Abstract-The Modeling and Identification of A Series DC
Abstract-The Modeling and Identification of A Series DC
Abstract-The Modeling and Identification of A Series DC
Abstract—The modeling and identification of a series DC the case of linear first and second order systems this procedure
motor without saturation is presented. The identification is renders good models by estimating its poles and steady state
performed using the Strejc method. The procedure requires only gain. In some cases, it is also possible to estimate the physical
the measurement of the current consumption and the motor parameters of the process.
rotors speed. The resulting model is validated comparing the
responses of the estimated model against real time responses of Therefore, the main objective of the paper is to present the
an actual motor. modeling, without magnetic saturation, and identification of
series DC motor. A second objective is to present a simple
Keywords—Electric Machine; Identification; Series dc motor; procedure to estimate the parameters of the model using only
Linear systems the measurement of the current consumption and the speed of
the motor rotor. This methodology is based on the transient and
I. INTRODUCTION steady state responses of the mechanical and electrical
subsystems of the motor known as the Strecj algorithm. In
Series DC motors, as well as series universal motors, are a order to assess the estimated model comparisons between the
kind electric motors with one voltage supply and the field time responses of the model and an actual motor are presented
winding connected in series with the rotor winding. This series
connection results in a motor with very high starting torque.
However, torque decreases as the speed builds up due to an II. SERIES DC MOTOR MODEL
increment of the back or counter electromotive force EMF. Series DC motors similar to shunt wound DC motors or
This is why series DC motors have poor speed regulation. compound wound DC motors are self-excited DC motors.
That is, increasing the motors load tends to slow its speed They get their name because the field winding is connected
which in turns reduces the back EMF and increases the torque internally in series to the armature winding as shown in figure
to accommodate the load. A limitation of these motors is that 1. They are also considered self-excited motors because instead
the sense of rotation is fixed for most of their applications. In of two separate voltage sources -one for the armature and one
order to change the direction of torque and rotation, it is
for the field winding- they required only one voltage source.
necessary to change the polarity of the current flow.
The electric diagram of a series DC motor is shown in figure
Despite the fact series DC motors generate high torques 2. Based on the electric diagram of figure 2 the differential
with very low current consumption and small dimensions they equations comprising the mechanical and electrical subsystems
are commonly used open loop for short periods of time. This of the series DC motor are given by:
is mainly, as mention above, because they have poor speed
regulation. Nonetheless, this kind of motors can be fully d d
exploited if good closed loop controllers are designed. V (t ) Ra ia (t ) R f i f (t ) La ia (t ) L f i (t ) Ea
However, in general many control strategies to this kind of dt dt f
motors are based or depend on dynamic cancellations [1]-[5] d
Te (t ) TL (t ) bZ (t ) J Z (t )
requiring good models. dt
Models, in particular mathematical models, are a corner
stone for many control strategies. These are normally obtained
by analyzing the physical properties of the phenomena.
However, a second crucial problem is to estimate the values of
the different physical parameters involved in the model. In the
case of linear system and some nonlinear models the algorithm
of Least Square is one of the most popular methodologies to
estimate or identify these parameters. Nonetheless, a necessary
condition to apply this algorithm is that the model must be
linear at its parameters, [6]. Another identification approach is
the Strecj algorithm, successfully applied in [7] for the
identification of the asynchronous machine which is based on Fig. 1. Series connection of a DC motor
the transient response analysis to a step input of the process. In
E a ( t ) Z ( t ) ) (i ) (5)
Te (t ) i ( t ) ) (i ) (6)
) (i ) k0 i (t ) (7)
V (t ) Ri (t ) L i (t ) Z (t )i(t ) k0 (8)
i 2 (t )k0 TL (t ) bZ (t ) J Z (t ) (9)
Inductive loads together with pulsed excitation signals The mutual inductance k0 can be estimated measuring the
generate reverse currents that may damage switching elements steady state responses of the current i (t ) and the speed of the
such as MOSFETs. Although the MOSFETs used in the
implementation have an internal protection diode, two rotor Z (t ) to a step input voltage V (t ) .
transistors FR307 of rapid recovery were added in order for
additional protection, as shown in figure 5.
It should be noted that under this condition i (t ) | 0 .
Fig. 5. Power driver dt
Rearranging equation (8):
A. Electric Subsytem Identification
From equation (8), it is clear that if the rotor shaft is fully
locked, then Z (t ) 0 t , reducing the electric subsystem to a V (t ) Ri (t )
simple RL circuit with a differential equation given by: k0 (12)
Z (t )i (t )
V (t ) Ri (t ) L i (t ) (10) In figures 7 and 8, the current i (t ) and rotor speed, Z (t ) ,
responses to a step input voltage from 0 to 25 volts are shown.
From the steady state responses, the previously estimated
with a transfer function G E ( s ) given by: resistance, R , and equation (12), the mutual inductance value
is: k0 0.17554 N-m/Wb-A .
I (s) 1
GE ( s) (11)
V ( s) Ls R
k0 0.17554 N-m/Wb-A
R 20.833:
L 156.24 mH
b 0.000026 N-m/Wb-A
J 0.0006206 Kg-m
Z ( s) 1
GM ( s ) (14)
Te ( s ) Js b
The nonlinear state space representation of the series DC The poles of the transfer function (25) are ^3256.2, 0.1`
motor is given by:
so the series DC motor is stable and over damped. It is also
x1 a1 x22 a2 x1 a3TL possible to distinguish the two typical modes of a DC motor
x2 b1 x2 b2 x1 x2 b3V
(18) from the poles: s 0.1 representing the slow dynamic of the
mechanical subsystem and s 3256.2 the fast dynamic of
ª x1 º ª a x a2 x1 a3TL º
1 2 the electrical subsystem.
x « x » « » f ( x, u ) (19)
¬ 2¼ ¬ b1 x2 b2 x1 x2 b3V ¼ In [8], was shown that linear models may be suitable for
regulation and tracking control objectives.
The equilibrium point x10 , x20 of equation (18) is given by:
x20 b1 b2 x10
a2 x10 a3TL
x20 ; V (20) To validate the nonlinear model the responses of the actual
a1 b3 series DC motor and the identified nonlinear model to different
input voltages were compared.
The linear approximation of (18) around the equilibrium In figures (6) and (7) the step responses of the current and
point (19) is given by: rotors speed to a step input voltage from 0 to 25 volts are
shown. From these figures it is clear that the model matched
x Ax Bu; y Cx (21) the actual motors response.
where To verify the validity of the model in a range of input
variation and frequency a sinusoidal input voltage was applied.
G f ( x, u ) ª a2 2a1 x20 º
A « »;
Gx x «¬ b2 x2 b1 b2 x1 »¼
0 0
0 0
1 , x2
G f ( x, u ) ª a3 0 º
B « 0 b »; (22)
Gu x 0 0
1 , x2 ¬ 3¼
C >1, 0@
>TL V@ , y
u Z (t ) (23)
a2 x10 x b1 b x
2 1 ; ª0º
x20 ; V B «b » (24)
a1 b3 ¬ 3¼
Z (s) 1 923.3
G(s) C sI A B (25) Fig. 11. Rotors speed response to a sinusoidal input
V (s) 2
s +626.6s+67.58
The input voltage is given by: REFERENCES