Horizontal and Vertical Curves

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As you know from your study of chapter 3, the horizontal curves are computed after the route has
center line of a road consists of series of straight lines been selected, the field surveys have been done, and
interconnected by curves that are used to change the survey base line and necessary topographic fea-
the alignment, direction, or slope of the road. Those
tures have been plotted. In urban work, the curves of
curves that change the alignment or direction are
known as horizontal curves, and those that change streets are designed as an integral part of the prelimi-
the slope are vertical curves. nary and final layouts, which are usually done on a
topographic map. In highway work, the road itself is
As an EA you may have to assist in the design of
these curves. Generally, however, your main concern the end result and the purpose of the design. But in
is to compute for the missing curve elements and parts urban work, the streets and their curves are of second-
as problems occur in the field in the actual curve ary importance; the best use of the building sites is of
layout. You will find that a thorough knowledge of the primary importance.
properties and behavior of horizontal and vertical
curves as used in highway work will eliminate delays The principal consideration in the design of a
and unnecessary labor. Careful study of this chapter curve is the selection of the length of the radius or the
will alert you to common problems in horizontal and degree of curvature (explained later). This selection is
vertical curve layouts. To enhance your knowledge based on such considerations as the design speed of
and proficiency, however, you should supplement the highway and the sight distance as limited by head-
your study of this chapter by reading other books
lights or obstructions (fig. 11-1). Some typical radii
containing this subject matter. You can usually find
you may encounter are 12,000 feet or longer on an
books such as Construction Surveying, FM 5-233,
and Surveying Theory and Practice, by Davis, Foote, interstate highway, 1,000 feet on a major thorough-
Anderson, and Mikhail, in the technical library of a fare in a city, 500 feet on an industrial access road, and
public works or battalion engineering division. 150 feet on a minor residential street.

When a highway changes horizontal direction,
making the point where it changes direction a point of
intersection between two straight lines is not feasible.
The change in direction would be too abrupt for the
safety of modem, high-speed vehicles. It is therefore
necessary to interpose a curve between the straight
lines. The straight lines of a road are called tangents
because the lines are tangent to the curves used to
change direction.
In practically all modem highways, the curves are
circular curves; that is, curves that form circular arcs.
The smaller the radius of a circular curve, the sharper
the curve. For modern, high-speed highways, the
curves must be flat, rather than sharp. That means
they must be large-radius curves.

In highway work, the curves needed for the loca-

tion or improvement of small secondary roads may
be worked out in the field. Usually, however, the Figure 11-1.—Lines of sight.

TYPES OF HORIZONTAL CURVES tangent to a simple curve or between simple curves in
a compound curve (view D, fig. 11-2).
There are four types of horizontal curves. They are
described as follows: ELEMENTS OF A HORIZONTAL CURVE
1. SIMPLE. The simple curve is an arc of a circle
(view A, fig. 11-2). The radius of the circle determines The elements of a circular curve are shown in
the sharpness or flatness of the curve. figure 11-3. Each element is designated and explained
as follows:
2. COMPOUND. Frequently, the terrain will
require the use of the compound curve. This curve PI POINT OF INTERSECTION. The point of
normally consists of two simple curves joined together intersection is the point where the back and for-
and curving in the same direction (view B, fig. 11-2). ward tangents intersect. Sometimes, the point
of intersection is designated as V (vertex).
3. REVERSE. A reverse curve consists of two
simple curves joined together, but curving in opposite I INTERSECTING ANGLE. The intersecting
direction. For safety reasons, the use of this curve angle is the deflection angle at the PI. Its value
should be avoided when possible (view C, fig. 11-2). is either computed from the preliminary
traverse angles or measured in the field.
4. SPIRAL. The spiral is a curve that has a varying
radius. It is used on railroads and most modem A CENTRAL ANGLE. The central angle is the
highways. Its purpose is to provide a transition from the angle formed by two radii drawn from the

Figure 11-2.—Horizontal curves.

Figure 11-3.—Elements of a horizontal curve.

center of the circle (O) to the PC and PT. The POC POINT OF CURVE. The point of curve is any
value of the central angle is equal to the I angle. point along the curve.
Some authorities call both the intersecting L LENGTH OF CURVE. The length of curve is
angle and central angle either I or A. the distance from the PC to the PT, measured
R RADIUS. The radius of the circle of which the along the curve.
curve is an arc, or segment. The radius is T TANGENT DISTANCE. The tangent distance
always perpendicular to back and forward is the distance along the tangents from the PI
tangents. to the PC or the PT. These distances are equal
on a simple curve.
PC POINT OF CURVATURE. The point of curva-
ture is the point on the back tangent where the LC LONG CHORD. The long chord is the
circular curve begins. It is sometimes straight-line distance from the PC to the PT.
designated as BC (beginning of curve) or TC Other types of chords are designated as
(tangent to curve). follows:

PT POINT OF TANGENCY, The point of C The full-chord distance between adja-

tangency is the point on the forward tangent cent stations (full, half, quarter, or one-
where the curve ends. It is sometimes tenth stations) along a curve.
designated as EC (end of curve) or CT (curve c] The subchord distance between the PC
to tangent). and the first station on the curve.

c? The subchord distance between the last typical radii for various roads were cited. Stating the
station on the curve and the PT. radius is a common practice in land surveying and in
the design of urban roads. For highway and railway
work, however, curvature is expressed by the degree
distance (also called the external secant) is the
of curve. Two definitions are used for the degree of
distance from the PI to the midpoint of the
curve. These definitions are discussed in the following
curve. The external distance bisects the interior
angle at the PI.
M MIDDLE ORDINATE. The middle ordinate is
Degree of Curve (Arc Definition)
the distance from the midpoint of the curve to
the midpoint of the long chord. The extension
of the middle ordinate bisects the central angle. The arc definition is most frequently used in high-
way design. This definition, illustrated in figure 11-4,
D DEGREE OF CURVE. The degree of curve
states that the degree of curve is the central angle
defines the sharpness or flatness of the curve.
formed by two radii that extend from the center of a
circle to the ends of an arc measuring 100 feet long
DEGREE OF CURVATURE (or 100 meters long if you are using metric units).
Therefore, if you take a sharp curve, mark off a portion
The last of the elements listed above (degree of so that the distance along the arc is exactly 100 feet,
curve) deserves special attention. Curvature may be and determine that the central angle is 12°, then you
expressed by simply stating the length of the radius of have a curve for which the degree of curvature is 12°;
the curve. That was done earlier in the chapter when it is referred to as a 12° curve.

Figure 11-4.—Degree of curve (arc definition).

By studying figure 11-4, you can see that the ratio design speed and allowable superelevation. Then the
between the degree of curvature (D) and 360° is the radius is calculated.
same as the ratio between 100 feet of arc and the
circumference (C) of a circle having the same radius.
Degree of Curve (Chord Definition)
That may be expressed as follows:

The chord definition (fig. 11-5) is used in railway

practice and in some highway work. This definition
Since the circumference of a circle equals the states that the degree of curve is the central angle
above expression can be written as: formed by two radii drawn from the center of the circle
to the ends of a chord 100 feet (or 100 meters) long.
If you take a flat curve, mark a 100-foot chord, and
determine the central angle to be 0°30’, then you have
Solving this expression for R: a 30-minute curve (chord definition).
From observation of figure 11-5, you can see the
following trigonometric relationship:

and also D:

Then, solving for R:

For a 1° curve, D = 1; therefore R = 5,729.58 feet, or

meters, depending upon the system of units you are
using. For a 10 curve (chord definition), D = 1; therefore R =
In practice the design engineer usually selects the 5,729.65 feet, or meters, depending upon the system of
degree of curvature on the basis of such factors as the units you are using.

Figure 11-5.—Degree of curve (chord definition).

Notice that in both the arc definition and the chord and solving for T,
definition, the radius of curvature is inversely
proportional to the degree of curvature. In other
words, the larger the degree of curve, the shorter the
radius; for example, using the arc definition, the radius
of a 1° curve is 5,729.58 units, and the radius of a 5° Chord Distance
curve is 1,145.92 units. Under the chord definition, the
radius of a 1° curve is 5,729.65 units, and the radius By observing figure 11-7, you can see that the
of a 5° curve is 1,146.28 units. solution for the length of a chord, either a full chord
(C) or the long chord (LC), is also a simple
right-triangle solution. As shown in the figure, C/2 is
CURVE FORMULAS one side of a right triangle and is opposite angle N2.
The radius (R) is the hypotenuse of the same triangle.
The relationship between the elements of a curve Therefore,
is expressed in a variety of formulas. The formulas for
radius (R) and degree of curve (D), as they apply to
both the arc and chord definitions, were given in the
preceding discussion of the degree of curvature.
and solving for C:
Additional formulas you will use in the computations
for a curve are discussed in the following sections.

Tangent Distance
Length of Curve
By studying figure 11-6, you can see that the
solution for the tangent distance (T) is a simple In the arc definition of the degree of curvature,
right-triangle solution. In the figure, both T and R are length is measured along the arc, as shown in view A
sides of a right triangle, with T being opposite to angle of figure 11-8, In this figure the relationship between
N2. Therefore, from your knowledge of trigonometric D, & L, and a 100-foot arc length may be expressed
functions you know that as follows:

Figure 11-6.—Tangent distance. Figure 11-7.—Chord distance.

with a residential street. In this case, the length of the
radii you are working with is short. However, what if
you are laying out a road with a 1,000- or 12,000- or
even a 40,000-foot radius? Obviously, it would be
impracticable to swing such radii with a tape.
In usual practice, the stakeout of a long-radius
curve involves a combination of turning deflection
angles and measuring the length of chords (C, Cl, or
CZ as appropriate). A transit is set up at the PC, a sight
is taken along the tangent, and each point is located by
Figure 11-8.-Length of curve. turning deflection angles and measuring the chord
distance between stations. This procedure is
illustrated in figure 11-9. In this figure, you see a
Then, solving for L, portion of a curve that starts at the PC and runs through
points (stations) A, B, and C. To establish the location
of point A on this curve, you should set up your
instrument at the PC, turn the required deflection
This expression is also applicable to the chord angle (all/2), and then measure the required chord
definition. However, L., in this case, is not the true arc distance from PC to point A. Then, to establish point
length, because under the chord definition, the length B, you turn deflection angle D/2 and measure the
of curve is the sum of the chord lengths (each of which required chord distance from A to B. Point C is located
is usually 100 feet or 100 meters), As an example, if, similarly.
as shown in view B, figure 11-8, the central angle (A) As you are aware, the actual distance along an arc
is equal to three times the degree of curve (D), then is greater than the length of a corresponding chord;
there are three 100-foot chords; and the length of therefore, when using the arc definition, either a
“curve” is 300 feet. correction is applied for the difference between arc

Middle Ordinate and

External Distance

Two commonly used formulas for the middle

ordinate (M) and the external distance (E) are as


From the preceding discussions, one may think

that laying out a curve is simply a matter of locating
the center of a circle, where two known or computed
radii intersect, and then swinging the arc of the
circular curve with a tape. For some applications, that
can be done; for example, when you are laying out the
intersection and curbs of a private road or driveway Figure 11-9.-Deflection angles and chords.

length and chord length, or shorter chords are used to
make the error resulting from the difference
negligible. In the latter case, the following chord
lengths are commonly used for the degrees of curve
100 feet—0 to 3 degrees of curve
50 feet—3 to 8 degrees of curve
25 feet—8 to 16 degrees of curve
10 feet-over 16 degrees of curve
The above chord lengths are the maximum dis-
tances in which the discrepancy between the arc
length and chord length will fall within the allowable
error for taping. The allowable error is 0.02 foot per
100 feet on most construction surveys; however, Figure 11-1O.—Laying out a simple curve.
based on terrain conditions or other factors, the design
or project engineer may determine that chord lengths
other than those recommended above should be used
for curve stakeout.
Now let’s solve and lay out a simple curve using
The following formulas relate to deflection the arc definition, which is the definition you will
angles: (To simplify the formulas and further more often use as an EA. In figure 11-10, let’s assume
discussions of deflection angles, the deflection angle that the directions of the back and forward tangents
is designated simply as d rather than d/2.) and the location of the PI have previously been
staked, but the tangent distances have not been meas-
ured. Let’s also assume that stations have been set as
far as Station 18 + 00. The specified degree of curve
(D) is 15°, arc definition. Our job is to stake half-sta-
Where: tions on the curve.
d = Deflection angle (expressed in degrees)

C = Chord length Solving a Simple Curve

D = Degree of curve
We will begin by first determining the distance
d = 0.3 CD
from Station 18 + 00 to the location of the PI. Since
Where: these points have been staked, we can determine the
distance by field measurement. Let’s assume we have
d = Deflection angle (expressed in minutes) measured this distance and found it to be 300.89 feet.
C = Chord length Next, we set up a transit at the PI and determine that
deflection angle I is 75°. Since I always equals A, then
D = Degree of curve A is also 75°, Now we can compute the radius of the
curve, the tangent distance, and the length of curve as

d = Deflection angle (expressed in degrees)

C = Chord length

R = Radius.

From these computed values, we can determine the is set up at the PC. The deflection angles that we turn
stations of the PI, PC, and PT as follows: are found by cumulating the individual deflection
angles from the PC to the PT as shown below:

By studying figure 11-10 and remembering

that our task is to stake half-station intervals, you
can see that the first half station after the PC is Station
18 + 50 and the last half station before the PT is
23+ 00; therefore, the distance from the PC to Station
18 + 00 is 42.2 feet [(18 + 50) - (18 + 07.80)].
Similarly, the distance from Station 23+ 00 to the PT
is 7.8 feet. These distances are used to compute the
deflection angles for the subchords using the formula
for deflection angles (d= .3CD) as follows:
Notice that the deflection angle at the PT is equal
to one half of the I angle. That serves as a check of
your computations. Had the deflection angle been
A convenient method of determining the deflection anything different than one half of the I angle, then a
angle (d) for each full chord is to remember that d equals mistake would have been made.
1/2D for 100-foot chords, 1/4D for 50-foot chords, 1/8D Since the total of the deflection angles should be
for 25-foot chords, and 1/20D for 10-foot chords. In this one-half of the I angle, a problem arises when the I
case, since we are staking 50-foot stations, d = 15/4, or angle contains an odd number of minutes and the
3°45’. instrument used is a 1-minute transit. Since the PT is
Previously, we discussed the difference in length normally staked before the curve is run, the total
between arcs and chords. In that discussion, you deflection will be a check on the PC therefore, it
learned that to be within allowable error, the recom- should be computed to the nearest 0.5 degree. If the
mended chord length for an 8- to 16-degree curve is total deflection checks to the nearest minute in the
25 feet. Since in this example we are using 50-foot field, it can be considered correct.
chords, the length of the chords must be adjusted. The The curve that was just solved had an I angle of
adjusted lengths are computed using a rearrangement 75° and a degree of curve of 15°. When the I angle and
of the formula for the sine of deflection angles as degree of curve consists of both degrees and minutes,
follows: the procedure in solving the curve does not change;
but you must be careful in substituting these values
into the formulas for length and deflection angles; for
example I = 42°15’, D = 5°37’. The minutes in each
angle must be changed to a decimal part of a degree.
To obtain the required accuracy, you should convert
As you can see, in this case, there is little difference them to five decimal places; but an alternate method
between the original and adjusted chord lengths; for computing the length is to convert the I angle and
however, if we were using 100-foot stations rather than degree of curve to minutes; thus, 42°15’ = 2,535 min-
50-foot stations, the adjusted difference for each full utes and 5°37’ = 337 minutes. Substituting this infor-
chord would be substantial (over 3 inches). mation into the length formula gives the following:
Now, remembering our previous discussion of
deflection angles and chords, you know that all of the
deflection angles are usually turned using a transit that

This method gives an exact result. By converting the as the first subchord distance (42.18 feet) is measured
minutes to a decimal part of a degree to the nearest fives from the PC.
places, you obtain the same result. 4. Without touching the lower motion screw, the
Simple Curve Layout instrumentman sets the second deflection angle (6°55’)
on the plates. The chainman measures the chord from
To lay out the simple curve (arc definition) just the previous station while the instrumentman keeps the
computed above, you should usually use the head chainman on line.
procedure that follows.
5. The crew stakes out the succeeding stations in
1. With the instrument placed at the PI, the the same manner. If the work is done correctly, the last
instrumentman sights on the preceding PI or at a distant deflection angle will point on the PT. That distance will
station and keeps the chainman on the line while the be the subchord length (7.79 feet) from the last station
tangent distance is measured to locate the PC. After the before the PT.
PC has been staked out, the instrumentman then trains When it is impossible to stake out the entire curve
the instrument on the forward PI to locate the PT. from the PC, a modified method of the procedure
2. The instrumentman then sets up at the PC and described above is used. Stake out the curve as far as
measures the angle from the PI to the PT. This angle possible from the PC. If a station cannot be seen from
should be equal to one half of the I angle; if it is not, the PC for some reason, move the transit forward and
either the PC or the PT has been located in the wrong set up over a station along the curve. Pick a station for
position. a backsight and set the deflection angle for that station
3. With the first deflection angle (3°10’) set on the on the plates. Sight on this station with the telescope
plates, the instrumentman keeps the chainman on line in the reverse position. Plunge the telescope and set

Figure 11-11.—Inaccessible PI.

the remainder of the stations in the same way as you do you do if the PI is inaccessible? This condition is
would if the transit was set over the PC. If the setup illustrated in figure 11-11. In this situation, you locate
in the curve has been made but the next stake cannot the curve elements using the following steps:
be set because of obstructions, the curve can be backed 1. As shown in figure 11-11, mark two intervisible
in. To back in a curve, occupy the PT. Sight on the PI points A and B on the tangents so that line AB clears the
and set one half of the I angle of the plates. The transit obstacle.
is now oriented so that, if the PC is observed, the plates
2. Measure angles a and b by setting up at both A
will read zero, which is the deflection angle shown in
and B.
the notes for that station. The curve stakes can then be
3. Measure the distance AB.
set in the same order shown in the notes or in the
reverse order. Remember to use the deflection angles 4. Compute inaccessible distance AV and BV using
and chords from the top of the column or from the the formulas given in figure 11-11.
bottom of the column. Although the back-in method 5. Determine the tangent distance from the PI to
has been set up as a way to avoid obstructions, it is the PC on the basis of the degree of curve or other given
also very widely used as a method for laying out limiting factor.
curves. The method is to proceed to the approximate 6. Locate the PC at a distance T minus AV from the
midpoint of the curve by laying out the deflection point A and the PT at a distance T minus BV from point
angles and chords from the PC and then laying out the B.
remainder of the curve from the PT. If this method is
used, any error in the curve is in the center where it is Field Notes
less noticeable.
So far in our discussions, we have begun staking Figure 11-12 shows field notes for the curve we
out curves by setting up the transit at the PI. But what solved and staked out above. By now you should be

Figure 11-12.—Field notes for laying out a simple curve.

familiar enough with field notes to preclude a com- elevation of a finished surface at a given point or the
plete discussion of everything shown in these notes. actual elevation of the existing ground at a given
You should notice, however, that the stations are point.) Grades that ascend in the direction of the
entered in reverse order (bottom to top). In this manner stationing are designated as plus; those that descend
the data is presented as it appears in the field when you in the direction of the stationing are designated as
are sighting ahead on the line. This same practice minus. Grades are measured in terms of percent; that
applies to the sketch shown on the right-hand page of is, the number of feet of rise or fall in a 100-foot
the field notes. horizontal stretch of the road.
For information about other situations involving After the location of a road has been determined
inaccessible points or the uses of external and middle and the necessary fieldwork has been obtained, the
ordinate distance, spiral transitions, and other types of engineer designs or fixes (sets) the grades. A number
horizontal curves, study books such as those men- of factors are considered, including the intended use
tioned at the beginning of this chapter. and importance of the road and the existing
topography. If a road is too steep, the comfort and
safety of the users and fuel consumption of the
VERTICAL CURVES vehicles will be adversely affected; therefore, the
In addition to horizontal curves that go to the right design criteria will specify maximum grades.
or left, roads also have vertical curves that go up or Typical maximum grades are a 4-percent desired
down. Vertical curves at a crest or the top of a hill are maximum and a 6-percent absolute maximum for a
called summit curves, or oververticals. Vertical primary road. (The 6 percent means, as indicated
curves at the bottom of a hill or dip are called sag before, a 6-foot rise for each 100 feet ahead on the
curves, or underverticals. road.) For a secondary road or a major street, the
maximum grades might be a 5-percent desired and an
8-percent absolute maximum; and for a tertiary road
or a secondary street, an 8-percent desired and a
10-percent (or perhaps a 12-percent) absolute
Vertical curves are used to connect stretches
maximum. Conditions may sometimes demand that
of road that go up or down at a constant slope. These
grades or ramps, driveways, or short access streets go
lines of constant slope are called grade tangents
as high as 20 percent. The engineer must also consider
(fig. 11- 13). The rate of slope is called the gradient,
minimum grades. A street with curb and gutter must
or simply the grade. (Do not confuse this use of the
have enough fall so that the storm water will drain to
term grade with other meanings, such as the design
the inlets; 0.5 percent is a typical minimum grade for
curb and gutter (that is, 1/2 foot minimum fall for each
100 feet ahead). For roads with side ditches, the
desired minimum grade might be 1 percent; but since
ditches may slope at a grade different from the
pavement, a road may be designed with a zero-percent
grade. Zero-percent grades are not unusual,
particularly through plains or tidewater areas. Another
factor considered in designing the finished profile of
a road is the earthwork balance; that is, the grades
should be set so that all the soil cut off of the hills may
be economically hauled to fill in the low areas. In the
design of urban streets, the best use of the building
sites next to the street will generally be more important
than seeking an earthwork balance.


As you have learned earlier, the horizontal curves

used in highway work are generally the arcs of circles.
Figure 11-13.—A vertical curve. But vertical curves are usually parabolic. The

parabola is used primarily because its shape provides
a transition and, also, lends itself to the computational
methods described in the next section of this chapter.
Designing a vertical curve consists principally of
deciding on the proper length of the curve. As
indicated in figure 11-13, the length of a vertical curve
is the horizontal distance from the beginning to the
end of the curve; the length of the curve is NOT the
distance along the parabola itself. The longer a curve
is, the more gradual the transition will be from one
grade to the next; the shorter the curve, the more
abrupt the change. The change must be gradual
enough to provide the required sight distance (fig.
11- 14). The sight distance requirement will depend on
the speed for which the road is designed; whether
passing or nonpassing distance is required; and other
Figure 11-15.—Elements of a vertical curve.
assumptions, such as one’s reaction time, braking
time, stopping distance, height of one’s eyes, and
height of objects. A typical eye level used for designs
PVI Point of vertical intersection; where the grade
is 4.5 feet or, more recently, 3.75 feet; typical object
tangents intersect.
heights are 4 inches to 1.5 feet. For a sag curve, the
sight distance will usually not be significant during PVT Point of vertical tangency; where the curve
daylight; but the nighttime sight distance must be ends.
considered when the reach of headlights may be
POVC Point on vertical curve; applies to any point on
limited by the abruptness of the curve.
the parabola.
ELEMENTS OF VERTICAL CURVES POVT Point on vertical tangent; applies to any point
on either tangent.
Figure 11-15 shows the elements of a vertical
curve. The meaning of the symbols and the units of gI Grade of the tangent on which the PVC is
measurement usually assigned to them follow: located; measured in percent of slope.

PVC Point of vertical curvature; the place where the g2 Grade of the tangent on which the PVT is
curve begins. located; measured in percent of slope.

Figure 11-14.—Sight distance.

G The algebraic difference of the grades: number of stations using these formulas, then
G = g2 -g,, it is usually extended to the nearest whole
number. You should note that these formulas
wherein plus values are assigned to uphill
for length are for road design only, NOT
grades and minus values to downhill grades;
examples of various algebraic differences are
shown later in this section. 1] Horizontal length of the portion of the PVC
L Length of the curve; the horizontal length to the PVI; measured in feet.
measured in 100-foot stations from the PVC to 12 Horizontal length of the portion of the curve
the PVT. This length may be computed using form the PVI to the PVT; measured in feet.
the formula L = G/r, where r is the rate of
e Vertical (external) distance from the PVI to the
change (usually given in the design criteria).
When the rate of change is not given, L (in curve, measured in feet. This distance is
stations) can be computed as follows: for a computed using the formula e = LG/8, where
summit curve, L = 125 x G/4; for a sag curve, L is the total length in stations and G is the
L = 100 x G/4. If L does not come out to a whole algebraic difference of the grades in percent.

Figure 11-16.—Algebraic differences of grades.

x Horizontal distance from the PVC to any The selection of the points at which to compute
POVC or POVTback of the PVI, or the distance the y and the elevations of the POVT and POVC
from the PVT to any POVC or POVT ahead of is generally based on the stationing. The horizontal
the PW, measured in feet. alignment of a road is often staked out on 50-foot or
100-foot stations. Customarily, the elevations are
y Vertical distance (offset) from any POVT to
computed at these same points so that both horizontal
the corresponding POVC, measured in feet;
and vertical information for construction will be pro-
vided at the same point. The PVC, PVI, and PVT are
usually set at full stations or half stations. In urban
which is the fundamental relationship of the
work, elevations are sometimes computed and staked
parabola that permits convenient calculation
every 25 feet on vertical curves. The same, or even
of the vertical offsets.
closer, intervals may be used on complex ramps and
The vertical curve computation takes place after interchanges. The application of the foregoing funda-
the grades have been set and the curve designed. mentals will be presented in the next two sections
Therefore, at the beginning of the detailed computa- under symmetrical and unsymmetrical curves.
tions, the following are known: g1, g2, l1, l2, L, and the
elevation of the PVI. The general procedure is to
Symmetrical Vertical Curves
compute the elevations of certain POVTs and then to
use the foregoing formulas to compute G, then e, and
then the Ys that correspond to the selected POVTs. A symmetrical vertical curve is one in which the
When the y is added or subtracted from the elevation horizontal distance from the PVI to the PVC is equal
of the POVT, the result is the elevation of the POVC. to the horizontal distance from the PW to the PVT. In
The POVC is the finished elevation on the road, which other words, l1 equals l2.
is the end result being sought. In figure 11-15, the y is
subtracted from the elevation of the POVT to get the The solution of a typical problem dealing with a
elevation of the curve; but in the case of a sag curve, symmetrical vertical curve will be presented step by
the y is added to the POVT elevation to obtain the step. Assume that you know the following data:
POVC elevation. g 1 = +97%
The computation of G requires careful attention to g 2 = –7%
the signs of g 1 and g 2. Vertical curves are used at
L = 400.00´, or 4 stations
changes of grade other than at the top or bottom of a
hill; for example, an uphill grade that intersects an The station of the PVI = 30 + 00
even steeper uphill grade will be eased by a vertical
The elevation of the PVI = 239.12 feet
curve. The six possible combinations of plus and
minus grades, together with sample computations of The problem is to compute the grade elevation of the
G, are shown in figure 11-16. Note that the algebraic curve to the nearest hundredth of a foot at each 50-foot
sign for G indicates whether to add or subtract y from station. Figure 11-17 shows the vertical curve to be
a POVT. solved.

Figure 11-17.—Symmetrical vertical curve.

STEP 1: Prepare a table as shown in figure 11-18. and the elevation at the PVT. The elevation at the PVI
In this figure, column 1 shows the stations; column 2, therefore is
the elevations on tangent; column 3, the ratio of x/l;
239.12 – 14 = 225,12 feet.
column 4, the ratio of (M)*; column 5, the vertical
offsets [(x/l)*(e)]; column 6, the grade elevations on In setting stations on a vertical curve, remember
the curve; column 7, the first difference; and column that the length of the curve (L) is always measured as
8, the second difference. a horizontal distance. The half-length of the curve is
the horizontal distance from the PVI to the PVC. In
STEP 2: Compute the elevations and set the
this problem, l1 equals 200 feet. That is equivalent to
stations on the PVC and the PVT.
two 100-foot stations and may be expressed as 2 + 00.
Knowing both the gradients at the PVC and PVT Thus the station at the PVC is
and the elevation and station at the PVI, you can
30 + 00 minus 2 + 00, or 28 + 00.
compute the elevations and set the stations on the PVC
and the PVT. The gradient (g1) of the tangent at the The station at the PVT is
PVC is given as +9 percent. This means a rise in
30 + 00 plus 2 + 00, or 32 + 00.
elevation of 9 feet for every 100 feet of horizontal
distance. Since L is 400.00 feet and the curve is List the stations under column 1.
symmetrical, l1 equals l2 equals 200.00 feet; therefore, STEP 3: Calculate the elevations at each 50-foot
there will be a difference of 9 x 2, or 18, feet between station on the tangent.
the elevation at the PVI and the elevation at the PVC.
The elevation at the PVI in this problem is given as From Step 2, you know there is a 9-foot rise in
239.12 feet; therefore, the elevation at the PVC is elevation for every 100 feet of horizontal distance
from the PVC to the PVI. Thus, for every 50 feet of
239.12 – 18 = 221.12 feet. horizontal distance, there will be a rise of 4.50 feet
Calculate the elevation at the PVT in a similar in elevation. The elevation on the tangent at station
manner. The gradient (g2) of the tangent at the PVT is 28 + 50 is
given as –7 percent. This means a drop in elevation of 221.12 + 4.50 = 225.62 feet.
7 feet for every 100 feet of horizontal distance. Since
l1 equals l2 equals 200 feet, there will be a difference The elevation on the tangent at station 29 + 00 is
of 7 x 2, or 14, feet between the elevation at the PVI 225.62 + 4.50 = 230.12 feet.

Figure 11-18.—Table of computations of elevations on a symmetrical vertical curve.

The elevation on the tangent at station 29 + 50 is by e; for example, at station 28 + 50, the ratio of
x/l = 50/200 = 1/4.
230.12 + 4.50 = 234.62 feet.
Therefore, the vertical offset is
The elevation on the tangent at station 30 + 00 is
(1/4)2 e = (1/16) e.
234.62 + 4.50 = 239.12 feet.
In this problem, to find the elevation on the tan- The vertical offset at station 28 + 50 equals
gent at any 50-foot station starting at the PVC, add (1/16)(–8) = –0.50 foot.
4.50 to the elevation at the preceding station until you
Repeat this procedure to find the vertical offset at
reach the PVI. At this point use a slightly different
each of the 50-foot stations. List the results under
method to calculate elevations because the curve
columns 3, 4, and 5.
slopes downward toward the PVT. Think of the eleva-
tions as being divided into two groups—one group STEP 6: Compute the grade elevation at each of
running from the PVC to the PVI; the other group the 50-foot stations.
running from the PVT to the PVI. When the curve is on a crest, the sign of the offset
Going downhill on a gradient of –7 percent from will be negative; therefore, subtract the vertical offset
the PVI to the PVT, there will be a drop of 3.50 feet (the figure in column 5) from the elevation on the
for every 50 feet of horizontal distance. To find the tangent (the figure in column 2); for example, the
elevations at stations between the PVI to the PVT in grade elevation at station 29 + 50 is
this particular problem, subtract 3.50 from the eleva-
234.62 – 4.50 = 230.12 feet.
tion at the preceding station. The elevation on the
tangent at station 30 + 50 is Obtain the grade elevation at each of the stations in a
similar manner. Enter the results under column 6.
239.12-3.50, or 235.62 feet.
Note: When the curve is in a dip, the sign will be
The elevation on the tangent at station 31 + 50 is
positive; therefore, you will add the vertical offset
235.62-3.50, or 232.12 feet. (the figure in column 5) to the elevation on the tangent
The elevation on the tangent at station 31 + 50 is (the figure in column 2).

232.12-3.50, or 228.62 feet. STEP 7: Find the turning point on the vertical
The elevation on the tangent at station 32+00 (PVT) is
When the curve is on a crest, the turning point is
228.62-3.50, or 225.12 feet,
the highest point on the curve. When the curve is in a
The last subtraction provides a check on the work you dip, the turning point is the lowest point on the curve.
have finished. List the computed elevations under col- The turning point will be directly above or below the
umn 2. PVI only when both tangents have the same percent of
STEP 4: Calculate (e), the middle vertical offset slope (ignoring the algebraic sign); otherwise, the
at the PVI. turning point will be on the same side of the curve as
the tangent with the least percent of slope.
First, find the (G), the algebraic difference of the The horizontal location of the turning point is
gradients using the formula either measured from the PVC if the tangent with the
G = g2 – g 1 lesser slope begins there or from the PVT if the tangent
G = -7 –(+9) with the lesser slope ends there. The horizontal loca-
G = –16% tion is found by the formula:

The middle vertical offset (e) is calculated as follows:

e = LG/8 = [(4)(–16) ]/8 = -8.00 feet.
The negative sign indicates e is to be subtracted from
the PVI. xt= distance of turning point from PVC or PVT

STEP 5: Compute the vertical offsets at each g = lesser slope (ignoring signs)
50-foot station, using the formula (x/l) 2e. To find
L = length of curve in stations
the vertical offset at any point on a vertical curve,
first find the ratio x/l; then square it and multiply G = algebraic difference of slopes.

For the curve we are calculating, the computations is different from the horizontal distance between the
would be (7 x 4)/16 = 1.75 feet; therefore, the turning PVI and the PVT. In other words, l1 does NOT equal
point is 1.75 stations, or 175 feet, from the PVT (station l2. Unsymmetrical curves are sometimes described as
30 + 25). having unequal tangents and are referred to as dog
The vertical offset for the turning point is found legs. Figure 11-19 shows an unsymmetrical curve with
by the formula: a horizontal distance of 400 feet on the left and a
horizontal distance of 200 feet on the right of the PVI.
The gradient of the tangent at the PVC is –4 percent;
the gradient of the tangent at the PVT is +6 percent.
For this curve, then, the computation is ( 1.75/2)2 x 8 = Note that the curve is in a dip.
6.12 feet. As an example, let’s assume you are given the
The elevation of the POVT at 30 + 25 would be 237.37, following values:
calculated as explained earlier. The elevation on the Elevation at the PVI is 332.68
curve would be
Station at the PVI is 42 + 00
237.37-6.12 = 231.25.
l1 is 400 feet
STEP 8: Check your work.
l2 is 200 feet
One of the characteristics of a symmetrical para-
g 1 is –4%
bolic curve is that the second differences between
successive grade elevations at full stations are con- g 2 is +6%
stant. In computing the first and second differences
To calculate the grade elevations on the curve to the
(columns 7 and 8), you must consider the plus or
nearest hundredth foot, use figure 11-20 as an example.
minus signs. When you round off your grade elevation
figures following the degree of precision required, you Figure 11-20 shows the computations. Set four
introduce an error that will cause the second difference 100-foot stations on the left side of the PVI (between
to vary slightly from the first difference; however, the the PVI and the PVC). Set four 50-foot stations on the
slight variation does not detract from the value of the right side of the PVl (between the PVI and the PVT).
second difference as a check on your computations. The procedure for solving an unsymmetrical curve
You are cautioned that the second difference will not problem is essentially the same as that used in solving
always come out exactly even and equal. It is merely
a symmetrical curve. There are, however, important
a coincidence that the second difference has come out
differences you should be cautioned about.
exactly the same in this particular problem.
First, you use a different formula for the
Unsymmetrical Vertical Curves calculation of the middle vertical offset at the PVI. For
an unsymmetrical curve, the formula is as follows:
An unsymmetrical vertical curve is a curve in
which the horizontal distance from the PVI to the PVC

Figure 11-19.—Unsymmetrical vertical curve.

Figure 11-20.—Table of computations of elevations on an unsymmetrical vertical curve.

In this example, then, the middle vertical offset at the The procedure is to estimate on which side of the PVI
PVI is calculated in the following manner: the turning point is located and then use the proper
formula to find its location. If the formula indicates that
e = [(4 x 2)/2(4 + 2)] x [(+6) - (–4)] = 6.67 feet.
the turning point is on the opposite side of the PVI, you
Second, you are cautioned that the check on your must use the other formula to determine the correct
computations by the use of second difference does location; for example, you estimate that the turning
NOT work out the same way for unsymmetrical curves point is between the PVC and PVI for the curve in figure
as for a symmetrical curve. The second difference will 11-19. Solving the formula:
not check for the differences that span the PVI. The x t= (l 1) 2( g1)/2e
reason is that an unsymmetrical curve is really two
xt= [(4) 2(4)]/(2 x 6.67) = 4.80, or Station 42 + 80.
parabolas, one on each side of the PVI, having a
common POVC opposite the PVI; however, the However, Station 42 + 80 is between the PVI and PVT;
second difference will check out back, and ahead, of therefore, use the formula:
the first station on each side of the PVI. x t= (l2) 2(g 2)//2e
Third, the turning point is not necessarily above xt= [(2) 2(6)]/(2 x 6.67) = 1.80, or station 42 + 20.
or below the tangent with the lesser slope. The
Station 42 + 20 is the correct location of the turning
horizontal location is found by the use of one of two
point. The elevation of the POVT, the amount of the
formulas as follows:
offset, and the elevation on the curve is determined as
from the PVC previously explained.


or from the PVT
Always check your work by plotting the grade
tangents and the curve in profile on an exaggerated

vertical scale; that is, with the vertical scale perhaps (either mentally or on the calculator) to get the curve
10 times the horizontal scale. After the POVCs have elevations; then record them on the work sheet. Plot
been plotted, you should be able to draw a smooth the POVC elevations and draw in the curve. Last, put
parabolic curve through the points with the help of a the necessary information on the original tracing. The
ship’s curve or some other type of irregular curve; if information generally shown includes grades;
you can’t, check your computations. finished elevations; length of curve; location of PVC,
PVI, PVT, and the e. Figure 11-21 shows a portion of
a typical work sheet completed up to the point of
drawing the curve.
After you have had some experience computing
curves using a table as shown in the foregoing
examples, you may wish to eliminate the table and FIELD STAKEOUT OF
write your computations directly on a working print VERTICAL CURVES
of the profile. The engineer will set the grades and
indicate the length of the vertical curves. You may The stakeout of a vertical curve consists basically
then scale the PVI elevations and compute the grades of marking the finished elevations in the field to guide
if the engineer has not done so. Then, using a the construction personnel. The method of setting a
calculator, compute the POVT elevations at the grade stake is the same whether it is on a tangent or on
selected stations. You can store the computations in
a curve, so a vertical curve introduces no special
some calculators. That allows you access to the
problem. As indicated before, stakes are sometimes
grades, the stations, and the elevations stored in the
set closer together on a curve than on a tangent. But
calculator from one end of the profile to the other. You
that will usually have been foreseen, and the plans will
can then check the calculator at each previously set
PVI elevation. Write the tangent elevation at each show the finished grade elevations at the required
station on the work sheet. Then compute each vertical stations. If, however, the field conditions do require a
offset: mentally note the x/ 1 ratio; then square it and stake at an odd plus on a curve, you may compute the
multiply by e on your calculator. Write the offset on needed POVC elevation in the field using the data
the work print opposite the tangent elevation. Next, given on the plans and the computational methods
add or subtract the offsets from the tangent elevations explained in this chapter.

Figure 11-21.—Profile work sheet.

Figure 11-22.—Compound curve.

QUESTIONS c . Grade elevation on the curve at the PVI

d. Grade elevation on the curve at station
Q1. Using the data given for the compound curve
13 + 50
shown in figure 11-22, compute the stations at
e. Station number and grade elevation on the
PC1, PI1, PCC (point of compound curvature),
curve at the turning point
PI2, and PT2.
Q4. Assume that you are to set half stations for a
Q2. Referring again to figure 11-22, assume that you 600-foot vertical curve. The tangents (g1 = –3
are tasked to stakeout the compound curve using percent, g2 = –8 percent) intersect at Station
full stations. What deflection angles (d1, d2, and 15 + 00, which has an elevation of 640 feet above
d) and chord lengths (C1, C2, and C) will you use mean sea level. You may also assume that
for the 12° curve?
l 1 = 400 feet and l2 = 200 feet. Compute the
Q3. Assume that you are to set half stations for a following information for this curve:
400-foot symmetrical vertical curve. The tan-
a. Elevation at the PVC
gents (g1 = + 3.2 percent, g2 = –1.6 percent)
b. Elevation at the PVT
intersect at Station 14 + 00. The tangent eleva-
c. Grade elevation on the curve at the PVI
tion at the PVI is 131.20 feet. Compute the fol-
d. Grade elevation on the curve at station
lowing information for this curve:
13 + 50
a. Elevation at the PVC e. Station number and grade elevation on the
b. Elevation at the PVT curve at the turning point


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