Estimating The Parameters of Induction Machines at Standstill
Estimating The Parameters of Induction Machines at Standstill
Estimating The Parameters of Induction Machines at Standstill
1, MARCH 2002 85
In the above expression a term like means that
and are employed in this sequence for . Note that all
(8) the active vectors are used as well as the null vector. Fig. 2(c)
shows the voltage vectors generated by the inverter as well as
their sequencing (1 to 18) which correspond to the numbering
B. Model : Estimation of , and of Fig. 2(a).
Solving the model (1)–(4) for , assuming that the ma- With this waveform, the average stator voltage is zero at each
chine is at standstill and that is known (e.g., ob- interval, the average electromagnetic torque is close to zero
tained by Model ) one may derive the following regression and consequently the machine stays at standstill. In fact, in every
model: interval the average voltage applied is zero or pulsating,
i.e., the negative sequence equals the positive sequence. More-
(9) over, this voltage waveform has enough frequency harmonics to
persistently excite the machine. Note that the waveforms of the
other phases and are similar but phase-shifted of
rads to provide three-phase symmetry.
Fig. 3 presents the frequency spectrum of the voltage wave-
(11) form shown in Fig. 2(a). It is considered that the fundamental
frequency of the special waveform is 5 Hz. Observe that the
where is the leakage factor which is given by spectrum is concentrated around the fundamental frequency of
, and . the waveform.
From the parameter vector given in (11) one may determine The signals , , , , and are obtained by
, and by measuring the three-phase quantities. The signals are filtered
by second order analog filters and converted to digital words
(12) through analog–digital converters. The derivative terms ,
, , , , , and are obtained by digital
three phase currents and two of the three phase voltages. The
estimation algorithm employed to process the experimental
data was the recursive least-squares with the sampling time
equal to 50 s.
Table I present the complete set of parameters of the machine
used in the experimental tests and in the previous parameter
sensitivity study. These values were determined by executing
the standard test procedures, i.e., the no-load and locked rotor
The experimental tests have been carried out in the following
way. First of all, the is determined with Model . Secondly,
the machine is supplied by the special waveform voltage pre-
sented in Fig. 2(a) and Model is employed to determine the
other parameters.
Fig. 5 shows the waveforms of the stator currents as ob-
served in the test with special voltage waveform. As it can be
seen from the phase plane , the current vector changes
from one direction to another passing by zero, like the voltage
vector showed in Fig. 2(c).
The parameters estimated with Model , Model and those
determined by the standard tests are presented in Table II. Note
that the estimated parameter are consistent with the standard
This paper has presented a method to determine the contin-
uous-time parameters of induction machines which are neces-
sary to implement the field-oriented control strategy, i.e., ,
, , and . The stator resistance is obtained from the dc ma-
chine model. The stator transient inductance, the stator induc-
tance, and the rotor time constant, are obtained by using the dy-
namic machine model and by supplying the induction machine
with a special exciting waveform. This voltage waveform pro-
vides persistent excitation while keeps the machine at standstill
without requiring the use of any mechanical apparatus. The pro-
Fig. 5. dq currents waveforms and dq current plane. posed approach does not require any device for speed measure-
ment and may be embedded within the drive software providing
TABLE II a fully automated machine characterization procedure. So, the
COMPARISON OF THE PARAMETERS DETERMINED VIA STANDARD TEST present method is indicated to be used in the drive autocommis-
sioning phase. The experimental results have demonstrated the
feasibility of the proposed method.
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Antonio Marcus Nogueira Lima (S’77–M’89) was born on March 15, 1958,
Cursino Brandão Jacobina (S’78–M’78–SM’98) was born on April 17, 1955, in Recife, Brazil. He received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in electrical engi-
in Correntes, Brazil. He received the B.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from neering from Federal University of Paraíba, Paraíba, Brazil, in 1982 and 1985,
Federal University of Paraíba, Paraíba, Brazil, and the Diplôme d’Etudes Ap- respectively. He received the Ph.D. degree from Institut National Polytechnique
profondies (DEA) and Ph.D. degrees from Institut National Polytechnique de de Toulouse, Toulouse, France, in 1989.
Toulouse, Toulouse, France, in 1978, 1980, and 1983, respectively. Since September 1983, he has been a Faculty Member in the Electrical Engi-
Since 1978, he has been a Faculty Member in the Electrical Engineering De- neering Department at Federal University of Paraíba. His research interests are
partment of the Federal University of Paraíba. His research interests include in the fields of electrical machines and drives, electronic instrumentation, con-
electrical drives, power electronics, control systems, and system identification. trol systems, and system identification.