Catalog O Ring Guide PTD5712 en

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O-Ring Guide



Parker´s safety programme 4

Introduction 6

Sealing compounds 9

Deformation force 25

Design information and installation guidelines 31

O-ring dimension 41

Parbak®-back-up ring 8-xxx sizes 87

O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
3 Prädifa Technology Division
Parker´s safety programme

Warning - user responsibility The data for operating pressure, operating tem-
perature, and surface speed stated in the columns
This document and other information from Park- represent maximum values and are interrelated.
er Hannifin Corporation, its subsidiaries and au- Under extreme working conditions it is recom-
thorized distributors provide product or system mended not to use all maximum values simulta-
options for further investigation by users having neously.
technical expertise.
For special requirements (pressure, temperature,
The user, through its own analysis and testing, is speed, etc.) please contact our consultancy ser-
solely responsible for making the final selection vice, so that suitable materials and/or designs can
of the system and components and assuring that be recommended.
all performance, endurance, maintenance, safety
and warning requirements of the application are
met. The user must analyze all aspects of the ap-
plication, follow applicable industry standards, Compatibility of seals and
and follow the information concerning the prod-
uct in the current product catalogue and in any operating media / cleaning
materials provided by Parker or its subsidiaries or agents
authorized distributors.
Due to the great diversity of operational parame-
To the extent that Parker or its subsidiaries or au-
ters affecting fluidic devices and their impact on
thorized distributors provide component or sys-
seals, it is absolutely imperative that manufactur-
tem options based upon data or specifications
ers of these devices approve seals for functional
provided by the user, the user is responsible for
and operational suitability under field conditions.
determining that such data and specifications are
suitable and sufficient for all applications and re-
Furthermore, in view of the consistent increase of
sponsibly foreseeable uses of the components or
newly available media used as hydraulic oils, lu-
bricants, and cleaning agents, special attention is
invited to the aspect of compatibility with sealing
elastomers currently in use.
Range of application Additives contained in base media in order to en-
Our seals may only be used within the application hance certain functional characteristics may af-
parameters stated in our documents as regards fect compatibility characteristics of sealing ma-
compatibility with contact media, pressures, tem- terials.
peratures and time of storage. Application or use
outside of the specified application parameters as For this reason, it is imperative that any product
well as the selection of different compounds by equipped with our seals be tested for compatibil-
mistake may result in damage to life, the environ- ity with operational media or cleaning agents ap-
ment and/or equipment and facilities. proved or specified by you either at your plant or
by means of field tests prior to any field use.
The information contained in our publications is
based on know-how developed over decades of We kindly ask you to comply with this notice
experience in the manufacturing and application since, as a manufacturer of seals, we are not in a
of seals. Despite this experience, unknown fac- position, as a matter of principle, to perform sim-
tors arising out of the practical application of seals ulations of any and all conditions present in the fi-
may considerably affect the overall applicability of nal application nor of knowing the composition of
this information in such a way that the recommen- the operational media and cleaning agents used.
dations provided herein are not to be considered
generally binding.

O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
4 Prädifa Technolgy Division
Parker´s safety programme

Design modifications Validity

We reserve the right to make design modifications This edition supersedes all prior documents.
without prior notification.

Prototypes and samples

Prototypes and samples are produced from ex-
perimental moulds. The subsequent series pro-
duction may differ in terms of production tech-
niques from the prototype production unless
specific agreement to the contrary was reached

Delivery and services

The delivery guarantee (availability of moulds) for
individual dimensions of our range of products is
limited to a period of 7 years.

Damaged moulds, including standard items, can

only be replaced in case of sufficient demand.
Most of the dimensions stated in this catalogue
are normally (but not as a matter of course) avail-
able ex stock.

For the production of smaller quantities, special

compounds, and in case of special production
procedures, we reserve the right of charging a
prorated share of set-up costs.

All deliveries and services are subject to our


Quality systems
Our manufacturing sites are certified according to
ISO 9001 and/or ISO/TS 16949 and/or EN9100.

All rights reserved by Parker Hannifin Corporation.
Extracts may only be taken with permission. Mod-
ification rights reserved.

O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
5 Prädifa Technology Division

Sealing technology by Parker not be described strictly by using standard software.

Therefore, Parker Prädifa has developed proprietary
Praedifa mathematical models to describe the complex material
properties and special measuring methods to capture
The Engineered Materials Group of the Parker Hanni- the relevant material parameters.
fin Corporation is a worldwide leader in the develop- Computer simulation allows experts to detect weak ar-
ment, production and sale of sealing systems, vibration eas as early as in the concept phase and to optimise
dampers, EMI shielding systems and thermally con- materials or geometries. This saves development time
ductive materials. and costs.

Quality assurance Literature

In the Prädifa Technology Division’s world-class facili-
ties, skilled Parker technicians manufacture O-rings to
exacting standards. From in-house mixing and tooling
operations to the final non-contact inspection process,
state-of-the art technology is employed to provide un-
paralleled material consistency and dimensional con-
trol. Quality registrations are maintained to ensure su-
perior product performance and process repeatability.

Research and development

Based on decades of experience in a wide range of
markets Parker develops tailored sealing solutions for
virtually any application. Parker’s sealing experts can
draw on an extensive network of R+D laboratories
around the globe. State-of-the-art materials, high-end
manufacturing technology and designs that are per-
fectly tailored to the specific application result in prod-
ucts and solutions that have one aim in mind: the full The Parker O-Ring Handbook has been a standard
satisfaction of our customers and partners. reference work used by seal designers for decades. It
contains comprehensive information about the prop-
erties of the most important sealing elastomers, typi-
cal O-ring application examples, examples of statically
Computer simulation acting seal designs plus descriptions of conditions that
may lead to O-Ring failure. In addition, the handbook
contains an overview of international dimensions and
standards as well as media compatibility data for fluids,
gases and solids.

Parker Prädifa uses the Finite Elements Method to de-

velop and optimise sealing systems. Particularly elas-
tomer materials with their non-linear properties can-

O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
6 Prädifa Technolgy Division

Compounds O-rings
O-rings are manufactured according to metric and im-
perial international standards such as AS-568B, DIN
ISO 3601 and JIS. Custom sizes of almost any dimen-
sion are possible such as miniature O-rings and special
O-rings with large dimensions.


Tailored materials require tailored compounding pro-

cesses. Therefore, Parker produces its rubber mixtures
and polymerises its thermoplastic materials in-house.
The portfolio of materials developed and produced by
Parker ranges from compounds for extremely low tem-
peratures down to 6 ­ 0  °C (silicones) to very high tem-
peratures up to +320 °C (Parofluor®). Parker offers the
appropriate compound for the specific application re-
quirements including excellent resistance against ag-
gressive chemicals. With excellent extrusion and abra-
sion resistance Parker’s proprietary polyurethane line
is suitable for an extremely extensive application range The handy carrying case with O-rings is ideally suited
and continually new uses. for repairs, assembly jobs and workshops, and finally
puts an end to the search for the right O-ring.
Parker offers it in various versions: with O-rings in se-
lected imperial and metric standard dimensions and
Product lines appropriate materials or with customised content.
Compact, well arranged and always within reach, the
kit provides the appropriate materials for quick use.


Parker manufactures O-rings and special moulded

parts for automotive engineering, the chemical and
bio-chemical industries, fluid power, refrigeration and
air conditioning technology, the petroleum sector, aer-
ospace, the semi-conductor industry and many other
industrial sectors.

Products to assist O-ring users include assembly

greases and lubricants, sizing cones and extraction

O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
7 Prädifa Technology Division

Parbak® Back-up rings

Parbak® Back-up rings prevent extrusion in high-pres-

sure applications, help to maintain the lubricant film
and thus prolong the service life of O-rings.
The Parbak® numbers correspond to the size designa-
tions of the 2-xxx series of the Parker O-rings they are
installed with (e.g. 8-211, N 300-90 fits O-ring 2-211,
N 674-70).

ParCoat® Coating
O-rings with ParCoat® coatings can be assembled with
low exertion of force using automatic equipment. The
rings will not stick together during the feeder process.
Prior to installation they can be elongated by over 150
% without causing the anti-friction coating to burst or

• Clearly reduced frictional forces
• No damage to seals during installation or assembly
• Faster, more cost-efficient assembly process
• Improves interfacial seal tightness, especially for
sealing against gases
• Seals will not stick together in automatic feeding
• No soiling or contamination
• Translucent ParCoat® treated O-rings insures no
risk of mix-ups as basic elastomer compound
colour remains visible
• Elongation capacity above 150 %, depending on
• Suitable for nearly all standard elastomer types (for
LSR not all coatings applicable)
• In different colours available

O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
8 Prädifa Technolgy Division
Sealing compounds

Parker O-ring compounds are formulated to meet the

most stringent industry standards, including FDA, USP,
KTW, DVGW, BAM, WRAS (WRC), NSF, Underwriters
Laboratories (UL), Aerospace (AMS) and many custom-
er-specific requirements.

Sealing compounds

O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
9 Prädifa Technology Division
Sealing compounds

Compounds Ethylene propylene rubber (EPDM)

EPDM is a terpolymer of ethylene, propylene, and a di-
O-rings can be molded in a wide range of compounds ene third monomer used for cross-linking.
in hardnesses from 40 to 90 Shore A. These materials

Silicone rubber (VMQ)

Sealing compounds

Polyacrylate (ACM) Silicone elastomers have relatively low tensile strength,

poor tear and wear resistance. Silicones also possess
ACM (acrylic rubber) has good resistance to mineral oil, good insulating properties and tend to be physiologi-
oxygen and ozone. The water compatibility and cold cally neutral.
flexibility of ACM are considerably worse than those
with NBR.

Fluorosilicone (FVMQ)

Polychloroprene rubber (CR) Fluorosilicone is a silicone polymer chain with fluorinat-

ed side-chains for improved oil and fuel resistance. The
Also known by the tradename Neoprene, polychloro- mechanical and physical properties are very similar to
prene was the first synthetic rubber and exhibits gen- those of silicone.
erally good ozone, aging, and chemical resistance. It
has good mechanical properties over a wide temper-
ature range.
Liquid silicone rubber (LSR)
Liquid Silicone Rubber (LSR) offer great advantage
Nitrile butadiene rubber (NBR) producing efficient high quantity silicone parts. Flash
less production gives opportunities for difficult molded
Nitrile rubber (NBR) is the general term for acryloni- shapes. I.E. for fastidious medical or automotive ap-
trile-butadiene terpolymer. The acrylonitrile content of plications.
nitrile sealing compounds varies considerably (18 to
50 %). Polymers with higher ACN content exhibit less
swell in gasoline and aromatic solvents, while lower
ACN polymers exhibit better compression set and low Fluorocarbon (FKM)
temperature flexibility. Polymer is also called Buna-N.
Fluorocarbon (FKM) has excellent resistance to high
temperatures and a broad range of chemicals. Perme-
ability and compression set are excellent.
Hydrogenated nitrile butadiene rubber
Hydrogenated NBR was developed as an air-resistant HiFluor® (FKM, FB)
variant of nitrile rubber. In HNBR, the carbon-carbon
double bonds in the main polymer chain are saturated As a high-performance fluoroelastomer, HiFluor® offers
with hydrogen atoms in a process called “hydrogena- chemical stability comparable to perfluoro elastomers
tion” that improves the material’s thermal stability and (FFKM) in nearly all media.
oxidation resistance. Particularly in polar solvents, HiFluor® exhibits major
advantages over conventional FKM polymers.
HiFluor® offers a wide range of application solutions
in all industrial sectors. From conventional O-rings in
standard (imperial and metric) dimensions through to
diaphragms and moulded engineering parts according
to customers’ drawings, the compound can be pro-
cessed in rubber-metal composites as well.

O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
10 Prädifa Technolgy Division
Sealing compounds

Parofluor® (FFKM)
The Parofluor® range consists of advanced perfluori-
nated elastomers (FFKMs) exclusively developed and
produced by Parker Hannifin. They are carried under
the trade names of Parofluor® and Parofluor Quantum®.
Compared with other perfluorinated elastomers Paro-
fluor® compounds offer outstanding retained resiliency
as they have been developed specifically for extremely

Sealing compounds
challenging sealing applications.

Parker O-ring compound

numbering system
Parker O-ring compounds are described by the follow-
ing system.

N= Polymercode
0674= Sequence number (compound code)
-70= Hardness (Shore A)

A= Polyacrylate
C= Neoprene (Chloroprene)
E= Ethylene propylene
L= Fluorosilicone
N= Nitrile (Buna N) and HNBR
S= Silicone
V= Fluorocarbon, HiFluor®, Parofluor®
P= Thermoplastic elastomers

O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
11 Prädifa Technology Division
Sealing compounds

Compound Polymer Hard- Colour Temperature Properties / Applications

code base ness range static
[Shore [°C]

Polyacrylate rubber (ACM)

Sealing compounds

A8845-70 ACM 70
±5 black -20 150

Polychloroprene Rubber (CR)

C0557-70 CR 70
±5 black -40 100 • often used in refrigerant (e.g. R134a or R22)
• good aging and salt water resistance
C0944-70 CR 70
±5 red -40 100

Ethylene propylene rubber (EPDM)

E0529-60 EPDM 60
±5 black -50 150
E0540-80 1)
±5 black -50 150 • standard compound
• good compression set
• hot water
• air to 150 °C
• steam to 200 °C
• dilute acids
• fire-resistant hydraulic fluids with phosphate ester base
• brake fluids with non-mineral oil base
E3609-70 EPDM 70
±5 black -50 150 • standard compound
• FDA-compliant
• (EC) No. 1935/2004
• USP Class VI
• not suitable for use with milk and nutritional oil
E3678-80 EPDM 80
±5 violet -50 150
E3804-90 EPDM 90
±5 black -50 150 • Parbak® compound
E8556-70 EPDM 70
±5 black -50 150 • for industrial cooling water applications
• improved ageing resistance
E8743-70 EPDM 70
±5 black -50 150 • FDA-compliant
• (EC) No. 1935/2004
• for food industry
• ADI-free
E8780-80 EPDM 80
±5 black -50 150 • standard for drinking water applications
• approvals: KTW, W 270, EN 681-1, W 534, ÖNORM
B-5014-1, BfR
• FDA-compliant (not suitable for use with milk and
nutritional oil)
• (EC) No. 1935/2004
E8790-70 EPDM 70
±5 black -50 150 • standard for drinking water applications
• approvals: KTW, WRAS, W 270, EN 681-1, W 534,
KIWA, NSF 61, ÖNORM B-5014-1
• FDA-compliant (not suitable for use with milk and
nutritional oil)
• (EC) No. 1935/2004

O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
12 Prädifa Technolgy Division
Sealing compounds

Compound Polymer Hard- Colour Temperature Properties / Applications

code base ness range static
[Shore [°C]

Nitrile butadiene (NBR)

Sealing compounds
N0525-60 NBR 60
±5 black -35 100
N0552-90 1)
NBR 90
±5 black -30 100
N0674-701) NBR 70
±5 black -35 100 • standard compound
• resistance to mineral oil and mineral oil products,
animal and vegetable oils
• generally suited for hydraulic and pneumatic
systems compatible with hydraulic oil, water glycol
(HFC fluids) and oil in water emulsions (HFA fluids)
N3505-50 NBR 50
±5 black -35 100 • improved ozone and weather-proof resistance
N3575-75 NBR 75
±5 black -50 100 • low temperature with improved oil resistance
N3578-80 NBR 80
±5 black -40 100

Hydrogenated nitrile butadiene rubber (HNBR)

N3510-85 HNBR 85
±5 black -35 150
N3512-90 HNBR 90
±5 black -35 150
N3554-75 HNBR 75
±5 light -35 150
N3573-75 HNBR 75
±5 black -35 150
N3723-80 HNBR 80
±5 black -35 150
N3813-70 HNBR 70
±5 black -40 150 • for low temperatures
N3831-70 HNBR 70
±5 black -35 150 • suitable for AdBlue® 2) to approx. 80 °C
N3837-85 HNBR 85
±5 green -35 150
N8505-70 HNBR 70
±5 green -35 150 • suitable for biodiesel (RME) applications up to 80 °C
N8680-90 HNBR 90
±5 black -40 150 • for low temperatures
N8888-70 HNBR 70
±5 yellow -35 150 • for gas and water application
• approval for EN 549, EN 681-1

O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
13 Prädifa Technology Division
Sealing compounds

Compound Polymer Hard- Colour Temperature Properties / Applications

code base ness range static
[Shore [°C]

Thermoplastic elastomers (TPE) (Ultrathan®)

Sealing compounds

P4300 TPU 92
±5 yellow -30 110 • excellent high-temperature behaviour
• excellent dynamic behaviour
P5000 TPU 94
±5 dark -20 100 • very good hydrolysis resistance
green • FDA-compliant
P5001 TPU 94
±5 brown -35 100 • good hydrolysis resistance
P5007 TPU 82
±5 green, -35 80 • standard compound
P5008 TPU 94
±5 green -35 100 • standard compound
P5009 TPU 94
±5 grey -45 95 • for low temperatures
P5012 TPU 90
±5 red -38 100 • good hydrolysis resistance
P5029 TPU 94
±5 nature -20 100 • very good hydrolysis resistance
• FDA-compliant
P5070 TPU 83
±5 green -35 85 • good hydrolysis resistance
P5075 TPU 80
±5 ochre -45 80 • for low temperatures
P6000 TPU 95
±5 grey -35 110 • very high mechanical strength
• extrusion resistance
P6030 TPU 93
±5 orange -35 105 • high mechanical strength
• extrusion resistance

Silicone rubber (VMQ)

S0595-50 VMQ 50
±5 red -55 200
S0604-70 VMQ 70
±5 red -55 200 • standard compound
• hot air to 210 °C
• water to 100 °C
• only suitable as static seal
S0613-60 VMQ 60
±5 red -55 200
S0614-80 VMQ 80
±5 red -55 200

Liquid silicone rubber (LSR)

S3693-50 LSR 50
±5 reddish -50 200
S3695-60 LSR 60
±5 reddish -50 200
S3697-40 LSR 40
±5 reddish -50 200
S3698-70 LSR 70
±5 reddish -50 200

O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
14 Prädifa Technolgy Division
Sealing compounds

Compound Polymer Hard- Colour Temperature Properties / Applications

code base ness range static
[Shore [°C]

Fluorosilicone (FVMQ)

Sealing compounds
L0677-70 FVMQ 70
±5 blue -60 170 • for high temperatures
• good low-temperature resistance
• mostly fitted where fuel and oil resistance is important
• predominant in aircraft
L0806-80 FVMQ 80
±5 blue -60 170 • approvals for military and aerospace applications
L3355-70 FVMQ 70
±5 yellow -60 170 • used in automotive fuel couplings
L8559-70 FVMQ 70
±5 blue -60 170
L8585-80 FVMQ 80
±5 blue -60 170 • approvals for aerospace applications

Fluorocarbon (FKM)
V0709-90 FKM 90
±5 black -25 200
V0747-751) FKM 75
±5 black -25 200 • standard compound
• for high temperatures
• hot oil
• aromatic solvents
• wide chemical resistance
• fire-resistant fluids with phosphate ester and chlorin-
ated hydrocarbon base
• copolymer
V0763-60 FKM 60
±5 brown -25 200 • copolymer
V0884-75 FKM 75
±5 brown -25 200 • copolymer
V0894-90 FKM 90
±5 brown -25 200 • copolymer
V3642-75 FKM 75
±5 black -25 200 • terpolymer
V3670-70 FKM 70
±5 green -25 200 • copolymer
V3681-80 FKM 80
±5 green -25 200 • copolymer
V3736-75 FKM 75
±5 black -28 200 • terpolymer
• improved low temperature resistance
V3738-75 FKM 75
±5 black -20 200 • improved medium compatibility
V8592-75 FKM 75
±5 blue -40 200 • for low temperatures
V8703-75 FKM 75
±5 black -30 200 • improved low temperature resistance
• suitable for biodiesel (RME) applications
V8722-75 FKM 75
±5 black -25 200 • FDA-compliant
• (EC) No. 1935/2004
• ADI-free
• improved resistance against water glycol and acids
V8750-70 FKM 70
±5 black -25 200 • FDA-compliant
• (EC) No. 1935/2004
• food industry
V8802-80 FKM 80
±5 blue -40 200 • for low temperatures

O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
15 Prädifa Technology Division
Sealing compounds

Compound Polymer Hard- Colour Temperature Properties / Applications

code base ness range static
[Shore [°C]
V8877-75 FKM 75
±5 blue -50 200 • highly improved low temperature resistance
V8989-80 FKM 83
±5 black -40 200 • for low temperatures
• improved medium compatibility and mechanical
Sealing compounds


High Performance Fluoroelastomer (HiFluor®) (FKM)

V3819-75 FKM 75
±5 black -25 +250 • improved resistance against water glycol and acids
• excellent availability in Parker standard dimensions
V8534-90 FKM 90
±5 black -25 +250 • improved resistance to explosive decompression
and gap extrusion
• off-shore and petrochemical applications
V8730-70 FKM 70
±5 white -25 +250 • food industry
• FDA-compliant
• (EC) No. 1935/2004
• particularly suitable for use with high processing
temperatures and aggressive media
V3852-65 FKM 65
±5 black -25 +250 • preferably used for moulded functional components
and membranes / diaphragms
V8558-75 FKM 75
±5 green -25 +260 • coloured version

High Performance Fluoroelastomer (HiFluor® FB)

V8879-75 FEPM 75
±5 black -15 +230 • very good chemical resistance
• very good varnish stability
• FDA-compliant
• (EC) No. 1935/2004
V8991-75 FEPM 75
±5 black -25 +200 • very good chemical resistance
• good steam resistance (CIP/SIP)
• FDA-compliant
• (EC) No. 1935/2004
• USP Class VI
• (EC) No. 2023/2006
• ADI-free
• 3-A Sanitary Standards Cl. I + II

O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
16 Prädifa Technolgy Division
Sealing compounds

Compound Polymer Hard- Colour Temperature Applications / Properties

code base ness range static
[Shore [°C]

Perfluoro elastomer (Parofluor®)

Sealing compounds
V3734-70 FFKM 70
±5 black -25 240 • for low temperatures
• for aerospace
V8545-75 FFKM 75
±5 black -15 300 • best compound for hot water and steam applica-
• AMS 7257
V8562-75 FFKM 75
±5 white -15 300 • for high temperature-plasma-applications
• dry applications in semiconductor industries
V8588-90 FFKM 90
±5 black -15 260 • ED resistant
• Norsok M-710
V8920-75 FFKM 75
±5 black -15 260 • good resistance in hot water
• for wet processes in semiconductor applications
V8921-75 FFKM 75
±5 white -15 260 • pure compound for sterile and pharmaceutical
• for oxidising media
V8930-75 FFKM 75
±5 black -15 325 • for high temperatures
• not recommended for hot aliphatic amine and water
V8950-75 FFKM 75
±5 black -15 240 • FDA-compliant
• (EC) No. 1935/2004
• ADI-free
• for food industry, pharmacy and biotechnology
V8951-70 FFKM 70
±5 white -15 240 • FDA-compliant
• (EC) No. 1935/2004
• ADI-free
• USP Class VI
• for pharmacy, biotechnology and medical technol-
FF400-80 FFKM 80
±5 black -44 230 • for low temperatures
• oil and gas
• chemical industries
• ED resistant

Perfluoro elastomer (Parofluor Quantum®)

V8787-75 FFKM 75
±5 black -20 +230 • optimized paint, varnish and solvent stability
V8844-75 FFKM 75
±5 nature -20 +230 • optimized paint, varnish and solvent stability
V8910-75 FFKM 80-5
+8 black -20 +220 • improved chemical resistance
V8911-75 FFKM +8
75-5 white -20 +220 • improved chemical resistance
 old printed compounds are 2-xxx standard and are
available ex-stock.

O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
17 Prädifa Technology Division
Sealing compounds

Range of application

Underwriters laboratories approved services

alcohol blends

Heated fuel oil

Fire extinguis-

­lubricating oil
hing agents

­natural gas

Diesel fuel,

Gasoline /
Sealing compounds

Naptha or


MPS gas

MFG or

fuel oil,


Compound code A B C D E F G H I J
N0674-70 ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
V0747-75 ● ● ● ● ● ●
V0884-75 ● ● ● ●

Compounds for gas supply and

consumer appliances
The following Parker Hannifin compounds are ap-
proved by the German Association for Gas and Water
(DVGW) for the applications listed:

Parker compound Polymer Colour Standard

V0747-75​ NBR black • DIN EN 549
N0552-90 NBR black • DIN EN 549
N0674-70 NBR black • DIN EN 549
• VP 406
N3506-70 NBR black • DIN EN 549
N3578-80 NBR black • DIN EN 549
N3829-70 NBR black -
N8902-85 HNBR yellow • DIN EN 549
• VP 614
• VP 406
N8888-70​ VMQ red • DIN EN 549
S3698-70 FKM black • DIN EN 549
V0884-75 FKM brown • DIN EN 549

O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
18 Prädifa Technolgy Division
Sealing compounds

Compounds for the food and

pharmaceutical industry
Seals coming into contact with products in food, bev- Important regulations:
erage and pharmaceutical production must be resist- • Annex I, Article 3 of European Regulation (EC) No.
ant to “CIP” (Cleaning in Place) and “SIP” (Sterilisation 1935/2004
in Place) processes. The silicone materials are suita- • Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 on the
ble for use in food applications with respect to their Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and

Sealing compounds
physiological properties because they are inert as well Restriction of Chemicals (REACH)
as odourless and tasteless. In addition to chemical • The USP (United States Pharmacopiea) Class
and thermal resistance, the sealing compounds have VI protocol certifies the biological compatibility
to meet various national, European and internation- with living organisms and thus the harmlessness of
al regulations. In Germany, The Federal Institute for sealing materials to health. The most important test
Risk Assessment (BfR) issues recommendations for protocols are USP Class VI, Part 88 and USP Class
ingredients, additives, residues, contaminations and VI, part 87 acc. to ISO 10993-1.
permissible migration levels (migration or leaching) in
foodstuffs and animal feed. Parker has developed formulations which are ADI-
3-A Sanitary Standards Inc. (3-A SSI) is an inde- free (free from Animal Derived Ingredients) because
pendent organisation dedicated to advancing ­hygienic such ingredients may cause BSE (bovine spongiform
equipment design for the U.S. food, beverage and encephalopathy).
pharmaceutical industries.

Parker compound Polymer Colour Standard

E3609-70 EPDM black • FDA 1)
• (EC) No. 1935/2004
• USP Class VI
E8743-70 EPDM black • FDA
• (EC) No. 1935/2004
• BfR
• ADI-free
E8780-80 EPDM black • FDA1)
• (EC) No. 1935/2004
• BfR
E8790-70 EPDM black • FDA1)
• (EC) No. 1935/2004
• BfR
P5000 TPU green • FDA
P5029 TPU neutral • FDA
S3693-50 LSR reddish brown • FDA
• (EC) No. 1935/2004
• BfR
S3695-60 LSR reddish brown • FDA
• (EC) No. 1935/2004
• BfR
S3697-40 LSR reddish brown • FDA
• (EC) No. 1935/2004
• BfR
S3698-70 LSR reddish brown • FDA
• (EC) No. 1935/2004
• BfR

O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
19 Prädifa Technology Division
Sealing compounds

Parker compound Polymer Colour Standard

V0747-75 FKM black • ADI-free
V8722-75 FKM black • FDA
• (EC) No. 1935/2004
V8750-70 FKM black • FDA
• (EC) No. 1935/2004
Sealing compounds

HiFluor® V8522-75 FKM white • ADI-free

HiFluor V8730-70
FKM white • FDA
• (EC) No. 1935/2004
Parofluor® V8742-70 FFKM white • ADI-free
Parofluor V8950-75
FFKM black • FDA
• (EC) No. 1935/2004
• ADI-free
Parofluor® V8951-70 FFKM white • FDA
• (EC) No. 1935/2004
• ADI-free
• USP Class VI

KTW approved compounds KTW:

KTW is the nationally recognized standard for all de-
Sealing compounds for use in drinking water and heat- vices, components and materials which contact drink-
ing applications are subject to a large number of ap- ing water. In addition to Germany (KTW), Great Brit-
proval regulations designed to ensure their harmless- ain (WRAS), the USA (NSF61), France (ACS) and the
ness from the stage of water extraction, treatment and Netherlands (KIWA) have published their own regula-
transport through to the consumer’s tap. Worldwide, tions for these applications. Parker’s Prädifa Technol-
almost all countries have issued their own drinking wa- ogy Division has developed several materials that are
ter regulations including specific tests and lists of ap- certified to KTW.
proved ingredients. The regulations are complemented
by physical and microbiological examinations.

Parker compound Polymer Water contact Colour Standard

­temperature (°C)
E1549-70 EPDM 85 black • WRAS
E1549-70 EPDM 82 black • NSF 61
E8780-80 EPDM 90 black • W270
E8780-80 EPDM - black • EN 681-1
• W 534
E8790-70 EPDM 90 black • KTW
• W270
E8790-70 EPDM 85 black • WRAS
E8790-70 EPDM 90 black • KIWA
E8790-70 EPDM - black • EN 681-1
• W 534
N8888-70 HNBR - yellow • EN 681-1
• EN 549
Not suitable for use with milk and nutritional oil

O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
20 Prädifa Technolgy Division
Sealing compounds

Aerospace materials

The aerospace industry demands the most from elas-

tomeric compounds. Special materials often must be
developed to meet specification requirements. finished
parts, not least to meet safety, technical and quality

Sealing compounds
AMS1) and NAS2) rubber specification descriptions

Specification Parker compound Hardness Remarks

AMS3201 N0545-40 35 - 45 • dry heat resistance
AMS3205 N0299-50 45 - 55 • low temperature resistance
AMS3208 C0267-50 45 - 55 • weather resistant
• chloroprene
AMS3209 C1124-70 65 - 75 • weather resistant
• chloroprene
AMS3212 N0525-60 55 - 65 • aromatic fuel resistant
AMS3220 N0525-60 55 - 65 • general purpose
• fluid resistant
AMS3238 B0318-70 65 - 75 • phosphate-ester resistant
• butyl
AMS3301 S0469-40 35 - 45 • silicone
• general purpose
AMS3302 S0595-50 45 - 55 • silicone
• general purpose
AMS3303 S0613-60 55 - 65 • silicone
• general purpose
AMS3304 S1224-70 65 - 75 • silicone
S0604-70 • general purpose
AMS3305 S0614-80 75 - 85 • silicone
• general purpose
AMS3325 L1223-60 55 - 65 • fluorosilicone
LM152-60 • oil resistant
• fuel resistant
AMS3337 S0383-70 65 - 75 • silicone
• extrem low temperature resistance
AMS3345 S0899-50 45 - 55 • silicone
AMS3357 S1224-70 65 - 75 • silicone
S0604-70 • extrem low temperature resistance
AMS7257 V8545-75 70 - 80 • sealing rings
FF200-75 • perfluorinated rubber
• for high temperatures
AMS7259 V0709-90 85 - 95 • for high temperatures
• fluid resistant
• very low compression set

O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
21 Prädifa Technology Division
Sealing compounds

Specification Parker compound Hardness Remarks

AMS7267 S0355-75 70 - 80​ • silicone
• dry heat resistance
• very low compression set
AMS7271 N0506-65 60 - 70 • fuel resistant
• low temperature resistance
AMS7272 N0287-70 65 - 75 • synthetic lubricant resistant
Sealing compounds

AMS7276 V1164-75 70 - 80 • high temperature fluid resistant

V1226-75 • very low compression set
V0747-75 • FKM
NAS1613 E1267-80 75 - 85 • packing
• O-ring
• phosphate-ester resistant
AMS-P-5315 N0602-70 65 - 75 • packing
• O-ring
• hydrocarbon fuel resistant
AMS-P-5510 N0507-90 85 - 95 • sealing
• straight thread tube fitting boss
AMS-R-6855 N0406-60 55 - 75 • synthetic rubber sheets
C1124-70 • stripes
• moulded or extruded shapes
• synthetic oil resistant
AMS-P-25732 N0304-75 70 - 80 • packing
• petroleum hydraulic fluid resistant
• limited performance
AMS-R-25988 L1120-70 55 - 85 • fluorosilicone rubber
L1223-60 • oil resistant
L1218-80 • fuel resistant
AMS-R-83248 V1164-75 70 - 95 • rubber
V1226-75 • fluorocarbon rubber
V0747-75 • high temperature fluid resistant
V0709-90 • low compression set
AMS-P-83461 N0756-75 70 - 80 • packing
• moulded shape
• petroleum hydraulic fluid resistant
• improved performance
AMS-R-83485 V0835-75 70 - 80 • rubber
• fluorocarbon rubber
• improved Performance at low temperatures

 erospace Material Specification issued by the Society
of Automotive Engineers, Inc.
National Aerospace Standard issued by Aerospace
Industries Association of America, Inc.

O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
22 Prädifa Technolgy Division
Sealing compounds


Airbus Nord-Sud Aviation (NSA)

Specification Parker compound Category

NSA 5512​ special compound bonded seal

Sealing compounds
NSA 8200 L8585-80​ 3-xxx sizes
NSA 8201 E1267-80 3-xxx sizes
NSA 8202 C3645-80 3-xxx sizes
NSA 8203 L8585-80 2-xxx sizes
NSA 8204 E1267-80 2-xxx sizes, NAS 1613, colour code
NSA 8205 C3645-80 2-xxx sizes
NSA 8206 S0604-70 2-xxx sizes
NSA 8207 S0604-70 3-xxx sizes
NSA 8213 E1267-80 square ring
NSA 8216 E1267-80 square ring
NSA 8218 E1267-80 square ring
NSA 8671 W5036 square ring, PTFE

Specifications Norme Française (NF),

(french standard)

Specification Parker compound Category

NF L17-241​ E1267-80​ 41B8
NF L17-160 V0709-90 60C9
NF L17-164 V0747-75 64C8
NF L17-261 L8585-80 61D8
NF L17-261 L1218-80 61D8
NF L17-250-4 S0604-70 EN 2261

O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
23 Prädifa Technology Division
Sealing compounds

Compound Data Sheet (WL)

Specification Parker compound

5.5440 C0365-45​
5.5502 S0595-50
Sealing compounds

5.5600​ E0529-65
5.5601 N0406-60
5.5602 N0239-60
5.5603 S0613-60
5.5612 N0406-60
5.5627 N0261-65
5.5629 N0525-60
5.5655 N0406-60
5.5688 L3747-60
5.5701 V0747-75
5.5702 N0674-70
5.5703 S0604-70
5.5704 V3670-70
5.5707 B3688-70
5.5709 C0557-70
5.5710 L0677-70 / L8559-70
5.5801 N3578-80
5.5802 E0540-80
5.5804 V0747-75
5.5808 V0709-90
5.5810 N0552-90
5.5813 L0806-80
5.5814 S0614-80
5.5829 N0755-80
5.5855 N3518-80

O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
24 Prädifa Technolgy Division
Deformation force

The following charts are included to facilitate engi-

neering analysis. Additional information is available
in the Parker O-Ring Handbook.

Deformation force
The force necessary to deform an O-ring cross-sec-
tion by a given amount (in per cent) depends on the
compound modulus. As it is relative to seal geometry,
it is given for different O-ring cross-sections. As a user
will typically only know the dimensions and hardness,
the following diagrams show the relationship between
hardness, compression and cross-section. The infor-
mation refers to all elastomers, which is why the defor-
mation forces are given for each hardness class. The
forces required to deform elastomers during assembly
of flanges, for example, can be obtained from the dia-
grams, and forces which affect seals on less resilient
plastic parts can also be estimated.

Deformation force

O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
25 Prädifa Technology Division
Deformation force

Hardness d2 = 1.78 mm
(Shore A)


30 70
O-Ring deformation (%)



20 70


10 70
Deformation force


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910 20 30 50 100 200 500 1000

Force to derform cross section (N/cm) 1)

Length in cm of O-ring circumference

Hardness d2 = 2.62 mm
(Shore A)


30 70
O-Ring deformation (%)



20 70


10 70

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910 20 30 50 100 200 500 1000

Force to derform cross section (N/cm) 1)

Length in cm of O-ring circumference

O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
26 Prädifa Technolgy Division
Deformation force

Shore A d2 = 3.53 mm


30 70
O-ring deformation (%)


20 70


10 70

Deformation force

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910 20 30 50 100 200 500 1000

Force to derform cross section (N/cm) 1)

Length in cm of O-ring circumference

Shore A d2 = 5.33 mm


30 70
O-ring deformation (%)


20 70


10 70

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910 20 30 50 100 200 500 1000

Force to derform cross section (N/cm) 1)

Length in cm of O-ring circumference

O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
27 Prädifa Technology Division
Deformation force

Shore A d2 = 6.99 mm


30 70
O-ring deformation (%)


20 70


10 70
Deformation force


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910 20 30 50 100 200 500 1000

Force to derform cross section (N/cm) 1)

Length in cm of O-ring circumference

O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
28 Prädifa Technolgy Division
Deformation force



Diagram for
400 selection of
O-ring hardness —
static seal

Working pressure (bar)

100 Extrusion


Deformation force

30 No


(Shore A) 70 80 90

0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0

Total diameteral clearance (mm) 1)

Basis for curves

• 100,000 pressure cycles at the rate of 60 per min-
ute from zero to the indicated pressure
• Maximum temperature (i.e., test temperature) 70 °C
• No back-up rings
• Total diametral clearance must include cylinder
expansion due to pressure
• Apply a reasonable safety factor in practical appli-
cations to allow for excessively sharp edges and
other imperfections and for higher temperatures
Reduce the clearance shown by 60 % when using
silicone or fluorosilicone Elastomers.

O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
29 Prädifa Technology Division
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
30 Prädifa Technolgy Division
Design information and installation guidelines

The following charts are included to facilitate engi-

neering analysis. Additional information is available
in the Parker O-Ring Handbook.

Parker offers O-rings for use in static as well as dynam-

ic sealing applications. Static seals are those where the
mating parts of the gland do not have movement rel-
ative to each other. These seals include face, radial,
dovetail. Examples of these seals and the correspond-
ing design charts are found on the following pages. Dy-
namic seals include reciprocating, floating pneumatic,
oscillating, and rotary applications. Dynamic seals are
defined by one of the gland parts having movement
relative to the other part. Gland design recommenda-
tions for a reciprocating seal are provided also in this

For further design assistance and recommendations

contact a Parker O-ring applications engineer.

Design information and

installation guidelines

O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
31 Prädifa Technology Division
Design information and installation guidelines

Static seals – axial

The O-Ring cross-section is deformed in an axial direc-
tion. As the O-ring makes a relative movement under
pressure loading, it is important to observe the direc-
tion of pressure:
• If pressure acts from the inside, the O-Ring should
touch the gland outer diameter (optimally com-
pressed by 1 to 3 % of its circumference).
• If pressure acts from the outside, the O-Ring inner
diameter should touch the inner diameter of the
gland (stretched by up to 6 %).


0° to 5°

B b
Design information and
installation guidelines

O d7 H 11

Pressure from inside

O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
32 Prädifa Technolgy Division
Design information and installation guidelines



ɨɬƒ ɞɨ ƒ

% E

2G +

Design information and

installation guidelines
Pressure from outside

Surface finish roughness – static seal



O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
33 Prädifa Technology Division
Design information and installation guidelines

Rectangular gland dimensions – axial


d2 h
+0.20 r1.00 r2
 1.50  1.10  1.90 0.20 - 0.40 0.20 - 0.40
 1.78  1.30  2.40 0.20 - 0.40 0.20 - 0.40
 2.00  1.50  2.60 0.20 - 0.40 0.20 - 0.40
 2.50  2.00  3.20 0.20 - 0.40 0.20 - 0.40
 2.62  2.10  3.60 0.20 - 0.40 0.20 - 0.40
 3.00  2.30  3.90 0.40 - 0.80 0.20 - 0.40
 3.53  2.80  4.80 0.40 - 0.80 0.20 - 0.40
 4.00  3.25  5.20 0.40 - 0.80 0.20 - 0.40
 5.00  4.00  6.50 0.40 - 0.80 0.20 - 0.40
 5.33  4.35  7.20 0.40 - 0.80 0.20 - 0.40
 6.00  5.00  7.80 0.80 - 1.20 0.20 - 0.40
 6.99  5.75  9.60 0.80 - 1.20 0.20 - 0.40
 8.00  6.80 10.40 0.80 - 1.20 0.20 - 0.40
 9.00  7.70 11.70 0.80 - 1.20 0.20 - 0.40
10.00  8.70 13.00 0.80 - 1.20 0.20 - 0.40
12.00 10.60 15.60 0.80 - 1.20 0.20 - 0.40
Design information and
installation guidelines

The DIN ISO 3601 sizes are preferable and shown here
in bold.

Surface finish roughness – ­static seal

Surface Pressure Surface finish roughness, percentage
contact area tp > 50 %
Ra Rmax.
A contact surface non-pulsating 1.60  6.30
A contact surface pulsating 0.80  3.20
B groove base and sides non-pulsating 3.20 12.50
B groove base and sides pulsating 1.60  6.30

O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
34 Prädifa Technolgy Division
Design information and installation guidelines

Static seals – radial

Gland in inside element

r2 b + 0.2

B and flash-free


O d9 f7 O d3 h9 O d4 H 8

15° to 20°

0° to 5° Z

Design information and

installation guidelines
Gland in outside element
b + 0.2

r2 B

15° to 20°
A t

O d5 f7 O d10 H 8

O d6 H 9

and flash-free

Z 0° to 5°

O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
35 Prädifa Technology Division
Design information and installation guidelines



Gland dimensions –­radial deformation

d2 t1) b
+0.20 z r1.0 r2
 1.50  1.10  1.90 1.5 0.2 - 0.4 0.1 - 0.3
 1.78  1.40  2.40 1.5 0.2 - 0.4 0.1 - 0.3
 2.00  1.50  2.60 1.5 0.2 - 0.4 0.1 - 0.3
 2.50  2.00  3.20 1.5 0.2 - 0.4 0.1 - 0.3
 2.62  2.10  3.60 1.5 0.2 - 0.4 0.1 - 0.3
 3.00  2.30  3.90 2.0 0.4 - 0.8 0.1 - 0.3
 3.53  2.90  4.80 2.0 0.4 - 0.8 0.1 - 0.3
 4.00  3.25  5.20 2.0 0.4 - 0.8 0.1 - 0.3
 5.00  4.10  6.50 3.0 0.4 - 0.8 0.1 - 0.3
 5.33  4.50  7.20 3.0 0.4 - 0.8 0.1 - 0.3
 6.00  5.00  7.80 3.0 0.4 - 0.8 0.1 - 0.3
Design information and
installation guidelines

 6.99  5.90  9.60 3.6 0.8 - 1.2 0.1 - 0.3

 8.00  6.80 10.40 4.0 0.8 - 1.2 0.1 - 0.3
 9.00  7.70 11.70 4.5 0.8 - 1.2 0.1 - 0.3
10.00  8.70 13.00 4.5 0.8 - 1.2 0.1 - 0.3
12.00 10.60 15.60 4.5 0.8 - 1.2 0.1 - 0.3

The tolerances are calculated from d3h9 + d4H8 or d5f7 + d6H9.


The DIN ISO 3601 sizes are preferable and shown here in bold.

Surface finish roughness –­static seal

Surface Pressure Surface finish roughness,
percentage contact area tp > 50 %
Ra Rmax.
A contact surface non-pulsating 1.60  6.30
A contact surface pulsating 0.80  3.20
B groove base and sides non-pulsating 3.20 12.50
B groove base and sides pulsating 1.60  6.30
C surface finish of lead-in edge chamfer - 3.20 12.50

O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
36 Prädifa Technolgy Division
Design information and installation guidelines

Static seals – dovetail groove

The dovetail groove shape is used where it is nec-
essary to keep an O-Ring in its position, e.g. during
surface work, when opening and closing tools or ma-
chines where otherwise the O-Ring would drop out of
the gland. The machining of the gland is difficult and

Dovetail gland
d = gland mean diameter
The gland width is measured before deburring the
Radius r2 is selected so that the O-Ring is not dama-
ged during assembly and cannot be trapped in the

Design information and

gap under high pressure.

installation guidelines


Dovetail gland dimensions

d2 h b
+0.10 r2.00 r1.00
1.78 1.25 +0.05 1.40 0.10 - 0.30 0.4 - 0.6
2.62 2.05 +0.05 2.10 0.10 - 0.30 0.6 - 0.8
3.53 2.80 +0.05 2.85 0.10 - 0.30 0.8 - 1.0
5.33 4.55 +0.08 4.35 0.10 - 0.30 1.0 - 1.3
6.99 5.85 +0.08 5.85 0.10 - 0.30 1.3 - 1.6

O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
37 Prädifa Technology Division
Design information and installation guidelines

Surface finish roughness – static seal

Surface Pressure Surface finish roughness,

percentage contact area tp > 50 %
Ra Rmax.
A contact surface non-pulsating 1.60  6.30
A contact surface pulsating 0.80  3.20
B groove base and sides non-pulsating 3.20 12.50
B groove base and sides pulsating 1.60  6.30

Dynamic seals – hydraulics

b + 0.2

r2 B

15° to 20°
Design information and

A t
installation guidelines

O d5 f7 O d10 H 8

O d6 H 9

and flash-free

Z 0° to 5°

Rod seal − hydraulic and pneumatic

O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
38 Prädifa Technolgy Division
Design information and installation guidelines

r2 b + 0.2

B and flash-free


O d9 f7 O d3 h9 O d4 H 8

15° to 20°

0° to 5° Z

Design information and

Piston seal – hydraulic and pneumatic

installation guidelines
Surface-finish roughness –
reciprocating seal – hydraulic
Surface Surface finish roughness,
percentage contact area tp > 50 %
Ra Rmax.
A contact surface 0.40  1.60
B groove base and sides 1.60  6.30
C surface finish of lead-in edge chamfer 3.20 12.50

O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
39 Prädifa Technology Division
Design information and installation guidelines

Gland dimensions – dynamic hydraulic

d2 t1) b
+0.20 z r1.00 r2
1.50 1.30 1.90 1.50 0.20 - 0.40 0.10 - 0.30
1.78 1.45 2.40 1.50 0.20 - 0.40 0.10 - 0.30
2.00 1.70 2.60 1.50 0.20 - 0.40 0.10 - 0.30
2.50 2.10 3.30 1.50 0.20 - 0.40 0.10 - 0.30
2.62 2.20 3.60 1.50 0.20 - 0.40 0.10 - 0.30
3.00 2.60 3.90 1.80 0.40 - 0.80 0.10 - 0.30
3.53 3.05 4.80 1.80 0.40 - 0.80 0.10 - 0.30
4.00 3.50 5.30 1.80 0.40 - 0.80 0.10 - 0.30
5.00 4.45 6.70 2.70 0.40 - 0.80 0.10 - 0.30
5.33 4.65 7.10 2.70 0.40 - 0.80 0.10 - 0.30
6.00 5.40 8.00 3.60 0.40 - 0.80 0.10 - 0.30
6.99 6.20 9.50 3.60 0.40 - 0.80 0.10 - 0.30

 he tolerances are calculated from d3h9 + d4H8 or d5f7
+ d6H9.

The DIN ISO 3601 sizes are preferable and shown here
in bold.
Design information and
installation guidelines

Additional information to gland dimensions for O-rings

with anti-extrusion rings, the surface-finish-roughness
and the gland dimensions of the pneumatic application
is available in the Parker O-Ring Handbook.

O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
40 Prädifa Technolgy Division
O-ring dimension

The following tables provide dimensions for standard

shrinkage materials only. These correspond to AS568B
dimensions. O-rings manufactured from compounds
with different shrinkage rates will provide slightly differ-
ent dimensions and tolerances when standard tooling
is used. Custom tooling may be necessary for some
compounds in order to meet AS568B dimensions and
For further information contact a Parker O-ring appli-
cations engineer.

Characteristics of the 2-xxx series

The 2-xxx series from Parker offers the following ad-

Ex-stock in following compounds:

N0674-70 (NBR 70 Shore A)
N0552-90 (NBR 90 Shore A)
E0540-80 (EPDM 80 Shore A)
V0747-75 (FKM 75 Shore A)

For each 2-xxx series O-ring we can offer a Parker

­Parbak® back-up ring to fit. This is particularly impor-
tant where large clearance gaps and/or high pressures
exist (see chapter Parbak® back-up ring).

O-rings of the 2-xxx series correspond to the standard

ISO 3601.

O-ring dimension

O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
41 Prädifa Technology Division
O-ring dimension

2-0xx sizes: Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­

cross-section d2 = 1.78 mm section d2

Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­ 2-035 56.87 1.78

section d2
2-036 60.05 1.78
2-001* 0.74 1.02 2-037 63.22 1.78
2-002* 1.07 1.27 2-038 66.4 1.78
2-003* 1.42 1.52 2-039 69.57 1.78
2-004 1.78 1.78 2-040 72.75 1.78
2-005 2.57 1.78 2-041 75.92 1.78
2-006 2.9 1.78 2-042 82.27 1.78
2-007 3.68 1.78 2-043 88.62 1.78
2-008 4.47 1.78 2-044 94.97 1.78
2-009 5.28 1.78 2-045 101.32 1.78
2-010 6.07 1.78 2-046 107.67 1.78
2-011 7.65 1.78 2-047 114.02 1.78
2-012 9.25 1.78 2-048 120.37 1.78
2-013 10.82 1.78 2-049 126.72 1.78
2-014 12.42 1.78 2-050 133.07 1.78
2-015 14 1.78
* Please

note the differing
2-016 15.6 1.78
cross-sections for these sizes.
2-017 17.17 1.78
2-018 18.17 1.78
2-019 20.35 1.78
2-020 21.95 1.78
2-021 23.52 1.78
2-022 25.12 1.78
2-023 26.7 1.78
2-024 28.3 1.78
O-ring dimension

2-025 29.87 1.78

2-026 31.47 1.78
2-027 33.05 1.78
2-028 34.65 1.78
2-029 37.82 1.78
2-030 41 1.78
2-031 44.17 1.78
2-032 47.35 1.78
2-033 50.52 1.78
2-034 53.7 1.78

O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
42 Prädifa Technolgy Division
O-ring dimension

2-1xx sizes: Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­ Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­

cross-section d2 = 2.62 mm section d2 section d2

Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­ 2-136 50.47 2.62 2-172 209.22 2.62

section d2
2-137 52.07 2.62 2-173 215.57 2.62
2-102 1.24 2.62 2-138 53.64 2.62 2-174 221.92 2.62
2-103 2.06 2.62 2-139 55.25 2.62 2-175 228.27 2.62
2-104 2.84 2.62 2-140 56.82 2.62 2-176 234.62 2.62
2-105 3.63 2.62 2-141 58.42 2.62 2-177 240.97 2.62
2-106 4.42 2.62 2-142 59.99 2.62 2-178 247.32 2.62
2-107 5.23 2.62 2-143 61.6 2.62
2-108 6.02 2.62 2-144 63.17 2.62
2-109 7.59 2.62 2-145 64.77 2.62
2-110 9.19 2.62 2-146 66.34 2.62
2-111 10.77 2.62 2-147 67.95 2.62
2-112 12.37 2.62 2-148 69.52 2.62
2-113 13.94 2.62 2-149 71.12 2.62
2-114 15.54 2.62 2-150 72.69 2.62
2-115 17.12 2.62 2-151 75.87 2.62
2-116 18.72 2.62 2-152 82.22 2.62
2-117 20.29 2.62 2-153 88.57 2.62
2-118 21.89 2.62 2-154 94.92 2.62
2-119 23.47 2.62 2-155 101.27 2.62
2-120 25.07 2.62 2-156 107.62 2.62
2-121 26.64 2.62 2-157 113.97 2.62
2-122 28.24 2.62 2-158 120.32 2.62
2-123 29.82 2.62 2-159 126.67 2.62
2-124 31.42 2.62 2-160 133.02 2.62
2-125 32.99 2.62 2-161 139.37 2.62 O-ring dimension

2-126 34.59 2.62 2-162 145.72 2.62

2-127 36.17 2.62 2-163 152.07 2.62
2-128 37.77 2.62 2-164 158.42 2.62
2-129 39.34 2.62 2-165 164.77 2.62
2-130 40.94 2.62 2-166 171.12 2.62
2-131 42.52 2.62 2-167 177.47 2.62
2-132 44.12 2.62 2-168 183.82 2.62
2-133 45.69 2.62 2-169 190.17 2.62
2-134 47.29 2.62 2-170 196.52 2.62
2-135 48.9 2.62 2-171 202.87 2.62

O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
43 Prädifa Technology Division
O-ring dimension

2-2xx sizes: Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­ Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­

cross-section d2 = 3.53 mm section d2 section d2

Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­ 2-235 78.97 3.53 2-271 234.54 3.53

section d2
2-236 82.14 3.53 2-272 240.89 3.53
2-201 4.34 3.53 2-237 85.32 3.53 2-273 247.24 3.53
2-202 5.94 3.53 2-238 88.49 3.53 2-274 253.59 3.53
2-203 7.52 3.53 2-239 91.67 3.53 2-275 266.29 3.53
2-204 9.12 3.53 2-240 94.84 3.53 2-276 278.99 3.53
2-205 10.12 3.53 2-241 98.02 3.53 2-277 291.69 3.53
2-206 12.29 3.53 2-242 101.19 3.53 2-278 304.39 3.53
2-207 13.87 3.53 2-243 104.37 3.53 2-279 329.79 3.53
2-208 15.47 3.53 2-244 107.54 3.53 2-280 355.19 3.53
2-209 17.04 3.53 2-245 110.72 3.53 2-281 380.59 3.53
2-210 18.64 3.53 2-246 113.89 3.53 2-282 405.26 3.53
2-211 20.22 3.53 2-247 117.07 3.53 2-283 430.66 3.53
2-212 21.82 3.53 2-248 120.24 3.53 2-284 456.06 3.53
2-213 23.39 3.53 2-249 123.42 3.53
2-214 24.99 3.53 2-250 126.59 3.53
2-215 26.57 3.53 2-251 129.77 3.53
2-216 28.17 3.53 2-252 132.94 3.53
2-217 29.74 3.53 2-253 136.12 3.53
2-218 31.34 3.53 2-254 139.29 3.53
2-219 32.92 3.53 2-255 142.47 3.53
2-220 34.52 3.53 2-256 145.64 3.53
2-221 36.09 3.53 2-257 148.82 3.53
2-222 37.69 3.53 2-258 151.99 3.53
2-223 40.87 3.53 2-259 158.34 3.53
2-224 44.04 3.53 2-260 164.69 3.53
O-ring dimension

2-225 47.22 3.53 2-261 171.04 3.53

2-226 50.39 3.53 2-262 177.39 3.53
2-227 53.57 3.53 2-263 183.74 3.53
2-228 56.74 3.53 2-264 190.09 3.53
2-229 59.92 3.53 2-265 196.44 3.53
2-230 63.09 3.53 2-266 202.79 3.53
2-231 66.27 3.53 2-267 209.14 3.53
2-232 69.44 3.53 2-268 215.49 3.53
2-233 72.62 3.53 2-269 221.84 3.53
2-234 75.79 3.53 2-270 228.19 3.53

O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
44 Prädifa Technolgy Division
O-ring dimension

2-3xx sizes: Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­ Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­

cross-section d2 = 5.33 mm section d2 section d2

Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­ 2-343 94.62 5.33 2-379 278.77 5.33

section d2
2-344 97.79 5.33 2-380 291.47 5.33
2-309 10.46 5.33 2-345 100.97 5.33 2-381 304.17 5.33
2-310 12.07 5.33 2-346 104.14 5.33 2-382 329.57 5.33
2-311 13.64 5.33 2-347 107.32 5.33 2-383 354.97 5.33
2-312 15.24 5.33 2-348 110.49 5.33 2-384 380.37 5.33
2-313 16.81 5.33 2-349 113.67 5.33 2-385 405.26 5.33
2-314 18.42 5.33 2-350 116.84 5.33 2-386 430.66 5.33
2-315 19.99 5.33 2-351 120.02 5.33 2-387 456.06 5.33
2-316 21.59 5.33 2-352 123.19 5.33 2-388 481.41 5.33
2-317 23.16 5.33 2-353 126.37 5.33 2-389 506.81 5.33
2-318 24.77 5.33 2-354 129.54 5.33 2-390 532.21 5.33
2-319 26.34 5.33 2-355 132.72 5.33 2-391 557.61 5.33
2-320 27.94 5.33 2-356 135.89 5.33 2-392 582.68 5.33
2-321 29.51 5.33 2-357 139.07 5.33 2-393 608.08 5.33
2-322 31.12 5.33 2-358 142.24 5.33 2-394 633.48 5.33
2-323 32.69 5.33 2-359 145.42 5.33 2-395 658.88 5.33
2-324 34.29 5.33 2-360 148.59 5.33
2-325 37.47 5.33 2-361 151.77 5.33
2-326 40.64 5.33 2-362 158.12 5.33
2-327 43.82 5.33 2-363 164.47 5.33
2-328 46.99 5.33 2-364 170.82 5.33
2-329 50.17 5.33 2-365 177.17 5.33
2-330 53.34 5.33 2-366 183.52 5.33
2-331 56.52 5.33 2-367 189.87 5.33
2-332 59.69 5.33 2-368 196.22 5.33 O-ring dimension

2-333 62.87 5.33 2-369 202.57 5.33

2-334 66.04 5.33 2-370 208.92 5.33
2-335 69.22 5.33 2-371 215.27 5.33
2-336 72.39 5.33 2-372 221.62 5.33
2-337 75.57 5.33 2-373 227.97 5.33
2-338 78.74 5.33 2-374 234.32 5.33
2-339 81.92 5.33 2-375 240.67 5.33
2-340 85.09 5.33 2-376 247.02 5.33
2-341 88.27 5.33 2-377 253.37 5.33
2-342 91.44 5.33 2-378 266.07 5.33

O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
45 Prädifa Technology Division
O-ring dimension

2-4xx sizes: Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­

cross-section d2 = 6.99 mm section d2

Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­ 2-459 380.37 6.99

section d2
2-460 393.07 6.99
2-425 113.67 6.99 2-461 405.26 6.99
2-426 116.84 6.99 2-462 417.96 6.99
2-427 120.02 6.99 2-463 430.66 6.99
2-428 123.19 6.99 2-464 443.36 6.99
2-429 126.37 6.99 2-465 456.06 6.99
2-430 129.54 6.99 2-466 468.76 6.99
2-431 132.72 6.99 2-467 481.46 6.99
2-432 135.89 6.99 2-468 494.16 6.99
2-433 139.07 6.99 2-469 506.86 6.99
2-434 142.24 6.99 2-470 532.26 6.99
2-435 145.42 6.99 2-471 557.66 6.99
2-436 148.59 6.99 2-472 582.68 6.99
2-437 151.77 6.99 2-473 608.08 6.99
2-438 158.12 6.99 2-474 633.48 6.99
2-439 164.47 6.99 2-475 658.88 6.99
2-440 170.82 6.99
2-441 177.17 6.99
2-442 183.52 6.99
2-443 189.87 6.99
2-444 196.22 6.99
2-445 202.57 6.99
2-446 215.27 6.99
2-447 227.97 6.99
2-448 240.67 6.99
O-ring dimension

2-449 253.37 6.99

2-450 266.07 6.99
2-451 278.77 6.99
2-452 291.47 6.99
2-453 304.17 6.99
2-454 316.87 6.99
2-455 329.57 6.99
2-456 342.27 6.99
2-457 354.97 6.99
2-458 367.67 6.99

O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
46 Prädifa Technolgy Division
O-ring dimension

3-xxx sizes

Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­

section d2

3-902 6.07 1.63

3-903 7.65 1.63
3-904 8.92 1.83
3-905 10.52 1.83
3-906 11.89 1.98
3-907 13.46 2.08
3-908 16.36 2.21
3-910 19.18 2.46
3-911 21.92 2.95
3-912 23.47 2.95
3-913 25.04 2.95
3-914 26.59 2.95
3-916 29.74 2.95
3-918 34.42 2.95
3-920 37.47 3
3-928 53.09 3
3-932 59.36 3

O-ring dimension

O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
47 Prädifa Technology Division
O-ring dimension

5-xxx sizes Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­ Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­

section d2 section d2

Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­ 5-591 15.1 2.7 5-705 74.61 3.53

section d2
5-592 16.9 2.7 5-716 9.19 3
5-035 45.36 3.53 5-593 18.4 2.7 5-805 64.39 1.78
5-037 51.71 3.53 5-594 18.3 3.6 5-816 80.31 1.78
5-051 1.78 1.02 5-595 19.8 3.6 5-843 118.72 2.62
5-052 6.86 1.78 5-596 21.3 3.6 5-850 125.09 6.6
5-092 701.68 6.99 5-597 23 3.6 5-976 264.79 6.6
5-108 4.47 1.27 5-598 24.6 3.6
5-157 33.99 2.34 5-599 26.2 3.6
5-190 3.35 1.78 5-600 27.8 3.6
5-212 9.75 1.78 5-601 29.3 3.6
5-239 14.48 2.69 5-602 30.8 3.6
5-243 15.34 2.62 5-603 32.5 3.6
5-256 17.96 2.62 5-604 34.1 3.6
5-321 39.6 3.53 5-605 35.6 3.6
5-330 42.52 5.33 5-606 37.3 3.6
5-332 42.85 3.53 5-612 8.74 1.78
5-361 67.84 3.53 5-613 11.1 1.78
5-381 88.27 6.99 5-614 9.93 2.62
5-434 180.54 6.99 5-615 11.91 2.62
5-445 210.24 6.99 5-616 13.11 2.62
5-488 316.56 2.62 5-617 15.88 2.62
5-525 425.83 3.18 5-618 25.81 3.53
5-578 2.6 1.9 5-643 16.51 1.14
5-579 3.4 1.9 5-664 8.13 1.78
5-580 4.2 1.9 5-670 36.5 1.78
O-ring dimension

5-581 4.9 1.9 5-673 7.75 1.88

5-582 5.7 1.9 5-676 15.49 1.47
5-583 6.4 1.9 5-683 3.1 1.6
5-584 7.2 1.9 5-686 6.3 2.39
5-585 8 1.88 5-690 17.3 2.4
5-586 8.9 1.9 5-700 9 3
5-587 8.9 2.7 5-701 49.2 3.53
5-588 10.5 2.7 5-702 58.74 3.53
5-589 12.1 2.7 5-703 65.09 3.53
5-590 13.59 2.69 5-704 71.44 3.53

O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
48 Prädifa Technolgy Division
O-ring dimension

6-xxx sizes Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­ Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­

section d2 section d2

Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­ 6-039 19 2.5 6-083 10 1.5

section d2
6-040 15 1.6 6-084 11 1.5
6-001 6 2 6-041 17.9 1.25 6-085 15 1.8
6-002 8 2 6-042 16 3 6-086 11 2
6-003 10 2 6-043 15 3 6-087 18 1.5
6-005 15 2 6-044 17 2 6-088 22 1.5
6-006 16.7 1.45 6-045 72 3 6-089 21 3.5
6-007 18 3.15 6-046 38 2 6-090 14 2
6-008 21 2 6-047 35 2 6-091 7.5 1.5
6-009 47.5 4 6-048 30 2 6-092 24.8 1.5
6-010 9 1.5 6-049 27 2 6-094 106 3
6-011 7 1.5 6-050 24.2 3 6-095 132 3
6-012 9.3 2.4 6-051 50 2 6-096 13.5 2.75
6-013 89.5 3 6-052 7.1 1.6 6-097 31 4.5
6-015 42 1.5 6-053 12 1.5 6-099 20 1.3
6-016 13 2.5 6-054 45 2 6-100 91 3
6-017 20 2.5 6-055 50 2.5 6-101 28 1.5
6-018 3 1 6-056 30 3 6-102 40.6 4
6-019 4 1.1 6-058 12.3 2.4 6-103 161 3
6-020 2.7 1.5 6-059 135 3.23 6-104 4 2
6-021 3.5 1.2 6-060 135 3.43 6-105 10 2.5
6-022 24 2 6-061 146 3.23 6-106 15 2.5
6-023 27.3 2.4 6-063 5.35 1.5 6-107 60 4.1
6-025 101 3 6-065 12 2 6-108 79.6 3.2
6-026 137 3 6-066 23 2.5 6-109 58 4
6-027 40 2 6-067 14 2.5 6-110 5 2 O-ring dimension
6-028 7 2.5 6-069 5 1.5 6-112 53 6.5
6-030 73 3 6-070 8.3 2.4 6-113 53 5
6-031 70 3 6-072 15 3.2 6-114 60 5
6-032 118 2 6-074 8 1.5 6-115 125 8
6-033 13 1.5 6-075 13 2 6-116 10 1
6-034 29.5 1.5 6-076 18 2 6-118 15 1.5
6-035 4 1.5 6-078 20 1.5 6-119 19.5 1.5
6-036 22 2.5 6-079 6 5 6-120 9 1.8
6-037 30 3.15 6-080 7 3 6-121 81 3
6-038 6 1.5 6-082 45 1.5 6-122 186.44 6.99

O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
49 Prädifa Technology Division
O-ring dimension

Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­ Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­ Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­

section d2 section d2 section d2

6-123 118.5 3 6-163 13.1 1.6 6-218 10.6 2

6-124 12 3 6-164 420 5 6-221 38 5
6-125 18 4 6-165 420 3.5 6-222 150 5.4
6-126 25.3 1.6 6-166 3.9 1.8 6-223 15.8 2.4
6-128 15 5 6-167 2.5 1.2 6-224 138 6
6-129 13.23 1.78 6-168 2.5 1.7 6-226 200 6
6-130 20 3 6-170 159 4 6-227 42 3
6-132 18 2.5 6-173 422 2 6-228 740 10
6-133 4.7 1.9 6-174 100 2.5 6-229 837 10
6-134 7.5 2.5 6-175 273.05 3.53 6-230 882 10
6-135 14.3 2.4 6-176 577.85 6.99 6-232 984 10
6-136 33 2 6-177 18.3 2.4 6-233 602 8
6-137 100 5 6-178 74 2 6-234 283 12
6-138 2.5 1.3 6-179 533.4 3.18 6-235 637 10
6-139 22 2 6-180 28 2.2 6-236 689 10
6-140 28 2 6-183 219 5.3 6-237 786 10
6-141 55 2 6-184 83.8 2.62 6-238 285 12
6-142 30.7 2 6-189 25.5 2 6-239 1029 10
6-143 14 1.5 6-190 840 12 6-240 1075 10
6-146 16 2 6-192 8.1 1.6 6-241 291 6
6-147 27 3 6-193 44.35 3 6-242 63 2.5
6-148 177 2 6-194 49.5 3 6-243 67 1.5
6-149 205 2 6-195 79.5 3 6-245 1154 10
6-150 227 2 6-198 12.5 2 6-247 624 6.99
6-151 63 4 6-202 514 8 6-248 783 6.99
6-152 210 5 6-203 367 3.5 6-249 910 6.99
O-ring dimension

6-153 320 5.33 6-204 381 5 6-250 936 6.99

6-154 36.3 1.78 6-205 39.2 3 6-251 3.7 1.9
6-155 48 3 6-206 15.3 2.4 6-252 231.5 6
6-156 30 2.5 6-207 13 3.5 6-253 106.8 2.66
6-157 98 3 6-208 26.7 2.5 6-254 218 12
6-158 437 3 6-209 398 8 6-255 126 5
6-159 46.02 3.53 6-212 20.34 4.25 6-256 480.06 10
6-160 13.75 2.8 6-214 4.5 1.5 6-257 93.39 1.47
6-161 9 2.5 6-215 425 6 6-258 17.96 2.62
6-162 7.3 2.7 6-216 90 3 6-260 506 2.62

O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
50 Prädifa Technolgy Division
O-ring dimension

Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­ Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­ Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­

section d2 section d2 section d2

6-261 504 6.99 6-299 191 1.78 6-342 204 8

6-262 532 7 6-300 19.8 2.4 6-343 21.5 1.78
6-263 22.7 1.5 6-301 677 7 6-344 6.2 1.5
6-265 619.5 8 6-302 955 12.6 6-345 8.2 1.5
6-266 693.5 10.1 6-303 763.01 6.99 6-346 9.4 2.1
6-267 734 6.99 6-304 887 6.99 6-347 11.4 2.1
6-268 827 7 6-305 736 3.53 6-348 13.4 2.1
6-269 950.5 12.06 6-306 2.2 1.6 6-349 15.4 2.1
6-270 1046 7 6-307 3.33 1.02 6-350 19.4 2.1
6-271 1103 10 6-308 18.5 1.5 6-351 23.7 2.8
6-272 69.24 3.4 6-309 87.3 2 6-352 29.7 2.8
6-273 196 12 6-311 7 2 6-353 38.7 2.8
6-274 115 3 6-313 16.5 2.7 6-354 46.7 2.8
6-275 20.3 2.4 6-314 31.02 3 6-356 22.1 1.6
6-276 88 3 6-316 67 2.5 6-360 19 2
6-277 8.79 1.14 6-317 7.8 3.6 6-361 3.3 2.4
6-278 622 8 6-318 151.7 5.6 6-363 865 12
6-279 810 7.1 6-320 608 10 6-364 1.98 0.84
6-280 1016 7 6-321 700 10 6-366 11.89 1.78
6-281 241 7 6-322 810 10 6-367 17.81 1.02
6-282 171 11 6-323 45 2.5 6-369 1.5 1
6-283 330 6 6-324 31 2.5 6-370 48 2
6-285 21.7 0.73 6-328 500 3.53 6-372 720 6.99
6-286 21.82 1 6-329 36 2.5 6-373 9.53 1.6
6-287 22.89 1 6-330 850 10 6-374 6.3 1.6
6-288 24.32 1 6-331 431.8 7.1 6-375 10.25 1.4 O-ring dimension
6-289 25.79 1 6-332 1011 5.33 6-376 25 5
6-290 30.3 2.4 6-333 1042 5.33 6-377 35 5.3
6-291 37 2.5 6-334 960 5.33 6-379 138 2.1
6-292 40 3 6-335 914 5.33 6-380 594.51 7.14
6-293 47.2 5.7 6-336 262 5.33 6-381 647.7 6.99
6-294 74.2 5.7 6-337 41.4 2.62 6-382 20.2 3
6-295 19 0.8 6-338 5.6 2.4 6-385 1071 14.4
6-296 27.71 1.02 6-339 94.5 3 6-387 25.8 3.3
6-297 16.58 1.5 6-340 14.6 2.4 6-388 17.4 2.5
6-298 23.6 1.02 6-341 137.3 8 6-389 723.9 6.99

O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
51 Prädifa Technology Division
O-ring dimension

Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­ Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­ Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­

section d2 section d2 section d2

6-390 8 3 6-434 51.5 1.5 6-474 63 4.5

6-392 99 6.99 6-435 48.4 4.85 6-475 10.3 2.4
6-393 1060 10 6-436 240 12 6-476 17 1.5
6-394 514 8 6-437 8 1 6-480 6.6 1.5
6-395 9.35 1.6 6-438 12 1 6-483 74 3
6-396 18.2 3 6-439 16 1 6-485 225 5
6-397 14.5 1.6 6-440 6.8 2 6-486 7.8 4.6
6-399 94.5 3 6-441 3 1.5 6-487 2.9 1.02
6-400 27 1.5 6-442 25 2 6-489 21 6
6-401 4.5 1 6-443 24 6 6-491 3.5 1.1
6-402 3.5 1.25 6-444 159.2 5.7 6-492 174 3
6-404 19 5 6-445 82 4 6-493 22 1.39
6-405 93.5 9.5 6-446 94 2 6-494 162.5 3.53
6-407 242 6 6-447 58 2 6-495 190 3
6-408 0.8 1.6 6-448 119.2 5.7 6-496 151 3
6-409 940 10 6-449 41 3 6-497 27.5 1.5
6-411 60 2.5 6-451 129.2 5.7 6-498 90 2
6-412 238 5 6-452 85.2 9.25 6-499 18.6 2
6-413 100 4 6-453 24 4 6-500 66 2
6-414 41.75 2.6 6-454 30 4 6-501 65 2
6-415 800 5.33 6-455 62 2.5 6-502 220 3
6-416 65 5.3 6-456 84 3 6-503 19.3 2.4
6-417 760 5 6-458 400 12 6-504 120 3
6-418 1.85 1.5 6-459 37.36 2.6 6-505 270 3
6-420 4 2.2 6-460 996 7 6-508 849 7
6-421 112 3 6-461 213.68 7.14 6-509 819 7
O-ring dimension

6-422 607 4 6-462 558 10 6-510 315 6

6-423 46.87 2.62 6-464 76 4.5 6-511 140 3
6-425 18 3 6-466 188 4 6-512 144 3.7
6-426 25 4 6-467 528 8 6-513 82 2
6-427 57 3 6-468 3.5 1.5 6-514 250 3
6-428 4 2.5 6-469 330 8 6-515 134 3
6-430 21.2 2.4 6-470 9 2 6-516 230 3
6-431 44 2 6-471 11.3 2.4 6-517 335 3
6-432 7.5 2 6-472 33.3 2.4 6-518 355 3
6-433 38 2.5 6-473 13.6 2.5 6-520 8 2.2

O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
52 Prädifa Technolgy Division
O-ring dimension

Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­ Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­ Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­

section d2 section d2 section d2

6-521 716 8 6-561 88.3 7 6-603 50 4

6-523 65 3 6-562 16 2.5 6-604 240 3
6-524 17 1.1 6-564 8 2.5 6-605 10 3
6-525 41.28 3.53 6-566 40 2.5 6-606 35 2.5
6-527 974 7 6-568 56 2 6-607 315 4
6-528 16 1.5 6-569 80 2 6-608 94.2 5.7
6-529 524 10 6-570 215 6 6-609 36 2.2
6-530 455 8 6-571 10.15 1.4 6-610 9 1.2
6-531 710 5.33 6-572 6.5 2 6-611 25 1.5
6-532 10 2.2 6-573 19 1.5 6-612 125 3
6-534 1004 8 6-574 86.84 5.33 6-613 4 1
6-535 680 5 6-575 39 2 6-614 190 5
6-536 635 5 6-576 160 3 6-615 3 2
6-538 2.4 1.9 6-577 130 6 6-618 234.32 1.78
6-539 70 4.5 6-578 445 8 6-619 20 2
6-540 33 2.5 6-579 87 3 6-621 535.46 7.24
6-541 41 2.5 6-580 118.31 3.53 6-622 34 2.8
6-542 44.2 2.5 6-581 6.5 1.5 6-623 149.2 5.7
6-543 6 1 6-582 95.5 3.53 6-626 580 8
6-544 24 1.5 6-583 5 1.2 6-627 10.1 1
6-545 35 4.5 6-584 13 1 6-628 19.3 3.65
6-546 205 3 6-585 34.4 3.1 6-629 210 3
6-547 197 3 6-586 39.4 3.1 6-630 51 3
6-548 5.7 3.2 6-587 74.4 3.1 6-631 179 3
6-549 3 1.2 6-588 84.4 3.1 6-632 16 1.25
6-550 12.5 1.1 6-589 105 2 6-633 61 4.5 O-ring dimension
6-551 10.8 1.5 6-592 8 1.25 6-634 71 4.5
6-552 70 2 6-593 19.2 3 6-635 236 7
6-553 304.8 1.78 6-594 42 2.5 6-636 64 3
6-554 17.4 2.1 6-595 24 2.5 6-638 281 5
6-555 37 5 6-596 65 4.5 6-640 97 1.5
6-556 52 3 6-597 875 8 6-642 40 1.5
6-557 18.6 3.5 6-598 375 5.34 6-641 70 1.5
6-558 87.2 2.5 6-600 209.2 5.7 6-643 57 1.5
6-559 137 14 6-601 100 2 6-644 638.89 5.44
6-560 59.7 7 6-602 140 10 6-645 665 5

O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
53 Prädifa Technology Division
O-ring dimension

Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­ Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­ Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­

section d2 section d2 section d2

6-646 32 2.7 6-689 150 3 6-733 85 2

6-647 617 7 6-690 546 7 6-734 430 12
6-648 820 7 6-692 8.5 1.5 6-736 3.17 1.02
6-649 798 7 6-693 130 2.5 6-737 13.89 1.3
6-650 853 7 6-694 36 2.1 6-738 5.33 1.02
6-651 9 4 6-698 140 2 6-739 56 4.5
6-652 6 5.2 6-699 62 3 6-740 109 3
6-653 664 5 6-700 96 2 6-741 428 5.7
6-654 28 2.5 6-701 695 6.99 6-742 614 7
6-655 174.2 5.7 6-702 707 6.99 6-743 93 3
6-656 26 2 6-703 55.3 2 6-745 25.3 2.4
6-657 7 1 6-704 180 3 6-746 169.2 5.7
6-659 67 3 6-705 14 3 6-748 5.7 1.05
6-660 27 5 6-706 189.2 5.7 6-749 26 2.5
6-661 7.5 1.25 6-707 865 8.4 6-750 45.9 1.5
6-662 12 3.8 6-708 929 6 6-751 5.3 2.4
6-663 30 4.65 6-709 565 7 6-752 34.65 2.6
6-665 60 3 6-710 7.5 1 6-753 39.5 2.6
6-666 24 1 6-711 388 5 6-754 76 2.5
6-667 770 10 6-713 6 1.25 6-755 18 5
6-668 708 10 6-714 1.8 1 6-756 148 10
6-669 450 10 6-715 8.8 1 6-757 73 4
6-670 550 10 6-716 320 6 6-758 19.75 2.5
6-671 245 10 6-717 11 2.5 6-759 43.25 2.6
6-672 364 10 6-718 258.4 1.6 6-760 31.95 2.6
6-673 48.2 1.78 6-719 57 2.5 6-762 107.31 6.99
O-ring dimension

6-674 120 1.5 6-720 93 2 6-764 59.6 5.85

6-676 84 2.5 6-722 128 2 6-766 31.7 3.5
6-677 11.5 1 6-723 380 4 6-767 109.4 3.1
6-678 36 2 6-724 102 3 6-768 119.6 5.7
6-682 375 10 6-725 16.56 1.78 6-769 114.4 3.1
6-683 15 1 6-726 45 5 6-772 44.7 3.5
6-684 3.2 1.02 6-728 26 1 6-773 155 10
6-686 3.2 1.6 6-729 78 3 6-774 12 2.5
6-687 21.5 1.5 6-730 13 3 6-775 515 10
6-688 133.35 5.33 6-731 18 1.3 6-777 10.6 1.8

O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
54 Prädifa Technolgy Division
O-ring dimension

Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­ Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­ Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­

section d2 section d2 section d2

6-779 19 2.65 6-819 54 3 6-863 95 4

6-780 21.2 2.65 6-820 79 1.5 6-865 201 4
6-781 28 2.65 6-821 83 1 6-866 9.3 1.5
6-782 38.7 2.65 6-822 85 1.5 6-867 89.2 5.7
6-783 45 2.65 6-823 10 2.65 6-868 195 3.5
6-784 32.5 3.55 6-824 69 3 6-869 32 2
6-785 56 3.55 6-825 27 3.2 6-871 260 5
6-786 67 3.55 6-826 78 3.5 6-872 150 4
6-787 71 3.55 6-827 470 10 6-873 112 4
6-788 80 3.55 6-831 590 3.5 6-874 95 5
6-790 80 1.8 6-832 96 9 6-875 41.6 2.4
6-791 50 4.5 6-833 137 4 6-876 16.5 1
6-792 61 5 6-834 484.86 3.53 6-877 22 4
6-793 20 1.8 6-835 449.5 6.99 6-878 245 3
6-794 28 1.8 6-836 543.5 6.99 6-879 54 4
6-797 2 1 6-837 109.2 5.7 6-880 2.3 1.3
6-798 19 1.8 6-838 32 4 6-881 37 3
6-799 468 6 6-839 10.1 1.78 6-882 45 1
6-800 500 8 6-840 282.37 3.53 6-883 60 1.2
6-801 21.2 3.55 6-841 175 10 6-884 68 3
6-802 33.5 2.65 6-842 255 4 6-885 80.5 4
6-803 30 3.55 6-844 135 4 6-887 172 3
6-804 92.5 3.55 6-845 42.5 1.8 6-889 174.3 3.5
6-805 77 2 6-846 234.2 7 6-890 870 8
6-806 105 3.5 6-848 18.14 1.78 6-891 16 2.65
6-807 370 5.5 6-849 4.8 0.75 6-892 400 5 O-ring dimension
6-808 20 3.55 6-850 32 2.5 6-893 52.2 5.7
6-809 43.7 1.8 6-851 61 2 6-894 27 2.5
6-810 54.5 2.65 6-852 64.39 1.78 6-895 359.2 13.8
6-812 133.5 12 6-853 85 4 6-896 257.2 14
6-813 341 14 6-854 298 2.62 6-897 380 6
6-814 164.2 5.84 6-855 6.3 1.8 6-898 429 6
6-815 109.2 5.84 6-856 7.5 1.8 6-899 70 5
6-816 670 10 6-857 16 1.8 6-900 83 3
6-817 590 10 6-861 5.8 0.75 6-902 130 5
6-818 160 4 6-862 180 10 6-903 110 3

O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
55 Prädifa Technology Division
O-ring dimension

Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­ Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­ Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­

section d2 section d2 section d2

6-904 13 1.3 6-944 46 4 6-981 36 2

6-905 28 1 6-945 11.5 2.5 6-982 114 3
6-907 6.8 1.8 6-946 17 3 6-983 164.2 5.7
6-909 449 12 6-947 325 5.33 6-984 2965 7
6-910 10 2.62 6-948 274 5.33 6-985 56 3
6-911 165 2 6-949 223 5.33 6-986 635 9
6-912 49.2 3 6-950 5.5 2 6-988 270 5.33
6-913 27.2 3 6-951 526 6.99 6-990 69 2.5
6-914 34 3 6-952 9.5 1 6-991 86 2.62
6-915 110 5 6-953 11 3 6-992 79.3 2.62
6-916 25 2.5 6-954 214.63 2.18 6-993 35 3.2
6-917 296 6 6-955 5 1.75 6-994 4 3
6-918 234.1 8.4 6-956 7.1 2 6-995 105 4
6-919 515.9 6 6-957 25.6 1.93 6-996 43 3
6-920 195.5 12 6-958 20 4 6-997 45 3
6-921 76 3 6-959 7 1.2 6-998 19 3
6-922 7 1.4 6-960 5.61 1.68 6-999 23 2
6-924 900 10 6-961 122 3 6-1000 29 3
6-925 2.06 0.66 6-963 93 4 6-1001 75 4
6-927 380 8 6-964 50 3 6-1002 78 5
6-928 11.5 1.5 6-965 10.4 1 6-1003 120 6
6-929 13.3 2.4 6-966 2.5 1 6-1004 172 6
6-930 477 10.5 6-967 245 10.85 6-1005 114.2 5.7
6-931 10 6.5 6-968 5.5 1.5 6-1007 187.1 8.4
6-932 150 2 6-969 25 3 6-1008 463 7
6-933 6.4 1.3 6-970 37 1.5 6-1010 249.3 5.7
O-ring dimension

6-934 401.71 3.53 6-971 2.8 1.9 6-1012 84.3 5.7

6-935 307.57 3.53 6-972 40.82 2.59 6-1013 72 4
6-936 272.64 3.53 6-973 3.5 0.8 6-1014 85 3
6-937 7 2.35 6-974 17 3.5 6-1015 132 4
6-938 409 6.99 6-975 44.83 2.67 6-1016 87.2 5.7
6-939 434 6.99 6-976 10.5 1.5 6-1017 613.92 6.99
6-940 15.3 2.2 6-977 28 3 6-1018 289.42 5.87
6-941 68 5 6-978 78 2.5 6-1019 2.35 1
6-942 23.6 2.9 6-979 72 2.5 6-1020 46 3
6-943 748.5 7 6-980 36 1.5 6-1021 16 4

O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
56 Prädifa Technolgy Division
O-ring dimension

Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­ Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­ Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­

section d2 section d2 section d2

6-1022 6.75 1.78 6-1058 185 3 6-1094 63 6

6-1023 40 5 6-1059 47 4 6-1095 94 3
6-1024 53 3.5 6-1060 43 4 6-1096 129 4
6-1025 38 3.5 6-1061 92 4 6-1097 170 4
6-1026 5 1 6-1062 95 4.5 6-1098 179.2 5.7
6-1027 24 3 6-1063 220 5 6-1099 15 4
6-1028 185 5 6-1064 22.2 3 6-1100 35 1.5
6-1029 94 4 6-1065 55 3 6-1101 360 7.5
6-1030 248 5 6-1066 1960 10.85 6-1102 5.69 1.14
6-1031 28 5 6-1067 2072 10 6-1103 90 7
6-1032 7.7 2 6-1068 175 6 6-1104 62 4
6-1033 2.8 1.6 6-1069 77.1 2.62 6-1105 116.5 1.78
6-1034 61 4 6-1070 49.2 5.7 6-1106 108 8
6-1035 5 2.5 6-1071 755 5 6-1107 152 8
6-1036 4.6 2 6-1072 465 5 6-1108 180.52 5.33
6-1037 65 5 6-1073 128 5 6-1109 17.2 3
6-1038 39 3 6-1074 105 5 6-1110 180 6
6-1039 16.3 2.4 6-1075 75 3 6-1111 88 8
6-1040 18 2.2 6-1076 120 4 6-1112 23 3
6-1041 47 2.5 6-1077 81 4 6-1113 90 2.5
6-1042 261 6 6-1078 23 1.5 6-1114 40 6
6-1043 338 6 6-1079 750 5 6-1115 22 1.3
6-1044 190 4 6-1080 485 5 6-1116 35 3
6-1045 162 2.5 6-1081 160 5 6-1117 62 6
6-1046 145 5 6-1082 26 3 6-1118 210 4
6-1047 34 1 6-1083 22 3 6-1119 180 8 O-ring dimension
6-1048 218 5.8 6-1084 130 4 6-1120 3 2.7
6-1049 14 1.1 6-1085 135 5 6-1121 185 6
6-1050 218 6 6-1086 22.3 2.4 6-1122 9 3
6-1051 142 4 6-1087 36.2 3 6-1123 64.2 5.7
6-1052 88 4 6-1088 180 4 6-1124 35.15 3.15
6-1053 65 4 6-1089 99.2 5.7 6-1125 311 10
6-1054 44 3 6-1090 336 7 6-1126 329 10
6-1055 103 5 6-1091 20 5 6-1127 580.5 3.53
6-1056 93 5 6-1092 38 3 6-1128 460 5.34
6-1057 80 4 6-1093 142 6 6-1129 335 7

O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
57 Prädifa Technology Division
O-ring dimension

Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­ Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­ Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­

section d2 section d2 section d2

6-1130 840.5 7 6-1166 35 4 6-1202 13.3 3

6-1131 835.5 7 6-1167 248 7 6-1203 30 2.15
6-1132 250 8 6-1168 300 6 6-1204 24.69 1.78
6-1133 9.52 1.78 6-1169 115 5 6-1205 362 5
6-1134 84 3.5 6-1170 515 5 6-1206 9.5 2.5
6-1135 345 5 6-1171 315 5 6-1207 142 12
6-1136 140 5 6-1172 320.62 3.53 6-1208 10.9 1.2
6-1137 57 4 6-1173 764 6.99 6-1209 62 3.53
6-1138 33 3 6-1174 85 6 6-1210 320 3
6-1139 200 5 6-1175 104.5 3 6-1211 228 3
6-1140 36 3 6-1176 46 2 6-1212 70 8
6-1141 47 2 6-1177 172 4 6-1213 1005 15
6-1142 360 4 6-1178 45 4 6-1214 90 5
6-1143 124 4 6-1179 90 4 6-1215 780 7
6-1144 41 1.5 6-1180 120 5 6-1216 10 1.6
6-1145 56 4 6-1181 80 5 6-1217 131.5 4
6-1146 31.5 3.15 6-1182 112 7 6-1218 340 4
6-1147 150 6 6-1183 7.5 2.1 6-1219 480 4
6-1148 39.4 2.1 6-1184 54 2 6-1220 610 4
6-1149 6.5 1.2 6-1185 52.5 1.8 6-1221 500 5
6-1150 34.4 2.1 6-1186 55 4 6-1222 770 7
6-1151 115 2 6-1187 37 3 6-1223 860 3
6-1152 79.2 5.7 6-1188 37 2 6-1224 42 5
6-1153 206 7 6-1189 43 2 6-1225 222 7
6-1154 136 4 6-1190 266 4 6-1226 50 5
6-1155 245 5 6-1191 290 5 6-1227 252 4
O-ring dimension

6-1156 890 5 6-1192 55 3.5 6-1228 8.5 2

6-1157 615 5 6-1193 66 3 6-1229 564.3 6.99
6-1158 520 5 6-1194 70 4 6-1230 10.8 1.9
6-1159 115 5 6-1195 45 4.5 6-1231 260 4
6-1160 695 5 6-1196 48 4 6-1232 26 1.5
6-1161 160 5 6-1197 34 2 6-1233 145 4
6-1162 63 3.5 6-1198 13.3 1.2 6-1234 52 2.5
6-1163 102 4 6-1199 125 4 6-1235 336 5.33
6-1164 114 5 6-1200 104 5.3 6-1236 11 1
6-1165 88 6 6-1201 260 8 6-1237 100 8

O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
58 Prädifa Technolgy Division
O-ring dimension

Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­ Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­ Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­

section d2 section d2 section d2

6-1238 194 14 6-1274 54 2 6-1310 300 10

6-1239 238 14 6-1275 11.6 2.2 6-1311 21 3
6-1240 285 14.1 6-1276 19 1 6-1312 6 1.52
6-1241 385 14.2 6-1277 135 3 6-1313 11.5 2
6-1242 415 14.2 6-1278 299.5 5 6-1314 9.5 1.78
6-1243 480 14 6-1279 273.6 5 6-1315 22 2.1
6-1244 585 14 6-1280 180 5 6-1316 80 3.5
6-1245 735 15 6-1281 125 2.5 6-1317 53.8 4
6-1246 853 20 6-1282 238 10 6-1318 155 4
6-1247 1.56 1 6-1283 195 5 6-1319 42 4
6-1248 46 5 6-1284 240 8 6-1320 107 8
6-1249 7.3 3.4 6-1285 49.2 3.53 6-1321 7.1 3.6
6-1250 225 3 6-1286 8.65 2.8 6-1322 116 3
6-1251 6.36 0.72 6-1287 4 1.8 6-1323 11.6 1.2
6-1252 21 4 6-1288 14 1 6-1324 155 5
6-1253 49 2 6-1289 24.5 3.15 6-1325 1865 5
6-1254 368 6 6-1290 170 5 6-1326 410 6
6-1255 343 6 6-1291 4.5 2.25 6-1327 6 2.5
6-1256 440 4 6-1292 160 6 6-1328 383.6 5
6-1257 37.5 4 6-1293 230 8 6-1329 134 8
6-1258 330 5 6-1294 155 3 6-1330 12 10.6
6-1259 26 4 6-1295 150 5 6-1331 272 8
6-1260 192 4 6-1296 130 3 6-1332 32 3
6-1261 62 4 6-1297 9.5 2 6-1333 51.94 3.53
6-1262 632 6 6-1298 17.86 2.62 6-1334 340 10
6-1263 246 4 6-1299 540 5 6-1335 412 8 O-ring dimension
6-1264 2.2 1 6-1300 579 5 6-1336 167.5 3.5
6-1265 90 4.8 6-1301 602 5 6-1337 11.1 1.82
6-1266 7.3 2.4 6-1302 216 4 6-1338 23.8 2.4
6-1267 40 5 6-1303 99 3 6-1339 13.7 2.5
6-1268 6.3 2.4 6-1304 1840 5 6-1340 15.5 2.6
6-1269 1.5 0.6 6-1305 100 3 6-1341 17.2 1.82
6-1270 80 3 6-1306 97 5 6-1342 14 1.82
6-1271 56.7 3 6-1307 200 4 6-1343 48.2 3
6-1272 68 4 6-1308 640 6 6-1345 14 1.6
6-1273 66 5 6-1309 740 6 6-1346 240 5

O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
59 Prädifa Technology Division
O-ring dimension

Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­ Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­ Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­

section d2 section d2 section d2

6-1347 53 2 6-1386 11 3.4 6-1423 29 2.5

6-1348 73 7 6-1387 390 4 6-1424 297 4
6-1349 44.3 5.7 6-1388 256 4 6-1425 220 7
6-1350 104.3 5.7 6-1389 38 1.5 6-1426 238 6
6-1351 309.3 5.7 6-1390 155 3.53 6-1427 120 10
6-1352 419.3 5.7 6-1391 192 8 6-1428 185 4
6-1353 21 1 6-1392 354.96 6.09 6-1429 91 2
6-1354 58 3 6-1393 14.7 3.5 6-1430 19.35 1
6-1356 175 5 6-1394 5.15 1.8 6-1431 23 4
6-1357 75 2.5 6-1395 100 6 6-1434 5 1.6
6-1358 0.9 0.53 6-1396 15.08 2.62 6-1435 440 4.3
6-1359 304.8 3.18 6-1398 15 3.5 6-1436 131 5.3
6-1360 236 6 6-1399 42 4.5 6-1437 50 3.5
6-1361 12.1 1.6 6-1400 7 2.75 6-1438 54.7 3.53
6-1362 39.2 5.7 6-1401 31 2 6-1439 61.7 4.5
6-1363 3.9 2.4 6-1402 165 4 6-1440 9.55 1.75
6-1364 17.5 4 6-1403 265 5 6-1443 675 5.3
6-1365 17 4 6-1404 325 5 6-1444 490 5
6-1366 30 5 6-1405 4.05 1.77 6-1445 85 5
6-1367 110 2.5 6-1406 85 6.99 6-1446 21.3 2.3
6-1368 60 4.5 6-1407 9.5 1.8 6-1447 27 2.7
6-1369 76 2 6-1408 331.5 6 6-1448 55 5
6-1370 300 8 6-1409 534 8 6-1449 10 8
6-1371 310 5 6-1410 1 0.63 6-1450 198 4
6-1372 65 1.8 6-1411 33 3.5 6-1451 235 4
6-1373 20 2.65 6-1412 38 5 6-1452 92 3
O-ring dimension

6-1374 395 12 6-1413 43 5.5 6-1453 195 6

6-1375 21.2 1.8 6-1414 35 5 6-1454 11.5 2.3
6-1376 11.2 1.8 6-1415 97 4 6-1456 24.6 3.4
6-1377 65 2.65 6-1416 8.1 2 6-1457 86 4
6-1378 28.2 1 6-1417 77 2.5 6-1458 320 6.5
6-1379 12.5 1.8 6-1418 661 14 6-1460 10.2 1.5
6-1380 68 3.5 6-1419 62 1.5 6-1461 31.57 1.98
6-1381 105 3 6-1420 500 6 6-1462 70 2.5
6-1384 240.66 7.4 6-1421 115 6 6-1463 19.5 3.5
6-1385 5.6 1.8 6-1422 7.65 2 6-1464 14.5 3

O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
60 Prädifa Technolgy Division
O-ring dimension

Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­ Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­ Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­

section d2 section d2 section d2

6-1465 20.5 2 6-1503 12.83 1.27 6-1546 328 6.99

6-1466 12 1.3 6-1504 13.59 2.69 6-1547 39 2.5
6-1467 77.5 2.62 6-1505 10.78 2.62 6-1554 70 3.5
6-1468 11.75 1.55 6-1506 1.42 1.58 6-1555 14 2.2
6-1469 12 1.4 6-1507 92.2 2.62 6-1556 32 1.5
6-1470 21 1.5 6-1508 88.5 6.5 6-1558 7 1.47
6-1471 6 1.8 6-1510 11.1 2.15 6-1559 136 3
6-1472 82 3 6-1511 9.5 2.15 6-1560 221 1.78
6-1473 128 3 6-1512 32 1.5 6-1562 8 1.6
6-1474 30 2.25 6-1513 54 1.5 6-1563 198 8
6-1475 78 2 6-1516 11 1.6 6-1564 240 8
6-1476 275 5 6-1517 29.1 1.6 6-1565 205 5
6-1477 285 5 6-1518 10 1.2 6-1566 12 1.2
6-1478 31 1.5 6-1519 7.5 1.5 6-1567 12.5 1.5
6-1480 17.7 1.78 6-1520 44.35 2.58 6-1568 3.8 1.9
6-1481 8.56 1.07 6-1521 450 2.62 6-1569 17.3 2.2
6-1482 39 5 6-1522 255 5 6-1570 7.5 3
6-1483 47 5.5 6-1523 7.1 1.37 6-1571 13.5 1.5
6-1484 13 1.58 6-1524 16.3 1.4 6-1573 86.5 4
6-1485 11.8 2.65 6-1525 11.1 1.6 6-1575 11.5 1.78
6-1486 42 1 6-1526 13 1.3 6-1576 14 1.3
6-1487 9.2 2.7 6-1528 621 8.5 6-1577 736.6 5
6-1488 5 1.9 6-1529 165 5 6-1578 31 4
6-1489 50.2 3 6-1530 9.1 1.6 6-1579 16.5 1.5
6-1490 20.5 3 6-1531 9.1 1.65 6-1580 110 1.5
6-1491 10.1 1.6 6-1532 3.5 1.35 6-1581 6.07 1.3 O-ring dimension
6-1493 16.5 2 6-1533 28 4 6-1582 250 10
6-1494 15.7 2.5 6-1534 245 7 6-1583 350 10
6-1495 1.45 1.75 6-1536 11.3 2.2 6-1584 430 16
6-1496 3.9 1.8 6-1537 14.2 1.9 6-1585 59.2 5.7
6-1497 40 4 6-1538 7.6 1.9 6-1586 18 10
6-1498 11.5 1.8 6-1539 8.55 1.75 6-1587 52 1
6-1499 9.6 2 6-1540 27.5 2 6-1588 65 1
6-1500 7.52 3.51 6-1541 15.5 1.5 6-1589 38 1
6-1501 5.46 0.89 6-1543 18.8 1.9 6-1590 21.5 1
6-1502 9.78 1.27 6-1545 24.5 1 6-1591 129 1.5

O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
61 Prädifa Technology Division
O-ring dimension

Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­ Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­ Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­

section d2 section d2 section d2

6-1592 142.9 3.2 6-1645 3.4 1.5 6-1699 9.8 1.5

6-1593 165.1 3.2 6-1648 10 1.25 6-1700 17 2.5
6-1594 152.4 3.2 6-1650 35.5 4 6-1701 2.5 1.6
6-1599 28.3 3.1 6-1651 112 2.5 6-1702 160 5.3
6-1600 35.4 3.25 6-1652 36 5 6-1703 56.5 5.3
6-1601 42.4 4.25 6-1654 224 6 6-1704 69.2 5.3
6-1602 54.4 4.25 6-1655 26.5 4 6-1705 88.4 5.3
6-1605 156 4 6-1656 9.86 1.78 6-1706 180 5.3
6-1607 67 4 6-1657 53.5 2 6-1707 320 3.53
6-1608 538 6 6-1658 14.4 2 6-1708 98 2.5
6-1609 74.6 3.53 6-1659 171.45 3.2 6-1709 55 2.5
6-1610 17.64 2 6-1660 115 5.33 6-1710 23.3 1.6
6-1611 23.47 2.4 6-1661 64 4 6-1711 37.5 1.8
6-1612 164 2 6-1662 77.5 2 6-1715 83 4
6-1613 27 1.4 6-1663 294 3 6-1716 635 10
6-1614 33 5 6-1664 1.33 1.61 6-1717 12.3 1.9
6-1615 0.83 1.63 6-1665 94 5.7 6-1718 11 1.9
6-1625 154.6 1.78 6-1666 58 3.75 6-1719 22.6 1.78
6-1627 30 1 6-1667 278.99 2.62 6-1720 104.2 5.7
6-1628 73 2 6-1668 246 3 6-1721 51.1 1.6
6-1629 88 5 6-1671 110 6 6-1722 21.1 1.6
6-1630 122 6 6-1672 93.4 2.57 6-1723 43.7 3.55
6-1631 34 2.5 6-1673 95 3 6-1724 44.96 2.57
6-1632 145 2.5 6-1674 455 6 6-1725 208 4
6-1633 47 3 6-1675 79.5 2.65 6-1726 60 2
6-1634 32.5 3 6-1676 24.5 4 6-1727 230 4.5
O-ring dimension

6-1635 11.8 1.8 6-1677 3.8 1.5 6-1728 5.5 0.8

6-1636 13 1.8 6-1678 571 8 6-1729 28.68 2.4
6-1637 9.55 1.75 6-1679 223 2.65 6-1731 22 1
6-1638 20.95 2.62 6-1680 147.6 2.65 6-1735 0.7 0.5
6-1639 351.21 4 6-1684 50.3 2.5 6-1740 70.5 3.2
6-1640 10 4 6-1694 4.3 2.4 6-1742 690 8
6-1641 546 2.62 6-1695 55 1.2 6-1743 5.6 1.9
6-1642 7.6 2.1 6-1696 145 2.88 6-1744 4.8 1.3
6-1643 54 3.15 6-1697 71 3.55 6-1745 7.6 2.62
6-1644 110 3.5 6-1698 29 2 6-1747 15.3 1.5

O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
62 Prädifa Technolgy Division
O-ring dimension

Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­ Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­ Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­

section d2 section d2 section d2

6-1748 16 1.9 6-1810 4.32 0.92 6-1857 14.9 2.7

6-1749 9.96 1.53 6-1813 14.47 3.53 6-1858 602 7
6-1751 6.1 1.6 6-1814 2.95 0.97 6-1859 640 7
6-1752 4.3 1.3 6-1815 163.07 1.63 6-1860 259.2 3.53
6-1753 460 6.99 6-1816 183 1.78 6-1861 245 3.53
6-1754 494.16 6.99 6-1817 14.2 3 6-1862 27.5 1
6-1765 17 1.93 6-1818 21.2 3.6 6-1863 6 1.2
6-1767 230 4.8 6-1819 17.2 4 6-1864 59.5 5
6-1768 24.5 5.5 6-1822 13 2.62 6-1865 164.33 2.62
6-1769 31.5 7 6-1823 522 10 6-1866 206 5.7
6-1770 15.5 4 6-1824 623.08 5.33 6-1867 215 5
6-1771 74.5 3 6-1825 13.3 1.8 6-1868 270 6
6-1772 19.5 4 6-1826 114.55 2.57 6-1869 19.5 2.66
6-1773 153.5 3.2 6-1827 13.3 2.8 6-1873 11.5 3
6-1774 148.6 3.2 6-1828 14.6 2.1 6-1875 21.5 1.6
6-1775 131.1 3.2 6-1832 19.84 0.79 6-1876 67 2.8
6-1776 86 3.2 6-1833 7.4 2.62 6-1877 11 2.3
6-1777 90.8 3.5 6-1834 11.2 2.62 6-1879 8.15 1.83
6-1778 70 3.5 6-1836 362 4 6-1880 313 5.33
6-1779 87.6 3 6-1837 515 5.33 6-1881 340 5.33
6-1780 33 1.5 6-1838 532.18 5.33 6-1883 2 1.5
6-1781 95 1.5 6-1839 34 4 6-1885 22 2.3
6-1782 90 1.5 6-1840 745 10 6-1886 7.1 1.84
6-1783 135 1.5 6-1841 618.5 2 6-1888 355 8
6-1784 329.57 4.8 6-1842 367.89 2.66 6-1889 74.9 1.78
6-1785 8.73 1.78 6-1843 455 5.33 6-1890 34 1.1 O-ring dimension
6-1786 365 5.3 6-1844 595 5.33 6-1892 5.96 1.7
6-1795 359.53 5.33 6-1845 2324 6.99 6-1893 9.11 2
6-1797 67.39 2.26 6-1846 2350 6.99 6-1895 239.2 3.53
6-1803 151.39 2.57 6-1847 736 7 6-1896 226.2 3.53
6-1804 83.77 1.78 6-1848 190 1.78 6-1897 45 6
6-1805 35.96 2.32 6-1849 205 1.78 6-1903 43 3.5
6-1806 20.2 1.81 6-1851 425.33 5.33 6-1904 90 5.5
6-1807 136.53 1.78 6-1854 48 1 6-1905 100 5.5
6-1808 35.95 1.78 6-1855 9.7 5.33 6-1906 30 3.5
6-1809 14.23 1.6 6-1856 11.82 2.62 6-1907 45 3.5

O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
63 Prädifa Technology Division
O-ring dimension

Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­ Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­ Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­

section d2 section d2 section d2

6-1908 68 5.5 6-1950 77.8 1.5 6-2016 58 3.55

6-1909 72 5.5 6-1951 764 7 6-2018 43 5
6-1910 95 5.5 6-1952 555 3 6-2019 58 3.55
6-1911 23 2.62 6-1953 589 3 6-2020 38 4
6-1912 40 3.5 6-1956 786 4 6-2021 148 2.5
6-1913 47 5 6-1957 522 4 6-2022 150 2.5
6-1914 53 4 6-1958 372 4 6-2023 598 7
6-1915 28 3.5 6-1959 645 4 6-2032 6.4 2.62
6-1916 75 4.5 6-1960 645 3.53 6-2033 78 1.5
6-1917 70 5.5 6-1961 17.3 2.2 6-2034 10.24 1.83
6-1918 349 5.33 6-1962 128 4 6-2036 109.5 5.33
6-1919 27 2.8 6-1963 587 7 6-2037 297.8 6.99
6-1920 32 3.5 6-1964 560 7 6-2038 16 3.5
6-1922 11.3 4.75 6-1966 69 4.5 6-2039 22.22 2.62
6-1923 14.2 2 6-1967 13 1.2 6-2040 26 3.5
6-1924 3.3 1.78 6-1969 1.1 0.25 6-2041 4.45 3.53
6-1925 4.09 1.78 6-1974 66 1.5 6-2042 801 4
6-1926 35 3.5 6-1975 19.3 2.2 6-2043 14 5
6-1927 65 5.5 6-1977 8.5 3 6-2044 18 3.5
6-1928 75 5.5 6-1978 11.8 3 6-2045 63 3
6-1929 168.4 6 6-1979 484 8.4 6-2046 130 5.8
6-1930 23.4 4 6-1980 36 4 6-2047 34.5 2.65
6-1931 49.5 5 6-1981 50 1.5 6-2051 212 5.3
6-1932 197 6 6-1982 3.2 1.78 6-2052 48 2.3
6-1933 133 3 6-1985 58 2.5 6-2053 6 2.1
6-1934 469 5.33 6-1990 125 3.5 6-2054 36.6 2.9
O-ring dimension

6-1936 13.3 2.2 6-1991 52.39 3.53 6-2055 20.8 2

6-1937 428 5 6-1993 250 4 6-2064 121 8
6-1939 5.7 2.62 6-1994 16.82 5.33 6-2065 510 3
6-1942 126.3 5.33 6-2000 135.5 6 6-2066 820 3
6-1943 818 12 6-2005 276 2.62 6-2067 750 3
6-1944 777 12 6-2008 45.3 1.93 6-2068 17.1 1.6
6-1945 224 7 6-2009 855 10 6-2069 12.3 3.5
6-1947 334 2.62 6-2012 74 2.5 6-2070 14.6 2.95
6-1948 230 5 6-2013 335 5 6-2071 11 3.5
6-1949 137.5 3.3 6-2015 470 4.5 6-2073 492 3.53

O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
64 Prädifa Technolgy Division
O-ring dimension

Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­ Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­

section d2 section d2

6-2074 48 2.1 6-2122 84.5 3

6-2075 74.5 4 6-2123 4.45 3
6-2077 70 7 6-2124 1020 5.7
6-2078 3.5 1 6-2125 165.3 1.78
6-2079 68 2.5 6-2127 7.77 3.77
6-2080 300 5 6-2128 9.75 1.5
6-2081 29.2 5.05 6-2129 150 5.3
6-2082 22.4 2.5 6-2130 32 1.78
6-2083 41.5 2 6-2131 169.98 3.56
6-2084 188.14 1.78 6-2132 63.1 3.53
6-2087 18 1.8 6-2133 36 1.78
6-2088 42 2 6-2134 300 4
6-2090 45.69 1.78 6-2135 14.1 2.4
6-2093 8 2.65 6-2137 27.6 2.4
6-2094 15.22 1.78 6-2138 3.5 0.9
6-2096 74.9 2 6-2139 23.8 1.5
6-2097 3.1 1.2 6-2140 295 6
6-2098 193.7 7 6-2143 53 3.55
6-2099 1.9 2.8 6-2145 235 6
6-2100 12 5 6-2146 260 6
6-2101 11.56 1.78 6-2147 29.2 5
6-2102 16.4 1.78 6-2148 29.2 4.95
6-2104 74 4.5 6-2149 143 1.45
6-2105 34 1.5 6-2150 22 6
6-2107 123 3
6-2108 89 1.9 O-ring dimension
6-2109 312.9 1.78
6-2111 310 2.62
6-2112 14.6 1.5
6-2113 49.88 1.78
6-2114 285 6
6-2117 54 4.5
6-2118 60.4 3
6-2119 42.5 3.53
6-2120 69.6 5
6-2121 104 5

O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
65 Prädifa Technology Division
O-ring dimension

O-ring sizes acc. to inner Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­ Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­
diameter d section d2 section d2

Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­ 6-1701 2.5 1.6 2-105 3.63 2.62

section d2
6-168 2.5 1.7 2-007 3.68 1.78
6-1735 0.7 0.5 2-005 2.57 1.78 6-251 3.7 1.9
2-001 0.74 1.02 5-578 2.6 1.9 6-1677 3.8 1.5
6-408 0.8 1.6 6-020 2.7 1.5 6-1568 3.8 1.9
6-1615 0.83 1.63 6-1033 2.8 1.6 6-166 3.9 1.8
6-1358 0.9 0.53 6-971 2.8 1.9 6-1363 3.9 2.4
6-1410 1 0.63 2-104 2.84 2.62 6-613 4 1
2-002 1.07 1.27 6-487 2.9 1.02 6-019 4 1.1
6-1969 1.1 0.25 2-006 2.9 1.78 6-035 4 1.5
2-102 1.24 2.62 6-1814 2.95 0.97 6-1287 4 1.8
6-1664 1.33 1.61 6-018 3 1 6-104 4 2
2-003 1.42 1.52 6-549 3 1.2 6-420 4 2.2
6-1506 1.42 1.58 6-441 3 1.5 6-428 4 2.5
6-1495 1.45 1.75 6-615 3 2 6-994 4 3
6-1269 1.5 0.6 6-1120 3 2.7 6-1405 4.05 1.77
6-369 1.5 1 6-2097 3.1 1.2 6-1925 4.09 1.78
6-1247 1.56 1 5-683 3.1 1.6 5-580 4.2 1.9
5-051 1.78 1.02 6-736 3.17 1.02 6-1752 4.3 1.3
2-004 1.78 1.78 6-684 3.2 1.02 6-1694 4.3 2.4
6-714 1.8 1 6-686 3.2 1.6 6-1810 4.32 0.92
6-418 1.85 1.5 6-1982 3.2 1.78 2-201 4.34 3.53
6-2099 1.9 2.8 6-1924 3.3 1.78 2-106 4.42 2.62
6-364 1.98 0.84 6-361 3.3 2.4 6-2123 4.45 3
6-797 2 1 6-307 3.33 1.02 6-2041 4.45 3.53
6-1883 2 1.5 5-190 3.35 1.78 5-108 4.47 1.27
O-ring dimension

6-925 2.06 0.66 6-1645 3.4 1.5 2-008 4.47 1.78

2-103 2.06 2.62 5-579 3.4 1.9 6-401 4.5 1
6-1264 2.2 1 6-973 3.5 0.8 6-214 4.5 1.5
6-306 2.2 1.6 6-2138 3.5 0.9 6-1291 4.5 2.25
6-880 2.3 1.3 6-2078 3.5 1 6-1036 4.6 2
6-1019 2.35 1 6-491 3.5 1.1 6-133 4.7 1.9
6-538 2.4 1.9 6-021 3.5 1.2 6-849 4.8 0.75
6-966 2.5 1 6-402 3.5 1.25 6-1744 4.8 1.3
6-167 2.5 1.2 6-1532 3.5 1.35 5-581 4.9 1.9
6-138 2.5 1.3 6-468 3.5 1.5 6-1026 5 1

O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
66 Prädifa Technolgy Division
O-ring dimension

Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­ Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­ Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­

section d2 section d2 section d2

6-583 5 1.2 6-2053 6 2.1 6-1523 7.1 1.37

6-069 5 1.5 6-1327 6 2.5 6-052 7.1 1.6
6-1434 5 1.6 6-079 6 5 6-1886 7.1 1.84
6-955 5 1.75 6-652 6 5.2 6-956 7.1 2
6-1488 5 1.9 2-108 6.02 2.62 6-1321 7.1 3.6
6-110 5 2 6-1581 6.07 1.3 5-584 7.2 1.9
6-1035 5 2.5 3-902 6.07 1.63 6-1266 7.3 2.4
6-1394 5.15 1.8 2-010 6.07 1.78 6-162 7.3 2.7
2-107 5.23 2.62 6-1751 6.1 1.6 6-1249 7.3 3.4
2-009 5.28 1.78 6-344 6.2 1.5 6-1833 7.4 2.62
6-751 5.3 2.4 6-374 6.3 1.6 6-710 7.5 1
6-738 5.33 1.02 6-855 6.3 1.8 6-661 7.5 1.25
6-063 5.35 1.5 5-686 6.3 2.39 6-091 7.5 1.5
6-1501 5.46 0.89 6-1268 6.3 2.4 6-856 7.5 1.8
6-1728 5.5 0.8 6-1251 6.36 0.72 6-432 7.5 2
6-968 5.5 1.5 6-933 6.4 1.3 6-1183 7.5 2.1
6-950 5.5 2 5-583 6.4 1.9 6-134 7.5 2.5
6-1385 5.6 1.8 6-2032 6.4 2.62 6-1570 7.5 3
6-1743 5.6 1.9 6-1149 6.5 1.2 6-1500 7.52 3.51
6-338 5.6 2.4 6-581 6.5 1.5 2-203 7.52 3.53
6-960 5.61 1.68 6-572 6.5 2 2-109 7.59 2.62
6-1102 5.69 1.14 6-480 6.6 1.5 6-1538 7.6 1.9
6-748 5.7 1.05 6-1022 6.75 1.78 6-1642 7.6 2.1
5-582 5.7 1.9 6-907 6.8 1.8 6-1745 7.6 2.62
6-1939 5.7 2.62 6-440 6.8 2 3-903 7.65 1.63
6-548 5.7 3.2 5-052 6.86 1.78 2-011 7.65 1.78 O-ring dimension
6-861 5.8 0.75 6-657 7 1 6-1422 7.65 2
2-202 5.94 3.53 6-959 7 1.2 6-1032 7.7 2
6-1892 5.96 1.7 6-922 7 1.4 5-673 7.75 1.88
6-543 6 1 6-1558 7 1.47 6-2127 7.77 3.77
6-1863 6 1.2 6-011 7 1.5 6-317 7.8 3.6
6-713 6 1.25 6-311 7 2 6-486 7.8 4.6
6-038 6 1.5 6-937 7 2.35 6-437 8 1
6-1312 6 1.52 6-028 7 2.5 6-592 8 1.25
6-1471 6 1.8 6-1400 7 2.75 6-074 8 1.5
6-001 6 2 6-080 7 3 6-1562 8 1.6

O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
67 Prädifa Technology Division
O-ring dimension

Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­ Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­ Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­

section d2 section d2 section d2

5-585 8 1.88 2-110 9.19 2.62 6-605 10 3

6-002 8 2 5-716 9.19 3 6-1640 10 4
6-520 8 2.2 6-1487 9.2 2.7 6-931 10 6.5
6-564 8 2.5 2-012 9.25 1.78 6-1449 10 8
6-2093 8 2.65 6-866 9.3 1.5 6-627 10.1 1
6-390 8 3 6-012 9.3 2.4 6-1491 10.1 1.6
6-192 8.1 1.6 6-395 9.35 1.6 6-839 10.1 1.78
6-1416 8.1 2 6-346 9.4 2.1 6-571 10.15 1.4
5-664 8.13 1.78 6-952 9.5 1 6-1460 10.2 1.5
6-1879 8.15 1.83 6-1314 9.5 1.78 6-2034 10.24 1.83
6-345 8.2 1.5 6-1407 9.5 1.8 6-375 10.25 1.4
6-070 8.3 2.4 6-1297 9.5 2 6-475 10.3 2.4
6-692 8.5 1.5 6-1511 9.5 2.15 6-965 10.4 1
6-1228 8.5 2 6-1206 9.5 2.5 2-309 10.46 5.33
6-1977 8.5 3 6-1133 9.52 1.78 6-976 10.5 1.5
6-1539 8.55 1.75 6-373 9.53 1.6 5-588 10.5 2.7
6-1481 8.56 1.07 6-1637 9.55 1.75 3-905 10.52 1.83
6-1286 8.65 2.8 6-1499 9.6 2 6-777 10.6 1.8
6-1785 8.73 1.78 5-212 9.75 1.78 6-218 10.6 2
5-612 8.74 1.78 6-1855 9.7 5.33 2-205 10.69 3.53
6-277 8.79 1.14 6-2128 9.75 1.5 2-111 10.77 2.62
6-715 8.8 1 6-1502 9.78 1.27 6-1505 10.78 2.62
5-586 8.9 1.9 6-1699 9.8 1.5 6-551 10.8 1.5
5-587 8.9 2.7 6-1656 9.86 1.78 6-1230 10.8 1.9
3-904 8.92 1.83 5-614 9.93 2.62 2-013 10.82 1.78
6-610 9 1.2 6-1749 9.96 1.53 6-1208 10.9 1.2
O-ring dimension

6-010 9 1.5 6-116 10 1 6-1236 11 1

6-120 9 1.8 6-1518 10 1.2 6-084 11 1.5
6-470 9 2 6-1648 10 1.25 6-1516 11 1.6
6-161 9 2.5 6-083 10 1.5 6-1718 11 1.9
6-1122 9 3 6-1216 10 1.6 6-086 11 2
6-651 9 4 6-003 10 2 6-1877 11 2.3
6-1530 9.1 1.6 6-532 10 2.2 6-717 11 2.5
6-1531 9.1 1.65 6-105 10 2.5 6-953 11 3
6-1893 9.11 2 6-910 10 2.62 6-1386 11 3.4
2-204 9.12 3.53 6-823 10 2.65 6-2071 11 3.5

O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
68 Prädifa Technolgy Division
O-ring dimension

Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­ Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­ Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­

section d2 section d2 section d2

6-1525 11.1 1.6 6-124 12 3 6-1827 13.3 2.8

5-613 11.1 1.78 6-662 12 3.8 6-1202 13.3 3
6-1337 11.1 1.82 6-2100 12 5 6-348 13.4 2.1
6-1510 11.1 2.15 6-1330 12 10.6 3-907 13.46 2.08
6-1376 11.2 1.8 2-310 12.07 5.33 6-1571 13.5 1.5
6-1834 11.2 2.62 6-1361 12.1 1.6 6-096 13.5 2.75
6-1536 11.3 2.2 5-589 12.1 2.7 5-590 13.59 2.69
6-471 11.3 2.4 2-206 12.29 3.53 6-473 13.6 2.5
6-1922 11.3 4.75 6-1717 12.3 1.9 2-311 13.64 5.33
6-347 11.4 2.1 6-058 12.3 2.4 6-1339 13.7 2.5
6-677 11.5 1 6-2069 12.3 3.5 6-160 13.75 2.8
6-928 11.5 1.5 2-112 12.37 2.62 2-207 13.87 3.53
6-1575 11.5 1.78 2-014 12.42 1.78 6-737 13.89 1.3
6-1498 11.5 1.8 6-550 12.5 1.1 2-113 13.94 2.62
6-1313 11.5 2 6-1567 12.5 1.5 6-1288 14 1
6-1454 11.5 2.3 6-1379 12.5 1.8 6-1049 14 1.1
6-945 11.5 2.5 6-198 12.5 2 6-1576 14 1.3
6-1873 11.5 3 6-1503 12.83 1.27 6-143 14 1.5
6-2101 11.56 1.78 6-584 13 1 6-1345 14 1.6
6-1323 11.6 1.2 6-904 13 1.3 2-015 14 1.78
6-1275 11.6 2.2 6-033 13 1.5 6-1342 14 1.82
6-1468 11.75 1.55 6-1484 13 1.58 6-090 14 2
6-1635 11.8 1.8 6-1636 13 1.8 6-1555 14 2.2
6-1485 11.8 2.65 6-075 13 2 6-067 14 2.5
6-1978 11.8 3 6-016 13 2.5 6-705 14 3
6-1856 11.82 2.62 6-1967 13 1.2 6-2043 14 5 O-ring dimension
6-366 11.89 1.78 6-1822 13 2.62 6-2135 14.1 2.4
3-906 11.89 1.98 6-730 13 3 6-1537 14.2 1.9
5-615 11.91 2.62 6-207 13 3.5 6-1923 14.2 2
6-438 12 1 6-163 13.1 1.6 6-1817 14.2 3
6-1566 12 1.2 5-616 13.11 2.62 6-1809 14.23 1.6
6-1466 12 1.3 6-129 13.23 1.78 6-135 14.3 2.4
6-1469 12 1.4 6-1198 13.3 1.2 6-1658 14.4 2
6-053 12 1.5 6-1825 13.3 1.8 5-239 14.48 2.69
6-065 12 2 6-1936 13.3 2.2 6-1813 14.47 3.53
6-774 12 2.5 6-929 13.3 2.4 6-397 14.5 1.6

O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
69 Prädifa Technology Division
O-ring dimension

Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­ Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­ Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­

section d2 section d2 section d2

6-1464 14.5 3 5-617 15.88 2.62 6-2068 17.1 1.6

6-2112 14.6 1.5 6-439 16 1 2-115 17.12 2.62
6-1828 14.6 2.1 6-632 16 1.25 2-017 17.17 1.78
6-340 14.6 2.4 6-528 16 1.5 6-1341 17.2 1.82
6-2070 14.6 2.95 6-857 16 1.8 6-1109 17.2 3
6-1393 14.7 3.5 6-1748 16 1.9 6-1819 17.2 4
6-1857 14.9 2.7 6-146 16 2 6-1961 17.3 2.2
6-683 15 1 6-562 16 2.5 5-690 17.3 2.4
6-118 15 1.5 6-891 16 2.65 6-554 17.4 2.1
6-040 15 1.6 6-042 16 3 6-388 17.4 2.5
6-085 15 1.8 6-2038 16 3.5 6-1364 17.5 4
6-005 15 2 6-1021 16 4 6-1610 17.64 2
6-106 15 2.5 6-1524 16.3 1.4 6-1480 17.7 1.78
6-043 15 3 6-1039 16.3 2.4 6-367 17.81 1.02
6-072 15 3.2 3-908 16.36 2.21 6-1298 17.86 2.62
6-1398 15 3.5 6-2102 16.4 1.78 6-041 17.9 1.25
6-1099 15 4 6-876 16.5 1 5-256 17.96 2.62
6-128 15 5 6-1579 16.5 1.5 6-731 18 1.3
6-1396 15.08 2.62 6-1493 16.5 2 6-087 18 1.5
5-591 15.1 2.7 6-313 16.5 2.7 6-2087 18 1.8
6-2094 15.22 1.78 5-643 16.51 1.14 6-076 18 2
2-312 15.24 5.33 6-725 16.56 1.78 6-1040 18 2.2
6-1747 15.3 1.5 6-297 16.58 1.5 6-132 18 2.5
6-940 15.3 2.2 6-006 16.7 1.45 6-425 18 3
6-206 15.3 2.4 2-313 16.81 5.33 6-007 18 3.15
5-243 15.34 2.62 6-1994 16.82 5.33 6-2044 18 3.5
O-ring dimension

6-349 15.4 2.1 5-592 16.9 2.7 6-125 18 4

2-208 15.47 3.53 6-524 17 1.1 6-755 18 5
5-676 15.49 1.47 6-476 17 1.5 6-1586 18 10
6-1541 15.5 1.5 6-1765 17 1.93 6-848 18.14 1.78
6-1340 15.5 2.6 6-044 17 2 6-396 18.2 3
6-1770 15.5 4 6-1700 17 2.5 6-177 18.3 2.4
2-114 15.54 2.62 6-946 17 3 5-594 18.3 3.6
2-016 15.6 1.78 6-974 17 3.5 5-593 18.4 2.7
6-1494 15.7 2.5 6-1365 17 4 2-314 18.42 5.33
6-223 15.8 2.4 2-209 17.04 3.53 6-308 18.5 1.5

O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
70 Prädifa Technolgy Division
O-ring dimension

Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­ Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­ Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­

section d2 section d2 section d2

6-499 18.6 2 6-1373 20 2.65 6-285 21.7 0.73

6-557 18.6 3.5 6-130 20 3 6-286 21.82 1
2-210 18.64 3.53 6-808 20 3.55 2-212 21.82 3.53
2-116 18.72 2.62 6-958 20 4 2-118 21.89 2.62
2-018 18.77 1.78 6-1091 20 5 3-911 21.92 2.95
6-1543 18.8 1.9 6-1806 20.2 1.81 2-020 21.95 1.78
6-295 19 0.8 6-382 20.2 3 6-1731 22 1
6-1276 19 1 2-211 20.22 3.53 6-1115 22 1.3
6-573 19 1.5 2-117 20.29 2.62 6-493 22 1.39
6-798 19 1.8 6-275 20.3 2.4 6-088 22 1.5
6-360 19 2 6-212 20.34 4.25 6-139 22 2
6-039 19 2.5 2-019 20.35 1.78 6-1315 22 2.1
6-779 19 2.65 6-1465 20.5 2 6-1885 22 2.3
6-998 19 3 6-1490 20.5 3 6-036 22 2.5
6-404 19 5 6-2055 20.8 2 6-1083 22 3
3-910 19.18 2.46 6-1638 20.95 2.62 6-877 22 4
6-593 19.2 3 6-1353 21 1 6-2150 22 6
6-1975 19.3 2.2 6-1470 21 1.5 6-356 22.1 1.6
6-503 19.3 2.4 6-008 21 2 6-1064 22.2 3
6-628 19.3 3.65 6-1311 21 3 6-2039 22.22 2.62
6-1430 19.35 1 6-089 21 3.5 6-1086 22.3 2.4
6-350 19.4 2.1 6-1252 21 4 6-2082 22.4 2.5
6-119 19.5 1.5 6-489 21 6 6-1719 22.6 1.78
6-1869 19.5 2.66 6-1722 21.1 1.6 6-263 22.7 1.5
6-1463 19.5 3.5 6-1375 21.2 1.8 6-287 22.89 1
6-1772 19.5 4 6-430 21.2 2.4 6-1078 23 1.5 O-ring dimension
6-758 19.75 2.5 6-780 21.2 2.65 6-999 23 2
6-300 19.8 2.4 6-801 21.2 3.55 6-066 23 2.5
5-595 19.8 3.6 6-1818 21.2 3.6 6-1911 23 2.62
6-1832 19.84 0.79 6-1446 21.3 2.3 6-1112 23 3
2-315 19.99 5.33 5-596 21.3 3.6 5-597 23 3.6
6-099 20 1.3 6-1590 21.5 1 6-1431 23 4
6-078 20 1.5 6-687 21.5 1.5 2-317 23.16 5.33
6-793 20 1.8 6-1875 21.5 1.6 6-1710 23.3 1.6
6-619 20 2 6-343 21.5 1.78 2-213 23.39 3.53
6-017 20 2.5 2-316 21.59 5.33 6-1930 23.4 4

O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
71 Prädifa Technology Division
O-ring dimension

Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­ Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­ Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­

section d2 section d2 section d2

6-1611 23.47 2.4 2-022 25.12 1.78 6-1540 27.5 2

2-119 23.47 2.62 6-126 25.3 1.6 6-2137 27.6 2.4
3-912 23.47 2.95 6-745 25.3 2.4 6-296 27.71 1.02
2-021 23.52 1.78 6-189 25.5 2 5-600 27.8 3.6
6-298 23.6 1.02 6-957 25.6 1.93 2-320 27.94 5.33
6-942 23.6 2.9 6-289 25.79 1 6-905 28 1
6-351 23.7 2.8 6-387 25.8 3.3 6-101 28 1.5
6-2139 23.8 1.5 5-618 25.81 3.53 6-794 28 1.8
6-1338 23.8 2.4 6-728 26 1 6-140 28 2
6-666 24 1 6-1232 26 1.5 6-180 28 2.2
6-544 24 1.5 6-656 26 2 6-654 28 2.5
6-022 24 2 6-749 26 2.5 6-781 28 2.65
6-595 24 2.5 6-1082 26 3 6-977 28 3
6-1027 24 3 6-2040 26 3.5 6-1915 28 3.5
6-453 24 4 6-1259 26 4 6-1533 28 4
6-443 24 6 5-599 26.2 3.6 6-1031 28 5
6-050 24.2 3 2-319 26.34 5.33 2-216 28.17 3.53
6-288 24.32 1 6-1655 26.5 4 6-1378 28.2 1
6-1545 24.5 1 2-215 26.57 3.53 2-122 28.24 2.62
6-1289 24.5 3.15 3-914 26.59 2.95 2-024 28.3 1.78
6-1676 24.5 4 2-121 26.64 2.62 6-1599 28.3 3.1
6-1768 24.5 5.5 2-023 26.7 1.78 6-1729 28.68 2.4
6-1456 24.6 3.4 6-208 26.7 2.5 6-1698 29 2
5-598 24.6 3.6 6-1613 27 1.4 6-1423 29 2.5
6-1204 24.69 1.78 6-400 27 1.5 6-1000 29 3
2-318 24.77 5.33 6-049 27 2 6-1517 29.1 1.6
O-ring dimension

6-092 24.8 1.5 6-894 27 2.5 6-2148 29.2 4.95

2-214 24.99 3.53 6-1447 27 2.7 6-2147 29.2 5
6-611 25 1.5 6-1919 27 2.8 6-2081 29.2 5.05
6-442 25 2 6-147 27 3 5-601 29.3 3.6
6-916 25 2.5 6-825 27 3.2 6-034 29.5 1.5
6-969 25 3 6-660 27 5 2-321 29.51 5.33
6-426 25 4 6-913 27.2 3 6-352 29.7 2.8
6-376 25 5 6-023 27.3 2.4 3-916 29.74 2.95
3-913 25.04 2.95 6-1862 27.5 1 2-217 29.74 3.53
2-120 25.07 2.62 6-497 27.5 1.5 2-123 29.82 2.62

O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
72 Prädifa Technolgy Division
O-ring dimension

Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­ Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­ Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­

section d2 section d2 section d2

2-025 29.87 1.78 6-1332 32 3 6-752 34.65 2.6

6-1627 30 1 6-1920 32 3.5 6-1100 35 1.5
6-048 30 2 6-838 32 4 6-047 35 2
6-1203 30 2.15 6-1634 32.5 3 6-606 35 2.5
6-1474 30 2.25 6-784 32.5 3.55 6-1116 35 3
6-156 30 2.5 5-603 32.5 3.6 6-993 35 3.2
6-056 30 3 2-323 32.69 5.33 6-1926 35 3.5
6-037 30 3.15 2-219 32.92 3.53 6-1166 35 4
6-1906 30 3.5 2-125 32.99 2.62 6-545 35 4.5
6-803 30 3.55 6-1780 33 1.5 6-1414 35 5
6-454 30 4 6-136 33 2 6-377 35 5.3
6-663 30 4.65 6-540 33 2.5 6-1124 35.15 3.15
6-1366 30 5 6-1138 33 3 6-1600 35.4 3.25
6-290 30.3 2.4 6-1411 33 3.5 6-1650 35.5 4
6-142 30.7 2 6-1614 33 5 5-605 35.6 3.6
5-602 30.8 3.6 2-027 33.05 1.78 6-1808 35.95 1.78
6-1478 31 1.5 6-472 33.3 2.4 6-1805 35.96 2.32
6-1401 31 2 6-802 33.5 2.65 6-980 36 1.5
6-324 31 2.5 5-157 33.99 2.34 6-2133 36 1.78
6-1578 31 4 6-1047 34 1 6-678 36 2
6-097 31 4.5 6-1890 34 1.1 6-694 36 2.1
6-314 31.02 3 6-2105 34 1.5 6-609 36 2.2
2-322 31.12 5.33 6-1197 34 2 6-329 36 2.5
2-218 31.34 3.53 6-1631 34 2.5 6-1140 36 3
2-124 31.42 2.62 6-622 34 2.8 6-1980 36 4
2-026 31.47 1.78 6-914 34 3 6-1652 36 5 O-ring dimension
6-1146 31.5 3.15 6-1839 34 4 2-221 36.09 3.53
6-1769 31.5 7 5-604 34.1 3.6 2-127 36.17 2.62
6-1461 31.57 1.98 2-324 34.29 5.33 6-1087 36.2 3
6-766 31.7 3.5 6-1150 34.4 2.1 6-154 36.3 1.78
6-760 31.95 2.6 6-585 34.4 3.1 5-670 36.5 1.78
6-1556 32 1.5 3-918 34.42 2.95 6-2054 36.6 2.9
6-2130 32 1.78 6-2047 34.5 2.65 6-970 37 1.5
6-869 32 2 2-220 34.52 3.53 6-1188 37 2
6-850 32 2.5 2-126 34.59 2.62 6-291 37 2.5
6-646 32 2.7 2-028 34.65 1.78 6-881 37 3

O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
73 Prädifa Technology Division
O-ring dimension

Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­ Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­ Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­

section d2 section d2 section d2

6-555 37 5 6-1497 40 4 6-1413 43 5.5

5-606 37.3 3.6 6-1023 40 5 6-759 43.25 2.6
6-459 37.36 2.6 6-1114 40 6 6-809 43.7 1.8
3-920 37.47 3 6-102 40.6 4 6-1723 43.7 3.55
2-325 37.47 5.33 2-326 40.64 5.33 2-327 43.82 5.33
6-1711 37.5 1.8 6-972 40.82 2.59 6-431 44 2
6-1257 37.5 4 2-223 40.87 3.53 6-1054 44 3
2-222 37.69 3.53 2-130 40.94 2.62 2-224 44.04 3.53
2-128 37.77 2.62 6-1144 41 1.5 2-132 44.12 2.62
2-029 37.82 1.78 2-030 41 1.78 2-031 44.17 1.78
6-1589 38 1 6-541 41 2.5 6-542 44.2 2.5
6-1389 38 1.5 6-449 41 3 6-1349 44.3 5.7
6-046 38 2 6-525 41.28 3.53 6-1520 44.35 2.58
6-433 38 2.5 6-337 41.4 2.62 6-193 44.35 3
6-1092 38 3 6-2083 41.5 2 6-772 44.7 3.5
6-1025 38 3.5 6-875 41.6 2.4 6-975 44.83 2.67
6-2020 38 4 6-414 41.75 2.6 6-1724 44.96 2.57
6-221 38 5 6-1486 42 1 6-882 45 1
6-782 38.7 2.65 6-015 42 1.5 6-082 45 1.5
6-353 38.7 2.8 6-2088 42 2 6-054 45 2
6-575 39 2 6-594 42 2.5 6-323 45 2.5
6-1547 39 2.5 6-227 42 3 6-783 45 2.65
6-1038 39 3 6-1319 42 4 6-997 45 3
6-1482 39 5 6-1399 42 4.5 6-1907 45 3.5
6-205 39.2 3 6-1224 42 5 6-1178 45 4
6-1362 39.2 5.7 6-1601 42.4 4.25 6-1195 45 4.5
O-ring dimension

2-129 39.34 2.62 6-845 42.5 1.8 6-726 45 5

6-1148 39.4 2.1 6-2119 42.5 3.53 6-1897 45 6
6-586 39.4 3.1 2-131 42.52 2.62 6-2008 45.3 1.93
6-753 39.5 2.6 5-330 42.52 5.33 5-035 45.36 3.53
5-321 39.6 3.53 5-332 42.85 3.53 6-2090 45.69 1.78
6-642 40 1.5 6-1189 43 2 2-133 45.69 2.62
6-027 40 2 6-996 43 3 6-750 45.9 1.5
6-566 40 2.5 6-1903 43 3.5 6-1176 46 2
6-292 40 3 6-1060 43 4 6-1020 46 3
6-1912 40 3.5 6-2018 43 5 6-944 46 4

O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
74 Prädifa Technolgy Division
O-ring dimension

Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­ Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­ Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­

section d2 section d2 section d2

6-1248 46 5 6-964 50 3 6-1513 54 1.5

6-159 46.02 3.53 6-1437 50 3.5 6-1274 54 2
6-354 46.7 2.8 6-603 50 4 6-819 54 3
6-423 46.87 2.62 6-791 50 4.5 6-1643 54 3.15
2-328 46.99 5.33 6-1226 50 5 6-879 54 4
6-1141 47 2 2-329 50.17 5.33 6-2117 54 4.5
6-1041 47 2.5 6-1489 50.2 3 6-1602 54.4 4.25
6-1633 47 3 6-1684 50.3 2.5 6-810 54.5 2.65
6-1059 47 4 2-226 50.39 3.53 6-1438 54.7 3.53
6-1913 47 5 2-136 50.47 2.62 6-1695 55 1.2
6-1483 47 5.5 2-033 50.52 1.78 6-141 55 2
6-293 47.2 5.7 6-630 51 3 6-1709 55 2.5
2-225 47.22 3.53 6-1721 51.1 1.6 6-1065 55 3
2-134 47.29 2.62 6-434 51.5 1.5 6-1192 55 3.5
2-032 47.35 1.78 5-037 51.71 3.53 6-1186 55 4
6-009 47.5 4 6-1333 51.94 3.53 6-1448 55 5
6-1854 48 1 6-1587 52 1 2-139 55.25 2.62
6-370 48 2 6-1234 52 2.5 6-703 55.3 2
6-2074 48 2.1 6-556 52 3 6-568 56 2
6-2052 48 2.3 2-137 52.07 2.62 6-985 56 3
6-155 48 3 6-893 52.2 5.7 6-785 56 3.55
6-1196 48 4 6-1991 52.39 3.53 6-1145 56 4
6-673 48.2 1.78 6-1185 52.5 1.8 6-739 56 4.5
6-1343 48.2 3 6-1347 53 2 6-1703 56.5 5.3
6-435 48.4 4.85 6-1024 53 3.5 2-331 56.52 5.33
2-135 48.9 2.62 6-2143 53 3.55 6-1271 56.7 3 O-ring dimension
6-1253 49 2 6-1914 53 4 2-228 56.74 3.53
6-912 49.2 3 6-113 53 5 2-140 56.82 2.62
5-701 49.2 3.53 6-112 53 6.5 2-035 56.87 1.78
6-1070 49.2 5.7 3-928 53.09 3 6-643 57 1.5
6-194 49.5 3 2-330 53.34 5.33 6-719 57 2.5
6-1931 49.5 5 6-1657 53.5 2 6-427 57 3
6-2113 49.88 1.78 2-227 53.57 3.53 6-1137 57 4
6-1981 50 1.5 2-138 53.64 2.62 6-447 58 2
6-051 50 2 2-034 53.7 1.78 6-1985 58 2.5
6-055 50 2.5 6-1317 53.8 4 6-1354 58 3

O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
75 Prädifa Technology Division
O-ring dimension

Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­ Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­ Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­

section d2 section d2 section d2

6-2019 58 3.55 6-2045 63 3 6-659 67 3

6-1666 58 3.75 6-1162 63 3.5 6-786 67 3.55
6-109 58 4 6-151 63 4 6-1607 67 4
2-141 58.42 2.62 6-474 63 4.5 6-1797 67.39 2.26
5-702 58.74 3.53 6-1094 63 6 5-361 67.84 3.53
6-1585 59.2 5.7 2-230 63.09 3.53 2-147 67.95 2.62
3-932 59.36 3 6-2132 63.1 3.53 6-2079 68 2.5
6-1864 59.5 5 2-144 63.17 2.62 6-884 68 3
6-764 59.6 5.85 2-037 63.22 1.78 6-1380 68 3.5
2-332 59.69 5.33 6-636 64 3 6-1272 68 4
6-560 59.7 7 6-1661 64 4 6-941 68 5
2-229 59.92 3.53 6-1123 64.2 5.7 6-1908 68 5.5
2-142 59.99 2.62 5-805 64.39 1.78 6-990 69 2.5
6-883 60 1.2 2-145 64.77 2.62 6-824 69 3
6-1726 60 2 6-1588 65 1 6-1966 69 4.5
6-411 60 2.5 6-1372 65 1.8 6-1704 69.2 5.3
6-665 60 3 6-501 65 2 2-335 69.22 5.33
6-107 60 4.1 6-1377 65 2.65 6-272 69.24 3.4
6-1368 60 4.5 6-523 65 3 2-232 69.44 3.53
6-114 60 5 6-1053 65 4 2-148 69.52 2.62
2-036 60.05 1.78 6-596 65 4.5 2-039 69.57 1.78
6-2118 60.4 3 6-1037 65 5 6-2120 69.6 5
6-851 61 2 6-416 65 5.3 6-0641 70 1.5
6-1034 61 4 6-1927 65 5.5 6-552 70 2
6-633 61 4.5 5-703 65.09 3.53 6-1462 70 2.5
6-792 61 5 6-1974 66 1.5 6-031 70 3
O-ring dimension

2-143 61.6 2.62 6-500 66 2 6-1778 70 3.5

6-1439 61.7 4.5 6-1193 66 3 6-1194 70 4
6-1419 62 1.5 6-1273 66 5 6-539 70 4.5
6-455 62 2.5 2-334 66.04 5.33 6-899 70 5
6-699 62 3 2-231 66.27 3.53 6-1917 70 5.5
6-1209 62 3.53 2-146 66.34 2.62 6-2077 70 7
6-1261 62 4 2-038 66.4 1.78 6-1212 70 8
6-1117 62 6 6-243 67 1.5 6-1740 70.5 3.2
2-333 62.87 5.33 6-316 67 2.5 6-787 71 3.55
6-242 63 2.5 6-1876 67 2.8 6-634 71 4.5

O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
76 Prädifa Technolgy Division
O-ring dimension

Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­ Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­ Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­

section d2 section d2 section d2

2-149 71.12 2.62 6-754 76 2.5 6-1472 82 3

5-704 71.44 3.53 6-921 76 3 6-445 82 4
6-979 72 2.5 6-464 76 4.5 2-236 82.14 3.53
6-045 72 3 6-805 77 2 2-152 82.22 2.62
6-1013 72 4 6-1417 77 2.5 2-042 82.27 1.78
6-1909 72 5.5 6-1069 77.1 2.62 6-821 83 1
2-336 72.39 5.33 6-1662 77.5 2 6-900 83 3
2-233 72.62 3.53 6-1467 77.5 2.62 6-1715 83 4
2-150 72.69 2.62 6-1950 77.8 1.5 6-1804 83.77 1.78
2-040 72.75 1.78 6-2033 78 1.5 6-184 83.8 2.62
6-1628 73 2 6-1475 78 2 6-676 84 2.5
6-030 73 3 6-978 78 2.5 6-456 84 3
6-757 73 4 6-729 78 3 6-1134 84 3.5
6-1348 73 7 6-826 78 3.5 6-1012 84.3 5.7
6-178 74 2 6-1002 78 5 6-588 84.4 3.1
6-2012 74 2.5 2-338 78.74 5.33 6-2122 84.5 3
6-483 74 3 2-235 78.97 3.53 6-822 85 1.5
6-2104 74 4.5 6-820 79 1.5 6-733 85 2
6-294 74.2 5.7 6-1152 79.2 5.7 6-1014 85 3
6-587 74.4 3.1 6-992 79.3 2.62 6-853 85 4
6-1771 74.5 3 6-1675 79.5 2.65 6-1445 85 5
6-2075 74.5 4 6-195 79.5 3 6-1174 85 6
6-1609 74.6 3.53 6-108 79.6 3.2 6-1406 85 6.99
5-705 74.61 3.53 6-790 80 1.8 2-340 85.09 5.33
6-1889 74.9 1.78 6-569 80 2 6-452 85.2 9.25
6-2096 74.9 2 6-1270 80 3 2-237 85.32 3.53 O-ring dimension
6-1357 75 2.5 6-1316 80 3.5 6-991 86 2.62
6-1075 75 3 6-788 80 3.55 6-1776 86 3.2
6-1001 75 4 6-1057 80 4 6-1457 86 4
6-1916 75 4.5 6-1181 80 5 6-1573 86.5 4
6-1928 75 5.5 5-816 80.31 1.78 6-574 86.84 5.33
2-337 75.57 5.33 6-885 80.5 4 6-579 87 3
2-234 75.79 3.53 6-121 81 3 6-558 87.2 2.5
2-151 75.87 2.62 6-1077 81 4 6-1016 87.2 5.7
2-041 75.92 1.78 2-339 81.92 5.33 6-309 87.3 2
6-1369 76 2 6-513 82 2 6-1779 87.6 3

O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
77 Prädifa Technology Division
O-ring dimension

Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­ Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­ Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­

section d2 section d2 section d2

6-276 88 3 6-743 93 3 6-174 100 2.5

6-1052 88 4 6-963 93 4 6-1305 100 3
6-1629 88 5 6-1056 93 5 6-413 100 4
6-1165 88 6 6-257 93.39 1.47 6-137 100 5
6-1111 88 8 6-1672 93.4 2.57 6-1905 100 5.5
2-341 88.27 5.33 6-405 93.5 9.5 6-1395 100 6
5-381 88.27 6.99 6-446 94 2 6-1237 100 8
6-561 88.3 7 6-1095 94 3 2-345 100.97 5.33
6-1705 88.4 5.3 6-1029 94 4 6-025 101 3
2-238 88.49 3.53 6-1665 94 5.7 2-242 101.19 3.53
6-1508 88.5 6.5 6-608 94.2 5.7 2-155 101.27 2.62
2-153 88.57 2.62 6-339 94.5 3 2-045 101.32 1.78
2-043 88.62 1.78 2-343 94.62 5.33 6-724 102 3
6-2030 89 1.5 2-240 94.84 3.53 6-1163 102 4
6-2108 89 1.9 2-154 94.92 2.62 6-1055 103 5
6-867 89.2 5.7 2-044 94.97 1.78 6-2121 104 5
6-013 89.5 3 6-1781 95 1.5 6-1200 104 5.3
6-1782 90 1.5 6-1673 95 3 2-346 104.14 5.33
6-498 90 2 6-863 95 4 6-1720 104.2 5.7
6-1113 90 2.5 6-1062 95 4.5 6-1350 104.3 5.7
6-216 90 3 6-874 95 5 2-243 104.37 3.53
6-1179 90 4 6-1910 95 5.5 6-1175 104.5 3
6-1265 90 4.8 6-582 95.5 3.53 6-589 105 2
6-1214 90 5 6-700 96 2 6-1381 105 3
6-1904 90 5.5 6-832 96 9 6-806 105 3.5
6-1103 90 7 6-640 97 1.5 6-995 105 4
O-ring dimension

6-1777 90.8 3.5 6-1415 97 4 6-1074 105 5

6-1429 91 2 6-1306 97 5 6-094 106 3
6-100 91 3 2-344 97.79 5.33 6-253 106.8 2.66
2-342 91.44 5.33 6-1708 98 2.5 6-1320 107 8
2-239 91.67 3.53 6-157 98 3 6-762 107.31 6.99
6-1452 92 3 2-241 98.02 3.53 2-347 107.32 5.33
6-1061 92 4 6-1303 99 3 2-244 107.54 3.53
6-1507 92.2 2.62 6-392 99 6.99 2-156 107.62 2.62
6-804 92.5 3.55 6-1089 99.2 5.7 2-046 107.67 1.78
6-720 93 2 6-601 100 2 6-1106 108 8

O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
78 Prädifa Technolgy Division
O-ring dimension

Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­ Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­ Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­

section d2 section d2 section d2

6-740 109 3 2-247 117.07 3.53 2-250 126.59 3.53

6-837 109.2 5.7 6-032 118 2 2-159 126.67 2.62
6-815 109.2 5.84 6-580 118.31 3.53 2-049 126.72 1.78
6-767 109.4 3.1 6-123 118.5 3 6-722 128 2
6-2036 109.5 5.33 5-843 118.72 2.62 6-1473 128 3
6-1580 110 1.5 6-448 119.2 5.7 6-1962 128 4
6-1367 110 2.5 6-768 119.6 5.7 6-1073 128 5
6-903 110 3 6-674 120 1.5 6-1591 129 1.5
6-1644 110 3.5 6-504 120 3 6-1096 129 4
6-915 110 5 6-1076 120 4 6-451 129.2 5.7
6-1671 110 6 6-1180 120 5 2-354 129.54 5.33
2-348 110.49 5.33 6-1003 120 6 2-430 129.54 6.99
2-245 110.72 3.53 6-1427 120 10 2-251 129.77 3.53
6-1651 112 2.5 2-351 120.02 5.33 6-693 130 2.5
6-421 112 3 2-427 120.02 6.99 6-1296 130 3
6-873 112 4 2-248 120.24 3.53 6-1084 130 4
6-1182 112 7 2-158 120.32 2.62 6-902 130 5
2-349 113.67 5.33 2-048 120.37 1.78 6-2046 130 5.8
2-425 113.67 6.99 6-2064 121 8 6-577 130 6
2-246 113.89 3.53 6-961 122 3 6-1436 131 5.3
2-157 113.97 2.62 6-1630 122 6 6-1775 131.1 3.2
6-982 114 3 6-2107 123 3 6-1217 131.5 4
6-1164 114 5 2-352 123.19 5.33 6-095 132 3
2-047 114.02 1.78 2-428 123.19 6.99 6-1015 132 4
6-1005 114.2 5.7 2-249 123.42 3.53 2-355 132.72 5.33
6-769 114.4 3.1 6-1143 124 4 2-431 132.72 6.99 O-ring dimension
6-1826 114.55 2.57 6-1281 125 2.5 2-252 132.94 3.53
6-1151 115 2 6-612 125 3 6-1933 133 3
6-274 115 3 6-1990 125 3.5 2-160 133.02 2.62
6-1169 115 5 6-1199 125 4 2-050 133.07 1.78
6-1660 115 5.33 6-115 125 8 6-688 133.35 5.33
6-1421 115 6 5-850 125.09 6.6 6-812 133.5 12
6-1322 116 3 6-255 126 5 6-515 134 3
6-1105 116.5 1.78 6-1942 126.3 5.33 6-1329 134 8
2-350 116.84 5.33 2-353 126.37 5.33 6-1783 135 1.5
2-426 116.84 6.99 2-429 126.37 6.99 6-1277 135 3

O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
79 Prädifa Technology Division
O-ring dimension

Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­ Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­ Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­

section d2 section d2 section d2

6-059 135 3.23 6-1696 145 2.88 6-1390 155 3.53

6-060 135 3.43 6-1233 145 4 6-1318 155 4
6-844 135 4 6-1046 145 5 6-1324 155 5
6-1085 135 5 2-359 145.42 5.33 6-773 155 10
6-2000 135.5 6 2-435 145.42 6.99 6-1605 156 4
2-356 135.89 5.33 2-256 145.64 3.53 2-362 158.12 5.33
2-432 135.89 6.99 2-162 145.72 2.62 2-438 158.12 6.99
6-1559 136 3 6-061 146 3.23 2-259 158.34 3.53
6-1154 136 4 6-1680 147.6 2.65 2-164 158.42 2.62
2-253 136.12 3.53 6-2021 148 2.5 6-170 159 4
6-1807 136.53 1.78 6-756 148 10 6-444 159.2 5.7
6-026 137 3 2-257 148.52 3.53 6-576 160 3
6-833 137 4 2-360 148.59 5.33 6-818 160 4
6-559 137 14 2-436 148.59 6.99 6-1081 160 5
6-341 137.3 8 6-1774 148.6 3.2 6-1702 160 5.3
6-1949 137.5 3.3 6-623 149.2 5.7 6-1292 160 6
6-379 138 2.1 6-932 150 2 6-103 161 3
6-224 138 6 6-2022 150 2.5 6-1045 162 2.5
2-357 139.07 5.33 6-689 150 3 6-494 162.5 3.53
2-433 139.07 6.99 6-872 150 4 6-1815 163.07 1.63
2-254 139.29 3.53 6-1295 150 5 6-1612 164 2
2-161 139.37 2.62 6-2129 150 5.3 6-983 164.2 5.7
6-698 140 2 6-222 150 5.4 6-814 164.2 5.84
6-511 140 3 6-1147 150 6 6-1865 164.33 2.62
6-1136 140 5 6-496 151 3 2-363 164.47 5.33
6-602 140 10 6-1803 151.39 2.57 2-439 164.47 6.99
O-ring dimension

6-1051 142 4 6-318 151.7 5.6 2-260 164.69 3.53

6-1093 142 6 2-361 151.77 5.33 2-165 164.77 2.62
6-1207 142 12 2-437 151.77 6.99 6-911 165 2
2-358 142.24 5.33 2-258 151.99 3.53 6-1402 165 4
2-434 142.24 6.99 6-1107 152 8 6-1529 165 5
2-255 142.47 3.53 2-163 152.07 2.62 6-1593 165.1 3.2
6-1592 142.9 3.2 6-1594 152.4 3.2 6-2125 165.3 1.78
6-2149 143 1.45 6-1773 153.5 3.2 6-1336 167.5 3.5
6-512 144 3.7 6-1625 154.6 1.78 6-1929 168.4 6
6-1632 145 2.5 6-1294 155 3 6-746 169.2 5.7

O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
80 Prädifa Technolgy Division
O-ring dimension

Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­ Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­ Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­

section d2 section d2 section d2

6-2131 169.98 3.56 2-442 183.52 6.99 6-1450 198 4

6-1097 170 4 2-263 183.74 3.53 6-1563 198 8
6-1290 170 5 2-168 183.82 2.62 6-1307 200 4
2-364 170.82 5.33 6-1058 185 3 6-1139 200 5
2-440 170.82 6.99 6-1428 185 4 6-226 200 6
6-282 171 11 6-1028 185 5 6-865 201 4
2-261 171.04 3.53 6-1121 185 6 2-369 202.57 5.33
2-166 171.12 2.62 6-122 186.44 6.99 2-445 202.57 6.99
6-1659 171.45 3.2 6-1007 187.1 8.4 2-266 202.79 3.53
6-887 172 3 6-466 188 4 2-171 202.87 2.62
6-1177 172 4 6-2084 188.14 1.78 6-342 204 8
6-1004 172 6 6-706 189.2 5.7 6-1849 205 1.78
6-492 174 3 2-367 189.87 5.33 6-149 205 2
6-655 174.2 5.7 2-443 189.87 6.99 6-546 205 3
6-889 174.3 3.5 6-1848 190 1.78 6-1565 205 5
6-1356 175 5 6-495 190 3 6-1866 206 5.7
6-1068 175 6 6-1044 190 4 6-1153 206 7
6-841 175 10 6-614 190 5 6-1725 208 4
6-148 177 2 2-264 190.09 3.53 2-370 208.92 5.33
2-365 177.17 5.33 2-169 190.17 2.62 2-267 209.14 3.53
2-441 177.17 6.99 6-299 191 1.78 6-600 209.2 5.7
2-262 177.39 3.53 6-1260 192 4 2-172 209.22 2.62
2-167 177.47 2.62 6-1391 192 8 6-0629 210 3
6-631 179 3 6-1238 194 14 6-1118 210 4
6-1098 179.2 5.7 6-2098 193.7 7 6-152 210 5
6-704 180 3 6-868 195 3.5 5-445 210.24 6.99 O-ring dimension
6-1088 180 4 6-1283 195 5 6-2051 212 5.3
6-1280 180 5 6-1453 195 6 6-461 213.68 7.14
6-1706 180 5.3 6-920 195.5 12 6-954 214.63 2.18
6-1110 180 6 6-273 196 12 6-1867 215 5
6-1119 180 8 2-368 196.22 5.33 6-570 215 6
6-862 180 10 2-444 196.22 6.99 2-371 215.27 5.33
6-1108 180.52 5.33 2-265 196.44 3.53 2-446 215.27 6.99
5-434 180.54 6.99 2-170 196.52 2.62 2-268 215.49 3.53
6-1816 183 1.78 6-547 197 3 2-173 215.57 2.62
2-366 183.52 5.33 6-1932 197 6 6-1302 216 4

O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
81 Prädifa Technology Division
O-ring dimension

Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­ Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­ Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­

section d2 section d2 section d2

6-1048 218 5.8 2-176 234.62 2.62 6-1993 250 4

6-1050 218 6 6-1451 235 4 6-1132 250 8
6-254 218 12 6-2145 235 6 6-1582 250 10
6-183 219 5.3 6-1360 236 6 6-1227 252 4
6-502 220 3 6-635 236 7 2-377 253.37 5.33
6-1063 220 5 6-412 238 5 2-449 253.37 6.99
6-1425 220 7 6-1426 238 6 2-274 253.59 3.53
6-1560 221 1.78 6-1282 238 10 6-842 255 4
2-372 221.62 5.33 6-1239 238 14 6-1522 255 5
2-269 221.84 3.53 6-1895 239.2 3.53 6-1388 256 4
2-174 221.92 2.62 6-604 240 3 6-896 257.2 14
6-1225 222 7 6-1346 240 5 6-718 258.4 1.6
6-1679 223 2.65 6-1564 240 8 6-1860 259.2 3.53
6-949 223 5.33 6-436 240 12 6-1231 260 4
6-1654 224 6 6-1384 240.66 7.4 6-871 260 5
6-1945 224 7 2-375 240.67 5.33 6-2146 260 6
6-1250 225 3 2-448 240.67 6.99 6-1201 260 8
6-485 225 5 2-272 240.89 3.53 6-1042 261 6
6-1896 226.2 3.53 2-177 240.97 2.62 6-336 262 5.33
6-150 227 2 6-281 241 7 5-976 264.79 6.6
2-373 227.97 5.33 6-407 242 6 6-1403 265 5
2-447 227.97 6.99 6-878 245 3 6-1190 266 4
6-1211 228 3 6-1861 245 3.53 2-378 266.07 5.33
2-270 228.19 3.53 6-1155 245 5 2-450 266.07 6.99
2-175 228.27 2.62 6-1534 245 7 2-275 266.29 3.53
6-516 230 3 6-671 245 10 6-505 270 3
O-ring dimension

6-1727 230 4.5 6-967 245 10.85 6-988 270 5.33

6-1767 230 4.8 6-1668 246 3 6-1868 270 6
6-1948 230 5 6-1263 246 4 6-1331 272 8
6-1293 230 8 2-376 247.02 5.33 6-936 272.64 3.53
6-252 231.5 6 2-273 247.24 3.53 6-175 273.05 3.53
6-918 234.1 8.4 2-178 247.32 2.62 6-1279 273.6 5
6-846 234.2 7 6-1030 248 5 6-948 274 5.33
6-618 234.32 1.78 6-1167 248 7 6-1476 275 5
2-374 234.34 5.33 6-1010 249.3 5.7 6-2005 276 2.62
2-271 234.54 3.53 6-514 250 3 2-379 278.77 5.33

O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
82 Prädifa Technolgy Division
O-ring dimension

Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­ Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­ Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­

section d2 section d2 section d2

2-451 278.77 6.99 6-2111 310 2.62 6-1334 340 10

6-1667 278.99 2.62 6-1125 311 10 6-813 341 14
2-276 278.99 3.53 6-2109 312.9 1.78 2-456 342.27 6.99
6-638 281 5 6-1880 313 5.33 6-1255 343 6
6-840 282.37 3.53 6-607 315 4 6-1135 345 5
6-234 283 12 6-1171 315 5 6-1918 349 5.33
6-1477 285 5 6-510 315 6 6-1583 350 10
6-2114 285 6 5-488 316.56 2.62 6-1639 351.21 4
6-238 285 12 2-454 316.87 6.99 6-1392 354.96 6.09
6-1240 285 14.1 6-1210 320 3 2-383 354.97 5.33
6-1018 289.42 5.87 6-1707 320 3.53 2-457 354.97 6.99
6-1191 290 5 6-716 320 6 6-518 355 3
6-241 291 6 6-1458 320 6.5 6-1888 355 8
2-380 291.47 5.33 6-153 320 5.33 2-280 355.19 3.53
2-452 291.47 6.99 6-1172 320.62 3.53 6-895 359.2 13.8
2-277 291.69 3.53 6-1404 325 5 6-1795 359.53 5.33
6-1663 294 3 6-947 325 5.33 6-1142 360 4
6-2140 295 6 6-1546 328 6.99 6-1101 360 7.5
6-917 296 6 6-1126 329 10 6-1836 362 4
6-1424 297 4 6-1784 329.57 4.8 6-1205 362 5
6-2037 297.8 6.99 2-382 329.57 5.33 6-672 364 10
6-854 298 2.62 2-455 329.57 6.99 6-1786 365 5.3
6-1278 299.5 5 2-279 329.79 3.53 6-203 367 3.5
6-2134 300 4 6-1258 330 5 2-458 367.67 6.99
6-2080 300 5 6-283 330 6 6-1842 367.89 2.66
6-1168 300 6 6-469 330 8 6-1254 368 6 O-ring dimension
6-1370 300 8 6-1408 331.5 6 6-807 370 5.5
6-1310 300 10 6-1947 334 2.62 6-1958 372 4
2-381 304.17 5.33 6-517 335 3 6-598 375 5.34
2-453 304.17 6.99 6-2013 335 5 6-682 375 10
2-278 304.39 3.53 6-1129 335 7 6-723 380 4
6-553 304.8 1.78 6-1235 336 5.33 6-897 380 6
6-1359 304.8 3.18 6-1090 336 7 6-927 380 8
6-935 307.57 3.53 6-1043 338 6 2-384 380.37 5.33
6-1351 309.3 5.7 6-1218 340 4 2-459 380.37 6.99
6-1371 310 5 6-1881 340 5.33 2-281 380.59 3.53

O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
83 Prädifa Technology Division
O-ring dimension

Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­ Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­ Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­

section d2 section d2 section d2

6-204 381 5 6-158 437 3 6-328 500 3.53

6-1328 383.6 5 6-1256 440 4 6-1221 500 5
6-1241 385 14.2 6-1435 440 4.3 6-1420 500 6
6-711 388 5 2-464 443.36 6.99 6-800 500 8
6-1387 390 4 6-578 445 8 6-261 504 6.99
2-460 393.07 6.99 6-909 449 12 6-260 506 2.62
6-1374 395 12 6-835 449.5 6.99 2-389 506.81 5.33
6-209 398 8 6-1521 450 2.62 2-469 506.86 6.99
6-892 400 5 6-669 450 10 6-2065 510 3
6-458 400 12 6-1843 455 5.33 6-202 514 8
6-934 401.71 3.53 6-1674 455 6 6-394 514 8
2-282 405.26 3.53 6-530 455 8 6-1837 515 5.33
2-385 405.26 5.33 2-284 456.06 3.53 6-1170 515 5
2-461 405.26 6.99 2-387 456.06 5.33 6-775 515 10
6-938 409 6.99 2-465 456.06 6.99 6-919 515.9 6
6-1326 410 6 6-1128 460 5.34 6-1158 520 5
6-1335 412 8 6-1753 460 6.99 6-1957 522 4
6-1242 415 14.2 6-1008 463 7 6-1823 522 10
2-462 417.96 6.99 6-1072 465 5 6-529 524 10
6-1352 419.3 5.7 6-799 468 6 6-951 526 6.99
6-165 420 3.5 2-466 468.76 6.99 6-467 528 8
6-164 420 5 6-1934 469 5.33 6-262 532 7
6-173 422 2 6-2015 470 4.5 6-1838 532.18 5.33
6-215 425 6 6-827 470 10 2-390 532.21 5.33
6-1851 425.33 5.33 6-930 477 10.5 2-470 532.26 6.99
5-525 425.83 3.18 6-1219 480 4 6-179 533.4 3.18
O-ring dimension

6-1937 428 5 6-1243 480 14 6-1409 534 8

6-741 428 5.7 6-256 480.06 10 6-621 535.46 7.24
6-898 429 6 2-388 481.41 5.33 6-1608 538 6
6-734 430 12 2-467 481.46 6.99 6-1299 540 5
6-1584 430 16 6-1979 484 8.4 6-836 543.5 6.99
2-283 430.66 3.53 6-834 484.86 3.53 6-690 546 7
2-386 430.66 5.33 6-1080 485 5 6-1641 546 2.62
2-463 430.66 6.99 6-1444 490 5 6-670 550 10
6-331 431.8 7.1 6-2073 492 3.53 6-1952 555 3
6-939 434 6.99 2-468 494.16 6.99 2-391 557.61 5.33

O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
84 Prädifa Technolgy Division
O-ring dimension

Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­ Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­ Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­

section d2 section d2 section d2

2-471 557.66 6.99 6-1824 623.08 5.33 6-389 723.9 6.99

6-462 558 10 6-247 624 6.99 6-267 734 6.99
6-1964 560 7 6-1262 632 6 6-1245 735 15
6-1229 564.3 6.99 2-394 633.48 5.33 6-305 736 3.53
6-709 565 7 2-474 633.48 6.99 6-1847 736 7
6-1678 571 8 6-536 635 5 6-1577 736.6 5
6-176 577.85 6.99 6-986 635 9 6-1309 740 6
6-1300 579 5 6-1716 635 10 6-228 740 10
6-626 580 8 6-235 637 10 6-1840 745 10
6-1127 580.5 3.53 6-644 638.89 5.44 6-943 748.5 7
2-392 582.68 5.33 6-1308 640 6 6-2067 750 3
2-472 582.68 6.99 6-1859 640 7 6-1079 750 5
6-1244 585 14 6-1960 645 3.53 6-1071 755 5
6-1963 587 7 6-1959 645 4 6-417 760 5
6-1953 589 3 6-381 647.7 6.99 6-303 763.01 6.99
6-817 590 10 2-395 658.88 5.33 6-1173 764 6.99
6-831 590 3.5 2-475 658.88 6.99 6-1222 770 7
6-380 594.51 7.14 6-1418 661 14 6-667 770 10
6-1844 595 5.33 6-653 664 5 6-1944 777 12
6-2023 598 7 6-645 665 5 6-1215 780 7
6-1858 602 7 6-816 670 10 6-248 783 6.99
6-233 602 8 6-1443 675 5.3 6-1956 786 4
6-1301 602 5 6-301 677 7 6-237 786 10
6-422 607 4 6-535 680 5 6-649 798 7
6-320 608 10 6-236 689 10 6-415 800 5.33
2-473 608.08 6.99 6-1742 690 8 6-2042 801 4 O-ring dimension
2-393 608.08 5.33 6-266 693.5 10.1 6-279 810 7.1
6-1220 610 4 6-1160 695 5 6-322 810 10
6-1017 613.92 6.99 6-701 695 6.99 6-1943 818 12
6-742 614 7 6-321 700 10 6-509 819 7
6-1157 615 5 5-092 701.68 6.99 6-2066 820 3
6-647 617 7 6-702 707 6.99 6-648 820 7
6-1841 618.5 2 6-668 708 10 6-268 827 7
6-265 619.5 8 6-531 710 5.33 6-1131 835.5 7
6-1528 621 8.5 6-521 716 8 6-229 837 10
6-278 622 8 6-372 720 6.99 6-190 840 12

O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
85 Prädifa Technology Division
O-ring dimension

Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­ Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-­

section d2 section d2

6-1130 840.5 7 6-240 1075 10

6-508 849 7 6-271 1103 10
6-330 850 10 6-245 1154 10
6-650 853 7 6-1304 1840 5
6-1246 853 20 6-1325 1865 5
6-2009 855 10 6-1066 1960 10.85
6-1223 860 3 6-1067 2072 10
6-707 865 8.4 6-1845 2324 6.99
6-363 865 12 6-1846 2350 6.99
6-890 870 8 6-984 2965 7
6-597 875 8 For articles printed in bold, fitting
Parker Parbak® back-up rings are
6-230 882 10 available from stock.
6-304 887 6.99
6-1156 890 5
6-924 900 10
6-249 910 6.99
6-335 914 5.33
6-708 929 6
6-250 936 6.99
6-409 940 10
6-269 950.5 12.06
6-302 955 12.6
6-334 960 5.33
6-527 974 7
6-232 984 10
6-460 996 7
O-ring dimension

6-534 1004 8
6-1213 1005 15
6-332 1011 5.33
6-280 1016 7
6-2124 1020 5.7
6-239 1029 10
6-333 1042 5.33
6-270 1046 7
6-393 1060 10
6-385 1071 14.4

O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
86 Prädifa Technolgy Division
Parbak®-back-up ring 8-xxx sizes

Parbak® Back-up rings prevent extrusion in high-pres-

sure applications, help to maintain the lubricant film
and thus prolong the service life of O-rings.
Developed primarily for service in hydraulic fluids at
­40 °C to 120 °C, Parker‘s standard Parbak® N0300-90
compound provide the maximum benefits in back-up
ring service. Compounds for use in other fluids and for
temperatures up to 200 °C are available on request.
Parbak® Back-up rings will stretch up to 50 %, and are
quickly and easily installed. Advantages of the contour
design are obtained regardless of how Parbak® Back-
up rings are installed — they may be installed, toward
or away from the O-ring.

Detail A

Detail A


Parbak®-back-up ring
8-xxx sizes

O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
87 Prädifa Technology Division
Parbak®-back-up ring 8-xxx sizes

Parker no. M W±0.08 Parker no. M W±0.08 Parker no. M W±0.08

(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
8-004 2.44 1.35 8-040 73.48 1.35 8-127 36.98 2.18
8-005 3.23 1.35 8-041 76.66 1.35 8-128 38.56 2.18
8-006 3.56 1.35 8-042 83.01 1.35 8-129 40.16 2.18
8-007 4.34 1.35 8-043 89.36 1.35 8-130 41.73 2.18
8-008 5.13 1.35 8-044 95.71 1.35 8-131 43.33 2.18
8-009 5.94 1.35 8-045 102.06 1.35 8-132 44.91 2.18
8-010 6.73 1.35 8-046 108.41 1.35 8-133 46.51 2.18
8-011 8.31 1.35 8-047 114.76 1.35 8-134 48.08 2.18
8-012 9.91 1.35 8-048 121.11 1.35 8-135 49.68 2.18
8-013 11.56 1.35 8-049 127.46 1.35 8-136 51.26 2.18
8-014 13.16 1.35 8-050 133.81 1.35 8-137 52.86 2.18
8-015 14.73 1.35 8-102 1.96 2.18 8-138 54.43 2.18
8-016 16.33 1.35 8-103 2.77 2.18 8-139 56.03 2.18
8-017 17.91 1.35 8-104 3.56 2.18 8-140 57.61 2.18
8-018 19.51 1.35 8-105 4.34 2.18 8-141 59.21 2.18
8-019 21.08 1.35 8-106 5.13 2.18 8-142 60.78 2.18
8-020 22.68 1.35 8-107 5.94 2.18 8-143 62.38 2.18
8-021 24.26 1.35 8-108 6.73 2.18 8-144 63.96 2.18
8-022 25.86 1.35 8-109 8.31 2.18 8-145 65.56 2.18
8-023 27.43 1.35 8-110 9.91 2.18 8-146 67.13 2.18
8-024 29.03 1.35 8-111 11.48 2.18 8-147 68.73 2.18
8-025 30.61 1.35 8-112 13.08 2.18 8-148 70.31 2.18
8-026 32.21 1.35 8-113 14.66 2.18 8-149 71.91 2.18
8-027 33.78 1.35 8-114 16.26 2.18 8-150 73.48 2.18
8-028 35.38 1.35 8-115 17.83 2.18 8-151 76.66 2.18
8-029 38.56 1.35 8-116 19.43 2.18 8-152 83.01 2.18
8-030 41.73 1.35 8-117 21.11 2.18 8-153 89.36 2.18
8-031 44.91 1.35 8-118 22.68 2.18 8-154 95.71 2.18
8-032 48.08 1.35 8-119 24.28 2.18 8-155 102.06 2.18
8-033 51.26 1.35 8-120 25.86 2.18 8-156 108.41 2.18
8-034 54.43 1.35 8-121 27.46 2.18 8-157 114.76 2.18
8-035 57.61 1.35 8-122 29.03 2.18 8-158 121.11 2.18
8-036 60.78 1.35 8-123 30.63 2.18 8-159 127.46 2.18
Parbak®-back-up ring

8-037 63.96 1.35 8-124 32.21 2.18 8-160 133.81 2.18

8-038 67.13 1.35 8-125 33.81 2.18 8-161 140.16 2.18
8-xxx sizes

8-039 70.31 1.35 8-126 35.38 2.18 8-162 146.51 2.18

O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
88 Prädifa Technolgy Division
Parbak®-back-up ring 8-xxx sizes

Parker no. M W±0.08 Parker no. M W±0.1 Parker no. M W±0.1

(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
8-163 152.86 2.18 8-201 5.13 3 8-237 85.88 3
8-164 159.21 2.18 8-202 6.73 3 8-238 89.05 3
8-165 165.56 2.18 8-203 8.3 3 8-239 92.23 3
8-166 171.91 2.18 8-204 9.9 3 8-240 95.4 3
8-167 178.26 2.18 8-205 11.56 3 8-241 98.58 3
8-168 184.61 2.18 8-206 13.16 3 8-242 101.75 3
8-169 190.96 2.18 8-207 14.73 3 8-243 104.93 3
8-170 197.31 2.18 8-208 16.33 3 8-244 108.1 3
8-171 203.66 2.18 8-209 17.9 3 8-245 111.28 3
8-172 210.01 2.18 8-210 19.46 3 8-246 114.45 3
8-173 216.36 2.18 8-211 21.03 3 8-247 117.63 3
8-174 222.71 2.18 8-212 22.63 3 8-248 121.11 3
8-175 229.06 2.18 8-213 24.21 3 8-249 124.28 3
8-176 235.41 2.18 8-214 25.81 3 8-250 127.46 3
8-177 241.76 2.18 8-215 27.38 3 8-251 130.63 3
8-178 248.11 2.18 8-216 28.98 3 8-252 133.81 3
8-217 30.56 3 8-253 136.98 3
8-218 32.16 3 8-254 140.16 3
8-219 33.88 3 8-255 143.33 3
8-220 35.48 3 8-256 146.51 3
8-221 37.06 3 8-257 149.68 3
8-222 38.66 3 8-258 152.86 3
8-223 41.83 3 8-259 159.21 3
8-224 45.01 3 8-260 165.56 3
8-225 48.18 3 8-261 171.91 3
8-226 51.36 3 8-262 178.26 3
8-227 54.53 3 8-263 184.61 3
8-228 57.71 3 8-264 190.96 3
8-229 60.88 3 8-265 197.31 3
8-230 64.06 3 8-266 203.66 3
8-231 66.83 3 8-267 210.01 3
8-232 70 3 8-268 216.36 3
8-233 73.18 3 8-269 222.71 3
Parbak®-back-up ring

8-234 76.35 3 8-270 229.06 3

8-235 79.53 3 8-271 235.41 3
8-xxx sizes

8-236 82.7 3 8-272 241.76 3

O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
89 Prädifa Technology Division
Parbak®-back-up ring 8-xxx sizes

Parker no. M W±0.1 Parker no. M W±0.13 Parker no. M W±0.13

(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
8-273 248.11 3 8-309 11.43 4.65 8-345 102.31 4.65
8-274 254.46 3 8-310 13.03 4.65 8-346 105.49 4.65
8-275 267.16 3 8-311 14.6 4.65 8-347 108.66 4.65
8-276 279.86 3 8-312 16.2 4.65 8-348 111.84 4.65
8-277 292.56 3 8-313 17.78 4.65 8-349 115.01 4.65
8-278 305.26 3 8-314 19.38 4.65 8-350 118.19 4.65
8-279 330.66 3 8-315 20.96 4.65 8-351 121.36 4.65
8-280 356.05 3 8-316 22.56 4.65 8-352 124.54 4.65
8-281 381.46 3 8-317 24.13 4.65 8-353 127.71 4.65
8-282 406.12 3 8-318 25.73 4.65 8-354 130.89 4.65
8-283 431.52 3 8-319 27.31 4.65 8-355 134.09 4.65
8-284 456.92 3 8-320 28.91 4.65 8-356 137.24 4.65
8-321 30.42 4.65 8-357 140.41 4.65
8-322 32.08 4.65 8-358 143.59 4.65
8-323 33.43 4.65 8-359 146.76 4.65
8-324 35.26 4.65 8-360 149.94 4.65
8-325 38.43 4.65 8-361 153.11 4.65
8-326 41.61 4.65 8-362 159.46 4.65
8-327 44.78 4.65 8-363 165.81 4.65
8-328 47.96 4.65 8-364 172.16 4.65
8-329 51.13 4.65 8-365 178.51 4.65
8-330 54.31 4.65 8-366 184.86 4.65
8-331 57.61 4.65 8-367 191.21 4.65
8-332 60.78 4.65 8-368 197.56 4.65
8-333 63.96 4.65 8-369 203.91 4.65
8-334 67.13 4.65 8-370 210.26 4.65
8-335 70.31 4.65 8-371 216.61 4.65
8-336 73.48 4.65 8-372 222.96 4.65
8-337 76.66 4.65 8-373 229.31 4.65
8-338 79.83 4.65 8-374 235.66 4.65
8-339 83.13 4.65 8-375 242.01 4.65
8-340 86.31 4.65 8-376 248.36 4.65
8-341 89.48 4.65 8-377 254.71 4.65
Parbak®-back-up ring

8-342 92.66 4.65 8-378 267.41 4.65

8-343 95.83 4.65 8-379 280.11 4.65
8-xxx sizes

8-344 99.01 4.65 8-380 292.81 4.65

O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
90 Prädifa Technolgy Division
Parbak®-back-up ring 8-xxx sizes

Parker no. M W±0.13 Parker no. M W±0.15 Parker no. M W±0.15

(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
8-381 305.51 4.65 8-425 115.6 5.99 8-461 406.5 5.99
8-382 330.91 4.65 8-426 118.77 5.99 8-462 419.2 5.99
8-383 356.31 4.65 8-427 121.95 5.99 8-463 431.9 5.99
8-384 381.71 4.65 8-428 125.2 5.99 8-464 444.6 5.99
8-385 406.6 4.65 8-429 128.3 5.99 8-465 457.3 5.99
8-386 432 4.65 8-430 131.47 5.99 8-466 470 5.99
8-387 457.4 4.65 8-431 134.65 5.99 8-467 482.7 5.99
8-388 482.75 4.65 8-432 137.82 5.99 8-468 495.4 5.99
8-389 508.15 4.65 8-433 141 5.99 8-469 508.1 5.99
8-390 533.55 4.65 8-434 144.17 5.99 8-470 533.5 5.99
8-391 558.95 4.65 8-435 147.35 5.99 8-471 558.9 5.99
8-392 584.02 4.65 8-436 150.52 5.99 8-472 584.3 5.99
8-393 609.42 4.65 8-437 153.7 5.99 8-473 609.7 5.99
8-394 634.82 4.65 8-438 159.36 5.99 8-474 635.1 5.99
8-395 660.22 4.65 8-439 165.71 5.99 8-475 660.5 5.99
8-440 172.06 5.99
8-441 178.41 5.99
8-442 184.76 5.99
8-443 191.11 5.99
8-444 197.46 5.99
8-445 203.81 5.99
8-446 216.51 5.99
8-447 229.21 5.99
8-448 241.91 5.99
8-449 254.61 5.99
8-450 267.31 5.99
8-451 280.01 5.99
8-452 292.71 5.99
8-453 305.41 5.99
8-454 318.11 5.99
8-455 330.81 5.99
8-456 343.51 5.99
8-457 356.21 5.99
Parbak®-back-up ring

8-458 368.91 5.99

8-459 381.61 5.99
8-xxx sizes

8-460 394.31 5.99

O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
91 Prädifa Technology Division
Parbak®-back-up ring 8-xxx sizes

Other dimensions Size tolerances

Parker no. R T A Parker no. M±

(mm) (mm) (mm) 004-009 0.15 mm
004-050 2.21 1.24 1.14 009-012 0.18 mm
102-178 3.28 1.35 1.14 012-019 0.23 mm
201-284 4.42 1.27 1.02 020-029 1.00 %
309-395 6.65 1.93 1.52
030-041 0.86 %
425-475 8.74 2.97 2.44
042-050 0.78 %
102-107 0.15 mm
108-110 0.18 mm
Size tolerances
111-117 0.25 mm
Parker no. A ± mm
118-128 1.10 %
004-284 0.08
129-151 0.95 %
309-325 0.10
152-164 0.78 %
425-475 0.13
165-178 0.74 %
201-204 0.18 mm
204-211 0.25 mm
212-227 1.10 %
228-235 0.90 %
236-259 0.78 %
260-277 0.74 %
278-284 0.67 %
309-315 0.25 mm
316-325 1.10 %
326-338 0.95 %
339-362 0.78 %
363-380 0.74 %
381-395 0.67 %
425-438 0.78 %
439-452 0.74 %
453-475 0.67 %
Parbak®-back-up ring
8-xxx sizes

O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
92 Prädifa Technolgy Division
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
93 Prädifa Technology Division
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© 2018 Parker Hannifin Corporation · Subject to change. PTD 5712 EN · 05/2018

Parker Hannifin GmbH

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