The Kingma System Bass Flute:: A Practical Guide For Composers and Performers Carla Rees
The Kingma System Bass Flute:: A Practical Guide For Composers and Performers Carla Rees
The Kingma System Bass Flute:: A Practical Guide For Composers and Performers Carla Rees
A Practical Guide for Composers and Performers
(2013 version)
Carla Rees
Royal College Of Music, London
BACKGROUND Types of bass flute
HISTORY OF THE BASS FLUTE There are essentially three main types of bass flute; the standard closed hole
bass, the open hole bass and the Kingma System bass. All have curved headjoints
and footjoints to low C are commonplace; a small minority of players have
BORE SIZES extended footjoints to take the range to low B but this is extremely rare. Most
bass flutes are held horizontally, but recent innovations have resulted in some
makers experimenting with upright (vertical) designs, with the instrument resting
on a peg or spike, similar to a cello.
1. Standard (closedhole) bass flute
This is the most common form of the instrument, and comes in a range of bore
sizes and key configurations according to the designs of the individual makers.
The instrument has closed holes, creating a number of limitations in terms of
contemporary techniques. The lack of open holes restricts the number of
multiphonic possibilities, in addition to the options for alternative fingerings,
timbral trills and pitch flexibility. Also, different bore sizes, headjoint designs and
key configurations mean that a technique that works well on one instrument may
be more difficult or even impossible on another. B footjoints are rare on standard
instruments, but offered as options by specialist makers such as Eva Kingma and
Kotato and Fukushima.
Left hand keywork of standard bass
Right hand keywork of standard bass
2. Openhole bass flutes
A very small number of makers (most notably Eva Kingma) offer openhole
options on bass flutes. These are still rare but increasing in popularity, and
Kingma offers the option of three or five open holes. The extra venting created
through the addition of open holes provides a greater range of possibilities of
contemporary techniques, similar to the open hole C flute.
Open hole key
3. Kingma System bass flutes
The Kingma System, created by and named after Dutch flute maker Eva Kingma,
has revolutionised the flute family for the 21st century. The Kingma System
extends the capabilities of the openhole flute, using a patented 'key on key'
system (see photos below), which adds six extra keys to the openhole design.
This enables the player to control a small central hole in each key (similar to that
created by the open hole of a standard openholed flute) in addition to the larger
hole covered by the entire key. The smaller holes create quartertone pitches,
while the large outer holes create semitones.
On the bass flute, the size of the keys requires a slightly different layout of these
extra keys than on the alto and C flute models, with some fingers operating two
keys simultaneously, one which closes the outer rim of the key, and the other
which closes the central hole.
Left hand keywork of Kingma System bass
Right hand keywork of Kingma System bass
Key on key design of Kingma System
Kingma System F key
The new design gives enhanced flexibility to the bass flute player, creating new
possibilities for composers and making much of the existing repertoire simpler to
play. The bass flute is now capable of realising all of the extended techniques
available to the openhole C flute (although with modifications to suit the
enlarged size of the instrument), in addition to a wider range of multiphonics,
alternative fingerings, glissandi and other effects. Above all, the instrument is
able to produce a reliable quartertone scale for the entire range from its written
The upright design has numerous advantages, most notably from the point of
view of ergonomics. The player no longer has to support the weight of the
instrument, which is considerable owing to its size and the additional keywork, in
his or her hands, allowing for freer fingerwork and considerably reduced physical
tension. The player is able to adopt a more natural posture, with the instrument
held in front of the body rather than to the side, with a resultant positve effect on
breathing. The instrument may be played sitting or standing, and although some
time is required to become accustomed to the new playing position, the headjoint
remains in the same position against the bottom lip as with a horizontal bass
flute. My own experience of this instrument is that the increased physical freedom
enables longer playing times without the considerable physical discomfort which is
often associated with playing an instrument of this size.
Comparison of Kingma System bass flute with a standard bass flute
Thumb keys of Kingma System bass flute
Thumb keys of standard bass flute
Standard C footjoint (top) and Kingma B footjoint
The information provided in this resource is primarily intended to assist
composers with writing for the Kingma System bass flute, although some of the
information may also be applied to closed and openhole instruments.
Copyright © 2013 Carla Rees