Essence of Business 4 0
Essence of Business 4 0
Essence of Business 4 0
Industry 4.0 technologies aid manufacturers in A storm
orm of technologies (Internet of things, cloud
monitoring production processes and making effective computing, artificial intelligence, automation/
decisions. In a similar way, Business 4.0 technologies robotics,, big data and analytics) is transforming
can help sales, marketing and customer service, drive industry after industry. These technologies will
profits and productivity, and help the companie
companies stay fundamentally change individual companies and
competitive. It requires a new way of thinking and transform market dynamics across a whole range of
involving the employees, customers, and partners. industries. Digital to its core, Business 4.0 consists of
This paper provides a brief introduction to Business technologies such as automation and artificial
4.0. intelligence. Whether large or small, all companies
must respond to the digital challenge now. As
Keyword: business 4.0, industry 4.0 companies move forward ard in their Business 4.0
journey, they leverage digital technologies to drive
INTRODUCTION their growth.
Information technology has radically transformed the
very essence of large businesses around the world. EMERGENCY OF INDUSTRY 4.0
Companies in every industry sector all over the world Recently industrial powers like Germany, USA, UK,
are planning to increase digitization of products and and China initiated the concept of Industry 4.0. The
processes. Digitalization involves using technologies, term ‘Industry 4.0’ stands for the fourth industrial
products, and data to maximize revenue and improve revolution or Industrial Internet of things (IIOT).
business models. Industry 4.0 is driven by digitization and integration
of vertical and horizontal value chains. Industry 4.0 is
Digitalization has been penetrating the market with the current gradual industrial transformation with
digital products, digital processes, digital services, automation, cloud computing, cyber-physical
cyber systems,
and digital solutions [1]. Digital transformation will robots, and industrial IoT to realize smart industry and
only take place if top management makes Industry 4.0 manufacturing [3]. It utilizes cyber-physical systems,
a top priority.. Many companies are transforming their in which machines communicate efficiently with each
businesses using Internet of things (IoT) technology. other.
The foundational aspects of a digital culture include Industry 4.0 has moved from talk to action since it is
agility in decision making, increased collaboration, now at the heart of strategic and research agenda of
willingness to experiment, and continuous learning many companies. No company can afford to ignore
and adaptation. The greatest challenge of industrial the fundamental changes that Industry 4.0 will bring.
leaders is people, not technology. Anytime, anywhere Industry 4.0 is helping companies optimize customer
learning and development organizations require an relationships. It has implications for the nature of how
agile workforce that can continuously learn new skills a company organizes itself and its delivery model.
and apply their learning to challenges [2]. Data analytics and digital trust lie at the heart of the
ourth industrial revolution. Data and data analytics
provide tools for decision making.