Sustainable Construction: Designers: Who Should Read This Factsheet?

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Sustainable Construction: Designers

Who should read this factsheet? Designers play a key part in producing more sustainable
construction. They can influence clients, advising them on
This factsheet should be read alongside the general sheet
the best sustainable solutions. Designers also tend to have
Sustainable Construction: An Introduction.
greater contact with new methods, tools and research that
Written for designers this factsheet outlines aspects of can be applied in projects. However, it is important,
sustainability to consider for more sustainable building particularly when aiming for a more sustainable solution, that
design. The mini case studies towards the end of the the project team (including designers and suppliers,
document provide examples of sustainable designs. contractors and client) work together towards a shared goal.
All can benefit from the resulting improved efficiency, fewer
Designers may also be interested in reading the factsheets conflicts or misunderstandings and shared learning
for suppliers and contractors. opportunities.

What does sustainable construction mean for What do I need to consider?

Make sure that your employees are up to date with the most
For designers, sustainable construction means designing recent sustainability guidance, methods and tools. Key
buildings that work at all levels, economic, environmental and economic, environmental and social areas to consider are
social; buildings that are high quality, attractive, and use outlined below.
fewer resources; buildings that bring economic benefits to
their owners and a better environment for their occupants. It Economic sustainability
will help designers: Think about the quality and whole life cost of the project.
For example, designing for greater energy efficiency
attract and retain clients who are increasingly asking for (reducing energy bills over the lifetime of the building) or
better - more sustainable - buildings creating a healthier and more pleasant indoor environment
for occupants (increasing staff productivity) can be very
result in an increased level of satisfaction, enhancing
appealing to clients.
market appeal

maximise innovation and reduce the risk of conflicts, time Direct benefits of good design are reduced
delays, defects and projects going over budget by working maintenance, management and running costs, while
more closely with other organisations in the construction indirect benefits are gained through improved
process; partnering is an important part of more- satisfaction and productivity of building users.
sustainable construction (Constructing Excellence)

attract and retain the best employees, especially those Clients will often appoint consultants on the basis of their
who would prefer to work for an environmentally and past experience in sustainable construction, so
socially aware company. highlighting past projects to clients can help win
business. A high level of client satisfaction will also
Sustainable design concepts and specification need to be
enhance the design teams image and encourage repeat
considered and included at the earliest stage of a project if
they are to be integrated fully into the finished product.

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Sustainable Construction: Designers

Design also impacts on the economic performance of Environmental sustainability

the construction process. Aim to work in partnership There are seven key environmental areas to think about.
with the supply chain to specify standard materials to save Most of these can be considered effectively through the use
unnecessary waste, cost and labour during construction. of BREEAM (BRE Environmental Assessment Method) - see
Good communication with other members of the team, further information section.
and involvement of the design team early in the process is
Energy. Design to minimise the energy consumption of
also likely to reduce delays and cost over-runs.
buildings in operation. This can be achieved through an air
Considering techniques such as off-site construction and
tight building envelope that has controllable ventilation,
designing simpler building services systems can also
good insulation, efficient and responsive heating and
reduce the likelihood of delays, defects or variations.
lighting controls, appropriate glazing and shading to avoid
The Design Quality Indicator (DQI) is one way of involving overheating in summer, and natural ventilation instead of
clients and end-users in the design of a building (see box air-conditioning. For more information see

Transport. Make the most of the location. Plan the site

Design Quality Indicator (DQI) with public transport use, efficient vehicle movements,
The DQI is a way of developing a high quality design that cycling and walking in mind. If building occupants have a
meets the needs of building users. It can be used at choice of alternative transport modes to the single-
inception for the client to clearly express their requirements, occupant car they will have the opportunity to significantly
set benchmarks and help to understand the trade-offs reduce the greenhouse gas emissions and other pollution
between different options. associated with their journeys to and from the building/
development. Design-in features such as sheltered cycle
It is based around a non-technical questionnaire that
storage and provide safe pedestrian routes to local
addresses build quality, functionality and impact of the
amenities and transport nodes.
building. The questionnaire is completed by stakeholders
who are assisted by a trained facilitator. The results of the Materials. Aim to minimise the amount of raw material
aggregated responses are shown in a diagram such as the and energy used in construction, and the pollution and
one below waste produced. This can be achieved by reusing existing
building components such as faades and structures.
use Consider the embodied impact of different building options
when deciding whether new build or refurbishment would
construction access
be most appropriate (see box below). Careful choice of
materials and components can greatly reduce the
engineering space
embodied impact of construction. Reused or recycled
materials are generally preferable to new, in terms of
character / sustainability (provided they havent been transported over
considerable distances or undergone a significant
urban and social
form and materials
cleaning/repairing processes, which would increase their
environmental impact). Where you specify new materials,
internal environment
aim to use renewable ones as much as possible (for
example wood from sustainably managed sources, natural
fibres such as wool or hemp, etc, instead of petroleum-
based products).

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Sustainable Construction: Designers

Biodiversity. Select the site and plan the development so

Embodied impact of a building as to minimise disruption to sensitive areas. Consider
obtaining the advice of an ecological consultant on how to
minimise impact on the sites existing wildlife and on
Production of
features of ecological value to include to enhance site
Waste emissions to: Air (eg CO2, other gaseous pollution) Water,

biodiversity. For more information, see
Inputs: Energy (power, transport etc), Material (raw

Manufacture of
Land (eg solid waste sent to landfill)

products Internal environment. Aim to create a pleasant and

healthy internal environment, by providing appropriate
materials/recycled), Water

ventilation and fresh air, natural daylight, occupant

Construction &
temperature control, and considering internal noise levels.

It is important that documentation and commissioning is

Use &
effective to ensure that the systems and features operate as
maintenance of designed. A poorly commissioned building can consume far
building more resources and have a poor indoor environment when
compared to a properly commissioned building. The design
team is in an ideal position to ensure that documentation and
commissioning is effective and robust. Designers can also
play a key role by designing buildings that are easy to use
(so that complicated documentation is not needed) and in
training occupants on efficient building operation.

Waste. Construction site waste can be reduced by using Social sustainability

standardised components in the design. Building It is important to design the building so it is fit for purpose.
operational waste can be reduced by designing space for Involving end users in design can bring great social
recycling bins in the finished building. It is also important benefits, ensuring that the finished building meets their
to consider deconstruction recycling, so that components needs and performs well for the people who will use it.
can easily be recycled or re-used at the end of the
One of the requirements for a sustainable community laid
buildings life. For more information see
out in the recently published Sustainable Communities
Plan (Office of the Deputy Prime Minister) is that local
Water. Aim to reduce the amount of treated water that will people, groups and businesses should be involved in the
be used in the building. This can be achieved through planning, design and long-term stewardship of their
designing-in water-efficient fittings (such as taps, showers community. Community participation is an important
and toilets), control devices (for example auto shut-off taps aspect of sustainable design. Design teams should ensure
and proximity detection shut off in toilet areas) and also by new buildings are in keeping with the local area and,
including systems such as grey-water recycling or rain where possible, designed to enhance local areas. For
water collection for toilet flushing and irrigation, or even more information see the Factsheet entitled Working with
black water recycling (for example, using reed bed the Community at
systems) in the design. For more information, see

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Sustainable Construction: Designers

Aim to design for adaptability. A building that can The benefits include a more pleasant indoor environment for
accommodate changing uses is likely to have a longer life the building occupants, in a building with a lower
span. This not only enables it to be changed as social environmental impact. The construction phase was more
requirements of the building users change, but it also has efficient and had a lower impact on the environment, and
significant environmental and economic benefits. provided lessons for the project team to follow in future
However, avoid over-specification, which can result in the projects.
unnecessary incorporation of components into a building
For more information, contact Nicholas Hare Architects:
which may never be used. Design for easy upgrading of
T: 020 7607 4433, F: 020 7607 7220.
Examples of more sustainable building designs
Bennetts Associates Office, Clerkenwell, London
Richard Doll Building, University of Oxford Bennetts Associates Architects have pioneered higher levels
This building is a new cancer research centre. The architect of sustainability in their projects for more than a decade; they
(Nicholas Hare Architects) worked with the main contractor applied principles of sustainability to the design of their own
(HBG Construction Southern Ltd) as part of an integrated new office building. The project involved reconstruction and
team, to understand, better manage and so minimise building extension of a derelict barn and print works.
At the pre-construction stage, the architect set out goals in Energy efficiency. The design encompasses simple
the following areas: proven methods, which are appropriate to the scale and
function of the buildings. These include a good level of
construction materials were chosen with regard for their
insulation, double-glazed windows and high thermal mass
sustainable origins and proximity to the site in order to
provided in the floors and roofs.
reduce transportation
Materials. Selection of materials took into account both
waste was designed-out through methods such as
embodied energy and sustainability. Windows are mild
modular design and specifying standard-sized
steel, which has less embodied energy than aluminium,
components to reduce unusable off-cuts
carpets are made from recycled materials and, wherever
suppliers with a progressive approach to waste possible, timber and brick used were salvaged from
management and recycling were identified. buildings on the site that had fallen into disrepair.

The design also incorporated more visible design features, Location. The new office makes good use of existing
including: buildings that had fallen into disrepair, a more sustainable
solution than demolishing existing buildings and starting
atrium spaces that provide natural ventilation for the from scratch. The development will also go some way to
adjacent office areas by means of opening windows help regenerate the social and economic fabric of the
area, which has deteriorated over a number of years.
solar shading to reduce heat gain
Occupant satisfaction. Staff consultation was (and
highly insulated construction fabric.
continues to be) an important aspect of the project. Staff
were consulted throughout the design process, and during
post-occupancy, to ensure that the new office meets their

Published by Constructing Excellence T 0845 605 55 56 F 01923 664690 E

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Sustainable Construction: Designers

A more detailed case study is available from The Value of Good Design, CABE, 2002. A booklet that, or contact: Ann Bodkin, draws together research to demonstrate the social and
economic value generated by good
T: 020 7520 3300
Celebrating Innovation, CABE. Case Studies on innovation
and integration in design and construction:

Action Energy. A government-funded programme to help

Sources of further information organisations save money through energy saving:
BREEAM (BRE Environmental Assessment Method). A
voluntary scheme for assessing and certifying the This fact sheet was produced for Constructing Excellence by
environmental performance of buildings: the Centre for Sustainable Construction, BRE, Bucknalls
Lane, Garston, Watford, WD25 9XX,
Green Guide to Specification Anderson J, Shiers D,
Sinclair M (2002), Blackwell. Provides environmental
ratings for over 250 materials, helping designers to choose
materials with lower environmental impact:

AECB (Association for Environment-Conscious

Building), The Real Green Building Book. Produced
annually, this booklet provides a listing of greener
practitioners from materials producers to contractors and

Construction Resources. An ecological building centre,

distributing materials & systems for sustainable building:

Design Quality Indicators. Allows designers to draw on

user input in design:

Demonstrations of Sustainability, Constructing

Excellence, 2003. A report summarising the Rethinking
Construction demonstrations and how they have addressed
sustainable construction issues:

Sustainable Buildings: benefits for designers, BRE

Information Paper IP13/03 Part 2. Based on case studies,
this paper outlines the benefits to designers of producing
more sustainable buildings. It is one of a set of four:

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