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Case Study On Ahmedabad Development Plan

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Case Study on

Ahmedabad, Nagpur
Prepared by- Priti Chhatoi
1. Introduction
2. Case Study: Ahmedabad’s Development Plan
▪ Regional Settings
▪ Proposed Development Plan
▪ Equitable Development
▪ Procedure of Integrating Town Planning Scheme
▪ Micro-tunnelling methods used in sewerage project- AMRUT
▪ Ahmedabad as a SMART CITY
▪ Miyawaki Forest Method
▪ Prime Agricultural Zone
▪ Heat Action Plan
▪ Transit Oriented Planning
3. Comparison of Ahmedabad and Nagpur’s Development Plan
4. Reference
➢ Development plan is a statutory plan that is prepared within the framework of an approved perspective plan.
➢ Time Frame: 20-30yrs (review in every 5 year)

Existing Conditions and Development Issues About DP:

C ✓ Approving Authority: Municipal Corporation/
O Assessment of Deficiencies and Projected Requirements Development Authority/ Metropolitan Planning
N Committee
T Vision and Mission
E ✓ Scale: 1:10000 to 1:8000
N Development Proposals
Implementation Plan
Fig 1.1: Contents of Development Plan Source: URDPFI Guidelines

Parameters Ahmedabad Nagpur

Area 466 sq.km 225.08 sq.km
Population 55,77,940 (census 2011) 24.48 Lakhs (census 2011)
Vision To make a livable, environmentally sustainable and To provide adequate, equitable,
efficient city for all its citizens; a city with robust sustainable access to urban services for
social and physical infrastructure and a distinct all the citizens. A city that is safe, livable
identity; a globally preferred investment destination. and promotes growth of its citizens.

Transit Oriented TOD is implemented using the Town Planning TOD is to achieved by amending the
Development Scheme. building bye laws by giving higher
(TOD) FAR/FSI around the transit areas

Environment Heat Action Plan, Miyawaki Forest Method Rejuvenation of water bodies.
Table1.1 : Comparison of Nagpur and Ahmedabad Development Plan
Regional Settings: Ahmedabad is situated in west-central India and
is the capital city of Gujarat and seventh largest metropolis in the
It is flat plain along both banks of the Sabarmati River and this
sitting along the agricultural catchment led the earlier primate city
to expand uninhibited with a polycentric urban growth pattern.

Map1.1 : showing regional

setting Source: mapsofindia

• Land Bank for
Urban Poor
• Resource
Generation and
Mobilization in
terms of
Physical / Land
• Resource
Generation and
Mobilization in
terms of Fiscal
/ Finance
• Improving and
Map 1.2: Growth Trend over the years Sustainability.
Source: hcpo
The prime mission of the
authority is to transform
outskirt of Ahmedabad into
a city where all citizens have
access to basic services and
all development take place
in a planned manner,
supporting rapid, self-
financed and sustainable
economic growth.
Key Features Ahmedabad
Development Plan:
➢ Equitable Development
➢ Transit oriented
➢ Use of Smart Technology
under the Smart City
➢ Micro tunnelling Method -
AMRUT Scheme
➢ Compact City
➢ Environment Sustainability
➢ Green Network
➢ Affordable Housing
➢ Allow for natural growth
around villages while
preserving prime Fig :1.3 Proposed development plan 2021
agricultural land. Source : Ahmedabad Development Authority
Concept of Equitable Development
➢ Equitable development meets the needs of overburdened communities and individuals through projects, programs,
and/or policies that reduce poverty, low wealth, health and other disparities while fostering places that are healthy,
vibrant, and diverse.
➢ For achieving an equitable and sustainable development Ahmedabad Development Plan was integrated with the Town
Planning Scheme.
Procedure for Integrating Town Planning Scheme
Managing Urban Expansion
1. Draft Stage 2. Preliminary Stage 3. Final Stage
AUDA by far has prepared 247 Town Planning Schemes which constitutes an Able to obtain land for public
area of 392.80 Sq. Km.
Produces more equitable

Expansion of well-planned road


Increased street density in the city

Benefits of TP scheme Integration

Map 1.4: Layout of existing area 23 Map 1.5: Layout after TP scheme Source: Ahmedabad development authority
Micro-tunnelling methods used in sewerage project- AMRUT Scheme
➢ AMC is among the first municipal corporations in the country to adopt
micro tunnelling technology to install underground drainage lines.
➢ The advantage of using this technology in congested area, across the
highway and railway crossing is to eliminate disturbance to the existing
traffic and ensure low environmental impact.
➢ With the implementation of these projects, waterlogging issues will be
eliminated substantially in the city as the pipelines being laid have the
capacity to evacuate 500 MLD of storm water. Fig 1.2: Micro tunnelling Method Source: Niti Aayog Report
➢ It is noted that waterlogging has been resolved to the extent of 90% in the city.
➢ Despite heavy rains, there was no waterlogging reported from the underpasses.
Common Card Payment System:
• Utility Payments
• Municipal Payments for professional tax and property tax
• Recreational Services at Kankaria and Sabarmati Riverfront
• Transit Ticketing for BRTS and City Buses

Smart Transport System:

• Automated Fare Collection System(AFCS)
• GPS based Automatic Vehicle Locating System
• Depot Management System
• Incident Management System
• CCTV based Security and Surveillance System
• Control Centre and Call Centre operation
Ahmedabad • Parking Management System
as a • Web Portal for Passengers
• Mobile App for citizens
Energy Efficient Programs:
• Focusing on renewable power generation like solar roof
• It also uses wind energy for the generation of electricity
• Suggestions of energy efficient equipment and innovative
technology in public utilities.
• Energy Efficient LEDs to be used for street lighting
• Scrutiny and monitoring of energy bills and usage pattern.

Cycle by the River:

• To ensure healthy physical and mental life, MYBYK are provided for all age groups. It is
provided along the Sabarmati River Front.
Miyawaki forest is a method of growing natural potent vegetation, native to the region as per bioclimatic conditions and
soils conditions.
Salient feature of Miyawaki plantation compared to conventional tree plantation are:
1. Grows ten times faster 4. Effuse 30 times more oxygen
2. 30 times denser 5. Retain more ground water
3. Absorb 30 times more Carbon 6. 100 % bio diverse (use 40-50
dioxide different species of native trees)
Under this initiative 85,000 number of trees have been planted by AUDA. Fig 1.3: Micro Forest at SOBO Garden
Source: Ahmedabad Development Authority

➢ In order to improve primary sector in AUDA area and to preserve fertile double
cropping land, zoning of appropriate agricultural land Prime Agriculture Zone
has been introduced through this development Plan
➢ Area of 569 sq.km.
➢ Further, to protect the prime agricultural land, necessary regulations have been
➢ Along with agricultural activities development of agro‐based industries,
processing units etc. is allowed in order to support activities like farming and
livestock as per the development regulations. Map 1.6: Prime Agricultural Zone
Source: Ahmedabad Development Authority
Early warning system and preparedness plan for extreme heat events was introduced in 2015 as the Ahmedabad Heat
Action Plan.
It was the first Indian city to do so.
– Initiating an early warning system and inter-agency coordination to alert residents of predicted extreme temperatures
forecasted by the Indian Meteorological Department;
– Capacity building among healthcare professionals to recognize and respond to heat-related illnesses
– Reducing heat exposure and promoting adaptive measures by launching new efforts, including mapping high-risk
neighborhoods, increasing access to potable water and cooling spaces on hot days, and other methods.
Transit Oriented Planning:
• Higher density development
• Pedestrian friendly streets and Green Network
• Higher transit connectivity & High intensity of
• BRTS Station Plaza
• Well designed and well managed public parking
Destination to city tourist places, Economic Centre,
Commercial hub and major transit route

Map 1.7: Development Plan of Ahmedabad Source: hcpo

Map 1.8: TOZ Map analysis Source: Ahmedabad Development Authority

Parameters Ahmedabad Nagpur
Salient Features ➢ Equitable Development ➢ Inclusive Living
➢ Transit Oriented Development ➢ Transit Oriented Development
➢ Prime Agricultural Zone ➢ Sustainable Environment
Water Management ➢ 24*7 Water Supply Scheme ➢ Capacity addition and leak detection
Sewerage ➢ Dual Plumbing System and Grey ➢ Undergroud sewerage connection with 100%
water management capacity
Storm Water Drains ➢ micro-tunnelling method ➢ Laying of SWD pipelines along the roads on both
the sides in north, central and south sewerage
Urban Environment ➢ Heat Action Plan ➢ Rejuvenation of water bodies.
➢ Miyawaki Forest Method
Urban poor ➢ For EWS project integrated with Solar ➢ Social,economic and housing programmes to
roof top panels. provide basic services to urban poor.
Urban Governance ➢ Pragati Application ➢ Citizen Facilitation kiosks
➢ Smart city 311 application ➢ CCTV surveillance
➢ Wi-fi hubs for accessing online municipal
Traffic and ➢ construction of fly over bridges, foot ➢ improving the geometric designs of the
Transportation over bridges and pedestrian bridge. junctions, provision of infrastructure for
Disaster ➢ Interlinking of lakes to control urban ➢ construction of structures to prevent disasters
Management flooding in the city. ➢ procurement of new technology vehicle to
handle emergency and rescue operations

Table 1.2 : Comparison of Ahmedabad and Nagpur Development Plan


▪ Itdp.org
▪ https://hcp.co.in/urbanism/auda-development-plan-2021/
▪ URDPFI Guidelines
▪ NITI Aayog report
▪ World Resource Report- case study
▪ World Bank Report
▪ http://www.urbanmobilityindia.in/Upload/Conference/76aaec0d-d30c-4d16-9331-
▪ https://www.nmcnagpur.gov.in/assets/250/2018/10/mediafiles/Final_CDP_Nagpur_-

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