Logical Fallacies
Logical Fallacies
Logical Fallacies
A N A PPEAL TO T RADITION is when you assume that because something has always
been done a certain way, it is therefore correct to do it that way.
A S CARE T ACTIC is used when fear is used in place of evidence. A Scare Tactic instills
fear in people in order to persuade them of the credibility of an argument.
A PPEALS TO A UTHORITY are often legitimate; experts in a field are usually better able
to judge evidence than those with no background. However, sometimes appealing to
an authority is a fallacy: Sometimes the authority is the wrong authority for the
© 2009.H. L. Meacock, A. Skene, Communication Café, English Language Development, Centre for
Teaching and Learning, University of Toronto, Scarborough. Special thanks to Diana Liu, and the
ELD Team. Advice sheet updated, N. Dahya, 2011.
A F ALSE D ILEMMA is committed when a speaker restricts the options presented, in
order to avoid considering all of the possible choices. It is also a false dilemma to
present a choice that appears to be exclusive, when in reality you could have both.
A F ALSE CAUSE is when one improperly concludes a cause and effect relationship
among related items.
© 2009.H. L. Meacock, A. Skene, Communication Café, English Language Development, Centre for
Teaching and Learning, University of Toronto, Scarborough. Special thanks to Diana Liu, and the
ELD Team. Advice sheet updated, N. Dahya, 2011.
Additional Resources:
Groarke, L.A. & Tindale, C.W. (2008). Good Reasoning Matters!: A constructive approach to
critical thinking. London: Oxford University Press.
© 2009.H. L. Meacock, A. Skene, Communication Café, English Language Development, Centre for
Teaching and Learning, University of Toronto, Scarborough. Special thanks to Diana Liu, and the
ELD Team. Advice sheet updated, N. Dahya, 2011.