Hunter Water Elect Design Spec
Hunter Water Elect Design Spec
Hunter Water Elect Design Spec
This Standard Technical Specification was developed by Hunter Water to be used for the construction and/or
maintenance of water and/or sewerage works that are, or are to become, the property of Hunter Water. It is
intended that this Standard Technical Specification be used in conjunction with various other standard and
project specific drawings and design requirements as defined by Hunter Water for each particular project.
Hunter Water does not consider this Standard Technical Specification suitable for use for any other purpose or
in any other manner. Use of this Standard Technical Specification for any other purpose or in any other manner
is wholly at the user's risk.
Hunter Water makes no representations or warranty that this Standard Technical Specification has been
prepared with reasonable care and does not assume a duty of care to any person using this document for any
purpose other than stated.
In the case of this document having been downloaded from Hunter Water's website;
- Hunter Water has no responsibility to inform you of any matter relating to the accuracy of this Standard
Technical Specification which is known to Hunter Water at the time of downloading or subsequently comes to
the attention of Hunter Water.
- This document is current at the date of downloading. Hunter Water may update this document at any time.
Copyright in this document belongs to Hunter Water Corporation.
1 GENERAL ...................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Scope...................................................................................................................................1
1.2 Interpretation........................................................................................................................1
1.3 Referenced Documents .......................................................................................................1
1.4 Abbreviations and Expressions ...........................................................................................2
1.5 Contractors ..........................................................................................................................3
1.6 Materials and Equipment .....................................................................................................3
1.7 Standards of Work ...............................................................................................................4
1.8 Testing of Electrical Services...............................................................................................4
1.9 Submission of Documents ...................................................................................................4
2 ELECTRICITY SUPPLY NETWORK ASSETS ............................................................... 5
2.1 High Voltage Installations ....................................................................................................5
2.2 Low Voltage Installations .....................................................................................................5
3 DESIGN OF ELECTRICAL SYSTEM ............................................................................. 7
3.1 Reliability..............................................................................................................................7
3.2 Power Supplies ....................................................................................................................7
3.3 Intelligent Motor Control Centres .........................................................................................7
3.4 Control of Equipment ...........................................................................................................7
3.5 Harmonic Distortion (THD) ..................................................................................................7
3.6 Power Factor........................................................................................................................8
3.7 Earthing................................................................................................................................8
3.8 MCC Control Circuit Voltage................................................................................................9
3.9 Security System ...................................................................................................................9
3.10 Cable Identification ..............................................................................................................9
3.11 Conduit Schedules.............................................................................................................10
3.12 Wire Numbering .................................................................................................................10
3.13 Drawings ............................................................................................................................10
3.14 Flow Meters .......................................................................................................................10
3.15 Underground Instrumentation ............................................................................................11
3.16 Stop Buttons ......................................................................................................................11
4 SWITCHBOARDS MANUFACTURE............................................................................ 12
4.1 Design................................................................................................................................12
4.2 Indoor Switchboards ..........................................................................................................13
4.3 Outdoor Switchboards .......................................................................................................15
4.4 Fault Levels........................................................................................................................17
4.5 Busbars..............................................................................................................................17
4.6 Switchboard Cable / Wiring Systems ................................................................................18
4.7 Earthing of Equipment .......................................................................................................19
4.8 Equipment Mounting Pans.................................................................................................19
4.9 Gland Plates ......................................................................................................................19
4.10 Doors and Covers ..............................................................................................................19
4.11 Shrouding...........................................................................................................................20
4.12 Power Monitoring ...............................................................................................................21
4.13 Motor Starter Requirements ..............................................................................................21
4.14 Local Operator Panel Equipment ......................................................................................22
4.15 Labelling.............................................................................................................................22
4.16 Factory Inspection and Testing..........................................................................................25
4.17 Delivery ..............................................................................................................................26
4.18 Submission of documents..................................................................................................27
5 SWITCHROOM REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................... 28
5.1 Switchboard Position / Location.........................................................................................28
5.2 Construction.......................................................................................................................28
5.3 Flooring ..............................................................................................................................28
5.4 Doors .................................................................................................................................28
5.5 Lighting ..............................................................................................................................28
5.6 Smoke and Fire Detection .................................................................................................29
5.7 Signage..............................................................................................................................29
5.8 Air Quality ..........................................................................................................................29
5.9 Miscellaneous ....................................................................................................................29
6 SWITCHBOARDS INSTALLATION ............................................................................. 30
6.1 General ..............................................................................................................................30
6.2 Switchboard Support .........................................................................................................30
6.3 Cable Entries .....................................................................................................................30
7 ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT ......................................................................................... 31
7.1 Durability of Materials ........................................................................................................31
7.2 Fixings................................................................................................................................31
7.3 Mounting of equipment ......................................................................................................31
7.4 Circuit Breakers .................................................................................................................31
7.5 Fuses .................................................................................................................................32
7.6 Isolation Switches ..............................................................................................................33
7.7 AC Contactors....................................................................................................................33
7.8 Protection Devices on LV Motors ......................................................................................33
7.9 Control Switching Devices .................................................................................................33
7.10 Voltmeters and Ammeters .................................................................................................34
7.11 Current Transformers ........................................................................................................34
7.12 Power Factor Correction Equipment .................................................................................35
7.13 24Vdc Power Supplies.......................................................................................................35
7.14 Surge Protection ................................................................................................................36
7.15 Equipment Earthing ...........................................................................................................36
7.16 Functional Earthing ............................................................................................................37
8 ELECTRONIC DRIVES ................................................................................................ 38
8.1 General Requirements.......................................................................................................38
8.2 Ventilation and Cooling......................................................................................................38
8.3 Variable Speed Drives .......................................................................................................39
8.4 Soft Starters .......................................................................................................................41
9 PLC, SCADA AND TELEMETRY................................................................................. 42
9.1 General ..............................................................................................................................42
9.2 PLC Hardware ...................................................................................................................42
9.3 24Vdc Power Supply .........................................................................................................42
9.4 Automation Communications.............................................................................................43
9.5 Automatic Control and Monitoring .....................................................................................43
9.6 PLC Tests ..........................................................................................................................43
9.7 Software Changes .............................................................................................................44
9.8 Software Work as Executed ..............................................................................................44
9.9 SCADA...............................................................................................................................44
9.10 Telemetry ...........................................................................................................................46
10 UPS EQUIPMENT ........................................................................................................ 47
10.1 General ..............................................................................................................................47
10.2 Capacity .............................................................................................................................47
10.3 Performance ......................................................................................................................47
10.4 Alarms................................................................................................................................47
10.5 Batteries.............................................................................................................................47
10.6 Bypass ...............................................................................................................................47
10.7 UPS Location and Enclosure.............................................................................................47
10.8 UPS Power Distribution .....................................................................................................48
11 INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROLS...................................................................... 49
11.1 General ..............................................................................................................................49
11.2 Level Measurement Devices .............................................................................................50
11.3 Flow Measurement Devices ..............................................................................................51
11.4 Pressure Measurement Devices........................................................................................53
11.5 Analytical Measurement Devices.......................................................................................54
11.6 Temperature Measurement Devices .................................................................................55
11.7 Solenoid Valves .................................................................................................................55
11.8 Instrumentation in PLC Cubicles .......................................................................................55
12 LIGHTNING PROTECTION SYSTEM .......................................................................... 57
12.1 General ..............................................................................................................................57
12.2 Design................................................................................................................................57
12.3 Air Terminal Grid................................................................................................................57
12.4 Earth Conductors ...............................................................................................................57
12.5 Joints and Connections .....................................................................................................58
12.6 Earthing Electrodes and Pits .............................................................................................58
13 ACCESSORIES............................................................................................................ 59
13.1 General ..............................................................................................................................59
13.2 Wall Mounted Switches .....................................................................................................59
13.3 240V Outlets ......................................................................................................................59
13.4 415V Power Socket Outlet.................................................................................................59
13.5 415V Outlets for Equipment...............................................................................................59
13.6 ELV Power Socket Outlet ..................................................................................................59
13.7 Labelling.............................................................................................................................59
14 LUMINAIRES ............................................................................................................... 60
14.1 General ..............................................................................................................................60
14.2 Lamps ................................................................................................................................60
14.3 Installation of Luminaires ...................................................................................................60
15 RETICULATION AND WIRING .................................................................................... 62
15.1 General ..............................................................................................................................62
15.2 Cables and Wiring .............................................................................................................62
15.3 Segregation........................................................................................................................65
15.4 Mechanical Protection .......................................................................................................65
15.5 Aerial Reticulation (Power) ................................................................................................66
15.6 Underground Reticulation ..................................................................................................66
15.7 Conduits, Fittings and Joints..............................................................................................69
15.8 Cable Protection and Support............................................................................................70
15.9 Penetrations.......................................................................................................................72
16 SITE TESTING ............................................................................................................. 73
16.1 General ..............................................................................................................................73
16.2 Insulation Resistance Level Tests .....................................................................................73
16.3 LV and Control Cable Tests...............................................................................................73
16.4 Motor Tests ........................................................................................................................73
16.5 Cabling and Circuit Tests...................................................................................................74
16.6 Earthing Installations .........................................................................................................74
16.7 End of Site Testing ............................................................................................................75
16.8 Submission of Documents .................................................................................................75
17 DOCUMENTATION ...................................................................................................... 76
17.1 Site Documentation ...........................................................................................................76
17.2 Work as Constructed Documents ......................................................................................76
17.3 Maintenance Instruction Books..........................................................................................76
Document: STS500 – General Requirements for Electrical Installations
Document Owner: Manager Field Services
Version: 2.1
Date of Next Revision: September 2013
TRIM Reference: HW2009-2368/2/16
New Clause Old Amendment
September 2012
3.3 Moved from section 4
3.14 Clause added
4.1.1 Modified for SS fixings
4.2.5 Added dimensions
4.3.2 Added swing handles
4.5 Changed marking and phase sequence requirements
4.6.1 Modified earthing requirements
4.6.2 Modified orange wire requirements
4.10.4 Modified 81/3 lock requirements
7.2 Additional detail
7.3 Clause added
7.13 Added 0V earth requirements
7.15 Confirmed stud and wire sizes
7.16 Clause added
8.3 Additional detail on specification
9.4 Patch lead requirements changed
15.8.2 Changed screws Nominated earth wire size
1.1 Scope
The materials, workmanship and methods of installation described herein shall be used on
the electrical works for Hunter Water assets.
All work shall be carried out in a tradesman like manner to current industry standards. All
electrical installation work shall be carried out by a licenced electrical contractor and on site
work under the constant personal supervision of a person holding a Qualified Supervisor
Certificate - Electrician issued by the Department of Fair Trading
Hunter Water shall not be bound to check any documents submitted for errors, omissions or
compliance with the requirements of the specification or standards.
1.2 Interpretation
For the purposes of this Standard Technical Specification, except where the context requires
'Drawings' means the drawings detailing the work involved in the particular project in
'Specification' means the Specification detailing the work involved in the particular
project in hand.
'Standard Drawings' means the Hunter Water Corporation Limited drawings
'Standard Technical Specifications' means the Hunter Water Corporation Limited
technical specifications,
Headings are for the convenience of the reader and shall not be used in the interpretation of
this Standard Technical Specification.
Specific requirements, including those in the Specification or Drawings, take precedence
over general requirements.
Unless the context requires otherwise any expression such as "give notice", "submit",
"approval", or "directed" means give notice to, submit to, approval by, or directed by the
person nominated by the Principal or Purchaser.
Approval does not imply acceptance of responsibility by Hunter Water for compliance with
this technical specification. Unless approval has been issued in writing approval has not
been granted.
Failure to comply with the requirements of this specification or any referred documentation
may result in rejection. Where equipment and / or manufacture is rejected, notice will be
given by Hunter Water in writing. All associated rectification work shall be completed by the
Contractor at their cost.
1.5 Contractors
For the following works, use only contractors listed on the Hunter Water Approved
Contractors List available on the Hunter Water Corporations’ website on
Electrical Installation
Switchboard Manufacture
Telemetry and Automation
3.7 Earthing
3.7.1 General
All portions of the installation shall be considered an ‘Earthed Situation’ as defined in the
SAA Wiring Rules and all exposed metal of equipment shall be earthed in accordance with
the requirements of AS/NZS 3000 and those of the Local Electricity Distributor.
The earthing system shall comprise the MEN (Multiple Earthed Neutral) system.
Install earthing of all medium and low voltage electrical equipment and exposed metal on
which electrical equipment is mounted. All metallic stands that have electrical equipment
mounted on them shall be connected to earth using an earth wire.
The earth loop impedance for each system shall comply with AS/NZS 3000 at the worst
point and the system earth loop resistance test shall be carried out at the point in the system
specified. If no test point is specified then submit a suggested test point. Do not carry out the
test until confirmation to the submission is received. If the earth loop impedance exceeds
this value additional measures must be implemented to achieve the required outcome.
All metal to be earthed shall be connected from an earth terminal directly to the earth bar or
link with an electrically continuous copper conductor.
Test earth electrodes shall be installed on all earthing systems.
3.13 Drawings
Drawings shall comply with the requirements of Hunter Water Corporation standard STS904.
4.5 Busbars
Horizontal and/or vertical busbar zones shall be enclosed in separate modules completely
isolated from each other by means of metal or insulated barriers. The busbars shall be
marked with colour coding inside each access point.
In addition to other segregation requirements, where a switchboard has two incoming power
supplies, the busbar sections for each supply are to be fully segregated from each other.
Only use type tested busbar systems. Submit documents confirming type testing verification
with submission of the design.
Arrange vertical busbars to ensure that the phase sequence at all switchboard equipment
terminals is red, white and blue from left to right when viewed from the front of the
Earth bars shall run full length of the switchboard and shall be extended the full length of all
cable zones.
Busbars shall be manufactured from hard drawn high-conductivity tinned copper.
4.6.1 General
Do not use cables to link adjacent circuit breakers where a propriety busbar assembly can
be used for this purpose.
Internal cabling shall be at least V75 insulated with stranded tinned copper conductors.
Control wiring shall be of a size not less than 1.0mm2 multistranded flexible tinned PVC
Wiring from PLC cards shall be preformed cables designed for the purpose or where
preformed cables are not available use a minimum of 0.5mm2 to a terminal strip.
Instruments which have terminals too small to connect a 1.0mm2 wire may be wired using
Phase, neutral and earth cables shall be capable of withstanding the maximum thermal and
magnetic stresses associated with the relevant fault level and time of duration.
Keep cables clear of busbars and metal edges.
All cables shall be enclosed in a duct. Ducts shall be fixed using screws or pop rivets do not
use self-tapping screws or thread-cutting screws. Ducts shall be of a slotted type sized for
the present installation plus an allowance of additional 20% spare capacity.
All wiring shall be lugged at each termination. Only use crimp style lugs sized in accordance
with manufacturers’ recommendations. Lugs shall be crimped with the correct tooling.
Do not loop earth or neutral cables. Terminate all earth cables at an earth link or earth bar
and ensure continuous continuity.
Arrange cables to ensure that the phase sequence at all switchboard equipment terminals is
red, white and blue from left to right, back to front and from top to bottom, when viewed from
the front.
Each cable core shall be marked at both ends with neat fitting clear sleeve type identification
ferrules with a minimum lettering size of 3mm and the markings shall agree with the
endorsed circuit diagram. Ferrules shall be easily read from left to right top to bottom and
shall be visible without removing any duct lids. Hand written or dot matrix wire numbers shall
not be used.
4.10.1 General
Doors and covers shall be manufactured with right angle welded corners of sufficient rigidity
to prevent warping and flexing when fitted to, or removed from, the cabinet.
All external doors shall have a minimum swing of 1350 and inner doors shall have a minimum
swing of 900.
Incorporate locating and support brackets or studs for any unhinged removable covers, to
facilitate easy removal and replacement of the cover.
All doors on outdoor switchboards shall be fitted with a permanent rigid retaining device to
prevent inadvertent closing.
4.11 Shrouding
All live parts within the switchboard shall provide protection of at least IP2X.
Where possible all equipment shall be fitted proprietary terminal shields which incorporate
interpole barriers to prevent arcing between phases.
4.15 Labelling
4.15.3 Labels
Provide a switchboard label which states the switchboard number, switchboard description
and the source of electrical supply. Main switchboard labels shall be a minimum of 250mm x
100mm, these labels shall have minimum 3 lines of text as shown below.
Description Text
Motor starter labels shall be a minimum of 150mm x 75mm, these labels shall have minimum
2 lines of text as shown below.
Description Text
Separate sections of enclosures shall be labelled to describe the function of the enclosure
e.g. “CABLE ZONE”.
The label for any section or enclosure containing Supply Authority equipment shall comply
with the requirements of the Supply Authority.
Submit a full label list including lettering size, label size, colours and lettering, 1 week prior to
For identification of final sub-circuits in a distribution board, a neatly typed schedule shall be
provided. A plastic sheet or laminating shall be used to protect the schedule fixed in a
suitable frame mounted on the inside of the switchboard door.
Additional labels shall be provided on all doors, covers and escutcheon plates or similar
containing electrical equipment. An example of a suitable label is:
Description Text Size
Description Text Size
415V 6mm
These labels shall be positioned to be readily seen, on the covers of functional units, and
may be proprietary adhesive type.
"Danger xxxV" safety signs are to be positioned centrally below the door labels on each
outer door for the highest voltage present in that cabinet. For outdoor switchboards this
Danger Notice is to be 300mm x 225mm manufactured to match switchboard construction
sheet with protective over laminate and fixed to the doors by four (4) pop rivets. Adhesive
only external labels will not be accepted.
The circuit breaker which is supplied from the UPS shall be clearly labelled with red lettering
on a white background
Description Text Size
SPARE 10mm
4.17 Delivery
A technical information package comprising drawings, parts listings, supplier’s component
data sheets, test certificates, maintenance instructions, operational software files etc. shall
be provided with each switchboard upon delivery.
Document: STS500 – General Requirements for Electrical Installations
Version: 2.1 September 2012
Page 26 of 82
The technical information must be specific to each individual switchboard delivered to site. A
typical information package covering several switchboards is not acceptable.
5.2 Construction
When the switchroom is part of another building, is attached to a building, within 3 meters of
another building or in area which susceptible to bushfire then the walls, ceiling, floor and
doors are to be constructed to a Fire-resistance level of 120/120/120.
Walls shall be masonry or concrete, and ceilings shall be of non-combustible materials.
5.3 Flooring
Switchroom floors shall be modular extra heavy duty computer/equipment room access type,
with removable panels for access to cabling under the floor with a minimum height of
The access floor shall have a 'High Pressure Laminate' (HPL) panel surface finish ready for
installation and immediate use. The access floor will be rigid, free from vibration and rocking
panels and within a ±3.0mm level over the entire space. Panels will be accurately cut to fit
around all permanent features.
All panels are to provide zero fire hazard indices under Australian Standard AS 1530 for
Ignitability, Spread of Flame, Heat Evolved, and Smoke Developed. All whole panels will be
interchangeable allowing for any all whole panels will be interchangeable allowing for any
future changes. The access floor will maintain these original conditions when runs of panels
have been removed for normal underfloor access.
Do not support the weight of a switchboard on computer type elevated floors, refer clause
Supply lifting handles suitable to lift floor plates in each switchroom.
5.4 Doors
If a switchboard is over three metres in length two switchroom doors are required, one at
each end of the switchroom as detailed in AS/NZS3000.
Doors shall open outwards and be fitted with crash bars that operate independently of the
lock on the outside and have a 2 hour fire rating. The minimum size of doors shall be 0.75 m
wide x 1.98 m high. One of these doors shall be sized to allow for the largest individual
switchboard to be installed or removed easily.
5.5 Lighting
Lighting shall be a minimum of 240 Lux at ground level with an emergency light in every
second fitting. Provide facilities for testing of emergency lights as required by AS2293.
Emergency exit lights are required above each exit point. Provide a HID light external above
each door operated by a sunset switch.
Document: STS500 – General Requirements for Electrical Installations
Version: 2.1 September 2012
Page 28 of 82
5.6 Smoke and Fire Detection
Ionisation type smoke detectors shall be installed in switchrooms. Smoke detectors shall be
hard wired and connected to the PLC/SCADA system.
For switchrooms fed from transformers capable of supplying 800kVA and above a VESDA
system shall be installed which sample from under the floor and above the switchboards. An
audible alarm shall be installed in the switchroom. Provide fire extinguishers (CO2) near
each door as per AS2444.
5.7 Signage
Signage shall be fitted externally to each set of doors of the switchroom as follows
Name of the switchroom 450mm x 150mm,
Danger 415V 200mm x 300mm
Authorised Persons only to enter 300mm x 200mm
The signs shall have aluminium backing with PVC printing.
CPR charts and laminated A3 single line diagram should be placed on the wall in all
Main switch shall be clearly labelled so it can be easily located in case of an emergency.
5.9 Miscellaneous
Provide an 1800mm x 900mm x 450mm metal cabinet with shelves to store drawings and a
two draw desk with a chair with 5 roller wheels to allow for reading of drawings.
7.2 Fixings
Use only stainless steel metric fixings and where required use appropriate isolation materials
to prevent electrolysis. All equipment mounted on mounting plates shall be drilled and
tapped using parallel threads. Screws, nuts and washers may only be used where nuts are
easily accessible after assembly. Self Tapping or self drilling screws shall not be used.
7.4.1 General
Comply with relevant Australian Standards.
7.5 Fuses
Fuses shall only be used for extra low voltage circuits and phase failure relay supplies.
Fault current limiting shall be achieved using a combination of circuit breakers if this is not
possible submit reasons in writing. Do not proceed with the design and installation of fuses
prior to receiving approval from Hunter Water.
Use only M205 for ELV and NS fuses for phase failure relays.
Fuses shall be suitable for the fault level of the installation and shall discriminate properly
with other protective equipment. Let-through energy and peak current cut-off shall suit the
protected equipment.
Fault current limiter fuse links shall be held in proprietary holders, and shall be mounted for
withdrawal directly towards the operator
A minimum of three spare fuse links shall be provided for every fuse size included in the
switchboard, with the exception of fuses installed solely for fault current limiting. The spare
fuse links shall be supplied in a lockable tool box.
7.7 AC Contactors
Comply with AS60947
Coil voltages shall be 24vdc except for contactors coil consumption above 150W for pickup,
these shall be interfaced with a relay to control 240Vac coil.
7.9.4 Pushbuttons
The following colours shall be used for pushbuttons to indicate the function of the pushbutton
Red - Stop, Close
Green - Start, Open
Black - Test, Level Override
Blue - Reset
8.3.1 General
VSD’s shall be rated to deliver the following at 50oC ambient temperature
Motor FLC continuously
Minimum of 120% overcurrent (60secs) for variable torque loads (centrifugal pumps /
fans) and 150% overcurrent (60secs) for constant torque loads (PD pumps / fans).
Minimum of 12 starts per hour.
Switching frequency up to 8kHz
The controller shall be configured to be ready for operation following a power failure and
subsequent restoration without manual intervention.
A separately fused 24VDC auxiliary supply shall be used to maintain control power to the
VSD when mains power is switched off.
Each type of fault is to be individually indicated on the HMI. Fault indications should remain
active after the controller has been stopped and or tripped due to the fault condition or the
line contactor has been opened.
Variable speed drive used for pump deceleration shall be able to measure and control the
motor torque with the ability to configure a decreasing torque ramp over an adjustable time
of 5 to 40 seconds. The starter shall have a minimum torque cut-out which is active during
the stop ramp adjustable between 10% and 90%.
8.3.2 Switchroom Installations
When installed in a switchroom, variable speed drives shall be installed separately outside of
the switchboard and rated to a minimum of IP54.
Small drives e.g. 1.5kw or below may be installed in the switchboard where sufficient air
space is provided to prevent drive overheating.
8.3.3 Protection
Protection within the VSD shall trip the controller in the event of a fault and prevent restarting
of the controller until manually reset. Fault reset push buttons are to be mounted on the front
of the enclosure.
All VSDs controlling motors rated 22kW and above shall include motor thermistor inputs. The
VSD shall be capable of providing alarm and trip functions for motor thermistors.
All “Ethernet” ‘fly leads’ and ‘patch leads’ used for Automation equipment (including, PLC,
HMI, SCADA, Gateway communication devices, VSD etc) shall be coloured green and shall
be preformed factory made. These patch leads shall be screened where VSDs are used on
All “Serial” communication ‘fly leads’ and ‘patch leads’ used for Automation equipment
(including, but not limited to, PLC, HMI, SCADA, Gateway communication devices, VSD,
and like automation items) shall be coloured White or Cream. The only exception to these
colours shall be propriety leads supplied by the manufacturer for specific use on their
9.5 Automatic Control and Monitoring
9.10 Telemetry
If the site is a treatment plant, land line is the primary communication medium and shall be
provided with telemetry back up.
The telemetry medium will be either WiMax or 3G for each installation and will meet the
minimum signal requirements as advised by Hunter Water.
For remote assets e.g. pumping stations, reservoirs etc, a battery back-up system shall be
installed for each installation and shall:
Power the telemetry system for a minimum of 4 hours
Recharge once external power is restored
10.2 Capacity
The UPS shall energise and continuously supply all the connected equipment.
Size the UPS for the load imposed by all connected equipment plus 30% additional capacity.
Include sufficient battery capacity to provide at least 4 hours operation without supply from
the mains (at full rated load).
10.3 Performance
The UPS performance is to be equal to or better than the following:
Output voltage 240Vac ±5%
Total harmonic distortion 5%
Output frequency 50Hz ±1 Hz
Maximum rate of frequency drift 0.1Hz/second
Overload capacity 120% for 10 minutes
Audible noise <60dB(A) as measured and calculated according to
AS 2107
10.4 Alarms
The UPS shall have the following alarms connected to the PLC for monitoring on the SCADA
Unit Failure
Battery Low
10.5 Batteries
The batteries shall be sealed NiCad, NiMH or sealed lead/acid recombination type.
The batteries shall be housed in a separate enclosure and matching the UPS enclosure in
appearance. Provide easy access for maintenance and removing batteries.
10.6 Bypass
The input to the UPS shall be plugged into industrial switched socket outlet and the output
shall be plugged into an industrial appliance inlet. Supply a lead which can be plugged into
the socket outlet and the appliance inlet to bypass the UPS, this lead shall be installed on a
hook adjacent to the outlets.
11.5.4Turbidity meters
Turbidity meters shall be provided with secondary standards and the user-configurable
parameters shall be retained in the meter's memory when the unit is de-powered.
11.8.1 Indicators
Indicators shall be digital loop powered type meters suitable for flush panel mounting.
Indicators shall have an input range of 4 - 20mA and engineering units as required.
Appropriate labels shall be installed detailing the value being displayed and the engineering
units. Accuracy and repeatability shall be ± 0.2% minimum.
Indicators shall be mounted in individual instrument case with front bezel and rear screw
terminals for connection of wiring. Adjustment of zero & span shall be at rear, accessible
without removing the indicator from its case.
Do not mount indicators on or through door viewing windows.
12.2 Design
Carry out a Lightning Risk Assessment in accordance with AS/NZS 1768 to determine what
measures, if any, which will be needed for protecting personnel and property from lightning
All building structures and equipment in the premises shall be protected against lightning
strikes in all directions from vertically downwards to 15° from the vertical.
Conductors shall be so sized to ensure a low resistance path for lightning discharges, in
compliance with the applicable regulations and Standards.
Risk assessment, detailed design calculations and schematic diagrams shall be forwarded to
Hunter Water for review.
13.7 Labelling
Switches, socket outlets and permanently connected equipment etc shall be labelled to
provide ready identification including where they are fed from including distribution board
number and circuit breaker number.
14.2 Lamps
Unless otherwise indicated:
Fluorescent tubes shall only be used for indoor locations below a height of 3 metres.
All other lamps shall be Metal Halide
14.3.1 General
Provide all fixings necessary for the proper installation of luminaires. Fit packing pieces of
approved material where required to level the luminaires and to prevent distortion.
All light fittings shall be readily accessible and not mounted above equipment or features
(e.g. drops over tanks, voids etc) that impedes access or presents a high safety risk. All light
fittings shall be at a height accessible from 2.4 metre step ladder or lower. If this is not
possible provide an alternative means of access that is either fixed in place or stored on site.
All fixings in outdoor locations shall be corrosion resistant.
Clean all luminaires, accessories, equipment and appliances that have been supplied and/or
installed immediately prior to commissioning.
15.2.1 General
All cables shall be copper and shall be sized to suit the voltage, current rating, voltage drop
and fault loop impedance. Terminations, fittings and accessories shall be of proprietary type,
suitable for the temperature and environmental duty.
Where cables are in hazardous locations, all terminations shall be made using fittings
suitable for the hazardous area.
Conductors shall be terminated either into tunnel type connectors or by suitably sized lugs
crimped in a correctly sized tool. Joints in cables shall not be made between equipment
terminal connections.
Terminate all spare cores in terminal strip complete with cable identification “spare”.
Cable cores shall be of distinctive colours and coded as follows:
Red, white, blue active conductors in multi-phase mains and circuits
Red active conductors in single phase mains and circuits
Black neutral conductor
White control circuit cabling outside of switchboards
Green-yellow earth wires
15.2.13 Variable Speed Drive (VSD) and Soft Start (SS) motor cables.
Cables and cable glands used for VSD and SS motor drives shall be in accordance with
drive manufacturers’ recommendations. If screened cables are unavailable, an output filter
shall be fitted to the drive to prevent RFI radiation.
Screens shall be terminated strictly in accordance with equipment manufacturers
recommendations. All terminations shall maximise termination surface area (circumference
clamping) and shall be bonded directly to the equipment frame via proprietary clamping or
cable glands. Braid / tape screens shall not be extended for the purpose of earth connection,
shall not be bundled with other screens and shall not be terminated into compression lugs.
Braided shielded motor cables shall be used between the VSD and the motor for all VSD
applications. These shall be installed with matching EMC cable glands at the motor with a
manufacturer's approved method of screen termination at the VSD end. The only exception
shall be for special circumstances where written permission from HWC shall be obtained
before proceeding with any alternate solution
15.3 Segregation
All power, control, instrumentation equipment wiring and terminals shall be physically
segregated from each other. Access to one shall not be through the other.
All terminations of mixed voltages shall be segregated and grouped according to voltage
with barriers on both sides and labels affixed indicating the appropriate voltage e.g. 24Vdc,
Segregate data and power cabling in accordance with the requirements of table as shown
Circuit rating Unshielded Shielded power
kVA power cables cables
≤1 300mm 25mm
>1 ≤2 450mm 50mm
>2 ≤5 600mm 150mm
>5 1500mm 300mm
15.4 Mechanical Protection
Supply and install mechanical protection on all cables, cable ladder, conduit and electrical
equipment under the following, but not limited to:
For a distance of 300mm above any floor, walkway or concrete surface
Where subject to risk of damage during normal plant operation and maintenance
15.6.1 General
All cables to be run underground shall be enclosed in underground conduits.
Conduits shall not run length ways under roads and where they cross roads they shall be at
900 to the roadway.
Underground conduits shall be laid straight grade conduits in the vertical plane to match the
slope of the ground surface. Provide for release of water from the conduits at the lowest
Cables throughout the site shall be segregated into conduits allocated to the following
Power and 240V control cables
24 VDC control cables, thermistor cables, Instrumentation cables, potentiometer
cables, PLC data cables etc
Submit plans and schedules of the size, route, distance and depth of all underground cables
and conduits. Do not order cables nor commence excavation work before a confirmation to
the design submission is received.
15.6.2 Trenching
The work associated with trenching shall include clearing, grubbing, excavation, filling and
consolidation of the trench and all necessary pumping, drainage, shoring and bracing.
Where crossing or running parallel to other services underground cabling shall be spaced as
required by AS/NZS 3000.
Comply with the requirements of telephone, gas, water and sewerage authorities.
When crossing concrete or bitumen surfaces cut the surfaces in a straight line with a
masonry saw. Cut to a minimum depth of 75mm or the full depth of the surface coat
(whichever is greater).
Where solid rock is encountered, cables may be chased into rock.
Refer to AS3996 for details of the load classifications such as wheel loadings only, the table
above shall be used for the specific applications. The maximum weight of any individual
section of the cover shall not exceed 50kg.
Pits 400mm wide and less shall be fitted with proprietary concrete covers. A proprietary
lifting handle for all cable pit coverplates shall be supplied and mounted on a suitable
bracket in the main switchroom.
All pits shall be installed with the top of the cover flush with finished ground level except in
grassed areas where pits shall be 100mm above surface level with surrounding ground
tapered to be flush with the top of the pit.
The minimum inside dimensions of a draw-in pit shall be 650mm x 350mm x 900mm deep.
15.7.1 General
All conduits, fittings, installation and number of cables installed in conduits shall comply with
relevant Australian Standards. Conduits shall be a minimum of 20mm except for fire alarm
systems where 16mm diameter will be accepted.
Bends shall be of large radius. For conduits made from non-metallic materials, all fittings
shall be of the same material as the conduit and all joints shall be made with the
manufacturer’s recommended adhesive cement that is of contrasting colour to the conduit.
15.9 Penetrations
Make all penetrations waterproof and vermin proof by sealing with compounds that do not
degrade the fire rating of the material that is being penetrated.
Use an approved proprietary sealing method suitable for the installation. Do not use
expanding foam for sealing of penetrations.
Do not construct penetrations through damp courses.