Catalog O Ring Guide PTD5712 en
Catalog O Ring Guide PTD5712 en
Catalog O Ring Guide PTD5712 en
Introduction 6
Sealing compounds 9
Deformation force 25
O-ring dimension 41
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
3 Prädifa Technology Division
Parker´s safety programme
Warning - user responsibility The data for operating pressure, operating tem-
perature, and surface speed stated in the columns
This document and other information from Park- represent maximum values and are interrelated.
er Hannifin Corporation, its subsidiaries and au- Under extreme working conditions it is recom-
thorized distributors provide product or system mended not to use all maximum values simulta-
options for further investigation by users having neously.
technical expertise.
For special requirements (pressure, temperature,
The user, through its own analysis and testing, is speed, etc.) please contact our consultancy ser-
solely responsible for making the final selection vice, so that suitable materials and/or designs can
of the system and components and assuring that be recommended.
all performance, endurance, maintenance, safety
and warning requirements of the application are
met. The user must analyze all aspects of the ap-
plication, follow applicable industry standards, Compatibility of seals and
and follow the information concerning the prod-
uct in the current product catalogue and in any operating media / cleaning
materials provided by Parker or its subsidiaries or agents
authorized distributors.
Due to the great diversity of operational parame-
To the extent that Parker or its subsidiaries or au-
ters affecting fluidic devices and their impact on
thorized distributors provide component or sys-
seals, it is absolutely imperative that manufactur-
tem options based upon data or specifications
ers of these devices approve seals for functional
provided by the user, the user is responsible for
and operational suitability under field conditions.
determining that such data and specifications are
suitable and sufficient for all applications and re-
Furthermore, in view of the consistent increase of
sponsibly foreseeable uses of the components or
newly available media used as hydraulic oils, lu-
bricants, and cleaning agents, special attention is
invited to the aspect of compatibility with sealing
elastomers currently in use.
Range of application Additives contained in base media in order to en-
Our seals may only be used within the application hance certain functional characteristics may af-
parameters stated in our documents as regards fect compatibility characteristics of sealing ma-
compatibility with contact media, pressures, tem- terials.
peratures and time of storage. Application or use
outside of the specified application parameters as For this reason, it is imperative that any product
well as the selection of different compounds by equipped with our seals be tested for compatibil-
mistake may result in damage to life, the environ- ity with operational media or cleaning agents ap-
ment and/or equipment and facilities. proved or specified by you either at your plant or
by means of field tests prior to any field use.
The information contained in our publications is
based on know-how developed over decades of We kindly ask you to comply with this notice
experience in the manufacturing and application since, as a manufacturer of seals, we are not in a
of seals. Despite this experience, unknown fac- position, as a matter of principle, to perform sim-
tors arising out of the practical application of seals ulations of any and all conditions present in the fi-
may considerably affect the overall applicability of nal application nor of knowing the composition of
this information in such a way that the recommen- the operational media and cleaning agents used.
dations provided herein are not to be considered
generally binding.
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
4 Prädifa Technolgy Division
Parker´s safety programme
Quality systems
Our manufacturing sites are certified according to
ISO 9001 and/or ISO/TS 16949 and/or EN9100.
All rights reserved by Parker Hannifin Corporation.
Extracts may only be taken with permission. Mod-
ification rights reserved.
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
5 Prädifa Technology Division
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
6 Prädifa Technolgy Division
Compounds O-rings
O-rings are manufactured according to metric and im-
perial international standards such as AS-568B, DIN
ISO 3601 and JIS. Custom sizes of almost any dimen-
sion are possible such as miniature O-rings and special
O-rings with large dimensions.
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
7 Prädifa Technology Division
ParCoat® Coating
O-rings with ParCoat® coatings can be assembled with
low exertion of force using automatic equipment. The
rings will not stick together during the feeder process.
Prior to installation they can be elongated by over 150
% without causing the anti-friction coating to burst or
• Clearly reduced frictional forces
• No damage to seals during installation or assembly
• Faster, more cost-efficient assembly process
• Improves interfacial seal tightness, especially for
sealing against gases
• Seals will not stick together in automatic feeding
• No soiling or contamination
• Translucent ParCoat® treated O-rings insures no
risk of mix-ups as basic elastomer compound
colour remains visible
• Elongation capacity above 150 %, depending on
• Suitable for nearly all standard elastomer types (for
LSR not all coatings applicable)
• In different colours available
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
8 Prädifa Technolgy Division
Sealing compounds
Sealing compounds
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
9 Prädifa Technology Division
Sealing compounds
Fluorosilicone (FVMQ)
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
10 Prädifa Technolgy Division
Sealing compounds
Parofluor® (FFKM)
The Parofluor® range consists of advanced perfluori-
nated elastomers (FFKMs) exclusively developed and
produced by Parker Hannifin. They are carried under
the trade names of Parofluor® and Parofluor Quantum®.
Compared with other perfluorinated elastomers Paro-
fluor® compounds offer outstanding retained resiliency
as they have been developed specifically for extremely
Sealing compounds
challenging sealing applications.
N= Polymercode
0674= Sequence number (compound code)
-70= Hardness (Shore A)
A= Polyacrylate
C= Neoprene (Chloroprene)
E= Ethylene propylene
L= Fluorosilicone
N= Nitrile (Buna N) and HNBR
S= Silicone
V= Fluorocarbon, HiFluor®, Parofluor®
P= Thermoplastic elastomers
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
11 Prädifa Technology Division
Sealing compounds
A8845-70 ACM 70
±5 black -20 150
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
12 Prädifa Technolgy Division
Sealing compounds
Sealing compounds
N0525-60 NBR 60
±5 black -35 100
N0552-90 1)
NBR 90
±5 black -30 100
N0674-701) NBR 70
±5 black -35 100 • standard compound
• resistance to mineral oil and mineral oil products,
animal and vegetable oils
• generally suited for hydraulic and pneumatic
systems compatible with hydraulic oil, water glycol
(HFC fluids) and oil in water emulsions (HFA fluids)
N3505-50 NBR 50
±5 black -35 100 • improved ozone and weather-proof resistance
N3575-75 NBR 75
±5 black -50 100 • low temperature with improved oil resistance
N3578-80 NBR 80
±5 black -40 100
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
13 Prädifa Technology Division
Sealing compounds
P4300 TPU 92
±5 yellow -30 110 • excellent high-temperature behaviour
• excellent dynamic behaviour
P5000 TPU 94
±5 dark -20 100 • very good hydrolysis resistance
green • FDA-compliant
P5001 TPU 94
±5 brown -35 100 • good hydrolysis resistance
P5007 TPU 82
±5 green, -35 80 • standard compound
P5008 TPU 94
±5 green -35 100 • standard compound
P5009 TPU 94
±5 grey -45 95 • for low temperatures
P5012 TPU 90
±5 red -38 100 • good hydrolysis resistance
P5029 TPU 94
±5 nature -20 100 • very good hydrolysis resistance
• FDA-compliant
P5070 TPU 83
±5 green -35 85 • good hydrolysis resistance
P5075 TPU 80
±5 ochre -45 80 • for low temperatures
P6000 TPU 95
±5 grey -35 110 • very high mechanical strength
• extrusion resistance
P6030 TPU 93
±5 orange -35 105 • high mechanical strength
• extrusion resistance
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
14 Prädifa Technolgy Division
Sealing compounds
Fluorosilicone (FVMQ)
Sealing compounds
L0677-70 FVMQ 70
±5 blue -60 170 • for high temperatures
• good low-temperature resistance
• mostly fitted where fuel and oil resistance is important
• predominant in aircraft
L0806-80 FVMQ 80
±5 blue -60 170 • approvals for military and aerospace applications
L3355-70 FVMQ 70
±5 yellow -60 170 • used in automotive fuel couplings
L8559-70 FVMQ 70
±5 blue -60 170
L8585-80 FVMQ 80
±5 blue -60 170 • approvals for aerospace applications
Fluorocarbon (FKM)
V0709-90 FKM 90
±5 black -25 200
V0747-751) FKM 75
±5 black -25 200 • standard compound
• for high temperatures
• hot oil
• aromatic solvents
• wide chemical resistance
• fire-resistant fluids with phosphate ester and chlorin-
ated hydrocarbon base
• copolymer
V0763-60 FKM 60
±5 brown -25 200 • copolymer
V0884-75 FKM 75
±5 brown -25 200 • copolymer
V0894-90 FKM 90
±5 brown -25 200 • copolymer
V3642-75 FKM 75
±5 black -25 200 • terpolymer
V3670-70 FKM 70
±5 green -25 200 • copolymer
V3681-80 FKM 80
±5 green -25 200 • copolymer
V3736-75 FKM 75
±5 black -28 200 • terpolymer
• improved low temperature resistance
V3738-75 FKM 75
±5 black -20 200 • improved medium compatibility
V8592-75 FKM 75
±5 blue -40 200 • for low temperatures
V8703-75 FKM 75
±5 black -30 200 • improved low temperature resistance
• suitable for biodiesel (RME) applications
V8722-75 FKM 75
±5 black -25 200 • FDA-compliant
• (EC) No. 1935/2004
• ADI-free
• improved resistance against water glycol and acids
V8750-70 FKM 70
±5 black -25 200 • FDA-compliant
• (EC) No. 1935/2004
• food industry
V8802-80 FKM 80
±5 blue -40 200 • for low temperatures
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
15 Prädifa Technology Division
Sealing compounds
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
16 Prädifa Technolgy Division
Sealing compounds
Sealing compounds
V3734-70 FFKM 70
±5 black -25 240 • for low temperatures
• for aerospace
V8545-75 FFKM 75
±5 black -15 300 • best compound for hot water and steam applica-
• AMS 7257
V8562-75 FFKM 75
±5 white -15 300 • for high temperature-plasma-applications
• dry applications in semiconductor industries
V8588-90 FFKM 90
±5 black -15 260 • ED resistant
• Norsok M-710
V8920-75 FFKM 75
±5 black -15 260 • good resistance in hot water
• for wet processes in semiconductor applications
V8921-75 FFKM 75
±5 white -15 260 • pure compound for sterile and pharmaceutical
• for oxidising media
V8930-75 FFKM 75
±5 black -15 325 • for high temperatures
• not recommended for hot aliphatic amine and water
V8950-75 FFKM 75
±5 black -15 240 • FDA-compliant
• (EC) No. 1935/2004
• ADI-free
• for food industry, pharmacy and biotechnology
V8951-70 FFKM 70
±5 white -15 240 • FDA-compliant
• (EC) No. 1935/2004
• ADI-free
• USP Class VI
• for pharmacy, biotechnology and medical technol-
FF400-80 FFKM 80
±5 black -44 230 • for low temperatures
• oil and gas
• chemical industries
• ED resistant
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
17 Prädifa Technology Division
Sealing compounds
Range of application
alcohol blends
lubricating oil
hing agents
natural gas
Diesel fuel,
Gasoline /
Sealing compounds
Naptha or
MPS gas
MFG or
fuel oil,
Compound code A B C D E F G H I J
N0674-70 ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
V0747-75 ● ● ● ● ● ●
V0884-75 ● ● ● ●
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
18 Prädifa Technolgy Division
Sealing compounds
Sealing compounds
physiological properties because they are inert as well Restriction of Chemicals (REACH)
as odourless and tasteless. In addition to chemical • The USP (United States Pharmacopiea) Class
and thermal resistance, the sealing compounds have VI protocol certifies the biological compatibility
to meet various national, European and internation- with living organisms and thus the harmlessness of
al regulations. In Germany, The Federal Institute for sealing materials to health. The most important test
Risk Assessment (BfR) issues recommendations for protocols are USP Class VI, Part 88 and USP Class
ingredients, additives, residues, contaminations and VI, part 87 acc. to ISO 10993-1.
permissible migration levels (migration or leaching) in
foodstuffs and animal feed. Parker has developed formulations which are ADI-
3-A Sanitary Standards Inc. (3-A SSI) is an inde- free (free from Animal Derived Ingredients) because
pendent organisation dedicated to advancing hygienic such ingredients may cause BSE (bovine spongiform
equipment design for the U.S. food, beverage and encephalopathy).
pharmaceutical industries.
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
19 Prädifa Technology Division
Sealing compounds
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
20 Prädifa Technolgy Division
Sealing compounds
Aerospace materials
Sealing compounds
AMS1) and NAS2) rubber specification descriptions
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
21 Prädifa Technology Division
Sealing compounds
erospace Material Specification issued by the Society
of Automotive Engineers, Inc.
National Aerospace Standard issued by Aerospace
Industries Association of America, Inc.
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
22 Prädifa Technolgy Division
Sealing compounds
Sealing compounds
NSA 8200 L8585-80 3-xxx sizes
NSA 8201 E1267-80 3-xxx sizes
NSA 8202 C3645-80 3-xxx sizes
NSA 8203 L8585-80 2-xxx sizes
NSA 8204 E1267-80 2-xxx sizes, NAS 1613, colour code
NSA 8205 C3645-80 2-xxx sizes
NSA 8206 S0604-70 2-xxx sizes
NSA 8207 S0604-70 3-xxx sizes
NSA 8213 E1267-80 square ring
NSA 8216 E1267-80 square ring
NSA 8218 E1267-80 square ring
NSA 8671 W5036 square ring, PTFE
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
23 Prädifa Technology Division
Sealing compounds
5.5600 E0529-65
5.5601 N0406-60
5.5602 N0239-60
5.5603 S0613-60
5.5612 N0406-60
5.5627 N0261-65
5.5629 N0525-60
5.5655 N0406-60
5.5688 L3747-60
5.5701 V0747-75
5.5702 N0674-70
5.5703 S0604-70
5.5704 V3670-70
5.5707 B3688-70
5.5709 C0557-70
5.5710 L0677-70 / L8559-70
5.5801 N3578-80
5.5802 E0540-80
5.5804 V0747-75
5.5808 V0709-90
5.5810 N0552-90
5.5813 L0806-80
5.5814 S0614-80
5.5829 N0755-80
5.5855 N3518-80
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
24 Prädifa Technolgy Division
Deformation force
Deformation force
The force necessary to deform an O-ring cross-sec-
tion by a given amount (in per cent) depends on the
compound modulus. As it is relative to seal geometry,
it is given for different O-ring cross-sections. As a user
will typically only know the dimensions and hardness,
the following diagrams show the relationship between
hardness, compression and cross-section. The infor-
mation refers to all elastomers, which is why the defor-
mation forces are given for each hardness class. The
forces required to deform elastomers during assembly
of flanges, for example, can be obtained from the dia-
grams, and forces which affect seals on less resilient
plastic parts can also be estimated.
Deformation force
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
25 Prädifa Technology Division
Deformation force
Hardness d2 = 1.78 mm
(Shore A)
30 70
O-Ring deformation (%)
20 70
10 70
Deformation force
Length in cm of O-ring circumference
Hardness d2 = 2.62 mm
(Shore A)
30 70
O-Ring deformation (%)
20 70
10 70
Length in cm of O-ring circumference
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
26 Prädifa Technolgy Division
Deformation force
Shore A d2 = 3.53 mm
30 70
O-ring deformation (%)
20 70
10 70
Deformation force
Length in cm of O-ring circumference
Shore A d2 = 5.33 mm
30 70
O-ring deformation (%)
20 70
10 70
Length in cm of O-ring circumference
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
27 Prädifa Technology Division
Deformation force
Shore A d2 = 6.99 mm
30 70
O-ring deformation (%)
20 70
10 70
Deformation force
Length in cm of O-ring circumference
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
28 Prädifa Technolgy Division
Deformation force
Diagram for
400 selection of
O-ring hardness —
static seal
Working pressure (bar)
100 Extrusion
Deformation force
30 No
(Shore A) 70 80 90
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
29 Prädifa Technology Division
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
30 Prädifa Technolgy Division
Design information and installation guidelines
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
31 Prädifa Technology Division
Design information and installation guidelines
0° to 5°
B b
Design information and
installation guidelines
O d7 H 11
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
32 Prädifa Technolgy Division
Design information and installation guidelines
ɨɬ ɞɨ
% E
2G +
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
33 Prädifa Technology Division
Design information and installation guidelines
d2 h
+0.20 r1.00 r2
1.50 1.10 1.90 0.20 - 0.40 0.20 - 0.40
1.78 1.30 2.40 0.20 - 0.40 0.20 - 0.40
2.00 1.50 2.60 0.20 - 0.40 0.20 - 0.40
2.50 2.00 3.20 0.20 - 0.40 0.20 - 0.40
2.62 2.10 3.60 0.20 - 0.40 0.20 - 0.40
3.00 2.30 3.90 0.40 - 0.80 0.20 - 0.40
3.53 2.80 4.80 0.40 - 0.80 0.20 - 0.40
4.00 3.25 5.20 0.40 - 0.80 0.20 - 0.40
5.00 4.00 6.50 0.40 - 0.80 0.20 - 0.40
5.33 4.35 7.20 0.40 - 0.80 0.20 - 0.40
6.00 5.00 7.80 0.80 - 1.20 0.20 - 0.40
6.99 5.75 9.60 0.80 - 1.20 0.20 - 0.40
8.00 6.80 10.40 0.80 - 1.20 0.20 - 0.40
9.00 7.70 11.70 0.80 - 1.20 0.20 - 0.40
10.00 8.70 13.00 0.80 - 1.20 0.20 - 0.40
12.00 10.60 15.60 0.80 - 1.20 0.20 - 0.40
Design information and
installation guidelines
The DIN ISO 3601 sizes are preferable and shown here
in bold.
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
34 Prädifa Technolgy Division
Design information and installation guidelines
B and flash-free
O d9 f7 O d3 h9 O d4 H 8
15° to 20°
0° to 5° Z
r2 B
15° to 20°
A t
O d5 f7 O d10 H 8
O d6 H 9
and flash-free
Z 0° to 5°
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
35 Prädifa Technology Division
Design information and installation guidelines
The DIN ISO 3601 sizes are preferable and shown here in bold.
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
36 Prädifa Technolgy Division
Design information and installation guidelines
Dovetail gland
d = gland mean diameter
The gland width is measured before deburring the
Radius r2 is selected so that the O-Ring is not dama-
ged during assembly and cannot be trapped in the
installation guidelines
d2 h b
+0.10 r2.00 r1.00
1.78 1.25 +0.05 1.40 0.10 - 0.30 0.4 - 0.6
2.62 2.05 +0.05 2.10 0.10 - 0.30 0.6 - 0.8
3.53 2.80 +0.05 2.85 0.10 - 0.30 0.8 - 1.0
5.33 4.55 +0.08 4.35 0.10 - 0.30 1.0 - 1.3
6.99 5.85 +0.08 5.85 0.10 - 0.30 1.3 - 1.6
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
37 Prädifa Technology Division
Design information and installation guidelines
b + 0.2
r2 B
15° to 20°
Design information and
A t
installation guidelines
O d5 f7 O d10 H 8
O d6 H 9
and flash-free
Z 0° to 5°
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
38 Prädifa Technolgy Division
Design information and installation guidelines
r2 b + 0.2
B and flash-free
O d9 f7 O d3 h9 O d4 H 8
15° to 20°
0° to 5° Z
installation guidelines
Surface-finish roughness –
reciprocating seal – hydraulic
Surface Surface finish roughness,
percentage contact area tp > 50 %
Ra Rmax.
A contact surface 0.40 1.60
B groove base and sides 1.60 6.30
C surface finish of lead-in edge chamfer 3.20 12.50
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
39 Prädifa Technology Division
Design information and installation guidelines
he tolerances are calculated from d3h9 + d4H8 or d5f7
+ d6H9.
The DIN ISO 3601 sizes are preferable and shown here
in bold.
Design information and
installation guidelines
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
40 Prädifa Technolgy Division
O-ring dimension
O-ring dimension
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
41 Prädifa Technology Division
O-ring dimension
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
42 Prädifa Technolgy Division
O-ring dimension
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
43 Prädifa Technology Division
O-ring dimension
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
44 Prädifa Technolgy Division
O-ring dimension
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
45 Prädifa Technology Division
O-ring dimension
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
46 Prädifa Technolgy Division
O-ring dimension
3-xxx sizes
O-ring dimension
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
47 Prädifa Technology Division
O-ring dimension
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
48 Prädifa Technolgy Division
O-ring dimension
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
49 Prädifa Technology Division
O-ring dimension
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
50 Prädifa Technolgy Division
O-ring dimension
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
51 Prädifa Technology Division
O-ring dimension
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
52 Prädifa Technolgy Division
O-ring dimension
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
53 Prädifa Technology Division
O-ring dimension
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
54 Prädifa Technolgy Division
O-ring dimension
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
55 Prädifa Technology Division
O-ring dimension
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
56 Prädifa Technolgy Division
O-ring dimension
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
57 Prädifa Technology Division
O-ring dimension
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
58 Prädifa Technolgy Division
O-ring dimension
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
59 Prädifa Technology Division
O-ring dimension
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
60 Prädifa Technolgy Division
O-ring dimension
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
61 Prädifa Technology Division
O-ring dimension
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
62 Prädifa Technolgy Division
O-ring dimension
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
63 Prädifa Technology Division
O-ring dimension
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
64 Prädifa Technolgy Division
O-ring dimension
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
65 Prädifa Technology Division
O-ring dimension
O-ring sizes acc. to inner Parker no. Ø d mm Cross- Parker no. Ø d mm Cross-
diameter d section d2 section d2
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
66 Prädifa Technolgy Division
O-ring dimension
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
67 Prädifa Technology Division
O-ring dimension
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
68 Prädifa Technolgy Division
O-ring dimension
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
69 Prädifa Technology Division
O-ring dimension
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
70 Prädifa Technolgy Division
O-ring dimension
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
71 Prädifa Technology Division
O-ring dimension
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
72 Prädifa Technolgy Division
O-ring dimension
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
73 Prädifa Technology Division
O-ring dimension
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
74 Prädifa Technolgy Division
O-ring dimension
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
75 Prädifa Technology Division
O-ring dimension
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
76 Prädifa Technolgy Division
O-ring dimension
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
77 Prädifa Technology Division
O-ring dimension
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
78 Prädifa Technolgy Division
O-ring dimension
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
79 Prädifa Technology Division
O-ring dimension
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
80 Prädifa Technolgy Division
O-ring dimension
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
81 Prädifa Technology Division
O-ring dimension
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
82 Prädifa Technolgy Division
O-ring dimension
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
83 Prädifa Technology Division
O-ring dimension
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
84 Prädifa Technolgy Division
O-ring dimension
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
85 Prädifa Technology Division
O-ring dimension
6-534 1004 8
6-1213 1005 15
6-332 1011 5.33
6-280 1016 7
6-2124 1020 5.7
6-239 1029 10
6-333 1042 5.33
6-270 1046 7
6-393 1060 10
6-385 1071 14.4
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
86 Prädifa Technolgy Division
Parbak®-back-up ring 8-xxx sizes
Detail A
Detail A
Parbak®-back-up ring
8-xxx sizes
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
87 Prädifa Technology Division
Parbak®-back-up ring 8-xxx sizes
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
88 Prädifa Technolgy Division
Parbak®-back-up ring 8-xxx sizes
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
89 Prädifa Technology Division
Parbak®-back-up ring 8-xxx sizes
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
90 Prädifa Technolgy Division
Parbak®-back-up ring 8-xxx sizes
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
91 Prädifa Technology Division
Parbak®-back-up ring 8-xxx sizes
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
92 Prädifa Technolgy Division
O-Ring Guide
Parker Hannifin
93 Prädifa Technology Division
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