Mathematics Through Paper Folding (Gnv64)
Mathematics Through Paper Folding (Gnv64)
Mathematics Through Paper Folding (Gnv64)
Alton T. Olson
Mathematical Sciences Trust Society
Paper Folding
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta
(ax -f- by) • (cx -f dy) • Multiplication and division of a and b •
Solving x2 — px + q = 0, p and q integers
Line symmetry • Line and point symmetry • Symmetrical design
Parabola • Ellipse • Hyperbola • Similarity and enlargement
Mobius strip • Hexaflexagon • Approximating a 60° angle •
Trisecting an angle • Dragon curves • Proof of the fallacy that
every triangle is isosceles • Cube • A model of a sphere • Pop-up
dodecahedron • Patterns for polyhedrons
In mathematics we always make certain basic assumptions on which we
build a mathematical structure. In paper folding we assume the following
• Paper can be folded so that the crease formed is a straight line.
• Paper can be folded so that the crease passes through one or two given
• Paper can be folded so that a point can be made coincident with
another point on the same sheet.
• Paper can be folded so that a point on the paper can be made
coincident with a given line on the same sheet and the resulting
crease made to pass through a second given point provided that the
second point is not in the interior of a parabola that has the first point
as focus and the given line as directrix. (A parabola forms the
boundary between a convex region [interior] and a nonconvex region
[exterior] of the plane.)
• Paper can be folded so that straight lines on the same sheet can be
made coincident.
• Lines and angles are said to be congruent when they can be made to
coincide by folding the paper.
If these assumptions are accepted, then it is possible to perform all the
constructions of plane Euclidcan geometry by folding and creasing.
Patterns for folding a great variety of polyhedra can be found in the
following publications:
H o w to Fold the Basic Constructions
The line AB is reflected onto itself by a reflection in the line formed by
the crease. Why is the straight angle formed by the given line AB bisected
by the crease C D ?
Geometric Concepts Related to Reflections
Illustrated by Paper Folding
Fig. 12A
c) Compare CD and BD by folding the angle bisector of BDC. -What
is the image of CD in a reflection in this angle bisector?
16. The intersection of the perpendicular bisectors of the sides of a
Fold the perpendicular bisectors of each side of the given acute triangle.
What is the common point of intersection of these lines called? Fold lines
from this point to each vertex of the triangle. Compare these lengths by
folding. (Fig. 16.)
Fig. 16
Fig. 17
Repeat this same procedure for the other two medians. W h a t can be
concluded about the position of G on each of the three medians?
18. The area of a parallelogram
Cut out a trapezoid with one side CB perpendicular to the parallel sides.
Fold the altitude DE. Fold CF parallel to AD. For convenience the
trapezoid should be cut so that the length of EF is greater than the length
of FB. Fold FG perpendicular to AB. After folding triangle FBC over
line FG, make another fold at HJ so that B coincides with E and C coin-
cides with D. Does F coincide with A? Are triangles ADE and FCB con-
gruent? (See fig. 18. Figure 18 and others so noted are included in
Appendix C, where they appear large enough for ditto masters to be
made from them.)
Fig. 18
olding along tlie diagonal BD will form
the lines JK and LM.
Fold lines EK, KM, MH, and HE.
Let the measure of EK — c, EC — a, and
CK = b. Then equate the area of
EKMH to the sum of the areas of NOPG
and the four triangles ENK, OKM,
MPH, and HGE. If this equation is
written in terms of a, b, and c, then what
is the result? Fig. 19B
Fig. 19C
Fig. 20
What is the image of CD in this same reflection? Fold lines perpendicular
to AB through E and F. W h a t are the images of A and B in reflections
in these respective perpendicular lines? How does the sum of CD and AB
compare with the median EF? (See fig. 21. Also, see Appendix C for an
enlarged model of figure 21.)
Fig. 21
Fig. 22
Fig. 23
Fie. 24A
25. The area of a triangle
In figure 24C, the rectangular shape has
sides whose measures are equal to one-
half the base AC of triangle ABC and
one-half the altitude BD (fig. 25). What
is the area of the rectangle? How are the
Fig. 25 areas of this rectangle and the original
triangle related? What is the area of the
Circle Relationships Shown by Paper Folding
Fig. 28
29. The center of a circle of which only a portion (which includes the
center) is available
Fold a chord AB and a chord BC (fig. 29). Fold the perpendicular bi-
sector of AB. From any point on this perpendicular bisector, the distance
to A is the same as the distance to B. How could this be shown? Fold the
perpendicular bisector of BC. It intersects the other perpendicular bisector
at M. W h a t is true of AM, MB, and MC? Why is M the center of the
Fig. 29
30. Equal chords and equal arcs in the
same circle
Locate the center 0 of the circle by
folding two diameters. Fold the circle
along a diameter AD. From some point
C, fold the semicircle along CO (fig.
30A). This forms two radii, CO and BO
Fig. 30A (fig. 30B). How does arc AC compare
with arc AB? What is the image of arc
AC in a reflection in AD? Fold chords
AB and AC. How does chord AC com-
pare with chord AB? How does central
angle COA compare with central angle
AOB? Fold lines through 0 perpendicu-
lar to AC and to AB. By folding, com-
pare AE with EC and AF with FB. What
is the image of EC in a reflection in EO?
Answer the same question for a reflection
Fig. 30B in AD. Compare EO with FO by folding
along AD. What generalizations can be
made about equal chords and equal arcs
of the same circle?
33. Arcs of a circle intercepted by
parallel lines
Fold any diameter AB of circle 0 (fig.
33). Fold two chords, each perpendicular
to AB. What are the images of E and F
in a reflection in AB? Compare arc EF
Fig. 33
to arc CD by folding.
Algebra by Paper Folding
Fig. 36A
Fig. 36D
d) Cut out several model rectangles with sides x and y and several
squares with sides of x and of y. These will be needed in the follow-
ing exercises. For convenience, color one face of the model rectangles
red, blue, or some other bright color, and leave the opposite face
e) Label the rectangle and squares as in figure 36E. The square formed
by M, N, N, and Q is x y on a side. Its area is (x -f y) • (x y).
Since the areas of M, N, and Q are x 2 , x • y, and y2, respectively,
we have (x -f- y) (x -(- y) — x2 + xy -f- xy y2 = x2 -f 2 x y -f- y2.
* y
Fig. 36E
Fig. 36F
exposing the colored side. To represent 2x — y, turn rectangles 11,
12, and 13 and squares 14 and 15 over in the same manner. Now
squares 14 and 15 have been turned over twice, again exposing the
white sides. (Fig. 36G.)
Fig. 36G
Fig. 36H
37. Multiplication and division of a and b
Fold two perpendicular lines, X'X and Y'Y, intersecting at 0. Fold a
series of equally spaced points on the two lines. Be sure to include 0 in
the points. These folded points will form a coordinate system for the
plane of the paper.
Let OU be + 1 . Define OA and OB as directed line segments represent-
ing a and b respectively (fig. 37A). Join V to A by folding a line through
these two points. Through B fold a line parallel to AU and let P be the
point of intersection of this line and X'X. Now OP represents the product
of a and b in magnitude and sign. In figure 37A, a was positive and b was
Fig. 37A
Fig 37H
38. Solving x 2 — px -f q = 0, p and q integers
Fold two intersecting lines, X'X and Y'Y, intersecting at 0. Coordina-
tize each of the lines by folding equally spaced points. Let OP and OQ
represent p and q respectively. Fold perpendiculars to X'X and Y'Y at
P and Q, intersecting at M. Fold a line determined by M and U. OU is
the line representing -j-1. Now find the midpoint of UM by folding. Let
T be this midpoint. Now V is reflected in some line t h a t passes through T
so that the image of U is on X'X. There will be two such points if x2 —
px + 9 = 0 has two real, unequal roots. If these two points are R and S,
then OR and OS represent the roots in both magnitude and sign. (Fig. 38.)
Fig. 38
To find R and S, fold the paper, without creasing, along lines that pass
through T. By adjusting the fold, it is pos»iblp to make U coincide with
X'X at R and S. The procedure is illustrated below „ s j n t , t h e equation
x2 _ 5x + 6 = 0. Notice that OR = 2 and OS — 3 in measure.
A circlc can be drawn through Q, U, R, and S. How can you show this?
Why must OR and OS be representations of the roots of the equation?
Star and Polygon Construction
39. Triangle
Fold any three nonparallel creases that will intersect on the sheet
(fig. 39).
Fig. 39
Fig. 41
Fig. 42
43. Hexagon
Fold the three vertices of an equilateral triangle to its center (fig. 43).
How is this center found?
Fig. 43
Is the hexagon DEFGHI equilateral? How does the area of triangle
ABC compare with that of hexagon DEFGHI?
Fig. 44
45. Rectangle
Fold any straight line AB. At points D and F on AB, fold lines per-
pendicular to AB. At point G on line CD, fold a line perpendicular to CD.
This perpendicular line intersects EF at H. (Fig. 45.) Show by folding
that GH is perpendicular to EF. W h a t is the image of EF in a reflection
in GH?
Fig. 45
49, Regular decagon, regular pentagon, a n d five-pointed star
Fold a piece of paper in half and crease. Call this line AB. If 0 is the
midpoint of AB, fold and crease along line OE so t h a t angle AOB equals
one-half of angle BOE in measure (fig. 49A). This angle relationship can
be assured by using a protractor or can be approximated by careful fold-
ing. Fold OE over so t h a t it coincides with OB. Crease line OF (fig. 49B).
Crease along OE so t h a t OA falls along OF (fig. 49C). Triangle OXW is
an isosceles triangle. Triangle OXZ is a right triangle. Cutting along A l f
results in a regular decagon. Cutting along XZ results in a regular penta-
gon. A five-pointed star is produced when a cut is made along A'F.
Fold a piece of paper in half. Call this line AB. Fold A over on B and
crease along OE. Fold A and B over and crease along OF so that angle
EOA equals angle AOF in measure (fig. 50A). This angle congruence can
be assured by using a protractor or can be approximated by carelul fold-
ing. Crease on OA, folding OF over to fall along OE (fig. 50B). Triangle
OXW is isosceles. Triangle OXZ is a right triangle. Cutting along A'IV.
XZ, and A'F respectively will result in a regular dodecagon, regular hexa-
gon, and a six-pointed star. Interesting snowflake patterns can be made by
cutting notches in the six-pointed star design.
Polygons Constructed by Tying Paper Knots
51. Square
Use two strips of paper of the same width.
a) Fold each strip over onto itself to form a loop and crease. Why are
the angles that are formed right angles? (Fig. 51A.)
Fig. 51A
b) Insert an end of one strip into the loop of the other so t h a t the strips
interlock. Pull the strips together tightly and cut off the surplus. Why
is the resulting polygon a square? (Fig. 51B.)
Fig. 51B
52. Pentagon
Use a long strip of constant width. Tie an overhand knot (fig. 52A).
Tighten the knot and crease flat (fig. 52B). Cut the surplus lengths.
Unfold and consider the set of trapezoids formed by the creases. How
many trapezoids are formed? Compare the trapezoids by folding. What
conclusions can be made about the pentagon obtained?
53. ' Hexagon
Use two long strips of paper of equal width. Tie a square knot as shown
in figure 53A. Tighien and crease it fiat to produce a hexagon. It may be
easier to untie the knot and fold each piece separately according to figure
53B. After tightening and flattening, cut off the surplus lengths. Unfold
and consider the trapezoids formed. How many trapezoids are formed on
each strip? Compare the sizes of these trapezoids.
54. Heptagon
Use a long strip of constant width. Tie a knot as illustrated in figure
54A. Tighten and crease flat (fig. 54B). How many trapezoids are formed
when the knot is untied?
55. Octagon
I'se two long strips of the same width.
First, tie a loose overhand knot with one
strip like that for the pentagon above.
Figure 55 shows this tie with the shaded
strip going from 1-2-3-4-5. With the
second strip, start at 6, pass over 1-2 and
under 3-4. Bend up at 7. Pass under 4-5
and 1-2. Bend up at 8. Pass under 3-4
and 6-7. Bend up at 9. Pass over 3-4,
Fig. 55
under 7-8 and 4-5, emerging at 10.
Tighten and crcase flat. Cut surplus
lengths 1,5, 6, and 10 (fig. 551.
This construction is not easy. Another tack might be to analyze the
knots and their trapezoids to determine the lengths and the sizes of angles
involved. Using a protractor, a ruler, and the obtained information would
make the constructions considerably easier.
Fig. 57A
What are the images of the figure when they are reflected in Ah and in
CD? Line EF is drawn so that it passes through 0 and is different from
AB and CD. (Fig. 57B.)
Fig. 57B
Is EF a line of symmetry for the figure? How can you show this? How
is 0 related to EF? Answer these questions for various positions of EF.
Point 0 is a point of symmetry for the figure. Can you see why?
59. Parabola
Draw any straight line m as a directrix. Mark a point F not on the
given line as the focus. Fold a line perpendicular to line m. Mark the
point of intersection of line m and the line perpendicular to m. Call it
point G. Fold the paper over so that point F coincides with point G and
crease. Call the point of intersection of this crease and the perpendicular
line H. (Fig. 59.) Repeat this operation twenty to thirty times by using
different lines perpendicular to m. The point H will be on a parabola with
focus F and directrix m. The creases formed by folding point F onto point
G are tangents to the parabola. The tangents are said to "envelop" the
parabolic curve.
Fig. 59
60. Ellipse
Draw a circle with center 0. Locate a point F inside the circle. Mark a
point X on the circle. Fold the point F onto X and crease. Fold the diam-
eter that passes through X. The point of intersection of this diameter and
the crease is called P. Repeat this procedure twenty to thirty times by choos-
ing different locations for X along the circle. Each crease is tangent to an
ellipse with foci F and O. (Fig. 60.) What is the image of PX under a
reflection in ZY? Show how the measure of FP plus the measure of PO is
equal to a constant. Thus, P is on the ellipse, with 0 and F as foci.
Imagine that ZY is a mirror. Why would a ray of light passing through F
and P be reflected through 0? Let R be any point along ZY other than P.
Show that the sum of the measures of FR and RO is greater than the sum
of the measures of FP and PO.
Repeat this experiment by using various locations for F. What effect
does this have on the resulting ellipses?
Fig. 60
61. Hyperbola
Draw a circle with center 0. Locate a point F outside the circle. Mark
a point X on the circle. Fold F onto X and crease. This crease is tangent
to a hyperbola with 0 and F as foci. Fold a diameter through X. The
point of intersection of the diameter and the crease is called P. (Fig. 61.)
Fig. 61
62. Similarity and enlargement transformations
a) Draw a triangle ABC. Mark a point D outside the triangle. Fold
line AD. Fold point D onto A and crease. The point of intersection
of this crease and line AD is called A'. Repeat the same procedure
for points B and C in order to locate points B' and C' (fig. 62A).
Fig. 62A
b) Draw a triangle ABC and point D outside this triangle. Reflect point
D in a line perpendicular to AD at point A. Call this image point A'.
Repeat the same procedure with points B and C in order to locate
points B' and C Do the same with point X. Where is the image
point A"? (Fig 62B). How does triangle A'B'C compare with
triangle ABC?
Fig. 62 H
c) Draw a triangle ABC and points D and E outside this triangle. Use
the procedure from (a) with point D to locate triangle A'B'C'. Re-
peat this procedure with triangle A'B'C' and point E to locate tri-
angle A"B"C" (fig. 62C). How is triangle A"B"C" related to tri-
angle ABC? How do their areas compare? Fold lines A A", BB",
and CC". What conclusions can be made after making these folds?
Fig. 62C
Fig. 63
64. Hexaflexagon
The hexaflexagon requires a paper strip that is at least six times its
width in length.
a) First fold the strip to locate the center line CD at one end of the
strip (fig. 64A).
Fig. 64A
Fig. 64B
c) Fold the strip back so that the crease EG forms along BE (fig. 64C).
What kind of a triangle is EGA? Next fold forward along GA,
forming another triangle. Continue folding back and forth until ten
equilateral triangles have been formed. Cut off the excess of the
strip as well as the first right triangle ABE.
Fig. 64C
d) Lay the strip in the position shown in figure 64D and number the
triangles accordingly.
e) Turn the strip over and number as in figure 64E. Be sure t h a t tri-
angle 11 is behind triangle 1.
The hexagon can be folded and opened to.give a number ot designs.
Two of these designs are given in figures 64F and 64G. The designs open
easily by folding in the three single edges, thus forming a three-cornered
star and opening out the center. How many different designs can be
Fig. 65
Fig. 66
67. Dragon curves
Take a long strip of paper and fold it in half from right to left. When it
is opened, it has one crease, which points downward (fig. 67A). Fold the
paper in half two times from right to left. When it is opened, it has three
creases. Reading from left to right, the first two point downward and the
third points upward (fig. 67B). For three folding-in-half operations, the
pattern of creases is (left to right) DDUDDUU, where D and U represent
creases that point downward and upward respectively.
Fig. 67C
After n folding operations, how many rectangles are formed and how
many creases are formed? Can you determine the sequence of Ds and Us
for four folding-in-half operations from the sequences that result from
the first three foldings?
Modify the folding above by alternately folding the ends from left to
right and then from right to left. The formulas for determining the num-
ber of areas and the number of creases formed after n foldings will not
change, but the sequence of Ds and Us used in describing the creases does
change. Can you figure out how to predict the pattern for n -f- 1 folds,
knowing the pattern for n folds?
Another interesting modification is to use a trisecting fold rather than a
bisecting fold. Fold the strip so that the pattern after one trisection fold
is DU (fig. 67C).
How many areas and how many creases are formed after n trisection-
folding operations? Can you determine the sequence of Ds and Us for four
trisection foldings, knowing the sequence for three trisection foldings?
69. Cube
а) Fold a piece of paper down to form a square and remove the excess
strip. The edge of the cube t h a t will eventually be formed will be
one-fourth the side of this square (fig. 69A).
б) Fold the paper from corner to corner and across the center one way
through the midpoint of the sides (fig. 69B). The fold across the
center should be in the opposite direction to that of the corner-to-
corner folds.
c) Let the paper fold naturally into the shape shown in figure 69C.
d) Fold the front A and B down to point C (fig. 69D).
e) Turn it over and do the same for the back corners F and G. A
smaller square will result (fig. 69E).
/) The corners on the sides D and E are now double. Fold the corners
D and E so that they meet in the center. Turn the square over and
do the same for the corners on the back side (fig. 69F).
g) One end of figure 69F will now be free of loose corners. Fold the
loose corners on the opposite end, H and K, outward on the front to
form figure 69G. Do the same for the corresponding corners on the
h) Fold points H and K inward to the center. Do the same with the
points on the back of the form (fig. 69H).
Fig. 69H
Fig. 69G
i) Open folds D and E and tuck triangles LHM and KNP into the
pockets in D and E. Do the same with the points on the back (fig.
j) Blow sharply into the small hold found at 0 and the cube will inflate.
Crease the edges and the cube is finished (fig. 69J).
Fig. 69J
Fig. 691
Fig. 70C
Fig. 70A P i g . 70B
other along the dotted lines AB and CD and pass this piece through the
cut in the center of figure 70B. Open figure 70A after it has been pushed
through figure 70B.
Bend the sides of figure 70A along the dotted lines EF and GH and bend
figure 70B along the dotted line| IJ and KL. Pass figures 70A and 70B
through the cross-shaped cut in figure 70C. This will form the sphere
model shown in figure 70D. This model is suitable for demonstrating
latitude and longitude, time zones, and spherical triangles. It can also be
used as a geometric Christmas tree decoration or in a mobile. If the model
is to be made out of cardboard, figures 70A and 70C should be cut into
two semicircles and fitted into figure 70B.
Fie. 70D
Stellated pol/dedra can be made by
attaching pyrari» d s to each f a c e of these
regular polyhedf 9 - E a c h Pyramid should
have a base c o n S r u e n t th e f a c e 0 f the
A less f r u s t r # t i n g alte rUative to the
"tab and glue" method of c o n s t r u c t i n g
polyhedra i s the cardboa t(1 a n d r u b b e r
band" method. To use thi s m e t h o d i c u t
Fig. 72A. Tetrahedron
out each face of * Polyhedr 0 n s e p a r a t e l y .
On each edge of these pi e c e S | c u t a
narrow tab, n o t c h e d a t e a c h end and
folded back. F a ^ e n the p i e c e s t Q g e t h e r
along matching tabs secur e d b y m b b e r
bands. Stretch the rubber b a n d g a l o n g
the tabs and s e c ^ e them i n t h e n o t c h e s
Tabs one-fourth i n c h l n width s e e m t o b e Fig. 72B. Cube
best for securing (he rubber bands.
Fig. 72G
Appendix A
Plane Geometry Theorems and Related Exercises
In the following listing, certain theorems from plane geometry are given.
After each theorem, related exercises from this monograph are noted.
16. A diagonal of a rhombus bisects the angles formed at the related
vertices. (Exercise 22)
17. The segment joining the midpoints of two sides of a triangle is parallel
to the third side and is equal to one-half of its measure. (Exercise 23)
18. The sum of the measures of the angles of a triangle is 180° (Exercise
19. The area of any triangle is equal to one-half the product of the
measures of any one of its bases and the altitude to that base.
(Exercise 25)
20. The three altitude lines of a triangle are concurrent at a point.
(Exercise 26)
21. In a circle, the minor arcs of congruent chords are congruent.
(Exercise 30)
22. A diameter that is perpendicular to a chord bisects that chord.
(Exercise 31)
23. In a circle, congruent central angles intercept congruent minor arcs.
(Exercise 32)
24. If two parallel lines intersect a circle, then the intercepted arcs are
congruent. (Exercise 33)
25. An angle inscribed in a semicircle is a right angle. (Exercise 34)
26. A tangent to a circle is perpendicular to the radius drawn to the point
of contact. (Exercise 35)
27. If two angles of one triangle are congruent respectively to two angles
of another triangle, then the triangles are similar. (Exercise 37)
Appendix B
Some Additional Theorems That Can Be
Demonstrated by Paper Folding
1. The median from the vertex of the angle included by the congruent
sides of an isosceles triangle bisects that angle.
2. T*he median from the vertex of the angle included by the congruent
sides of an isosceles triangle is perpendicular to the third side.
3. The bisector of the angle included by the congruent sides of an isosceles
triangle bisects the side opposite that angle.
4. Any two medians of an equilateral triangle are congruent.
5. If two distinct coplanar lines are intersected by a transversal that
makes a pair of alternate interior angles congruent, the lines are
6. If two distinct coplanar lines are intersected by a transversal that
makes a pair of corresponding angles congruent, the lines are parallel.
Appendix C
Large-Scale Figures
Fig. 19A
Fig. 20
Fig. 21
Fig. 20
Fig. 21