Engineering Drawing - Chapter Four

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At the end of this chapter students should be able to:
♦ Define geometric nomenclatures like angles, lines etc
♦ Discuss the steps to construct different geometric
figures like lines, arcs, polygon, ellipse etc

4.1 Introduction
Strict interpretation of geometric construction allows use of
only the compass and an instrument for drawing straight lines,
and with these, the geometer, following mathematical theory,
accomplishes his solutions. In technical drawing, the
principles of geometry are employed constantly, but
instruments are not limited to the basic two as T-squares,
triangles, scales, curves etc. are used to make constructions
with speed and accuracy. Since there is continual application
of geometric principles, the methods given in this chapter
should be mastered thoroughly. It is assumed that students
using this book understand the elements of plane geometry
and will be able to apply their knowledge.

The constructions given here afford excellent practice in the
use of instruments. Remember that the results you obtain will
be only as accurate as your skill makes them. Take care in
measuring and drawing so that your drawings will be accurate
and professional in appearance.


A point is an exact location in space or on a drawing surface.
A point is actually represented on the drawing by a crisscross
at its exact location. The exact point in space is where the two
lines of the crisscross intersect. When a point is located on an
existing line, a light, short dashed line or cross bar is placed
on the line at the location of the exact point. Never represent a
point on a drawing by a dot; except for sketching locations.

Lines are straight elements that have no width, but are infinite
in length (magnitude), and they can be located by two points
which are not on the same spot but fall along the line. Lines
may be straight lines or curved lines.A straight line is the
shortest distance between two points. It can be drawn in any
direction. If a line is indefinite, and the ends are not fixed in
length, the actual length is a matter of convenience. If the end
points of a line are important, they must be marked by means

of small, mechanically drawn crossbars, as described by a
pint in space.

Straight lines and curved lines are considered parallel if the

shortest distance between them remains constant. The
symbol used for parallel line is //. Lines, which are tangent and
at 900 are considered perpendicular. The symbol for
perpendicular line is ⊥.

Figure 4.1 Points and lines

An angle is formed by the intersection of two lines. There are
three major kinds of angles: right angels, acute angles and
obtuse angles. The right angle is an angle of 900, an acute
angle is an angle less than 900, and an obtuse angle is an
angle more than 900. A straight line is 1800. The symbol for an
angle is < (singular) and <’s (Plural). To draw an angle, use
the drafting machine, a triangle, or a protractor.

Figure 4.2 Angles

A triangle is a closed plane figure with three straight sides and
their interior angles sum up exactly 1800. The various kinds of
triangles: a right triangle, an equilateral triangle, an isosceles
triangle, and an obtuse angled triangle.

Figure 4.3 Triangles

It is a plane figure bounded by four straight sides. When
opposite sides are parallel, the quadrilateral is also
considered to be a parallelogram.

Figure 4.4 Quadrilaterals

A polygon is a closed plane figure with three or more straight
sides. The most important of these polygons as they relate to
drafting are probably the triangle with three sides, square with
four sides, the hexagon with six sides, and the octagon with
eight sides.

Figure 4.5 Polygons

A circle is a closed curve with all points on the circle at the
same distance from the center point. The major components
of a circle are the diameter, the radius and circumference.
♦ The diameter of the circle is the straight distance from
one outside curved surface through the center point to
the opposite outside curved surface.
♦ The radius of a circle is the distance from the center
point to the outside curved surface. The radius is half the
diameter, and is used to set the compass when drawing
a diameter.
♦ A central angle: is an angle formed by two radial lines
from the center of the circle.
♦ A sector: is the area of a circle lying between two radial
lines and the circumference.
♦ A quadrant: is a sector with a central angle of 900 and
usually with one of the radial lines oriented horizontally.
♦ A chord: is any straight line whose opposite ends
terminate on the circumference of the circle.
♦ A segment: is the smaller portion of a circle separated by
a chord.
♦ Concentric circles are two or more circles with a common
center point.
♦ Eccentric circles are two or more circles with out a
common center point.

♦ A semi circle is half of the circle.

Figure 4.6 Circle

They are geometric figures bounded by plane surfaces. The
surfaces are called faces, and if these are equal regular
polygons, the solids are regular polyhedra

Figure 4.7 Solids

4.3 Techniques of Geometric
To construct the above mentioned geometric figures, we have
to know some principles and procedures of geometric
construction. Thus, the remaining of this chapter is devoted to
illustrate step-by-step geometric construction procedures used
by drafters and technicians to develop various geometric

A. How to Bisect a Line or an Arc

To bisect a line means to divide it in half or to find its center
point. In the given process, a line will also be constructed at
the exact center point at exactly 900.

Given: Line A-B

Step 1: Set the compass approximately two-thirds of the

length of line A-B and swing an arc from point A.

Step 2: Using the exact same compass setting, swing an arc

from point B.

Step 3: At the two intersections of these arcs, locate points D

and E

Step 4: Draw a straight-line connecting point D with point E.

Where this line intersects line A-B, it bisects line A-B.
Line D-E is also perpendicular to line A-B at the
exact center point.

Figure 4.8 Example on how to bisect a line or arc


Given: Line A-B

Step 1: Draw a construction line AC that starts at end A of

given line AB. This new line is longer than the given
line and makes an angle of not more than 300 with it.

Step 2: Find a scale that will approximately divide the line AB

in to the number of parts needed (11 in the example
below), and mark these divisions on the line AC.
There are now ‘n’ equal divisions from A to D that lie
on the line AC (11 in this example).

Step 3: Set the adjustable triangle to draw a construction line

from point D to point B. Then draw construction lines
through each of the remaining ‘n-1’ divisions parallel
to the first line BD by sliding the triangle along the

straight edge. The original line AB will now be
accurately divided.

Figure 4.9 Example on how to divide a line in to a number of

equal parts

C. How to Bisect an Angle

To bisect an angle means to divide it in half or to cut it in to
two equal angles.

Given: Angle BAC

Step 1: Set the compass at any convenient radius and swing

an arc from point A

Step 2: Locate points E and F on the legs of the angle, and

swing two arcs of the same identical length from
points E and F, respectively.

Step 3: Where these arcs intersect, locate point D. Draw a
straight line from A to D. This line will bisect angle
BAC and establish two equal angles: CAD and

Figure 4.10 Example on how to bisect an angle

D. How to Draw an Arc or Circle (Radius) Through Three

Given Points
Given: Three points in space at random: A, Band C.

Step 1: With straight line, lightly connect points A to B, and B

to C,

Step 2: Using the method outlined for bisecting a line, bisect

lines A-B and B-C

Step 3: Locate point X where the two extended bisectors

meet. Point X is the exact center of the arc or circle.

Step 4: Place the point of the compass on point X and adjust

the lead to any of the points A, B, or C (they are the
same distance), and swing the circle. If all work is

done correctly, the arc or circle should pass through
each point.

Figure 4.11 Example on how to draw an arc or circle

E. How to Draw a Line Parallel to a Straight Line at a

Given Distance
Given: Line A-B, and a required distance to the parallel line.

Step 1: Set the compass at the required distance to the

parallel line. Place the point of the compass at any
location on the given line, and swing a light arc whose
radius is the required distance.

Step 2: Adjust the straight edge of either a drafting machine or

an adjusted triangle so that it line sup with line A-B,
slide the straight edge up or down to the extreme high

point, which is the tangent point, of the arc, then draw
the parallel line.

Figure 4.12 Example on how to draw parallel line

F. How to Draw a Line Parallel to a Line Curved Line at a

Given Distance
Given: Curved line A-B, and a required distance to the
parallel line,

Step 1: Set the compass at the required distance to the

parallel line. Starting from either end of the curved

line, place the point of the compass on the given line,
and swing a series of light arcs along the given line.

Step 2: using an irregular curve, draw a line along the extreme

high points of the arcs.

Figure 4.13 Example on how to draw parallel curved line

G. How to Draw a Perpendicular Lines to a Line at a Point

Method 1

Given: Line A-B with point P on the same line.

Step 1: Using P as a center, make two arcs of equal radius or

more continuous arc (R1) to intercept line A-B on
either side of point P, at points S and T.

Step 2: Swing larger but equal arcs (R2) from each of points S
and T to cross each other at point U.

Step 3: A line from P to U is perpendicular to line A-B at point


Figure 4.14 Example on how to draw a perpendicular line, to a

point outside the line

H. How to Draw a Perpendicular to a Line at a Point

Method 2

Given: Line A-B with point P on the line.

Step 1: Swing an arc of any convenient radius whose center

O is at any convenient location NOT on line A-B, but
positioned to make the arc cross line A-B at points P
and Q

Step 2: A line from point Q through center O intercepts the

opposite side of the arc at point R

Step 3: Line R-P is perpendicular to line A-B (A right angle

has been inscribed in asemi circle)

Figure 4.15 Example on how to draw a perpendicular line, to a

point on the line

I. How to Draw a Perpendicular to a line from a Point Not
on the Line

Given: Line A-B and point P

Step 1: Using P as a center, swing an arc (R1) to intercept

line A-B at points G and H.

Step 2: Swing larger, but equal length arcs (R2) from each of
the points G and H to intercept each other at point J.

Step 3: Line P-J is perpendicular to line A-B

Figure 4.16 Example on how to draw a perpendicular line, to a

point outside the line

J. How to Draw a Triangle with Known Lengths of Sides

Given: lengths 1, 2, and 3.

Step 1: Draw the longest length line, in this example length 3,

with ends A and B. Swing an arc (R1) from point A
whose radius is either length 1 or length 2; in this
example length 1.

Step 2; using the radius length not used in step 1, swing an

arc (R2) from point B to intercept the arc swung from
point A at point

Step 3: Connect A to C and B to C to complete the triangle

Figure 4.17 Example on how to draw triangles with given


K. How to Draw a Square


Given: The locations of the center and the required distance

across the sides of a square.

Step 1: Lightly draw a circle with a diameter equal to the

distance around the sides of the square. Set the
compass at half the required diameter.

Step 2: Using triangles, lightly complete the square by

constructing tangent lines to the circle. Allow the light
construction lines to project from the square, with out
erasing them.

Step 3: Check to see that there are four equal sides and, if so,
darken in the actual square using the correct line

Figure 4.18 Example on how to draw square with given side

Given one side AB. Through point A, draw a perpendicular.
With A as a center, and AB as radius; draw the arc to intersect
the perpendicular at C. With B and C as centers, and AB as
radius, strike arcs to intersect at D. Draw line CD and BD.

Figure 4.19 Example on how to draw square with given side

L. How to Draw A Pentagon (5 Sides)

Given: The locations of the pentagon center and the

diameter that will circumscribe the pentagon.

Step 1: Bisect radius OD at C.

Step 2: With C as center, and CA as radius, strike arc AE.

With A as center, and AE as radius, strike arc EB.

Step 3: Draw line AB, then set off distances AB around the
circumference of the circle, and draw the sides
through these points.

Figure 4.20 Example on how to draw pentagon with a given

M. How to Draw A Hexagon (6 Sides)

Figure 4.21 Example on how to draw hexagon with a given


N. To Draw Any Sided Regular Polygon

To construct a regular polygon with a specific number of
sides, divide the given diameter using the parallel line method
as shown in fig below. In this example, let us assume seven-
sided regular polygon. Construct an equilateral triangle (0-7-8)
with the diameter (0-7) as one of its sides. Draw a line from

the apex (point 8) through the second point on the line (point
2). Extend line 8-2 until it intersects the circle at point 9.
Radius 0-9 will be the size of each side of the figure. Using
radius 0-9 step off the corners of the seven sides polygon and
connect the points.

Figure 4.22 Example on how to draw any sided regular


O. To Draw A Circle Tangent to a Line at a Given Point

Given: Given line AB and a point on the line.

Step 1: At P erect a perpendicular to the line.

Step 2: Set off the radius of the required circle on the

Step 3: Draw circle with radius CP.

Figure 4.23 Example on how to draw a tangent to a line

P. To Draw a Tangent to A Circle through a Point


Given: Point P on the circle.

Move the T-square and triangle as a unit until one side of the
triangle passes through the point P and the center of the
circle; then slide the triangle until the other side passes
through point P, and draw the required tangent.


Given: Point P outside the circle

Move the T-square and triangles as a unit until one side of the
triangle passes through point P and, by inspection, is the
tangent to the circle; and then slide the triangle until the other
side passes through the center of the circle, and lightly mark

the point of tangency T. finally move the triangle back to its
starting position and draw the required tangent.

Figure 4.24 Example on how to draw a tangent to a circle

Q. To Draw Tangents to Two Circles

Move the T-square and triangles as a unit until one side of the
triangle is tangent, by inspection, to the two circles; then slide
the triangle until the other side passes through the center of
one circle, and lightly mark the point of tangency. Then slide
the triangle until the side passes through the center of the
other circle, and mark the point of tangency. Finally slide the
triangle back to the tangent position, and draw the tangent
lines between the two points of tangency. Draw the second
tangent line in similar manner.

Figure 4.25 Example on how to draw a tangent to two circles


Given: A right angle, lines A and B and a required radius.

Step 1: Set the compass at the required radius and, out of the
way, swing a radius from line A and one from line B.

Step 2: From the extreme high points of each radius,

construct a light line parallel to line A and another
line parallel to line B.

Step 3: Where these lines intersect is the exact location of the

required swing point. Set the compass point on the
swing point and lightly construct the required radius.
Allow the radius swing to extend past the required
area. It is important to locate all tangent points (T.P)
before darkening in.

Step 4: Check all work and darken in the radius using the
correct line thickness. Darken in connecting straight
lines as required. Always construct compass work
first, followed by straight lines. Leave all light
construction lines.

Figure 4.26 Example on how to draw an arc tangent to an


S. How to Construct an Arc Tangent to Two Radii or

Given: Diameter A and arc B with center points located, and

the required radius.

Step 1: Set the compass at the required radius and, out of the
way, swing a radius of the required length from a
point on the circumference of given diameter A. Out of
the way, swing a required radius from a point on the
circumference of a given arc B.

Step 2: From the extreme high points of each radius,

construct a light radius out side of the given radii A
and B.

Step 3: Where these arcs intersect is the exact location of the

required swing point. Set the compass point on the
swing point and lightly construct the required radius.
Allow the radius swing to extend past the required

Step 4: Check all work; darken in the radii using the correct
line thickness. Darken in the arcs or radii in
consecutive order from left to right or from right to left,
thus constructing a smooth connecting line having no
apparent change in direction.

Figure 4.27 Example on how to draw an arc tangent to two
radii or diameter

T. To Draw an Ellipse (By Four-Centered Method)

Join 1 and 3, layoff 3-5 equal to 01-03. This is done
graphically as indicated in the fig. Below by swinging 1 around
to 5 with O as center where now 03 from 05 is 3-5; the
required distance. With 3 as center, an arc from 5 to the
diagonal 1-3 locates 6. Bisect 1-6 by a perpendicular crossing
0-1 at 9 and intersecting 0-4 produced (if necessary) at 10.

Make 0-9’ equal to 0-9, and 0-10’ equal to 0-10. Then 9, 9’,
10, and 10’ will be centers for four tangent circle arcs forming
a curve approximating the shape of an ellipse.

Figure 4.28 Example on ellipse construction using four

centered method

U. How to Draw an Ogee Curve

An ogee curve is used to join two parallel lines. It forms a
gentle curve that reverses itself in a neat symmetrical
geometric form.

Given: Parallel lines A-B and C-D

Step 1: Draw a straight line connecting the space between the

parallel lines. In this example, from point B to point C.

Step 2: Make a perpendicular bisector to line B-C to establish

point X.

Step 3: Draw a perpendicular from line A-B at point B to
intersect the perpendicular bisector of B-X, which
locates the first required swing center. Draw a
perpendicular from line C-D at point C to intersect the
perpendicular bisector of CX, which locates the
second required swing center.

Step 4: Place the compass point and adjust the compass lead
to point B, and swing an arc from B to X. Place the
compass point on the second swing point and swing
an arc from X to C. This completes the ogee curve.

Figure 4.29 Example on ogee curve construction

Review questions
1. The side of a certain triangle is 2 cm. Construct an
equilateral triangle based on the given side by using
compass and ruler.

2. Show the procedure how to divide a line in to number of

equal parts

3. Draw a line parallel to straight line AB at 2cm distance.


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