Window Facade Magazine Cover Stor Web
Window Facade Magazine Cover Stor Web
Window Facade Magazine Cover Stor Web
Buildings, as the largest users of energy, are also our greatest opportunity for energy conservation and
protection of the environment. The rapidly growing energy needs have raised global concerns over continued
depletion of energy resources and their negative impact on the environment. The façade is one of the most
significant contributors to the energy conservation and comfort parameters of any building. Strategies and
technologies that allow us to maintain our satisfaction with the interior environment while consuming
fewer of the resources have always been the major objectives for contemporary façade design.
A well designed façade can effectively control the physical environmental factors such as heat, light and
sound, thus improve the occupant comfort within a building. The location and climate are crucial factors in
selecting appropriate façade materials and deciding on the design strategies for sustainable facades.
The cover story of this edition focuses on the various approaches for designing sustainable facades for the
future, which are high performing, comfortable, safe, at the same time aesthetic. It also discusses emerging
façade technologies, and advanced, smart materials for facades, describing their properties and applications.
Architecture is a great responsibility to strike the of the mankind and the random use of the natural
right balance between human aspirations and our resources of the earth has posed a great threat not
ecosystem, says Ar. Sunil Patil, Founder, Sunil only to the environment but also to the planet itself.
Patil & Associates. Today, the growing aspirations Hence any development on the earth has to be
carried out cautiously. Environmental sustainability Façade today has evolved from a skin around the
is of paramount importance. Eco-friendly and building to an element which needs to have a soul, a
sustainable architecture is not a fashionable design purpose and a reason to be there, observes Kirtisagar
concept anymore, but it is the only way to deal with Bollar, Associate Architect, Architect Hafeez
architecture today. Contractor. Today projects demand a significantly
larger chunk of design and planning around facades.
The architectural façade, an inevitable part of any
building, has long been a compelling focus of interest It is a common knowledge in the industry, observes
for building physicists and designers combining Ninad Tipnis, Founder & Principal Architect, JTCPL
attributes of both appearance and performance in Designs, that the facade of any structure is often
a holistic manner. Façades, as building envelope, considered the most important aspect from a
form the outer skins of buildings as a projected design POV, as it lays the groundwork for the rest
image and creative intent. Increasingly, they are also of the building. As far as the engineering front goes,
understood as important environmental moderators. the facade is also of great importance due to its
A thoughtfully designed skin can make a new building environmental impact.
work more effectively for its owners, occupants and
environment. It can also transform the performance Rishi Raj Khare, Principal Architect, Inspire Design,
of an existing building. notes that novel facade technologies, showcasing
new patterns and designs which are more visual, factor not only for achieving the energy efficiency,
are evolving constantly in order to create greener but also the human comfort for which the buildings
healthier eco-friendly places for users. He adds that are actually designed. Agreeing to this, Ar. Bollar adds
the builder’s expectations are sky rocketing and that the design community today has moved ahead
designers is a very challenging job. According to him, from creating fancy looking non-functional facades
the target of the designer has always been to deliver to more climate and context responsive ones which
more scalable designs with commercial appeal, at are much more sensitive than it has even been.
the same they should be cost effective and perceived
as an investment. The main challenge with building performance in
the tropical and subtropical environments is how
Ar. Hiten Sethi, Founder and Principal Designer of to minimise heat gain, observes Hans Brouwer,
Hiten Sethi Associates (HSA) adds that the whole Founder, HB Design. According to Amit Bhat
building performance approach should be used (Principal Architect, AB Architects), “Efficient,
towards achieving the efficiency in order to find Adaptive & Scalable” these are the terms which
the most cost effective solution. The envelope of a
building is a very critical component for evaluating
the efficiency and lifecycle of the building. Façade
has an impact on the interior spaces as well as on
external neighbourhood.
buildings as well. The building envelope has to be Taken to its ultimate development, an interactive
designed to suit the climate to achieve the thermal facade should respond intelligently and reliably
and visual comfort of the space. India, being a tropical to the changing outdoor conditions and internal
country, has ‘hot dry’ and ‘hot humid’ climate in most performance needs. It should exploit available natural
of the regions. Hence the real challenge is to deal energies for lighting, heating and ventilation, should
with harsh radiation from the south and west at the be able to provide large energy savings compared to
same time allowing natural ventilation. Every facade conventional technologies.
needs to be treated differently as per the climatic
conditions. According to Bhasin, the next evolution of facades
will be expected to be more responsible towards the GLAZED FACADES: WHY & HOW
energy it consumes - both while manufacturing and
across its installed design life. Facades could even Man needs natural light to survive and the glass makes
feed energy back to the grid to reduce the burden of it possible to allow light into the interior. Towards the
peak loads on the sources of power generation. end of the 20th century, glazing became the ideal
design solution. Early 21st century saw the growing
BUILDING MATERIALS interest in highly glazed building facades, driven by
a variety of architectural, aesthetic, business and
Building materials make or break any project. environmental rationales. Today, the highly glazed
Continuous innovations in building materials towards facade has become an indispensable component
performance and efficiency help to reduce carbon of a ‘green building’, and building designers and
footprint; e.g. owners have dependably been intrigued by the broad
a. High-strength hollow block masonry units utilisation of glass in building envelopes. But many
using natural mineral-based geopolymers help of these buildings are with profoundly reflective
in reducing the load on the building at the same glazings or utilise exceedingly transmissive glass
time give a better thermal performance. and come across serious internal comfort issues
b. Light, responsive façade that ‘breathes’. This that could only be overcome with extensive HVAC
façade is made up of series of faceted fiberglass systems, resulting in significant energy, cost and
rosettes, which open and close in response to environmental penalties.
the temperature of the façade thereby avoiding
excess of heat to come inside the building. Glass, in its present form is not very safe (unless
c. Double screen façade made from special tiles it is processed and tempered or laminated), says
that can clean the air around it. UV light activated Rajeev Trehan, Senior Associate, Architect Hafeez
free radicals from the tiles destroy any existing Contractor. It has to ultimately evolve into a safer
pollutants from the air leaving it cleaner for the building material. Major issue with glass is safety
people inside the building. and excessive heat gain. At present, the research on
production of more efficient and safe glass is at a
Ar. Patil reiterates the need for reinventing the very basic stage. As we move on, we hope that the
vernacular ethos of traditional buildings. “We have research would result in high performance, energy
been using stone jalis in our traditional building facades generating glass which is inherently very safe as a
which can be derived in the form of metal louvers construction material, adds Trehan.
or fins in a contemporary style todays facades. This
can be pursued further by creating dynamic facades Demand for more efficient, responsive facades lead
using modern technology, which will transform itself to the replacement of conventional glazing by a new
in response to the changing sun positions, lighting generation of high performance, intelligent facade
conditions and the functional requirements,” he adds. systems that meet the comfort and performance
rays, leaving sufficient daylight for good internal could filter the polluted air and provide fresh air
lighting without the challenge of too much glare. In for the inmates. The façade could warm or cool the
this case, the glazing specification doesn’t need to building depending on the climatic condition and
be as high, as the heat build-up has been dealt with requirement. We might see facades which could
before the actual building envelope. It also provides
for a façade that has a lot more interest and depth,
in contrast with the ubiquity of glazed, curtain wall
buildings that adorn our modern cities, adds Brouwer.
According to Nishant Gupta, Associate Architect,
Architect Hafeez Contractor, future facades
would be more advanced in terms of material and
technology. They will be more interactive, and more
environment responsive, and much more innovative
in design. They could draw moisture from outside
and collect water. They could capture solar energy
Orbit Haven, Mumbai by Architect Hafeez Contractor
and make the building self sustainable. Facades
expand and contract as per the space requirement. Ar. Rishi Raj Khare too foresees that, in future facades,
We can also look forward for facades which could be solar panels will be used and LED systems which help
taken off from one building and installed on another. to provide light. Both interior and exterior skins with
bioclimatic effective façade will help to moderate
Like Nishant Gupta, architect Amit Bhat also is wind, noise, light, heat and pollution, he adds. Vertical
optimistic that in future we would develop a facade/ gardens can reduce the thermal loads; rainwater
fenestration system which provides us a way to harvesting systems and recyclable products used
generate green energy from natural resources. Now for construction would add to the greenness of the
a days we are hearing about the use of photo voltaic building. All these challenges will make the job of a
cells on facades so that the buildings can generate façade engineer one of the most interesting and
energy and could become self sustainable in power creative one.
requirement. But, at present, the system seems to
be phenomenally expensive. As photovoltaic costs By integrating innovations with proactive façade
decrease in the future, these on-site power systems management strategies we can work towards a
will be integrated within the glass skin and these greener and more sustainable future, ensuring
facades will become local, non-polluting energy these combined strategies both play their part in
suppliers to generate enough energy. Wind farms supporting global sustainability targets.
near coastal areas will help to generate more energy.
These innovative concepts create habitable clean As with design and technology, materials too will play
energy harvesting system. an important part in contributing to the smart and
environmentally sensitive design narrative. Building Forging ahead, Kirtisagar Bollar of AHC visualises
materials will evolve with more recycling friendly the future of facades is going to be much more than
alternatives with even upcycling contributions from the material, looks or performance. It will be a living
other industries, adds Ar. Gautam Bhasin. organ very much like our skin, which will respond
in real time to its surrounding presence and will be
According to Ar. Indrajit Kembhavi, the material capable of adapting to it. From facades which will
palette of future façades is evolving rapidly ranging be able to self heat and cool itself a building will no
from ceramics, multilayer aluminium/metal, to ETFE longer depend on its internal building management
(ethylene tetrafluroethylene copolymer) cushion systems. They will be ‘’intelligent’’. Yes, intelligent.
fabric, multilayer ETICS (external thermal insulation The big ‘’I’’.
cladding system) to green vegetated façade systems.
Future technologies would involve façade that is CONCLUSION
self-cleaning, environmentally dynamic, information
sensitive and communicating. Sustainable design continues to be at the core of the
architecture, engineering and construction (AEC)
Ar. Rajeev Trehan of AHC is hopeful that the ongoing industry, yet very few can agree on how it should be
research on glass will result in introducing completely practised, implemented and incorporated into the
transparent glasses that are totally safe, insulated design process, and take it to the next level, may be
and energy generating, and it will become a reality in to ‘net-zero’ levels and beyond.
the near future. The buildings of the future could use
this novel material. He believes that gradually it will Design teams are changing to become more intensive
become mandatory to use such ’hi tech’ glass that is collaborations. Technologies have advanced to
transparent (but photo chromatic), lightweight (but the point where it is difficult for architects to be
strong), safe (without additional processing) and all-knowing in relation to the effect of various
energy generating. systems on the holistic performance of a building.
One shouldn’t stop with materials that are already
Future façade can be defined as fully responsive in the palette, but look for much more innovative
parametric façade that are non-static, but kinetic ones. New materials are flooding the marketplace
addressing varied issues including sustainability, at an exponential rate. Their introduction requires
power generation, vertical farming and are informative rapid inclusion in familiar construction systems,
and transformational, articulates Kembhavi. The considering the qualities like performance, tolerance,
facades, far from being static elements shall start compatibility, etc. Building skins in the future will
getting responsive and communicative to a situation/ integrate dynamic or kinetic components, creating
environment. However, the biggest challenge shall be an architecture that incorporates multiple materials
to balance the cost to performance ratio. and systems into a singularly performing envelope.