Expressions ...........................................................................................2
1.5 Contractors ..........................................................................................................................3
1.6 Materials and Equipment .....................................................................................................3
1.7 Standards of Work ...............................................................................................................4
1.8 Testing of Electrical Services...............................................................................................4
1.9 Submission of Documents ...................................................................................................4
2 ELECTRICITY SUPPLY NETWORK ASSETS ............................................................... 5
2.1 High Voltage Installations ....................................................................................................5
2.2 Low Voltage Installations .....................................................................................................5
3 DESIGN OF ELECTRICAL SYSTEM ............................................................................. 7
3.1 Reliability..............................................................................................................................7
3.2 Power Supplies ....................................................................................................................7
3.3 Intelligent Motor Control Centres .........................................................................................7
3.4 Control of Equipment ...........................................................................................................7
3.5 Harmonic Distortion (THD) ..................................................................................................7
3.6 Power Factor........................................................................................................................8
3.7 Earthing................................................................................................................................8
3.8 MCC Control Circuit Voltage................................................................................................9
3.9 Security System ...................................................................................................................9
3.10 Cable Identification ..............................................................................................................9
3.11 Conduit Schedules.............................................................................................................10
3.12 Wire Numbering .................................................................................................................10
3.13 Drawings ............................................................................................................................10
3.14 Flow Meters .......................................................................................................................10
3.15 Underground Instrumentation ............................................................................................11
3.16 Stop Buttons ......................................................................................................................11
4 SWITCHBOARDS MANUFACTURE............................................................................ 12
4.1 Design................................................................................................................................12
4.2 Indoor Switchboards ..........................................................................................................13
4.3 Outdoor Switchboards .......................................................................................................15
4.4 Fault Levels........................................................................................................................17
4.5 Busbars..............................................................................................................................17
4.6 Switchboard Cable / Wiring Systems ................................................................................18
4.7 Earthing of Equipment .......................................................................................................19
4.8 Equipment Mounting Pans.................................................................................................19
4.9 Gland Plates ......................................................................................................................19
4.10 Doors and Covers ..............................................................................................................19
4.11 Shrouding...........................................................................................................................20
4.12 Power Monitoring ...............................................................................................................21
4.13 Motor Starter Requirements ..............................................................................................21
4.14 Local Operator Panel Equipment ......................................................................................22
4.15 Labelling.............................................................................................................................22
4.16 Factory Inspection and Testing..........................................................................................25
4.17 Delivery ..............................................................................................................................26
4.18 Submission of documents..................................................................................................27
5 SWITCHROOM REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................... 28
5.1 Switchboard Position / Location.........................................................................................28
5.2 Construction.......................................................................................................................28
5.3 Flooring ..............................................................................................................................28
5.4 Doors .................................................................................................................................28
5.5 Lighting ..............................................................................................................................28
5.6 Smoke and Fire Detection .................................................................................................29
5.7 Signage..............................................................................................................................29
5.8 Air Quality ..........................................................................................................................29
5.9 Miscellaneous ....................................................................................................................29
6 SWITCHBOARDS INSTALLATION ............................................................................. 30
6.1 General ..............................................................................................................................30
6.2 Switchboard Support .........................................................................................................30
6.3 Cable Entries .....................................................................................................................30
7 ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT ......................................................................................... 31
7.1 Durability of Materials ........................................................................................................31
7.2 Fixings................................................................................................................................31
7.3 Mounting of equipment ......................................................................................................31
7.4 Circuit Breakers .................................................................................................................31
7.5 Fuses .................................................................................................................................32
7.6 Isolation Switches ..............................................................................................................33
7.7 AC Contactors....................................................................................................................33
7.8 Protection Devices on LV Motors ......................................................................................33
7.9 Control Switching Devices .................................................................................................33
7.10 Voltmeters and Ammeters .................................................................................................34
7.11 Current Transformers ........................................................................................................34
7.12 Power Factor Correction Equipment .................................................................................35
7.13 24Vdc Power Supplies.......................................................................................................35
7.14 Surge Protection ................................................................................................................36
7.15 Equipment Earthing ...........................................................................................................36
7.16 Functional Earthing ............................................................................................................37
8 ELECTRONIC DRIVES ................................................................................................ 38
8.1 General Requirements.......................................................................................................38
8.2 Ventilation and Cooling......................................................................................................38
8.3 Variable Speed Drives .......................................................................................................39
8.4 Soft Starters .......................................................................................................................41
9 PLC, SCADA AND TELEMETRY................................................................................. 42
9.1 General ..............................................................................................................................42
9.2 PLC Hardware ...................................................................................................................42
9.3 24Vdc Power Supply .........................................................................................................42
9.4 Automation Communications.............................................................................................43
9.5 Automatic Control and Monitoring .....................................................................................43
9.6 PLC Tests ..........................................................................................................................43
9.7 Software Changes .............................................................................................................44
9.8 Software Work as Executed ..............................................................................................44
9.9 SCADA...............................................................................................................................44
9.10 Telemetry ...........................................................................................................................46
10 UPS EQUIPMENT ........................................................................................................ 47
10.1 General ..............................................................................................................................47
10.2 Capacity .............................................................................................................................47
10.3 Performance ......................................................................................................................47
10.4 Alarms................................................................................................................................47
10.5 Batteries.............................................................................................................................47
10.6 Bypass ...............................................................................................................................47
10.7 UPS Location and Enclosure.............................................................................................47
10.8 UPS Power Distribution .....................................................................................................48
11 INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROLS...................................................................... 49
11.1 General ..............................................................................................................................49
11.2 Level Measurement Devices .............................................................................................50
11.3 Flow Measurement Devices ..............................................................................................51
11.4 Pressure Measurement Devices........................................................................................53
11.5 Analytical Measurement Devices.......................................................................................54
11.6 Temperature Measurement Devices .................................................................................55
11.7 Solenoid Valves .................................................................................................................55
11.8 Instrumentation in PLC Cubicles .......................................................................................55
12 LIGHTNING PROTECTION SYSTEM .......................................................................... 57
12.1 General ..............................................................................................................................57
12.2 Design................................................................................................................................57
12.3 Air Terminal Grid................................................................................................................57
12.4 Earth Conductors ...............................................................................................................57
12.5 Joints and Connections .....................................................................................................58
12.6 Earthing Electrodes and Pits .............................................................................................58
13 ACCESSORIES............................................................................................................ 59
13.1 General ..............................................................................................................................59
13.2 Wall Mounted Switches .....................................................................................................59
13.3 240V Outlets ......................................................................................................................59
13.4 415V Power Socket Outlet.................................................................................................59
13.5 415V Outlets for Equipment...............................................................................................59
13.6 ELV Power Socket Outlet ..................................................................................................59
13.7 Labelling.............................................................................................................................59
14 LUMINAIRES ............................................................................................................... 60
14.1 General ..............................................................................................................................60
14.2 Lamps ................................................................................................................................60
14.3 Installation of Luminaires ...................................................................................................60
15 RETICULATION AND WIRING .................................................................................... 62
15.1 General ..............................................................................................................................62
15.2 Cables and Wiring .............................................................................................................62
15.3 Segregation........................................................................................................................65
15.4 Mechanical Protection .......................................................................................................65
15.5 Aerial Reticulation (Power) ................................................................................................66
15.6 Underground Reticulation ..................................................................................................66
15.7 Conduits, Fittings and Joints..............................................................................................69
15.8 Cable Protection and Support............................................................................................70
15.9 Penetrations.......................................................................................................................72
16 SITE TESTING ............................................................................................................. 73
16.1 General ..............................................................................................................................73
16.2 Insulation Resistance Level Tests .....................................................................................73
16.3 LV and Control Cable Tests...............................................................................................73
16.4 Motor Tests ........................................................................................................................73
16.5 Cabling and Circuit Tests...................................................................................................74
16.6 Earthing Installations .........................................................................................................74
16.7 End of Site Testing ............................................................................................................75
16.8 Submission of Documents .................................................................................................75
17 DOCUMENTATION ...................................................................................................... 76
17.1 Site Documentation ...........................................................................................................76
17.2 Work as Constructed Documents ......................................................................................76
17.3 Maintenance Instruction Books..........................................................................................76
Document: STS500 – General Requirements for Electrical Installations
Document Owner: Manager Field Services
Version: 2.1
Date of Next Revision: September 2013
TRIM Reference: HW2009-2368/2/16

New Clause Old Amendment
September 2012
3.3 Moved from section 4
3.14 Clause added
4.1.1 Modified for SS fixings
4.2.5 Added dimensions
4.3.2 Added swing handles
4.5 Changed marking and phase sequence requirements
4.6.1 Modified earthing requirements
4.6.2 Modified orange wire requirements
4.10.4 Modified 81/3 lock requirements
7.2 Additional detail
7.3 Clause added
7.13 Added 0V earth requirements
7.15 Confirmed stud and wire sizes
7.16 Clause added
8.3 Additional detail on specification
9.4 Patch lead requirements changed
15.8.2 Changed screws Nominated earth wire size
1.1 Scope
The materials, workmanship and methods of installation described herein shall be used on
the electrical works for Hunter Water assets.
All work shall be carried out in a tradesman like manner to current industry standards. All
electrical installation work shall be carried out by a licenced electrical contractor and on site
work under the constant personal supervision of a person holding a Qualified Supervisor
Certificate - Electrician issued by the Department of Fair Trading
Hunter Water shall not be bound to check any documents submitted for errors, omissions or
compliance with the requirements of the specification or standards.

1.2 Interpretation
For the purposes of this Standard Technical Specification, except where the context requires
'Drawings' means the drawings detailing the work involved in the particular project in
'Specification' means the Specification detailing the work involved in the particular
project in hand.
'Standard Drawings' means the Hunter Water Corporation Limited drawings
'Standard Technical Specifications' means the Hunter Water Corporation Limited
technical specifications,
Headings are for the convenience of the reader and shall not be used in the interpretation of
this Standard Technical Specification.
Specific requirements, including those in the Specification or Drawings, take precedence
over general requirements.
Unless the context requires otherwise any expression such as "give notice", "submit",
"approval", or "directed" means give notice to, submit to, approval by, or directed by the
person nominated by the Principal or Purchaser.
Approval does not imply acceptance of responsibility by Hunter Water for compliance with
this technical specification. Unless approval has been issued in writing approval has not
been granted.
Failure to comply with the requirements of this specification or any referred documentation
may result in rejection. Where equipment and / or manufacture is rejected, notice will be
given by Hunter Water in writing. All associated rectification work shall be completed by the
Contractor at their cost.

1.3 Referenced Documents

In addition to STS500, all work shall comply with the relevant current Australian Standard
(AS) and/or Australian/New Zealand Standard (AS/NZS) and/or regulations inclusive of all
In particular
 AS/NZS 3000: Electrical installations (known as the Australian/New Zealand Wiring

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 AS/NZS 3008.1.1: Electrical installations - Selection of cables - Cables for alternating
voltages up to and including 0.6/1 kV - Typical Australian installation conditions
 AS/NZS 3439 Parts 1 -5: Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies
 AS/NZS 2381 All Parts: Electrical equipment for explosive gas atmospheres -
Selection, installation and maintenance
 AS/ACIF S009:2006 Installation requirements for customer cabling (Wiring Rules)
 AS/NZS 1768:- Lightning Protection
 AS/NZS 2978:- Insulating mats for electrical purposes
 IEC 60364-5-54:-Electrical installations of buildings, Part 5-54
 IEC 61024:-Protection of structures against lightning
 IEC 61312:-Protection against lightning electromagnetic impulse (LEMP)
 Service and Installation Rules of NSW
 Supply Authority (relevant to area) design requirements.
 Australian Communications Association (AS/ACIF) Technical Standards for
telecommunications including, but not limited to AS/NZS 4117 Surge protective
devices for telecommunication applications and AS/NZS 60950 Information
technology equipment - Safety - General requirements
 Occupational Health and Safety Regulations
 Workcover Codes of Practice
 Low Voltage Electrical Work Code of Practice

1.4 Abbreviations and Expressions

Where dimensions are indicated herein they are in millimetres (mm) unless otherwise stated.
Where abbreviations and expressions occur in the Specification, they shall mean as follows:-
Approval Approved by Hunter Water
Approved Included on a list prepared by Hunter Water of approved products and
AS Australian Standard.
AS/NZS Australian/New Zealand Standard.
BS British Standard.
Directed Directed by Hunter Water.
ELV Extra Low Voltage
FCL Fault Current Limiters
HD-PVC Heavy duty PVC
Hunter Water The representative as nominated by Hunter Water
Indicated As specified or shown in the Contract documents.
IMCC Intelligent Motor Control Centre
IP Rating Degree of protection as described in AS 1939.
LV Low Voltage

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MCC Switchboard which is mostly used for control of electric motors
MEN Multiple Earthed Neutral (System).
MIMS Mineral Insulated Metal Sheathed (cable).
NAASRA National Association of Australian State Roads Authorities.
Proprietary A commercial supplier’s standard design of equipment or process
PVC Polyvinylchloride.
PWM Pulse Width Modulation
SAA Standards Association of Australia
Submit Submit to Hunter Water
Supply Authority The authority that supplies electricity to the locality of the project.
Switchboard A board or panel equipped with apparatus for controlling the operation
of electric circuits or as per AS/NZS 3000
TPI Thermo Plastic Insulated
TPS Thermo Plastic Sheathed
Wet environment any of the following
 outdoor area
 room containing pipework which contains liquid under pressure
 area where equipment is located that requires wash down
 area below natural ground level.
WPS Water Pumping Station
WTP Water Treatment Plant
WWPS Waste Water Pumping Station
WWTW Waste Water Treatment Works
XLPE Cross Linked Polyethylene.

1.5 Contractors
For the following works, use only contractors listed on the Hunter Water Approved
Contractors List available on the Hunter Water Corporations’ website on
 Electrical Installation
 Switchboard Manufacture
 Telemetry and Automation

1.6 Materials and Equipment

Select equipment and materials from the Hunter Water Approved Products and
Manufacturers Electrical List available on the Hunter Water Corporations’ website on All materials and equipment used shall be from items stocked
within Australia and shall be from local suppliers within the Newcastle region, who provide
support services for their products. All materials supplied shall be new and of the latest

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Where suitable materials or equipment are not listed, submit full details of the proposed
items and obtain written approval prior to use.
Where items are described by reference to a trade brand name or catalogue number, such a
description is intended to indicate the type, quality, appearance and method of construction
required. An item of a standard similar and equal thereto may be considered, subject to
written approval from Hunter Water.

1.7 Standards of Work

Except where STS500 and/or contract documents require a higher standard, all work shall
be carried out in accordance with the current edition of the nominated Standards and
Where required, submit a test certificate from an independent testing authority as proof of
compliance with a standard or specified test.

1.8 Testing of Electrical Services

Carry out all inspections and tests as required by AS/NZS 3000.

1.9 Submission of Documents

Submit all Application for Connection forms are to be submitted to Hunter Water for review
and comment prior to submission to Supply Authority.
Submit to Hunter Water one copy of each Certificate of Compliance - Electrical Work
(CCEW) at the time of submission of the original certificate to the Supply Authority.

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Work that is subject to the Supply Authorities design, construction and installation standards
shall only be performed by an accredited service provider. The service provider shall have
the appropriate accreditation for the type and level of work being performed.
This work includes, but is not limited to:
 designing electricity network assets
 extending or increasing the capacity of the electricity network
 relocating electrical network assets
 connecting new installations to the electricity network
 disconnecting redundant installations from the electricity network
 installing and energising service lines or
 installing meters

2.1 High Voltage Installations

The design of high voltage works, including a High Voltage Installation Safety Management
Plan, shall be carried out by a Level 3 Accredited Service Provider.
Submit copies of the Supply Authority’s comments on the high voltage design works
proposed and the High Voltage Management Plan a minimum of 2 weeks prior to ordering of
All high voltage installation works shall be carried out to the standard required by and to the
satisfaction of the Supply Authority.
Arrange for an inspection of the installation by the Supply Authority and rectify all defects
that are noted prior to energisation.
Give 3 working days notice to Hunter Water of the date and time for energisation of high
voltage works.

2.2 Low Voltage Installations

2.2.1 Phase Rotation

Phase rotation on all installations shall be positive.
Any change required to achieve positive phase rotation shall be done on the line side of the
service protection device.

2.2.2 Consumer Mains Design

The maximum demand for pumping stations with one or two pumps installed shall be based
on all pumps running simultaneously, plus fan if installed, plus auxiliaries.
Unless required otherwise by a specific installation, the maximum demand for pumping
stations with more than two pumps installed shall be based on one less than the total
number of pumps to be installed ultimately, running simultaneously, plus fan if installed, plus
The maximum voltage drop shall not exceed two percent.

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2.2.3 Switchboards
Two sets of all drawings, schedules, or correspondence as applicable, shall be submitted to
Hunter Water for review prior to switchboard manufacture.
Where required by the NSW Service and Installation Rules or the Supply Authority submit
the full details of the switchboard design and installation procedures to the Supply Authority
for examination.
Provide the following information as a minimum:
1. Drawings detailing the following:
 Layout and single line diagrams
 Compliance with standards,
 IP rating,
 Voltage rating,
 Segregation form
 Busbar current ratings and
 Designed fault level.
2. Protection grading curves which show how the sub-circuits, service protection device
and the Supply Authority fuses will discriminate with each other.
Submit a copy of all comments provided by the Supply Authority and details of how the
Supply Authority’s comments have been addressed, a minimum of 2 weeks before
construction of the switchboard commences.

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3.1 Reliability
The electrical system design and selection of equipment shall be robust to provide long term
reliability with enough built in redundancy to ensure down time is minimised. The electrical
system shall be designed to allow for maintenance and ease of fault finding.

3.2 Power Supplies

On treatment plants where two separate power supplies are available and have been
approved by the Supply Authority the distribution of the power in the plant shall be split with
the aim of allowing for half the plant to operate when one supply is lost. Liaise with Hunter
Water to determine which process units shall be on each power supply.

3.3 Intelligent Motor Control Centres

Treatment plants shall have Intelligent Motor Control Centres. IMCCs shall include the

 An Ethernet based (Modbus TCP/IP) communications network between the PLC,

switches and all motor starters. There shall be a separate control network for the
IMCC equipment which shall be connected via a separate card in the PLC rack.
 The IMCC Ethernet network shall include a fibre ring between all switches in the
network using standard preformed fibre patch cables. Cat 5e STP preformed copper
patch leads shall be used from the switch to each starter.
 Intelligent Motor starters shall be either DOL or VSD. DOL starters shall incorporate
an Ethernet motor protection relay and VSD’s shall be fitted with Ethernet cards.
 Motor protection relays and VSD’s shall be implemented without using custom logic
in the device. Where possible, all logic shall be done within the PLC code with the
device I/O being interrogated using I/O scanning.
 VSD’s shall have a similar I/O configuration as the motor protection relay.
 The only devices to be installed on the MCC cell door shall be a “Test – Off – Auto”
switch and the main circuit breaker handle. Drive status, motor running, motor
currents etc shall be displayed on a HMI installed on the PLC cabinet door at the end
of the MCC. Each drive will have its own page on the HMI which shall also display
(but not limited to) faults, process variables etc.
 All starters shall be able to be controlled from the field start / stop station when
selected to “test” on the cell door.
Standard drawings for motor control circuit are available from the drawing office on this email

3.4 Control of Equipment

All electrical equipment shall be supplied and controlled from a plant switchboard or MCC;
local switching panels shall not be used. More complex equipment such as UV may be
located in the field with written approval from Hunter Water.

3.5 Harmonic Distortion (THD)

Design variable frequency controller systems to ensure the harmonics generated as set
down in AS61000. Do not exceed the limits as set down by the Electricity Distributor and in
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any case no greater than 5% total harmonic distortion voltage on the low voltage system at
the point of common coupling. Provide calculations to Hunter Water to confirm the
installation complies with this clause.

3.6 Power Factor

Power factor correction equipment shall be designed to achieve a target power factor of 0.95

3.7 Earthing

3.7.1 General
All portions of the installation shall be considered an ‘Earthed Situation’ as defined in the
SAA Wiring Rules and all exposed metal of equipment shall be earthed in accordance with
the requirements of AS/NZS 3000 and those of the Local Electricity Distributor.
The earthing system shall comprise the MEN (Multiple Earthed Neutral) system.
Install earthing of all medium and low voltage electrical equipment and exposed metal on
which electrical equipment is mounted. All metallic stands that have electrical equipment
mounted on them shall be connected to earth using an earth wire.
The earth loop impedance for each system shall comply with AS/NZS 3000 at the worst
point and the system earth loop resistance test shall be carried out at the point in the system
specified. If no test point is specified then submit a suggested test point. Do not carry out the
test until confirmation to the submission is received. If the earth loop impedance exceeds
this value additional measures must be implemented to achieve the required outcome.
All metal to be earthed shall be connected from an earth terminal directly to the earth bar or
link with an electrically continuous copper conductor.
Test earth electrodes shall be installed on all earthing systems.

3.7.2 Earth Electrodes

Earth electrodes shall be copper clad steel. For supplies up to 100A the electrode shall be
12mm diameter driven to a depth of 1200mm and for supplies above 100A the earth
electrodes shall be 19mm diameter driven to a depth of 1800mm. The earthing conductor
shall be connected to the reinforcing steel of the footing and/or slab and the driven electrode.
Electrodes shall be a proprietary product. Submit details showing the proposed earthing and
make available for inspection not less than 2 working days prior to pouring concrete.
The connection at the top of all earth electrodes shall be installed in earthing boxes. The
minimum opening size for earth boxes shall be 150mm x 250mm.
Provide all earth electrodes with an accessible removable type connection or link to enable
resistance tests to be carried out.
Do not use bare earth conductors unless required for grading rings etc.
The main earth shall be installed and labelled as required in AS/NZS3000.

3.7.3 Instrument Earths

At treatment plants all instrument earths shall be connected to an insulated earth bar located
in the PLC cubicle, this earth bar shall be connected to the power earth with a 6mm2 earth
wire in one location only.

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3.8 MCC Control Circuit Voltage
When a switchboard which has existing 240Vac control circuits requires the adding or
replacement of a starter then all the starters in the switchboard shall be changed to 24Vdc
If this is not practical then submit in writing the reasons why. This submission shall also
include the number of starters to be changed verses the number of new starters and the
costs associated. Do not proceed until Hunter Water has approved this in writing.
Switchboards shall only contain one voltage for control circuits and not a mixture of the two.

3.9 Security System

Design the security system in accordance with to Hunter Water Corporation standard

3.10 Cable Identification

Each end of every cable shall be identified with a numbered cable tag in accordance with the
cable schedule. Cable schedules shall be produced using Excel and each cable schedule
shall have file name which is a drawing number related to the installation. Cable schedules
shall have as a minimum the following column headings
1. Cable Number
2. From Drive/Service
3. To Drive/Service
4. Termination Diagram Drawing Number
5. Number of cores
6. Core size in mm2
7. Estimated Length
For treatment plants the cables shall be identified with a prefix according to the equipment
number and a suffix representing the cable number i.e. ****- P* for power cables. For
pumping stations the cables shall be identified with a suffix representing the cable number
i.e. C* for control cables.
Identifying cable tags shall consist of numbered ferrules mounted on a tag bar designed
such that when attached to the cable the ferrules cannot be removed from the tag bar. The
identifying tag shall be fixed to the cable with black nylon UV resistant cable ties.
All power cable cores shall be identified at each termination by the appropriate red, white
and blue phase colour with black for the neutral. Every cable core with the exception of earth
conductors is to be fully identified at both ends with “Multi-mark” type ferrules numbered in
accordance with the circuit diagrams.
All earth conductors shall be identified at each termination by the colour green or green/
yellow and shall be ferruled with the cable number. Other colours or sleeving of cables will
not be acceptable
Examples of cable types
P Consumers mains
Sub mains
Final sub circuits
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Device power supplies (any voltage)
Motor cables
Motor cables with pilot cores
C Field devices not containing instrument loops
Cables containing ELV power supply and control to field
Cables containing control and instrument analogue loops
I Instrument analogue loops
Instrument cables not associated with drives
D Office networking
(copper or fibre)
Control system networking
Telemetry antennas
E Power earths
Safety earths
Equipotential bonding

3.11 Conduit Schedules

Conduit schedules shall be produced for treatment plants using Excel and each conduit
schedule shall have file name which is a drawing number related to the installation. Conduit
schedules shall have as a minimum the following column headings:
1. Conduit Number
2. From Pit/Location
3. To Pit/Location
4. Conduit Diagram Drawing Number
5. Conduit Size
6. Cables Installed in Conduit
7. Estimated Length

3.12 Wire Numbering

Refer to STS904 for the determination of wire numbering.

3.13 Drawings
Drawings shall comply with the requirements of Hunter Water Corporation standard STS904.

3.14 Flow Meters

Install Ultrasonic flowmeters where process or pipeline cannot be shutdown and dewatered
for installation of magflow or where conductive materials such as ferric chloride can coat the
lining of a magflow meter causing low readings.
Examples of use:
 Large pipes (>one metre)
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 Pipes containing conductive materials

3.15 Underground Instrumentation

Where process control, regulatory monitoring or critical monitoring point instrumentation is
required below ground level, install within a suitably sized concrete pit approved by Hunter
Water during detailed design. Provide a gravity drain from the pit. If gravity drainage is not
possible install a sump pump. A pit flooded float switch shall be installed in all pits to bring up
an alarm on SCADA.
For other assets the requirement for pits shall be assessed on a case by case basis.
Instrumentation may be direct buried if:
 The manufacturer warrants direct burial,
 The maintenance access meets the functional requirements of the equipment, and,
 Hunter Water has approved direct burying of the instrumentation.

3.16 Stop Buttons

Stop buttons shall be either test stop buttons or emergency stop buttons, latched stops shall
not be used.
3.16.1 Test Stop Buttons
Test stop buttons shall be red non-latched stop buttons which only operate when the drive is
running in test.
3.16.2 Emergency Stop Buttons
Emergency stop buttons shall be red mushroom head latched stop buttons with a propriety
large yellow background with red writing label. They shall be twist to reset and operate when
the drive is running in both test and automatic.
Emergency stops shall be installed to comply with either category 2 or category 4 as
required in AS4024.1. Undertake a risk assessment to determine which category is to be
used. All risk assessments carried out shall be forwarded to Hunter Water with the design

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4.1 Design
4.1.1 General
Switchboards shall be designed and manufactured such that they may be readily moved to,
and installed in, the required locations. Indoor switchboards shall be able to be installed
inside a completed building/switchroom using readily available lifting and handling
equipment and without the need to remove doors, walls or roofs.
Position all equipment inside switchboards to provide safe and easy access for operation
and maintenance. Provide a minimum of 40mm space between all equipment, wiring ducts
and cable looms to facilitate wiring connections.
Ambient conditions will be within the limits of 0oC to 50oC.
Switchboards will be connected to the Supply Authority Supply System and shall have
generator changeover switch and connection point that can be safely accessed when
switchboard is live.
Nominal system parameters: 400 Volt, 3-phase, 4-wire, 50 Hz, multiple earthed neutral
(MEN) system. MEN links be readily accessible as nominated within NSW Service Rules.
Use only stainless steel metric fixings. All equipment mounted on mounting plates shall be
drilled and tapped using parallel threads. Screws, nuts and washers may only be used
where nuts are easily accessible after assembly. Self Tapping or self drilling screws shall not
be used.
Busbar jointing bolts and panel screws are exempt from the above paragraph.
Package plant with a manufacturer's proprietary switchboard will be acceptable only if they
conform to this specification (in particular colour coding of cables).
All control circuits, I/O and instrumentation shall have a 24Vdc supply. Where 24Vdc and LV
are within one enclosure they shall be segregated. There shall be no LV terminations in
cable zones. The motor power cables shall be directly connected to the last device in the
power circuit.
Each enclosure shall contain wiring which is isolated from one point of supply.
All PLC cubicles shall have a red double 240V 10A socket outlet inside the cubicle supplied
from the UPS.
Light & Power Distribution boards shall be stand alone propriety units and not part of an
MCC. Distribution boards shall have the circuit breaker clearly numbered and the legend
shall reference these numbers. For multi-pole circuit breakers, the circuit breaker number
shall be the first active pole. Provide a neatly printed legend inside the door detailing each
circuit designation and circuit breaker rating (hand written will not be accepted).
4.1.2 Submission
Submit design not less than 2 weeks prior to commencing manufacture. Drawings and
equipment schedules shall contain the following information:
 Manufacturer's name, address, postcode and telephone number with STD code.
 Switchboard designation (e.g. Main Switchboard)
 Designed input fault rating.

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 Overall dimensions of the switchboard and any separate enclosures (e.g. cable
termination enclosure).
 If surface or flush mounted.
 If a door is fitted, and if so the hinge side of the door.
 Confirmation of external paint colour.
 Quantities and full details of all equipment, i.e., brand names and full catalogue
number of equipment associated with each individual circuit and drive.
 An overall line diagram and circuit diagrams of main and auxiliary circuits showing wire
numbers, terminals and terminal numbers. Any circuit external to the switchboard
shall be shown in dashed line.
 One complete general arrangement and wiring diagram for each different switchboard.
(Typical diagrams are not acceptable)
 Full details and sizes of the consumers’ mains and submains, and termination routes
of these within the switchboard by means of dashed line.
 Details of all busbar and internal interconnecting cable sizes, spacing and
 Details of busbar supports including materials, sizes, spacing and fixing methods.
 Details of all internal segregation.

4.2 Indoor Switchboards

4.2.1 Classification
Indoor switchboards are defined as those that are located in a designated electrical
switchroom or a building that does not have a wet environment or a damp atmosphere.
Examples of indoor switchboards are:-
 Main Distribution Switchboards
 Motor Control Centres (MCCs)
 PLC Cubicles
 Indoor Distribution Boards etc,
4.2.2 Indoor Switchboards Finish
Powder coat indoor switchboards. Undertake all surface preparation, powder coating and
protective coating in a workshop or factory environment prior to shipping to site.
Powder coating must be applied strictly in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
All surfaces shall be buffed to give a uniform overall appearance.
4.2.3 Powder Coating
Powder coating of switchboards shall comply with the following:
 Protect all surfaces from weather conditions after fabrication and complete powder
coatings within 5 days of fabrication. Ensure white surface rust does not form prior to
applying coatings
 Clean off all heat affected areas
 Use only Lead Free materials and powders
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 Coatings shall use Premium grade polyester powder designed for use over galvanised
or zinc substrates
 Film thickness shall be 60 to 80 microns or 100 microns where translucence is a
problem, e.g. orange pigments
 Apply and cure powder coatings in accordance with the relevant manufacturers
 Thoroughly remove any non-conforming coatings and reapply until a complying
coating is achieved
 Protect all coated surfaces during storage, transport and installation
4.2.4 Finished colours
Switchboard colours shall comply with AS2700 and shall be:
 Indoor switchboards X15 light orange or RAL2000
 Internal / removable equipment panels N14 gloss White or RAL9010
4.2.5 Main Switchboards and Motor Control Centres Requirements
Main switchboards and MCCs shall be cubicle type switchboards constructed to the relevant
parts of AS/NZS3439.1-with:
 Degree of segregation: Form 4a
 Degree of protection: IP42
 Free-standing and self-supporting
 Front access only with bottom cable entry
 Adequately ventilated, dust proof and vermin proof
 Type of a construction comprising folded sheet metal modules secured together to
form a neat, flush composite assembly. Switchboards constructed from bolt together
frames will not be accepted.
 Manufacture cabinets, covers, and doors from zinc annealed steel sheet with a
minimum thickness of 2mm.
Main switchboards and MCCs have verification of performance when subjected to the
following tests as per AS/NZS 3439.1-unless otherwise specified:
i) Verification of segregation
ii) Verification of temperature-rise limits
iii) Verification of dielectric properties
iv) Verification of short circuit capacity to the fault level and duration indicated
v) Comply with the requirements of Appendix ZD standard tests
Satisfactory type test reports will be considered suitable verification for tests (i), (iii), (iv) and
(v) and a satisfactory switchboard manufacturer's test report will be considered suitable for
verification of test (ii).
Mount motor starters or motor starter equipment between 300mm and 1800mm of the
finished floor level.
All doors on the face of the switchboards shall be held closed using turnbuckle locks with a
7mm square pin.

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All LV connections including neutrals shall be contained within the cell. Use 4 pole bus
droppers. Neutrals shall not be switched. Run neutral cables on the same route as the phase
Fully shroud all connections on busbars.
Switchboards with cable zones shall have a minimum of 400mm wide cable zones and one
cable zone per tier.
The main switch on all main switchboards and MCCs shall be a circuit breaker incorporating
electronic protection with adjustable thermal, magnetic pickup and time delay settings. This
circuit breaker shall be set to discriminate with the upstream protective device. Where
cascading is used manufacturer’s data sheets shall be provided to Hunter Water to verify
correct equipment selection.
Floor mounted and free standing steel switchboards shall be mounted on a full perimeter
minimum 100mm high x 50mm wide x 6mm thick mild steel channel plinth. The plinth shall
be hot dipped galvanised after fabrication to a minimum thickness of 85 micrometres and
shall not be painted.
4.2.6 PLC Cubicles
The PLC cubicle shall be to the same height as the remainder of the switchboard for each
MCC to house the programmable logic controller (PLC) equipment and instrumentation
equipment. This cubicle may be integral with the associated MCC where space and size
permits. If constructed integrally with the MCC, provide a full height steel barrier between the
PLC tier and any motor starters within the switchboard.
Control equipment (24Vdc / ac) and power equipment (240Vac) including wiring shall as far
as practicable be segregated.
Provide a minimum of 25mm between all items of equipment, cable ducts and looms to
facilitate termination and equipment removal.
Fully shroud all 240 volt equipment and terminals. Provide insulated distribution board
enclosures with earth and neutral link for all 240 volt circuit breakers.
Allow a minimum of twenty percent (20%) spare space within the PLC equipment cubicle for
Install see-through panels to view the PLC. See-through panels shall be installed so the IP
rating of the switchboard is not compromised
4.2.7 Indoor Distribution Boards
Distribution boards shall not be part of an MCC but shall be a separate unit.
Distribution Boards shall be a proprietary, enclosed, and with single or three-phase insulated
busbars. All distribution boards shall be fitted with a main switch which is padlockable.

4.3 Outdoor Switchboards

4.3.1 Classification
Outdoor switchboards shall be used if they are to be installed external to a building, within a
wet environment.
Examples of outdoor switchboards are:-
 Local Control Panels adjacent to mechanical machinery
 Field Instrument Panels
 Outdoor Distribution Boards
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 Outdoor MCCs and Outdoor Pumping Station Switchboards
 Waste Water Pumping Station Cable Connection Boxes
 Junction Boxes in Outdoor Locations
4.3.2 General
All outdoor switchboards must provide a minimum degree of protection IP56 in accordance
with AS1939.
Manufacture all switchboard metalwork (including inner doors and escutcheons) from 2.5mm
aluminium grade C5251-h34 or 1.5mm stainless steel grade 316.
Floor mounted and free standing aluminium switchboards shall be mounted on a full
perimeter minimum 100mm high x 50mm wide x 6mm thick aluminium channel plinth.
Mount the operator panels and field instrument panels with the centre of the enclosure at
1.6m from the finished walkway surface on a stand fabricated from aluminium grade C5251-
h34 or 316 grade stainless steel. The stand should be designed with no sharp edges or trip
hazards and shall be robust, rigid. Ensure that clearance of not less than 600mm is provided
for access and maintenance around the front of all outdoor switchboards with doors open.
The enclosure shall be separated from its support stand by appropriate corrosion barriers.
Switchboards shall be mounted on dedicated support brackets and not attached to hand rails
or guard rails.
All fixings shall be stainless steel.
Shall be fitted with stainless steel swing handles fitted with 81/3 padlocks.
4.3.3 Local Operator Panels
Gland plates shall only be installed where required for the installation.
4.3.4 Field Instrument Panels
Incorporate in the respective field instrument panels, indicating transmitters, lightning
protection devices, terminal strips with whole current isolation and including earth bar as
indicated on the drawings.
At each field instrument panel provide a lightning earth stake connected to the earth
clamping rail of the lightning protectors and earth bar in the panel. An alternative would be
the provision of a lightning earth stake in each area of the plant with a common connection
to the instruments in the area.
Where the field instrument panel contains an indication device this shall be visible through a
window on the front of the field panel.
Gland plates shall only be installed where required for the installation.
4.3.5 Outdoor Distribution Boards
Distribution boards shall not be part of an MCC but shall be a separate unit except for stand
alone pumping station switchboards.
Distribution Boards shall be a proprietary, enclosed, and with single or three-phase insulated
busbars. All distribution boards shall be fitted with a main switch which is padlockable.
4.3.6 Outdoor Pumping Station Switchboards
Install in the PLC cubicle a metal pocket for the storage of A3 drawings and a fold down
support base to support a laptop computer on the inside of the door.

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Outdoor pumping station switchboards shall have a 24Vdc IP54 LED light strip with 12
modules in one row in each cubicle between the inner and outer doors. All the light strips
shall be supplied from the PLC cubicle 24Vdc power supply. They shall operate from a
pushbutton in pump 1 cubicle mounted next to the level override pushbutton and shall be
timed to turn lights off after 30 minutes.
4.3.7 Waste Water Pumping Station Cable Connection Boxes
Cable connection boxes shall be provided between wet wells and the switchboard.
The connection boxes shall be proprietary type suitable for the particular application and
motor rating. The connection boxes shall be mounted on a 500mm high stainless steel stand
which has stainless steel mesh or press sheet enclosing the frame at least one side of mesh
shall be readily removable to facilitate replacement of field wiring. Connection box stands
shall be arranged with natural ventilation to allow sewer gas to vent to atmosphere.
The connection boxes and stands shall be vandal resistant.
Connection boxes shall have tinned busbar links to connect the motor cables using crimp
lugs and a minimum of 10mm bolts, tunnel type terminals will not be accepted.
4.3.8 Junction Boxes in Outdoor Locations
Junction boxes shall be mounted so they are easily accessed and not mounted in cramped
locations. The access shall comply with the switchboard accessibility requirements in
AS/NZS 3000.

4.4 Fault Levels

4.4.1 Fault Levels and Time of Duration

All switchboards shall be designed and constructed to meet or exceed the nominated fault
level of the installation. Show the designed fault capacity of each switchboard on the single
line diagram it shall be shown in kA with time in seconds.

4.4.2 Fault Current Limiting

Circuit breaker cascading shall be used where fault current limitation is necessary provided
equipment selection is as per manufacturer’s data.
Fault current limiting fuses shall be only be used with approval from Hunter Water.

4.5 Busbars
Horizontal and/or vertical busbar zones shall be enclosed in separate modules completely
isolated from each other by means of metal or insulated barriers. The busbars shall be
marked with colour coding inside each access point.
In addition to other segregation requirements, where a switchboard has two incoming power
supplies, the busbar sections for each supply are to be fully segregated from each other.
Only use type tested busbar systems. Submit documents confirming type testing verification
with submission of the design.
Arrange vertical busbars to ensure that the phase sequence at all switchboard equipment
terminals is red, white and blue from left to right when viewed from the front of the
Earth bars shall run full length of the switchboard and shall be extended the full length of all
cable zones.
Busbars shall be manufactured from hard drawn high-conductivity tinned copper.

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Full radius or radius corner busbar shall be used.
Fit busbar flags to all equipment having main terminals inadequate for the cable size. The
size of the flags shall be appropriate for the cable lugs to be terminated and shall have a
current rating of not less than the maximum for the frame size of the equipment. Busbar
flags shall be supported to ensure that no mechanical stress is placed on connections and
maintain creepage and clearance distances.

4.6 Switchboard Cable / Wiring Systems

4.6.1 General
Do not use cables to link adjacent circuit breakers where a propriety busbar assembly can
be used for this purpose.
Internal cabling shall be at least V75 insulated with stranded tinned copper conductors.
Control wiring shall be of a size not less than 1.0mm2 multistranded flexible tinned PVC
Wiring from PLC cards shall be preformed cables designed for the purpose or where
preformed cables are not available use a minimum of 0.5mm2 to a terminal strip.
Instruments which have terminals too small to connect a 1.0mm2 wire may be wired using
Phase, neutral and earth cables shall be capable of withstanding the maximum thermal and
magnetic stresses associated with the relevant fault level and time of duration.
Keep cables clear of busbars and metal edges.
All cables shall be enclosed in a duct. Ducts shall be fixed using screws or pop rivets do not
use self-tapping screws or thread-cutting screws. Ducts shall be of a slotted type sized for
the present installation plus an allowance of additional 20% spare capacity.
All wiring shall be lugged at each termination. Only use crimp style lugs sized in accordance
with manufacturers’ recommendations. Lugs shall be crimped with the correct tooling.
Do not loop earth or neutral cables. Terminate all earth cables at an earth link or earth bar
and ensure continuous continuity.
Arrange cables to ensure that the phase sequence at all switchboard equipment terminals is
red, white and blue from left to right, back to front and from top to bottom, when viewed from
the front.
Each cable core shall be marked at both ends with neat fitting clear sleeve type identification
ferrules with a minimum lettering size of 3mm and the markings shall agree with the
endorsed circuit diagram. Ferrules shall be easily read from left to right top to bottom and
shall be visible without removing any duct lids. Hand written or dot matrix wire numbers shall
not be used.

4.6.2 Cable Identification Colours

Cable primary insulation shall be coloured in accordance with the following:
 Phase wiring (A, B & C) - red, white, blue
 Voltmeter and current transformer connections - red, white, blue, black
 240V control active (controlled by isolator in the cell or compartment) - white
 240V active (not fully contained within the cell or compartment) - orange
 240V neutral - black
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 ELV devices e.g. thermistor - blue
 ELV DC positive – brown
 ELV DC negative – grey
 ELV AC positive – brown with red stripe
 ELV AC negative – brown with white stripe
 Protective Earth - green-yellow
 Functional Earth – Purple
For cables above 35mm2, and for all double insulated cables, phase identification shall be
25mm wide heat shrink bands of the colours tabulated above applied at each end and at not
more than 500mm intervals along the entire run.

4.7 Earthing of Equipment

All metal parts of the switchboard shall be bonded to earth using the mounting screws or by
wire if these parts are not mounted on the switchboard metalwork. Demountable modules
shall be fitted with an earth finger which connects to the earth bar.

4.8 Equipment Mounting Pans

Internal backing plates shall be 2.5mm mild steel powder coated gloss white and shall be
suitably braced to form a rigid mounting surface. All mounting holes shall be drilled and
Demountable modules shall be a minimum of 2mm thick painted mild steel.
All equipment mounting plates shall be earthed using a 6mm earth wire connected to the
earth bar.

4.9 Gland Plates

Gland plates are required to provide access to both sides of the cable glands and to provide
a means to facilitate pulling cables into cubicles.
The switchboards shall include full width removable gland plates for each tier or module,
(several removable sections may be used), mounted on the base of the switchboard. Gland
plates shall comprise 5mm thickness aluminium plate, shall be fixed with minimum M6
hexagon setscrews and a preformed gasket to maintain the IP rating of the switchboard.
For earth continuity a 6mm2 earth wire shall be connected from a 6mm stud on the gland
plate to the earth bar.

4.10 Doors and Covers

4.10.1 General
Doors and covers shall be manufactured with right angle welded corners of sufficient rigidity
to prevent warping and flexing when fitted to, or removed from, the cabinet.
All external doors shall have a minimum swing of 1350 and inner doors shall have a minimum
swing of 900.
Incorporate locating and support brackets or studs for any unhinged removable covers, to
facilitate easy removal and replacement of the cover.
All doors on outdoor switchboards shall be fitted with a permanent rigid retaining device to
prevent inadvertent closing.

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4.10.2 Sealing
Covers and doors shall seal to the nominated IP rating. The seal shall be continuous to allow
all edges of the door to be completely sealed when closed and shall be continuous over
hinges. Foam rubber shall not be used.
Secure door seals in place to prevent them sliding off and being damaged when the door is

4.10.3 Equipment Mounting on Doors

Equipment mounted on the external surfaces of the switchboard shall be installed so the
equipment does not degrade IP rating of the switchboard, meters shall be shrouded to
achieve the require IP rating.
Equipment mounted on doors shall be arranged so that it does not foul on door openings etc
when the door or panel is swung fully open.
Arrangement of equipment on door shall be consistent across the entire switchboard.
Only extra low voltage equipment shall be mounted on doors.

4.10.4 Locks and Hinges

All live electrical equipment shall be locked behind a Hunter Water 81/3 lock except where
stated below.
Outdoor switchboards outer doors shall be fitted with stainless steel swing handles which
accept standard Hunter Water padlocks and stainless steel hinges.
Indoor switchboards doors shall be fitted with chrome plated hinges and handles.
All outer doors exceeding 1.2M in height shall be fitted with 3 hinges and 3 point locking.
Locking rods may be used on doors which have no live electrical equipment directly behind
the door. Where there is live electrical equipment directly behind the door three point locking
shall be accomplished with three separate locks one of which shall house the 81/3 lock and
the others shall be “T” handle type.
All cable zones and main incoming compartments fitted with ACBs which do not lock the
door shall be locked with 81/3 locks.
Doors which enclose service protection device, supply authority meters shall be fitted with a
Hunter Water 81/3 lock or a Hunter Water Supply authority lock.
Cubicles are to incorporate a mechanical interlock on the main switch operating handle such
that the door cannot be opened unless the switch is in the "off" position.
81/3 locks are not required on MCC cubicles containing electrical equipment when all these
points are true
 a mechanical interlock on the main switch as described above is installed
 the line side terminals of cabinet main switch are fully shrouded
 the main switch isolates all load side power within the cubicle and
 a tool is required to access the cubicle.

4.11 Shrouding
All live parts within the switchboard shall provide protection of at least IP2X.
Where possible all equipment shall be fitted proprietary terminal shields which incorporate
interpole barriers to prevent arcing between phases.

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Where additional barriers are required to meet the IP rating above they shall be clear, rigid
sheeting protecting small logical sections of the switchboard. These barriers shall be
secured by permanent rigid brackets which allow easy removal and replacement.
All connections on the line side of a protective device in each incoming and outgoing
functional unit shall be fully shrouded or insulated so as to prevent the possibility of a line
side fault developing and to provide personnel protection.

4.12 Power Monitoring

Provide a power monitor on each Switchboard incoming mains supply. The power meter
shall have a remote display mounted on the door with a communication cable to the base
The power monitor, VSD etc. shall communicate the required parameters to the PLC and
SCADA system via modbus RS485 serial or Ethernet TCP/IP.
For all drives and packaged plant that are expected to use 35,000 kWh per year or more,
provide a signal which corresponds to the instantaneous kW used. Use a power meter, an
electronic motor protection relay or the controller etc for package plant to provide this signal.

4.13 Motor Starter Requirements

24Vdc internal control circuit for starters in all new switchboards shall be used.
The motor starter cubicles shall be demountable or fixed modular type with items of
equipment, arranged to fit within the modules. Withdrawable motor starter cubicles are not
acceptable. All components associated with a particular motor or item of equipment shall be
grouped together in an individual motor control module.
Modules shall be minimum size of 600mm x 200mm.
Demountable cubicles shall incorporate an early make late break earth connection.
Each module shall be self-contained with its isolator mechanically interlocked with the
module’s door. Module isolation door handles shall be located as close as possible to the
modules door lock mechanism.
Select motor starter equipment for Type 2 short circuit coordination as per manufacturer’s
recommendations on treatment plants and pumping stations which are greater than 100A
supply. For pumping stations which are 100A or less supply use Type 1 equipment.
All door mounted starter components shall be orientated in a consistent arrangement i.e.:
push buttons, lamps, ammeters, etc, shall have the same orientation throughout the
Provide individual control terminal strips in the cable zone for each incoming or outgoing
control cable adjacent to each module.
Where power cables are connected to equipment, provide sufficient space for easy
termination and equipment removal. Do not mount an item of equipment in front of other
items of equipment. Arrange all equipment within a module to be fully accessible for
inspection and maintenance without the removal of other components. Clearance around
equipment shall be in accordance with manufactures recommendations and allow sufficient
clearance for easy removal of the equipment.
Arrange and segregate each final sub circuit such that after the switching OFF of the circuit
breaker or isolation switch (for that circuit) all associated equipment (contactors, indicator
lights, meters, control equipment and the like) may be worked upon safely without isolating
supply from any other source. The above shall also apply to terminating or replacing of

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4.14 Local Operator Panel Equipment
Supply and install a separate individual local operator panel adjacent to each individual drive
at treatment plants where required.
Local operator panels shall contain:
 full current isolator for motors with early break late make contact in starter control
circuit up to 55kW
 emergency stop button
 test start pushbutton
 test stop pushbutton
 reverse pushbutton for motors with reversing starters.
All control or protection equipment associated with any drive shall be mounted within the
local operator panel or within the motor starter.
Locate local operator panels so they are readily accessible and identifiable with the drive
motor and driven device with local operator panel visible from the device.
Local full current isolator switches shall be fixed on the enclosure mounting plate and
mechanically interlocked with the door to prevent door opening while in the “ON” position.
Isolators shall not be door mounted.

4.15 Labelling

4.15.1 General Requirements

Every item of electrical equipment within the installation shall be clearly and accurately
Labels shall not include No. or # e.g. Newcastle 9 WWPS instead of Newcastle No.9
Labels inside switchboards/MCCs or within buildings shall be engraved laminated plastic or
photo anodised rigid aluminium. Labels in outdoor locations shall be engraved aluminium. All
labels shall comply with the following requirements.
 Except where otherwise required, be fixed adjacent to, but not on any item of
 Engraved lettering shall be black on a white background for laminated plastic.
 Main switches labels shall be red lettering on a white background.
 Warning and caution labels shall be white lettering on a red background.
 The minimum height of lettering shall be 5mm and of sufficient definition to allow easy
Socket outlet labels should state point of isolation including distribution board and circuit
breaker numbers.
Labels are to comply with AS1319.

4.15.2 Fixing of Labels

Labels shall be securely fixed by using screws and double sided adhesive tape. Screw holes
shall be tapped into the switchboard.

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Mechanically expanded plastic rivets are acceptable instead of screws inside switchboards.
Aluminium rivets be used to fix aluminium labels only.
Do not use self-tapping screws, thread-cutting screws or other screw fixings.

4.15.3 Labels
Provide a switchboard label which states the switchboard number, switchboard description
and the source of electrical supply. Main switchboard labels shall be a minimum of 250mm x
100mm, these labels shall have minimum 3 lines of text as shown below.

Description Text




Motor starter labels shall be a minimum of 150mm x 75mm, these labels shall have minimum
2 lines of text as shown below.
Description Text



Separate sections of enclosures shall be labelled to describe the function of the enclosure
e.g. “CABLE ZONE”.
The label for any section or enclosure containing Supply Authority equipment shall comply
with the requirements of the Supply Authority.
Submit a full label list including lettering size, label size, colours and lettering, 1 week prior to
For identification of final sub-circuits in a distribution board, a neatly typed schedule shall be
provided. A plastic sheet or laminating shall be used to protect the schedule fixed in a
suitable frame mounted on the inside of the switchboard door.

4.15.4 Assembly Nameplates

Floor mounted and Free Standing switchboards shall be labelled with essential markings to
AS/NZS3439.1 and AS/NZS3000 plus the following:-
 IP rating
 Busbar current rating
 Designed fault rating including time
 Form
 Manufactured Date
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4.15.5 Assembly Equipment Labels
Labels identifying equipment within a switchboard shall be located such that the item
referred to is obvious and the lettering is not obscured by any equipment or wiring.
The MEN link shall be labelled “MEN LINK” on the link and on the outside of the switchboard
on indoor switchboards.
Labels for fuses shall indicate the rating of the fuse links fitted, for example: “FAULT

4.15.6 Warning Labels

Install warning labels as required by Australian Standards or Supply Authority rules.
4.15.7 Hazard Markings
Where the removal of any barrier or shrouding during normal switchboard maintenance
could lead to the possibility of direct contact, a label with appropriate wording shall be
provided for each functional unit. An example of a suitable label is:
Description Text Size


Additional labels shall be provided on all doors, covers and escutcheon plates or similar
containing electrical equipment. An example of a suitable label is:
Description Text Size

Description Text Size

415V 6mm

These labels shall be positioned to be readily seen, on the covers of functional units, and
may be proprietary adhesive type.
"Danger xxxV" safety signs are to be positioned centrally below the door labels on each
outer door for the highest voltage present in that cabinet. For outdoor switchboards this
Danger Notice is to be 300mm x 225mm manufactured to match switchboard construction
sheet with protective over laminate and fixed to the doors by four (4) pop rivets. Adhesive
only external labels will not be accepted.

4.15.8 UPS Supply Labels

The circuit breaker which provides supply to the UPS shall be clearly labelled
Description Text Size

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The circuit breaker which is supplied from the UPS shall be clearly labelled with red lettering
on a white background
Description Text Size


4.15.9 Spare Cubicle Labels

Where spare cubicles exist in a switchboard, either provided in a new switchboard to allow
for further additional equipment in the future or in an existing switchboard where all
equipment has been removed from the cubicle, attach the following label to the exterior of
the cubicle.
Description Text Size

SPARE 10mm

4.15.10 Pump Station Asset Label

Supply and install a label displaying the pumping station number as follows:
The label shall be stainless steel or aluminium sheet to match switchboard construction
Sheet to 80 mm high with 50 mm high black uppercase embossed lettering on a white
reflective background and be pop riveted to the switchroom\switchboard door most readily
visible from the station hardstand or access road.

4.16 Factory Inspection and Testing

4.16.1 General
Make available all labour, materials testing equipment and the like required for the
inspections and testing of all the equipment.
Give at least five working days notice to Hunter Water in writing of all inspections and tests.
4.16.2 Inspection
Provide an opportunity for representatives of Hunter Water to inspect switchboards during
manufacture and prior to delivery to the site in accordance with the following Schedules:
 First Inspection: Metalwork finished and painted and Busbars installed
 Second Inspection: Layout of equipment prior to fixing
 Third Inspection: Equipment and Power cables installed
 Final Inspection Functional checks
MCC Support Frames
 First Inspection: After all fabrication, welding and cleaning has been
 Final Inspection
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4.16.3 Factory Testing
For all the electrical control and instrumentation equipment, perform the tests as detailed
below, together with any additional tests as required by the specification.
Ensure before having carried out any tests that all equipment likely to be damaged by such
tests has been removed from the circuit under test or has been isolated and earthed. Other
checks and/or tests of such equipment shall be carried out to ensure it operates as required.
Carry out the following tests to prove the proper operation of the switchboard prior to
despatch from the factory.
(a) Insulation tests, using a 1,000V insulation tester, of all cables and equipment. Such
tests shall include the following:
 Each phase and neutral to earth
 Each phase to neutral
 Between phases
(b) Insulation tests at 2,000V AC for one minute of the main busbars and all secondary
wiring including internal wiring of instruments, control equipment (but excluding
electronic control equipment). Such tests shall include the following (leakage current
not to exceed 10mA):
 Each phase and neutral to earth
 Each phase to neutral
 Between phases
(c) Repeat insulation tests above and report any change in insulation;
(d) Checks and/or tests to verify correct polarity, phase rotation together with fuse link
ratings and the setting of overloads and protection equipment;
(e) Operation checks and tests on instruments, selector switches, module door interlocks,
push to test indicators and the like, to verify compliance with Australian Standards,
the specification, drawings, and the Local Supply Authority;
(f) Secondary injection tests on all protection equipment relays;
(g) Test functionality of PLC inputs and outputs and the simulation of outputs by means of
the force function in the PLC in order to test drive circuitry.
(h) Complete circuit component, continuity and termination checks against all relevant
Mark up drawings such that errors are corrected, omissions and modifications added.
Redraw and submit all such drawings.
Should the equipment fail under these tests then the costs of replacement, repairs and any
further testing shall be borne by the Contractor.
On completion of all checks and tests, ensure that all equipment disconnected and/or
removed to enable such checks and tests to be carried out has been replaced and/or
reconnected. For example, verify that all links have been closed and tightened, components
replaced and/or reconnected, all covers and the like replaced.

4.17 Delivery
A technical information package comprising drawings, parts listings, supplier’s component
data sheets, test certificates, maintenance instructions, operational software files etc. shall
be provided with each switchboard upon delivery.
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The technical information must be specific to each individual switchboard delivered to site. A
typical information package covering several switchboards is not acceptable.

4.18 Submission of documents

4.18.1 Certificate of Compliance - Electrical Work

Place two copies of the completed switchboard manufacturers Inspection and Test Plans
(ITPs) and a signed statement confirming the switchboard complies with the requirements of
AS3439.1 in a clear plastic A4 size envelope or pocket and affix to the metering panel or
switchboard with tape.
Submit duplicate copies of all the above information prior to delivery of the switchboard(s) to
Include one copy of all documents in the Operation and Maintenance Manuals.

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The following are the minimum requirements that need to be included in the design and
construction/refurbishment of switchrooms.

5.1 Switchboard Position / Location

Position all switchboards and other fixed equipment to be located inside the switchroom to
provide safe and easy access for operation and maintenance of all equipment.
The switchroom layout shall allow any individual switchboard to be removed from the
building and later reinstated whilst all other switchboards and any other fixed equipment (e.g.
UPS) remain in place.

5.2 Construction
When the switchroom is part of another building, is attached to a building, within 3 meters of
another building or in area which susceptible to bushfire then the walls, ceiling, floor and
doors are to be constructed to a Fire-resistance level of 120/120/120.
Walls shall be masonry or concrete, and ceilings shall be of non-combustible materials.

5.3 Flooring
Switchroom floors shall be modular extra heavy duty computer/equipment room access type,
with removable panels for access to cabling under the floor with a minimum height of
The access floor shall have a 'High Pressure Laminate' (HPL) panel surface finish ready for
installation and immediate use. The access floor will be rigid, free from vibration and rocking
panels and within a ±3.0mm level over the entire space. Panels will be accurately cut to fit
around all permanent features.
All panels are to provide zero fire hazard indices under Australian Standard AS 1530 for
Ignitability, Spread of Flame, Heat Evolved, and Smoke Developed. All whole panels will be
interchangeable allowing for any all whole panels will be interchangeable allowing for any
future changes. The access floor will maintain these original conditions when runs of panels
have been removed for normal underfloor access.
Do not support the weight of a switchboard on computer type elevated floors, refer clause
Supply lifting handles suitable to lift floor plates in each switchroom.

5.4 Doors
If a switchboard is over three metres in length two switchroom doors are required, one at
each end of the switchroom as detailed in AS/NZS3000.
Doors shall open outwards and be fitted with crash bars that operate independently of the
lock on the outside and have a 2 hour fire rating. The minimum size of doors shall be 0.75 m
wide x 1.98 m high. One of these doors shall be sized to allow for the largest individual
switchboard to be installed or removed easily.

5.5 Lighting
Lighting shall be a minimum of 240 Lux at ground level with an emergency light in every
second fitting. Provide facilities for testing of emergency lights as required by AS2293.
Emergency exit lights are required above each exit point. Provide a HID light external above
each door operated by a sunset switch.
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5.6 Smoke and Fire Detection
Ionisation type smoke detectors shall be installed in switchrooms. Smoke detectors shall be
hard wired and connected to the PLC/SCADA system.
For switchrooms fed from transformers capable of supplying 800kVA and above a VESDA
system shall be installed which sample from under the floor and above the switchboards. An
audible alarm shall be installed in the switchroom. Provide fire extinguishers (CO2) near
each door as per AS2444.

5.7 Signage
Signage shall be fitted externally to each set of doors of the switchroom as follows
Name of the switchroom 450mm x 150mm,
Danger 415V 200mm x 300mm
Authorised Persons only to enter 300mm x 200mm
The signs shall have aluminium backing with PVC printing.
CPR charts and laminated A3 single line diagram should be placed on the wall in all
Main switch shall be clearly labelled so it can be easily located in case of an emergency.

5.8 Air Quality

Provide an air conditioning system for each switchroom in treatment plants. Each
switchroom air conditioning system shall consist of two separate independent air
conditioning units. The air conditioning units shall be sized to maintain an internal room
temperature of at least:
 25°C when both air conditioning systems are operating
 35°C when only a single air conditioner is running due to failure of one unit
Each switchroom air conditioning system shall be rated to achieve the above performance
levels with an outside ambient temperature of 50°C and with all electrical equipment inside
the switchroom operating at full load. Provide a switchroom RTD connected to the PLC
system to monitor switchroom temperature and have an alarm set to 30°C.
Air conditioning systems shall retain temperature settings and automatically resume
operation after power supply interruption. Air conditioner shall be configured to shutdown
during cold weather and not switch to the heat cycle.
For switchrooms with a number of large variable speed drives (over 100kW), consideration
shall be given to venting the hot air exhaust externally to limit the loading on the air
conditioning system.
Submit calculations of required cooling system capacities and proposed details of any VSD
venting systems for approval prior to procurement.
Where corrosive (e.g.: salty air) or toxic gases are present outside the switchroom provide
suitable measures to prevent introduction of these gases into the switchroom. These
switchrooms shall have positive pressure of 25Pa inside to prevent the entry of gases and

5.9 Miscellaneous
Provide an 1800mm x 900mm x 450mm metal cabinet with shelves to store drawings and a
two draw desk with a chair with 5 roller wheels to allow for reading of drawings.

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6.1 General
Where a switchboard has been split for installation, it shall be reassembled on site using
materials supplied by the switchboard manufacturer. A comprehensive inspection of the
switchboard shall be carried out prior to reassembly to ensure that no damage has occurred
to the switchboard during transportation and unloading. Particular attention shall be given to
busbar joints, which shall be torque tightened to the manufacturer's recommended torque
and marked as tightened when complete.
If a switchboard is stored or installed in any area where building work is incomplete, it shall
be adequately protected against moisture, corrosion, paint, dust and mechanical damage.

6.2 Switchboard Support

Provide adequate supports for new switchboards.
6.2.1 Switchrooms
Switchboards installed in switchrooms with computer type floors shall be installed on their
own support frame. All MCC switchboards are to have a heavy duty stand anchored to the
bottom of the cable pit to support the switchboard. Size and locate the support frame to allow
for incoming and outgoing cables. For indoor switchboards made from coated mild steel,
support frames shall be hot dip galvanised mild steel.
6.2.2 Outdoor Locations
Supports for other switchboards shall be fabricated from the same material as that of the
switchboard e.g. Stainless steel switchboard shall have a stainless steel support,
switchboards shall not be mounted on handrails or guard rails.
Non-floor mounted switchboards shall be mounted at 1.6 metres above finished ground level
to the middle of the switchboard.

6.3 Cable Entries

Arrange the location and number of cable entry plates for cables so that the availability for
future cable entries is maximised.
Where gland plates have limited access from below, mount the glands above the gland plate
inside the switchboard. Fully seal all spare holes in gland plates. Cable glands shall be sized
to allow cables to be removed with lugs still attached without removing the gland.
All cables shall be supported and not apply tension to any terminations.
Cables shall not enter through the top of weatherproof switchboards.

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7.1 Durability of Materials
Use UV resistant materials where exposed to sunlight or other UV light.

7.2 Fixings
Use only stainless steel metric fixings and where required use appropriate isolation materials
to prevent electrolysis. All equipment mounted on mounting plates shall be drilled and
tapped using parallel threads. Screws, nuts and washers may only be used where nuts are
easily accessible after assembly. Self Tapping or self drilling screws shall not be used.

7.3 Mounting of equipment

Mount any equipment which needs to be operated or maintained a minimum of 300mm
above of the finished floor level.

7.4 Circuit Breakers

7.4.1 General
Comply with relevant Australian Standards.

7.4.2 Miniature Circuit Breakers

Miniature circuit breakers (MCB) shall have a fault breaking capacity of 6kA and shall have
fault current limiting devices installed where required to limit the fault level.
Circuit breakers shall have the facility to be padlocked in the ‘open’ position.

7.4.3 Moulded Case Circuit Breakers

Moulded case circuit breakers (MCCB) shall have a fault breaking capacity suitable for the
fault rating at the point of connection. MCCBs shall be electronic with adjustable thermal and
magnetic pickup and time delays.
Provide circuit breakers with a permanent facility for padlocking in the open position.
All MCCBs shall be selected as appropriate for the installation fault level (Icu) and shall also
have a service breaking capacity (Ics) rating of 100%.
Mount the circuit breaker on the equipment mounting plate with the handle shaft connecting
to the door mounted handle. The handle shaft shall be installed to facilitate ready alignment
with handle mechanism.
Circuit breakers shall have flags or indicators such that the position of the breaker can be
visually determined with the door open or closed. These indicators or labels shall have
“OFF” for the open position and “On” for the closed position, 0 & I alone are not acceptable.
Handles shall be in the horizontal when the circuit breaker is in the “OPEN” position and
shall rotate clockwise to turn circuit breaker CLOSE.
It shall not to be possible to open the cubicle door whilst the circuit breaker is in any position
other than ‘OPEN’. Circuit breakers must show a tripped condition by the mechanical
movement of the operating mechanism to an independent tripped position.
These circuit breakers shall be used for motor circuits and other supply circuits on MCCs
and main switchboards.

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7.4.4 Air Circuit Breakers
Air circuit breakers (ACB) shall have a fault breaking capacity suitable for the fault rating at
the point of connection. ACBs shall have electronic protection incorporated in the circuit
breaker with adjustable instantaneous, thermal, magnetic settings and time delays. ACBs
used as incomers shall also be fitted with ground fault protection.
The circuit breaker shall be mounted in a segregated cubicle and shall be draw-out type and
have padlocking facilities for locking in the open and withdrawn position. For mechanical
interlocking use a fortress key.
These circuit breakers shall be used as main switches on MCCs with ratings 800A and

7.4.5 Residual Current Circuit Breakers

Install residual current protection (MCB/RCD) on circuits as required by AS/NZS3000. The
residual current protection devices shall incorporate overload and short circuit protection. For
personal protection these breakers shall trip at 30mA.

7.4.6 Motor circuit breakers

Motor circuit breakers shall have a fault breaking capacity suitable for the fault rating at the
point of connection and shall have adjustable thermal pickup.
Provide circuit breakers with a permanent facility for padlocking in the open position.
Mount the circuit breaker on the equipment mounting plate with the handle shaft connecting
to the door mounted handle. The handle shaft shall be a minimum of 8mm square and
installed to facilitate self alignment with handle mechanism.
Circuit breakers shall have flags or indicators such that the position of the breaker can be
visually determined with the door open or closed. These indicators or labels shall have
“OFF” for the open position and “On” for the closed position, 0 & I alone are not acceptable.
Handles shall be in the horizontal when the circuit breaker is in the “OPEN” position and
shall rotate clockwise to turn circuit breaker CLOSE.
It shall not to be possible to open the cubicle door whilst the circuit breaker is in any position
other than ‘OPEN’. Circuit breakers must show a tripped condition by the mechanical
movement of the operating mechanism to an independent tripped position.

7.5 Fuses
Fuses shall only be used for extra low voltage circuits and phase failure relay supplies.
Fault current limiting shall be achieved using a combination of circuit breakers if this is not
possible submit reasons in writing. Do not proceed with the design and installation of fuses
prior to receiving approval from Hunter Water.
Use only M205 for ELV and NS fuses for phase failure relays.
Fuses shall be suitable for the fault level of the installation and shall discriminate properly
with other protective equipment. Let-through energy and peak current cut-off shall suit the
protected equipment.
Fault current limiter fuse links shall be held in proprietary holders, and shall be mounted for
withdrawal directly towards the operator
A minimum of three spare fuse links shall be provided for every fuse size included in the
switchboard, with the exception of fuses installed solely for fault current limiting. The spare
fuse links shall be supplied in a lockable tool box.

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7.6 Isolation Switches
Comply with AS60947.3
Isolation switches shall be suitable for fault-making/load-breaking duties.
Mount the isolation switch on the equipment mounting plate with the handle shaft connecting
to the door mounted handle. The handle shaft shall be installed to facilitate ready alignment
with handle mechanism.
Isolation switches shall have flags or indicators such that the position of the switch can be
visually determined with the door open or closed. These indicators or labels shall have
“OFF” for the open position and “ON” for the closed position, 0 & I alone are not acceptable.
Handles shall be in the horizontal when the switch is in the “OPEN” position and shall rotate
clockwise to turn the isolation switch to the “CLOSED” position.
Generator changeover switches shall be arranged with the switch handles shall be in the
horizontal position for the “open” position. Turn the handle from the “open” position
anticlockwise to the generator position and turn the handle from the “open” position
clockwise normal supply position.
Isolation switches are to have provision for the attachment of padlocks for isolation when the
switch is in the ‘open’ position. It shall not be possible to open the cubicle door whilst the
switch is in any position other than ‘open’.

7.7 AC Contactors
Comply with AS60947
Coil voltages shall be 24vdc except for contactors coil consumption above 150W for pickup,
these shall be interfaced with a relay to control 240Vac coil.

7.8 Protection Devices on LV Motors

All motors shall have overload protection and manual reset. Motors supplied from a VSD or
soft starter shall use the in built protection.

7.8.1 Motors below 22kW

Install electronic overloads with a tripping class of 10, auto / manual reset, trip indicator and
separate NO and NC contacts.

7.8.2 Motors above 22kW

Install electronic overload devices which feature adjustable tripping curves, thermistor input,
phase loss, asymmetry protection and power measurement.

7.9 Control Switching Devices

7.9.1 Control Relays

All control relays shall be 24Vdc and block type for all control applications.
PLC interface relays may be plug in type with only 2 changeover contacts and flat terminal

7.9.2 Phase Failure Relays

Relays shall monitor the 3 phases for failure of one or more of these phases, asymmetry,
adjustable undervoltage and adjustable overvoltage.
The relay shall automatically reset upon restoration of correct supply voltage and rotation.

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7.9.3 Selector Switches
Comply with the following for all test / off / auto selector switches
OFF toggle pointing vertically up
TEST toggle pointing 450 to the left of the vertical
AUTO toggle pointing 450 to the right of the vertical
Escutcheon plates shall allow function and switch position labelling to be included on the
plate. Switches shall have 4 only mounting holes at the corners of the escutcheon plate.
Terminals shall be arranged for rear access. Side access terminals will not be accepted.

7.9.4 Pushbuttons
The following colours shall be used for pushbuttons to indicate the function of the pushbutton
Red - Stop, Close
Green - Start, Open
Black - Test, Level Override
Blue - Reset

7.9.5 Indication Lights

Use super bright type LED indicator lights. All indication lights shall have press to test.
The following colours shall be used for indication lights to indicate the function of the light
White - Ready
Red - Running, Opened
Green - Stopped, Closed
Amber - Fault, Seal Failure

7.10 Voltmeters and Ammeters

Meters shall comply with the following details:
 Flush mounting
 Accuracy class 1.5 (minimum)
 Meters shall be minimum 72mm square bezel with 90 degree quadrant scale. All
meters shall be of the same style and size.
 Ammeters on motor starter cells shall be a minimum of 48mm and shall be selected so
that full scale is not less than the motor FLC
 All meters mounted on cubicle doors shall be operated from 4 – 20mA
Ammeters subject to motor starting currents shall be overscaled a minimum of five times.

7.11 Current Transformers

Current transformers for Electricity Distributor’s equipment shall comply with the requirement
of the Electricity Distributor.
All other current transformers shall comply with the following:
 Current transformers shall be resin encapsulated window type and shall comply with
AS 60044.1
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 Rated primary current shall have a current rating equal to the maximum current rating
of the frame size of the controlling device
 Secondary windings of measurement current transformers shall be rated at 5A. The
burden shall be 0.4 ohms (10 VA) minimum and the accuracy shall be class 2
Where fitted on busbar systems each current transformer shall be fitted on removable links
to allow easy removal from the switchboard. Where fitted on cables, current transformers
shall be installed to allow easy removal from the switchboard.

7.12 Power Factor Correction Equipment

7.12.1 General
Power factor correction equipment shall comprise modular capacitor steps with protection
and associated switching devices, these steps shall be switched by an automatic
programmable controller.
All capacitors shall be rated for 480V minimum. Anti-Harmonic reactors shall be fitted and
have Class F insulation. They shall be rated to at least 1.25 times the rated capacitor current
and designed to carry 1.5 times the rated capacitor current without saturating. Each step
shall be tuned to a frequency of 189Hz to prevent resonance and to block currents of the fifth
harmonic and above.
The power factor correction main switch shall isolate the power to all power factor correction
Tuned reactors shall comply with the Electricity Distributor’s service rules.
Controller shall automatically disconnect all capacitors in the event of power failure with
automatic switching restored on resumption of power after an adjustable time delay.
7.12.2 Treatment plants
Steps shall be a minimum of 25kVAr and a maximum of 50kVAr. Over temperature
protection shall be provided by temperature monitoring switch to activate a PLC alarm output
above 550 Celsius and disconnect the power factor correction system.
Ventilation shall be provided incorporating ventilation fan and filter with thermostat control.
Rating of the fan and air circulation shall be provided to power factor equipment vendors
Power factor equipment shall be mounted in a separate enclosure not in the MCC.
7.12.3 Pumping Stations
For pumping stations which are CT metered install sufficient power factor correction
equipment to correct power factor for the total number of pumps which can operate

7.13 24Vdc Power Supplies

Directly connect the 0V to earth.

7.13.1 Treatment Plant Switchboards

Power supplies shall be linear type for motor control circuits and shall be sized to provide
capacity for the full load within the switchboard plus 20% spare capacity. Size these units to
allow for the inrush current of contactors and relays. This capacity shall include sufficient
overload capacity to ensure operation of downstream circuit breakers and fuses in the event
of a fault on a sub-circuit.
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Install separate, power supply systems for motor control circuits and PLC I/O. Do not
interconnect these separate power supplies.
Arrange power supplies as a redundant set with diodes and fuses on the output. A
redundant set means that one unit can be replaced while the other keeps the switchboard
operational. Each power supply within a redundant set shall have a fault contact individually
wired to the PLC.
Both power supply units shall be connected to one set of active and 0V links. Directly
connect the 0V link to earth.
Provide sufficient ventilation to prevent the power supplies from overheating. Mount power
supplies to allow for one power supply to be removed while the other is still operational.
Install power supplies which are over 2kg between 1.0m and 1.5m from finished ground

7.13.2 Pumping Stations

Install individual power supplies for each motor control circuit. Power supplies shall be 5A

7.14 Surge Protection

7.14.1 Mains Protection

Shall be shunt surge diverters and have fault contact wired to PLC to monitor condition of
surge diverters
Maximum discharge current (8/20µs) of 50kA or greater
Comply with AS/NZS1768 category C and installed in accordance with AS4070

7.14.2 Control Device Protection

Shall be series surge protectors
Maximum discharge current (8/20µs) of 5kA or greater
Comply with AS/NZS1768

7.14.3 Instrument Signal Protection

Shall be series gas discharge surge protectors
Maximum discharge current (8/20µs) of 5kA or greater
Comply with AS/NZS1768

7.14.4 Radio Antenna Protection

Shall be series surge protectors
Maximum discharge current (8/20µs) of 20kA or greater
Comply with AS/NZS1768

7.15 Equipment Earthing

All electrical equipment and exposed metal on which electrical equipment is mounted shall
be earthed in accordance with the requirements of AS/NZS 3000, Part 1 and of the Local
Supply Authority.
The earthing connections shall be such that removal of one component shall not affect
continuity of the earthing conductor associated with any other equipment.
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All powered equipment such as Power Supplies, PLC racks, Electronic starters etc shall be
earthed directly to the MCC earth bar with suitably rated copper conductors (note there are
special requirements for VSD’s).
Each enclosure within a switchboard shall have a 6mm earth stud which has been bonded to
the earth bar with a 6mm earth wire. All module doors shall be bonded to the earth stud
using 2.5mm2 flexible earth wire and escutcheons shall be bonded to the earth stud with a
2.5mm2 minimum sized earthing conductor.
One side of all current transformer secondaries shall be connected to the switchboard main
earth bar.
Metal frames of fuse switches and circuit breakers shall be connected to the earth bar. The
earthing cable shall be of a size suitable to the particular switch or circuit breaker.
Earthing of components by means of mounting fastening is not acceptable.
Identification of all earthing conductors shall be in accordance with this specification.

7.16 Functional Earthing

All functional earths shall be installed to comply with the requirements in AS/NZS3000.

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8.1 General Requirements
All electronic drives shall be installed with line contactors in series. The line contactor shall
close when the drive is required to run. The contactor shall open when the drive is not
required to run or an emergency stop has been operated.
All drives shall have a HMI which is accessible without opening the door of the cell or
enclosure housing the drive. The HMI cable shall have sufficiently high insulation rating and
EMI immunity to be safely installed with other ELV control cables. Installation of such cables
in the same duct or conduit as LV cables is prohibited.
Where pump controlled stopping is required this shall be carried out using a variable speed
All equipment required to operate a drive e.g. line chokes etc. shall be mounted in the same
enclosure. Drive equipment which weighs more than 6 kilograms shall be mounted on
welded studs. Submit a verified procedure and provide one set of any devices as required
for safe removal of drive equipment from the switchboard.
All floor mounted drives shall be mounted on a full perimeter minimum 100mm high x 50mm
wide x 6mm thick mild steel channel plinth. The plinth shall be hot dipped galvanised after
fabrication to a minimum thickness of 85 micrometres and shall not be painted.
Electronic drives which have had additional equipment added such as circuit breakers,
contactors, relays etc. shall be classified as switchboard and comply with the switchboard
section in this specification.

8.2 Ventilation and Cooling

8.2.1 General
Cooling shall be provided to keep the temperature of all Electronic drives below their rated
value. Subject to other specific requirements, cooling may consist of a combination of
internally vented systems, externally vented systems and/or air conditioning. The design
shall cater for an ambient temperature of 50 degrees and take into account the effect of any
additional heat sources in the area. Submit calculations to Hunter Water one week prior to
manufacture of ventilation system.
8.2.2 Internally Vented Systems
Air shall be drawn in from the surrounding area over the general sections of the enclosure
requiring ventilation and exhausted externally. Air inlets and outlets shall be fitted with IP54
filters arranged for easy removal for cleaning, without the need to isolate the switchboard.
8.2.3 Externally Vented Systems
Air shall be drawn in from the switchroom area over the main heat sources and exhausted
directly outside the switchroom via ductwork. If the enclosure includes a transformer or
passive filter section, then this section shall be ventilated similarly. All equipment in the
externally vented sections shall be fully segregated from any general control equipment
which could be effected by dust, corrosive gas or other sources of pollution. In the case of
transformers or passive filters, all exposed conductors shall be insulated or suitably
Air inlets and outlets shall be fitted with fine mesh screens to prevent entry of insects and

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Provide ductwork as necessary to exhaust air outside the building. Exhaust ductwork detail
arrangement including switchroom wall penetrations shall be designed with:
 Downward facing outlet opening to prevent possible rain ingress and easily accessible
by operations personnel for routine removal and cleaning
 Noise emissions from the VSD limited to a maximum of 65dBA, measured at one
metre from the external outlet

8.3 Variable Speed Drives

8.3.1 General
VSD’s shall be rated to deliver the following at 50oC ambient temperature
 Motor FLC continuously
 Minimum of 120% overcurrent (60secs) for variable torque loads (centrifugal pumps /
fans) and 150% overcurrent (60secs) for constant torque loads (PD pumps / fans).
 Minimum of 12 starts per hour.
 Switching frequency up to 8kHz
The controller shall be configured to be ready for operation following a power failure and
subsequent restoration without manual intervention.
A separately fused 24VDC auxiliary supply shall be used to maintain control power to the
VSD when mains power is switched off.
Each type of fault is to be individually indicated on the HMI. Fault indications should remain
active after the controller has been stopped and or tripped due to the fault condition or the
line contactor has been opened.
Variable speed drive used for pump deceleration shall be able to measure and control the
motor torque with the ability to configure a decreasing torque ramp over an adjustable time
of 5 to 40 seconds. The starter shall have a minimum torque cut-out which is active during
the stop ramp adjustable between 10% and 90%.
8.3.2 Switchroom Installations
When installed in a switchroom, variable speed drives shall be installed separately outside of
the switchboard and rated to a minimum of IP54.
Small drives e.g. 1.5kw or below may be installed in the switchboard where sufficient air
space is provided to prevent drive overheating.
8.3.3 Protection
Protection within the VSD shall trip the controller in the event of a fault and prevent restarting
of the controller until manually reset. Fault reset push buttons are to be mounted on the front
of the enclosure.
All VSDs controlling motors rated 22kW and above shall include motor thermistor inputs. The
VSD shall be capable of providing alarm and trip functions for motor thermistors.

8.3.4 Line Chokes / DC Bus Chokes

Provide either a line choke or DC bus choke on all VSD units to minimise THDi at the drive.
Where drives are used in conjunction with active harmonic filters (AHF’s), consult the AHF
and drive manufacturer for recommended application of chokes.

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8.3.5 Motor Chokes
Motor chokes may be required when VSDs are used with long motor cable lengths. Consult
the VSD manufacturer and install as per their requirements. The choke shall include a
thermostat switch which when operated, trips the VSD by activating a logic input. This trip
shall be displayed on the drive HMI as an external fault or the like.
All chokes shall be installed in the same enclosure as the VSD. Separate enclosures shall
not be used.

8.3.6 Radio Frequency Interference

All VSDs must not exceed interference limits set down in AS61800-3 Cat C2. In installations
close to residential areas or other sensitive equipment, supply and install additional RFI
filters if necessary to ensure the limits set down in AS61800-3 Cat C1 are not exceeded.
8.3.7 Switchroom Installations
Small VSDs rated up to 1.5kw may be installed in the MCC switchboard where sufficient air
space is available for adequate air circulation around the VSD to prevent drive overheating.
The use of filters / fans etc is acceptable providing the IP rating of the switchboard is not
compromised. The VSD HMI shall be installed remotely on the MCC cell door and shall also
not compromise the IP rating of the switchboard.
Larger VSDs shall be installed separately outside the MCC and when installed in a
switchroom rated to a minimum of IP54.
VSDs weighing up to 25kg may be mounted on a switchroom wall, provided it can be
demonstrated that such a wall can safely distribute the total weight of all VSDs and mounting
hardware. Where VSDs weigh more than 25kg or where a suitable wall is not available,
VSDs rated up to 75kW may be wall / floor mounted using a fabricated, frame that allows the
bulk of the VSD weight to be supported by the floor.
Where VSDs are mounted to the wall using unistrut brackets etc, ensure that the drive may
be easily removed without disturbing any wall anchors.
All wall / floor mounted VSDs shall be bottom connected using cable tray with adequate
mechanical cable protection.
Large VSDs above 75kW shall be floor mounted in proprietary IP54 enclosures.
8.3.8 Outdoor Pump Station Installations
In addition to the general requirements (see 8.1 above) VSDs shall be installed so that
adequate heat dissipation is achieved without direct ventilation of the VSD enclosure to
atmosphere. Internal fans and vents maybe used to circulate air within the switchboard to
assist with heat dissipation providing that any additional heat does not adversely affect other
Provide calculations to validate.
8.3.9 Earthing of Electronic Variable Speed Drive Units
Installation and earthing shall be in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations
and shall take into consideration the following;.
VSDs mounted remotely from a switchboard shall be earthed directly to the main
switchboard earth bar using multi-stranded, flexible cable of the same C.S.A. as the active
drive power cables.
Where drives are mounted within enclosures they shall be installed on a suitable galvanised
and unpainted mounting pan.

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Both the mounting pan and the enclosure door shall be earthed to the frame of the enclosure
using flexible, braided straps. Building wire is not acceptable for this purpose.
All VSD motor earths shall be connected directly between the motor and the dedicated earth
terminal on the VSD and shall be unbroken for its entire length where possible. Where a
break in cabling is required e.g. within a cable link (joining) box, the connection shall done in
a manner that insulates the motor earth conductors from the frame of the enclosure.
The enclosure shall have a dedicated earth connected directly to the main earth bar in the
Unless otherwise specified, braided screened cables shall be used for all motors controlled
via a VSD. The cables screen shall be earthed at both ends using HWC approved EMC
cable glands at the motor terminal box and/or other approved means at the VSD end.
Special attention is drawn to the correct application of the cable gland. Glands that have
loose components such as springs or chains shall not be used (see HWC preferred
equipment list for guidance).
8.3.10 VSD Communications At Treatment Plants
Provide a Modbus TCP/IP (Ethernet) connection between the VSD and the control system
PLC for control and monitoring. Backup control shall be via a hard wired interface so when
selected to “Test” the VSD will run with its speed reference coming from either its on-board
HMI or pre-programmed reference.
Connection to the control system shall be via Cat5e screened patch leads with RJ45
metalised connectors. Factory made leads are preferred and shall be Green in colour. At Pumping Stations
Provide either a Modbus RS485 (serial) or Modbus TCP/IP (Ethernet) connection between
the VSD and the control system for control and monitoring depending on the application.
Connection to the control system shall be via Cat5e screened patch leads with RJ45
metalised connectors (Ethernet) or Beldon 9841 (Modbus serial) cable. Factory made leads
are preferred, Ethernet cables are to be green in colour and Modbus serial cables are to be
light grey in colour.

8.4 Soft Starters

Soft starters shall be rated for continuous operation without bypass for the full load current of
the motor and shall be capable of a minimum of 12 starts per hour at 500C. All soft starters
are to be configured to run in bypass after motor is up to speed.
Semiconductor fuses for protection of the soft starter are not required for drives of 22kW or

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9.1 General
Digital inputs and outputs shall be 24Vdc.
Analogue I/O shall be 4 - 20mA, current sinking or sourcing as required and fully short circuit
Connect all I/O to wiring using disconnect terminals. Each I/O point which connects to
equipment in the field shall be suitably protected by a fuse.

9.2 PLC Hardware

9.2.1 Treatment Plants

The PLC shall be Schneider Quantum Series.
PLC racks, digital, analogue I/O and communications modules shall be mounted in a PLC /
Instrumentation cubicle.

9.2.2 Pumping Stations

PLC CPU shall be a Schneider M340 with a SCADAPACK 334E telemetry unit.
If the required functionality of the station can not be achieved by Schneider M340 then a
Quantum series shall be installed.

9.2.3 Flow meters, Reservoirs and Other Small Installations

SCADAPACK 334E telemetry unit shall be used as the PLC for small installations such as
flowmeter or reservoir sites. Consult with Hunter Water if uncertain which PLC to use in
these situations.

9.3 24Vdc Power Supply

9.3.1 Treatment Plants

Provide common 24Vdc smoothed regulated dual power supply units for the supply of 24Vdc
to the PLC input/output circuits and instrumentation loops. The power supplies shall have the
capacity for the full load of the PLC I/O and instrumentation plus 20% spare capacity.
Consider inrush current of relays etc when sizing the unit. Separate power supply systems
shall be installed for PLC I/O and motor control circuits, they shall not be interconnected. A
fault contact from each unit shall be individually connected to the PLC as an alarm.
Where a UPS is available these power supplies shall be supplied from the UPS.
Separate distribution for PLC I/Os consisting of the isolators, fuses and links shall be
provided in each separate PLC/instrumentation cubicle.

9.3.2 Pumping Stations

Provide a 24Vdc smoothed regulated power supply for the PLC input/output circuits and
instrumentation loops. The power supplies shall have the capacity for the full load of the PLC
I/O and instrumentation plus 20% spare capacity, care shall be taken when sizing these unit
due to inrush current of relays etc. Separate power supply systems shall be installed for PLC
I/O and motor control circuits, they shall not be interconnected. A fault contact from each unit
shall be connected to the PLC as an alarm.

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Power supplies shall be capable of providing enough current to blow the fuse protecting a
circuit which has a short circuit fault.
Where a UPS is available these power supplies shall be supplied from the UPS.
Separate distribution for PLC I/Os consisting of the isolators, fuses and links shall be
provided in each separate PLC/instrumentation cubicle.

9.4 Automation Communications

Use fibre optic cabling for communication between the PLC and remote I/O racks when
remote I/O is located in a separate switchroom from the CPU rack.
All automation communication devices which are ‘communicating’ between building to
building, or building to outside enclosure shall be connected with optic fibre cable.

All “Ethernet” ‘fly leads’ and ‘patch leads’ used for Automation equipment (including, PLC,
HMI, SCADA, Gateway communication devices, VSD etc) shall be coloured green and shall
be preformed factory made. These patch leads shall be screened where VSDs are used on

Where an “Ethernet Cross-over” cable is required, it shall always be Red in colour,

regardless of its use.

All “Serial” communication ‘fly leads’ and ‘patch leads’ used for Automation equipment
(including, but not limited to, PLC, HMI, SCADA, Gateway communication devices, VSD,
and like automation items) shall be coloured White or Cream. The only exception to these
colours shall be propriety leads supplied by the manufacturer for specific use on their
9.5 Automatic Control and Monitoring

9.5.1 Treatment Plants

Update the automatic control and monitoring manual to match the equipment and processes
as installed.
Once the PLC program and SCADA configuration is complete, modify the Automatic control
and monitoring manual to reflect the functionality of the PLC program and SCADA settings at
the time of commissioning, including all setpoints, alarm priorities etc.

9.5.2 Pumping Stations not within a treatment plant

Not less than 2 weeks prior to undertaking any programming of the PLC or configuration of
the SCADA, present a draft of the Functional Description Specification to Hunter Water.
Highlight those parts of the draft Functional Description Specification that must be supplied
by Hunter Water (e.g. Priority levels for alarms, history to be recorded etc).
Once the PLC program and SCADA configuration is complete, modify the Functional
Description Specification to reflect the functionality of the PLC program and SCADA settings
at the time of commissioning, including all setpoints, alarm priorities etc.

9.6 PLC Tests

Factory test the PLC program on the PLC to be installed under the Contract. Notify Hunter
Water one week prior to commencing the test.
The tests performed shall include the following:
 Simulation of all inputs/outputs

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 Operational checks from programming unit for forcing outputs and the related system
 Response to power failure and system failure
If the system fails during the test, rectify the fault and repeat the test.
Submit one copy of the test results. Include a further copy in the Operation & Maintenance
manuals / information.

9.7 Software Changes

Submit a copy of any software modifications/updates made to a Hunter Water Corporation
asset in current operation within 24 hours of the modification/update.

9.8 Software Work as Executed

Custom software is all non standard software developed specifically for Hunter Water
assets. The copyright for all custom configured software shall be assigned to and become
the property of Hunter Water Corporation.
Submit in electronic form on a CD/DVD the following:
 The Operational version of PLC programs associated with the Contract
 Complete Labels file for any PLC programs
 Complete Register file for any PLC programs
 The Automatic control and monitoring manual document updated to reflect any
modifications to the control procedures included in the PLC program


9.9.1 Treatment Plants

Monitoring of the works and operator interaction with the automatic (PLC) control system is
to be by an SCX6 SCADA system on site. A subset of the information and some functionality
is also available on the Hunter Water Corporation’s Head Office SCX6 SCADA system.
For treatment plant upgrades where a local SCX6 SCADA system is already present,
integrate the functionality (alarms, action text etc) with the existing information on both the
local and the Hunter Water Head Office SCADA system.
For new treatment plants develop and configure the SCADA system for the entire plant in
accordance with Contract requirements.
Notify Hunter Water in writing a minimum of 5 working days before access to Head Office
SCADA is required.
All individuals undertaking work on Head Office SCADA shall sign a confidentiality
agreement as a pre-condition of gaining access to the Head Office SCADA system.
Submit copies of all proposed SCADA screens and pop-ups to Hunter Water for approval
before proceeding with the SCADA configuration. Allow a minimum of four weeks for this
liaison and approval process. Information to be presented
Where present, display on at least one SCADA screen the following information for each
item of equipment:
 Running/stopped status

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 Normal/failed status
 Available/unavailable status
 Auto/off/manual selection
 Levels
 Flow rates
 Process values
 Control levels selected
 Protection device status
 Drive currents
 Motor speed selected
 Motor speed actual
 Other relevant variables
The SCADA screens shall also contain equipment control points which allow the operator to
control equipment and adjust process parameters from the SCADA terminal.
Where available these control points shall allow but not be limited to the following functions:
 Starting/stopping equipment
 Inhibit/uninhibit automatic operation of equipment
 Cut-in/cut-out level adjustment
 Process set point adjustment
 Remote override auto speed control of motors where required
Starting and stopping of equipment by the PLC shall only be possible if the equipment is
selected in automatic at the MCC control switch.
Configure the SCADA/PLC system to allow a range of adjustment of the process parameters
but only allow values in the defined range to be entered.
Where equipment is started/stopped or inhibited/uninhibited via the SCADA screen the PLC
shall start/stop and/or inhibit/uninhibit any associated equipment in order to maintain the
integrity of the process. Alarms
Each item of equipment shall have alarms associated with its status. All alarms are to have
an assigned priority depending on the severity of the alarm. Hunter Water will provide the
alarm priority and action text for each alarm as part of the review of the draft Automatic
control and monitoring manual submitted. Alarms shall be typical of existing SCADA alarms
and shall include but not be limited to the following:
 Equipment unavailable
 Equipment failed
 Protection device tripped
 Process variable high/low
 Site power failed
 MCC power failed
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 PLC failed
Each alarm shall be time & date stamped; and requires acknowledgment from the operator
to be reset.
Each alarm shall also have associated action text. The action text shall advise the operator
of the appropriate course of action in the event of the alarm occurring. The Superintendent
will provide what text is to be included as action text for the alarms as part of the
Superintendent’s comments on the draft Automatic control and monitoring manual submitted
by the Contractor. History
Each point on the SCADA diagrams shall have the capability to have the history or trace
function enabled. Hunter Water will advise which of these points should have history enabled
on commissioning as part of Hunter Water’s comments on the draft Automatic control and
monitoring manual submitted by the Contractor.

9.9.2 Pumping Stations

Configure Hunter Water’s SCADA database to allow remote monitoring including the
following work:
 adopt the RTU addresses advised by Hunter Water for the pump station/s and
telemetry link repeaters to provide minimal congestion to the existing network;
 configure the RTU;
 configure the database points associated with the RTU and consistent with those
required for the particular station type;
 make necessary additions/alterations to the SCADA diagrams;
 add the necessary SCADA points; and
 update the SCADA system network diagrams.

9.10 Telemetry
If the site is a treatment plant, land line is the primary communication medium and shall be
provided with telemetry back up.
The telemetry medium will be either WiMax or 3G for each installation and will meet the
minimum signal requirements as advised by Hunter Water.
For remote assets e.g. pumping stations, reservoirs etc, a battery back-up system shall be
installed for each installation and shall:
 Power the telemetry system for a minimum of 4 hours
 Recharge once external power is restored

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10.1 General
An uninterruptible, Filtered and Surge Protected Power Supply (UPS) unit shall be used for
supply to the associated PLC controls and instrumentation when required.
The UPS shall include surge protection on both input and output circuits.

10.2 Capacity
The UPS shall energise and continuously supply all the connected equipment.
Size the UPS for the load imposed by all connected equipment plus 30% additional capacity.
Include sufficient battery capacity to provide at least 4 hours operation without supply from
the mains (at full rated load).

10.3 Performance
The UPS performance is to be equal to or better than the following:
 Output voltage 240Vac ±5%
 Total harmonic distortion 5%
 Output frequency 50Hz ±1 Hz
 Maximum rate of frequency drift 0.1Hz/second
 Overload capacity 120% for 10 minutes
 Audible noise <60dB(A) as measured and calculated according to
AS 2107

10.4 Alarms
The UPS shall have the following alarms connected to the PLC for monitoring on the SCADA
 Unit Failure
 General
 Battery Low

10.5 Batteries
The batteries shall be sealed NiCad, NiMH or sealed lead/acid recombination type.
The batteries shall be housed in a separate enclosure and matching the UPS enclosure in
appearance. Provide easy access for maintenance and removing batteries.

10.6 Bypass
The input to the UPS shall be plugged into industrial switched socket outlet and the output
shall be plugged into an industrial appliance inlet. Supply a lead which can be plugged into
the socket outlet and the appliance inlet to bypass the UPS, this lead shall be installed on a
hook adjacent to the outlets.

10.7 UPS Location and Enclosure

The UPS enclosure shall be IP42 rated for units located in switchrooms.

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Provide ventilation fans as necessary for reliable operation of equipment within the
enclosure. Ventilation inlets are to be fitted with filters to prevent the ingress of dust.
Special consideration shall be given to batteries and UPS mounted in outdoor switchboards
e.g. Automatic inlet valves provide adequate shade and / or ventilation to meet
manufacturer’s specifications.

10.8 UPS Power Distribution

Power distribution from the UPS to supplied equipment to be via an enclosed circuit breaker
distribution board.
This distribution board shall have a main switch handle on the outside of the enclosure to
isolate the supply in case of an emergency. This switch handle shall not prevent opening of
the distribution board door. The distribution board shall be located adjacent to the supply
circuit breaker for the UPS.
The distribution board shall have a metal escutcheon which prevents access to live parts
when operating circuit breakers.

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11.1 General
All instruments shall be installed as required by the manufacturer to ensure that readings
accurately reflect the process conditions e.g. flow meters shall have the correct length of
straight pipe before and after flow meter. All instruments and associated devices supplied
shall be fully supported by spare parts and technical service local to the Lower Hunter area.
The instrumentation shall contain all the necessary hardware to provide the operator with an
easily accessible local indicator either on the instrument or in the field instrument panel. An
additional indicator shall be provided on the PLC cabinet door. The values on the digital
displays shall coincide with the values on SCADA. Where there is more than 5 displays
required use a 15 inch colour touch HMI screen to display these values and connect the
screen to the PLC network using Ethernet.
All instruments shall be loop powered or powered from 24Vdc. Analogue signal transmission
shall be linear, 4 - 20mA DC proportional to the range of measured variable. Instrument
signal cabling between the instrument and the PLC shall be protected against lightning on
either end.
All transmitters shall be capable of working into instrument loop impedances of up to 600
ohms. All instrument loops shall perform reliably under the site conditions.
Analytical instruments which require an operator calibration such as DO, pH, turbidity etc.
shall have the transmitter mounted in an enclosure with a treatment plant lock and the
terminals and lightning protection units located in a separate enclosure which can be only be
accessed by an electrical person. The terminal enclosure shall be labelled “live terminals
behind cover isolate elsewhere before removing cover”.
All transmitters which have a black screen shall have suitable cover to protect the screen
from the sunlight.

11.1.1 Installation below ground

Install instrumentation below ground as directed by the Specification or Drawings. The
instrumentation shall have a minimum rating of IP68.
Access chambers and pits shall be concrete and suitably sized to enable access to the
equipment and removal of the equipment for maintenance. Provide a gravity drain from the
pit. If gravity drainage is not possible install a sump pump. A pit flooded float switch shall be
installed in all pits to bring up an alarm on SCADA. Access chambers and pits shall be
approved by Hunter Water during detailed design.
Direct burial of equipment shall be in accordance with the manufacturer’s requirements. In
the absence specific manufacturer requirements, the void around the instrument shall be
back-filled with a packing sand mixture and protected by completely packing the entire
sensor (housing, bolts/nuts, and flanges) with mastic contour filler, then wrap it with a
synthetic fabric based tape impregnated and coated with organic petroleum based
compounds, followed by plasticised PVC, incorporating natural and synthetic rubber
adhesive and fungal inhibitor. A polymeric cover which covers the entire instrument shall be
installed 150mm below finished ground level.
Notify Hunter Water 3 working days prior to covering / backfilling installations to arrange
inspection by a Hunter Water instrument engineer / technician.

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11.1.2 Instrument Loops
All instrument loops shall have as a minimum requirement the following accuracies unless
specified elsewhere:
 Calibration accuracy ± 0.5% of span
 Repeatability ± 0.1% of span
 Sensitivity ± 0.1% of span

11.1.3 Instrumentation Tests

Test all instruments establishing the overall accuracy of the devices from primary element to
the PLC.
Results shall be recorded on test sheets when complete, submit one copy of the test sheets
within five working days and include a further copy in each copy of the Operation &
Maintenance information / manuals.

11.1.4 Field Instrument Panels

Field mounted instrumentation panels shall be located adjacent to their respective primary
element or sensor.
Each field instrument panel shall contain:
 A means to isolate the power supply shall be provided within each instrumentation
enclosure. All instrument field cabling shall be protected against lightning in the field
instrumentation panel.
 Digital display of analogue value in engineering terms, viewable with the cabinet door
closed. The transparent material used for the viewing window shall be suitable for
use in an outdoor environment without the material turning opaque. The displays are
to be visible in bright sunlight and resistant to UV rays.
 Terminals for all incoming and outgoing cable cores
 Earth electrodes shall be installed at the location of each field instrumentation panel for
surge protection. An insulated earth bar for surge protection earths, connected to the
panel and a local earth electrode below the panel. Where instruments are mounted
above tanks or where it is not possible to install an electrode below the panel up to
four instruments can use a single electrode but need to be individually wired and
clamped to the electrode.

11.2 Level Measurement Devices

11.2.1 Ultrasonic Level Transmitters

Ultrasonic level sensors shall be non-contact, continuous reflectance, level monitoring type
complete with self temperature compensation for changes in ambient temperatures. The
transmission beam shall be appropriate for the application.
Examples of use:
 Flume Flow Metering
 Open tanks and reservoirs
 Filter beds

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11.2.2 Hydrostatic Pressure Level Transmitter
Unless otherwise specified all transmitters should be fixed range 0 – 1 bar.
Examples of use:
 Sewer wet wells (small and medium size stations), water reservoirs.
 In some chemical tanks if specific gravity of material is factored into displayed reading.
 Not suitable for high flow sewer stations, sludge tanks, aggressive chemical storage
tanks or tanks with stirrers.
The transmitter shall be supported by a stainless steel stocking; cable ties will not be
accepted. Where required supply stilling tubes and mounted in such a way as to stop
movement of the transducer unit due to turbulence.

11.2.3 Radar Level Transmitter

Fit the converter with field accessible zero, span and range adjustment and three digit local
indicator representing percentage level of liquid. The receiver signal shall be software
conditioned to eliminate extraneous signals.
Examples of use:
 Bulk water reservoirs,
 high flow sewer station wet wells,
 chemical storage tanks
Do not use radars with stainless steel focus cone in tanks containing aggressive vapours.

11.2.4 Float Level Switches

The float switch shall be an encapsulated submersible type with single pole double throw
The switch shall be provided with sufficient length of heavy duty flexible cable to allow a
generous adjustment of the operating level. The cable length allowed for adjustment is to be
neatly coiled and tied. The float shall be supported by a stainless steel stocking; cable ties
will not be accepted.
The float switches shall not contain mercury.
Examples of use:
 Water and sewer tank high or low level indication, pit or dry well flooded alarm, alum or
poly tank high or low level

11.2.5 Conductivity Level Switches

Shall not be used.

11.3 Flow Measurement Devices

11.3.1 Flume Flow Metering

Ultrasonic level sensors complete with indicating transmitter shall be provided to measure
the rate of flow through flumes. The flow measuring system must be designed so that the
highest measurement accuracy for that type of device corresponds to the most frequent flow
rates that will be measured on the device.
The transmitters shall include a display showing instantaneous flow in litres per second.

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For flow measurement the unit shall include a lineariser incorporated within the transmitter
unit to convert the level into a 4 - 20mA signal proportional to instantaneous flow in
accordance with the type of flume being used.

11.3.2 Electromagnetic Flow Metering

Electromagnetic flow meters shall be supplied as complete sets incorporating the primary
flow element, a separate solid state flow indicating transmitter and 316 grade stainless steel
earthing rings for both upstream and downstream flanges which shall also protect lining
material leading edges.
The metering method shall be based on the pulsed direct current principle. The flowmeter
shall be suitable for use in empty pipes without the need to de-activate the flowmeter.
Interconnecting cables between flow tube and transmitter shall be shielded type cable and
shall be provided by the manufacturer connected to the tube. The junction box shall be
sealed and filled by the manufacturer prior to delivery to site.
Provide internal line protection units at the sensor and transmitter unit.
The element shall have electrodes and lining material suited to the application.
Primary element and indicating transmitter nameplates shall be stamped with instrument
loop number, span in L/s and all associated calibration factors.
The transmitter shall display instantaneous flow and totalised flow on an LCD back lit screen.
Provide a label attached to the transmitter with the parameters for the flow tube, these
details shall also be included on the drawing.
Provide output from the transmitter for both instantaneous flow and totalised flow. Totalised
flow held in the transmitter for display on the LCD screen is to be available also for
interrogation by the treatment plant local SCADA system such that interruption of SCADA
services does not result in loss of totalised flow records.
Submit a certified flow curve for the meter and include in O&M information / manual.
Accuracy of the primary element and transmitter together, from 10% to 100% of flow as
sized shall be ±0.5% of actual flow rate increasing to ± 1% at 1% of meter capacity.
Examples of use:
 Water, sludge and sewer flow metering, some chemical flows depending on liner

11.3.3 Thermo electric flowmeter

The air flow measuring device shall consist of a Flow element and a transmitter.
The flow element shall be manufactured from 316 grade stainless steel, and sized to suit the
pipe and flow requirements.
Units shall be displayed in normal cubic metres per hour (Nm3/hr)
The overall accuracy of the transmitter and sensor shall be better than ±2% of reading,.
Repeatability: ±1% of reading and Turndown: 5:1 to 100:1 maximum
Examples of use:
 Air flow measurements from blowers

11.3.4 Thermo Electric Flow Switch

Thermo Electric flow switches may be used for flow indication in situations where there is no
requirement for analogue signal.
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The associated indicating transmitter shall be of the electronic solid state type with
adjustable signal damping.
The indicating switch shall have an adjustable response time to dampen rapid flow
The unit shall transmit a TTL signal or contact closure to the PLC equipment.
Equipment shall operate from 24Vdc.
Examples of use:
 Process dilution water or cooling water flow indication.

11.3.5 Mass Flowmeters

Mass flowmeters shall be installed where accuracy is required for chemical dosing and shall
use a Coriolis flow measurement.
Examples of use:
 WTP alum and poly dosing quantity control

11.4 Pressure Measurement Devices

11.4.1 Differential Pressure Transmitter

All wetted parts, connecting flanges, nuts bolts and washers shall be manufactured from 316
grade stainless steel.
The associated indicating transmitter shall be of the electronic solid state type with
adjustable signal damping, span and zero level adjustment. The unit shall incorporate a
digital indicator.
The indicating transmitter shall have an adjustable response time to dampen rapid level
Impulse lines from pipework to the transmitter shall be minimum 8mm diameter. All impulse
lines shall drain to the pipeline connection.
Examples of use:
 Filter bed loss of head
 Filter monitoring

11.4.2 Pressure Switch

When installing pressure switches, use flange mountings where the liquid being conveyed in
the pipe is sludge.
Examples of use:
 Low or high suction pressure in water pump stations
 Low air pressure on plant air systems.

11.4.3 Pressure Sensor/Transmitter

The associated indicating transmitter shall be of the electronic solid state type with
adjustable signal damping, span and zero level adjustment. The unit shall incorporate a
digital indicator/programmer unit calibrated in kPa and shall be mounted close to the sensor
within safe and easy access for the operator.
The indicating transmitter shall have an adjustable response time to dampen rapid level
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Examples of use:
 Zone water pressure measurement
 use on suction and delivery pressures at water pumping stations
 reservoir level
 water main pressure
 air pressure

11.5 Analytical Measurement Devices

11.5.1 Dissolved Oxygen Measurement Devices

Include temperature compensation in the measuring system.
Convert the signal derived from the DO sensor to an isolated 4 - 20mA DC output current
linear with DO concentration via a signal converter. Isolate all input circuits from the mains
supply and output circuits.
Examples of use:
 WWTW aeration tanks

11.5.2 Redox Measurement Devices

Include temperature compensation in the measuring system.
Convert the signal derived from the sensor to an isolated 4 - 20mA DC output current linear
with the Redox measurement via a signal converter. The signal converter shall include an
integral Redox indicator. Isolate all input circuits from the mains supply and output circuits.
Examples of use:
 Anoxic zone and the anaerobic zone of the bioreactors WWTW

11.5.3 pH Measurement Devices

The pH measurement equipment shall include either single combination electrodes or
discrete measurement and reference electrodes.
The reference electrode shall be a sealed, gel filled and non-flowing with a ceramic or similar
junction that resists fouling.
Protection rating of the electrode housing shall be class IP68. Mount the electrode assembly
in a flow through type sensor housing manufactured from glass fibre reinforced
polypropylene or similar.
Include in the electrode housing a sealed high impedance amplifier for all pH signals
transmitted over low impedance circuits and temperature compensation in the measuring
Examples of use:
 WTP lime and caustic dosing control
 WWTW chemical dosing

11.5.4Turbidity meters
Turbidity meters shall be provided with secondary standards and the user-configurable
parameters shall be retained in the meter's memory when the unit is de-powered.

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It is an essential criteria that the displayed turbidity value and the analogue outputs can be
trimmed at the operator interface without the need for a full calibration using primary
standards and able to be trimmed regardless of value.
A temperature signal shall also be transmitted in addition to the turbidity signal.
The transmitter shall include digital filter functions and sensor self-monitoring.
Examples of use:
 WTP raw water
 WTP clear water
 WTP filtered water

11.6 Temperature Measurement Devices

The temperature measurement device shall be the resistance thermometer type (RTD).
The detector shall include a 3-wire platinum resistance temperature detector. The sensing
element shall be sealed in a ceramic former and enclosed in a 316 stainless steel sheath.
A sensing current of up to 10mA shall not have significant effect on accuracy.
The transmitter enclosure shall include a suitable converter head with signal converter
electronics segregated to allow wiring termination and calibration without exposing
Examples of use:
 WWTW sludge digesters
 Weather station air temp

11.7 Solenoid Valves

All solenoid valve coils shall operate on 24Vdc. The solenoid shall have a varistor, flyback
diodes and safety fuse. All coils shall be continuously rated 24Vdc with protection to IP65 in
accordance with current Australian standards.
All solenoid coils shall be a plug in type.
Coil replacement must be possible without shutting off water supply to the valve.

11.8 Instrumentation in PLC Cubicles

11.8.1 Indicators
Indicators shall be digital loop powered type meters suitable for flush panel mounting.
Indicators shall have an input range of 4 - 20mA and engineering units as required.
Appropriate labels shall be installed detailing the value being displayed and the engineering
units. Accuracy and repeatability shall be ± 0.2% minimum.
Indicators shall be mounted in individual instrument case with front bezel and rear screw
terminals for connection of wiring. Adjustment of zero & span shall be at rear, accessible
without removing the indicator from its case.
Do not mount indicators on or through door viewing windows.

11.8.2 Current to Current Converters

Provide converters wherever the loop impedance of the load devices exceeds the source
device capabilities. Converters shall be fully solid state capable of receiving 4 - 20mA and
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shall be provided for current isolation and as a source of power for repeating a current
Converters shall be powered from 24Vdc and shall be capable of supplying 20mA into a loop
resistance of 900 ohms. Front panel adjustments for span and zero shall be provided via 10
turn potentiometers. An LED shall indicate output loop current.
Current to current converters shall be installed on horizontal DIN rail and a DIN rail
terminator shall be installed between each isolator to provide an air gap for cooling.
 Accuracy ±0.15% of span
 Repeatability ±0.1% of span
 Input impedance 50 ohms
 Auxiliary voltage for input loop 22 Volts at 25mA

11.8.3 Terminal Strips

Terminal strips for instrumentation shall be standard disconnect miniature range rail
mounted terminal block

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12.1 General
All new assets should be assessed on the need for lightning protection. This should include
 Waste water and water pumping stations
 All Treatment plant structures
 Telemetry masts etc.
The lightning protection system shall comply with the applicable codes of practice and shall
cover all buildings, structures, equipment and personnel in the premises against lightning
The lightning protection system shall include air terminations, down conductors, event
counters, joints and bonds, test joints, earth terminations and electrodes. All ancillary
equipment needed for a complete working system shall be provided.
Fixing of conductors to roof surfaces shall not damage roofing or weatherproof membranes.
All holes made on walls, roofs or ceilings for installing equipment as part of this contract shall
be filled, grouted or otherwise sealed to prevent the ingress or collection of water.

12.2 Design
Carry out a Lightning Risk Assessment in accordance with AS/NZS 1768 to determine what
measures, if any, which will be needed for protecting personnel and property from lightning
All building structures and equipment in the premises shall be protected against lightning
strikes in all directions from vertically downwards to 15° from the vertical.
Conductors shall be so sized to ensure a low resistance path for lightning discharges, in
compliance with the applicable regulations and Standards.
Risk assessment, detailed design calculations and schematic diagrams shall be forwarded to
Hunter Water for review.

12.3 Air Terminal Grid

The air terminal grid shall comprise vertical lightning rods, finials and/or spheres and an
interconnecting network of high conductivity copper tape. All metallic projections and metallic
equipment on building roofs and other structures shall be bonded to form part of the air
termination network.
Proprietary air terminal bases shall be provided for vertical lightning rods and finials. If free-
standing towers are provided for the air terminals, they shall be structurally designed for the
appropriate loadins.
Interconnecting copper tape shall be appropriately sized to carry the anticipated lightning
current but shall not be less than 25mm x 3mm in cross section in any case. All tapes shall
be rigidly held by suitable saddles at 600mm minimum intervals for horizontal runs and
1000mm for vertical runs and shall be effectively bonded at junctions. The tape shall be
supplied in continuous unbroken lengths. Jointing shall be avoided in straight runs as far as

12.4 Earth Conductors

All down conductors from the air terminal network to the earthing electrodes shall be of
appropriately sized PVC-insulated copper tapes, subject to a minimum cross-section of
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25mm x 3mm, run on clamps fixed to the surface of the building/structure at intervals not
exceeding 1000 mm. The down conductors shall, as far as practicable, be unobtrusive and
the colour of the PVC sheath shall match the colour of the building finish.
Bonding to air terminations shall be by exothermic chemical bonding. Down conductors shall
follow the shortest possible route, vertically, along the building exterior to the nearest
earthing electrode.

12.5 Joints and Connections

The number of joints on the lightning protective system shall be kept to a minimum. Joints
shall be made in visible and accessible positions. Joints shall be electrically and
mechanically effective. For overlapping joints, the length of overlap shall not be less than
25mm. Exothermal chemical bonds shall be used for all joints except testing joints. For
bolted joints four bolt tape clamps shall be used and all contact surfaces shall be smooth
and tinned.
No dissimilar metals shall be jointed without the written recommendations of the lightning
protection system manufacturer. Where dissimilar metals are to be bonded together,
purpose designed proprietary brand of bimetallic connectors shall be used and moisture
shall be kept away from the joints. Conductors and joints that are exposed to corrosion shall
be protected by the application of approved anticorrosive paint.
A testing joint shall be provided between each down conductor and its associated earth
electrode. The positioning of the test joints shall be convenient for testing purposes but shall
not obstruct other services or impair the architectural features of the building. All test joints
shall be protected from mechanical damage by durable heavy duty non metallic casings. The
casings shall be suitably painted to match adjacent wall finishes and shall be unobtrusive
when installed.

12.6 Earthing Electrodes and Pits

Earthing electrodes shall be of steel-cored copper or stainless steel rods, not less than
15mm in diameter. The rods shall be extensible in standard multiples with screw and socket
joints. Each earth electrode shall be driven to a minimum depth of 5 metres into the ground.
Where interconnecting conductors are to be buried in the ground, the minimum burial depth
shall be 500mm below finished ground level.
Lightning earth rod design should be based on soil resistivity tests. Where an electrode
cannot be driven it should be installed to a bored hole and backfilled using a suitable agent
which helps to retain moisture and enhance soil resistivity.
A sufficient number of earthing terminations shall be provided for compliance with the
applicable codes of practice. The earth resistance of each complete earth termination,
measured separately, shall be less than 10 ohms. Where this is not possible with one earth
electrode, additional electrodes shall be added 10 metres apart.

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13.1 General
Flush mounted light switches, isolating switches, and socket outlets shall be mounted in wall
boxes. Mounting heights for switches shall be approximately 1.2M to the centre unless
otherwise indicated. Accessories within a designated wet environment shall be IP56.

13.2 Wall Mounted Switches

13.2.1 Generally
Switches shall be a minimum 10A rating and comply with AS/NZS3133, and shall have a
rotary action positive contact switch. Switches used for fluorescent loads shall be suitable for
fluorescent loads.
Isolating switches shall be selected to meet the requirements of the location and function.

13.2.2 Installation of Switches

Switches installed adjacent to door openings shall be installed on the lock side of the door.
Adjacent switches shall not be connected to different phases.

13.3 240V Outlets

Fittings and accessories shall be of approved manufacture and rating and shall be selected
to meet the requirements of the location and function.
UPS outlets shall be red in colour.

13.4 415V Power Socket Outlet

This socket outlet shall be surface mounted switch socket assembly with neutral conductor
in all cases. The capacity of each socket outlet shall be suitable for the indicated load.
Phase conductors connected such that a positive phase sequence will be indicated by a
phase rotation meter connected by red, white and blue leads in a clockwise direction.

13.5 415V Outlets for Equipment

Outlets which are used to supply power to equipment installed on plants (e.g. mixers) shall
be de-contactors which include a set of late make / early break control pins which will
prevent starter from operating when not plugged in or stop the starter operating when

13.6 ELV Power Socket Outlet

This socket outlet shall comprise 2 pins with flat pins at 90 degrees for DC, and flat parallel
pins for AC.

13.7 Labelling
Switches, socket outlets and permanently connected equipment etc shall be labelled to
provide ready identification including where they are fed from including distribution board
number and circuit breaker number.

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14.1 General
All lights shall be high energy efficiency types and include a mechanical protection over the
Install a sufficient number of luminaries and in an arrangement in accordance with Australian
All luminaires shall be power factor corrected to minimum of 0.85 lagging. Incorporate
lead/lag circuits or blocking inductors where indicated and/or where required by the Supply

14.2 Lamps
Unless otherwise indicated:
 Fluorescent tubes shall only be used for indoor locations below a height of 3 metres.
 All other lamps shall be Metal Halide

14.3 Installation of Luminaires

14.3.1 General
Provide all fixings necessary for the proper installation of luminaires. Fit packing pieces of
approved material where required to level the luminaires and to prevent distortion.
All light fittings shall be readily accessible and not mounted above equipment or features
(e.g. drops over tanks, voids etc) that impedes access or presents a high safety risk. All light
fittings shall be at a height accessible from 2.4 metre step ladder or lower. If this is not
possible provide an alternative means of access that is either fixed in place or stored on site.
All fixings in outdoor locations shall be corrosion resistant.
Clean all luminaires, accessories, equipment and appliances that have been supplied and/or
installed immediately prior to commissioning.

14.3.2 Recessed Luminaires

Recessed luminaires shall be fitted with flexible cords with minimum 0.75mm2 conductors
and 3 pin plugs. A plug socket shall be located within 500mm from the edge of the access
aperture to allow the luminaire to be plugged-in prior to fixing.

14.3.3 Post Top Luminaires

Unless otherwise indicated, post-top luminaires shall:
 Be mounted on tapered columns with a hinge point to allow maintenance of light fitting.
 Consist of proprietary brand aluminium poles, suitable for base plate mounting on rag
bolt assembly set in a concrete pad.
 The poles shall be adequately drained and shall be fitted with an approved
weatherproof lockable enclosure to house the control gear and fuse, in the lower
section of the pole, within 1000mm of ground level.

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14.3.4 Dry well sewage pumping stations
All lights below switchboard level shall be IP65 rating and shall be individually wired back to
the switchboard.

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15.1 General
All equipment installed shall be selected, sized and installed to current Australian standards.
The location of the cable routes shown in drawings is approximate; it is the Contractor’s
responsibility to determine the exact route of cables.
All cabling shall be installed underground unless specified otherwise. Cables shall be
installed in underground conduits between sections of plants. All above ground installations
shall be approved prior to installation.

15.2 Cables and Wiring

15.2.1 General
All cables shall be copper and shall be sized to suit the voltage, current rating, voltage drop
and fault loop impedance. Terminations, fittings and accessories shall be of proprietary type,
suitable for the temperature and environmental duty.
Where cables are in hazardous locations, all terminations shall be made using fittings
suitable for the hazardous area.
Conductors shall be terminated either into tunnel type connectors or by suitably sized lugs
crimped in a correctly sized tool. Joints in cables shall not be made between equipment
terminal connections.
Terminate all spare cores in terminal strip complete with cable identification “spare”.
Cable cores shall be of distinctive colours and coded as follows:
Red, white, blue active conductors in multi-phase mains and circuits
Red active conductors in single phase mains and circuits
Black neutral conductor
White control circuit cabling outside of switchboards
Green-yellow earth wires

15.2.2 Wiring to Equipment

Connecting of wiring to equipment shall not compromise the IP rating of the equipment being
Wiring to permanently connected equipment which vibrates or may be moved for adjustment
shall have multi-stranded flexible conductors protected by flexible conduits of length to suit
the application. The conductors shall be protected by PVC coated steel or PVC flexible
conduit to suit the particular installation. The conduit shall terminate not more than 15mm
prior to entering equipment and cable then enters the equipment through a cable gland.
Install a cable loop (“pigtail”) at the final field connection for all cables with a bending radius
of less than 150mm.
An isolating switch shall be installed adjacent to each permanently connected piece of
equipment and shall be located within 2000mm of the equipment at approximately 1200mm
above floor. The switch shall be mounted so that the equipment or apart thereof can be
readily isolated and/or removed for maintenance without interference to fixed wiring.
15.2.3 Final Sub-Circuit Wiring
The wiring shall be multi strand and the minimum size conductors shall be as follows:
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Power Circuits 2.5mm2, copper conductors
Lighting Circuits 1.5mm2, copper conductors
Motor Circuits 2.5mm2, copper conductors
Control Circuits 1.0mm2, copper conductors
Final sub-circuit wires shall generally be terminated in tunnel type connectors. Where stud or
pillar connections are made, stranded conductors shall be prevented from spreading.
Twisting multi-stranded conductors is not a suitable method of termination except for socket
outlets, light switches and other similar devices.
Final connections to equipment having parts of the surface at a temperature greater than the
temperature rating of the circuit cable shall be made with cable having insulation at least
rated to 2000 maximum operating temperature (i.e. Heater elements, hot plates etc).

15.2.4 Single Cables in Enclosures

Cables shall be insulated with 0.6/1kV grade with minimum V90 PVC insulation.

15.2.5 Underground Grade Insulated and Sheathed Cables

Cables shall be insulated with 0.6/1kV grade with minimum V90 or XLPE insulation and PVC
The cables shall have the manufacture's name and reference and the word
"UNDERGROUND" clearly indented in the sheathing.

15.2.6 Armoured and Sheathed Cables

Cables shall be insulated with 0.6/1 kV grade with minimum V90 or XLPE insulation and
shall have armouring of galvanised steel wire with PVC sheathing.
Armouring shall be glanded in a purpose built gland that connects the armouring to earth. It
shall not be used as an earth conductor.

15.2.7 Mineral Insulated Metal Sheathed Cables (MIMS)

MIMS cables installed underground or in metal pipes shall be PVC covered.
Follow the cable manufacturer's recommendations for cutting, sealing and potting cable
Terminations of MIMS cables entering metal enclosures, e.g. switchboards, shall be by
universal glands screwed into a non-ferrous plate secured to the enclosure. The sheath shall
be earthed to this plate via suitable locknuts and washers.
Where dissimilar metals are likely to touch the cable sheath, a protective barrier of PVC or
similar material shall be provided between them.
The insulation resistance of MIMS cables shall be tested at the time of termination, and 24
hours later. Submit a copy of test reports within 1 week of testing. The resistance shall be
not less than 100 megohms.

15.2.8 Aerial Cables

Aerial cables attached to buildings shall be insulated.

15.2.9 Emergency Systems and Essential Service Cables

Cables supplying power to designated "Emergency Systems and Essential Services" shall
consist of MIMS copper conductor copper sheath cables.
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Where a number of services cross or follow a similar route, the "Emergency
System/Essential Services" cable shall be located at the highest point and closest to the
structural support.
Use metal cable fixings. Do not use nylon or plastic material for cable fixings.

15.2.10 Telephone Cables

Cables used for communication purpose shall be multi-pair telephone cables of nominal
conductor diameter 0.4mm2 minimum to Telstra/ AS/ACIF Specification.

15.2.11 Fire Alarm Cables

Cables used for the connection of thermal, smoke and manual fire detectors, or other
associated equipment within the building shall be TPS minimum 1.5mm2 250 V grade
stranded copper cable and shall have red coloured sheathing.

15.2.12 Security Cables

Cables used for window and door seals, and associated equipment shall be minimum
0.5mm2 stranded copper cable.
Cables for space detectors (ultrasonic, infra-red, microwave, etc) shall be minimum 0.5mm2
stranded copper shielded twisted pairs or as per the manufacturer's installation

15.2.13 Variable Speed Drive (VSD) and Soft Start (SS) motor cables.
Cables and cable glands used for VSD and SS motor drives shall be in accordance with
drive manufacturers’ recommendations. If screened cables are unavailable, an output filter
shall be fitted to the drive to prevent RFI radiation.
Screens shall be terminated strictly in accordance with equipment manufacturers
recommendations. All terminations shall maximise termination surface area (circumference
clamping) and shall be bonded directly to the equipment frame via proprietary clamping or
cable glands. Braid / tape screens shall not be extended for the purpose of earth connection,
shall not be bundled with other screens and shall not be terminated into compression lugs.
Braided shielded motor cables shall be used between the VSD and the motor for all VSD
applications. These shall be installed with matching EMC cable glands at the motor with a
manufacturer's approved method of screen termination at the VSD end. The only exception
shall be for special circumstances where written permission from HWC shall be obtained
before proceeding with any alternate solution

15.2.14 Instrumentation Cables

The cables to be used shall be PVC insulated and sheathed with an aluminium Mylar screen
and base copper drain wire.
The cable shall be overall screened, or individual and overall screened, dependant on the
application. The cable shall consist of pairs of 7 strands of minimum size 1.5mm2
Cable pairs shall be twisted and be identified either by colours or numbers embossed on the
PVC insulation.
Analogue signals and for digital signals shall be run in separate cables.
Screens shall be connected to earth at source end only. The screen shall be continuous
from switchboard to the device including through j-boxes etc and shall be insulated from
earth. Where terminated, screens shall be fitted with clear sleeving and ferruled with the
cable number.
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15.2.15 Submersible Pump Cables
Submersible pump cables shall be supported by a stainless steel stocking.
Where pumps have more than one power cable the stockings shall be connected together
using a D shackle and a single sling which is used to connect them to the hook.
When installed in pumping stations with two or more pumps, the submersible pump cables
shall be designed and long enough to allow connection to other cable connection boxes or
the other starters within the switchboard.

15.2.16 Fibre Optic Cables

Fibre optic cables shall be a minimum of 6 core multimode 62.5/125um, and either ‘loose
tube’ or ‘tight buffered’ as dictated by the installation requirements. In all cases, there shall
be a minimum of two 'spare' Optic Fibre cores in each cable run after the installation is
As a minimum, the optic fibre cable shall be enclosed in corrugated conduit where it passes
through the electrical pits, and shall be installed in such a manner that the fibre is laid around
the edges of the pit to prevent or minimise the possibility of the optic fibre cable being
trodden on while any person is working in that pit.
The optic fibre cables shall be labelled where they pass through electrical pits with warning
marker tape. The tape shall have words similar to ‘Caution – Optic Fibre Cable – Do Not
Terminate fibre cores in an approved wall mount or 19” rack mount enclosure using SC type
connectors. Splice pre-terminated SC connectors to all fibre cores in the fibre cable run.
Test the fibres with a light source and power meter, and results that confirm successful test
outcomes submitted in both written and electronic format.

15.3 Segregation
All power, control, instrumentation equipment wiring and terminals shall be physically
segregated from each other. Access to one shall not be through the other.
All terminations of mixed voltages shall be segregated and grouped according to voltage
with barriers on both sides and labels affixed indicating the appropriate voltage e.g. 24Vdc,
Segregate data and power cabling in accordance with the requirements of table as shown
Circuit rating Unshielded Shielded power
kVA power cables cables
≤1 300mm 25mm
>1 ≤2 450mm 50mm
>2 ≤5 600mm 150mm
>5 1500mm 300mm
15.4 Mechanical Protection
Supply and install mechanical protection on all cables, cable ladder, conduit and electrical
equipment under the following, but not limited to:
 For a distance of 300mm above any floor, walkway or concrete surface
 Where subject to risk of damage during normal plant operation and maintenance

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 On which scaffolding or planks may be placed
Sheet metal covers installed to provide mechanical protection of electrical equipment shall
be constructed to withstand the shock loading likely to occur in the area. Covers, when used
outdoors, shall be constructed of minimum 5mm aluminium.
Sheet metal covers installed to provide mechanical protection of electrical equipment shall
be constructed so as to enclose such electrical equipment and associated conduits. The
covers shall be designed to provide adequate ventilation and light to prevent vermin making
nests behind them while still providing mechanical protection and shading from sunlight.
Any device installed for the mechanical protection of conduits and/or cables shall be free of
burrs and sharp edges. Additional bushing or sleeving shall be provided as required to
prevent conduit and/or cable damage.

15.5 Aerial Reticulation (Power)

Carry out all work in accordance with the Service and Installation Rules of NSW and
applicable Australian Standards.
Unless otherwise indicated, poles shall be hardwood preservative treated.

15.6 Underground Reticulation

15.6.1 General
All cables to be run underground shall be enclosed in underground conduits.
Conduits shall not run length ways under roads and where they cross roads they shall be at
900 to the roadway.
Underground conduits shall be laid straight grade conduits in the vertical plane to match the
slope of the ground surface. Provide for release of water from the conduits at the lowest
Cables throughout the site shall be segregated into conduits allocated to the following
 Power and 240V control cables
 24 VDC control cables, thermistor cables, Instrumentation cables, potentiometer
cables, PLC data cables etc
Submit plans and schedules of the size, route, distance and depth of all underground cables
and conduits. Do not order cables nor commence excavation work before a confirmation to
the design submission is received.

15.6.2 Trenching
The work associated with trenching shall include clearing, grubbing, excavation, filling and
consolidation of the trench and all necessary pumping, drainage, shoring and bracing.
Where crossing or running parallel to other services underground cabling shall be spaced as
required by AS/NZS 3000.
Comply with the requirements of telephone, gas, water and sewerage authorities.
When crossing concrete or bitumen surfaces cut the surfaces in a straight line with a
masonry saw. Cut to a minimum depth of 75mm or the full depth of the surface coat
(whichever is greater).
Where solid rock is encountered, cables may be chased into rock.

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Minimise disturbance to tree root systems. Roots of 75mm diameter or larger are not to be

15.6.3 Inspection of Trenches

All cable trenches shall be left ready for inspection at the following stages:
After laying the conduit, but before any backfilling, and
After laying covers or marker tape.
Give at least two full working days notice prior to the programmed backfilling.

15.6.4 Backfilling and Reinstatement

PVC conduits shall be bedded in compliance with AS/NZS 3008.1.1 before backfilling the
Cover conduits with stone-free spoil removed from the trench; do not use beach sand for
bedding nor backfilling.
Lay Cable marker tape 150mm below finished ground level for the full length of all
underground conduits.
After laying the conduits in unpaved areas, the trench shall be backfilled and consolidated to
about 100mm above the natural ground level. Remove all excess spoil and dispose of in
accordance with the Contractor’s Environmental Management Plan.
Existing grassed areas shall be backfilled and turf re-laid on a prepared bed to about 100
mm above natural ground level.
In existing concrete or brick paved areas, the trench shall be backfilled with clean sand to
the underside of the reinstated pavement and consolidated by watering and mechanical
compaction. Reinstate surfaces to the original level.
In existing bitumen paved areas, the reinstated surfaces shall be cambered so that the
edges are flushed and the centre is 10mm above the existing pavement. The top 150mm
(minimum) immediately below the bitumen, shall consist of finely crushed gravel
mechanically compacted into the trench. The existing bitumen edges of the trench shall be
prime coated with bitumen prior to laying 75mm minimum of hot "pre-mix" bitumen to the
finished cambered surface. The repair procedure and materials shall be in accordance with
the requirements of the authority responsible for the road.

15.6.5 Underground Cable Protection

Where additional cable protection is required it shall be polymeric type. Marker tape shall be
a minimum of 150mm wide.

15.6.6 Underground Cable Draw-In Pits

Locate draw-in pits:
 At changes of horizontal direction of cable routes
 At low points
 Immediately prior to cables entering or exiting buildings
 At a spacing of not greater than 50metres
The pits shall be concrete having all walls to prevent ingress of water and all conduits shall
enter pit from the side. For single conduit runs moulded PVC pits can be used with approval
from Hunter Water.

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Install proprietary pits in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions on a minimum
100mm thick bed of 20mm coarse aggregate in accordance with STS101. The bed shall
extend under the entire pit bottom with the minimum drainage requirement of a 300mm wide
x 100mm deep rubble drain graded away from the pit for a distance of 2000mm.
Pits shall be internally sized to allow for twice the bending radius of the largest cable to be
installed in the pit plus 50%. Cables shall enter and exit HV pits on the diagonal to allow use
the maximum space within the pit.
Conduits which enter or exit pits shall be fitted with bellmouths which are formed into the
walls of the pit.
Pits greater than 400mm wide shall be fitted with covers and frames of cast iron and
concrete. The covers shall maintain a stabilising fit with the frame by a taper contact on the
sides. All vertical meeting surfaces are to be fitted to a maximum clearance of 0.25mm.
Covers and frames shall be suitable for the particular loading conditions.
Class Typical use
B Areas where there is no access by vehicles e.g. grassed areas, gardens
C Areas where there is access to slow moving light commercial vehicles
D Areas where all vehicles can access

Refer to AS3996 for details of the load classifications such as wheel loadings only, the table
above shall be used for the specific applications. The maximum weight of any individual
section of the cover shall not exceed 50kg.
Pits 400mm wide and less shall be fitted with proprietary concrete covers. A proprietary
lifting handle for all cable pit coverplates shall be supplied and mounted on a suitable
bracket in the main switchroom.
All pits shall be installed with the top of the cover flush with finished ground level except in
grassed areas where pits shall be 100mm above surface level with surrounding ground
tapered to be flush with the top of the pit.
The minimum inside dimensions of a draw-in pit shall be 650mm x 350mm x 900mm deep.

15.6.7 Marking plates

Provide surface identification of the location of all underground electrical cables using
marking plates in the following locations:
 At each cable pit
 At each change of direction
 At a maximum 10m spacing for straight runs
Marking plates shall be made of minimum 1.0mm thick brass, 75mm x 75mm and shall be
fixed with waterproof adhesive and four brass screws.
The plate shall be engraved with an arrow pointing towards the location of the cable and the
words "ELECTRIC CABLE". Marking plates shall be engraved with minimum 3.0mm high
Install marking plates on the concrete lip of a cable pit. Do not install marking plates on cable
pit lids.

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Marking plates shall be installed flush with the finished ground level. In paved areas, marking
plates shall be recessed or bevelled.
Concrete blocks used for installing mounting plates shall be approximately 200mm x 200mm
x 30mm deep.

15.6.8 Cable Entry to Buildings

Where underground cables enter a building, a marking plate shall be fixed to the wall at a
suitable height as directed. The plate shall be engraved with an arrow pointing downwards
and the words "ELECTRIC CABLE".
Fix a marking plate to concrete paving or the top face of a concrete block located
immediately above the cable and as close as practical to the building. The plate shall be
engraved with an arrow, pointing in the direction in which the cable is laid, and the words

15.6.9 Cables under Roads and Paths

Where a cable passes under a road or path, a marking plate shall be placed at each side of
the road or path. The marking plate shall be engraved as detailed in the Clause above and
fixed to a concrete block or to the kerb of a kerbed road.
Re-instate the road surface to the requirements and approval of the Council or road

15.7 Conduits, Fittings and Joints

15.7.1 General
All conduits, fittings, installation and number of cables installed in conduits shall comply with
relevant Australian Standards. Conduits shall be a minimum of 20mm except for fire alarm
systems where 16mm diameter will be accepted.
Bends shall be of large radius. For conduits made from non-metallic materials, all fittings
shall be of the same material as the conduit and all joints shall be made with the
manufacturer’s recommended adhesive cement that is of contrasting colour to the conduit.

15.7.2 Fixing of Conduits

Fix conduits using double sided Grade 316 Stainless Steel saddles and stainless steel
screws. Where a conduit run requires the use of expansion joints use PVC saddles which
allow the conduit to move.

15.7.3 Conduit Installation

Only use uPVC conduits in areas that are not normally exposed to sunlight or other sources
of ultra-violet radiation.
In coastal areas or other potentially corrosive environments use only non metallic conduit.
Sunlight resistant PVC conduit and fittings shall be installed in locations where long term
exposure to sunlight or other sources of UV radiation can occur. Short runs of HD-PVC
conduits from underground submains may be surface run where they enter an existing
building if it is not practicable to conceal them, provided that they are suitably protected from
mechanical damage and sunlight.
Conduits shall be installed to prevent them from transporting process materials and water to
switchrooms and electrical cabinets. Termination of conduits within bund walls shall be a
minimum of 100mm higher than the bund wall.

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15.7.4 Expansion Joints
Install expansion fittings on all straight runs of PVC plastic conduit, except those embedded
in concrete or wall chases. The spacing of expansion fittings shall not be greater than
8000mm. Install expansion couplings wherever expansion or contraction joints occur in a
building slab.

15.7.5 Conduits in Slabs on ground

Conduits run in the sub-base under floor slabs shall be HD-PVC.
Conduits in slabs shall be securely fixed to the reinforcing rods, passing above a single layer
of rods or between a double layer of rods. Locate conduits mid-way in the thickness of the
Avoid or minimise crossover of conduits within a slab. If a crossover cannot be avoided,
intersection angle shall be greater than 300. Tie together conduits at the point of crossover.
Keep a minimum horizontal clearance of 75mm between conduits in slabs.
The minimum cover over conduits shall not be less than the conduit diameter.
Inspect all conduits prior to pouring concrete. Prior to the concrete pour submit the slab
inspection report, confirming that the conduits comply with the specification.
Supervise the concrete pour to ensure that conduits are not displaced, broken or damaged.

15.7.6 Draw-In Points

For surface run conduit systems, draw-in points shall be provided at suitable intervals not
exceeding 12 metres for straight runs or the equivalent of 2 x 900 bends for runs including
directional changes. Where used, draw-in boxes shall be of adequate size to prevent undue
deformation of the cables.
Materials used to lubricate cables whilst drawing-in to conduits shall be non-conductive, non-
abrasive and non-hygroscopic.

15.7.7 Conduits for Future Use

All conduits for future use shall be provided with polypropylene draw cords. A length of cord
1000mm long shall be left securely fixed at the ends of each run. Conduits shall be capped
and labelled.

15.7.8 Telephone Conduits and Cabling

Underground conduits shall be heavy duty PVC type, coloured white, and shall be spaced
from other services to the requirements of AS/ACIF S009 - 2006.

15.8 Cable Protection and Support

15.8.1 General
This section relates to the manufacture, supply and installation of cable protection and
support systems such as cable troughs, cable trays and cable ladders. Use proprietary
systems unless otherwise specified.
All ducts, trays and ladders shall be mounted horizontal unless otherwise approved by
Hunter Water.

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15.8.2 Ducts
Ducts shall have screw fixed covers, unless installed in a location not readily accessible,
where clip-on lids may be used. All fixing methods shall provide a smooth internal surface for
the cables. Do not use self tapping or self drilling screws.
The ducts shall be adequately supported in accordance with the manufacturers’
recommendations and load tables. Materials
Select materials to suit the environment in which they are to be installed. Consider the
material performance in environmental conditions such as corrosive sewerage gasses,
ultraviolet light, water, salt spray and any other factors.
Galvanised materials shall not be used at inlet works or in coastal environments. Suitable
materials include aluminium grade C5251-h34, 316 stainless steel, and PVC.

15.8.3 Cable Tray and Ladder General
Perforated cable tray, cable ladder and all accessories shall be proprietary items from a
single manufacturer whose range includes splice connections, expansion splices, covers,
risers, crossovers, reducers, bends and all other accessories used.
Support brackets and accessories shall be manufactured from the same material as the
cable tray and ladder. Cable trays and cable ladders shall have dedicated support brackets
and shall not be mounted on hand rails or guard rails.
Metal cable tray and ladder shall be earthed utilising a 6mm2 earth wire connected directly to
the earth bar and remain electrically earthed along its entire length. Perforated Cable Tray
Perforated cable tray shall be manufactured from Aluminium. Cable Ladder
Cable ladder shall be manufactured from aluminium. The load rating of the ladder shall be
selected to suit the span between supports for the ladder and be a minimum of 12A grade. Installation
Cable tray and ladder shall be installed to the manufacturer’s recommendations. Adequate
access shall be provided to cable tray and ladder.
The side walls of the cable tray or ladder shall not be cut for the installation unless absolutely
necessary cutting for brackets holding ladder above or below is not acceptable. The ladder
shall have additional supports installed to support this weakened section.
Cables or groups of cables shall be securely strapped to the tray or ladder using proprietary
UV resistant nylon cable ties or straps; for vertical runs at 400mm maximum; for horizontal
runs at 1000mm maximum.
Cables shall leave the cable tray or ladder in such a manner that no cable shall be in contact
with the side rails. In general, cable shall leave the tray or ladder in conduit, which shall be
securely anchored to the tray or ladder with a minimum of two anchors.
Cables shall be installed in one layer on all ladders and trays there shall be a minimum of
20% spare capacity when project is complete.

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15.8.4 Fixings
Fixings shall be secure and adequately sized to suit the type, weight, size, shape and
location of the equipment being fixed. All fixings shall be stainless steel.
Use chemical anchors, in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions for masonry

15.9 Penetrations
Make all penetrations waterproof and vermin proof by sealing with compounds that do not
degrade the fire rating of the material that is being penetrated.
Use an approved proprietary sealing method suitable for the installation. Do not use
expanding foam for sealing of penetrations.
Do not construct penetrations through damp courses.

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16.1 General
Before carrying out any tests, ensure that all equipment likely to be damaged by such tests
has been removed from the circuit under test or has been isolated and earthed. For
example, thermistor circuits, electronic components and the like.
For all interfaced components of the MCCs and Process Control and Instrumentation
System, complete continuity checks shall be carried out to establish the correct physical
interconnection of the various individual components and their isolation from one another
and earth.
All system voltages shall be checked to verify that their magnitude and type is compatible
with the interconnected components.
Carryout all tests and verification as required by AS3000, particularly Section 8.
Provide 10 days notice in writing prior to the commencement of site testing.
Submit site testing checklists a minimum of 10 days before commencing site testing
electrical equipment.

16.2 Insulation Resistance Level Tests

Insulation resistance tests shall be carried out on all motors, LV cable, MCCs, LV distribution
panels and auxiliary equipment as follows:
 The test voltage shall be applied to each conductor for one minute and the resistance
 Voltage rating of insulation testers shall be 500V for LV equipment.
 Acceptable resistance minimum value is 100 Megohms.
Undertake remedial action upon failure of resistance level tests.

16.3 LV and Control Cable Tests

Carry out insulation resistance test on all LV cables. The final insulation resistance test shall
be carried out after terminations are completed;
Carry out insulation resistance test on 0.6/1kV grade control cables. Control cables shall be
insulation resistance tested between earth and each core and between cores. Do not test
screened cables.
Check that the installed cable size complies with the requirements of AS3008.1, AS3000 and
the Service Rules of the Local Supply Authority.

16.4 Motor Tests

Carry out the following
 Record nameplate data
 Uncouple motor and check by hand that motor turns freely and is free from undue
 Check that bearings contain grease
 Check all covers and guards are in place and packing material removed from air vents

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 Check each motor size against starting equipment
 ‘Bump’ each motor to check direction of rotation. Correct at the motor where
necessary. For this procedure motors shall be uncoupled. Identify direction of rotation
on the mechanical equipment if not already indicated and also record in the test
record. Recouple the motor.
Note: All rotations shall be referred to as clockwise or anti-clockwise looking at the drive end
of the motor.

16.5 Cabling and Circuit Tests

Carry out the following
 Check all relays, contactors, selector switches, pushbuttons for operation, installation,
adjustment, rating and labelling;
 Check all circuit breakers, fuses, type and rating against the drawings;
 Primary injection tests on all protection equipment;
 Inspect cable installations. Check sizes against the drawings;
 Cabling shall be checked and tested against the interconnection wiring diagrams.
 Check function and logic of equipment interlocks.
 Check that all safety and field devices and auxiliary equipment are installed, connected
and set for correct operation. Check tightness of cable terminations, and freedom of
operation of pushbuttons, limit switches, and the like. Check correct labelling of all
cables, cable cores and termination strips;
 With control circuits only energised, verify that each field device and associated relays
operate correctly and that they prevent contactor closing or cause tripping etc.
Repeat for each motor in the installation commencing with auxiliaries and finishing
with the main drive.
 Energise lighting and general purpose outlet circuits one at a time. Check that each
unit is in the correct circuit in accordance with the drawings. Check that lamps
operate, replace lamps as necessary. Check power outlets for voltage and correct
rotation of active neutral and earth pins. Check all switches for correct function;
 Complete schedule for each distribution panel and insert within panel in storage
 Carry out night test on internal and external lighting levels to ensure the correct lux
levels and realign luminaries as necessary.
 Complete all other tests as detailed in AS3017 “Electrical installations – Testing and
inspection guidelines”
Particular care shall be taken in circuits which may contain semi-conductors to ensure that
they are not damaged during testing.
Use the latest issue of the drawings during pre-commissioning.

16.6 Earthing Installations

Check continuity of static earthing throughout all steelwork within the installation.
Earth resistance testing using an approved test instrument shall be carried out in accordance
with the requirements of AS/NZS 3000 Part 1 before and after the installation is bonded to
the grid. Resistance readings shall be recorded and shall not exceed one ohm for the
earthing system.
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16.7 End of Site Testing
On completion of all checks and tests, ensure that all equipment disconnected and/or
removed to enable such checks and tests to be carried out has been replaced and/or
reconnected. For example, verify that all links have been closed and tightened, all fuses
replaced, all terminations made and tightened, components replaced and/or reconnected,
and all covers and the like replaced.

16.8 Submission of Documents

Submit the Certificate of Compliance - Electrical Work (CCEW), covering all electrical
installation work, to the Local Electricity Distributor. Submit with the CCEW form test reports
completed by the person who conducted the tests on the electrical installation and
certification of who carried out the work.
Submit discrimination grading curves for circuit breakers and fuses.
Provide the CCEW and a checklist confirming each test in Section 8 of AS/NZS3000 has
been undertaken and completed successfully. The checklist is to be signed by the certifying
officer on behalf of the electrical contractor. Include these test documents in the Operation
and Maintenance Manual. Submit the completed checklist to Hunter Water at least 5 days
before Pre-commissioning.

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17.1 Site Documentation
A full set of current drawings with any recent changes marked shall be left on site at all times
from the commencement of use of the switchboard for controlling equipment on Hunter
Water Corporation property.

17.2 Work as Constructed Documents

A complete set of Work as Constructed documentation, which captures all changes made
during construction, shall be supplied as required in the specification.
Comply with STS904 for Work as Constructed drawings.
All drawings shall have ratings of equipment on them e.g. circuit breaker ratings including
fault rating & any settings, thermal overload settings, fuse ratings etc. Drawings will not be
considered as complete unless these ratings appear.
A full parts listing shall be supplied for all drives, instrumentation loops, switchboard
components and switchboard components.
Submit an updated cable schedule showing actual cables and lengths of cables.
A full set of Work as Constructed drawings shall be left on site at the completion of

17.3 Maintenance Instruction Books

Where indicated, maintenance instruction books for the specific switchboard shall be
supplied with the switchboard and shall be located in the spare parts cabinet. Typical
information is not acceptable.
Each copy shall be assembled in a suitably labelled A4 ring type binder of adequate size and
with durable hard covers, containing the following:
 One copy of all "Work as Constructed" diagrams, schedules and arrangements.
 One copy of any drawing supplied by the Hunter Water Corporation not incorporated
 A list of the names and addresses of all local equipment suppliers.
 Descriptive brochures and manufacturers' maintenance instructions and
recommendations for all switchboard components and equipment.
 Any other information or instructions necessary for operation and maintenance of the
 All pages and drawings shall be properly reinforced where attached to the binder.

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