TSA Advisory Capability Statement - Operational Readiness
TSA Advisory Capability Statement - Operational Readiness
TSA Advisory Capability Statement - Operational Readiness
About us.
Our Services
We manage, consult and partner with industry professionals, government bodies and the
private sector to bring both ambitious and impactful projects to life.
TSA offers a flexible, tailored and We believe operational readiness Expertise
consultative service to support and business integration planning TSA can provide management and
clients on the pathway to operational preparation should be undertaken technical expertise on key areas
readiness and business integration. throughout the project life cycle. This of operational readiness including
We help our clients achieve smooth ensures our clients’ projects are ready operational requirements, commercial
and timely outcomes through a flexible for Day 1 operations. Our operational and legal requirements, strategic
approach that ranges from direct planning and readiness capability planning, customer and staff readiness,
process management and expertise, includes the following four operational scenario planning, stakeholder
through to as-needed mentoring, peer planning and readiness phases: consultation and asset integration. This
review and application of past project • Formation – Involves operational offering may include seconding advisors
lessons learnt. readiness planning, resourcing, into a project for specific activities.
TSA has deep experience and governance, stakeholder and
expertise in stakeholder and interface customer engagement, and Peer Review
management. We leverage this to communications strategy. This offering involves a plan review and
comprehensively capture business health check. It provides an independent
• Readiness activities – Involves
requirements, plan their achievement review and recommendations for the
accreditation activities, staff
and manage associated activity planning and delivery of operational
recruitment and development,
implementation. readiness.
service planning, scenario
planning, training and stakeholder Lessons Learnt
TSA has significant experience in
• Operations – Involves progressive the planning and delivery of major
delivery, asset management, facility infrastructure projects. This gives us
management, customer operations an extensive library of lessons learnt
and customer services. from previous projects. We apply these
lessons learnt to new projects, to inform
• Post implementation review –
robust operational readiness planning
Involves service delivery review,
and implementation.
project review and handover
management. Mentor
We mentor the client Operational
Readiness team on an “as needed” basis.
This can include providing feedback and
guidance for the planning and delivery
of their projects.
Advi sory
David Ramsdale
David is experienced in undertaking interface management, operational planning
and readiness management, strategic business planning, project development,
implementation management and risk management in the transport sector.
From 2009 to 2015, he led the planning and implementation of operational and
business readiness for each commissioning stage of the Regional Rail Link project
(approx. $4 billion project).
Darren Hayward
Associate Director
Darren has over 27 years’ experience in senior roles in project development, delivery
and operational readiness across the rail, automotive and aerospace sectors in
Australia and internationally.
He has successfully led or provided oversight on a number of large scale rail projects
from delivery into integrated rail operations including Sydney Metro North West,
Canberra Light Rail, South West Rail Link and Sydney Light Rail where he was the
Director Operational Readiness on behalf of TfNSW.
Darren has a unique blend of project delivery and operational experience in both
rolling stock and rail infrastructure. This provides him with a comprehensive
understanding of the issues in transitioning to live operations and the capability to
bring together the wide range of stakeholders needed to successfully transition a
project from delivery into operation.
Advi sory
Maria Hoyos
Senior Associate
Maria has over 13 years’ project delivery consulting experience. She offers
experience and expertise on project management, project development,
stakeholder management, operational readiness and assurance. Maria specialises
in major transport infrastructure projects.
Maria helps ensure timely delivery through her ability to engage and
communicate with clients, stakeholders and project staff. This includes
site personnel and senior management.
Maria has been working with Rail Projects Victoria (RPV) on project development
and stakeholder management capacity for various Regional Rail Revival (RRR)
projects. She was also part of the team that conducted operational readiness and
network readiness peer review for a confidential transport project.
Johanna Maslem
Senior Associate
Jo has 18 years’ experience in the development, delivery and integration of major
civil, transport infrastructure and mining projects. She has held a range of roles in
operational readiness and handover, from early stage planning through to handover
and ops integration.
Jo has been part of the operational integration team on the Next Generation Tram
project. She was the testing, commission and completions manager for Parramatta
Light rail as part of the contractors team, responsible for setting up systems to
support the integration of the new light rail system into Parramatta. She was the
asset handover manager for Newcastle light rail for TfNSW, responsible for asset
delineation and handover to stakeholders.
She was the operational readiness project representative for the Roy Hill project in
Western Australia, a $10b greenfield project consisting of a new mine, rail network
and port. Her role included development and implementation of training, program
integration and asset handover from project to operations.
Advi sory
Terry Poynton
Terry is an experienced public transport operations professional with
extensive hands-on commercial, service delivery, project delivery and
public transport regulation expertise.
He has held senior executive positions in both public and private sector public
transport organisations, covering safety, operations, maintenance and technical
functions, over the past 20 years.
Terry has developed strategic level operations plans, high level timetable
assessments, transport modelling, customer experience and demand
requirements as part of a shadow operator roles for both Newcastle and
Paramatta Light Rail. He has led fleet and operations teams for various public
and private transport operators.
Charlie Simmons
Charlie has 13 years’ consulting experience providing services including
project development, project management, operational readiness
and stakeholder management.
His practical mindset and stakeholder management skills have made him a respected
advisor. His effective communication and facilitation skills enable him to efficiently
drive outcomes in high interface environments.
We support clients throughout the
project lifecycle with expertise,
peer review, mentoring and lessons
learnt services. This helps our
clients ensure smooth and timely
operational readiness and business
Advi sory
Sydney Light Rail, NSW
Client Transport for NSW
Role Operational Readiness
North East Line Upgrade
VLocity Enabling, VIC
Client Rail Projects Victoria
Role Operational Readiness
Regional Rail Revival
Project Suite, VIC
Client Rail Projects Victoria
Role Operational Readiness
VLocity 9 Car Running
Project, VIC
Client Rail Projects Victoria
Role Operational Readiness
Operational Readiness
Review of a Major
Transport Project,
Client Confidential
Role Operational Readiness
Next Generation Trams,
Client Victoria Department of
Role Operational Readiness
Paramatta Light Rail,
Client Transport for NSW
Role Operational Readiness
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