Reproductive Technologies
Reproductive Technologies
Reproductive Technologies
Reproductive Technologies in
Farm Animals
Ian Gordon
Professor Emeritus
Department of Animal Science and Production
University College Dublin
CABI Publishing
©I.R. Gordon 2004. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be
reproduced in any form or by any means, electronically, mechanically,
by photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission
of the copyright owners.
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library, London, UK.
Gordon, Ian R.
Reproductive Technologies in Farm Animals / Ian R. Gordon.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references (p. ).
ISBN 0-85199-862-3 (alk. paper)
1. Livestock--Reproduction. 2. Livestock--Breeding. I. Title.
SF871.G67 2005
Preface xii
Acknowledgements xiv
1 Introduction 1
1.1. The Changing Agricultural Scene 1
1.1.1. Species under consideration 2
1.1.2. Consumer, social and ethical issues 7
1.1.3. Human health considerations 8
1.1.4. Organic livestock farming 9
1.2. Animal Welfare Considerations 11
1.2.1. Education and training 11
1.2.2. Grazing and non-grazing animals 12
1.2.3. Biological measures of animal welfare 13
1.2.4. Animal welfare and the consumer 14
1.2.5. Modification of management practices 14
1.2.6. Altering animal temperament 15
1.2.7. Stress and slaughter 15
1.3. Current Application of Reproductive Technologies 16
1.3.1. General considerations 16
1.3.2. Dairy and beef cattle 17
1.3.3. Sheep and goats 18
1.3.4. Pigs 21
1.3.5. Horses 23
1.3.6. Buffaloes and yaks 24
1.3.7. Camelids 26
1.3.8. Deer 27
1.3.9. Poultry 28
1.4. Factors Affecting Male Fertility 28
1.4.1. Sperm production 29
1.4.2. Physiological and endocrinological factors 30
1.4.3. Genetic and environmental factors 32
1.4.4. Tests for predicting breeding potential of males 32
1.5. Factors Affecting Female Fertility 33
1.5.1. Embryo mortality 33
vi Contents
2 Artificial Insemination 49
2.1. Advantages of Artificial Insemination 51
2.1.1. Cattle and buffaloes 51
2.1.2. Sheep and goats 53
2.1.3. Pigs 55
2.1.4. Horses 56
2.1.5. Poultry 58
2.1.6. Deer and camelids 59
2.2. Growth and Development of AI Technology 60
2.2.1. Natural matings 60
2.2.2. Collection and processing of semen 62
2.2.3. Storage and cryopreservation of semen 66
2.2.4. Insemination procedures 70
2.2.5. Do-it-yourself insemination (DIY-AI) 74
2.2.6. Measuring effectiveness of AI 75
2.3. Semen-sexing Technology 75
2.3.1. Factors influencing the sex ratio 76
2.3.2. Sorting technology 77
2.3.3. Advantages of sex control 78
2.3.4. Problems and prospects in semen sexing 79
2.4. Future Developments in AI Technology 79
2.4.1. Sperm survival at ambient temperature 79
2.4.2. Sperm encapsulation 80
2.4.3. Cryopreservation and freeze-drying of sperm 80
2.4.4. In vitro spermatogenesis 81
3 Embryo Transfer 82
3.1. Advantages of Embryo Transfer 82
3.1.1. Cattle and buffaloes 82
3.1.2. Sheep and goats 85
3.1.3. Pigs and horses 86
3.1.4. Deer and camelids 89
3.2. Growth and Development of Embryo Transfer Technology 89
3.2.1. Historical 89
3.2.2. Superovulation techniques 90
3.2.3. Embryo recovery and evaluation 95
3.2.4. In vitro culture and cryopreservation of embryos 98
3.2.5. Donor–recipient synchrony 102
3.2.6. Non-surgical embryo transfer procedures 103
3.2.7. Selection and management of recipients 103
Contents vii
viii Contents
Contents ix
x Contents
Contents xi
Bibliography 298
Appendix A 317
Appendix B 319
Index 320
In the past half-century, great progress has been made in the reproductive management of
farm animals, both mammals and birds. The present text aims to provide information on
developments that have occurred over the years and to indicate areas in which reproduc-
tive technologies may usefully be employed, whether in commerce or research. Of the
countless thousands of scientific publications dealing with reproductive technologies,
only a small number are provided in the main text (essentially confined to reports appear-
ing in the years 2000–2004). Tables dealing with landmark events in the development of
the various technologies and pointing to those associated with them are provided in the
various chapters. Those who wish to delve deeper into the subject matter can consult
various of the texts mentioned in Appendix A. For a look at work at the research level and
to find most of the papers dealt with in the text, Appendix B contains a list of journals that
can be found in a good university library.
In the context of reproductive technologies emerging since the Second World War,
the 1940s and 1950s saw the widespread establishment of artificial insemination and the
introduction of frozen semen in cattle breeding; the end of the century saw the first moves to
commercialize semen sexing technology. In the early 1960s, as well as being an ingredient
in the human contraceptive pill, progestogens were shown to be highly effective when
administered by the intravaginal route, leading to commercially acceptable techniques for
the control of the oestrous cycle and breeding season in sheep and goats. In the late 1960s
came a revolution in the measurement of hormones in body fluids with the introduction of
the exquisitely sensitive radioimmunoassay (RIA) techniques, which provided a new
approach to early pregnancy diagnosis; emerging around the same time were early forms of
ultrasonics, which could also be employed in the detection of pregnancy.
The 1970s were to see embryo transfer and the freezing of embryos in cattle becoming
commercial realities and their incorporation into increasingly effective breeding improve-
ment programmes. With the availability of prostaglandins (PGs) and gonadotrophin-
releasing hormone (GnRH), that decade also witnessed new possibilities for oestrus control
in cattle and horses.The first steps towards mammalian cloning were taken in the mid-1980s
and a few years later came the ability to produce cattle embryos in the laboratory in large
numbers and at low cost. The 1990s were to witness the dramatic emergence of somatic
cell cloning with the birth of Dolly the sheep, opening the way to new possibilities for the
production of transgenic farm animals. It is perhaps worthy of a mention that there is an
Irish connection, talking about recombinant DNA technology and its application in the
production of transgenic animals. Dublin was where Erwin Schrodinger spent the years of
the Second World War and wrote his seminal work What is Life?, which was published in
Preface xiii
1944 and influenced the thinking of so many, including Watson and Crick, who, within a
decade, were to lay the foundations of the revolutionary science of molecular biology.
The technologies that enable farmers to improve the biological efficiency of their
livestock can also be valuable in other ways; farm animals are likely to play an important role
in the production of high-value pharmaceutical proteins or, at some stage in the future, to
be a source of organs and tissues for use in humans. Quite apart from the possible application
of reproductive technologies in livestock production, saving endangered species and
biomedicine, for those interested in a career in animal science or reproductive biology a
knowledge of options available for the control and manipulation of reproduction may be of
interest. In the matter of applying certain forms of technology, it should be noted that current
and potential use of reproductive technologies in commercial practice is likely to vary
according to the requirements of the regulatory authorities in different countries. What is
permissible in North America may not be acceptable in a European Union (EU) country.
Restriction on the use of certain techniques in assisted human reproduction is far from
uncommon. In some EU countries, clinicians are unable to freeze or store fertilized eggs
for use in in vitro fertilization nor are they able to test embryos for genetic diseases before
transfer. It is not unexpected that similar restrictions apply to some of the reproductive
technologies in the farm-animal world.
It should be emphasized that the provision of optimal nutritional management,
maximizing animal comfort, minimizing stress and maintaining good animal health are all
prerequisites for the successful application of reproductive technologies. As the ways in
which farm animals are used become technically more complex, clearly the skills required
by those working with them must be updated. Professionals need to have an extensive
knowledge of animal science and the issues associated with animal care and welfare to
ensure that emerging forms of reproductive technology are appropriately integrated into
livestock production systems in a way that has the support of those who work in agriculture
and society at large. It is certain that the demand for livestock products will greatly increase
in the years ahead; the urgent need to sustain reliable food supplies at reasonable cost makes
it important that the livestock industry is always serviced by a highly motivated and
scientifically competent workforce.
The author wishes to express grateful thanks to the authors and publishers who have given
permission to reproduce illustrations and tables from books and original articles. Sincere
thanks is due to the staff of CAB International for their excellent help in the preparation of
the book.
The author is also most appreciative of the office and other facilities provided by
University College Dublin at their Lyons Research Farm and to the staff of the Department of
Animal Science and Production for their help on numerous occasions.
1.1. The Changing Agricultural Scene many countries around the world have
moved forward with genetically modified
The present era is one of increasing public (GM) foods, use of bovine somatotrophin
concern about food quality, animal welfare (BST) in dairy cattle and hormonal growth
and environmental protection; food is no promoters, all of which are capable of mak-
longer dissociated from its production sys- ing valuable contributions to food produc-
tem. Many see the need to question current tion, the EU chooses a different path; there
food production and handling practices are those who see the current opposition to
all the way through ‘from plough to plate’. GM foods as being little different from the
The emphasis of agricultural research is illogical opposition to growth promoters. In
likely to shift increasingly from greater Ireland, there are those who point to the
production efficiency to making farming decline in the efficiency of beef production
more sustainable, not only in terms of the in the country over the past 15 years and
environment but socially and ethically. note that the first direct attack on that effi-
The problems faced by the farming ciency came with the banning of growth
industry as it strives to deal with increasing hormones in the late 1980s, which was to
concerns about the environment and other have a real and measurable effect.
affairs on the land are likely to be all Considerable research effort in the USA
the greater because of the existing level of and elsewhere was devoted to the develop-
scientific literacy and the public’s natural ment and testing of growth hormone prepa-
mistrust of many new technologies, which rations that may have applications in farm
appears to be much greater on this side of animals, particularly dairy cattle. Although
the Atlantic than in the Americas. Part BST has been employed to increase the yield
of the problem stemmed from the bovine of milking cows in various countries, princi-
spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) disaster. pally the USA, there are other areas where it
Three years ago (2001) there was a European may have a useful part to play. It may, for
Union (EU) surplus of 1 million tonnes of example, be used to promote growth in the
beef, which is only now being transformed suckling young in species such as sheep and
into a deficit due to recovery in consumer goats. For a variety of reasons, however, not
demand and a decline in beef production. the least being current ethical and consumer
Apart from the immense cost, the prob- concerns, hormones in the EU are used
lem of BSE was to leave a legacy of mistrust much more in the control of reproductive
among the consumers of the EU, which has diseases rather than in increasing the effi-
implications for the uptake of many new ciency of lactation, growth and reproduc-
technologies in European countries. While tion. Already, in some European countries,
©I.R. Gordon 2004. Reproductive Technologies in Farm Animals
(I.R. Gordon) 1
2 Chapter 1
restrictions have been placed on the use The main EU dairy production systems
of hormonal techniques in dairy cattle aim at high output of milk throughout the
fertility management. In Sweden, for year and the primary objective of dairy farm-
example, oestrus synchronization as an aid ers in most countries is to have cows produc-
to artificial insemination (AI) ceased after a ing a calf every 12 months without any par-
decision by a farmers’ association in 1996; ticular calving pattern. If the cow does not
this was based on the fear of consumer reac- show regular oestrous cycles, become preg-
tions which stemmed from ethical concerns nant at the appropriate time and deliver a
arising from the replacement of management live, healthy calf each year, then her other
with hormones. excellent qualities may be of little avail.
Table 1.1. Dairy cattle in the European Union (pre-2004). Number of dairy cows, average herd size,
the proportion (%) of dairy farms with more than 50 cows and average annual milk yield in countries of
the European Union.
Introduction 3
valuable improvements can come from breeds and zebu bulls tend to be less
the appropriate application of reproductive sexually active than taurine bulls (Yates
technologies to improve cow fertility. et al., 2003). Success in the application of
reproductive technologies in zebu cattle is
Zebu cattle and buffaloes more limited than in their European coun-
terparts; part of the explanation lies in the
The majority of the world’s zebu cattle (Bos fact that taurine cattle have been studied
indicus) and buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) much more intensively over the years.
live in regions between the Tropics of A major work published a quarter-
Cancer and Capricorn, where nutrition, century ago reviewed the information
thermal balance, milk yield and repro- relating to the water buffalo (B. bubalis);
duction are likely to be severely affected the writings of Ross Cockrill in the 1970s
by high temperature and relative humidity. stimulated much interest in the species as
European cattle (Bos taurus) were intro- a producer of animal protein for human
duced to the Tropics in the mid-1800s consumption. Since the early 1970s, there
in an effort to increase the comparatively have been several world buffalo conferences
low levels of milk production in indigenous at which numerous papers have been pre-
cattle; taurine cows, however, may not offer sented, dealing with all aspects of buffalo
a viable option for milk production in production. Globally, the world’s domesti-
tropical countries because of their poor cated buffalo population is classified, some-
survival rates. Zebu cattle are adapted to the what arbitrarily, into three types: swamp,
tropical areas and generally possess a larger river and Mediterranean. Domesticated
skin area and more numerous sweat glands swamp and river buffaloes are believed
to facilitate heat loss. They are also hardier to have evolved from an ancestral swamp-
and show greater resistance to the ectopara- like animal, the two types diverging many
sites found in tropical areas; with their long years ago in South-east Asia and spreading
legs and hard hooves, they are generally north to China and west to the Indian
better fitted than taurine cattle as grazers of subcontinent.
rough terrain (Fig. 1.1). Although India has less than 3% of the
Looking at bulls, beef breeds are usually world’s total land area, it supports 55% of
held to be less sexually active than dairy the world’s buffaloes; in that country cattle
4 Chapter 1
and buffalo husbandry is a multipurpose produce smaller lamb crops than the farmer
system in which these animals are used might wish was to make the sheep a rather
mainly for milk, draught and manure. obvious target for the reproductive physiolo-
Worldwide, there is a growing awareness of gist’s attention. It is now possible to control
the importance of the water buffalo, which seasonal breeding activity in sheep and
has an estimated population of more than goats, and to some extent in deer, by way
150 million and plays a prominent part in of hormones (steroids and gonadotrophins)
rural livestock production, particularly in and by the much fuller understanding of the
the countries of Asia. The productivity of the reproductive processes in these animals.
species clearly has a considerable bearing on Some draw attention to the fact that
the agricultural output in such regions. Ever- the European sheep industry is facing major
increasing demand for milk and meat from challenges due to the changing nature of the
buffaloes has led to breeding programmes retail market for lamb meat; one way of meet-
involving advanced reproductive technolo- ing this challenge may lie in manipulating
gies, but progress in this area has proved the timing of supplies of lamb meat to the
much slower and more difficult than in market. Manipulation of supply is likely to
cattle. involve changes in the timing and spread of
lambings, breed choice, nutritional regimes,
Sheep, goats and deer optimization of the growth potential of
lambs by controlling parasitism and the use
Although the major emphasis in the of new meat storage technologies. There are
development of reproductive technologies many ways in which reproduction control in
has been on cattle, particularly dairy cattle, this species could have particular merit.
technologies such as AI and embryo trans- Goats are believed to be among the
fer (ET) have also played a part in improv- first ruminants to be domesticated; archaeo-
ing the biological and economic efficiency logical evidence suggests a long association
of sheep and goats. In vitro embryo produc- between humans and goats, stretching back
tion in small ruminants may also provide a some 10,000 years. They are valued for milk
low-cost source of embryos for research and and meat production as well as for providing
for commercial applications in the emerg- the important fibres mohair and cashmere;
ing fields of cloning and the production of 40% of the world’s production of cashmere
transgenic animals. One report in the late is in China, where transhumance (seasonal
1990s presented an overview of the sheep movement of stock to a different region) is a
and goat industry worldwide. At that time, regular feature of the extensive management
sheep (1096 million) and goat production system employed. Farmers recognize that
(677 million) were the second and fourth goats can look after themselves much better
largest livestock groups, respectively. In than some other forms of farm livestock;
industrialized countries, sheep farming is they can thrive in a variety of climates,
more important (40%) than goat production ranging from extremes of tropical rainforests
(4.6%), although during the past two to dry deserts, where sheep cannot exist (see
decades the number of sheep has decreased Fig. 1.2).
at world level. In general, in terms of meat, The deer is a recently domesticated
milk and fibre, production of small rumi- farm animal, with the production of veni-
nants has grown substantially in develop- son, with its low fat content, being one of its
ing countries but has either stagnated or great virtues. Comparative data on carcass
declined in industrialized countries. composition for red deer, cattle and sheep
For 70 years, research workers around have shown lean meat percentages of 75.3%,
the world have been examining the possibil- 65.8% and 57.6%, respectively. Some coun-
ity of employing hormones in the control of tries use their deer for other purposes; in
oestrus and ovulation in sheep; the fact that China, for example, deer are farmed almost
most ewes in the agriculturally productive entirely for the production of antler for
countries are seasonal breeders and often medicinal use; velvet production is also
Introduction 5
important in other Asian countries. Modern when dealing with deer on the farm. Since
deer management practices have only been 1990, when deer farming became established
developed in recent decades; within a rela- in the Republic of Ireland, reports from that
tively short time frame, deer have been country showed the isolation of myco-
tamed but have undergone only limited bacteria from tuberculous lesions detected
genetic selection for improved productivity post-mortem in deer slaughtered in abattoirs
and domesticity. Deer, in fact, on average are in the 1990s; human health implications
only three to four generations removed from require that Mycobacterium bovis infection
their wild progenitors; they are essentially in deer is strictly controlled and where
wild animals habituated to the farm possible eradicated. As shown later in this
environment. The behaviour of deer can be chapter, there are ways in which reproduc-
in marked contrast to that of other ungulates tion control may be usefully employed in
such as sheep, goats and cattle, which this species.
have undergone profound physiological,
morphological and behavioural changes as Pigs and poultry
a result of thousands of years of artificial
selection for domesticity, to such a degree During the past half-century, genetic selec-
that they often bear little resemblance to tion has had a major impact on livestock
their wild progenitors. Clearly, the deer production, with the pig and poultry indus-
farming industry faces challenges which tries at the forefront in applying genetic
may be rather different from those encoun- theory and nutritional wisdom towards
tered with the traditional farm species. In improving their productivity. Some predict
terms of reproductive physiology, the deer is that the growth in demand for food will be
of interest in losing few of its embryos dur- greatest over the next 20 years in pig and
ing pregnancy, in contrast to conventional poultry products (Kabanov, 2002). There
farm animals, such as the cow, which may are firm biological foundations for encour-
lose 30% or more of its embryos. aging pig production; pigs can supply meat
As well as welfare aspects, disease and more rapidly and economically than most
human health must also be kept in mind other farm animals. For horses, cattle, sheep
6 Chapter 1
and pigs, growth from birth to adulthood such as the Thoroughbred Association and
can see animal body weight increasing 10-, Jockey Club forbid intensive genetic selec-
14-, 10- and 208-fold, respectively. Of the tion made possible by AI and ET, others
farm-animal species, pigs have the potential (e.g. the American Quarter Horse Associa-
to make a unique and valuable contribution tion and the United States Polo Associa-
in certain areas of human medicine. Good tion) welcome assisted reproduction as a
use has been made of miniature pigs in bio- means of improving the genetic quality of
medical research, for example, especially their animals.
in producing transgenic animals for use in
human disease models. Old and New World camelids
As in pigs, artificial selection of domes-
tic poultry over the years has led to the It is believed that camels originated in
evolution of biological types differing con- North America, with some members of
siderably in their physiology and from their the family travelling north across the Bering
wild prototypes; in the UK and Ireland, 95% Straits to give rise to the Old World camels
of the income from domestic poultry comes (Bactrian and dromedary) and others mov-
from chickens and turkeys, and repro- ing south into South America and giving
ductive techniques such as AI are of con- rise to the smaller New World camelids
siderable importance in certain production (llama, alpaca, guanaco and vicuña). In the
systems. UK and Ireland, there is a growing popula-
tion of New World camels, which are cur-
Horses and camelids rently kept as pets, as producers of fine fibre
and as pack-animals for mountain-trekking
Research is conducted in many countries holidays. In South America, researchers
on a wide range of problems relevant to the have given increasing attention to assisted
horse industry, including growth, racing reproduction techniques, such as ET.
performance, nutrition, housing, physiol- Traditional and modern classification
ogy, health, training, behaviour and repro- systems for dromedary camels in Africa,
duction. One author, commenting on the Asia and India have been described in
vitality of the horse industry in France, a recent report. Traditional systems have
particularly in the field of equestrian com- classified camels according to their purpose
petitions and leisure activities, suggested (riding or pack-animals) or location (low-
that there will be an increasing demand land or mountain) and descriptions are
for more sophisticated knowledge of horse given for each category. In more recent
genetics and techniques by which it is times, attempts have been made to catego-
possible to read the genome (Sellier, 2002). rize camels into types comparable to those
In terms of breeding improvement in race- applied to cattle (e.g. meat, dairy, dual-
horses, as reflected by their performance in purpose and racing types) but there appears
races, it is said that little progress has been to be no real justification for this at present.
made over the years, presumably a reflec- As a result of their nomadic way of life, there
tion of the selection methods employed. has been little differentiation of dromedaries
Although there is ample scope for the into specialized types; they remain multi-
application of assisted reproduction tech- purpose animals in most regions, with
nologies in the horse world, all changes, females being used primarily as milk pro-
whether in breeding or technology, have to ducers and males for transport or draught,
take account of long-standing national and both sexes providing meat as a secondary
international regulations relating to these product. According to one report, the global
animals. In horse affairs, views are often base on domestic livestock breeds held by
sharply divided between those engaged in the Food and Agriculture Organization
the wide range of sports and leisure activi- (FAO) has information on fewer than
ties and those dealing with Thoroughbreds 50 dromedary breeds, of which one is
and racehorses. While breed associations considered to be in danger of extinction.
Introduction 7
8 Chapter 1
Introduction 9
environmental oestrogenic chemical (OP) animals. The same principle would also
would inhibit fetal follicle-stimulating hold good for all GM farm-animal species.
hormone (FSH) secretion; this provided one Few would disagree with the ‘five animal
explanation of how such chemicals may freedoms’ proposed by the Welfare Council
adversely affect adult reproductive poten- some years ago (Table 1.3).
tial. In Ireland, other workers concluded
that maternal exposure to OP selectively
inhibited FSH synthesis, with a subsequent 1.1.4. Organic livestock farming
decrease in testis size and number of Sertoli
cells in the newborn lamb. Irish studies also There has been considerable growth in
found that exposure to OP in utero and in the number of organic farms, including
postnatal life may influence the onset of those dealing with livestock, in the EU over
puberty and duration of the breeding season the past decade (Younie, 2001; Hovi et al.,
in ewes (Wright et al., 2002). 2003; Vaarst et al., 2003); reports dealing
with organic farming systems come from
Cloning and food products countries near and far. In China, for exam-
ple, where the organic movement started as
Several commercial concerns, mainly in recently as 1990, optimistic noises about its
the USA, are currently developing strains future are to be heard (Biao and Xiaorong,
of cattle by the use of somatic-cell nuclear 2003). Although the early days of organic
transfer (see Chapter 12); there is an obvi- farming saw attention concentrated on crop
ous need to ensure that any food product production, animals now feature promi-
derived from such cattle (e.g. meat, milk, nently and an appropriate set of rules to
milk products) does not raise questions of guide producers has been drawn up; since
public concern when it is marketed. In the July 1999 (Boelling et al., 2003), EU organic
USA, the Food and Drug Administration livestock producers have been expected to
(FDA) has considered the various steps nec- follow regulations laid down by legislators
essary in ensuring that the production of in Brussels. Organic livestock farming has
cloned animals is monitored and appropri- set itself the goal of establishing environ-
ately regulated. Cloning is also likely to be a mentally friendly production, sustaining
crucial step in the production of GM animal animals in good health, observing high
products; mention of genetic modification animal welfare standards and producing
of animals in many countries is guaranteed products of high quality (Stocker, 2001;
to raise public concerns about food safety. Sundrum, 2001; Zhu and Ji, 2002; Benoit
The thought of GM animal products is and Veysset, 2003) – all noble aims.
likely to generate the same reaction in the No one can argue with the efforts of
EU as that currently directed towards GM organic farmers to secure a niche market;
crops. It is essential to have in place appro- where many would part company is
priate regulations that meet the approval of with their contention that conventional
consumer groups long before any attempt is
made to market products from cloned ani-
mals. It is not only a matter of regulations Table 1.3. The five animal freedoms.
but the need to have appropriately trained 1. Freedom from starvation or malnutrition
personnel to service the needs of cloned 2. Freedom from thermal or physical discomfort
animals. In 1998, the UK’s Farm Animal 3. Freedom from pain, injury or disease
Welfare Council produced a report high- 4. Freedom from fear or distress
lighting the need for the appropriate 5. Freedom to express most normal, socially
training of scientists who are capable of acceptable behavioural patterns
assessing and attending to the needs of farm And suggested additions:
animals produced by cloning; such special 6. Freedom from stress or suffering when
needs may simply be a consequence of the transported
7. Freedom to die humanely
greater performance achieved by the cloned
10 Chapter 1
Introduction 11
12 Chapter 1
Introduction 13
animal welfare in grazing animals. Animal behaviour, disease incidence and severity,
management systems in that country have many physiological indicators, life expec-
laid emphasis on reduced human inter- tancy and reproductive rate. Physiological
vention; ‘easy-care’ sheep refer to animals indicators include measures of immune
that are able to successfully lamb and rear status, stress hormones and homeostasis
a lamb without human assistance in a mechanisms.
difficult environment. Developing such
‘ethically improved sheep’ from polled Psychological stress in goats
sheep with a short tail that are devoid of
wool on head, legs, belly and breech means An unusual response to stress may be
that such animals require less handling found in goats, where it has been shown
than conventional sheep; they are thought to prevent or terminate cyclical activity in
to have a higher survival rate and lower females raised under extensive conditions;
lamb mortality and to require less shep- such stress would be best described as psy-
herding at lambing than other sheep breeds chological, rather than stress arising from
or strains. ‘Easy-care’ sheep systems are diet, disease or climate. There are instances
more in keeping with the biology of the ani- in the USA which show that does, raised
mal in an extensive environment, avoiding under range conditions, when moved to
problems at lambing time in difficult terrain unfamiliar surroundings ceased to show
and reducing the need for skilled labour cyclical breeding activity, even though
(Fisher, 2003). On the marketing front, there they were in the accepted breeding season.
may also be the thought that such develop- Those with goats should be aware of the
ments could help in pre-empting possible potential for stress-induced interference
bans or trade barriers based on current with reproduction in this species.
sheep husbandry practices in New Zealand.
International standardization of measures
A pig’s life
Although there are several ways of measur-
That modern production methods may ing animal welfare in a scientific manner,
often have a negative impact on the pig is it is important that it should be measured
well recognized. Before domestication, the on a scale that is recognized internationally,
pregnant sow lived in a matriarchal group not just in the EU or the UK. Such standard-
and built a nest to protect its young; a firm ization could be useful in assisting the
bond was established between sow and consumer in seeking products from animals
piglets and suckling continued for at least kept under the welfare requirements of
10–12 weeks. The sow’s life nowadays their country of origin. In many studies of
is rather different, and does not usually per- farm-animal welfare, workers have sought
mit nest-building activities; in most cases, a biologically meaningful index of stress
the piglets are weaned at 4 weeks. However, and have taken the activation of the hypo-
in modern husbandry, it is important that thalamic–pituitary axis for this purpose.
the welfare of animals is respected and This activation may be inferred from a
efforts are made to minimize anxiety- rise in cortisol concentration, which may
producing situations and to allow expres- be detected in body fluids, including blood
sion of normal behaviour as far as possible plasma and saliva. Changes in other physio-
(see Orgeur et al., 2002). logical variables may be causally linked
in some way with elevation of cortisol con-
centration; there are, for example, studies
in pigs suggesting that vasopressin may be
1.2.3. Biological measures of animal welfare secreted as a response to vehicular motion
as perceived during road transport.
There are several biological measures that Various workers have demonstrated
relate to an animal’s welfare; these include that stress-induced cortisol secretion can
14 Chapter 1
Introduction 15
The author emphasizes the need for consumer groups, it is essential that
research to identify the full range of stock- producers seriously consider all animal
persons interactions that have implications welfare aspects. Modification of manage-
for farm animals. According to Rushen ment practices to reduce stress in farm
(2003), the concepts of animal welfare used animals is one way to improve animal
by researchers are often too limited and do welfare. A second option may be to improve
not address many of the issues of concern the temperament of farm animals to reduce
to the public; too much reliance has the amount of stress they experience during
been placed on physiological, immune and routine handling procedures – if such
behavioural measures of welfare that have improvement can be readily achieved
not been adequately validated. There has without reducing productivity. This may be
also been too much emphasis upon the type achieved genetically (e.g. through selection
of housing used and less attention to other of breeding stock for good temperament) or
important sources of variability in animal non-genetically (e.g. by modifying animal
welfare, especially the quality of stockman- behaviour by way of training programmes).
ship and nutritional needs. Animal welfare
considerations may also involve appropri-
ate contact between human and animal in 1.2.7. Stress and slaughter
the early period of the animal’s life. In goats,
for example, workers in the UK studied the Care of deer
effects of handling dairy goat replacements
in early life on their subsequent milking- There have been many studies examining
parlour behaviour; contact with humans in the effects of slaughter procedures on tradi-
the first 5 weeks of life resulted in animals tional farm animals, such as cattle, sheep
showing less fearful reactions when exposed and pigs, but relatively few studies on
to the novel experience of entering the farmed red deer. Being a relatively newly
milking parlour, being restrained by neck farmed species, deer may be particularly
yoking and being milked. sensitive to potentially stressful husbandry
practices; their handling immediately
Natural vs. artificial light before slaughter is potentially one of the
most stressful experiences. A report by the
In domestic poultry, it has been noted UK Farm Animal Welfare Council proposed
that the visual system of birds evolved in in the mid-1990s that deer should be rested
natural light environments, which differ for 1 h in lairage and for not more than 3 h.
in many respects from the artificial light in In New Zealand, where deer are farmed on a
poultry houses; a poor correlation between relatively large scale, there are dedicated
light provided and that required for effec- deer slaughterhouses. In the UK, on the
tive vision may influence visually mediated other hand, where deer may be shot in the
behaviours such as feeding and social inter- field and processed locally, there is a need
action, leading to distress and poor welfare. for more efficient and hygienic slaughter
Although some systems require artificial methods with adequate meat inspection
lighting for production purposes, Prescott facilities. The transport of deer to the
et al. (2003) have argued that it may be abattoir is a further important welfare con-
possible to rear birds more humanely in sideration; work in Scotland examined the
artificial environments that contain some effects of several factors on the behaviour of
features of natural light. farmed deer during loading. Further studies
by the same group led to the recommenda-
tion that deer should be stunned as soon as
1.2.6. Altering animal temperament possible after entering the restraining pen at
the abattoir; holding male deer overnight
As animal welfare considerations become before slaughter may lead to problems with
increasingly important, particularly among meat quality. The authors noted the need
16 Chapter 1
for further studies to devise handling population. In pigs and poultry, closed
systems which ease the movement of nucleus schemes are generally employed
deer within an abattoir from the point in which nucleus animals are kept on a
of unloading to the point of slaughter. small number of farms and only animals
from such a nucleus contribute to genetic
improvement of the nucleus population;
a typical breeding programme usually
1.3. Current Application of Reproductive
involves a number of sire and dam lines.
In general, the nucleus breeding stock of
such lines is centrally owned by breeding
New reproductive technologies present
companies, which make crossbred breeding
farmers with many opportunities; such
stock available to the commercial producers.
technologies include sperm sexing, oestrus
In constrast to breeding programmes in dairy
control, multiple ovulation and embryo
cattle, nucleus breeding stock in pigs and
transfer (MOET), in vitro production (IVP)
poultry are not used for commercial produc-
of embryos, cloning and cloning for the
tion. Crossbreeding in pigs and poultry is the
production of GM animals (Faber et al.,
rule due to the high reproductive rate and
2003). Such developments follow on from
quick turnover in generations in such spe-
a long line of events, some of which are
cies, and breeding companies are able to pro-
detailed in Table 1.5.
tect their ownership of high-value genetic
material by only selling crossbred animals
to commercial producers. In cattle, particu-
1.3.1. General considerations larly dairy animals, crossbreeding seldom
occurs and élite female breeding stock are
Many of the current reproductive technolo- usually owned by the commercial producer.
gies are concerned with animal breeding The current commercial application of
programmes; most of these are concerned reproductive technologies varies in different
with the selection of animals based on an countries. In New Zealand, for example,
evaluation of their genetic quality and the embryo-based reproductive technologies are
dissemination of the superior genetic mate- usually not profitable other than in niche
rial from the nucleus to the commercial market situations where the returns from the
population. Genetic gain is generated in resulting offspring are likely to be markedly
a small fraction of the population (the greater than those achieved by way of natu-
nucleus herd), and these animals are ral matings or AI. Some authors contend that
made available to the wider commercial profitability can only be expected if the cost
Introduction 17
18 Chapter 1
Introduction 19
20 Chapter 1
dealt with in one recent report; the same engaged in serious dairying, the extent of the
work also discussed genetic trends in breeding season is a matter of some impor-
growth, body weight and carcass composi- tance, since it may be difficult to arrange
tion in the UK. It is believed that substantial matings in milking goats so that a herd will
responses to selection are achievable and the give a uniform yield of milk all the year
techniques have been employed in sheep round. Although there has been consider-
breeding programmes in several countries; able research activity over recent years
in Scotland, after 9 years of selection, towards developing embryo production and
Suffolk ram lambs were 6 kg heavier, with ET technology in sheep and goats, AI is
more muscle and less fat than their con- the only reproductive technology which is
trol-line contemporaries at 150 days of age. applied on any scale in countries where
However, it appears there are much weaker sheep and goat breeding has an important
genetic links between sheep flocks in most impact on the economy.
countries than those between cattle herds, According to some workers discussing
because of the low use of AI in sheep. New biotechnological advances in goat reproduc-
Zealand workers note that selection within tion, developments in AI technology have
sheep breeds and crossbreeding using termi- enabled goat sperm to be stored successfully
nal sires often pay attention to total meat for several years before being used in cervi-
output rather than quality; they suggest that cal or laparoscopic AI (Fig. 1.5). Laparo-
about half the selection pressure on males scopic recovery of goat embryos to reduce
should be devoted to decreasing carcass adhesions resulting from repeated surgical
fat content in order to meet present-day interventions is seen to have considerable
consumer demands. potential in improving embryo production
AI used in conjunction with accurate for direct transfer or transfer after cryo-
progeny testing schemes could be one means preservation. The authors suggest that the
of substantially increasing the rate of genetic diversified commercial value of goats and
progress in sheep. Unfortunately, AI in sheep their convenient size make it easy to apply
has not been widely adopted, due to the poor new technology for rapid genetic improve-
fertility which can often follow intracervical ment. The domestic goat is also seen to be
insemination, particularly with frozen– important in developments in the biotech-
thawed semen. This is a problem which nology industry in the USA; according to
should be soluble, given the required effort one recent report, the production of recom-
and research. In the meantime, laparoscopic binant proteins in the milk of transgenic
intrauterine insemination for sheep has goats and other animals appeared to have
played an important role in the imple- an economic potential far beyond what
mentation of national sire reference schemes researchers initially realized.
in the UK; this technology was developed The control of goat reproduction
at the same time as ultrasonic scanning for involves the processing of semen, the induc-
in vitro assessment of carcass traits and tion of extraseasonal oestrus by manipula-
the use of best linear unbiased prediction tion of the daily photoperiod, the hormonal
(BLUP) for estimating genetic merit. synchronization of oestrus and the pro-
The goat is a seasonally polyoestrous duction, collection, freezing and transfer
animal with a breeding season in the UK of embryos. The use of new reproductive
and Ireland beginning about September technologies in goat reproduction in France,
and ending in the early months of the new as described in one recent review, covered
year. However, most of the world’s goats are topics such as the manipulation of light
located in tropical and subtropical regions regimes to increase semen production in
and may show little response to photo- bucks and prevent the occurrence of a rest-
period. Work conducted more than 60 years ing season. The same report dealt with the
ago showed that in goats, as in sheep, the implications of the identification of a bulbo-
primary environmental cue used to regulate urethral lipase in goat sperm for semen
reproduction is day length. For those preservation. Out-of-season breeding, the
Introduction 21
Boer goat
22 Chapter 1
Introduction 23
24 Chapter 1
Introduction 25
in river buffaloes and 310–330 days in currently, the buffalo contributes about 49%
swamp buffaloes. The same authors note of milk supplies in that country, with cattle
that, in terms of meat production, buffaloes contributing 48% and goats 3%. The buffalo
reach body weights of 400 kg at 2 years of is recognized as having high fertility and
age. being able to adapt better to heat stress than
In worldwide terms, there has been a cattle under the same conditions; for that
growing awareness of the importance of the reason, buffaloes are seen to have greater
water buffalo, which plays such a prominent potential as an animal protein source (meat
role in Asian rural livestock production and and milk) than cattle in tropical regions.
to a limited extent in Mediterranean coun- In many countries, buffaloes and cattle are
tries; factors affecting the productivity of managed in the same way. There are those,
the species have a considerable bearing on however, who point to the need for research
the agricultural output of such areas. The to provide procedures, such as ET, specifi-
buffalo has probably been neglected for cally suited to the buffalo. Pioneering efforts
far too long as a valuable source of animal by Martin Drost in Florida covered such top-
protein for human consumption in many ics as superovulation, ET, in vitro embryo
countries. The well-recognized restrictions production, embryo splitting, embryo
on reproductive efficiency in buffaloes sexing, cloning and gene transfer.
include: (i) inherent late maturity; (ii) poor The yak (Bos grunniens) is a remarkable
oestrus expression in summer; (iii) distinct example of a domestic animal, a herbivore
seasonal reproductive patterns; and (iv) a living in and around the Himalayas and, at
prolonged inter-calving interval. However, altitudes of 2500–5500 m, usually above the
growing demand for milk and meat has tree line and at temperatures rarely climbing
resulted in breeding programmes involving above zero; they provide food (meat and
AI, oestrus control, ET and in vitro embryo milk), transport, clothing and fuel where
production in this species (Fig. 1.9). many other animals would fail to survive.
The importance of the water buffalo A recent study was made in China of the
in a country such as India is well known; scientific papers published worldwide on
26 Chapter 1
all aspects of yak science from 1950 to 1995; five males high in the mountains and
a total of 1452 papers was counted. The rate descend to lower altitudes only to mate with
of publication increased rapidly from 0.6 per female yaks. In work at the Tibetan Yak
year in the 1950s to 99 per year in the early Research Centre, 50 wild male yaks were
1990s; 79% of papers were in Chinese, 15% tamed so that they could be easily handled;
in English and 4% in Russian. Many of the they responded to simple verbal commands
papers published in China are not readily and semen could be collected with relative
accessible to readers in other countries; the ease for producing frozen semen. The use of
authors draw attention to a book entitled reproductive technologies such as oestrus
World Yak Literature Index that has been synchronization and AI and of progesterone
produced with the aim of helping scientists assays for pregnancy diagnosis have been
to obtain information about this species. described in some reports. Areas of research
The length of the oestrous cycle in the in yaks in China highlighted by workers in
yak ranges from 18 to 21 days according to that country include: (i) hybridization of
an Indian report; the duration of oestrus yaks with cattle and other species; (ii) selec-
varies from 12 to 18 h. Behavioural signs of tion and crossbreeding to improve produc-
oestrus are similar to those observed in cat- tivity; (iii) AI using semen of Holstein cattle,
tle, with a clear viscous vaginal discharge, wild yaks and semi-wild yaks; and (iv)
vaginal swelling and reddening of the development of the yak industry by
vaginal mucosa. According to some reports, improvements in pasture quality, feeding,
oestrus is less obvious in the yak than in management, housing and the processing of
cattle and only about half the yaks in some yak products.
regions show oestrus in the breeding season.
Puberty occurs at 24–30 months of age and
first calving occurs at 4 years; the gestation
period is 255 days. 1.3.7. Camelids
A low reproduction rate limits yak
production and there is interest in methods The reproductive activity of camelids has
of improving reproductive efficiency in the several unique features and information on
species (Zi, 2003). Unlike the situation in oocyte physiology is limited, relative to
sheep, the physiology of seasonal breeding that for the traditional farm animals. Tech-
in the yak is poorly understood, but it niques that may be employed to improve
appears that season is determined more the reproductive performance of camels
by nutritional status and feeding levels include AI, oestrus control, pregnancy diag-
than by photoperiodic sensitivity of the nosis, ET and in vitro embryo production.
hypothalamic–pituitary axis. It is known Although, due to size differences, Old and
that shortage of available pasture during the New World camels are unable to mate natu-
cold season is the most important constraint rally, with modern reproductive technology
to reproductive efficiency and that food this need not be an insurmountable prob-
supplementation during the winter can lem. Already a viable hybrid (dromedary ×
improve fertility in the yak. Some amount guanaco) has been born at the Dubai Camel
of research has examined the induction of Reproduction Centre; at the same Centre,
oestrus in the post-partum yak, using a pregnancy has been established by way
gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) of a cryopreserved camel embryo. Recent
in combination with progesterone/ literature contains information on sexual
progestogen-releasing devices. behaviour, conception, pregnancy, parturi-
Methods used in ET in the yak follow tion and reproductive pathology of Bactrian
the lines of those developed in cattle. In and dromedary camels. The breeding sea-
AI programmes, yak bulls may have to be son occurs within the period from October
tamed for semen collection and processing. to May and varies from one region to
According to various reports, wild male yaks another. Puberty occurs at 3–4 years.
are ferocious; they live in groups of three to Ovulation is induced by copulation and the
Introduction 27
female is in sternal recumbency during that occurs in deer. Studies in New Zealand,
mating. The duration of pregnancy is for example, recorded a pregnancy rate to
370–406 days. The uterus has no caruncles first service generally greater than 90%. In
and resembles that of the mare. order to achieve a high pregnancy rate early
The development of techniques for in the mating season, it was recommended
assisted reproduction in camelids has been that farmers wean calves early, exclude
slow in comparison with that for farm spe- hinds which had failed to rear a calf to
cies. Some progress has been made in the weaning and hinds with a body score of 2.0
field of embryo freezing and ET in drome- or less, join hinds early with one or more
dary camels and in ET and oocyte recovery sire stags, use only experienced males for
in llamas and alpacas. Much of the work in mating, limit the hind : stag ratio, use at
assisted reproduction in camelids has been least one backup sire after the peak of
focused on AI and storage of semen. There mating, keep mating mobs away from
have also been attempts to hybridize Old disturbance and avoid shifting or handling
and New World camelids using assisted mating mobs. In a third paper, the same
reproduction techniques. The birth of a authors recommend the use of mating pad-
camel–llama hybrid, after numerous failed docks with limited gullies, hills and trees
attempts, prompted Jones et al. (2002) in the away from human disturbance; to increase
UK to investigate the glycosylation of appos- the probability of yearling hinds conceiving,
ing fetal and maternal tissues of pregnant the deer should be in moderate to low body
camels and alpacas; they found evidence condition and diet during mating should be
suggesting that interspecific differences in adjusted to ensure optimal growth rates.
glycans were factors that may account in In the USA, the captive breeding of
part for the difficulty in producing a viable wildlife, and in particular deer, is becoming
hybrid. big business (Long et al., 2003). Unlike
countries such as New Zealand, commercial
developments in the USA in deer centre on
shooting the animals for sport rather than
1.3.8. Deer on food production. The North American
Deer Farmers Association claims to repre-
In New Zealand there are currently some sent more than 75,000 deer, mainly in North
2.4 million deer farmed for venison and America and Mexico. As well as showing
velvet production on some 4500 properties; high fertility, deer live much longer than
many papers have been published on regular farm animals. In New Zealand,
factors influencing the reproductive perfor- studies have shown the percentage of
mance of farmed red deer (Cervus elaphus) red deer hinds weaning calves decreasing
in that country. There is also interest in the slowly from 90% at 6–7 years to 50% at 17
use of assisted reproduction to rescue years. Considering that dairy cattle are lucky
endangered members of the deer family, to see more than three calvings in a lifetime,
bearing in mind that the survival of more the deer is clearly on a different plane in its
than one-third of existing deer species may lifetime reproductive performance.
be threatened because of human activities. Comprehensive accounts of red deer
This growing interest in the preservation of reproduction and approaches for improving
various endangered species, which stretches the success of controlled breeding program-
all the way from the small Chinese water mes are available (Berg and Asher, 2003),
deer to the large North American wapiti, both for those in farming and for those who
has seen the development of ET and other believe that such animals provide an ideal
reproductive technologies suited to such model for the development of in vitro tech-
animals. nologies for endangered species conserva-
One interesting difference between the tion. Superovulation procedures are based
deer and the cow lies in the apparent mark- on those used in sheep and cattle and
edly lower incidence of embryo mortality embryo recovery is by surgical intervention;
28 Chapter 1
Introduction 29
Fig. 1.10. Formation of sperm and oocytes in farm mammals. Reduction division in the formation of sperm
and oocytes, showing how only one of each pair of chromosomes in the body cells of the farm animal pass
to the germ cells (after Hammond et al., 1983).
30 Chapter 1
Introduction 31
description Main action in the
Hormone of molecule Source of hormone Target tissues male
factors such as testosterone, inhibin, activins, the supporting Sertoli cells. Although much
growth factors, oxytocin and vasopressin. remains to be elucidated about the roles
It is known that secretion of the of gonadotrophins and androgens in the
gonadotrophins (LH and FSH) in males initiation, regulation and maintenance of
depends on the release of GnRH from the spermatogenesis in farm mammals, certain
hypothalamus into the hypophyseal portal facts are well established. It appears that
blood system; direct measurement of GnRH differentiation of A0 to A1 spermatogonia
and LH in males has shown that GnRH and is sensitive to LH, while multiplication
LH are secreted in a pulsatile manner, with a from intermediate to B2 spermatogonia, and
high degree of concordance between GnRH consequently the rate of sperm production,
and LH pulses. Although the synthesis of depends on FSH. Meiotic divisions and
FSH is clearly stimulated by GnRH, the spermiogenesis are maintained by testoster-
extent to which its secretion depends on one. FSH is believed to be a key determinant
GnRH pulses is less clear. of the rate of spermatogenesis and plays
Sperm production represents continu- an important role in determining testicular
ous proliferation and differentiation of germ size. It is known from various studies that, in
cells occurring in a delicate balance with the male animal, receptors for FSH are only
other testicular compartments, especially expressed on testicular Sertoli cells. FSH is
32 Chapter 1
Introduction 33
zona pellucida (ZP) penetration, supravital introduced on a large scale in the 1940s, the
and fluorescence staining of sperm and dairyman’s main problem remains low fer-
flow cytometry. Many reports have dealt tility in his cows. It has been shown, again
with the significance to bull fertility of talking about the USA, that the average dairy
morphologically abnormal sperm. cow may only live for about 5 years, produce
Using yearling bulls in beef production two calves and complete two lactations;
is an economic consideration in countries reproductive failure is held to be a major
such as the USA; such animals, when well reason for this short productive life.
grown, can be as reproductively efficient as
2-year-olds. Selecting beef bulls as yearlings
has become common in the USA because
yearlings not selected for breeding can be 1.5.1. Embryo mortality
slaughtered with little or no penalty for car-
cass quality. Many tests have been evaluated Even in normal healthy cows, some propor-
for predicting breeding potential of yearling tion of embryos (25% or more) which pass
beef bulls, but sperm morphology continues through the oviduct into the uterus fail
to be the most accurate single test available. to continue development, generally during
Current guidelines for the evaluation of the first 3 weeks of pregnancy (Fig. 1.12).
bulls recommend that at least 70% of ejacu- Embryonic mortality has long been recog-
lated sperm be morphologically normal; the nized as a major source of loss in breeding
most common reason for rejection is imma- cows and numerous studies have dealt with
turity, where the yearling ejaculates a high it. As described by various workers, the
proportion of sperm with proximal cytoplas- fertilization rate after the cow has been bred
mic droplets or midpiece defects. Results can be taken at about 90%, whereas the
of studies in Canada with beef bulls have average calving rate to a single service may
shown that increased dietary energy may be some way below 50%; much of this loss
affect scrotal or testicular thermoregulation is the result of embryonic mortality occur-
by reducing the amount of heat that can ring between 1 and 3 weeks after breeding.
be radiated from the scrotal neck, thereby From 3 weeks until 9 weeks into pregnancy,
increasing the temperature of the testes and a further 10–15% of embryos die. When
scrotum. embryo death occurs before days 16–17,
the cow can be expected to repeat after a
normal oestrous cycle interval (i.e. 18–24
days); when embryo mortality occurs after
1.5. Factors Affecting Female Fertility days 16–17, the cow ‘repeats’ at long and
irregular intervals. Between 7 weeks and
Fertility in female farm animals, as deter- full term, the incidence of fetal death is
mined by average per cycle pregnancy rates, usually taken as 5–8%.
varies from 50 to 80% among the various The incidence of embryo mortality
traditional farm species, with most of the in farm animals varies among the various
losses occurring after fertilization and prior species. The economic importance of cattle
to the third week of pregnancy. Such early in the livestock industry has focused most
losses are largely the result of defective attention on this species. The causes of
embryo development; it is known that embryo mortality in the cow can be divided
fertilization rates tend to approach 100%. into infectious and non-infectious catego-
Poor fertility costs the dairy industry ries. Specific uterine infections are caused
massive amounts of money each year, a large by viruses, bacteria and protozoa that enter
part of which is due to delayed pregnancy the uterus by way of the blood circulation
caused by early embryo loss. In the USA, it or via the vagina; non-specific pathogens
has been observed that, despite the virtual are mainly bacteria that enter the uterus
elimination of the specific infectious repro- by ascending infection. Uterine pathogens
ductive diseases prevalent when AI was may cause embryo mortality by altering the
34 Chapter 1
Introduction 35
36 Chapter 1
UK dairy herd, a fertility index has not yet management techniques for alleviating heat
been published in that country. The use of stress in all the farm animals and in buffa-
appropriate economic values for fertility in loes, camels and poultry; there are those
an overall index used in the dairy cattle who suggest that selection of animals for
industry would enable suitable emphasis increased tolerance to high temperatures
to be placed on fertility to optimize herd may be the best way forward in seeking
profitability. to improve productivity in hot climates.
In this context, genetic engineering may
Stress effects be able to make a useful contribution. The
adverse effects of heat stress on repro-
It is well established that stress in farm ani- duction in dairy cows have been well
mals reduces fertility, although the precise documented; they include a suppressed
mechanism by which stress affects fertility intensity of oestrus, a reduction in the
is not yet fully understood. It is believed strength of the preovulatory LH surge, a
that stressors activate the hypothalamic– decreased secretion of progesterone, altered
pituitary–adrenal axis, resulting in the follicular development, decreased embryo
release of adrenocorticotrophic hormone development and reduced fertility.
(ACTH), which then stimulates gluco- It is clear that heat stress has many
corticoid secretion from the adrenals. The effects on the reproductive axis; some are
release of ACTH and glucocorticoids inter- direct effects on the hypothalamus, the
feres with the release of gonadotrophins anterior pituitary gland, the uterus, the
through action on the hypothalamus and/or follicle and its oocyte and the embryo itself;
the pituitary. Some studies have investi- other effects are indirect, probably mediated
gated the potential influence of stress as by changes in the metabolic axis in response
a component of the ‘repeat breeding syn- to reduced dry-matter intake. According to
drome’ in cattle. The repeat breeding syn- De Rensis and Scaramuzzi (2003), there is
drome has been studied for some years in probably no single mechanism by which
Sweden and is regarded as a multifactorial heat stress reduces post-partum fertility
disorder. A survey of 57,616 dairy cows in in dairy cows; the problem is due to the
1541 randomly selected herds in Sweden accumulation of the effects of several factors
showed the overall incidence of repeat (Fig. 1.13).
breeding to be 10%. Workers there sug- Problems of heat stress in farm animals
gested from their data in that country that can be experienced over a wide geographical
sustained adrenal stimulation associated area, occurring in cows at air temperatures
with environment or social stress could be as low as 27°C. Summer infertility in
a factor in the syndrome, perhaps due to Holstein dairy cows is a well-recognized
higher than normal progesterone levels dur- phenomenon in Texas; workers in that state
ing oestrus, which adversely affected fertil- recorded that the marked seasonal decrease
ization. It is also possible that progesterone in Holstein fertility was less severe on farms
levels exceeding normal limits around the that provided shade in the lounging or
time of ovulation may lead to prolonged holding pen and dry cow areas and fans
growth of the preovulatory follicle and in lounging areas.
delayed ovulation, with consequent Heat stress decreases the intensity and
detrimental effects on fertility. duration of oestrus and is known to increase
the incidence of silent ovulations (ovulation
Heat stress unaccompanied by oestrous symptoms).
There is ample evidence showing that heat
Much work over the years has been devoted stress can alter concentrations of circulating
to improving the productivity of heat- reproductive hormones by increasing
stressed farm animals using different circulating concentrations of cortico-
techniques. Researchers have examined steroids. Heat stress also influences follicle
physical, physiological, nutritional and dynamics, the quality of follicles and their
Introduction 37
Fig. 1.13. Mechanisms involved in heat stress in the dairy cow (from De Rensis and Scaramuzzi, 2003).
38 Chapter 1
Introduction 39
40 Chapter 1
Diet and fertility evidence that such diets fed over the rearing
period improved early embryo mortality.
In dairy cattle, the more intensive pro- The nutritional influences on the hormonal
duction systems and associated higher control of reproduction in the female pig
milk yields generally involve a decreased were reviewed by Prunier and Quesnel
dependence on grass and an increase in the (2000); it was concluded that decreased
energy content of the diet; clearly, it is metabolic clearance of progesterone, result-
important to understand how the changing ing in increased plasma concentrations
composition of the dairy cow’s diet affects of this hormone, could be involved in
fertility. Some studies suggest that the the inhibition of gonadotrophin release and
polyunsaturated fatty acid content of reduction of the ovulation rate occurring in
the diet may influence ovarian and uterine feed-restricted cyclic gilts. A study reported
function. Other work suggests that the by Ferguson et al. (2003) suggested that a
spacing of feeds may influence fertility. It pre-mating nutritional regimen previously
is believed that high dry-matter intake asso- shown to improve embryo survival in
ciated with high milk production reduces Meishan gilts may have reproductive
progesterone levels by increased clearance benefits in European breeds as well; they
of progesterone by the liver; feeding cows showed that increased feed intake for 19
four times a day rather than once or twice days increased oocyte nuclear maturation
can help in maintaining high progesterone by increasing the percentage of oocytes
levels which may improve reproduction. reaching metaphase II and by changing
Well recognized in dairy cattle manage- follicular fluid composition. Such findings
ment is a marked drop in fertility when cows contribute to a growing body of evidence
first go out to grass in the spring. It is now that altered nutritional regimens before
known that the impact of spring turnout on mating can influence oocyte and follicle
fertility mainly affects ovulation, fertiliza- characteristics in pigs and in farm
tion and/or early embryonic development; ruminants.
there appear to be no adverse effects from Many studies have examined the
20 days of pregnancy onwards (Laven et al., influence of nutrition on reproductive effi-
2002). The practical implication of such ciency in sheep. In Aberdeen, researchers
information for farmers is to avoid breeding have shown that excess rumen-degradable
in the first 3 weeks after turnout. nitrogen in the diet of ewes increased urea
On a worldwide basis, there are several and ammonia levels in plasma and the
factors other than milk yield which may uterus, with an associated increase in
influence cow fertility. In Africa, for exam- embryo mortality. Other authors have
ple, cows have to deal with problems other produced evidence showing that maternal
than milk production. In Zimbabwe, where undernutrition may result in retarded
they are often used as draught animals, it is embryonic development at 8–11 days after
known that nutritional stress may be more mating and reduced pregnancy rates after
important in suppressing ovarian activity 2 weeks of pregnancy. Among reasons
than work stress and that dietary supple- advanced for such effects is variation
mentation can reduce the negative effects of in peripheral progesterone concentrations
draught on ovarian activity. due to nutrional effects; this may induce
asynchrony between embryo and uterus.
Pigs and sheep One recent study found that progesterone
concentrations in blood collected ipsilateral
In pigs, some studies have shown that to ovaries bearing a corpus luteum (CL) were
feeding diets high in fibre to breeding sows higher than those in contralateral samples;
can have a positive effect on reproductive it was concluded that undernutrition can
performance. Workers in Scotland, for reduce the endometrial content in the
example, found no increase in ovulation first week after mating and hence influence
rate in gilts fed high-fibre diets but did find embryo survival.
Introduction 41
42 Chapter 1
Introduction 43
particularly where nitrogenous fertilizer endogenous production and the fact that
has been applied. many of the treated cows may not require
Some experiments have examined the additional progesterone. Stimulating the
effect of feeding rumen-protected fatty acids production of progesterone by the CL may
to post-partum primiparous beef heifers, take various forms. Studies in England led
showing that this lipid feeding increased workers to conclude that melatonin can act
plasma levels of linoleic acid and PGF directly on the CL to increase progesterone
metabolite, but did not improve fertility production and that this action may be
in their subsequent breeding performance. related to the reported improved luteal
Elsewhere, however, there have been strong function late in the breeding season
indications that linoleic acid, a member after the prolonged exposure of ewes to
of the n-6 family of unsaturated fatty melatonin.
acids, a specific inhibitor of prostaglandin
synthetase, may be involved in the action GnRH treatment
of IFN in preventing luteolysis at the time of
maternal recognition of pregnancy. There Much interest in commercial dairy herds
are also fatty acids belonging to the n-3 has centred around the use of GnRH between
family, present in fish oil, which may days 11 and 13 after breeding, which has
help to explain some studies showing a 20% increased pregnancy rates in many trials. It
improvement in conception rates in cattle is believed that GnRH treatment suppresses
fed on diets containing fishmeal. There are follicular oestradiol-17b and PGF2a secre-
those who believe that there are many excit- tion, possibly representing a physiological
ing possibilities to be explored in nutritional mechanism for an indirect anti-luteolytic
management which may help to improve effect of GnRH. Studies in horses have also
dairy cow fertility. Less work has dealt with shown an increase in pregnancy rates after
nutritional influences that may improve the buserelin (GnRH) administration 8–11 days
quality of sperm in male farm animals. In after ovulation and AI, although there has
Scotland, Rooke et al. (2001) showed that been no evidence of secondary ovulations
feeding tuna oil increased the proportion or luteinization of follicles after GnRH
of boar sperm with progressive motility administration. Given during the luteal
and reduced the proportion of sperm with phase (day 10 after AI), Kanitz et al.
abnormal morphologies. (2003) recorded pregnancy rates of 48.4%
for GnRH-treated animals and 36.4% for
controls, the inseminations including
frozen–thawed as well as fresh semen and
1.6.2. Hormones to enhance fertility lactating as well as maiden mares.
In sheep, there is some evidence
Hormones play a vital part in the repro- suggesting that treatment with hCG or GnRH
ductive processes of the female (Table 1.7) on day 12 of pregnancy can improve embryo
and numerous attempts have been made to survival. In Wales, workers found that hCG
reduce the incidence of embryo mortality (200 iu) may improve embryo survival by
with exogenous hormones, including pro- stimulating luteal and embryonic growth,
gesterone, IFNs, GnRH and human chori- but there was less indication of buserelin
onic gonadotrophin (hCG), all of which (GnRH analogue) acting through a similar
have produced variable results. Despite the mechanism.
importance of progesterone during early In pigs, a study conducted by Peters
pregnancy, many studies with cattle fail to et al. (2000) on sows kept outdoors employ-
show any improvement in pregnancy rate ed GnRH given at 24 h after first service or on
following progesterone supplementation. days 11 or 12 after first service; they found
This is thought to be due to several factors, no significant effect of treatment on farrow-
including the potential down-regulation of ing rate to first service or on litter size. Else-
high levels of exogenous progesterone on where, however, a study reported on the
Color profile: Disabled
description of
Name of hormone molecule Source of hormone Target tissues Main actions in the female
Gonadotrophin-releasing Glycoprotein Hypothalamus Gonadotrophs of the anterior Release of FSH and LH from the
Composite 150 lpi at 45 degrees
Chapter 1
Introduction 45
46 Chapter 1
the second day after ovulation without the method to produce TVs; such vesicles may
treatment decreasing pregnancy outcome. be used in co-transfer (ET + AI) to increase
conception rate. Japanese workers have
shown that cattle TVs can be obtained from
in vitro-produced embryos on a large scale
1.6.3. Trophoblastic vesicles and used for cryopreservation – such TVs
are reported to support pregnancies when
Much research attention in recent decades co-transferred with embryos.
has been directed towards elucidating sig- Low-fertility cows represent a severe
nalling mechanisms between the conceptus financial liability for the dairy farmer; where
and the mother before embryo attachment there is no mechanical obstruction in the
(Goff, 2002). It is evident that interactions reproductive tract, repeated failure to
between the embryo and uterus are complex conceive may be due to problems in the
and essential for normal embryonic devel- maternal recognition of pregnancy. Work in
opment and survival; it is believed that Canada has shown that the use of in vitro-
problems in the signalling mechanisms derived embryos may be an effective means
play a significant role in early embryonic of getting valuable repeat breeders in calf
mortality in view of the high loss of and ultimately in milk. They were able to
embryos that occurs during this period. demonstrate a pregnancy rate of 34% in
During early pregnancy, embryos must cows bred four times without becoming
inhibit the development of luteolytic pregnant; surprisingly, most calves were
mechanisms to maintain the secretion born to the AI rather than the IVP embryo,
of progesterone necessary for continuing suggesting that the IVP embryo may increase
development; thus, embryos secrete IFN-t, the rate of AI-derived embryo implantation.
which acts locally within the uterus to
inhibit luteolytic PGF secretion by inhibit-
ing the development of oxytocin receptors
on the luminal epithelium and by inducing 1.7. The Years Ahead
development of a PG synthesis inhibitor. In
terms of embryo mortality, there is evidence 1.7.1. New opportunities and fresh
showing that poorly developed bovine challenges
embryos fail to inhibit oxytocin-induced
PGF release, whereas well-developed Farmers have been effectively manipulating
embryos inhibit luteolytic PGF release, the the genome of their animals for centuries,
presumption being that the poor embryos although their efforts were more an art
failed to produce sufficient IFN-t. Notting- than a science; they did, however, select
ham workers have concluded that success- superior individuals as progenitors for the
ful recognition of pregnancy in cows relies next generations and thereby increased the
on an adequate degree of embryonic devel- population frequency of favourable alleles
opment and production of IFN-t, which in and allelic combinations at numerous quan-
turn depends on an appropriate hormonal titative trait loci (QTL). Recent decades
environment, particularly in terms of have seen the emergence of a new scientific
an appropriate pattern of progesterone discipline, genomics, which results from
secretion after ovulation. It should also be the convergence of genetics, molecular
remembered that the level of progesterone biology, informatics and robotics, with the
may be influenced by the LH surge and the objective of analysing complex genomes.
quality of the CL which is established. Long-established research institutes,
Trophoblastic vesicles (TVs) have been such as the Roslin in Scotland, set up to deal
used in attempts to increase conception rate primarily with farm animals and improve
in cattle. It has also been shown that removal livestock production, in the last two decades
of the inner cell mass of bovine blastocysts have seen a change in direction away from
by laser irradiation on day 7 is an effective the farm and increasingly towards human
Introduction 47
health care. In the UK, there has been a grad- pregnancy. In cattle, for example, it is esti-
ual but serious erosion of public spending mated that 13–15% of pregnancies in dairy
on research in agriculture and much of cows are lost around this time, i.e. 14–19
the funding of institutes now finds itself days into pregnancy, probably due to
directed towards the biomedical area, much failure of the anti-luteolytic IFN secretory
of it focused on the use of transgenic tech- mechanism. The availability of a recombi-
nology to produce human therapeutic pro- nant IFN molecule may make possible the
teins in the milk of genetically modified development of commercial products to
sheep and cattle. Inevitably, those engaged improve pregnancy rates on farm. It is,
in carrying out the research and in directing however, essential to understand why some
research may not be expected to have the cattle embryos die because they fail to pro-
same commitment to farming and farm live- duce sufficient IFN; it is clearly necessary
stock as once was the case and this at a time to understand the genetic control of IFN
when agriculture and those who make their production in the embryo. If this is not
living from the land need all the help they taken into account, there may be a risk that,
can get, not in increasing production but in in assisting the survival of IFN-deficient
increasing the efficiency of farm systems. embryos, future dairy cows may have even
lower fertility.
Disease control needs appropriate support The ruminant conceptus is free-living
in the uterine lumen until day 16 (ewe) or 20
Until 1996, the diseases of animals known (cow) of pregnancy. Maternal recognition
as transmissible spongiform encephalo- of pregnancy is achieved by secretion of
pathies (TSEs), such as BSE, or ‘mad cow IFN-t by the conceptus, inhibiting the
disease’, and scrapie, were regarded as up-regulation of uterine oxytocin receptors,
farming problems with no known medical which initiate luteolysis; inadequate early
implications for humans; this illusion was growth of the embryo will result in the fail-
rudely shattered when it became apparent ure of this mechanism. Growth of conceptus
that BSE, in the form of new variant and placenta is influenced by the IGF sys-
Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease (nvCJD), could be tem, which in turn is regulated by maternal
transmitted to humans. The occurrence of nutrition. While IGF-I within the uterine
‘mad cow disease’ (BSE), first diagnosed in compartment is apparently derived mainly
the UK in 1986, was a devastating blow to from the maternal circulation, IGF-II is pro-
beef consumption in that country, which duced by the maternal caruncles and the
fell by 20% in a matter of months. The fetal allantochorion. It is believed that, in
disastrous effect of BSE on the image of the later stages of gestation, the IGF system
British farming and on the reputation of sci- provides a mechanism whereby the fetus
entists working on problems in the farming can alter placental growth to suit its own
industry and on science generally, followed nutritional requirements.
by the devastating outbreak of foot-and- In red deer, experiments were under-
mouth disease in the UK, serves to illustrate taken to investigate the role of anti-luteolytic
the critical need to focus research on prob- IFN as a means of increasing the calving rate
lems of animal health and to devise ways after asynchronous ET; workers in the UK
and means of protecting the farmer and the were able to show the benefits of exogenous
consumer from the impact of such diseases. IFN treatment in overcoming the failure to
establish pregnancy due to a lack of syn-
chrony in embryo–maternal signalling. The
same group also reported that the IFNs were
1.7.2. Maternal recognition of pregnancy closely related to the IFN-t and IFN-w found
in bovines and giraffes, showing > 85%
Much fertility research in farm animals has nucleotide sequence homology and > 74%
been directed towards elucidating factors predicted amino acid similarity. There have
involved in the maternal recognition of also been reports suggesting that the red deer
48 Chapter 1
conceptus secretes an anti-luteolytic IFN for particularly since cows in early lactation
which the endometrium expresses a recep- are likely to be in negative energy balance.
tor during early pregnancy; the presence of Reproduction can clearly be influenced by
IFN receptors in the hypothalamus and pos- changes in energy balance, this can be
terior pituitary would suggest the involve- caused by undernutrition occurring in
ment of the central nervous system in the extensive husbandry or when nutritional
maternal recognition of pregnancy in deer. requirements are greatly increased in
intensive husbandry. The main factors
that link metabolism and reproduction,
such as insulin, IGFs, glucose, leptin and
1.7.3. Nutrition and reproduction neuropeptide-Y, act on the hypothalamic–
pituitary axis by altering gonadotrophin
The development of diets to keep pace with secretion, as well as on the gonads by
the demands of increasing milk yields in directly altering gametogenesis. Nutritional
dairy cattle is a major challenge to research- experiments also show that high levels of
ers in nutrition; the need is for regimes dietary protein are associated with low
that will support milk production at an pregnancy rates, the problem apparently
economic level and maintain the cow in being due to rumen-degradable protein,
good health and fertility. Much nutrition with older cows being more susceptible
work concentrates on energy requirements, than younger animals.
Artificial Insemination
Artificial insemination (AI) is used in Arabic scriptures featuring the horse. The
animals ranging all the way from the honey- first systematic exploitation of this tech-
bee to the elephant. Some of the milestone nology was also in horses, with the work
events in the development of AI technology of the Russian physiologist Ivanov at a
are detailed in Table 2.1. The earliest refer- government stud farm more than a century
ence to any form of AI is in 13th-century ago. Without doubt, AI has been the most
1677 Discovery of sperm by the use of a magnifying lens Anton van Leeuwenhoek
1780 Artificial insemination of a dog bitch and the subsequent birth Spallanzani
of pups 62 days later
1803 Freezing of stallion sperm in the snow and motility recovered Spallanzani
after warming
1890 AI in horses first attempted in France Repiquet
1899 Started work on horse AI at Moscow State University Ivanov
1912 Demonstrated AI in horses, achieved results comparable to Ivanov
those obtained by natural service. Achieved success in
cattle and sheep AI and trained hundreds of inseminators
1914 Start of work in Italy which led to artificial vagina for semen Amantea
collection in the dog
1920s and Development in Russia of artificial vaginas for use in bulls, Milovanov
1930s stallions and rams; development of simple diluents
1936 Shipment of ram semen from Cambridge in the UK to Poland; Arthur Walton
birth of lamb after AI
1937 Development in Denmark of the rectovaginal method of AI in Various Danish workers
1941 Development of egg-yolk citrate semen diluent for cattle Glenn Salisbury
1946 Antibiotics (penicillin and streptomycin) used to control Almquist
pathogenic microorganisms in semen used for AI
1949 Method of freezing sperm of several species discovered Chris Polge
1952 First calf born (Frosty I) after use of frozen–thawed bull semen Chris Polge and
in Cambridge Tim Rowson
1960 Liquid nitrogen became the refrigerant of choice for preserving Many researchers in
bull semen. Most countries used 100% frozen bull semen various countries
50 Chapter 2
Table 2.3. Fresh and frozen semen doses in cattle and buffaloes (from Thibier and Wagner, 2000).
Regions No. of SCC No. of semen banks No. of bulls Fresh Frozen
Artificial Insemination 51
propanediol), glycerol was to remain the milestones. Freezing of semen opened the
cryoprotectant of choice for sperm in all way to developments in international trade;
farm species; even so, the basis of its cryo- in many countries, for animal health
protective properties still remains some- reasons, it resulted in the disappearance
what unclear. In addition to the cryopro- of fresh semen from the commercial
tectant glycerol, the basic composition of scene. Improvements in the insemination
diluents for the freezing of semen are: procedure permitted AI sperm doses to
(i) ionic and non-ionic substances that be decreased and enabled the maximum
maintain osmolarity and provide buffering number of inseminations to be performed
capacity; (ii) a source of lipoprotein or high- with a single ejaculate.
molecular-weight material to prevent cold It can be claimed, with justification, that
shock, such as egg yolk, milk or soy lecithin; the use of frozen semen revolutionized dairy
(iii) glucose or fructose as an energy source; cattle breeding; where once one bull was
and (iv) other additives, such as enzymes, kept to breed 30–40 cows, it became possible
bacteriostats, fungistats and antibiotics. to think in terms of an outstanding dairy bull
Much has been written on AI; the siring thousands of calves in a year, with
literature of the late 1990s contains accounts his semen being used in several countries
of the application of the technology in simultaneously and for years after his
species ranging from cattle to camelids. demise. In economic terms, the widespread
Recent contributions to the literature application of AI in countries such as the
include a review by Hopkins and Evans USA has resulted in a steady improvement
(2003), covering many AI topics: disease in the genetic quality of dairy animals and
control through AI; semen collection; a doubling of milk yields during the past
collection techniques; maintenance of 30 years. Throughout the dairy cattle popu-
the collection equipment; analysis of lations of the Western world, the availability
semen; semen dilution and cryopreserva- of AI was to lead to the virtual replacement
tion; insemination procedures; and the of natural service by the technique. In coun-
ageing of gametes. tries such as India, state governments were
able to support crossbreeding programmes
with the semen of exotic breeds like
Holstein–Friesian, Brown Swiss and Jersey.
2.1. Advantages of Artificial In many developing countries, however,
Insemination the appropriate combination of factors to
make AI widely acceptable in cattle has been
2.1.1. Cattle and buffaloes much less evident.
Although, in most countries, frozen
AI was to have a major impact on cattle semen is exclusively employed in cattle
breeding schemes after the Second World AI (see Table 2.4), fresh semen continues
War. The start of the 1950s saw the intro- to play a part in some places. Fresh semen
duction in the UK of progeny testing to has been appropriate for breeding cattle in
make efficient use of the possibilities New Zealand because of the very marked
offered by AI; since then, AI has enabled seasonal pattern in semen demand; nearly
the large-scale progeny testing of bulls and all cows are bred to calve within a 2-month
the subsequent widespread use of those period around mid-August. To meet such
identified as being of superior genetic seasonal demands, New Zealand research-
merit. In Nordic and Western European ers have developed semen technology
countries, AI in dairy cattle has been used that enabled them to achieve acceptable
extensively. On the technical front, the dis- conception rates with insemination doses
covery of cryoprotectants, the freezing of as low as 2 million sperm per dose, in
semen using liquid nitrogen as the refriger- contrast to the conventional 12–20 million
ant and the introduction of the plastic straw live sperm per dose used in most countries
as a semen container have been noteworthy (Fig. 2.1).
52 Chapter 2
Table 2.4. Frozen semen usage in cattle (data refer to the year 1998).
Tropical cattle
Beef cattle
The use of AI in cattle in developing
The use of AI in commercial beef suckler countries, many of them in the tropics,
cattle can be valuable, for example, in can be particularly valuable in facilitating
allowing the use of best linear unbiased crossbreeding of zebu and taurine cattle.
prediction (BLUP)-tested sires to maximize Some point to the need for more informa-
the quality of the calf crop. The use of tion on the optimum time for insemination
synchronized AI can also enable all cows to relative to the onset of oestrus, bearing in
be bred on day 1 of the breeding season, mind that the duration of oestrus appears to
thus permitting a more compact calving be shorter in tropical cattle than in those
pattern than that possible with natural raised under temperate conditions.
service. The use of AI in beef herds can
also eliminate the risks of venereal diseases Buffaloes
such as Campylobacter fetus venerealis.
The problems associated with accurate AI is a prerequisite for any efficient breed-
heat detection in beef cows, especially with ing improvement programme in buffaloes.
cows at pasture during the summer months, In contrast to cattle, however, returns to
means that the application of AI is often service in these animals are difficult for the
limited to one synchronized service with herdsman to detect due to the less obvious
fixed-time AI, followed by natural service external signs of oestrus. For that reason,
for the cows that return to the AI. This the average number of services per concep-
system calls for the use of ‘sweeper’ bulls, tion reported for the buffalo may be higher
which adds to costs and may carry disease than that recorded for cattle. Some workers
risks. To eliminate the use of ‘sweepers’, it have also recorded a significantly lower
Artificial Insemination 53
54 Chapter 2
Artificial Insemination 55
been a significant proportion of the geneti- frozen semen, oestrus control and improve-
cally influential ‘stud’ ewe population for ments in the insemination technique are
wool growers in that country. Finally, it covered by these authors. In 1997, the
should be kept in mind that there is much average conception rate recorded in 49,533
more to the introduction of sheep AI than inseminated does was 63.4%; in very young
the technical problems associated with the females, however, the conception rates
technique. There needs to be, for example, were regarded as too low and warranted
an organization within the country to offer a further studies. In Argentina, one report
widespread and continuing service; in that described goat production systems, noting
regard, sheep farmers in France have been that proposals for the future of the goat
fortunate in having a national agency such industry in that country included a plan
as the Institut National de la Recherche for an AI programme and possible embryo
Agronomique (INRA) to implement their AI imports from Australia. Worldwide activity
programmes. in sheep and goat AI has been described by
Wagner and Thibier (2000), who conducted
Goats a survey in 1998; the overall number of
semen doses produced, by regions, in
In France, AI in goats has an important role sheep, goats and pigs, is given in Table 2.5.
in the improvement of milk production
systems, used in conjunction with progeny
testing. The majority of goats are insemi-
nated in advance of the breeding season, 2.1.3. Pigs
using deep-frozen semen after oestrus con-
trol with progestogen and pregnant mare’s AI can be used in several ways in pig herds.
serum gonadotrophin (PMSG). AI is done It may be a matter of using fresh or occa-
on the understanding that it permits higher sionally frozen semen from an AI centre or
selection intensities for males and unbiased it may be a matter of using AI with semen
genetic evaluation by separating genetic collected on the farm; it may also be a
(sire) and environmental (herd) effects and matter of using AI in combination with
allows the monitoring of bucks for the natural service.
selection for major genes, such as the alpha- Research in recent decades has estab-
sl-casein gene; the programme in France lished reproductive technologies which
also aims at decreasing adverse effects from have become an integral part of the global
embryonic mortality and pseudopregnancy. pig industry; AI is an example of a tech-
As described in one report, since the mid- nology that has continued to expand from
1980s AI has been carried out on a consider- its early use in European countries such
able scale in France; the use of fresh and as Denmark and Holland to the USA and
Table 2.5. Semen doses produced in sheep, goats and pigs (1998) (from Wagner and Thibier, 2000).
56 Chapter 2
Canada, where it has been estimated by Day ejaculates and to introduce new sperm-
(2000) that a majority of the 6–7 million based technologies into pig reproduction,
sows bred are artificially inseminated. AI have also been reviewed by Rath (2002).
has had considerable impact worldwide Current methods of freezing boar semen
in its application to commercial pig pro- generally involve cumbersome processing
duction. In meeting demand for semen in procedures, and inseminations are often
North America, boar stud facilities have followed by low fecundity rates and small
dramatically increased in number within litter sizes. The main advantage of using
recent years, with boar holding capacities fresh liquid boar semen is that fertility
approaching 800 at some studs. The purpose is maintained even with low numbers of
of such studs is to provide farms with a sperm in the inseminate. Using fewer than
dependable, high-quality, freshly diluted 1 million sperm cells per breeding unit can
semen product for the insemination of sows achieve conception rates with liquid semen
and gilts. similar to those with frozen–thawed semen
The application of AI in commercial containing approximately 15 million sperm;
pig production has varied from country to reduced fertility makes cryopreservation of
country according to factors influencing the boar sperm an uneconomical option for
market value of the end-product. In Greece, commercial usage. The high return rates
for example, AI in pigs is not widely used associated with frozen semen are believed
(this is apparently due to lack of knowledge to be due to disrupted sperm function and
and inability to eliminate the weaknesses of structural integrity due to the freeze–thaw
AI practice); workers in that country noted process; there is also the requirement
that boar semen processing is critical in for large sperm numbers and inseminate
influencing successful use of the technol- volume, which adds to processing and
ogy. A paper by Leiding (2002) dealt with storage difficulties. Figures for pig AI
the current position and future for pig AI conducted throughout the world in 1998
in Germany; in the year 2000, 4.5 million show that very few doses of frozen semen
inseminations were carried out in the were used in that species (Table 2.6).
country, mainly by farmers and breeders,
compared with 1.2 million in 1990. The
same author considered that the future of pig
AI in Germany was dependent on the quality 2.1.4. Horses
of the resultant progeny.
In the USA, as noted by Seidel (2003), There are various advantages to using AI in
the use of pig AI has quadrupled in recent horses, some of which are outlined in Table
years due to the work of pig breeding compa- 2.7. The use of fresh or frozen semen, for
nies that have developed much leaner pigs example, can be one means of avoiding the
with superior carcass quality compared with need to transport mares over long distances
the traditional breeding stock available from to visit the stallion of choice. The technique
the purebred breeders. In the same country, can obviously be the means of markedly
Kelley (2003) described intrauterine insemi- increasing the number of mares covered by
nation in which a special catheter is manip- a stallion in the stud season. Numerous fac-
ulated 10–14 inches deep into the sow’s tors are known to influence the pregnancy
cervix, until it reaches the uterine cavity. rate in horses bred by AI; these include the
The attraction of deep insemination is that inherent fertility of the mare and stallion,
it reduces the amount of sperm per dose. the type of semen used for insemination
Disadvantages include the equipment and (i.e. fresh, cooled–transported or frozen–
labour costs, effects in genetic pool and pos- thawed), the number of sperm in the
sible decline in reproductive performance insemination dose, the concentration of the
and it cannot be used with gilts. New diluted semen and the length of time liquid
strategies for low-dose AI in sows, including semen is stored prior to AI. In general, the
deep intrauterine AI to optimize the use of equine AI industry has evolved a system in
Artificial Insemination 57
Table 2.6. Fresh and frozen semen usage in sheep, goats and pigs (from Wagner and Thibier, 2000).
which mares are inseminated with fresh or interest in frozen semen technology; preg-
cooled semen every 48 h until oestrus is nancy rates achieved with frozen and liquid
no longer detected (usually 1–2 days after cooled semen in a commercial setting in
ovulation) or until ovulation is detected the USA are regarded as acceptable. In the
by transrectal palpation and/or ultrasono- German riding-horse population, it was esti-
graphic examination of the ovaries. mated that more than 60% of all coverings
The use of AI in horses and trade in were performed by AI in 1999; reports from
stallion semen increased worldwide in the that country indicate that the correct appli-
1970s and 1980s, although there have been cation of AI can result in similar, and some-
several breed registries refusing to register times better, fertility compared with natural
foals born from inseminations with trans- service.
ported semen. The acceptance in recent years There have been reports describing the
of frozen semen as a method of producing practice of AI in French national studs; these
registered foals by two of the world’s largest noted that all AI techniques are more expen-
breed associations (American Quarter Horse sive than natural service; costs are given as
and American Paint Horse) stimulated new 30 euros for immediate AI (< 5 min after
58 Chapter 2
collection), 120 euros for transported semen greater selection pressures; (ii) reducing the
and 300 euros for frozen semen (including number of males used in breeding program-
fees for scanning the ovaries). Suggested mes; (iii) reducing the spread of reproduc-
guidelines for utilizing stallions are as tive pathogens; (iv) overcoming periods of
follows: one-third of mares served at collec- low semen production due to disease or
tion place; one-third of mares within the environmental stress; and (v) overcoming
regional area (with fresh semen < 12 h after problems associated with natural mating
collection); and one-third outside the region (physical incompatibility in turkey strains).
(using frozen semen). Companies that develop and sell spe-
The advantages and disadvantages of cific genetic strains of chickens (primary
breeding mares with cooled transported breeders) rely on natural matings and
semen are discussed by workers in the USA; restrict the use of AI to pedigree breeding.
their reports have provided a list of Ameri- Secondary breeders of broiler chickens rely
can breed organizations that permit use of almost entirely on natural mating. The lack
this technology. The same authors also dealt of interest in AI by some primary and almost
with the fertility achieved by breeding with all secondary chicken breeders is probably
transported equine semen and the factors due to the economic disadvantages of using
that may affect fertility when this technol- the technique; these include the high cost
ogy is used. Common practice in the horse of the skilled labour required for carrying
breeding industry has been to send two out AI and the need to use caged rather than
insemination doses (in separate bags within floor-reared breeders.
the same shipping container) for breeding AI involves the collection and deposi-
with transported cooled semen, one to be tion of semen within the bird’s reproductive
used for an initial insemination upon arrival tract; semen is prepared either for short-term
and the other held for a repeat insemination use (24 h or less) or long-term (frozen)
on the following day; however, there may be storage. Although some turkey breeders
no advantage to this procedure and some inseminate undiluted semen, most dilute
workers have recommended placing all the the semen with an appropriate medium.
semen in the mare’s uterus as soon as possi- Excellent sperm survival and fertility can
ble after semen collection. Use has been be obtained when diluted turkey semen is
made in the USA and Australia of a bio- stored for 6 h in a cool liquid state; how-
absorbable implant of the gonadotrophin- ever, liquid storage beyond 6 h or freezing of
releasing hormone (GnRH) agonist semen is unlikely to preserve the viability of
deslorelin (Ovuplant) to induce ovulation turkey semen at the level acceptable for com-
of large (> 35 mm) follicles during oestrus mercial use. The improvement of long-term
in mares. Accurate control of ovulation is liquid storage procedures for turkey semen
regarded as vital when frozen semen is used; is commercially important because produc-
the Ovuplant device has been registered for tion of this bird relies almost entirely on AI.
use in the USA and Australia. Long-term storage of avian semen at
−196°C (liquid nitrogen) is achieved by
freezing semen in a diluent containing a
suitable cryoprotectant. Subsequent fertility
2.1.5. Poultry in the chicken following AI of thawed sperm
is reported to be about 60–70% whereas that
AI was first applied to chickens but was of the turkey is generally much less (about
later to have the greatest impact in the tur- 30%). Although the potential for world-
key industry, where all breeding birds are wide distribution of genetic material exists,
usually inseminated. Commercial broiler the commercial application of frozen semen
chicken breeders have yet to incorporate AI technology has been limited primarily to the
into their breeding programme. The advan- freezing of semen from selected genetic lines
tages of breeding poultry by AI include: (i) of birds for subsequent pedigree breeding.
accelerating genetic progress by allowing Frozen semen technology, however, has
Artificial Insemination 59
been used to preserve semen from endan- 2.1.6. Deer and camelids
gered avian species. It is also important in
preserving a suitably diverse genetic pool The cryopreservation of sperm combined
of avian semen which should help to with AI is the reproductive technology that
counteract problems with inbreeding that has been most extensively applied to deer
may follow from commercial breeding species. The frozen storage of semen per-
programmes. mits semen samples of high genetic value to
Many factors affect semen production be stored for many years; this can be impor-
in chickens and turkeys; there are wide dif- tant commercially in the farming of red and
ferences in the onset of semen production fallow deer and in the breeding of rare or
and in semen quality between species, strains endangered species such as Père David’s
within species and individuals within deer. An obvious advantage of frozen semen
strains. In general terms, chicken and turkey is as a method of moving genetic material
ejaculates obtained by abdominal massage across international boundaries and over
average about 0.25 ml in volume and con- long distances without the risks and costs of
tain about 5000 million sperm/ml and 9000 live animal shipments. For such reasons,
million sperm/ml, respectively. Insemina- the use of AI with frozen semen is expand-
tion involves the deposition of a predeter- ing in deer species. Most procedures that
mined volume (usually less than 0.1 ml) of are employed to freeze and thaw deer sperm
semen with a minimum of 100–200 million have been modified from those for domestic
viable sperm within the hen’s vagina. Com- ungulates (Soler et al., 2003).
mercial AI operators inseminate 1000 turkey There has been interest in countries
hens per man hour, with fertility maintained such as New Zealand in the application of
above 90% during a 22-week egg production controlled breeding and AI in deer; this is
season. In AI programmes, inseminations usually aimed at increasing the utilization of
are repeated at weekly intervals in chickens superior sires. Deer hinds have been treated
and every 2–3 weeks in the turkey. When with controlled internal drug release (CIDR)
laying hens are inseminated with good- intravaginal devices over a 14-day period
quality sperm, they lay their first fertile egg and bred by intrauterine insemination,
48 h after the insemination. using frozen–thawed semen, at 65 h after
Regardless of natural mating or artificial progesterone withdrawal.
insemination, it should be noted that the
mechanism of sperm storage in the chicken Old World camelids
oviduct has remained a mystery since the
1960s, when sperm storage tubules were Interest has been increasing in recent
discovered between the shell gland and the decades in the application of reproductive
vagina; it is these tubules which enable the technologies to camels. According to Hafez
hen to lay a series of fertilized eggs following and Hafez (2001), the functional anatomy of
a single insemination. Prior to the 1960s, it male reproductive organs and the reproduc-
was known that only motile sperm could tive physiology of dromedary and Bactrian
ascend the vagina and enter these tubules; camels are similar other than in the
how they remained viable for many days in seasonal pattern of reproductive events;
that location remained a mystery. A study the same authors note that the control of
by Froman (2003) involved a synthesis sexually transmitted diseases is an impor-
of previous knowledge of sperm storage tant component of camel stud management
tubules with new knowledge gained from to improve reproductive performance in
computer-assisted sperm motion analysis; this species. The Bactrian camel is a season-
this technique enabled a greater under- ally induced ovulator; factors in seminal
standing of how chicken sperm motility is plasma are believed to be responsible for
maintained. This synthesis of information triggering ovulation and the formation of a
represents the first coherent explanation of functional corpus luteum. In AI practice,
sperm storage in birds. ovulation can be successfully induced with
60 Chapter 2
frozen–thawed semen supplemented with early development of the zygote; other areas
GnRH and acceptable fertility rates covered by the same author included glyco-
achieved. protein secretions in the caudal isthmus,
functional sperm reservoirs and controlled
release of viable sperm.
Of the many millions of sperm depos-
2.2. Growth and Development of AI ited in the female reproductive tract at mat-
Technology ing, few are destined to reach the ampulla at
the time of ovulation. In most animals, the
2.2.1. Natural matings sperm reservoir in the caudal isthmus of the
oviduct is created by the binding of sperm
During mating in cattle, the bull deposits to oviductal epithelium; the sperm reservoir
millions of sperm in the anterior vagina of is believed to control sperm transport,
the cow; the cervix, however, is a major maintain sperm viability and modulate
obstacle and the number of sperm eventu- capacitation (Fig. 2.3). It seems likely that
ally reaching the uterine body rarely the binding and modulation of sperm
exceeds 1%. This is the reason why, in attached to the oviductal epithelium
cattle AI, semen is generally deposited represent a mechanism for selecting func-
directly into the uterine body, bypassing tionally competent sperm and prolonging
the cervix and permitting the use of a their lifespan by delaying capacitation.
markedly reduced number of sperm. Vital It is known that transient inflammation
aspects of Fallopian tube physiology in pigs is a normal occurrence after mating in the
have been discussed by Hunter (2002), who mare, serving to remove excess sperm, semi-
reviewed aspects of oviduct physiology nal plasma and contaminants from the
that relate to successful fertilization and uterus; resolution of this inflammation prior
Artificial Insemination 61
to the descent of the embryo into the uterine plasma protein associates with sperm and
lumen is necessary for the embryo to sur- confers on them the capacity to bind to the
vive. Mares that fail to clear the semen- carbohydrate moiety. It is now clear that
induced inflammation from the uterus may only a small, highly selected population of
develop a persistent mating-induced endo- morphologically normal, motile bull sperm
metritis, which results in infertility. The reach the site of fertilization, in the ampulla
cause of a delay in uterine clearance is not region of the cow’s oviduct. This reduction
fully understood. According to one recent in sperm numbers is important, since it
report, delayed uterine clearance is seen represents the first mechanism to reduce/
most commonly in pluriparous mares prevent polyspermia (penetration of the
greater than 14 years of age; in such animals, oocyte by more than one sperm). This
the uterus may be located more ventrally sperm selection occurs regardless of how
in the abdomen, making them more the sperm population is deposited, whether
predisposed to fluid retention. by natural service at the mouth of the
Rapid sperm transport is important in cervix or in the uterine common body by
the mare, for the post-mating uterus soon conventional AI.
becomes a hostile environment for sperm;
they need to reach the oviduct within 4 h of Lifespan of sperm in Fallopian tubes
mating in order to survive and eventually
fertilize the oocyte. In the mare, as in the In the cow or the ewe, there may be a day
other farm species, the dramatic reduction or more from the time of mating and
in the number of sperm reaching the site of the time of ovulation; in the mare it is
fertilization is due to various checkpoints a matter of several days and in chickens
along the way. It is known that uterine con- and turkeys it is a week and more. Clearly,
tractions carry sperm towards the oviduct sperm must have the capability of surviving
and at the same time eliminate excessive for such periods and still be capable of
sperm; seminal plasma contains factors achieving fertilization; several mechanisms
which cause an immediate increase in uter- are known to operate in the farm animal
ine blood flow. Sperm and seminal plasma which help to maintain sperm in a fertile
are believed to provoke uterine contractions; condition over a period of hours, days or
sperm induce leucocytosis in the equine even weeks. Attention has been drawn
uterus by activating complement, and semi- by Italian workers to the possible role of
nal plasma is known to have immunosup- oviductal secretions, specific glycoproteins
pressive effects in the uterus (Katila, 2001). or cell contacts in maintaining the fertil-
Sperm in the uterus trigger an influx of poly- ization competence of sperm (Gualtieri
morphonuclear neutrophils into the uterine and Talevi, 2003); it seems possible, for
lumen by activation of complement; seminal example, that the bull’s ejaculate contains
plasma appears to have a modulatory at least three different subpopulations: the
effect on the chemotaxis and migration first is made up of sperm still uncapacitated
of neutrophils. and unable to bind to oviductal cells;
After natural insemination or AI, a the second is composed of sperm able to
reservoir of sperm is established in the bind, having undergone the early stages
lower part of the oviduct (see review by of capacitation; and, thirdly, there is a
Suarez, 2002); this reservoir serves to ensure category of sperm in an advanced state of
successful fertilization by providing the capacitation and are unable to bind. The
appropriate number of sperm in the proper Italian workers, exposing bovine sperm to
physiological state for fertilizing the oocyte an oviductal monolayer for 1 h, were able
after it enters the Fallopian tube. It appears to split a sperm suspension into two sub-
that sperm are retained in the reservoir by groups; sperm that bound to oviductal cells
binding to specific carbohydrate moieties on showed a threefold greater competence to
the surface of the mucosal epithelium of the effect fertilization than those that did not
oviduct; it is known that a bovine seminal bind.
62 Chapter 2
2.2.2. Collection and processing of semen and higher sperm concentration could
be collected by the Equidame phantom
Collection methods used in the farm than by the conventional artificial vagina;
animals vary according to the ejaculation they recommended this device for semen
patterns of the different species (Fig. 2.4). In collection when fractionation of semen is
the stallion, for example, before effective desired or when it is important to have
ejaculation occurs, a clear fluid originating low bacteriological contamination or to
from the accessory glands, principally from avoid a high proportion of seminal plasma
the prostate, is emitted as a pre-ejaculatory (Fig. 2.5).
secretion. The ejaculate itself consists of The observance of stringent animal
several successive jets, the first of which health precautions is important at all stages,
contain high numbers of sperm and mainly from semen collection until the time sperm
epididymal secretions; this is followed by is safely deposited in the female tract.
fractions containing decreasing sperm num- Sources of contamination and recommenda-
bers and increasing proportions of seminal tions to reduce the bacteriological content of
plasma. In some stallions, gel, derived from boar semen have been discussed by Pinto
the vesicular glands, is secreted towards the et al. (2000) in Portugal; it is known that the
end of the ejaculate with low sperm-count presence of high levels of bacteria in boar
fractions. Semen can be collected either semen has a harmful effect on sperm, reduc-
by closed artificial vagina models (for ing their viability and introducing a risk of
recovering the entire ejaculate) or open- infection for inseminated animals. Preputial
ended models, which enable the operator washing and antibiotic treatment (e.g.
to decide which fractions will be collected. streptomycin + penicillin + gentamycin)
The open-model has several advan- are routinely used in AI bulls to reduce
tages, including the ability to avoid collect- bacterial load and increase the viable life-
ing bacteria-rich non-sperm ejaculatory span of sperm. It is well known that even
fluid and gel; there is also evidence that short-term forms of stress can influence the
sperm-rich semen fractions may tolerate quality of semen produced by bulls; studies
cooled storage better than total ejaculates. have shown that the incidence of sperm
Results of recent work in Finland demon- abnormalities may increase significantly in
strated that semen of better hygenic quality bulls after dehorning and treatment with
Fig. 2.4. Semen volumes produced by farm animals. Stallions and boars give high-volume and low-density
semen; bulls and rams give low-volume and high-density semen. The number of females that might be
inseminated with a single semen dose is also indicated (after Hammond et al., 1983).
Artificial Insemination 63
Fig. 2.5. The Equidame® phantom. The Equidame® phantom consists of a detachable open-ended
artificial vagina (1A) and a rubber ring (1B) inside the vagina, a detachable metallic funnel (2), five
detachable metallic holders (3A) and five plastic cups (3B). Small styrofoam shields (3C) envelop the plas-
tic cups to isolate semen. Near the phantom there is a computer control panel (4) with a keyboard
and a display for programming the phantom for semen collection (from Lindeberg et al., 1999).
double injections of antibiotics compared Table 2.8. Effect of teaser on sperm output in
with the pretreatment period. rams.
Oestrous Non-oestrous
Male management teaser teaser
Many strategies have been employed in the Total sperm Total sperm
management of males in the semen collec- Ram output (sperm/ output (sperm/
tion process; management is important in breed No. ejaculate × 10) ejaculate × 10)
maintaining the sex drive (libido) of the Suffolk 5 2.10 1.85
male and can also influence the quality of Texel 5 1.63 1.23
the ejaculate (Prado et al., 2002, 2003). Dorset Horn 5 2.29 2.02
Studies in France in the 1990s dealt with
data for 771 rams and 55,360 ewes which Total 15 2.01 1.70
showed that ejaculate volume was signifi-
cantly affected by technician, time of col- Collection in camels
lection (a.m. or p.m.), pattern of collection
frequency, week of collection and ram. The Methods used in conventional farm mam-
conception rates in ewes were significantly mals for semen collection are not suitable
affected by AI technician, ram, age of ewe, for recovering semen from camels. In Saudi
fertility in previous breeding season and Arabia, Al-Eknah et al. (2001) adopted a
interval from lambing to AI. In Ireland, new approach in which a semen collection
studies showed that the presence of an oes- area was constructed to permit semen col-
trous rather than a non-oestrous teaser ewe lection from underneath the male camel;
significantly increased total sperm number their approach facilitated safe collection
collected, by 17% (Table 2.8); similar data and provided full view of the ejaculation
are available for bulls. process.
64 Chapter 2
Artificial Insemination 65
66 Chapter 2
occasionally human errors may result in antioxidants such as glutathione (GSH) and
diluents of variable quality. There is also a superoxide dismutase (SOD). Control of the
desire to eliminate any possibility of con- level of ROS to promote sperm motility and
taminants from animal products; the bovine survival of sperm by adding antioxidants or
spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) problem by using conditions that reduce oxidation
in cattle served to emphasize the need for have been successfully tested for the preser-
caution in this area. For such reasons, vation of unfrozen bull semen; adding anti-
ready-to-use, manufacturer-guaranteed dil- oxidants such as a-tocopherol and ascorbate
uents available on the market may mini- has a protective effect on metabolic activity
mize certain of these problems; as an and the cellular viability of cryopreserved
example, a diluent concentrate containing bull sperm. According to Bilodeau et al.
soybean extract as a substitute for egg yolk (2001), the addition of thiols to diluted
is currently used in some semen diluents. semen should be considered. It is thought
that, when the concentration of sperm is
low and high post-thaw motility is critical,
2.2.3. Storage and cryopreservation of semen dilution of semen by a diluent leads to a
low level of GSH and other antioxidants,
Cattle which may partly explain the lower fertility
of frozen–thawed semen in comparison with
With increasing technical efficiency in the fresh semen. A report by Foote et al. (2002)
cattle AI industry came the development dealt with 17 laboratory studies and two
of an international trade in semen and field trials that were conducted with 174
genetically superior animals. The inter- semen collections from bulls in an AI sta-
nationalization of dairy cattle breeding led tion; they found that certain combinations of
to substantial changes in many commercial antioxidants may be useful for those pro-
dairy cattle populations into which foreign cessing bull semen using an egg-yolk-based
genes have been imported; examples of diluent. It is known that bull sperm, before
rapid progress in the breeding of high- they are frozen, are exposed to aerobic con-
quality dairy cattle are usually found in ditions during processing, but have little
countries that have looked beyond their endogenous antioxidant to protect them
borders to find the best genetic material against ROS.
available. Various improvements in semen The quality of frozen semen is obvi-
diluents and in the freezing and thawing ously an important factor determining con-
of semen, together with better AI routines, ception rate in cattle under field conditions.
particularly in the timing of insemination Some of the factors involved in the success-
in relation to expected ovulation, have ful freezing and thawing of bull semen are
made it possible to decrease the number of detailed in Table 2.10. It is believed that
sperm in the AI dose, thereby permitting the release of toxic substances by dead
the maximal number of inseminations to be and abnormal sperm may seriously affect
performed from a single bull ejaculate. It is the fertilizing capacity of their companion
known, however, that the freeze–thaw pro- cells. It may be noted that semen cryo-
cess, even with optimal protocols, reduces preservation procedures (dilution, cooling,
the functional bovine sperm population freezing/thawing) induce capacitation-like
by 50% or more – and that there is a close changes in sperm. This cryocapacitation is
relationship between the number of viable believed to be partly responsible for the
sperm and fertility after AI. reduced fertility of frozen–thawed bull
In cattle, there is evidence that certain semen. A better understanding of the
steps in the cryopreservation of bull semen events involved in both capacitation
result in the production of toxic reactive and cryopreservation could lead to a
oxygen species (ROS); the freeze–thawing substantial improvement in the quality of
of bull semen has been shown to cause frozen–thawed semen (Cormier and Bailey,
a strong reduction of sperm intracellular 2003).
Artificial Insemination 67
68 Chapter 2
straws (100 million/ml) has given good 75°C. It was concluded that stud farms
fertility results using laparoscopic intra- using frozen semen should thaw the straws
uterine insemination (Anel et al., 2003). at 37°C rather than 75°C; the lower tempera-
Although techniques for the insemination ture was easier to work with, as thawing
of sheep with freshly collected semen have at the higher temperature requires special
been available for many years, the develop- equipment and has to be timed very
ment of freeze–thawing methods has been carefully to avoid damage to the sperm.
slow and procedures still leave much to There is ample evidence from several
be desired. In many comparative trials, farm mammal species to show that the
the fertility of frozen–thawed ram semen freezing process destabilizes the membranes
after cervical insemination has been much of sperm and transforms them into a more
below that of fresh semen; this reduced advanced capacitation-like state than those
fertility has been attributed to impaired freshly ejaculated. In Australia, workers
sperm transport through the cervix, result- reported data indicating that freezing causes
ing in failure to establish adequate numbers membrane changes in ram sperm that are
in the sperm reservoirs that are known functionally equivalent to capacitation. It is
to exist in the ewe’s reproductive tract. probable that such functionally capacitated
It is, however, now well established that sperm may react differently from fresh
the insemination of frozen–thawed semen sperm in the female reproductive tract.
directly into the uterus can result in a There is also evidence indicating that fresh
fertilization rate much the same as that and frozen–thawed ram sperm behave dif-
of fresh semen; such evidence is usually ferently within the ewe tract, suggesting that
taken as supporting the view that the basic this may have implications for the timing of
problem is one of establishing adequate AI when frozen–thawed sperm are used
numbers in the sperm reservoirs (cervical in intrauterine insemination. Many studies
and isthmic). have focused on the effect of the freeze–
Workers in Australia found that the thawing process on the membrane integrity
treatment of frozen–thawed ram sperm with of sperm. In Sweden, for example, studies
seminal plasma significantly improved fer- reported on the effect of different thawing
tility after AI; it was surmised that this may procedures on ram sperm integrity.
have been due to its decapacitation effect,
combined with a substantial improvement Freezing goat sperm
in sperm transport. Further reports from
the same Australian group suggested that Freezing procedures for use in goats have
seminal plasma might help to protect ram been described by French workers; these
sperm from the adverse effects of the freeze– procedures involve removal of seminal
thawing process (Maxwell and Evans, 2000). plasma by washing sperm as soon as they
are collected and before dilution and freez-
Integrity of sperm plasma membrane ing. It was earlier found that an enzyme
produced by the bulbo-urethral (Cowper’s)
The integrity of the sperm plasma glands catalysed the hydrolysis of lecithins
membrane is of crucial importance for the in egg yolk to fatty acids and lysolecithins,
functioning of the sperm cell; freezing and which are toxic to sperm. The implication
thawing are detrimental to this plasma of this discovery was that egg-yolk diluent
membrane. There are many different meth- should not be used for semen conservation
ods for freezing and thawing, which may unless sperm are first washed. There are
affect the sperm membrane in various ways. reports showing that successful preserva-
In Sweden, workers froze stallion semen tion of goat semen requires removal of semi-
in 0.5 ml straws and showed a significant nal plasma and that dilution with skimmed
difference (percentage live sperm) after milk could result in higher conception rates
thawing at 37°C compared with that at than dilution with egg-yolk buffers.
Artificial Insemination 69
70 Chapter 2
Artificial Insemination 71
on distributing fresh semen, used on the injections of PGF2a and PMSG 2 days before
day of collection, from more than 20 centres sponge removal. Conception rate in goats
around the country; demand for AI in milk- after oestrus control and fixed-time AI may
and mutton-sheep in France is generally be adversely affected by the fact that, in
concentrated in the spring/early summer some herds, 20% of females may be pseudo-
period. pregnant at the start of the synchronization
Trials conducted at the sheep AI centre treatment. It also appears that repeated
of the Roquefort Confederation were oestrus control treatments (progestogen–
detailed by French workers in a mid-1990s PMSG) may result in an immune reaction,
report. They reported reductions in sperm resulting in delayed oestrus. Studies by
doses from 500 million to 380 million sperm workers in France showed that the negative
in the 1970s and continuing efforts in the effect of repeated PMSG treatment on subse-
1990s with 30,000 ewes in which a further quent fertility in alpine goats was due to
reduction in sperm dose was made. In a humoral immune response involving the
Scotland, workers dealt with data recently major histocompatibility complex.
obtained for 2072 Suffolk ewes in 25 flocks
spread throughout the UK that were partici- Transcervical AI in sheep
pating in a national Sire Reference Scheme.
In this programme, sheep were inseminated In sheep, numerous studies have been
at 50–56 h after withdrawal of sponges reported on a variety of insemination pro-
(45 mg fluorogestone acetate (FGA)) and cedures. The tortuous nature of the cervix
PMSG treatment (400 iu); although concep- in the ewe prevents routine transcervical
tion rates to AI averaged 60–70% in most intrauterine AI; laparoscopy, laparotomy or
flocks, their results showed that a small but special equipment and procedures are used
significant number of ewes were not actually typically to inseminate sheep by the intra-
in oestrus at the time of insemination, uterine route, but most sheep producers
apparently due to a persistent corpus have neither the skills nor the equipment
luteum. required for this procedure. As mentioned
In France, a widely employed oestrus earlier, several studies in sheep have exam-
control treatment for goats uses an FGA ined the possibility of depositing semen in
vaginal sponge left in place for 11 days and the uterus by transcervical insemination;
72 Chapter 2
all too often, results have been disastrous. that this did not permit complete cervical
According to one report, numerous trials penetration and had an adverse effect on
in sheep have been carried out in New conception rate.
Zealand using the Canadian transcervical
technique, but with only 30% conceiving; AI in pigs
the same article mentions a high incidence
of cervical damage and stress as a result of Steps in the insemination procedure in pigs
this insemination procedure. In the USA, are shown in Fig. 2.8. Stimulation of the
one recent study examined the possibility sow during AI is quite different from that
that the hormone oxytocin could be used to she would receive during a natural mating.
induce uterine tetany and cervical dilation It is known that myometrial contractility is
prior to AI; workers reported a pregnancy an essential component in the fertilization
rate of 38% for laparoscopic AI and a 0% process because it is a mechanism by
value for transcervical insemination. Other which boar sperm are transported to the site
studies in the same laboratory showed a of fertilization. For such reasons, several
93% fertilization rate after laparoscopic AI research groups have sought to stimulate
and 28% after transcervical insemination, certain physiological events (e.g. uterine
with no evidence that oxytocin assisted the contractility) associated with breeding,
latter process. In Scotland, workers in the using hormonal supplements to the pig
Scottish Agricultural College used oxytocin semen dose; such products have included
to dilate the cervix prior to AI but found oestrogen, oxytocin, prostaglandin and
Fig. 2.8. Stages in the insemination of the sow (after Glossop, 1991).
Artificial Insemination 73
relaxin analogues. Where PGF2a has been may increase both farrowing rate and litter
added to a semen dose at the time of AI, size in pigs.
there has been evidence of significant
improvements in fertility. AI in horses
74 Chapter 2
the time taken for transvaginal AI using numbers of sperm at the uterotubal junction
a standard speculum-guided insemination of preovulatory mares, which achieved
‘gun’. fertilization as effectively as with natural
service (3–15 thousand million ejaculated
Low-dose inseminations sperm) and with the accepted minimum
sperm dose (500 million) used for conven-
Although the effects of low-dose insemina- tional uterine-body insemination in mares.
tions on fertility, as a preliminary to using According to these authors, the simplicity
sexed sperm, have been frequently studied of the technique offered a practical means of
in heifers, information for lactating dairy exploiting new breeding programmes that
cows is more limited. In Finland, workers require very small numbers of sperm in
evaluated pregnancy results after AI with horse breeding. In Spain, Martinez et al.
a dose of 2 million frozen–thawed sperm (2001) demonstrated that endoscopic non-
compared with 15 million; for most bulls, surgical deep intrauterine inseminations
the 2 million sperm dose was too low and can be performed quickly in sows and that
the average pregnancy rate dropped by 15% normal farrowing rates and litter sizes can be
(Andersson et al., 2003). The same workers expected using a small number (100-fold
noted a slight trend for better results when reduction) of porcine sperm. The authors
the 2 million sperm dose was deposited concluded that non-surgical deep uterine
into the uterine horn ipsilateral to the site of insemination could have a high economic
impending ovulation. impact on the use of fresh and frozen semen
In the current methods available for AI in the AI industry in pigs and could
in pigs, thousands of million sperm are used help in making sexed semen a commercial
per insemination in a large volume of liquid possibility in this species.
(70–100 ml), which is deposited through
the cervix into the uterus at insemination.
Approximately 90% of the sperm insemi-
nated cannot be recovered from the uterus 2.2.5. Do-it-yourself insemination (DIY-AI)
within an hour or two of insemination. Only
about 10,000 sperm reach the uterotubal There has been a large increase in the sale of
junction and about 1000 reach the sperm frozen semen directly to the dairy and beef
reservoir in the caudal isthmus, in which the farmer over the past 25 years, with herd
sperm cells can survive without reduction owners assuming responsibility for semen
in their fertilizing ability until the time of purchase, handling insemination of the cow
ovulation. It is believed that sufficient sperm and record-keeping. In the USA, as long ago
to ensure subsequent fertilization are estab- as 1980, it was estimated that more than
lished in the isthmus reservoir within 1 h of half of the cows bred by AI in that country
mating. The rapid loss of sperm is caused were inseminated by herd-owners or
mainly by the back-flow of semen in the stockpersons. In the UK, it is possible
first few minutes after insemination and for a farmer to be licensed to carry out
by intensive uterine phagocytosis by poly- inseminations in his herd after attending
morphonuclear leucocytes that invade the an approved training course. As the costs
uterus within 2 h of insemination. involved in setting up DIY-AI can be sub-
Taking such factors into account, stantial, those farmers holding licences
procedures in horses and in pigs have tend to have larger than average herds. Con-
been examined that involve insemination ception rates achieved by DIY-AI are likely
of small numbers of sperm close to the to be a matter of numbers and experience.
uterotubal junction to establish a sperm In Ireland, it is recommended that farmers
population in the isthmus reservoir that is and stockpersons using DIY-AI should
sufficient to ensure optimal fertilization. undertake a refresher course at least every
A paper by Morris et al. (2000) dealt with second year. However, despite the per-
the hysteroscopic insemination of small ceived or potential advantages of DIY-AI,
Artificial Insemination 75
comparisons show that farmers may not temperature over a longer period (50°C, 9 s),
obtain higher conception rates than those rather than 70°C for 5 s, could facilitate
achieved by professional inseminators in the use of frozen–thawed semen under farm
matched herds. conditions in Sweden.
With many dairy farmers around the
world introducing DIY-AI into their herds,
efforts have been made to evaluate the 2.2.6. Measuring effectiveness of AI
fertility and financial impact of initiating
a DIY-AI programme in comparison with
It is only to be expected that much
keeping a bull. Factors that influence the
information on fertility levels in cattle is to
successful outcome of AI include the semen
be found in the records of cattle AI centres,
used, time of year, proficiency of the
although this generally takes the form of
operator, age of cows and farm effects. Some
non-return rates (NRRs) rather than actual
workers have found little or no difference
calving rates. The 30–60 days NRR% is fre-
between owner inseminators (DIY-AI) and
quently used; this represents the proportion
technicians employed by cattle breeding
of cows that failed to return to service by
centres; others have shown a 5% increase
30 days after the end of the month in which
in conception rates over the first 3 years
they were inseminated. The NRR over-
after initiating DIY-AI, presumably due to
estimates the actual proportion of cows that
the acquisition of greater skill during this
are pregnant and takes no account of cows
period. In Ireland, a move towards increased
that are bred to bulls rather than submitted
use of DIY-AI in larger herds was initially
for reinsemination. However, as a statistic
associated with a significant fall in calving
widely employed throughout the cattle AI
rate; farmers are now encouraged to monitor
industry, it can permit valid comparisons
their performance using NRR% and enrol
of bull and cow fertility, inseminator
annually in a refresher course. There are
efficiency and other factors influencing
certainly those who believe that one reason
the efficiency of this breeding method. In
for suboptimal reproductive performance in
horses, the validation of NRR as a parameter
commercial dairy herds lies in the high pro-
for stallion fertility was attempted in one
portion of semen which is now sold directly
study using data from 6361 matings/insemi-
to producers and the fact that professional
nations; it was concluded that the NRR at
inseminators have been replaced by less
28 days was a valuable parameter for early
clinically qualified personnel; as mentioned
assessment of fertility of stallions.
elsewhere in this text, current figures indi-
cate that the pregnancy rate after a single
AI service is rarely higher than 50%, which
is far removed from the 60% or higher 2.3. Semen-sexing Technology
commonly recorded in the 1960s.
The scientific literature contains an abun-
DIY-AI in sheep dance of accounts claiming varying degrees
of success in separating the two sex-
In Sweden, AI in sheep is generally determining types of sperm in humans and
conducted on a DIY basis, often using ram domestic animals; convincing evidence of
semen frozen and packed in German mini- success was less easy to find until recent
tubes (0.25 ml) or in French mini-straws, years. Although differences in physical,
which are longer and have a smaller dia- biochemical and immunological properties
meter compared with the mini-tubes. Since of X- and Y-chromosome-bearing sperm
the temperature in the sheep barn in Swe- have been suggested by many workers,
den is often below 0°C during the breeding the only certain difference appears to be
season, this can present problems in semen those contributed by the sex chromosomes
handling. A recent study by Swedish work- themselves. Of historical interest, it may be
ers indicated that using a somewhat lower noted that semen-sexing by flow-cytometry
76 Chapter 2
was actively researched in the early 1980s the Cogent Cattle Breeding Company in the
at the National Institute of Medical Research UK, currently attempting to commercialize
in London and a semen-sexing patent was the sexing method in various countries.
granted to that institution in 1986, covering
Europe and Canada (Fig. 2.10).
In the USA, the sexing technology
devised by Johnson at the US Department 2.3.1. Factors influencing the sex ratio
of Agriculture (USDA) Beltsville research
centre was patented in 1989, the technology Sex is determined in farm mammals by
subsequently being licensed by the USDA the sex chromosome content of the sperm
for use in mammals in two categories: produced; females are produced by gametes
humans and animals. In humans, the Genet- containing an X-chromosome and males by
ics and IVF Institute in Fairfax, Virginia, was sperm carrying the Y-chromosome. The sex
granted a licence to use the sexing patent in ratio in a litter of piglets at birth (the so-
1994 and workers have already used the called secondary sex ratio) is determined by
technology in assisted human reproduction. the primary sex ratio in the litter (the sex
The animal licence was granted to Animal ratio immediately after fertilization) and
Biotechnology Cambridge (ABC) Ltd (later eventual selective prenatal mortality. In
to Mastercalf, a subsidiary of ABC) in several farm and other mammals, variation
1992. A second licence was granted to has occasionally been reported in the
the Colorado State University Foundation. sex ratio of offspring, which is apparently
Mastercalf was purchased by XY Inc. of Fort influenced by genetic and environmental
Collins, Colorado and that company is, in factors. The way in which chromosomes
association with various partners, such as segregate at meiosis in the testes ensures
Artificial Insemination 77
that sperm carrying X- and Y-chromosomes is based on work at the American Beltsville
are produced in equal numbers. There are, Agricultural Research Center. It has been
however, several interesting aspects to the recognized for some time that the X-
actual ratio of males to females that are born chromosome is larger and carries more
under some conditions; it may not always DNA than the smaller Y-chromosome;
be a matter of equal numbers of each sex. in domestic livestock the DNA difference
It now seems probable that, in species between X- and Y-bearing sperm varies
living in socially structured herds or flocks, from 3.5% to 4.2%. The first calves born
females in good body condition or of high from semen sexed by the Beltsville tech-
social rank produce more male than female nique were produced by IVF. Clearly, far
offspring; increased dietary energy appears fewer sperm are required for fertilization
to be the factor that skews the sex ratio in when IVF is employed, although the tech-
favour of males. In deer, the suggestion is niques require modification to take account
that male fetuses may be more vulnerable of the reduced motility and viability of
than females to the mother’s nutritional sorted sperm (Zhang et al., 2003). Accord-
stress (arising from high population densi- ing to Galli et al. (2003c), the use of sexed
ties or other causes of food deprivation) semen for IVF would increase if an efficient
because of faster male growth rates in utero; intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)
male fetuses require more nutrients and so procedure could be employed.
may well be more adversely affected by Although there is a genuine interest
food restrictions. among many cattle farmers in semen sexing,
Others who have speculated on the not all researchers and commercial concerns
cause of sex ratio skewing suggest that one have expressed enthusiasm about sexing
sex may signal its presence to the mother bull sperm by flow-cytometry; there are
more strongly; alternatively, the uterine tract those taking the view that the high cost
environment may favour embryos of one sex and lower pregnancy rates associated with
more than the other (Roberts et al., 2002). It flow-cytometry sorting make the approach
is known that expanded female cattle blasto- impracticable for widespread use. For such
cysts produce about twice as much interferon reasons, some commercial concerns have
(IFN) as male blastocysts. It is also evident supported work which seeks to detect
from various studies that male embryos have sex-specific differences in sperm surface
a greater ability to survive in a glucose-rich antigenicity in cattle. One approach by
medium; the uterine glucose environment a Canadian biotechnology company was
may be greater in well-fed cows, thereby pro- based on the assumption that bull and boar
viding male embryos with a survival advan- sperm have sex-specific proteins on their
tage. The higher production of IFN by female surface and that these can be separated using
blastocysts may be a factor in their survival appropriate antibodies. Under this scenario,
in a glucose-rich uterine environment. Data addition of male antibody would permit
presented by Roberts et al. (2003) emphasize X-chromosome sperm to be filtered out,
the high sensitivity of embryos, particularly without causing cell membrane damage,
females, to glucose; one possible explanation enabling the sperm to be used fresh (pigs) or
is that female embryos are compromised frozen (bull) in the normal way. Although
because of the presence of two trans- some Canadian researchers expressed opti-
criptionally active X-chromosomes, which mism about developing a viable immuno-
causes imbalance in glucose metabolism. logical sperm-sexing procedure, elsewhere
researchers have shown reservations on the
possibility of identifying membrane pro-
teins specific to X- or Y-bearing sperm. In
2.3.2. Sorting technology Brazil, Matta et al. (2001) reported testing
a monoclonal antibody against a male-
The semen-sorting technology currently specific protein for sexing semen, claiming
applied commercially by Cogent in the UK that there was a cytolytic effect on male
78 Chapter 2
gametes and no effect on female cells; they conventional maternal overhead cost of
reported almost 80% of female embryos after producing a calf disappears by becoming
IVF. It is probably wise never to say that the part of productive growth. As noted by
seemingly impossible cannot happen. Seidel (2003), the main challenge of this pro-
duction system is to get all the key life-cycle
events – pregnancy, calving, weaning and
2.3.3. Advantages of sex control 3 months of fattening after weaning – fitted
into a period not exceeding 28–30 months;
Cattle in the USA, carcasses are severely dis-
counted after 28 months of age. In Ireland,
For cattle producers the commercial avail- available evidence on meat quality has indi-
ability of sexed semen may well be a factor cated that there is essentially no difference
improving animal welfare. If dairy farmers in quality between once-calved and maiden
were able to use heifer-producing semen, heifers; however, convincing the meat trade
this would be one way of ensuring that their may be a different story. A summary of
maiden heifers produce smaller calves, possible advantages of sex control in cattle
likely to be born much more easily than bull is detailed in Table 2.11.
calves. The same farmers would be able to
avoid the birth of dairy bull calves, which Horses
otherwise might well be destined for early
slaughter. For selective breeding purposes, There could be interest among certain
the availability of sexed bull semen will sectors of the horse breeding industry in the
enable young dairy sires to be proved prospect of being able to produce foals of
much more efficiently, using their sperm to the desired sex. Gender plays an important
produce a preponderance of heifer calves. part in determining the success of horses
One cattle production possibility that in several areas of their sporting activities.
could be greatly facilitated by the use of As observed by Allen and Antczak (2000),
sexed semen would be the single-sex bred geldings are favoured for 3-day events and
heifer system of beef production; in this the mares preferred for polo playing, to take but
birth of heifer calves could be the means two examples. Using sperm sorting, foals
of maintaining the system on a continuous of a predetermined sex could be produced
basis, each female being slaughtered at a either by the embryo transfer approach
young age after producing a calf to replace or by low-sperm-dose AI. In Colorado,
herself. When a dam is slaughtered shortly Buchanan et al. (2000) compared pregnancy
after her first calf is weaned, there is a rates in mares inseminated with reduced
marked increase in biological efficiency sperm numbers in the tip of the uterine
because the dam herself assumes the role horn (horn ipsilateral to the preovulatory
of slaughter offspring and most of the follicle); breeding with a 25 million
Dairy cattle
More heifer progeny from genetically valuable cows as herd replacements for milk production
Heifer calves from maiden heifers for easier births
More bull progeny for beef production, especially from ‘cull cows’
Ensuring birth of bulls as potential sires from best cow × sire matings
Avoiding freemartins in multiple births
Beef cattle
More bull calves for beef rearing
Ensuring bull progeny as potential sires from best cow × sire matings
Ensuring birth of heifer replacements from genetically good cows
Avoiding birth of freemartins in multiple births
Artificial Insemination 79
progressively motile sperm dose resulted in working in the field expect that much
a pregnancy rate of 57%. simpler equipment, specifically designed
for sperm sorting, will become available
Pigs within a few years and that this will permit
more extensive use of the technique on the
There could be useful commercial advan- farm. In the meantime, it is known that the
tages in the use of sexed semen in the pig ability of sperm to withstand sorting proce-
world. Preselecting the sex of piglets could dures may be strongly influenced by the
have a significant impact on pig produc- individual bull (Zhang et al., 2003). For
tion; the application of sexing technology those engaged in sperm sorting, it can be
to genetic programmes could accelerate important to identify those males whose
genetic progress. The production of all-boar sperm most readily tolerate the sexing
litters in pig production units could mean procedure. Using conventional field trial
that half the pigs would automatically methods, literally hundreds of insemina-
become 15% more efficient, there would be tions are required to obtain reliable fertility
no need for ‘split-sex’ feeding, nutritional data. However, some have shown that a
requirements could be met more accurately heterospermic method may be used to test
and the end-product could be made more the in vivo fertility of bull sperm rapidly
uniform. The obvious need is for an insemi- (Flint et al., 2003); a test requiring the
nation protocol that establishes pregnancies insemination of about 60 females was able
using low sperm concentrations; research- to provide information, based on the geno-
ers have been able to use surgical intratubal type of embryos, that was able to identify
insemination to deposit porcine sperm bulls of relatively high or low fertility.
directly into the oviduct but this is not
practicable on the farm. What is required is
a procedure that provides for non-surgical
deep intrauterine insemination with a low
2.4. Future Developments in AI
sperm dose. In Spain, Vazquez et al. (2003) Technology
achieved farrowing rates of 25 and 77%
using 70 million sorted and non-sorted Despite the long history of AI and its
sperm, respectively, and 32 and 81% successful application to cattle breeding
for 140 million sorted and unsorted programmes, there are still areas of semen
sperm, respectively, in post-weaning sows technology in which improvements can be
hormonally treated for oestrus control. made. Rejection of ejaculates, due to low
motility, before or after freezing, is still
common in AI centres; some bulls that
apparently present a normal sperm picture
Trials reported by David Cran in Scotland and have an acceptable NRR of 60–70%
demonstrated, for the first time, that preg- may still yield ejaculates of which more
nancy in sheep could be established and than 50% are unsuitable for use.
lambs of predetermined sex obtained by
the deposition of a low dose of sorted
semen (flow-cytometer technique) close to 2.4.1. Sperm survival at ambient temperature
the uterotubal junction of the ewe.
Fresh semen diluted in vitro remains viable
for a limited period of time; much research
2.3.4. Problems and prospects in has been conducted over the years with bull
semen sexing sperm to understand the various factors
which may influence sperm survival in
Although current sperm-sexing technology a non-frozen state. Despite the formulation
is expensive, which severely limits the of numerous diluents, the fertile lifespan
extent of commercial applications, those of sperm is maintained for only 3–5 days
80 Chapter 2
Artificial Insemination 81
Table 2.12. For and against fresh and frozen Success with freeze-drying led to the
semen storage. exploration of desiccation as a preservation
protocol for mouse sperm storage. Desicca-
Liquid-stored semen Frozen–thawed semen
tion offers the possibility of entire handling
Advantages and subsequent storage of sperm at ambient
Low sperm numbers Long-term storage temperatures, significantly reducing the
High sire utilization Flexibility of use complexity of operations associated with
Inexpensive storage low-temperature preservation. In the USA,
Ease of use in the field
Bhowmick et al. (2003) explored the feasi-
Disadvantages bility of convective drying as a method of
Limited shelf-life High sperm numbers desiccation. Such convective drying, using
Expensive to store an inert gas (nitrogen), may offer a simpler
and less expensive alternative to freeze-
drying. The workers desiccated mouse
pups from freeze-dried sperm has recently sperm to < 5% moisture at ambient tempera-
been reported by Japanese researchers; they ture; after overnight storage at 4°C, they used
used low temperature and pressures to desiccated sperm to produce live fetuses via
remove water from the sperm and stored ICSI.
them at 4°C for periods of up to 3 months. In
reconstituting the gametes, it was simply a
matter of adding water, removing the sperm 2.4.4. In vitro spermatogenesis
heads and injecting them into mouse
oocytes; of 57 oocytes injected, 54 survived In the past decade, there has been consider-
and 49 began development in vitro. The able progress in the development of tech-
transfer of 46 embryos to the uterus of recipi- niques that may eventually result in the
ent mice resulted in the birth of 14 normal ability to completely recapitulate spermato-
young. Freeze-dried mouse sperm are genesis in vitro. Sperm production involves
motionless and are not fertile in the conven- complex endocrine and autocrine/paracrine
tional sense; however, ICSI can enable them regulation of germ cell proliferation and
to achieve fertilization. In farm animals, a differentiation. Such studies will enable the
study by Keskintepe et al. (2002) was the molecular mechanisms regulating the pro-
first to report the production of apparently cess of spermatogenesis to be determined.
normal cattle blastocysts after the injection In practical terms, in vitro spermatogenesis
of frozen–thawed bull sperm that were may provide the basis for treating certain
selected, freeze-dried and stored at 4°C until forms of male infertility in humans and of
use. Other work in the USA, this time by Lee genetically modifying the male germ line
et al. (2003a) working with pigs, has demon- in farm animals. A review by Parks et al.
strated that cytologically dead boar sperm, (2003) provides an overview of male germ
which had been freeze-dried, were capable cell and testis development, the process of
of fertilizing oocytes by way of ICSI and of spermatogenesis in vivo and how an under-
delivering exogenous genetic material for standing of the in vivo process may help in
the production of transgenic pig embryos. achieving sperm production in vitro.
Embryo Transfer
The first embryo transfer (ET) dates back use non-surgical rather than surgical
to Walter Heape more than a century procedures.
ago in England. Many years were to pass ET in cattle is an example of a reproduc-
before this novel form of reproductive tive technology introduced into commercial
technology was to reach the farm; when practice to meet certain specific problems in
it did, it was predominantly in the breed- cattle breeding that arose in the early 1970s.
ing of cattle. For the last 30 years of the 20th The need arose to expand small populations
century, ET came to play an increasingly of valuable cows, mostly breeds originating
important role in the genetic improvement in continental Europe (e.g. Limousin, Sim-
of dairy cattle in many countries. The mental, Maine Anjou, Salers, Gelbvich) that
technology has been used in many had been imported into North America or
aspects of reproductive research since the the UK. In due course, demand for such
1950s. exotic cattle decreased and cattle ET tech-
nology turned increasingly towards dairy
cattle breeding improvement programmes,
mainly in Holstein cattle. ET technology
3.1. Advantages of Embryo Transfer gave considerable impetus to the drive for
more efficient dairy cattle; it is now possible
3.1.1. Cattle and buffaloes for many genetically superior bulls to be
produced by way of these methods and to
Significant commercial expansion of cattle select dams more intensively for breeding
ET really began with the introduction of herd replacements.
non-surgical flushing in the early 1970s International trade in cattle embryos
and grew further with the introduction developed when effective methods of
of simple non-surgical transfer techniques cryopreservation arrived on the scene in
towards the end of that decade. Although the early 1970s. However, before such trade
the surgical transfer of embryos, in suitably could be established with confidence, it was
experienced hands, probably remains the necessary to have regulations in place to
method of achieving the highest pregnancy minimize the risks of disease transmission
rates (70%), thought of any extensive use associated with the long-distance movement
of the technology is only feasible using a of farm-animal embryos. Although regula-
non-surgical transfer technique essentially tions were in place for live animals and for
similar to that used in routine artificial semen, they had to be appropriately modi-
insemination (AI) (Fig. 3.1). It is also impor- fied to deal with embryos. Towards that end,
tant for animal welfare considerations to the International Embryo Transfer Society
©I.R. Gordon 2004. Reproductive Technologies in Farm Animals
82 (I.R. Gordon)
Embryo Transfer 83
Fig. 3.1. Non-surgical embryo transfer in the cow. The development of non-surgical transfer methods
in the mid-1970s was a major milestone in progress towards extensive application of embryo transfer
technology in cattle. Those with skill and experience in artificial insemination could train to become
competent in embryo transfer without difficulty.
(IETS) did much in formulating uniform with expectations for the same category
standards for the identification of embryos; of recipient animal when bred normally
this ensured that embryos could be traced (i.e. 50–70% pregnant to first service). With
accurately as well as showing that they had frozen–thawed embryos, pregnancy rates
been processed according to the appropriate are usually some 10% below those found
health certifying standards (see Thibier and with fresh embryos.
Stringfellow, 2003). Current practice in ET The development of ET technology
in domestic animals involves many proce- in cattle started in the early 1970s, largely
dures, such as the recovery of embryos, han- the result of the pioneering efforts of Tim
dling, evaluation and storage of embryos, Rowson in Cambridge. In the same way that
management of recipients and transfer of frozen semen revolutionized the AI indus-
embryos. try, embryo freezing allowed the global com-
The success and economics of a com- mercialization of cattle with élite genetic
mercial cattle ET programme is dependent qualities (Table 3.1). Currently, cattle ET
on several factors: (i) skill and experience of technology is used in numerous countries
the ET operator; (ii) selection and manage- around the world, an estimated half-million
ment of recipient animals, which must be embryos being transferred annually. The
healthy, cyclic and reproductively normal; technology relies heavily on the stimulation
(iii) close synchrony of oestrus between of selected donor cattle to produce large
donor and recipient; (iv) quality of embryos numbers of embryos after the induction
transferred; and (v) methods used in embryo of multiple ovulations by gonadotrophin
handling and transfer on the farm. The treatment (superovulation). Europe is the
success of cattle ET is usually measured world’s second largest user of embryo tech-
in terms of the pregnancy rate in recipient nologies after North America, responsible
animals. In general terms, using single for some 20% of the world’s transfers.
embryos, pregnancy rates achievable after In general, the use of ET is restricted
non-surgical transfer are broadly in line to nucleus herds and some of the largest
84 Chapter 3
Spallanzani 1776 Freezing of sperm in snow and subsequent thawing and retrieval of
motile sperm
Polge and associates 1949 Freezing of avian and mammalian sperm using glycerol as cryoprotectant
Whittingham 1971 Cryopreservation of mouse embryos and birth of live young
Wilmut and Rowson 1973 Cryopreservation of calf embryos and birth of live young
Willadsen and 1976 Development of effective techniques for freezing sheep and cattle
associates embryos
commercial herds; it is not routinely used in technology. Provided the farmer has
most of the relatively small-scale European already mastered the AI technique and
herds. In terms of the genetic gains made is thoroughly experienced in its use, do-it-
possible by ET in cattle, these are primarily yourself (DIY)-ET, like DIY-AI, may have a
the result of increased selection intensity in place on the farm. Although the transfer
females and a reduction in the generation technique requires skill, with appropriate
interval. When young cattle are used as ‘hands-on’ experience, there is no reason
donors, however, phenotypic measures of why satisfactory pregnancy rates with non-
performance, such as lactation records, are surgical transfers cannot be achieved. In
unlikely to be available; for such reasons, the USA, one country where DIY-ET is in
selection tools capable of identifying supe- operation, the proponents of this approach
rior cattle in the absence of phenotypic report costs per pregnancy being halved.
records can be particularly useful.
Towards that end, efforts to characterize Buffaloes
the genomes of cattle and other farm live-
stock have increased greatly; such character- Various authors have noted the need to
ization should enable appropriate molecular identify, multiply and distribute buffaloes
tools to be developed for the improvement that are of superior genetic merit; this cer-
of animal performance. Recent advances in tainly involves the use of various assisted
molecular biology can provide new tools for reproduction technologies, including ET.
improving cattle genetics. Gene mapping of The birth of the world’s first buffalo calf
cattle has entered the stage where it is possi- after ET was in the USA in 1983; the many
ble to think of genetic markers being used studies by Martin Drost and colleagues in
to select animals with desirable genetics; Florida also provided information used in
marker-assisted selection (MAS) is some- the preparation of a valuable training man-
thing that can be applied at the early embryo ual dealing with the selection of donors and
stage, thereby allowing the transfer of desir- recipients, superovulation, non-surgical
able quality embryos to recipient animals. embryo recovery, flushing and holding
media and embryo handling and evalua-
Do-it-yourself ET tion, as well as ET itself. Although the
induction of multiple ovulation follows the
The high cost of cattle ET has been one same lines as in cattle, the general experi-
reason why the technique has not been ence in buffaloes has been disappointing,
exploited as readily as AI by the commer- typically showing a very poor yield of trans-
cial dairy farmer. There is no reason, after ferable quality embryos. It is known that the
appropriate training, why ET techniques ovaries of the buffalo contain smaller num-
cannot be handled by the suitably bers of antral follicles than those of cattle;
trained farmer or stockperson. The benefits this is likely to be one factor explaining
of this would be twofold: lower costs the reduced response to superovulation.
and increased flexibility in applying the However, it is by no means the only factor;
Embryo Transfer 85
a report by Baruselli et al. (2000) has shown welfare grounds. A committee appointed by
results strongly indicating that low embryo the Norwegian Ministry of Agriculture in
recoveries reported in buffaloes may be 1994, for example, decreed that, for ethical
explained by failure of oocytes to gain reasons, further trials on ET in pigs, sheep
entrance to the oviduct (Table 3.2); others and goats should not be permitted in
suggest that high oestradiol levels from that country until suitable non-surgical
multiple follicles may result in low techniques were developed.
recovery rates due to reverse peristalsis Use has been made of ET technology
in the oviduct. to expand goat populations of scarce and
Despite the general anatomy of the expensive animals. A recent illustrated
reproductive organs and the reproductive French article briefly described the tech-
physiology of buffaloes and cattle being nique of ET in goats; data were provided on
very similar, there has apparently been no the results of ET carried out at a testing sta-
report of natural or artificial hybridization tion, a breeding station and a farm in France.
betweeen the two genera; this may not be In that country, in the late 1980s, for exam-
too surprising, given the marked disparity ple, the technology was used in expanding
in chromosome numbers between the two populations of Angora goats imported from
(48–50, buffalo; 60, domestic cattle). New Zealand, Texas and Australia. Demand
for high-quality pure-bred Angora and Cash-
mere goats in Europe and Australasia has
3.1.2. Sheep and goats resulted in extensive use of ET technology. It
would not be unreasonable to expect, after
The reasons for interest in sheep ET are one flushing of embryos and the remating
largely the same as those for cattle. The of the doe shortly afterwards for a normal
technique can and has been used to expand pregnancy, that the rate of population
the population of particular breeds or strains expansion could be six to seven times faster
of sheep in demand; a further consideration than under normal circumstances.
is in importing and exporting sheep in the The advances made in sheep and goat
form of frozen embryos rather than animals embryo production and ET technology have
on the hoof. For many years, the recovery been described in several publications dur-
and transfer methods developed by Tim ing the past decade (Cognie et al., 2003).
Rowson in the mid-1950s continued to be Oestrus can now be readily controlled on
used as standard practice (Fig. 3.2); indeed, a year-round basis in goats using progesto-
the methods developed at Cambridge for gens, and superovulation can be induced
sheep were to lead on to successful ET with suitable follicle-stimulating hormone
in cattle. In expert hands and used for (FSH) products; embryos are usually col-
research, the Cambridge procedures proved lected 6–8 days after breeding by laparotomy
to be valuable; for commercial practice, or laparoscopy. The development rate of
however, such surgical interventions were transferred embryos reported by various
often to be regarded as unacceptable on authors is approximately 50%, whether
embryos are fresh or frozen; ethylene glycol
is the recommended cryoprotectant. ET can
Table 3.2. Superovulation and embryo/oocyte be the means of avoiding the transmission
recovery in the buffalo (from Baruselli et al., 2000). of disease from infected donors to their
offspring. It is now well recognized that
Day of No. follicles No. corpora No. embryos ET in small ruminants has the potential to
slaughter at oestrus lutea and oocytes
facilitate the safe movement of germplasm
3.5 (n = 4) 16.7 ± 4.9 8.5 ± 4.0 3.5 ± 2.6 around the world, provided appropriate
4.5 (n = 4) 16.0 ± 6.3 10.2 ± 3.8 3.5 ± 2.6 disease prevention measures are taken in
5.5 (n = 4) 19.0 ± 6.9 8.8 ± 4.6 2.7 ± 2.8 the management and handling of embryos
and animals. The cryopreservation of valu-
Total 17.2 ± 5.7 9.2 ± 3.8 3.2 ± 2.6
able breeding material, in the shape of
86 Chapter 3
embryos, can also be used in the event of Effective surgical procedures for the
infectious diseases, such as the devastating collection and transfer of pig embryos were
outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease in the established in the mid-1960s; since that
UK in recent years. time, ET technology has been used by
many research workers. Although the first
recorded successful transfer in pigs was
reported by Kvasnicki more than 50 years
3.1.3. Pigs and horses ago in the former Soviet Union, much of the
research and development work in this spe-
In pigs, historically, there have been two cies over the years has taken place in Europe,
main difficulties limiting the commercial North America and Australasia. An impor-
application of ET. On the one hand, the tant part of the technique’s early use was
long-term cryopreservation of pig embryos in disease control; the technique permitted
has not been possible; on the other, there greater flexibility in the introduction of new
has been the need to use a surgical genetic material into ‘closed’ herds (Table
transfer procedure. However, in recent 3.3). Although there are some reports of pig
years, encouraging progress has been made embryos being shipped around the world in
in the vitrification of pig embryos and in the fresh state, the export–import side of ET
the development of non-surgical transfer in pigs has been seriously restricted by the
techniques. In Germany, Wallenhorst fact that embryos could not be frozen in the
and Holtz (2002) compared conventional same way as those of cattle and sheep.
surgical transfer of pig embryos with a Undoubtedly, the commercial applica-
semi-endoscopic approach in attempts to tion of ET in pigs has been limited by the
develop an improved ET technique, record- requirement for tedious and expensive sur-
ing an 88% pregnancy rate with the con- gical interventions in the recovery and trans-
ventional technique and a 47% rate with fer of embryos. In this, the story in pigs is
the semi-endoscopic approach. The out- quite different from that in the cow, where
come of other efforts is described by Cuello effective non-surgical recovery and transfer
et al. (2002), who dealt with the first preg- procedures were rapidly developed. Apart
nancies achieved by non-surgical transfer of from that, welfare concerns in exposing the
vitrified/thawed unhatched pig blastocysts. pig to surgical procedures must be given
Embryo Transfer 87
Table 3.3. Reasons for using embryo transfer in pigs (from Martin, 1984).
due consideration; all the more reason, there- embryo collection and transfer techniques
fore, for concentrating efforts on the devel- become increasingly effective, it becomes
opment of acceptable non-surgical methods. all the more important to have optimal han-
Although considerable interest has been dling and storage techniques to maintain
expressed by the pig industry in this possi- embryo quality until the time of transfer.
bility, a low success rate was achieved in At the present time, long-term preservation
some of the early research efforts. However, techniques, such as cryopreservation and
workers in Spain have devised a new flexi- vitrification, are promising but there is also
ble catheter which can be inserted deep into interest in storing pig embryos for much
a uterine horn; using such an instrument, shorter periods (24 h or so) to enable them
they were able to record a pregnancy rate of to be sent long distances within the same
70.8% and an average of 6.9 ± 0.7 piglets country to waiting recipients. Although, for
(Martinez et al., 2003). In other work, animal breeding purposes, there is not the
non-surgical deep intrauterine transfer of same need in pigs for extra offspring from
vitrified/warmed embryos resulted in a 62.5% particular females, there is the need to trans-
pregnancy rate and an average litter size port valuable porcine germplasm from one
of 6.25 ± 0.4. Such results are encouraging country to another without the risk of dis-
and provide reasonable grounds for believ- ease transmission; this is reason enough for
ing that an effective and practical technique developing ET technologies in pig breeding
for commercial ET in pigs is possible. and production.
Disease outbreaks in pig breeding herds
can cause much damage to the farmer and Horses
the cost of eradication can be considerable.
For such reasons, farmers would welcome Information on a wide range of factors
the possibility of infected gilts or sows influencing the successful outcome of the
producing healthy piglets by way of ET, ET technology in horses is now available,
using zona-intact embryos. Although such largely the result of valuable contributions
embryos are highly sensitive to chilling and by workers such as Allen in Cambridge,
cryopreservation, it has been possible to pre- Hinrichs and Squires in the USA,
serve them by vitrification; several research Dell’Aquila in Italy and Palmer in France.
groups have now published information on In considering possible commercial bene-
successful techniques. In Japan, for exam- fits of ET to the horse industry, four areas
ple, Misumi et al. (2003) demonstrated that where the technology may be applicable
zona-intact porcine embryos at the compact have been identified: (i) in old valuable
morula to early blastocyst stages can be pre- mares no longer able to give birth; (ii) in
served using a simple vitrification method. young mares (i.e. 2-year-olds) yet to reach
Embryo handling and storage tech- full growth and development; (iii) in sports
niques for use in pigs enable porcine horses, to avoid the need to interrupt their
embryos to be transported far and wide at a training, racing or showing in competitions;
reduced cost and with minimal animal wel- and (iv) in chronic miscarriers. Clearly, in
fare problems and disease risks compared all this, it would also be useful to identify
with the transport of live animals. As pig those horses that are genetically superior in
88 Chapter 3
their various performance traits; in Ireland, horses is likely to depend on the successful
for example, some attention has been freezing of horse embryos and the develop-
paid in the recent decade to the genetic ment of effective superovulation techniques
evaluation of show-jumping animals. for mares. According to other reports, suc-
In horses, the first foals from ET were cess with horse ET in France has been mod-
born as a result of work in Japan in 1973 and erate due to the use of older and subfertile
in Cambridge in 1975. In the Irish Republic, mares as donors and the inefficiency of
the first ET foal was born in 1984, using superovulation techniques; results achieved
non-surgical recovery and transfer proce- annually since 1995 show about 45% of
dures (Fig. 3.3); efforts were subsequently recovered embryos used for transfer and
made in sports horses to apply ET com- of these 40–70% resulted in a pregnancy.
mercially in that country. Elsewhere, in the Those describing developments in northern
1980s, commercial ET programmes were Europe noted that the first ET foal in Scandi-
described by workers in the USA and in navia was born in Finland in 1984 and in
France. By the end of the 20th century, it was Sweden in 1986; at that time, no ET had
estimated by North American workers that been carried out in Norway and there
about 1500 foals were being produced by has been limited ET activity in Denmark.
ET in North America, with Argentina and Although application of ET in horses
Brazil being clear leaders in the application has increased steadily during the past 20
of the technology in South America. Coun- years, several factors unique to the horse
tries such as Australia are also showing have limited its uptake in this species. There
increasing acceptance of the technique. is, for example, no commercially available
In France, the first foal produced as a hormonal preparation for inducing multiple
result of ET was born in 1986 and the num- ovulations in the way that is commonplace
ber of such foals born annually has increased in cattle; most embryos are recovered from
continuously since then. A recent article by single-ovulating mares. However, factors
a French author lists the equine ET centres affecting pregnancy rates after transfer are
in France and discusses the performance of much the same as in the cow, and include
foals produced by ET. According to this method of transfer, synchrony of donor and
author, further expansion of ET in sports recipient, embryo quality and management
of the recipient. As observed by North
American authors, one major improvement
in equine ET technology in recent years
in the USA has been the ability to store
embryos at 5°C and to be able to ship them to
a centralized station for transfer into waiting
recipient mares. Embryos can be collected
by practitioners on the farm, cooled to 5°C in
a passive cooling unit and shipped to an ET
station without a major decrease in fertility.
Unlike cattle, equine embryos have proved
difficult to freeze; it has been possible to
freeze only small day-6 embryos with any
great success.
Registration of ET foals
Embryo Transfer 89
remarked that the speed of winning horses Studies using ET technology in the
has progressed little in the past century (Long horse have also examined postnatal cardio-
et al., 2003); compare this with improve- vascular function after manipulating fetal
ments in milk yield of the dairy cow. In the growth; in England, data reported by
USA and in virtually all other countries, the Giussani et al. (2003) showed that fetal
two major racing breeds, Thoroughbreds growth acceleration as well as fetal growth
and Standardbreds, do not accept ET foals restriction, resulting from between-breed ET
in their registries. However, in 2002, the in the horse, can lead to altered postnatal
largest registry in the USA, the American cardiovascular function. Such findings sug-
Quarter Horse Association, did approve the gest that deviations in the pattern and rate
unlimited registration of foals from a mare of fetal growth both above and below the
during a given year using ET. According normal trajectory may influence events in
to Squires et al. (2003), this is likely to the later life of the animal.
more than double the number of transfers
performed each year in that country.
3.1.4. Deer and camelids
Avoiding genetic defects
The rapid growth in deer farming in coun-
One application of ET in horses could be in tries such as New Zealand and the growing
avoiding serious genetic defects by the DNA interest in the conservation of various deer
testing of embryonic material. A biopsy species have stimulated a number of
prior to transfer would allow for the deter- research groups to develop ET and associ-
mination of whether or not the embryo was ated procedures that can be used with these
a carrier of a defective gene; discarding car- animals. The protocols developed for ET
rier embryos would be financially benefi- in deer are usually based on those used in
cial and the percentage of healthy offspring sheep and cattle. A description of the meth-
from valuable mares could be increased. ods used, covering superovulation, embryo
collection, recipient management, freezing
Research applications embryos and other useful information was
provided in articles in the early 1990s; much
Many studies have been reported in horses of what was said then holds true today.
in which interspecific and extraspecific
pregnancies have been established by way
of ET. In England, Cambridge workers have New World camelids
studied some of the developmental, endo- It is believed that establishing practical and
crinological and immunological problems effective ET methods for the llama could be
associated with the establishment of the of considerable benefit to the American
xenogenic fetus to term in mares carrying llama industry; it could, for example, facili-
interspecific or transferred extraspecific tate the importation of genetically valuable
foals. Other research areas in which ET has embryos from South America to improve
been used include the effect of maternal herds in the USA.
size on fetal and postnatal development in
the horse. In England, in common with the
classical findings of Arthur Walton and
John Hammond in the late 1930s, who used 3.2. Growth and Development of
AI to reciprocally cross Shire horses and Embryo Transfer Technology
Shetland ponies, results recently presented
by Cambridge workers have shown that, in 3.2.1. Historical
the mare, maternal size affects fetal growth,
presumably by limiting the area of uterine Tim Rowson and associates in Cambridge,
endometrium available for attachment of working with sheep in the mid-1950s,
the diffuse epitheliochorial placenta. showed the usefulness of ET as a research
90 Chapter 3
tool. The technique provided the means replaced by purified pituitary extracts from
for testing in sheep the relative importance pigs, horses and sheep. One practical conse-
of genetic and environmental factors for quence of using pituitary preparations,
the developing sheep embryo. Although the because of their much shorter half-life,
birth of the first calf by ET occurred in was the need to administer them by
the USA in the early months of 1950 multiple injections rather than a single
(see Betteridge, 2000), it was to be a further administration.
two decades before Rowson’s work in Such variability in superovulatory
Cambridge led to commercial application response in cattle, which is reflected in
of ET technology. buffaloes, sheep and goats, is known to be
related to differences in the gonadotrophin
preparation, total dose of FSH administered
and duration and timing of treatment and
3.2.2. Superovulation techniques the use of additional hormones in the super-
ovulation regimen. There is evidence that
The earliest descriptions of superovulation pretreatment with recombinant bovine
date back to Smith and Engle in 1927, who growth hormone (recombinant bovine
used anterior pituitary preparations to somatotrophin (rBST)) or increased dietary
induce a fourfold increase in the ovulation intakes, which induce an increase in the
rates of rats and mice. A few years later, population of small follicles, can signifi-
Cole and Hart in the USA demonstrated that cantly improve the response to standard
the blood serum of pregnant mares would superovulatory protocols; it is evident that
induce multiple ovulations in rats, estab- ovarian status can be manipulated in various
lishing the basis for what was to become ways to improve superovulatory response.
the most widely used gonadotrophin in the
treatment of farm animals. Pregnant mare’s Cattle
serum gonadotrophin (PMSG) is a glyco-
protein found in the blood of the mare The treatment of farm animals, especially
between days 40 and 130 of gestation and is cattle, to induce additional ovulations
unique among gonadotrophins in possess- (i.e. superovulation) has been the object of
ing both FSH and luteinizing hormone (LH) much research during the past half-century
biological properties within the one mol- and has been a major consideration in the
ecule. It is now known that PMSG is secre- development of commercially acceptable
ted by specialized trophoblastic cells that ET technology. Cattle have featured promi-
invade the mare’s endometrium between nently in superovulation research in view
days 3 and 40 of gestation; for such reasons, of their primary importance in the produc-
the term equine chorionic gonadotrophin tion of meat and milk in most countries
(eCG) rather than PMSG is preferred by around the world. The induction of multi-
many. The name notwithstanding, early ple ovulations is the first step towards
research on superovulation in cattle and enabling the genetically superior cow to
other farm animals invariably involved the produce a greater number of calves.
use of PMSG. In the first decade of human Although a genetically superior bull may
in vitro fertilization (IVF), on the other sire a million calves by AI in 3 years, a cow
hand, superovulation was usually by way of in the same period normally gives birth to
human menopausal gonadotrophin (hMG), no more than three calves.
countless thousands of healthy babies being However, despite extensive research in
born as testimony to the safety and efficacy such areas as follicular dynamics and the
of this urinary gonadotrophin. use of gonadotrophins in combination with
Although, initially, relatively unde- gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH),
fined preparations such as PMSG were prostaglandins (PGs), progestogens, oestro-
used for superovulation in cattle and other gens and rBST, there are few indications
farm ruminants, these were subsequently of significant improvements in the overall
Embryo Transfer 91
92 Chapter 3
Embryo Transfer 93
that activity of the hormone relaxin may be sponge removal resulted in ovulation
one of the mechanisms facilitating follicle 20–28 h later. Breeding the donor ewes was
migration and ovulation. It is probable that by way of a timed insemination 48–50 h
the number of ovulations in mares may be after the end of progestogen treatment.
limited physiologically by the size of the Knowledge that part of the variability in
follicular cohort that can be stimulated by superovulatory treatment in sheep is associ-
gonadotrophins. ated with the presence or absence of a large
There are two methods which may growing follicle at the onset of gonado-
be used for superovulation in the mare: trophin treatment has led some workers to
the administration of FSH preparations or develop what is known as the ‘day 0 proto-
suppression of the inhibin feedback by anti- col’. In this, treatment with FSH initiated
inhibin immunization One recent paper soon after ovulation (day 0) was shown to
noted that superovulation techniques in increase follicle recruitment, ovulation rate,
mares based on FSH had been used for some embryo quality and the number of embryos
15 years; during this period, the superovu- recovered when compared with a treatment
latory response increased but the number of regime applied 3 days after ovulation, when
viable embryos produced per cycle did not. an active growing follicle is present in the
Immunization against inhibin can be active ovary.
(vaccination against inhibin) or passive
(injection of anti-inhibin antibodies); as well Goats
as its use in superovulation, the inhibin-
inhibition technique should contribute to a Two major limiting factors were identified
greater understanding of the mechanisms at an early stage in ET programmes in goats:
regulating follicular growth and ovulation in variability of response to superovulatory
the mare. Active immunization follows the treatments and the premature regression of
lines of classical protocols, with a response corpora lutea. Conventional protocols for
becoming evident after some time; passive superovulation techniques used commer-
immunization is conducted with one injec- cially in goats have generally consisted of
tion of antibodies per cycle, with immediate a long priming (11–18 days) period with
effects on ovulation rate being evident. progesterone/progestogen-releasing devices
and the administration of gonadotrophins
Sheep prior to or around the time of proges-
terone/progestogen withdrawal. Studies by
In sheep, French workers have focused Menchaca et al. (2002) in Uruguay explored
efforts in the past decade on synchronizing a similar approach to that employed in
follicular wave emergence by treatment sheep. They showed that the presence of a
with exogenous gonadotrophin (Cognie dominant follicle at the time of initiating
et al., 2003); this approach involves the use gonadotrophin treatment had an adverse
of a GnRH agonist or antagonist combined effect on superovulatory response. The
with a progestogen treatment to suppress study supported the advantage of the ‘day
endogenous gonadotrophin and follicular 0 protocol’, with treatment starting soon
development, followed by exogenous after ovulation, when the first follicular
gonadotrophins administered over 4 days. wave is emerging and no dominant follicle
Pretreatment over a 10-day period with is present.
an antagonist/progestogen suppressed large Workers have examined alternatives to
follicles, doubled the number of small folli- the conventional gonadotrophin approach
cles and improved response to FSH by 50%; to superovulation. Some suggest that the
a uniform cohort of follicles was recruited neutralization of inhibin bioactivity may
by FSH treatment, synchronization of have potential. Studies reported by Medan
oestrus occurred 20–24 h after removal of et al. (2003) sought to determine the effect of
the progestogen sponge and an LH prepara- passive immunization against inhibin (48 h
tion injected intravenously 32–36 h after before induced luteolysis) on FSH secretion
94 Chapter 3
and ovulation rate in goats; they were able to maintain adequate progesterone con-
to show that the immuno-neutralization of centrations in all the animals until day
endogenous inhibin in cyclic goats led to 6, when embryo collection is normally
increased secretion of FSH and multiple scheduled.
ovulations (4.2 vs. 1.8 in controls). Progestogen–gonadotrophin treatment
Superovulated goats frequently suffer is effective in the induction of super-
from premature luteal regression, which ovulation in the doe both during the breed-
results in progesterone concentrations ing season and during anoestrus. A typical
returning to basal levels as early as 3–6 days protocol employed in the breeding season
after the onset of oestrus; the lack of pro- has been one in which fluorogestone acetate
gestational support in goats with premature (FGA) sponges are used over an 11-day
luteal regression leads to the loss of most period (Fig. 3.4), with FSH being adminis-
embryos before collection on days 6 or 7 tered over 3–4 days, starting 2 days before
after the onset of oestrus. It appears that progestogen withdrawal and around the
premature luteal regression is much more time at which prostaglandin is adminis-
common when superovulation is induced tered. French workers have also shown that
with PMSG than with FSH; for such reasons, superovulation in the goat could be induced
PMSG has been largely abandoned, despite repeatedly by employing gonadotrophins
the advantage offered by a one-injection rou- which either had no potential (caprine FSH)
tine. Even with FSH-based superovulation or a low potential (ovine FSH) to induce
protocols, a substantial proportion of does the production of anti-gonadotrophin
may show premature luteal regression. antibodies.
It is believed that premature luteal Studies in Spain by Gonzalez-Bulnes
regression in the superovulated goat may be et al. (2003) evaluated superovulatory
due to the activation of the luteolytic release response in goats as affected by follicular
of PGF2a by high levels of oestradiol; such status (number of follicles capable of
high levels are thought to come from responding) at the time of initiating FSH
follicles which continue to be recruited and treatment, which was given twice daily from
stimulated in the early luteal phase, due 60 h before to 24 h after removal of a 16-day
to the long half-life of PMSG. In an effort intravaginal treatment; results indicated
to combat this problem, GnRH or LH has that ultrasonography could be used as a
been administered after the onset of oestrus practical criterion for the selection of
to eliminate large unovulated follicles. donor goats, which could avoid treatment
In Mexico, workers have used such means of poor-responding animals.
Fig. 3.4. Treatment for superovulation in the goat. D0–D11, day 0 to day 11; pFSH, porcine FSH (from
Baril et al., 1988).
Embryo Transfer 95
96 Chapter 3
Embryo Transfer 97
Table 3.6. Criteria used in evaluating cattle embryos (from Lonergan, 1992).
Morula Individual blastomeres are difficult to discern from one another. The cellular
mass of the embryos occupies most of the perivitelline space
Compact morula Individual blastomeres have coalesced, forming a compact mass. The
embryo mass occupies 60–70% of the perivitelline space
Early blastocyst This is an embryo that has formed a fluid-filled cavity or blastocoel and has
the general appearance of a signet ring. The embryo occupies 70–80% of
the perivitelline space. Visual differentiation between trophoblast and inner
cell mass may be possible at this stage of development
Blastocyst or Pronounced differentiation of the outer trophoblast layer and the darker, more
midblastocyst compact inner cell mass is evident. The blastocoel is highly prominent, with
the embryo occupying most of the perivitelline space
Expanded Overall diameter of the embryo dramatically increases (1.2–1.5×), with a
blastocyst concurrent thinning of the zona pellucida to approximately one-third of its
original thickness
Hatched Embryos can be undergoing the process of hatching or may have completely
blastocyst shed the zona pellucida
Hatched expanded A re-expanded embryo with a large blastocoel and round, very fragile
blastocyst appearance or, in later stages, an elongated shape
98 Chapter 3
Embryo Transfer 99
David Whittingham and colleagues in Lon- late 1970s, the method has been the standard
don obtained live mice pups after the trans- technique in freezing the embryos of many
fer of frozen–thawed embryos that had been species, including human embryos.
frozen using either glycerol or dimethyl The first calf born after transfer of
sulphoxide (DMSO). Some milestones in a frozen embryo in the early 1970s at
the freezing of mammalian embryos are Cambridge (Frosty II) did much to stimulate
detailed in Table 3.7. It is believed that such research. In the course of the next
sperm and embryos are capable of remain- three decades, countless thousands of cattle
ing viable at a temperature of −196°C (liquid embryos were frozen and thawed for transfer
nitrogen) for perhaps 1000 years or more, in countries around the world. In cattle, as
the only source of damage at such a temper- in other domestic species and humans, the
ature being direct ionization from back- study of cryobiology as it relates to embryo
ground radiation. For normal purposes, preservation is one of the most intensively
however, there is little need to think in researched area of embryo biotechnology.
terms of storage for other than a few months Numerous protocols of cryopreservation
or years. Many studies have shown that the were to be proposed (conventional slow
usual length of cryopreservation of cattle freezing, ultra-rapid freezing and vitrifica-
embryos in liquid nitrogen does not affect tion), each methodology with its advantages
their viability after thawing. and disadvantages.
Cambridge workers were at the forefront Disease control is an important consid-
in developing effective techniques for the eration in the export and import of embryos
freezing of cattle embryos, the work of Chris and recent years have seen moves to
Polge, Ian Wilmut and Steen Willadsen minimize or abandon altogther the use
being particularly valuable. It was found of animal proteins (serum or bovine serum
that slow freezing (0.3°C/min) of cattle albumin (BSA)) in the medium employed in
embryos to low subzero temperatures bovine embryo freezing. A study reported
(−80°C) required slow thawing; slow freez- by George et al. (2002) substituted plant pro-
ing of embryos to relatively high subzero tein (wheat peptones) for BSA, the workers
temperatures (−25°C to −35°C), on the other finding that the substitution did not affect
hand, required rapid thawing (360°C/min). blastocyst survival and quality.
Such findings, initially described by
Willadsen in the freezing of sheep embryos, Ethylene glycol as the cryoprotectant
subsequently formed the basis of the cryo-
preservation technique that was to be widely During recent years, ethylene glycol has
adopted in commercial practice; since the been effectively employed as a cryoprotec-
tant for bovine embryo preservation. The
molecular weight of this agent (62.1) is
Table 3.7. First young born after transfer of
frozen–thawed embryos. lower than that of glycerol (92.1), propylene
glycol (76.1) and DMSO (78.1) and it seems
Year Species Researcher(s) possible that its beneficial effect is partly
due to its high permeability; the fact that it
1971 Mouse Whittingham et al.
1973 Cow Wilmut and Rowson
permeates the embryo rapidly also elimi-
1974 Rabbit Bank and Maurer nates the need for the stepwise dilution of
1974 Sheep Willadsen the cryoprotectant at the time of thawing. In
1975 Rat Whittingham a survey of the cattle ET industry in North
1976 Goat Bilton and Moore America, workers reported the growing
1982 Horse Yamamoto et al. popularity of ethylene glycol and direct
1984 Human Zeilmaker et al. embryo transfers, recording that, in 1997,
1985 Hamster Ridha and Dukelow 55.4% of frozen–thawed embryos trans-
1988 Cat Dresser et al. ferred in the USA and 87.6% of those in
Canada were frozen using the agent. In
1989 Pig Hayashi et al.
1989 Rhesus monkey Wolf et al.
France, workers have recently reported
100 Chapter 3
studies with 2134 transfers in which ethyl- application of vitrification to various mam-
ene glycol was compared with a glycerol– malian species are detailed in Table 3.8.
sucrose combination; they recorded an Vitrification has the attraction of avoiding
improved success rate with ethylene glycol the need for expensive equipment, as
(55.4% vs. 47.2%). Further information on required in a conventional cryopreservation
the use of ethylene glycol in the freezing of programme.
cattle embryos in the USA is provided by In physical terms, vitrification is a pro-
Hasler (2002). cess of solidification in which crystalline ice
does not separate and there is no concentra-
Vitrification tion of solutes, as in conventional freezing;
there is an abrupt increase in the viscosity of
For successful commercial application, a the holding medium, producing a glasslike
simple process that permits direct embryo solid. Very high cooling rates are employed
transfer and gives high pregnancy rates is but initial exposure to the vitrifying solution
what is required. The most significant steps is at refrigerator temperature and very brief
in the cryopreservation of cattle embryos in to avoid adverse effects from cryoprotectant
recent years include the ability to freeze toxicity. Warming rate is also rapid to avoid
and transfer embryos in straws without crystal formation as the temperature returns
dilution and the development of the open to normal. Using the standard French mini-
pulled straw (OPS) method for efficient vit- straw as an embryo container, vitrification
rification of embryos and oocytes. In vitrifi- enabled a maximum cooling rate of about
cation, ice-crystal formation is prevented by 2000°C/min. Vajta’s OPS method, on the
using high concentrations of cryoprotec- other hand, permits much higher cooling
tants and high cooling and warming rates. and warming rates (> 20,000°C/min); the
Although vitrification as a method of cryo- method involves loading the cattle embryos
preserving embryos appeared on the scene into a straw previously heat-pulled to half
in the mid-1980s as an alternative to the the diameter and thickness of the wall.
traditional slow freezing of cattle embryos, In the freezing of embryos, the methods
its suggested advantages (simplicity, cost, originally used by Whittingham and others
speed) had little impact on commercial with mice were found to be entirely unsuc-
ET operations and its application remained cessful with pigs; the three approaches taken
largely confined to research studies. towards the cryopreservation of the pig
Vitrification is an ultra-rapid cooling embryo are shown in Fig. 3.6. It early became
technique based on direct contact between evident that pig morulae are extremely
the vitrification solution, containing cryo- sensitive to cooling below 15°C and it even-
protectant agents, and liquid nitrogen. The tually became clear that this sensitivity to
protocols for vitrification are simple, allow- cooling and freezing was the result of their
ing cells and tissue to be placed directly high lipid content; it also became clear that
into the cryoprotectants and then plunged pig embryos at the expanded and hatched
directly into liquid nitrogen. It may be noted
that the literature of cryopreservation tech-
nology makes a distinction between ‘thaw- Table 3.8. Milestones in vitrification of embryos.
ing’ as applied to embryos and oocytes
preserved by conventional freezing, and
Year Species Researcher(s)
‘warming’, which is the term used in bring- 1985 Mouse Rall and Fahy
ing embryos back to ambient temperature 1986 Cow Massip et al.
after vitrification. In human-assisted repro- 1986 Hamster Critser et al.
duction, vitrification protocols are starting 1988 Rat Kono et al.
to be employed, with several births reported 1989 Rabbit Smorag et al.
using protocols that have been successfully 1990 Sheep/goat Scieve et al.
applied to bovine oocytes and embryos
1994 Horse Hochi et al.
1998 Pig Kobayashi et al.
(Liebermann et al., 2002). Milestones in the
blastocyst stages have a higher tolerance to free from bacterial and viral infections; in
cooling than early blastocysts or morulae. the preparation and pre-freeze treatment of
embryos, it is essential that the integrity of
International trade in embryos the ZP be preserved.
102 Chapter 3
Over the years, much evidence has accumu- Oestrus Number of Pregnancy
lated on the importance of synchrony synchrony embryo rate
between donor and recipient in terms of category (h) transfers (Mean ± SEM)
their cycle stage. Exact synchrony should −12 to −24 37 51.4 ± 8.2
be the aim, but recipients out of phase by 0 to −12 67 58.2 ± 6.1
± 1 day are generally regarded as accept- 0 9 66.7 ± 16.6
able, although some reduction in pregnancy 0 to +12 78 61.5 ± 5.6
rate is to be expected; cattle that are out of +12 to +24 37 48.6 ± 8.2
synchrony by as much as 2 days would not 0 to ±12 126 62.7 ± 4.4b.
normally be used because of the reduced ±12 to ±24 102 50.0 ± 4.9a.
pregnancy rates. Some workers have looked Numbers within columns with different
at ways of making synchrony as exact as superscripts differ significantly (P = 0.054).
possible. In Arkansas, for example, the use SEM, standard error of the mean.
donor mare. According to Squires et al. several variants of the standard transfer
(2003), the most important points in select- instrument have been marketed, with
ing a recipient are uterine tone and cervical appropriate modifications to ensure that the
tone prior to transfer; mares showing embryo is deposited safely in the uterus.
excellent tone have higher pregnancy Factors that have been shown to influence
rates than recipients with marginal uterine the success of non-surgical ET in cattle are
and cervical tone. Most recipients are intact shown in Fig. 3.7.
mares, but alternatives include ovariecto-
mized, progesterone-treated mares and non- Horses
cycling, progesterone-treated mares early in
the breeding season. Pregnancy rates in mares after non-surgical
ET are usually lower than for surgical trans-
Sheep and pigs fer and are highly dependent upon operator
experience and expertise to pass the sterile
In sheep, it is well accepted that the main transfer pipette through the closed dio-
variables affecting ET are embryo quality estrous cervix. Cambridge workers have
and the degree of synchrony between reported a new transfer method which obvi-
donors and recipients (Alabart et al., 2003). ates the need for such operator skill; they
In a study reported by Hazeleger et al. reported an 85% pregnancy rate, a marked
(2000b), pig embryo survival was deter- improvement on rates previously achieved
mined after non-surgical transfer to (50–55%) using the conventional transfer
recipients with a variable synchrony of method (Wilsher and Allen, 2003). It was
ovulation. They concluded that recipients concluded that the new technique is
should ovulate between 24 h before and manipulatively uncomplicated, simple to
12 h after donors; transfers to recipients perform and remarkably successful.
ovulating 18–36 h after the donors led to
very low pregnancy rates.
104 Chapter 3
produce substantial increases in the rate Table 3.10. Embryo sexing (by PCR) in cattle
of genetic improvement in any species (based on data from Bousquet et al., 2003).
in which the natural reproductive rate is
In vivo In vitro
low and that, if high rates of ET could be
achieved, the rate of genetic improvement Number 879 3032
could even be doubled. It was recognized Males 429 (48.8%) 1696 (55.9%)
that serious limitations to the effectiveness Females 407 (46.3%) 1168 (38.5%)
of MOET programmes in cattle could be the Unknown 43 (4.9%) 168 (5.6%)
low average and high variability of embryo Transferred fresh 326 1004
numbers. However, as shown in Chapter 4,
Pregnancies (day 30) 186 (57%) 532 (52%)
Pregnancies (day 60) (55.2%) (48.9%)
it is now feasible to think in terms of over-
coming such limitations by the non-surgical
harvesting of oocytes (ovum pick-up (OPU)),
with subsequent in vitro maturation and flow-cytometry to inseminate donor animals
IVF, as the means of yielding large numbers in an ET programme. In Argentina, Panarace
of transferable embryos. et al. (2003) have demonstrated that sexed
semen can be successfully used for this
purpose in both cows and heifers. Details
of semen sexing are in Chapter 2.
3.3.2. Embryo transfer and gender
The first success with gender preselection 3.3.3. Genetic preservation of endangered
in cattle was a calf born in 1975 in Canada breeds
after an embryo was sexed by chromosomal
analysis. Many thousands of sexed calves There is considerable interest in program-
have been born since that time, many of mes for the preservation of livestock breeds
them by way of embryo sexing. In the Czech that may be in danger of extinction, in both
Republic, Lopatarova et al. (2003) reported developed and developing countries. Of the
that sex determination in bisected cattle 3831 breeds or breed varieties of donkeys,
embryos was an excellent method of buffaloes, cattle, goats, horses, pigs and
increasing the numbers of sex-desired sheep believed to exist or to have existed
calves from a limited number of embryos; in the past century, 618 (16%) have appar-
sexing was achieved by detection of male- ently become extinct. A few years ago, the
specific, Y-chromosomal DNA sequences, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)’s
using PCR. Global Data Bank for Domestic Livestock,
Obtaining embryos of the desired sex for which carried 2047 entries, showed 221
use in cattle ET could be one way of improv- cattle breeds to be at risk, most of these
ing the biological and economic efficiency of (60%) in the developed countries; intensifi-
beef and dairy cattle production systems. cation of agriculture in the Western world
Until the present time, as mentioned above, has led to a greater reliance on a small
the way to achieve this particular goal was to number of breeds, with consequent neglect
apply PCR technology to a biopsy sample of the remainder. In developing countries,
taken from an embryo (Table 3.10). The threats to genetic diversity usually take
problem with this approach is that frozen the form of increased use of AI and indis-
embryos after biopsy may have low preg- criminate crossbreeding of indigenous
nancy rates and half the available embryos breeds. The intensification of farming in
may have to be discarded because they are these countries can mean that indigenous
not of the required sex; all this can be costly breeds are in danger of being pushed to
and time-consuming. Now, however, there extinction because native farmers, aiming at
is the possibility that embryo sex can be greater productivity, employ exotic breeds
predetermined using frozen sperm sorted by such as Holsteins and Friesians.
106 Chapter 3
According to the FAO, it is essential to Table 3.11. The limited extent of animal
use the largest number of animal species domestication.
for breeding in order to preserve genetic
Insects Bee; silkworm
resources. A thousand species have been Birds Chicken; turkey; duck; goose;
lost during the last century and today it is swan; guinea-fowl; peafowl;
estimated that one-third of breeding animals pigeon; ostrich
are threatened with extinction. There are Small mammals Dog; cat; rabbit
those who regard it as an obligation to of limited utility
humankind to preserve biological diversity, Important Horse; donkey
and this applies to farm animals as well as mammals Arabian and Bactrian camels
to many wild species; apart from scientific Llamas and alpacas
considerations, there are also likely to European and zebu cattle;
buffalo, yak; gayal;
be cultural and ecological reasons. It is
banteng; sheep and goat
believed that the domestication and use Deer
of animals by humans dates back some Pig
10,000–12,000 years. Although a relatively
minute fraction of the total number of ani-
mal species was domesticated by humans
(Table 3.11), within these species many responsible for the destruction of many of
hundreds, if not thousands, of distinct these same breeds.
breeds were established over the years by The disappearance of many breeds
humans in countries around the world. As has usually been in the name of progress,
observed by Hodges (2002), this vast array driven by intensification of food production
of breeds is a human heritage worthy of methods, which has favoured the most
conservation. However, although humans productive breeds (Fig. 3.8). In Ireland and
were responsible for building up numerous the UK, the brown and white of the Dairy
breeds of farm animals over the centuries, Shorthorn has been totally replaced by the
in the past 50 years they have also been black and white of the Holstein–Friesian.
In Vitro Embryo Production
ovaries by ovum pick-up (OPU) of donor with the productive and reproductive career
cattle of differing ages and physiological of donors, yet allow the production of
states. Reliable methods are now available more embryos than conventional super-
for the maturation and fertilization of ovulation. None the less, IVP of cattle
bovine oocytes in vitro; culture methods, embryos remains technically demanding
although still imperfect, enable embryos to and requires specific laboratory expertise
be grown to the stage at which they are and equipment to ensure the production of
suitable for transfer or cryopreservation. high-quality embryos.
In vitro embryo production involves three
steps, which have been developed to the Human IVF
greatest extent in cattle: oocyte in vitro
maturation (IVM), in vitro fertilization (IVF) Human IVF has led to the birth of an
and embryo culture (IVC (in vitro culture)). estimated 1 million and more babies world-
During the recent decade, IVP of bovine wide since the day in 1978 when Louise
embryos has become a routine research tool Brown was born in England (Henig, 2003).
in many laboratories; on the farm, the At that time, media attention verged on the
method is employed in commercial cattle hysterical, with reports suggesting that test-
breeding programmes in several countries. tube babies were ‘the biggest threat since
Statistics gathered for 25 European coun- the atom bomb’. Although such predictions
tries in the year 2003 showed more than turned out to be quite wrong, there are
8000 in vitro-produced (IVP) embryos for those, some with the benefit of hindsight,
commercial use, oocytes being collected who have introduced a strong note of
either by aspiration from abattoir ovaries caution about applying human-assisted
or by OPU from live donors (Table 4.1). reproduction techniques without a solid
Although commercial uptake of such body of research evidence in support. It is
embryo-based biotechnology in cattle now recognized that the unregulated nature
remains limited in the context of overall of human IVF failed to put appropriate
cattle ET activity, on the research front emphasis on follow-up studies on the
the ability of laboratories to generate large children born after IVF.
numbers of embryos is likely to have a There are those who have commented
considerable impact on the accumulation of that techniques with such an impact on
biological knowledge on factors influencing human welfare should have been under
early embryonic development in this spe- government-sponsored regulation from the
cies. In due course, marked improvements start so that appropriate follow-up informa-
in embryo production technology can be tion would be guaranteed. In the USA, for
expected, which will help to improve the example, the National Institute of Child
efficiency of cattle production. OPU is a very Health and Human Development never
flexible procedure which does not interfere funded human IVF research in any form.
There are those, such as Winston (2003) in
the UK, who draw attention to worrying
Table 4.1. Cattle embryo transfer activity in aspects of more recent advances, such as
Europe in 2002 (from Lonergan, 2003). intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). In
this context, there is an obvious need for
Number of those engaged in the animal field to share
embryos their experiences with those in the human
110 Chapter 4
objectives for various livestock species and in India in the laboratory of Madan and
exotic, wild and endangered animals. In associates. The smaller follicle population
breeding improvement programmes, there in the ovaries and lower rate of IVM made
are several ways in which in vitro embryos the technology much less successful in
may be useful; they may be produced at buffaloes. Chinese workers, for example,
earlier ages and in much greater numbers showed that buffalo ovaries contained an
than is possible with conventional ET average of five oocytes per ovary compared
technology. Genetic gain depends on the with 14.3 for cattle. The general consensus
intensity and accuracy of genetic selection is that much more research is required
and the generation interval; the possibility before buffalo IVP embryos can be pro-
exists in cattle that the generation interval duced efficiently for commercial use. The
could be shortened by at least a year using need is to develop methods that will enable
IVP embryos from juvenile or prepubertal greater numbers of oocytes to be obtained
heifers. The ability to repeat OPU–IVP from animals. Follicle aspiration by OPU at
procedures once or even twice a week regular intervals and, perhaps at some point
means that the number of calves that can be in the future, culture techniques enabling
obtained per unit of time can be four to five the growth of pre-antral follicles may have
times as large as with conventional ET, particular relevance for this species. In the
even after taking account of the moderate meantime, Italian workers have shown the
rate of IVP blastocyst production under OPU technique to be much superior to
current culture conditions. superovulation in terms of monthly yield of
Looking to commerce, the technology transferable quality embryos (2 vs. 0.6). The
may be used to produce embryos that can buffalo is an important livestock resource,
be applied in beef production. According occupying a critical niche in many ecologi-
to New Zealand workers, for example, the cally disadvantaged agricultural systems,
benefit of using IVP to produce beef calves providing milk, meat and draught power.
in dairy herds would be most marked when Because of its high milk production, the
the beef calf replaced a dairy calf of a type Mediterranean buffalo is in high demand
(e.g. Jersey) unsuitable for beef production. around the world, as well as important for
In fact, the first company to attempt the the local economy; this calls for special
commercialization of in vitro embryo pro- efforts to rapidly multiply genetically supe-
duction was set up in Ireland in 1987; rior males and females. The application
the aim of Ovamass was the production of OPU technology, together with multistep
of high-quality, low-cost beef embryos for embryo production in vitro, could help in
twinning, using technology developed and meeting this need (Table 4.2).
patented by workers in University College,
Dublin (Fig. 4.2). At that time in Ireland,
there was a scarcity of calves for beef rearing
and it was thought opportune to apply the 4.1.3. Sheep and goats
technology. Unfortunately, the problems
encountered in the early days of applying The use of embryo production in sheep,
the technology were to prove a bridge too particularly embryos derived from juvenile
far; by the time technical difficulties were donors, has considerable room for improve-
overcome, the demand for beef calves had ment, with further research required to
gone. improve oocyte cytoplasmic maturation,
as well as the cryopreservation of embryos.
Buffaloes Reviewing progress in advanced repro-
ductive technologies in sheep, Cognie et al.
In vitro embryo production in buffaloes, (2003) note that the optimization of IVP
for both research and commerce, progressed procedures is a major challenge to those
much more slowly than in cattle. The birth involved in the production and propagation
of the first IVP calf was reported in 1991 of transgenic and cloned animals.
According to Koeman et al. (2003), IVP pharmaceutical value in their milk, has
of goat embryos is a rapidly advancing encouraged the development of techniques
field; the production of valuable transgenic that can support the propagation of these
goats, capable of producing substances of animals. The use of prepubertal goats would
112 Chapter 4
Table 4.2. Repeated oocyte recovery in buffaloes (from Zicarelli et al., 1996).
Pigs have become increasingly impor- competition mares and mares that other-
tant in biomedical research and there is wise might have difficulty in achieving or
considerable interest in the potential use maintaining a pregnancy of their own. As
of transgenic pigs in such research. Most in cattle, there might be value in providing
attempts to produce transgenic pigs use a genetic salvage service in instances where
in vitro-matured (IVM) oocytes and early the death of a valuable mare occurs without
embryos; for that reason, there is a need to warning. It is also possible that the produc-
produce large numbers of developmentally tion of horse embryos by in vitro techniques
competent oocytes. In the past two decades, could find a useful place in the study
as described by Day (2000), the technology of many aspects of reproduction in this
has progressed from research on the forma- species, as well as enabling progress to
tion of male and female pronuclei in pig be made in areas of commercial interest.
oocytes matured in vitro to the production The availability of live horse embryos
of litters of live piglets after transfer of less than 6 days of age, a requirement
advanced cleavage-stage IVP embryos to for certain lines of research (e.g. embryo
recipients. During the most recent decade, cryopreservation), is currently limited
blastocyst development rates approaching unless there is recourse to costly surgical
those in cattle and sheep have been intervention; the laboratory production of
achieved. horse embryos could be a useful solution to
None the less, pig embryo production such problems.
presents problems, such as incomplete Compared with cattle, however, prog-
cytoplasmic maturation, leading to the ress in producing IVP equine embryos has
development of blastocysts with reduced been much slower. Cabianca et al. (2003)
cell numbers and compromised viability. note that techniques are still in a prelimi-
Evidence presented by Kidson et al. (2003) nary phase and far from being ready for field
indicated that the presence of porcine application. This is partly due to difficulties
oviductal epithelial cells during IVM in obtaining abattoir ovaries as a source of
enhanced the quality of cytoplasmic matura- oocytes and in recovering oocytes by OPU
tion of the pig oocyte and the subsequent in the live animal. In many countries, the
blastocyst cell proliferation; although the slaughter of horses is found in only a limited
yield of blastocysts was reduced in the number of places and the number of mares
presence of oviductal cells, those blastocysts slaughtered is often quite low. A further
that did form were of superior quality. It is difficulty, for reason of distance, was the fact
possible that the oviductal cells provided that oocytes could not be aspirated until
beneficial factors, such as growth factors or 18–24 h after ovary collection. In contrast
scavenger ions, which have a role in the to the cow, follicle aspiration yields a low
functioning of the ooplasm. In Spain, Selles recovery rate in the mare. In Denmark, work-
et al. (2003) used a porcine IVF system to ers found the oocyte recovery rate to be
assess the quality of frozen–thawed boar higher for aspirations at intervals of 23 or
semen prior to its commercial use, to verify more days than for aspirations at 6-day inter-
the quality of stored semen and to evaluate vals (35.8 vs. 18.4%). Difficulties in achiev-
new sperm freezing procedures; it was ing an acceptable fertilization rate in the
concluded that this method of evaluating mare turned the attention of researchers to
semen was preferable to examining semen ICSI, a procedure used with great technical
by the more conventional route. success in human assisted reproduction; in
horses, reports from several countries show
Horses sperm injection to be much more effective
than conventional IVF. Those IVF- and
One advantage of IVP technology in horses ICSI-derived foals that have been born
would be as an adjunct to conventional have usually followed the transfer of
ET activities, where it could be employed early embryos into the Fallopian tubes
to obtain foals from subfertile mares, of surrogate mothers.
114 Chapter 4
time with in vivo-derived embryos (preg- it was necessary to develop methods that
nancy rates of 50.3% for 803 ‘fresh’ transfers permit the recovery of several good-quality
vs. 43.1% for 308 frozen embryo transfers). oocytes per ovary; the number actually
With the abandonment, under commercial recovered will vary with different collec-
pressure, of the sheep oviduct as the early tion procedures. In Dublin, oocytes were
embryo culture system and the development collected from heifer cattle slaughtered for
of somatic-cell co-culture systems came evi- beef in local abattoirs and their ovaries
dence that the embryo’s ability to survive brought to the laboratory within an hour or
had seriously deteriorated; pregnancy rates so of slaughter. A comprehensive account
in many cases with frozen embryos were of cattle oocyte sources and the methods
halved, making commercial application used in recovering them from abattoir ova-
uneconomic and impractical. ries is provided in articles and books; it is
In 1989, Ovamass was assimilated into important that appropriate time limits and
Animal Biotechnology Cambridge (ABC), temperatures are observed in the collection
the Irish-based laboratory concentrating of oocytes (Fig. 4.4).
on refining embryo production technology
and ABC in Cambridge devoting its attention Equine ovaries
to embryo sexing and cloning technology.
Despite the fact that IVP technology was In horses, recent studies have shown that
greatly strengthened by the research and the equine ovary may be stored after exci-
field trials conducted in Ireland in the early sion from a slaughtered mare for at least
1990s, when it came to applying the technol- 6–8 h at temperatures of 37–27°C during
ogy in commercial practice, insurmountable transport to the laboratory. Where oocytes
financial difficulties arose. ABC relocated from slaughtered animals are used in
its research staff from Ireland to Cambridge embryo production, the time taken between
and concentrated attention on the semen- the abattoir and the laboratory and IVM
sexing side of its research and development culture may be lengthy and can, like the
activities. In this latter regard, the first calves temperature during transport, adversely
born from semen sexed by the Beltsville affect oocyte developmental competence.
sorting technique were the result of ABC’s
efforts in the UK. Elsewhere in the world, in Sheep ovaries
vitro embryo production was commercial-
ized in countries such as Japan and Italy as a In sheep, storage times of 4, 8 and 24 h after
means of producing premium beef calves slaughter were found to have a negative
from dairy herds (Galli and Lazzari, 2003). effect on oocyte competence but tem-
perature during storage had its own effect,
allowing a higher maturation rate at 22°C
than at 5 or 37°C. Temperature effects were
4.2.2. Abattoir materials also evident in studies in which oocytes
from ovaries held at 20°C during transport
Cattle ovaries showed greater competence than those
Although superovulation remains the transported at 30 and 37°C.
chosen method of producing high-quality
bovine embryos for most commercial ET
purposes, cost may well make this prohibi- 4.2.3. Ovum pick-up (OPU) technique
tive for many research programmes. Abat-
toir materials, on the other hand, form an An alternative to oocyte collection from
inexpensive and readily available source of slaughterhouse ovaries is OPU from live
oocytes for research in embryo production donor females (Fig. 4.5). Workers have
and for use in cloning and the production developed OPU devices that are practical
of transgenic animals. In the production of and economical for routine use in oocyte
cattle embryos from slaughterhouse ovaries, retrieval, without causing negative effects
116 Chapter 4
Fig. 4.4. Abattoir material as the starting point for embryo production.
Fig. 4.5. Ovum pick-up in the cow. Schematic diagram of the position of the ovary (1) in the cow during
transvaginal puncturing of follicles. With one hand in the rectum (2) the ovary is manipulated against the
anterior part of the vagina, just beside the cervix (3). With the other hand, the transducer (4) is advanced
into the vagina and as the needle is pushed forward it penetrates the vaginal wall and punctures the ovary
(from Kruip et al., 1991).
on ovarian structure and subsequent ovar- each donor animal and determined by its
ian function. Although donor cows used genetic constitution (Lopes et al., 2003).
for OPU vary considerably in their yield In using OPU, a scanner with an intra-
of oocytes, there is evidence that a certain vaginal sector probe and a guided needle
oocyte number may be characteristic of is employed; the needle is connected to a
Table 4.3. Calves after OPU and superovulation (adapted from Bousquet et al., 2003).
118 Chapter 4
stress, milk production criteria, immune oocytes from live animals. An ample supply
status and a histological examination of of oocytes can be recovered from venison
ovaries. The authors concluded that abattoirs and farmed red deer can readily be
repeated OPU by transvaginal follicular handled to meet the needs of OPU tech-
puncture had no adverse effect on the niques. Transvaginal ultrasound-guided
welfare of the animals. Unlike the applica- OPU is regarded as a relatively non-
tion of conventional cattle ET, which can invasive, reliable and safe technique for
interfere markedly with the resumption of red deer (Berg and Asher, 2003); Berg and
normal reproduction in the donor animal, Asher report OPU to be a good technique for
the OPU method may appeal because it recovering oocytes but scarcity of suitable
can be applied at frequent intervals follicles (3–7 mm diameter) limits its
without adverse effects on reproduction; usefulness at the present time. The same
as mentioned above, the cow may even be authors note the potential to overcome this
pregnant at the time OPU is carried out. problem by using exogenous hormones and
follicular management. The OPU technique
Buffaloes also has the potential to permit collection of
oocytes from early pregnant animals, which
The numbers of oocytes recovered from could help in increasing the number of
buffalo ovaries are usually smaller than embryos produced from genetically élite
those found in cattle; collecting oocytes hinds.
from abattoir ovaries by aspiration, num-
bers per ovary often average no more than
about one. Techniques used for oocyte 4.2.4. Evaluation and maturation of the
recovery include slicing, follicle puncture oocyte
and aspiration, with the highest recovery
rate achieved by slicing. In Pakistan, for Selection criteria
example, workers found slicing better than
aspiration for oocyte recovery (3.85 vs. The methods of selection of the cumulus–
1.76 per ovary). As in cattle studies, there oocyte complexes (COCs) are usually based
are reports with buffaloes showing that on parameters such as the morphology of
cleavage rates and blastocyst yields are the cumulus, the combined morphology
significantly higher with cumulus-intact of the cumulus and of the ooplasm, the
oocytes than with cumulus-free oocytes. size of the follicle and the oocyte and
the level of follicular atresia. COCs with a
Goats compact and complete cumulus mass and
a uniform appearance seem to present a
In dealing with valuable donor goats of higher developmental ability (Fig. 4.6).
superior genetics, transgenic founder Many reports have proposed classification
animals or goats of a rare blood-line, some schemes based on the compactness and
workers have recommended a transvaginal number of layers of cumulus cells sur-
ultrasound-guided oocyte recovery pro- rounding the oocyte and on the appearance
cedure. Although the number of oocytes of the oocyte itself. Oocytes with the
harvested per female is likely to be lower highest developmental competence are
than with a laparoscopic approach, a non- expected to possess an even, smooth, finely
invasive procedure enables post-collection granulated cytoplasm, surrounded by fewer
adhesions to be held to a minimum. than three compact layers of cumulus cells.
There are those suggesting the need to
Deer revise the criteria employed for selecting
oocytes. Data reported by Vassena et al.
In deer, two oocyte recovery approaches (2003) suggest that oocytes collected
have been used in New Zealand: recovering during the static or regressing phases of
oocytes from abattoir ovaries and collecting the follicular wave are preferable to those
Fig. 4.6. Good-quality cattle cumulus–oocyte complexes. Oocytes are assessed on the basis of their
morphology and that of the surrounding cumulus cells. The oocytes shown here have at least five layers
of cumulus cells, which are tightly packed.
collected from follicles in the growing stable during IVM but 70 transcripts under-
phase; it appears that the effects of early went a significant differential regulation.
follicular atresia are beneficial to oocyte Some of these transcripts may be used
competence, although the reasons for this as markers of oocyte quality for the
phenomenon are still unclear. Results improvement of oocyte culture conditions.
reported by Alm and Torner (2003) showed
that the staining of bovine COCs with bril- Factors involved in maturation
liant cresyl blue before IVM could be used
to increase the number of developmentally It is evident, from many reports, that
competent oocytes and to act as a marker of granulosa cells play a critical role in
oocyte quality for techniques such as clon- the growth and development of the oocyte
ing. Brilliant cresyl blue stain determines during its intrafollicular life. Intercellular
the intracellular activity of glucose-6- communication between cumulus cells and
phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD), which is the oocyte occurs via paracrine factors and
known to play a critical role in cell growth. through gap junctions. Cumulus cells facili-
tate the transfer of nutrients and factors
Gene expression in oocytes essential for oocyte development, such as
metabolites, amino acids, signal transduc-
A study reported by Dalbies-Tran and tion molecules and other factors. Cumulus
Mermillod (2003) compared gene expres- cells are known to play an important role in
sion pattern in bovine oocytes before and the regulation of cytoplasmic and nuclear
after IVM, using heterologous complemen- maturation of the oocyte. In more recent
tary DNA (cDNA) array hybridization; they times, the importance of the two-way
were able to generate a transcription profile communication axis between oocytes
of bovine oocytes and a list of candidate and granulosa cells has been recognized;
genes for differential regulation during mat- oocytes secrete paracrine factors that regu-
uration. They showed that about 300 identi- late a broad range of granulosa cell func-
fied genes were expressed in their bovine tions by modulating fundamental control
model. Most messenger RNAs appeared elements. It is apparent that oocytes not
120 Chapter 4
122 Chapter 4
medium significantly increased blastocyst clear that IVM of sow oocytes in the
development and viability. As with other presence of FSH not only enhances nuclear
farm animals, workers have found the maturation but also improves the develop-
developmental competence of oocytes mental competence of oocytes, as shown
recovered from young prepubertal goats to by an increased yield of blastocysts. In
be much inferior to that found with oocytes Holland, Schoevers et al. (2003) showed
recovered from adult animals (Table 4.5). that the presence of FSH during the first
half of the entire culture period enhanced
Sheep metaphase II formation and induced
cumulus-cell expansion. In the USA,
Numerous supplements to maturation, Abeydeera et al. (2000) showed that the
fertilization and culture media, including addition of EGF to a protein-free maturation
serum, gonadotrophins, oestradiol, amino medium improved the developmental com-
acids and growth factors, have been tested petence of pig oocytes; there was evidence
in attempts to improve the production of that part of the beneficial effect of EGF was
sheep embryos. Several studies have demon- due to its stimulatory effect on intracellular
strated that the addition of gonadotrophins, glutathione (GSH) synthesis.
oestradiol and EGF to the maturation
medium results in improved conditions for Horses
maturation and fertilization and a relatively
high rate of blastocyst formation. In the USA, It is evident, from many studies, that IVM of
Grazul-Bilska et al. (2003) were among those equine oocytes needs to be refined; it is
who found that EGF was a useful additive thought that a greater understanding of the
to maturation media to increase in vitro factors that maintain the horse oocyte in
embryo production in FSH-treated sheep; meiotic arrest and regulate the resumption
they reported that EGF supplementation of of nuclear maturation may permit the
the medium doubled the formation of blasto- development of protocols that will improve
cysts from 13% to 27%. It was evident, from the quality of cytoplasmic maturation. The
research many years ago in sheep in literature shows the oocyte maturation rate
Ireland, that survival of the embryos of varying among laboratories and usually
mature ewes was greater than that of ewe lower than that reported for other farm
lamb embryos; it is now clear that oocytes animals; typically, 40–70% of equine
from prepubertal ewes generally lack the oocytes reach metaphase II in contrast to
competence found in those of mature ewes. the outcome in the cow, where more than
90% of oocytes can be expected to progress
Pigs to metaphase II. There are, however, reports
from Italy suggesting that certain selection
It is also known that oocytes from sows criteria for equine oocytes may be useful
have a higher maturation potency than in improving embryo production in this
oocytes from prepubertal gilts. It is also species (Dell’Aquila et al., 2003).
Table 4.5. Competence of prepubertal and adult oocytes (cleavage and development of prepubertal
and adult goat oocytes after IVM and culture to the blastocyst stage 6–8 days post-insemination) (from
Cognie et al., 2003).
Among farm animals, horses usually with FCS, gonadotrophins, oestradiol and
have a considerably longer reproductive additional granulosa cells.
lifespan than cattle, sheep and pigs; for
that reason, age of the mare may be an impor- Prepubertal oocytes
tant consideration in determining oocyte
quality. Reproductive efficiency certainly As with goats, there is much evidence
declines with advancing age in the mare; showing that developmental competence
studies reported by some workers recently in vitro is lower in prepubertal cattle and
found evidence of morphological anomalies sheep oocytes than in those in adults
in oocytes from old mares (> 19 years old) (Table 4.6). Efforts in Australia to overcome
not evident in oocytes from young mares this problem used hormonal induction of
(3–10 years old). A further clear difference oestrus and ovulation in donor animals. A
between horses and other farm mammals report by Morton et al. (2003) used a 10-day
lies in the number of ovarian follicles found norgestomet implant treatment in combina-
in the ovaries. It is estimated that the equine tion with pregnant mare’s serum gonado-
ovary contains a low number of primordial trophin (PMSG) and FSH before collecting
follicles: about 36,000 vs. 120,000 in the oocytes; blastocyst formation after IVM/
cow and 160,000 in the ewe. It is also clear IVF/IVC was significantly increased after
that the hormonal environment of the such stimulation (0% in controls vs. 41% in
mare’s preovulatory follicle differs from that stimulated ewe lambs).
in other farm animals during the resumption
and completion of meiosis. The short, Prematuration of oocytes
massive, preovulatory LH surge evident in
ruminants is not seen in the mare; instead, It is evident, from studies reported in the
there is a slow increase lasting several days, past two decades, that conventional oocyte
with maximum LH values observed a day maturation protocols may not expose the
after ovulation. oocyte to certain factors present in normal
preovulatory follicle development; for such
reasons, IVM oocytes may show lower
Deer competetence than those matured in vivo.
Although as yet poorly understood, it is
In oocyte maturation in deer, methods are well-known that the ooplasm stores mRNA
usually based on those developed and used and proteins to provide maternal control
in cattle, with oocytes either recovered from during the first cleavages of embryonic
ovaries recovered at abattoirs or collected development before the embryonic genome
by the laparoscopic aspiration of follicles is activated. Studies reported by Duque
in hormone-treated females; a typical et al. (2002), for example, have shown that
medium would be TCM-199, supplemented the presence of retinoic acid during a 24 h
124 Chapter 4
be a useful alternative to Percoll when sepa- not always reflect the true nature of physio-
rating cryopreserved bull sperm for IVF. logical events occurring in the cell. Now
it is possible to evaluate the acrosomal
Sperm maturation in the live animal status of sperm using FITC-PSA and the
chlortetracycline fluorescence assay. These
Mammalian sperm must undergo epididy- methods are rapid, reproducible and reli-
mal maturation, capacitation and the AR to able and detect an increase or decrease
be able to fertilize the oocyte. Studying epi- in physiological ARs; the method has been
didymal sperm maturation in pigs, Burkin used to evaluate the capacitation status of
and Miller (2000) concluded that porcine pig, stallion, bull, buffalo, goat, ram and
sperm develop zona pellucida binding sites human sperm.
on the acrosomal ridge while they reside in
the corpus region of the epididymis, thereby Male effects on sperm quality
gaining the ability to fertilize oocytes. Stud-
ies reported by workers in Japan indicate Workers involved in laboratory embryo
that an increasing percentage of goat sperm production have attempted to assess differ-
acquire the potential to undergo the AR and ent sperm quality parameters to predict in
fuse with the oocyte plasma membrane dur- vitro fertility of bulls (Fig. 4.7). In Ireland,
ing transit through the caput epididymidis. studies reported by Ward et al. (2003) have
During capacitation, several biochemical shown that the sire used in IVF can have
modifications occur in the sperm’s surface a profound effect on the proportion of
membrane; such changes are essential in oocytes developing to the blastocyst stage
permitting sperm–oocyte binding and the and that this effect can be related to the time
AR. During the AR, hydrolytic enzymes are of first cleavage after insemination for the
released by exocytosis to enable the sperm individual sire; the kinetics of these early
to penetrate the zonal pellucida. cleavage divisions can be used to discrimi-
nate between bulls of high and low field
Assessing capacitation status of sperm fertility. Various studies have identified
paternally linked differences in the fertil-
For many years, methods available for ization process between bulls of high and
assessing capacitation of sperm were low fertility that become evident during the
cumbersome and time consuming and did first cell cycle.
126 Chapter 4
It has also been shown that a beneficial stimulus nor a suitable medium for sup-
paternal effect from sperm recovered from porting viability of stallion sperm during
bulls of high in vitro fertility is evident dur- culture in vitro has been established.
ing the first G1 phase after fertilization; this Although numerous capacitation treatments
beneficial effect is shown by an earlier onset have been evaluated, the only treatment
and longer duration of the first DNA replica- that has resulted in reasonable fertilization
tion in both male and female pronuclei, which rates in equine IVF is calcium ionophore
can result in higher rates of blastocyst forma- A23187.
tion. Studies reported by Comizzoli et al.
(2003) examined the interaction between Boar sperm
male and female pronuclei and compared
glycolysis and pentose phosphate pathway A study reported by Matas et al. (2003)
(PPP) activities in bovine oocytes fertilized examined the effect of different sperm
with sperm from bulls of high or low fertil- preparation methods in pigs on the AR,
ity; they showed that male pronucleus oocyte penetration time and early embryo
formation is necessary for the onset of the S development; their findings indicated that
phase in the female pronucleus and that the treatment with Percoll (layered in a Percoll
component promoting an early S phase in gradient) yielded the best results in their
both pronuclei is metabolic and linked to an pig embryo production system.
up-regulation of the PPP during the male
pronucleus formation. The authors suggest Deer sperm
that it would be of interest to examine
whether differences in the level of PPP after In red deer, New Zealand workers have
fertilization are also to be found in humans, shown that sperm can be capacitated in
in which marked differences exist in the in vitro by supplementing the fertilization
vitro fertility of sperm from different donors. medium with heparin, as in cattle; the same
authors also found that epididymal sperm
Frozen semen could be successfully employed in IVF.
Elsewhere, however, in both New Zealand
In cattle, frozen semen is generally employed and France, it has been shown that a 20%
for IVF and a Percoll-based separation oestrous sheep serum supplement was
method employed to isolate a motile sperm effective for the in vitro capacitation of
fraction after thawing; although there are red deer ejaculates and for IVF of red
other approaches, the Percoll gradient tech- deer oocytes (Comizzoli et al., 2000). The
nique is well suited for commercial use. fertilizing ability of different deer semen
The two media usually employed for IVF are samples, including epididymal sperm, in
a tyrode-albumin-lactate-pyruvate (TALP)- various supplemented IVF media, was
based medium and an SOF-based medium, examined by Comizzoli et al. (2001), using
with heparin as the capacitating agent. The zona-free bovine oocytes to decondense
sperm dose used will depend on the bull, deer sperm chromatin; the authors suggest
among other factors, and is determined by that this form of heterologous IVF may be a
carrying out IVF tests with differing sperm useful tool in permitting a clearer under-
concentrations. IVF is usually achieved by standing of unsuccessful homologous IVF
co-incubating sperm and oocytes for 18–20 h; in deer.
the oocytes are denuded of cumulus cells
before transfer to the IVC system used for Using ICSI as the fertilization approach
development to the blastocyst stage.
For various reasons, there may be a need to
Stallion sperm explore novel means of achieving fertiliza-
tion; some of the possible approaches are
A major obstacle to progress in equine IVF illustrated in Fig. 4.8. As a result of poor
is that neither an optimal capacitation IVF results, often with only 15–30% of
Fig. 4.8. Four approaches to micro-assisted fertilization. SUZI, subzonal sperm insertion.
oocytes being fertilized, ICSI has been fertilization, to investigate infertility and to
employed in dealing with horse oocytes. understand the cellular basis of early preg-
Various workers have shown that ICSI is nancy failure in horses. ISCI has proved to
capable of increasing fertilization rates be a valuable addition to the technology of
compared with IVF, and several foals have assisted reproduction, especially in humans
been born from IVM horse oocytes fertilized and, to a more limited extent, in horses. The
by sperm injection. In Italy, studies have technique also provides an opportunity for
demonstrated that a blastocyst rate of about research into cell-cycle control and the
30% can be achieved after ICSI of IVM mechanisms involved in sperm-induced
equine oocytes. According to Squires et al. oocyte activation. The same sperm injection
(2003), the ICSI technique provides the technique also has relevance as a sperm
possibility of obtaining pregnancies from vector system for transgenic animal produc-
stallions that may have low sperm numbers tion (see Chapter 13) and with freeze-dried
or poor semen quality. Although ICSI is sperm for which the maintenance of motility
the method of choice for fertilizing horse is not required (see Chapter 2).
oocytes in vitro, the reasons for this are not
well understood and embryo development ICSI in cattle
rates have remained low.
For such reasons, a study undertaken by Species differences in the response to ICSI
Tremoleda et al. (2003) in The Netherlands are now well recognized. In humans, mice,
sought to characterize the nuclear and cellu- hamsters and rabbits, sperm injection alone
lar events occurring in horse oocytes during is apparently sufficient to activate the
fertilization after sperm injection; it was oocytes for further embryonic development.
concluded that, until conventional IVF In cattle some maintain that additional
becomes more reliable, ICSI probably activation after ICSI is necessary and in
remains the best way to produce equine pigs there is evidence that activation of
embryos, to perform fundamental research oocytes may be beneficial. In comparison
into the cellular and molecular events of with ICSI in humans, the outcome of sperm
128 Chapter 4
injection in cattle has been disappointingly evidence may suggest that the amount of
poor. In efforts to overcome this, attempts oocyte-activating factor(s) released by the
have generally been made to activate the sperm was only sufficient to partially initi-
oocytes in conjunction with sperm injec- ate the physiological cascade associated
tion. It has been thought that exogenous with fertilization. Studies in Japan by Nakai
oocyte activation treatment is a prerequisite et al. (2003) sought evidence that IVM–ICSI
for sperm-head decondensation, male pro- oocytes have the ability to develop to nor-
nuclear formation, cleavage and embryonic mal viable piglets; results of the group indi-
development. However, the same activation cated that normal development in IVM pig
treatment is likely to induce parthenogene- oocytes was possible, even in the absence of
sis and abnormal forms of fertilization after a sperm centrosome during fertilization, by
ICSI. injection of a sperm head. The authors sug-
Studies in Japan have now demon- gest that the successful birth of piglets, as
strated that promising rates of cleavage, demonstrated in their study, paved the way
embryonic development and embryo for the utilization of boar genetic resources,
normality can be achieved in cattle ICSI including not only non-motile sperm before
without exogenous oocyte activation treat- and after freezing but also sperm preserved
ment (Wei and Fukui, 2002); the same labo- by methods other than freezing; one possi-
ratory reported the birth of several normal bility is a freeze-drying method in combina-
young after the use of the ICSI technique. In tion with sperm injection. Such a procedure
Italy, Galli et al. (2003c) are also among could enable sperm to be preserved on a
those showing that ICSI blastocysts pro- long-term basis at room temperature.
duced without activation can establish
pregnancies that go to term. Although it
does not necessarily follow that exogenous
activation is not required in cattle, the 4.2.6. Other fertilization approaches
routine would be simpler if it could follow
the lines now well established in human Gamete intra-Fallopian tube transfer (GIFT)
assisted reproduction. has been used in horses to deal with stal-
lions having low sperm numbers or in situa-
ICSI in goats tions in which frozen semen is in limited
supply or sexed semen is being employed.
Workers in Canada have reported on the In the GIFT technique, oocytes and sperm
efficacy of ICSI in goats. Results from work are transferred to the mare’s oviduct.
in the laboratories of Nexia Biotechnologies Results from studies by Squires et al.
Inc. suggest that the use of tail-cut goat (2003), who inseminated fresh semen into
sperm and a piezo micropipette-driving the oviduct, showed an 82% pregnancy rate
system is an efficient approach to the compared with an 8% rate with the use of
production of viable embryos and young frozen–thawed sperm; the authors note that
in that species (Wang et al., 2003). further work is required to determine why
pregnancy rates are depressed when using
ICSI in pigs cooled or frozen semen compared with
fresh semen for GIFT transfer. When
In the USA, Lee et al. (2003b) provided techniques such as GIFT are used in the
evidence that IVM porcine oocytes could be horse, the culture and subsequent transfer
activated by the injection of frozen–thawed of donor oocytes may pose additional risks
sperm in the absence of additional activa- for disease transmission; although the zona
tion stimuli. However, activation treatment pellucida provides pathogen protection, the
significantly improved fertilization and cumulus cells surrounding the oocyte,
blastocyst development of sperm-injected which are inevitably transferred with
oocytes; in fact, activation treatment more the gamete, could harbour intracellular
than doubled blastocyst production. Such viral pathogens.
130 Chapter 4
reaching the blastocyst stage (Yoshioka and presented by Lane et al. (2003), for
Rodriguez-Martinez, 2003). example, using a physiologically based,
sequential, serum-free culture system
The oviduct for embryo culture (G1.2/G2.2), showed equivalent pregnancy
and cryosurvival rates to those achieved
Several culture systems have been devel- with the traditional BRL co-culture system.
oped to culture the fertilized oocyte (the The G1.2/G2.2 media have been used for
zygote) to the blastocyst stage; these include the culture of embryos of many species,
an in vivo culture procedure using the the time of medium change from G1.2.
surrogate sheep oviduct, as well as various to G2.2 varying according to the species:
co-culture and cell-free systems. The sheep 65–76 h post-insemination in humans,
oviduct method is one that yields embryos 72 h post-insemination in pigs and 96 h
of a quality almost comparable to those post-insemination in cattle.
recovered from the cow itself (Fig. 4.9). These media are based on synthetic
Although the sheep oviduct procedure is oviductal fluid, with the G2.2 portion
normally used in a research setting, in Italy containing a higher glucose concentration
it has been the basis of IVP cattle embryo than G1.2. The authors found no difference
production for commercial application over in embryo development between change of
a period of some years (Galli et al., 2003a). medium at 72 or 96 h post-insemination.
In Ireland, a change from the sheep oviduct The sequential media ISM1/ISM2 (Medi-
system to a totally IVC system was associ- cult, Copenhagen) have also been used
ated with a marked decline in embryo successfully; a study reported by Heyman
quality, especially in the ability of IVP et al. (2003b) in France assessed the
embryos to withstand freeze–thawing potential for full-term development of IVP
procedures. blastocysts developed in these sequential
media. From a limited number of transfers,
Sequential media no fetal loss was observed, there was no
instance of LOS and all calves born survived
Encouraging results are found using media to 1 month in the ISM group compared with
in which composition changes according to 80% survival in controls developed in a
the embryo’s stage of development. Data co-culture system.
4.2.8. Cryopreservation of embryos and and cattle affecting embryo quality. At the
oocytes ultrastructural level, IVP embryos showed a
lack of desmosomal junctions, a reduction
Cattle embryos in the microvilli population, an increase in
the average number of lipid droplets and
Although frozen–thawed IVP cattle blasto- increased debris in the perivitelline space
cysts have resulted in many normal healthy and intercellular cavities, in comparison
calves, it is also clear from numerous with in vivo-derived embryos; such differ-
reports that such embryos are much more ences appeared to be more marked in
sensitive to freezing than in vivo-derived bovine IVP embryos, which also displayed
embryos. Pregnancy rates with IVP embryos electron-lucent mitochondria and large
have been inconsistent and markedly lower intercellular cavities.
than those reported for in vivo-derived
embryos, which reflects a number of differ-
Pig embryos
ences at the morphological, ultrastructural,
metabolic, biochemical and genomic level Various research groups have sought to
between the embryos from the two sources. develop an efficient cryopreservation proto-
Various studies have sought to improve col which could be applied to the pig. Data
embryo culture, using defined media, refin- reported by Esaki et al. (2003) demonstrated
ing the oxygen concentrations during cul- that vitrification, using their mimimum
ture and providing substrates to ameliorate volume cooling (MVC) method, could
free-radical accumulation, but it is evident enable porcine IVP blastocysts to be cryo-
that some proportion of bovine blastocysts preserved; elsewhere in Japan, Kobayashi
are incapable of the sustained development et al. (2003) used Vajta’s open pulled straw
found within their in vivo-derived counter- (OPS) method to vitrify expanded and
parts. On the other hand, culturing the hatched blastocysts in 7.2 M ethylene
bovine zygote in the ewe oviduct can glycol; transfer of embryos resulted in three
markedly increase cryotolerance to a level of four recipients becoming pregnant, two
comparable to that found with totally in of these delivering a total of 12 piglets.
vivo-produced embryos. In Ireland, Rizos A Hungarian–Japanese study reported by
et al. (2003a) found that the presence of Dinnyes et al. (2003) tested a vitrification
serum in the IVC medium reduced the method for dealing with pig embryos pro-
cryotolerance and quality of the blastocysts duced in a serum-free IVC system; embryos
produced; culturing embryos in the absence were dropped on to an approximately
of serum significantly improved the cryo- −180°C metal surface in 2 ml droplets of
tolerance of blastocysts to a level intermedi- vitrification solution, the method resulting
ate between serum-generated blastocysts in relatively high rates of embryo survival.
and those derived in vivo. The same authors
found that reduced cryotolerance in the
Cryopreservation of oocytes
presence of serum was accompanied by
deviations in the relative abundance The first report on successful freezing of a
of developmentally important gene mammalian oocyte was the work of David
transcripts. Whittingham in London in the late 1970s
with mice; it was shown to be possible to
Sheep embryos obtain live offspring after IVF of mouse
oocytes frozen with dimethyl sulphoxide
A report by Rizos et al. (2002) demonstrated (DMSO) and stored in liquid nitrogen.
that the quality of IVP sheep blastocysts Despite such success, the history of oocyte
was significantly better than their bovine freezing during the past quarter-century
counterparts produced under identical in has revealed difficult problems; certainly,
vitro conditions; the evidence suggested in terms of applications in human assis-
inherent species differences between sheep ted reproduction, current cryopreservation
132 Chapter 4
protocols are regarded as far from optimal and nuclear transfer (NT) embryos; they did
(Van der Elst, 2003). this with IVP-derived embryos transferred
Several workers have reported on their on day 8 and recovered from the recipient
efforts to develop effective vitrification on day 17. In Florida, Kramer et al. (2003)
techniques for the cryopreservation of examined fetal and placental expression
bovine oocytes. In Nottingham, for example, of insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-family
Mavrides and Morroll (2002) suggest that the genes in NT, IVP and in vivo embryos at day
cryo-loop vitrification technique followed 25. They found evidence of differences in
by ICSI could be effective. The cryo-loop is a growth factor and imprinted gene expres-
technique where a thin nylon loop is used to sion in the bovine conceptuses at the time
suspend a film of cryoprotectant containing of implantation; such differences may be
the oocytes before they are immersed in associated with losses and abnormalities
liquid nitrogen. Using bovine oocytes, the found in the NT-derived embryos. In
Nottingham workers reported a survival rate Wisconsin, Fischer-Brown et al. (2003)
of 90.5% in comparison with a slow-freezing reported on the influence of the uterine
technique (54.4%). environment of the cow on IVP embryo
development, transferring on day 7/8 and
Cryopreserving ovarian tissue recovering on day 14/15; the system was
seen as useful in evaluating and improving
Some have attempted to preserve oocytes the efficiency of embryo production.
by vitrifying ovarian tissues. A study by
Al-Aghbari and Menino (2002), for exam-
ple, reported that sheep oocytes could be
successfully cryopreserved by vitrification 4.2.10. Pregnancy rates with fresh and frozen
of ovarian tissues; they subsequently exhib- IVP embryos
ited IVM rates similar to those of vitrified
and non-vitrified oocytes. A review by Peterson and Lee (2003) in
New Zealand dealt with two aspects of
research at Ruakura which were based on
4.2.9. Evaluating embryo quality 2300 embryo transfers using IVP-embryos;
on average, 50% survived to day 24, 40%
Attempts to identify factors influencing to day 60 and 30% to full-term. They con-
the viability of IVP embryos have usually trasted such results with those for natural
involved studies up to the blastocyst stage mating or for cows becoming pregnant after
of development (Fig. 4.10). However, cer- AI, where embryo loss from day 24 to term
tain crucial developments occur beyond was no more than 5%. The New Zealand
that point (rapid growth and extension of researchers noted that the high and
trophoblast) and it is essential to have sustained fetal loss was a major deterrent
accurate knowledge of such events, which to the uptake of IVP technology, especially
cannot be simulated in the laboratory. For in countries with a seasonal constraint to
that reason, it has proved necessary, in breeding. The same workers also suggest
cattle, for example, to transfer embryos that commercial and research cattle ET
into a synchrous uterine environment and practitioners worldwide are not able to
recover them a week or so later. In the USA, distinguish accurately those recipients that
Bertolini et al. (2002) used such a technique are intrinsically subfertile. Evidence sug-
to study the growth, development and gests that uterine, rather than ovarian
gene expression of in vivo-produced and factors may be important in influencing
IVP day-7 and day-16 cattle embryos. In pregnancy rates; it is possible that, using a
Canada, Arnold et al. (2003) sought to eval- proteomic approach to identify proteins in
uate expression of certain genes (Mash2 and the uterine luminal fluid, it may be possible
IFN-t mRNA) as indicators of trophoblast to characterize the uterine environment
differentiation and function between IVP more accurately.
4.3. IVP Embryos in Commerce and in means of improving IVC systems (Mohan
Research et al., 2003).
It is known that, during formation of
4.3.1. Current production statistics the bovine embryo, differentiation is up-
regulated within the outer trophectoderm
Data collected from 25 countries in Europe (TE) layer and suppressed within the inner
for 2002 showed that rather more than 8% cell mass (ICM). One critical process in TE
of the total cattle embryos transferred in differentiation is the construction of tight
that year were IVP embryos, which indi- junctions at the border between cells, which
cates that a considerable amount of time provides the sealing that permits expansion
and attention is currently directed to this of the blastocoel cavity. It is now well estab-
new form of embryo production. lished that IVP cattle embryos are retarded
in development and often show a reduced
degree of compaction before blastocyst for-
mation compared with their in vivo counter-
4.3.2. In vitro- vs. in vivo-produced embryos parts. In some instances, IVC has been
reported to cause decreased pregnancy rates
IVP bovine embryos differ from their in vivo and long-term effects, with higher perinatal
counterparts in having darker cytoplasm, death rates in conjunction with malforma-
reduced buoyant density, a more fragile tions and LOS. Studies by Miller et al. (2003)
zona pellucida, higher chromosomal abnor- of gene expression in cattle have provided
malities, higher abortion/pregnancy failure evidence that embryos showing a detectable
rates and altered gene expression patterns. and well-formed compaction period in vitro
Subtle differences exist at the cellular level are of similar quality to their in vivo
in terms of metabolic profiles and morphol- counterparts; the same workers showed that
ogy as well as in gene expression. It is in vitro and in vivo embryo development
believed that the characterization of early differed mainly during a critical period
deviations in gene expression will bring before blastocyst formation. It was found
a greater understanding of the biology of that failure of embryos to compact in vitro
early embryo development and provide the resulted in a significant reduction of specific
134 Chapter 4
Several major developmental events occur A study reported by Knijn et al. (2003a) was
during the 6-day period between zygote among many to show that bovine embryos
and blastocyst formation in cattle and these produced in vitro differ markedly in quality
events have been examined critically (Fig. from those developed in vivo; they demon-
4.11). The events in question include the strated that the lower quality of IVP
first cleavage division, the timing of which embryos can be attributed to the ICM
is of crucial importance in determining the having less viable cells because of a lower
subsequent development of the embryos, number of cells and a higher incidence of
the activation of the embryonic genome apoptosis, which appears to be determined
at the 8–16-cell stage, compaction of the before completion of the fourth cell cycle.
morula on day 5 and blastocyst formation Some reports show that, in cattle blasto-
on days 6–7, involving the differentiation cysts, the incidence of mixoploidy may be
of two types of cells, the TE and the ICM. almost three times greater in IVP embryos
In Ireland, Lonergan et al. (2003a) demon- compared with those produced in vivo.
strated that culture of cattle embryos in the Similarly, in pigs the incidence of chromo-
ewe oviduct for 6 days resulted in embryos somal abnormalities in IVP embryos is
of high quality with cryotolerance similar much higher than that reported for in vivo
to that of in vivo-produced blastocysts. In embryos in this species (McCauley et al.,
contrast, culture in vitro (SOF) for 6 days 2003).
resulted in embryos of low cryotolerance.
The data supported the contention that
certain windows of embryo development
are more predisposed to aberrant program- 4.3.3. Large-offspring syndrome (LOS)
ming than others; it was also found that
data on embryo quality were supported by Considerable attention has been given in
observations on the relative abundance of the literature to problems that may arise
certain gene transcripts in the embryos with calves derived from IVP embryos. As
produced. noted by Galli et al. (2003a), reports of
In Canada, Dufort et al. (2003) found extended gestation, dystocia, large calves,
that reduced cryotolerance of bovine blasto- increased perinatal mortality and such are
cysts generated in the presence of serum is usually taken as evidence of LOS; the same
accompanied by deviations in the relative authors conclude that most of the calves
abundance of important transport and meta- described have been the result of co-culture
bolism gene transcripts. In Belgium, Leroy systems or high-serum/high-BSA systems
et al. (2003) developed a method to visualize involving limited transfers performed
and quantify the differences in lipid content under uncontrolled conditions by research
in a single bovine oocyte or embryo by laboratories. There is also the point that
means of a fluorescent dye and a photo- males used in production systems may not
meter; they confirmed that dark immature have been selected on the basis of calving
oocytes contain more lipid than those with ease, an important consideration in the use
a pale appearance and that the addition of bulls in normal farming practice. In com-
of serum to the maturation medium did mercial programmes, especially where the
not increase the lipid content. However, embryos have been generated by way of the
morulae cultured in the presence of serum surrogate sheep oviduct, most pregnancies
did accumulate lipid droplets and contained are normal. In Ireland, dealing with a large-
more lipids than embryos cultured in scale field trial, a paper in the mid-1990s
reported that more than 97% of calves information from the main INRA laboratory
derived from similarly produced embryos in France to show that its IVC system (SOF
were normal. In sheep, although it is clear supplemented with 5–10% FCS at 2–3 days
that the survival rate of IVP sheep and goat post-insemination) has never been associ-
embryos is significantly lower than that of ated with abnormal development of sheep
their in vivo counterparts, there is also or goat embryos as reported by other groups
136 Chapter 4
using various forms of serum as a protein Workers at the Jackson laboratory in Bar
source during culture. Harbor in the USA devised a two-step
culture protocol which produced murine
oocytes capable of undergoing maturation,
fertilization and development to live off-
4.4. Future Developments spring from primordial follicles of newborn
mice. The first step was organ culture of
4.4.1. Oocytes from pre-antral follicles intact newborn ovaries and the second step
was isolation and culture of oocyte–
One important area of research in cattle granulosa-cell complexes isolated from
embryo production lies in exploring ways pre-antral follicles that developed in the
and means of obtaining much greater organ-cultured ovaries. Since the original
numbers of oocytes per ovary. Developing a report in 1996, which led to the birth of a
culture system for pre-antral follicles has single mouse pup (known as Eggbert), Bar
important biotechnological implications due Harbor workers devised a revised two-step
to its potential to produce large numbers protocol which dramatically improved
of oocytes for embryo production and ET. results and led to the birth of 59 offspring
Although the development of such a culture (O’Brien et al., 2003).
system currently remains a long-term goal, The bovine ovary, in common with the
it is likely to be achieved at some point in ovaries of other farm animals, contains a
the years ahead. Artificial maturation of large number of small follicles (Fig. 4.12), of
small oocytes could provide a new source which only a small proportion grow to full
of mature oocytes for livestock production size, mature and ovulate; since > 99.9% of
and assisted reproduction in humans and ovarian follicles undergo atresia, it would
for use in dealing with endangered species clearly be of great practical benefit if these
(see Miyano, 2003). It has been demon- follicles, destined to become atretic, could
strated in mice that oocytes in primordial be rescued by a suitable culture system, thus
follicles can be developed in vitro to reach providing a large pool of oocytes for embryo
maturity and to be capable of fertilization production, cloning and transgenesis. It is
and the production of live young. known that there may be more than 100,000
Fig. 4.12. Follicle development in the bovine ovary (after Hafez and Gordon, 1962).
small, non-growing and growing follicles in were then treated with gonadotrophin over
the ovaries of the cow; Japanese workers a period of 2 months. It should be noted that
have already produced a calf by growing the pig apparently differs from most other
bovine follicles recovered from early antral farm animals in its pattern of oogenesis.
follicles. Other workers in that country have Oogonia and oocytes are formed during the
also been able to grow bovine oocytes from first half of fetal life in the cow and ewe;
early antral follicles in appropriate culture in the sow, evolution is apparently slower,
media. However, there is a large gap between with some reports showing oogenesis
such success and producing young from continuing for some days after birth.
oocytes originating in bovine pre-antral
Developing systems to maintain
follicular growth and oocyte development 4.4.2. Gene expression studies
is a highly complex process which requires
a comprehensive knowledge of folliculo- The success or otherwise of bovine embryo
genesis. It is necessary to develop culture production systems has often been based on
systems capable of simulating the biology of the percentage of embryos that reach the
oocyte growth and granulosa-cell multipli- blastocyst stage. While it has been useful to
cation and differentiation as found in the employ such developmental end-points as
ovary (see Amorin et al., 2003). The litera- markers of embryo production efficiency, it
ture of recent years contains details of many is probable that the effects of a culture sys-
studies directed towards elucidating factors tem may not reveal themselves during the
involved in the growth of pre-antral folli- relatively short period of IVC. Production
cles, including the role of growth factors. It efficiency is likely to be a matter of quality
is believed that theca cells secrete growth rather than embryo yield. In Ireland, Rizos
factors that stimulate granulosa cells to et al. (2003a) combined measurement of
proliferate and differentiate in a paracrine developmental competence (cleavage and
manner, which helps to promote follicular blastocyst rates) with qualitative measure-
development. Growth differentiation factor ments, such as cryotolerance and relative
9 (GDF-9) is an oocyte-specific, transforming mRNA abundance, to give a more complete
growth-factor-beta family member which picture of the consequences of modifying
has been implicated in follicle development. IVC medium composition for the embryo. It
The GDF-9 growth factor has been found in seems likely that the study of gene expres-
several species, including sheep, cattle and sion will be the method of choice for evalu-
humans; working in pigs, Bark et al. (2002) ating bovine embryo quality in the years
found that the same growth factor was an ahead. However, there are still many prob-
oocyte-secreted factor in that species. In the lems to be solved before it can be used in
same species, Wu et al. (2001) assessed the routine research in the IVF laboratory; deci-
outcome of ICSI of oocytes from pre-antral sions have to be made about which gene
follicles matured in vitro, finding that such should be studied and the normal level of
oocytes could undergo fertilization and expression of this gene in normal animals.
subsequent embryonic development. Studies reported by Wrenzycki et al. (2003)
have identified genes that are exclusively
Fertilized oocytes from primordial pig follicles expressed in the ICM and TE cells of
the early developing bovine embryo;
Workers in Japan have shown that it is expression of these genes is affected by the
possible to mature and fertilize pig oocytes timing of blastocyst expansion. It is known,
from primordial follicles by a combination for example, that the transfer of day-7
of xenografting and IVC (Kaneko et al., expanded blastocysts, whether produced
2003); this was done using ovarian tissue naturally or in embryo production systems,
taken from 20-day-old piglets and trans- result in higher pregnancy rates than those
planted to ovariectomized mice, which from day-8 expanded blastocysts.
138 Chapter 4
In Ireland, Lonergan et al. (2003b) com- transcription PCR; the identity of the result-
pared gene expression in bovine embryos ing PCR products was determined by their
cultured in vivo and in vitro from the zygote expected size, restriction analysis, Southern
to the blastocyst stage; this pattern was blot hybridization and nucleotide sequence
strongly influenced by the culture environ- analysis.
ment, with some transcripts showing differ-
ences as early as 10 h after initiating culture.
The authors note that such information may
have implications for human assisted repro- 4.4.3. Development of microfluidic
duction, in which there are moves towards technology
culturing embryos to the blastocyst stage,
which calls for prolonged culture under Currently appearing on the horizon are
potentially deleterious conditions. Else- oocyte/embryo culture systems based on
where, in France, Dalbies-Tran and microfluidic technology, which offer the
Mermillod (2003) analysed gene expression advantage that medium can be readily
in bovine oocytes before and after IVM; they and constantly changed to meet the precise
reported that some 300 identified genes requirements of the oocyte or the develop-
were expressed in the oocyte. ing embryo. Already, sequential media are
In Canada, McGraw et al. (2003) investi- being applied in embryo culture; micro-
gated the precise expression patterns of fluidic technology is a more advanced form
seven genes involved in chromatin structure of such technology. Microfluidic devices
during early bovine embryo development. would enable medium around the oocyte or
A report by Knijn et al. (2003b) found that embryo to be gradually changed, rather than
the relative abundance of Glut-3, -4 and subjecting the oocyte/embryo to the sudden
-8 transcripts was significantly different changes in microenvironment that are part
between in vitro- and in vivo-developed of conventional in vitro embryo production.
cattle blastocysts. In this regard, it is Already, microfluidic devices have been
known that glucose transport is critical shown to be capable of maturing bovine
for mammalian blastocyst formation and and porcine oocytes (Beebe et al., 2002).
subsequent development and that there The objective with these devices is to
are differences in the mRNA expression of provide conditions which closely resemble
glucose transporter genes. A study reported those found in the live animal, with small
by Corcoran et al. (2003) in Ireland sought volumes of fluid and, in the case of sperm,
to identify differentially expressed genes in much reduced total numbers. The eventual
bovine day-7 blastocysts derived from either outcome could be a system which enables
in vivo or IVC treatments; they were able to maturation, fertilization and early embry-
identify a number of genes that were linked onic development all to flow automatically
to blastocyst quality. Further work in after introduction of oocytes and sperm
Ireland, reported by Fair et al. (2004), identi- into the microfluidic device. As noted
fied a gene, Ped, previously described in by Suh et al. (2003), microfluidics might
mice and known to regulate embryonic eventually provide an alternative to ICSI
development; expression of this gene was for some human oligospermic patients, by
considerably greater in bovine embryos cul- simulating in vivo conditions, using low
tured in vivo (sheep oviduct) than in vitro fluid volumes and sperm in numbers much
(SOF medium). the same as occur in the human oviduct;
As with the evaluation of cattle even with extemely low sperm numbers,
embryos, studies are being carried out in the it may be possible to effect fertilization.
buffalo on gene expression in bubaline IVP In view of the concern that is occasionally
embryos. In India, the temporal expression expressed about ICSI, it could be useful
of genes for several growth-factor ligands to have an alternative. In farm animals,
and receptors was examined in buffalo it may be possible to view the future of
embryos by researchers using reverse- laboratory embryo production in terms
of simply adding gametes to the micro- embryos ready for transfer or cryo-
fluidic device at one end and recovering, preservation – by no means an impossible
a week or so later, high-quality viable scenario.
Controlling Oestrus and Ovulation
5.1. Oestrus and Its Detection by advancing the timing of the preovulatory
surge of luteinizing hormone (LH). In the
The phenomenon of oestrus in farm absence of the male, presumably the pre-
animals is now recognized as being more ovulatory LH surge must await the build-
complex than was at one time thought. The up of follicular oestradiol to a certain level
behaviour shown by farm animals during before it is triggered. In sheep, ewes can
the period of sexual receptivity can vary display a strong ram-seeking behavioural
markedly (Table 5.1). Evidence in sheep pattern, so that contact between the sexes
and pigs, for example, shows that the pres- is by no means wholly dependent on the
ence of the male can reduce the duration of ram’s activity; studies have shown that
behavioural oestrus, and advance the time many ewes in oestrus seek out and remain
of ovulation, relative to the onset of oestrus, near rams. The conditions in which animals
Species Behaviour
Horse Urinating stance repeatedly assumed; tail frequently erected; urine spilled in small
amounts; clitoris exposed by prolonged rhythmical contractions of vulva;
relaxation of lips of vulva. Company of other horses sought; turns hindquarters to
stallion and stands still
Cow Restless behaviour; raises and twitches tail; arches back and stretches; roams
bellowing; mounts or stands to be mounted; vulva sniffed by other cows
Pig Some restlessness may occur, particularly at night, from pro-oestrus into oestrus.
Sow stands for ‘riding test’ (the sow assumes an immobile stance in response to
pressure on its hindquarters). Sow may be ridden by others; some breeds show
‘pricking’ of ears
Sheep During pro-oestrus there may be a short period of restlessness, courting ram. During
oestrus, the ewe seeks out the ram and associates with it; may withdraw from
flock. Remains with ram when the flock is ‘driven’; may show tail-wagging on
Goat Restless in pro-oestrus. During oestrus, the most striking behaviour includes
repeated bleating and vigorous tail waving; poor appetite
Deer Short chases with male in pursuit usually precede mating; these chases may be in
small rings or figures-of-eight
Bactrian camel Crosses neck with male; adopts sitting posture with male
find themselves may be a strong factor methods include: tail paint, vasectomized
influencing their oestrous behaviour. In teaser bulls, pressure-activated heat mount
cattle, for example, the duration of standing detectors, pedometers, electronic pressure-
oestrus is known to be significantly shorter sensitive count devices, computerized
for cattle kept on concrete surfaces com- radiotelemetric pressure sensors, devices for
pared with animals on straw bedding, dirt measuring vaginal electrical resistance and
pads or pasture (Diskin and Sreenan, 2003); hormone assays for determining progester-
data from recent Irish studies are in Table one changes in milk. All these are valuable
5.2. research tools and many have proven their
worth in the farmyard.
Much of the literature dealing with
5.1.1. Need for accurate oestrus detection oestrus detection relates to cattle, particu-
larly dairy cattle; this largely reflects the
Cattle extensive use of AI in such animals. Behav-
iour during oestrus and the oestrus-to-
One of the most important technical prob- ovulation interval are essential for estimat-
lems facing the cattle artificial insemination ing the optimum time to inseminate cows.
(AI) industry since its inception has been The economic importance of traits such
the detection of oestrus; accurate detection as longevity, health and reproduction has
is essential if there is to be successful appli- increased in the past two decades in
cation of AI in cattle herds, although the comparison with milk yield; effective
methods commonly used in detection have oestrus detection is important for improved
remained largely unchanged through the 60 reproduction. In most farm situations,
and more years that this breeding technol- oestrus detection is performed by visual
ogy has been employed. The problem has observation, although this is difficult on
not been eased by the fact that an increasing large dairy farms due to the short observa-
proportion of those dealing with cattle may tion periods that occur during feeding and
have an urban rather than a rural back- milking; this has led to attempts to monitor
ground; for that reason, they may not cows by various forms of automatic oestrus
always be as familiar with the subtleties of detection.
cattle behaviour as formerly was the case. In The Netherlands, some studies have
Many attempts have been made to tested automated models for detection of
develop technological methods to detect oestrus and mastitis in dairy cows; a system
oestrus in cattle and obviate the need to of sensors was employed, alerting operators
check the animals several times daily. Such to changes in milk yield, temperature,
Table 5.2. Effect of underfoot surface on oestrus in cattle. Data clearly demonstrate that cows dislike
being mounted when standing on concrete and have a preference for softer underfoot surfaces, such as
grass, dirt or straw-bedded yards. Detecting oestrus when cows are held on concrete slats is much more
difficult than when they are on softer undersurfaces. (From Diskin and Larkin, 2003.)
Concrete slats
(32) 8.6 20 8
Straw bedding
(17) 14.2 30 0
Plastic-covered slats
(28) 12.2 40 4
(8) 14.7 48 3
142 Chapter 5
The Netherlands showed that two 30 min Table 5.3. Herd pregnancy rate as determined
observation periods per day in lactating by heat detection and conception rates. For dairy
Holstein cows resulted in an efficiency of herds using AI, it is the combined effect of heat
oestrus detection of 74% and an accuracy detection rate and conception rate that determines
of 100%; time of observation during the
pregnancy rate and the compactness of calving.
For example, with both heat detection and concep-
day was very important, those made before tion rates optimal, it is possible to have 96% of the
milking giving a lower detection rate than herd calving in a 90-day period. (From Diskin and
observations after milking and feeding. Larkin, 2003.)
The way in which the efficiency of oestrus
detection interacts with the conception rate Conception rate (%)
Heat detection
shown in cattle during the early months rate (%) 60 50 40 30
after calving is shown in Table 5.3.
The importance of accurate oestrus 90 96 91 83 71
detection was emphasized in a survey of 70 89 82 73 61
45 dairy herds in the USA; the studies 50 76 68 59 48
indicated that a high proportion of cows are 40 67 59 48 40
artificially inseminated following the visual
method of observing behavioural changes
associated with heat. However, certain
behavioural characteristics, such as nervous- rates are around 55%, having remained
ness and mounting other cows, used in com- at this level for the last 25 years. The
mercial herds as indications of oestrus, can methods and aids currently available, e.g.
be wrongly interpreted to indicate that a cow behavioural observations, milk progester-
is acceptable for insemination. The Ameri- one, mount detectors and suchlike, have
can studies showed that oestrus detection been the subject of many reports but none is
was a problem in 30% of the 45 herds exam- completely reliable and they often suffer
ined, with up to 46% of cows inseminated from problems of detection failure and false
when milk progesterone levels were high, a positives. Those who believe that detection
procedure which can only result in poor in cattle is ready for major new initiatives
conception rates. Many studies show the point to exciting developments in sensing
importance of inseminating cows when pro- technology which may offer such possibili-
gesterone levels are low, which is normal ties as detection of oestrous pheromones
when the animals are in oestrus. by ‘electronic noses’ and/or online milk
Workers at Cornell (Bob Foote and asso- hormone detection.
ciates) have shown that many non-pregnant Up to the present time, standing behav-
cows in the luteal phase of an oestrous cycle iour has been the symptom used to deter-
or while pregnant are submitted for AI in mine the right time for insemination.
the USA, and no doubt elsewhere. For such However, standing behaviour may not be
reasons, the training of herd managers, and observed in more than 50% of cows actually
especially inseminators, to evaluate many in oestrus in many herds and there is no
criteria of oestrus and to reject for AI cows guidance to relate the time of ovulation
not in oestrus can improve the efficiency to other oestrous symptoms. In a study
of semen use, reduce abortion of pregnant reported from Holland by Van Eerdenburg
cows, increase overall breeding efficiency et al. (2002), 100 cows were detected in
and reduce calving interval, components oestrus visually, using a scoring system;
vital to an economically successful dairy the time of ovulation was estimated by
farm operation. ultrasonic scanning of the ovaries. Standing
Failure to detect oestrus remains a oestrus was observed in 50% of the animals;
major factor, resulting in costly delays in the cows that ovulated 0–24 h after AI scored
breeding of cattle; detection rate is highly almost three times the number of oestrous
correlated with calving interval. In the UK, it behaviour points compared with those
has been estimated that average detection ovulating 24–48 h after AI.
144 Chapter 5
146 Chapter 5
(EIAs) and other methods for measuring oestrous cycles in farm animals are
steroid, polypeptide and other hormones summarized in Fig. 5.4., taking the pig as
involved in the reproductive processes the example. Such information has guided
of farm animals, a considerable body of the thoughts of those involved in the con-
information was rapidly accumulated about trol and manipulation of reproduction. All
endocrine events in the oestrous cycle and the hormones mentioned act at extremely
at other stages of the animal’s reproductive low levels, from nanograms to picograms
life. Some hormonal characteristics of per millilitre of blood. Just how low these
Fig. 5.4. Hormone levels in the pig’s oestrous cycle (from Hansel et al., 1973).
levels really are can be appreciated with several small peptides of neurosecretory ori-
reference to Table 5.4. One of the great gin. One of these hypothalamic peptides is
advances in the 1960s was the development gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH),
of assay procedures enabling such low now known to stimulate the synthesis and
levels to be detected and measured. secretion of LH and follicle-stimulating hor-
mone (FSH) by specific cells located in the
Phases of the oestrous cycle animal pituitary (gonadotrophs). Some of
the factors influencing reproductive activity
The phases of the oestrous cycle have been in the farm animal, hormonal and otherwise,
described by some as comprising pro- are indicated in Fig. 5.5.
oestrus, oestrus, metoestrus and dioestrus; One of the most recent additions to the
certain events occur in these stages which list of hormones known to be involved in
characterize them. During oestrus, the ani- reproduction is leptin, discovered in 1994.
mal stands for mounting by the male; in Leptin is secreted as a hormone from
pro-oestrus certain changes may be evident adipocytes and is relevant to the interests of
that alert stockmen to the approach of those dealing with farm animals, where food
oestrus. In metoestrus, a blood discharge intake, body composition and reproductive
may be evident on the tail of the cow; in performance are of considerable economic
dioestrus the female refuses to stand for importance. Although much of the informa-
mounting and the male no longer shows tion about leptin relates to its action on the
interest in her. More commonly, the oes- brain, one site of action of the hormone is
trous cycle is divided into two phases, the the ovary. Since its discovery a decade ago,
follicular and luteal phase. The follicular much research effort has focused on the role
phase is characterized by preovulatory of leptin in regulating growth and reproduc-
follicle growth, the exhibition of oestrous tion in rodents, humans and farm animals;
behaviour, the preovulatory LH surge and it is clear, for example, from many studies
ovulation. The transition from the follicular that leptin acts centrally to inhibit feed
to the luteal phase is marked by ovulation; intake and stimulate growth hormone (GH)
the transition from the luteal to the follic- secretion in the pig.
ular phase is more complex and is marked Management of reproduction in dairy
by a rapid regression of the corpus luteum and beef cattle requires a thorough under-
(CL), in which prostaglandins (PGs) play a standing of the changes in physiology
prominent role. and endocrinology that occur during the
An understanding of mechanisms oestrous cycle and, in the case of prepuber-
involved in the control of the oestrous cycle tal heifers and cattle after calving, the
has been influenced by several major discov- transition from anoestrus to cyclicity. Such
eries made over the past half-century. Two an understanding will improve reproduc-
of the most important of these were the tive management and facilitate the success-
discovery and development of the hormone- ful application of oestrus control measures;
receptor concept and the discovery that the in turn, this can facilitate the application of
hypothalamus and brain regulate secretion AI and speed up the genetic improvement
of anterior pituitary hormones by way of of cattle production systems. A review by
Okuda et al. (2002) in Japan summarized
current understanding of the endocrine
Table 5.4. From gram to picogram. mechanisms that regulate the timing and
Units of weight Name pattern of uterine PG (PGF2a) secretion dur-
ing the oestrous cycle and early pregnancy.
1.0 Gram Luteal regression is caused by a pulsatile
10−3 0.001 Milligram release of PGF from the uterus in the late
10−6 0.000,001 Microgram luteal phase in most mammals. Although
10−9 0.000,000,001 Nanogram
it has been proposed in ruminants that
10−12 0.000,000,000,001 Picogram
pulsatile PGF secretion is generated by a
148 Chapter 5
positive-feedback loop between luteal similar to that observed in cattle, but hor-
and/or pituitary oxytocin and uterine PGF, mone levels are lower and the difference
the bovine endometrium is believed to between the two species is greater in sum-
possess other mechanisms for the initiation mer than during winter. Concentrations of
of luteolytic PGF secretion. It is now evi- most of these hormones appear to be lower
dent, for example, that the growth factor in the swamp than in the river buffalo. The
tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-a) stimu- hormone prolactin has been implicated in
lates PGF output from bovine endometrial the ovarian inactivity that occurs during the
tissue not only during the follicular phase hot summer season, with concentrations of
but also during the late luteal phase, indicat- prolactin becoming very high during this
ing that TNF-a is a factor in the initiation of period compared with winter.
luteolysis in cattle. Growth factors, of which
there are many that influence reproduction,
are hormone-related substances that are pro- 5.2.2. Monitoring ovarian activity
duced and secreted in minute quantities by
cells of various tissues and exert their action
Studies with beef cows in the USA have
by diffusing into their target cells.
shown that such cows ovulate about 30 h
after the onset of oestrus; this was deter-
Pigs mined by transrectal ultrasonography at 4 h
intervals, starting 20 h after heat onset. The
Although the expected average interval
onset of oestrus corresponds closely to, but
between heats in the pig is normally 21
precedes, the preovulatory LH surge by
days, several reports from the USA have
several hours. Other American studies
shown that, when a large number of oes-
examined oestrous behaviour and time of
trous cycles is recorded in mated gilts, there
ovulation during the four seasons in beef
are two peaks in the frequency of these
cattle; cows had longer heat periods, fewer
intervals; one occurs near 21 days and the
mounts and longer intervals between
other at 26 days. The occurrence of two
mounts in summer than in winter. The con-
phases of return to oestrus in sows was also
clusion was that season can alter oestrous
recorded in commercial units in the UK;
behaviour of beef cows but time of ovula-
one phase peaked at 20.7 days and the sec-
tion relative to heat onset is not influenced;
ond at 26.5 days. It is believed that two
during all seasons, more cows are mounted
mechanisms could be operating to account
between 6 a.m. and noon than during other
for these phases; the first peak is derived
times of the day (White and Wettemann,
from a failure in fertilization and the second
2000). In the UK, this time with dairy cows,
from embryonic loss at a later stage.
there have also been studies, which agree
with the beef animal reports, showing that
Buffaloes ovulation in Holstein–Friesian cattle occurs
about 30 h after oestrus onset.
Those reviewing studies on the oestrous
cycle, oestrous behaviour and endocrinol-
ogy of the buffalo record the length of
the cycle as averaging 21 days; there 5.2.3. Follicular dynamics
are, however, marked variations in cycle
length, which is known to be influenced The Finnish researcher Erikki Rajakoski,
by climate, photoperiod, temperature and back in 1960, coined the term ‘follicle wave’
nutrition. Buffaloes are seasonal breeders, to describe the follicular events he observed
particularly under tropical climatic condi- in the ovaries during the cow’s 3-week oes-
tions; the majority of animals exhibit trous cycle; follicular waves are now known
oestrus during winter and fail to show signs to occur periodically during various repro-
of heat during the summer. The hormone ductive states in cattle. Much information
profile during the buffalo’s oestrous cycle is on follicular dynamics in the cow has come
150 Chapter 5
from the laboratory of Ginther and associ- a chance event or occur as a specific
ates in Wisconsin. The focus of attention in characteristic of an individual animal.
much of this work is factors controlling the Among farm animals, pigs are the
emergence of a single dominant follicle exception in that follicle development is
from the cohort of follicles which com- apparently continuous, with follicles devel-
mence development at the start of a follicle oping to intermediate diameters before the
wave (Ginther et al., 2002). Knowledge of follicles destined to ovulate are selected
follicle development is important in devis- from this pool and continue growing to
ing methods to manipulate the fertility and ovulation. The follicles destined to ovulate
productivity of farm animals (Evans, 2003). increase growth between days 14 and 16 of
A follicle wave emerges approximately every the cycle; follicles grow from about 4–5 mm
10 days and each wave contributes a large diameter on day 15 to an ovulatory diameter
(> 10 mm) dominant follicle; the remaining of 9–11 mm by the end of the cycle (Fig. 5.6).
follicles regress and are known as subordi-
nate follicles. A different number of follicle Follicle recruitment and selection
waves may occur each oestrous cycle; opin-
ions vary on whether two or three follicle Two processes are involved in the growth
waves occur more frequently; it is known and development of the follicle destined for
that an oestrous cycle with three waves is of ovulation in the cow. The first is follicle
longer duration than one with two cycles, recruitment, which results in the develop-
and that the wave from which the ovulatory ment of a cohort of follicles from which the
follicle is generated is shorter than earlier dominant follicle emerges; the second is
waves. It is not certain whether two or three follicle selection, in which one follicle
waves reflect environmental conditions, becomes dominant and continues towards
ovulation while the others regress. Much been reported by workers in Brazil; 3.3, 63.3
research effort has been directed to identify- and 33.3% of animals showed one, two
ing factors leading to the dominance of and three waves, respectively. Although
a single follicle in the cow and the follicular dynamics in buffaloes have been
mechanisms that suppress the growth of studied by several authors, information is
the subordinate follicles. more limited than in cattle. Workers in Italy
showed that the majority of buffalo calves
Value of real-time ultrasonics displayed a typical pattern of follicular
development; Presicce et al. (2003) reported
The availability of equipment permitting an average of four follicular waves among
real-time ultrasonic scanning of the the calves examined.
reproductive organs per rectum provided
a valuable new approach to the study Sheep
of follicular dynamics in farm animals.
Ultrasonography is now the basis of an Follicular growth and steroidogenesis have
extremely accurate technique for the been examined in sheep largely by way
estimation of the antral follicle population of direct observation of the ovaries by
within the limits of resolution imposed by laparoscopy, by real-time ultrasonics and
the scanning device; follicles as small as by measuring hormone levels. Some studies
2–3 mm diameter can be visualized, mea- suggest that follicular growth in the ewe is
sured and sequentially monitored. When continuous and independent of the stage of
required in research studies, the number of the oestrous cycle, while others maintain
CL in farm animals can also be accurately that follicular growth occurs in two or three
assessed by way of transrectal ultrasound. waves. One study showed that follicular
growth in the ewe started at three distinct
Zebu cattle phases of the oestrous cycle, with two
waves occurring in the luteal phase and
Despite a similarity in patterns of follicular one wave in the follicular phase; similar
dynamics, European (Bos taurus) and zebu follicular waves were observed in the
(Bos indicus) cattle apparently differ in anoestrous period as well as in the breeding
several aspects of their reproductive season. Canadian workers concluded that
physiology; the dominant follicle and CL growth of antral follicles to an ovulatory
are smaller and the duration of oestrus size is maintained throughout anoestrus in
shorter in Nelore than in European breeds. sheep, with a transient shift in the number
A report by Viana et al. (2003) in Brazil of small and medium-sized follicles during
noted that follicular dynamics in zebu mid-anoestrus; they also found that the
cattle is characterized by a lower maximum periodic emergence of waves of large
diameter and persistence of dominant folli- follicles occurred in synchrony with an
cles, when compared with taurine breeds; endogenous rhythm of FSH secretion.
these workers showed that follicular Studies in Ireland by Evans et al. (2000)
divergence occurs earlier in zebu cattle. used ultrasonography to determine whether
The reproductive organs of the zebu show follicle development occurs in a wavelike
several morphological and physiological manner; they concluded that it did, with a
differences from European taurine cattle; predominance of two or three waves per
ovaries of zebu cows are smaller than cycle. The same workers also found evidence
those of taurine animals and the CL may be for the phenomenon of follicular dominance
embedded deep within the ovary. in sheep; however, this appears to be a
matter of co-dominance rather than single
Buffaloes follicle dominance where ovulatory follicles
assume the growth profile of a dominant fol-
Ovarian follicular dynamics during the licle while subordinate follicles regress. In
oestrous cycle in Murrah buffaloes have Canada, Duggavathi et al. (2003) concluded
152 Chapter 5
that follicle wave emergence in sheep Wisconsin, data were reported supporting
involves the recruitment of one to three folli- the view that the future dominant follicle
cles from a relatively stable, small follicle has an early size advantage over future
pool, in contrast to the six to nine follicles subordinate follicles and indicate that
from the analogous follicle pool in cattle. the advantage is present as early as 6 days
before deviation (deviation = beginning of a
Prepubertal and pregnant sheep marked difference in growth rate between
the two largest follicles).
Ultrasonography has been used in many
studies to examine antral follicular devel- Camelids
opment in prepubertal sheep. A report by
Bartlewski et al. (2003) showed that antral Camelids of the New World (e.g. llama and
follicle recruitment and growth increased alpaca) and the Old World (dromedary and
after the first 2 months of age and just before Bactrian camels) are induced ovulators
puberty in ewe lambs; however, the rhyth- and do not exhibit any clearly defined
mic pattern of follicular wave emergence, as reproductive cycle. They do, however,
seen in adult ewes, was not established in show evidence of follicular waves. Studies
pre- and peripubertal ewe lambs. Studies on the follicular wave pattern in dromedar-
in sheep have examined follicular activity ies and llamas have shown waves emerging
during pregnancy. A report by Bartlewski every 11–20 days; in Bactrian camels, stud-
et al. (2000) showed that ovarian antral fol- ies have shown an average follicular wave
licle development was suppressed in ovaries duration of 19 days (range, 14–21 days).
containing CL in early pregnancy; it was
believed that this suppression was exerted
primarily by the developing conceptus and 5.2.4. Growth and regression of the
was restricted to CL-bearing ovaries. corpus luteum
Fig. 5.7. Cow tract with fully formed corpus luteum in right ovary.
function and development. During the cause lipid peroxidation, decrease membrane
growth of the pig CL, which is extremely fluidity and markedly attenutate luteal
rapid, most of the proliferating luteal cells steroidogenesis. It is well accepted that
are associated with vascular endothelial luteal regression in the ewe is initiated by
cells; this is consistent with the high vascu- PGF2a of uterine origin, although the exact
larity and blood flow of the mature porcine mechanism of this regulation is not fully
CL and implies a critical role for angio- understood. Functional regression is appar-
genesis in luteal development. Paracrine ently directly stimulated by PGF via activa-
regulation of luteal function in the pig tion of its membrane receptor, but whether
has been reported by some workers; during structural regression is also initiated by
luteolysis, macrophages that invade the PGF is at present unclear. One view of the
CL secrete TNF, a growth factor which factors leading to luteolytic release of PGF2a
inhibits luteal oestrogen production, involves the release of uterine platelet-
allowing PGF2a to become luteolytic. activating factor (PAF), which creates a
local loop that causes the pulsatile release
Prostaglandin release of PGF2a, which is augmented by oxytocin
and inhibited by interferon-tau (IFN-t).
PGF2a, released from the uterus in a pul-
satile fashion, induces regression of the CL
Large and small luteal cells
in the cow. In addition to the uterus, the CL
has been shown by Shirasuna et al. (2003) It is known that the sheep’s CL contains two
in Japan to be a site of PGF2a production, morphologically and functionally distinct
although the physiological relevance of CL- steroidogenic cell types, designated small
derived PGF2a remains poorly understoood. and large cells. Receptors for PGF are located
It is becoming increasingly evident that luteal exclusively on the large cells, and the signal
regression is a process depending to some for regression is received in these cells.
extent on oxidative mechanisms. PGF2a, an
established luteolysin in farm mammals, has Effect of dietary lipids
been shown to trigger accumulation of reac-
tive oxygen species within luteal tissues; It is believed that, in cattle, dietary lipids
these superoxide and peroxide radicals can improve reproductive functions by way
154 Chapter 5
of their effects on steroidogenesis; this Table 5.5. Advantages of oestrus control in farm
may have a favourable effect on embryonic animals.
survival. Studies in Scotland have shown
1. Saves time and labour in detecting oestrus
similar evidence in sheep; results reported 2. To permit and simplify the use of AI, particularly
in that country showed that dietary in beef cattle where observation of oestrus poses
lipids enhanced postovulatory ovine luteal problems
function. 3. To permit fixed-time AI, where animals are
inseminated at a particular hour to suit the farmer
Premature and delayed regression 4. Makes for most efficient feeding of animals in
groups according to their stage of pregnancy
It is well established that progesterone 5. To permit compact lambings and predictable
given early in the luteal phase of the oes- farrowings and keep births within specified
trous cycle causes premature luteolysis in time-limits
cattle, sheep and goats. It is also known that 6. To avoid losses of young at birth by providing
care and supervision
certain factors can prolong the life of CL
7. To provide for more uniform groups of young,
and that this depends on the species. Cer- which can be reared to market weight more easily
tain events during the oestrous cycle and than those born in uncontrolled births
early pregnancy appear to differ markedly 8. To provide for stricter control of disease
between pigs and ruminants. During the hazards; batch farrowing can allow buildings to be
luteal phase of the sow’s cycle, oestrogens cleaned thoroughly between batches
are very luteotrophic; an injection or oral 9. Essential for synchronizing donor and recipient
administration of an oestrogen can prolong animals in embryo transfer programmes
the lifespan of porcine CL for several weeks. 10. The technique can be used as part of
superovulation protocols in embryo transfer
Results presented by workers in the late superovulation and embryo transfer (ET)
1990s showed that, as in other large domes- procedures much easier to apply under farm
tic animal species, release of PGF2a controls conditions. Oestrus control allows breeding
luteolysis in camels; the embryonic signal by AI to be planned according to a strict
for maternal recognition of pregnancy must timetable. It also permits batched calvings,
be transmitted before day 10 after ovulation the start of a breeding period at a specific
if the CL is to be maintained. In contrast date and inseminating groups of cattle at
to events in ruminants, however, release of fixed times rather than detecting heat peri-
endometrial PGF2a in non-pregnant camels ods and inseminating animals individually.
does not appear to be under the control of When dealing with cattle in groups, good
oxytocin. handling facilities on the farm are essential
for a smooth operation; this means appro-
priate holding pens, races and crushes.
5.3. Advantages of Oestrus Control Although the possible advantages
resulting from effective regulation of the
There are many reasons why farmers and oestrous cycle in cattle have been the subject
researchers are likely to be interested in of numerous reports, it was only in the mid-
oestrus control in farm animals; some of 1970s that commercially acceptable forms of
these are detailed in Table 5.5. oestrus control emerged and became avail-
able to the farmer. For oestrus control to be
effective, clearly it should solve more prob-
5.3.1. Cattle and buffaloes lems than it creates, and it should do so in a
cost-effective way; regardless of what form
Oestrus control in cattle has played an treatment may take, care is necessary to
important part in reproduction control dur- ensure that stress-free handling of animals is
ing the past three decades in making AI, ensured. Oestrus control can only work if
the cost of materials is reasonable and the single, fixed-time insemination strategies if
protocol can be applied by professionals and they could achieve pregnancy rates equiva-
farmers without adding substantially to that lent to those in cows exhibiting typical oes-
cost. In Ireland, for example, oestrus control trous cycles and mated by natural service.
measures applicable to beef suckler cattle,
which would be useful in making full use Buffaloes
of the best bulls, have apparently been
abandoned because of legal and financial PGF2a and its synthetic analogues have
constraints. been used to synchronize oestrus in cyclic
and suboestrous buffaloes. Fertility after
Dairy cattle such control is known to be affected by
factors such as body condition, nutritional
Reproductive performance is a major factor level and season; it is also known that
affecting the profitability of dairy produc- the cost of synchronization made farmers
tion; this is especially true for pasture- reluctant to adopt oestrus control measures.
based, seasonal dairy production systems
which require not only the maintenance of
a 12-month calving pattern but also a com- 5.3.2. Sheep and goats
pact calving period to enable peak milk pro-
duction to coincide with maximum pasture
There are several reasons why oestrus con-
growth. For seasonal dairy herds, as exist
trol in sheep can be useful on the farm and
in a country such as New Zealand, oestrus
in research. The technique can be important
control could improve reproductive perfor-
in saving time and labour, especially with
mance and shorten the calving interval by
flocks that are small, by ensuring that
allowing for the breeding of most cows in
lambings occur in a short period of time.
the herd in the first few days of the breeding
For the application of AI, oestrus control
season rather than over an entire oestrous
can be essential in permitting sheep to be
cycle. Many oestrus control protocols have
bred to genetically superior rams according
been devised, some more complex than
to a planned and predictable timetable. The
same principles apply to goat breeding.
Zebu cattle
In the Nelore breed in Brazil, the short 5.3.3. Pigs and horses
oestrus associated with such cattle, together
with the high incidence of oestrus at night, In contrast to what is possible with
has led to low reproductive efficiency in AI farm ruminants, a considerable measure
programmes. To overcome such difficulties, of oestrus control is possible in pigs by
there is a need to use timed AI, using hor- management. In sows, the post-weaning
monal treatments that can synchronize ovu- oestrus can be expected to occur 4–5 days
lation sufficiently accurately in zebu cattle. after weaning; among postpubertal gilts, on
In countries with large dairy and beef cattle the other hand, oestrus occurs at random
populations, such as Brazil, in which a throughout a 3-week period and manage-
small proportion of cattle are bred by AI ment alone is no more likely to be effective
(< 5%), fixed-time AI by way of oestrus in achieving its synchronization than it is in
control may have particular attractions; an cattle and sheep.
increase in the use of semen from the best
bulls in the production of milk and meat in Horses
that country could be valuable. There is
little doubt that AI of zebu cattle such as the In dealing with the mare, in view of its long
Nelore kept under extensive management oestrous period, it is more relevant to talk
conditions would be greatly facilitated by about ovulation rather than oestrus control;
156 Chapter 5
certainly, there are good practical reasons 5.4. Growth and Development of
for controlling the time of ovulation in the Oestrus Control Technology
mare. A delay of ovulation in mares show-
ing normal oestrus can be a significant 5.4.1. Historical
cause of infertility in the mare. Various
authors have drawn attention to the need The technique of intravaginal steroid
for an effective hormone protocol that could administration, first demonstrated in the
be applied to mares to induce fertile ovula- early 1960s in sheep, was subsequently
tions at a predictable time, with sufficient developed in the 1970s for use in cattle (Fig.
accuracy to enable single inseminations to 5.8) by way of the progesterone-releasing
be made without the need for veterinary internal device (PRID) and later by the
examination of ovaries, so as to be within controlled internal drug release (CIDR)
3 days (fresh semen), 2 days (cooled semen) device. A method permitting continuous
or 1 day (frozen semen) of ovulation. In administration of progesterone/progestogen
seeking to control the time of ovulation in obviously eliminated many management
the mare, it may occasionally be better to problems associated with earlier treat-
use hormones to postpone ovulation rather ments, which had involved either tedious
than induce it. injections or oral treatments. One obvious
practical advantage of the intravaginal
devices is that they involve no breakage of
5.3.4. Camelids skin or the strict aseptic protocol required
with implants that have to be inserted and
Factors controlling ovulation in camelids removed.
are still not well understood but it is known In 1964, Terry Robinson in Sydney
that in Bactrian camels it can be induced by devised the polyurethane sponge, impreg-
deep intravaginal deposition of whole nated with a suitable progestogen, which
semen or sperm-free seminal plasma, as was inserted into the ewe’s vagina and left
well as by the intramuscular injection of in situ for 12 days; during this period, pro-
semen or seminal plasma. In dromedaries, gestogen was absorbed through the vaginal
ovulation can be induced by mating, but wall in physiologically effective amounts.
manual stimulation of the cervix or intra- The Searle pharmaceutical company, who
uterine injection of whole semen and semi- prepared the progestogen fluorogestone
nal plasma apparently does not stimulate acetate (FGA), undertook the commercial
the release of sufficient LH to bring about development of the product and the Upjohn
ovulation. However, in view of growing company was licensed to market a sponge
interest in using reproductive technologies pessary carrying an alternative progestogen,
such as AI and ET, there is need for effec- medroxyprogesterone acetate (MAP). In the
tive methods of inducing and synchroniz- early 1970s, the progestogen-impregnated
ing ovulation in this species, without using sponge was to become the cornerstone of
natural mating with sterile males, which almost all controlled breeding applications
carries with it certain health risks. in sheep and goats, whether in the breeeding
Like camels, female llamas and alpacas or non-breeding season, in France, Ireland,
ovulate in response to mating; unmated the UK and many other countries. In the
females remain in a follicular phase, charac- mid-1970s, the PRID, devised by Russ Mauer
terized by almost constant sexual receptivity in Abbott Laboratories in Chicago, became a
and regular emergence of an ovulatory widely used means of controlling oestrus
follicular wave. However, despite virtual in cattle. Later, in the 1980s, a further
constant sexual receptivity, the ability to intravaginal device, the CIDR device, based
ovulate in response to a mating stimulus is on progesterone, was shown to be highly
influenced by the developmental status of effective by New Zealand researchers
the dominant follicle at the time of mating. (Table 5.6).
158 Chapter 5
ovulation, as mentioned earlier, various with a method whereby his cows can be
progesterone/progestogen delivery systems inseminated at a predetermined time (fixed-
have been used in cattle oestrus control. time AI); by this means, so the theory goes,
However, it became clear at an early stage the farmer is saved the time and labour
of oestrus control in cattle that prolonged involved in heat detection. The fact
use (14–21 days) of progestogen resulted in remains, however, that, despite advances in
reduced fertility at the subsequent oestrus, the development of short-term progestogen
apparently due to the development of per- treatments and in combination treatments
sistent follicles and reduced oocyte compe- involving progestogens, oestrogens, prosta-
tence. Shorter periods of progesterone glandins and GnRH, there may still be some
usage (8–10 days), however, resulted in a way to go in meeting the needs of farmers
much more fertile oestrus; with the shorter seeking an optimally high calving rate after
treatment it became necessary to induce a single, fixed-time insemination.
luteolysis in those cattle treated in the early
luteal phase of their cycle. This could be
done using progestogens or oestrogens, or 5.5. Practical Applications of
combinations of the two, to ensure that the Technology
CL regressed before the oestrus control
measure terminated. It has long been recognized that, to achieve
precise control of the oestrous cycle in
cattle, it is essential to control both the life-
5.4.3. Accurate control of ovulation span of the CL and the follicle wave status.
Studies in Ireland and elsewhere show that
Research in oestrus control in cattle has a better understanding of the hormonal con-
been directed towards providing the farmer trol of follicle growth is necessary to achieve
sufficiently precise control of the cycle to decreased fertility in cattle after long-term
permit a single AI at a predermined time MGA treatment or after short-term MGA
without the need for oestrus detection treat- treatment initiated late in the cycle may be
ment (Diskin et al., 2002). Factors affecting overcome in various ways. In one protocol,
the uptake of controlled breeding technolo- for example, MGA is fed for 14 days and PG
gies in New Zealand seasonal dairy herds given 17 days afterwards; such a protocol
have been discussed by various workers; has been shown to result in a well-
the consensus appears to be that most oestrus synchronized, fertile oestrus. However, for
control treatments had only a marginal effect many beef farmers, the lengthy duration of
on the percentage of cows pregnant in the such treatment is likely to be considered
first 6 weeks of the breeding season. The impracticable. Attempts have been made
greatest advancement achieved in the mean to improve the synchrony of oestrus and
day of conception was less than 1 week, ovulation within an MGA–PGF2a oestrus
leading to the conclusion that direct finan- control protocol. In Missouri, for example,
cial benefit from oestrus control was ques- Wood et al. (2001) showed that injection
tionable. It was also concluded that oestrus of GnRH within a 14–19 day MGA–PGF
control saved little labour compared with protocol increased the synchrony of oestrus
daily examination of cows to detect oestrus. during the synchronized period and con-
The future of beef herds in the USA and centrated the period of detected oestrus;
elsewhere is likely to depend on production they suggest that this protocol may be
systems producing a uniform, quality prod- useful in the fixed-time insemination of
uct making maximum use of modern tech- replacement beef heifers.
nology as appropriate; effective methods Feeding MGA for 14 days, followed
of oestrus synchronization may also be the by administration of PGF 17–19 days after
key to the uptake of much new technology. MGA withdrawal, has been developed as an
The extensive use of oestrus synchroniza- effective method of oestrus control in beef
tion will depend upon research providing heifers; studies with post-partum beef cows
producers with more predictable control have shown an improved outcome among
programmes. Fine-tuning of ovulation syn- cows that received MGA prior to the injec-
chronization and timed AI programmes, tion of PGF in comparison with animals
where the aim is to reduce the need for receiving PGF only. It has been shown that
heat detection and animal handling and the improved synchrony of oestrus could be
shortening of the breeding season, should achieved in beef cows when animals were
eventually lead to an increased use of AI in pretreated, either short- or long-term, with
the beef industry. MGA prior to GnRH and PGF.
A review by Patterson (2002) suggested
that MGA treatment prior to the GnRH–PG
5.5.1. Control measures currently available oestrus control protocol could be useful
in: (i) inducing ovulation in anoestrous
Melengestrol treatment beef cows; (ii) reducing the incidence of a
short luteal phase among anoestrous cows
Melengestrol acetate (MGA), a synthetic induced to ovulate; (iii) increasing oestrous
progestogen, has been used in various regi- response, synchronized conception and
mens for oestrus synchronization in cattle; pregnancy rates; and (iv) increasing the
advantages of MGA include low cost, negli- possibility of successful fixed-time AI.
gible toxicity, oral administration (via feed) According to Kesler et al. (2002), the MGA–
and induction of cyclicity in anoestrous, PGF protocol has emerged in the USA as the
prepubertal and post-partum animals. The procedure of choice for beef heifers. How-
duration of MGA feeding varies among the ever, the original protocol was based on the
different protocols that have been devised, detection of oestrus for breeding and this
but the level of feeding (0.5 mg per cow/ requires time and labour. For such reasons,
day) is regarded as critical to success. The most farmers prefer timed AI. Although an
160 Chapter 5
162 Chapter 5
Table 5.7. Triple synchronization protocol dose of PMSG (400 iu) as a means of enhanc-
(based on protocol devised by Lowman and ing fertility. The practical outcome of the
Penny in Scotland over a 4-year period). programme on a test farm saw 75% of the
Day Action suckler cows calving over a 4-week period
and 90% over 46 days.
0 Insert CIDR + 2.5 ml Receptal
7 Inject prostaglandin PGF2a
9 Remove CIDRs at 9 a.m.
Inject 400 iu PMSG (optional)
5.5.3. Cost–benefit calculations
11 First insemination (a.m.)
12 Repeat insemination (a.m.) Workers in Florida compared cost–benefits
27 Reinsert CIDRs of the Ovsynch/timed artificial insemina-
32 Remove CIDRs (a.m.) and tail-paint cows tion (TAI) protocol with AI at a detected
33 Observe carefully for heats oestrus; using economic models, they
34 Second insemination (a.m.) for cows showed that the protocol could be a profit-
observed in heat
able alternative for managing dairy herds in
which oestrus detection rates are subopti-
35 Repeat insemination (a.m.)
46 Scan cows assumed pregnant and insert
new CIDRs in non-pregnant animals mal. Various methods have been used to
50 Insert CIDRs in second AI animals evaluate the cost–benefit of different treat-
53 Inject prostaglandin (scanned non-pregnant ments aimed at improving reproductive
cows) performance in herds with low oestrus
55 Remove CIDRs and tail-paint cows detection efficiency. In Germany, using
56 Observe carefully for heats in second AI simulation and modelling techniques and
group dealing with a dairy herd with an oestrus
57 Third insemination (a.m.) any animals detection efficiency of 55%, it was found
observed in heat
to be cost-effective to spend up to US$10
per dose of PG, US$9 per milk progesterone
58 Repeat insemination (a.m.) any cows in
test and US$6 per rectal palpation. The
Control of Post-partum Ovarian Activity
6.1. Factors Influencing Post-partum involution of the uterus and the re-
Ovarian Activity establishment of cyclical breeding activity.
The interval between successive calvings,
All farm animals undergo a period following the calving interval (CI), is usually regarded
parturition when they are not in a position as one of the important factors determining
to become pregnant. In a species such as the profitability of dairy herds (Fig. 6.1). A
horse, this period may be no more than a long CI can be particularly damaging in
week; in others, such as the ewe kept in strictly seasonal farming systems, such
conventional sheep farming, there may be as those found in New Zealand, where
many months between lambing in the spring concentrated, well-timed calvings are
and mating once more in the autumn. How- essential to ensure optimal economic
ever, for the farmer, time is money and there returns from the dairy enterprise. For those
are likely to be many occasions when he who regard a 1-year interval as the ideal,
wishes to have a degree of control over the this can only be achieved if the conception
date when his animals are able to start their rate and efficiency of oestrus detection are
next pregnancy. Of course, the delay in high and the interval between calving and
resuming reproductive activity is nature’s first service is less than about 90 days;
way of ensuring that the mother has suffi- despite some trend towards earlier breed-
cient resources to meet her own needs and ing, 60 days after calving is usually quoted
those of her newborn offspring. The process as the earliest that a cow can be mated and
of lactation can be a serious drain on bodily show an acceptable conception rate. It is
resouces and adding pregnancy to the load a different story in zebu dairy cattle. The
may not be at all helpful. In bygone days in average duration of gestation in such cattle
the Western world, the same reasoning has been reported as 295 days; for such
applied to humans, where nursing the reasons, it is not surprising that CIs of 14
baby was a fairly certain way of keeping a months or more are commonplace in such
sensible interval between successive births. cattle.
CI is primarily a function of the number
of days from calving to the initiation of the
6.1.1. Cattle and buffaloes next pregnancy – days open – and the effect
of gestation length; numerous management
Dairy cattle and feeding protocols have been designed in
an effort to reduce this interval. Workers
The fertility of the cow in the months fol- in the USA have emphasized that to be
lowing calving depends on the satisfactory effective any programme of post-partum
©I.R. Gordon 2004. Reproductive Technologies in Farm Animals
164 (I.R. Gordon)
Fig. 6.1. The post-partum period: a difficult time for the dairy cow.
oestrus control must be consistent with regained reproductive activity, often, due
well-established physiological concepts. to a negative energy balance at this stage
(Fig. 6.2), they may suffer from health prob-
Twelve-month calving intervals lems and show impaired fertility, resulting
in a low conception rate. High levels of milk
For the past half-century and more, dairy production and a 12-month calving interval
cows in the UK and elsewhere have been may involve a risk of problems during the
expected to produce increasing amounts dry period; drying off at milk yields of 10 kg
of milk; this has been achieved by or more, for example, may well increase
way of effective breeding programmes the risk of mastitis during the dry period,
and improved feeding and management resulting in a need for antibiotic treatment.
systems. These high-producing cows are Furthermore, high yield at drying-off means
expected to produce a calf every 12 months, increased intramammary pressure, which
since that interval has usually been consid- causes discomfort to the animal.
ered to be the most profitable in terms of
milk prices, feeding and housing costs and Increasing the calving interval in high yielders
other factors. This demand for a short CI
(12 months) in many instances will call for If the CI is voluntarily increased from 12 to
treatments with both hormones and anti- 15–18 months, this would mean postponing
biotics. In terms of breeding requirements, artificial insemination (AI) for 3–6 months,
the recommendation is that cows should be which would certainly make drying-off
inseminated at the first oestrus appearing easier and increase the time available for
50 days after calving; at this time, however, the cow to recover from puerperal diseases
some cows have not yet regained normal and return to normal reproductive function,
reproductive functions and are still in an leading to better fertility. Workers in
anoestrous state. Sweden have confirmed that an extended
There is therefore a demand for hor- calving interval can be beneficial for the fer-
monal treatment to make the cattle regain tility of high-producing cows; the animals
cyclical activity and conceive within pre- had longer to recover after calving and to
dictable time-limits. Even when cows have restart their normal ovarian function. The
166 Chapter 6
Fig. 6.2. Negative energy balance in the post-partum cow (source: Roche and Diskin, 2001).
extended period reduced the need for hor- within 80–85 days of calving. However,
monal treatments for anoestrus and more cyclicity is absent during the pregnancy
than one insemination; fewer cows were and early post-partum period. Although
culled due to fertility problems and there cyclic activity may resume within 2–3
was a reduced incidence of ovarian cysts. weeks of calving in dairy cows, it does not
Many researchers in North America, often resume before 35–60 days or even
dealing with year-round calving herds, sug- longer in suckled beef cattle; usually
gest that a calving interval of 12.5 months only 30–50% of cows resume cycling by
(100 days open) provides optimal financial 2 months post-partum. Prolonged post-
benefits for commercial milk producers; partum acyclicity or anoestrus in suckler
estimates of the cost of non-pregnant cows cows influences the efficiency of oestrus
to the producer have ranged from US$1 control procedures.
to US$10/day for every day over the Post-partum anoestrus can be regarded
100 days. In commercial herds, detection as a transition period during which the func-
of oestrus is the primary factor influencing tional hypothalamic–pituitary–ovarian–
reproductive efficiency; for such reasons, uterine axis recovers from the previous
prostaglandin (PG)-based reproductive pro- pregnancy. The efforts of many researchers
grammes have become important tools have resulted in a reasonable picture of
because they reduce the need for constant endocrine events in the post-partum cow;
oestrus detection. The use of PG at 14-day this enables various practical measures to be
intervals, combined with detection of taken to deal with the problem. In beef cattle
oestrus, has been a successful strategy for nursing calves, the physiology of post-
improving reproductive efficiency, but the partum acyclicity and resumption of cyclic
method is limited due to variations in the ovarian activity post-partum has been well
time of ovulation; the success also depends mapped out. In brief, follicle-stimulating
on the stage of the oestrous cycle when hormone (FSH) release and the development
treatment starts. of dominant follicles resume soon after par-
turition; however, these dominant follicles
Beef cattle fail to undergo terminal maturation, a pre-
requisite for ovulation, due to the absence
In beef farming, the aim is to obtain and of appropriate luteinizing hormone (LH)
wean one calf per cow per year; thus, after a pulses and the dominant follicles become
period of pregnancy of about 280 days, beef atretic. Absence of LH pulses early in post-
cattle have to establish the next pregnancy partum is due to depletion of LH stores in the
168 Chapter 6
Lactational anoestrus
embryo transport through the oviducts of mares foaling early in the year. Although
sows subjected to such stress events as short-term removal of the foal has no
food deprivation or mixing. In Sweden, for effect on post-partum ovarian activity or LH
example, Mwanza et al. (2000) investigated secretion, removal of the foal on the day of
the effect of postovulatory food deprivation parturition or restricted suckling may alter
on the hormonal profiles and activity of the follicular growth or time to first ovulation.
oviduct; it was concluded that food depri- Body condition is also known to play an
vation is associated with changes in the important role in influencing post-partum
hormonal profiles, activity of the oviduct ovarian activity. Work in Hungary led to the
and a delay in the transport of oocytes. conclusion that the resumption of ovarian
activity is strongly influenced by the season
of parturition and parity.
6.1.4. Horses
Fertility at foal heat
In view of the relatively long gestation
period in the mare (more than 11 months), In horses, because of the long 11-month
if she is to produce a foal each year, she gestation period, it is of practical interest
must obviously become pregnant within a to breed the mare soon after foaling. Many
few weeks of foaling. Among the farm ani- studies have examined the fertility of mares
mals, the mare has the unique ability to at the first post-partum oestrus and com-
return quickly to cyclicity and fertility after pared this with the fertility observed at later
giving birth; it is estimated that about 90% times. Studies in Italy in the 1990s found
will show a foal heat. After a long period that the foaling rate following conception at
of ovarian inactivity during pregnancy, the the foal heat (72.1%) was no different from
mare’s ovaries are capable of developing the foaling rate after conception at any other
follicles immediately after parturition; by a cycle; based on the absence of differences, it
week post-partum, a preovulatory follicle is was concluded that breeding at the foal heat
present and the animal is showing signs of is advisable.
oestrus (foal heat).
170 Chapter 6
172 Chapter 6
Table 6.2. Breeding performance of primiparous and multiparous sows after weaning (from Hughes,
3–9 days > 10 days No. of sows 3–9 days > 10 days No. of sows
extended weaning-to-oestrus intervals are first ovulation may reduce the incidence of
not major problems; results also indicated abnormal cycles and uterine pathology.
that, where the weaning-to-oestrus interval Australian workers, using a GnRH
was extended, regular boar contact post- implant (Ovuplant) within 48 h of calving,
weaning was unlikely to stimulate an found they could extend the interval to first
earlier return to oestrus. ovulation to at least 24 days after calving.
They concluded that such GnRH treatment
Goats could be useful in inducing anoestrus dur-
ing periods of severe negative energy bal-
Studies in Brazil examined post-partum ance in early lactation in high-producing
ovarian activity in goats as influenced by Holstein cows; as well as influencing events
suckling effects; for goats suckling young in the uterus, the animals were given a
continuously, twice daily and once daily, chance to pass through this period without
workers recorded intervals from kidding to the need to divert resources to ovarian
first oestrus averaging 46.4, 33.9 and 30.0 activity, which is known to be especially
days, respectively. sensitive to nutritional effects.
Once-daily milking
6.2.2. Strategies for inducing resumption of
ovarian activity Dealing with a dual-purpose milk/beef
production system commonly practised in
Avoiding early resumption Mexico, where cows are milked once daily
in the presence of the calf and then the calf
Getting the post-partum cow pregnant again suckles for the next 1–8 h, Perez-Hernandez
shortly after calving may not necessarily be et al. (2002) attempted to separate inhibi-
a question of inducing an early resumption tory factors by delaying the start of suckling
of ovarian activity. In fact, there is evidence after milking; this was on the understand-
that the occurrence of ovulation within 21 ing that this would reduce the impact on
days of calving may compromise the fertil- the hypothalamic–hypophyseal axis and
ity of dairy cows. As a means of initiating allow it to recover more readily. They were
cyclical ovarian activity in the early weeks able to demonstrate that delaying suckling
after calving, several research groups in the for 8 h after milking increased the propor-
1970s examined the use of GnRH, given as tion of cows ovulating within 100 days
early as 14–20 days after calving; however, of calving, shortened the calving to first
the responsiveness of the pituitary and the ovulation interval and improved calf
levels of LH released were inconsistent. It is performance without reducing cow milk
now known that uterine involution, which yield or body condition.
should normally be complete by 25 days
post-partum, can be prolonged because of ‘Shang’ treatment
the association between early ovulation and
an increased incidence of uterine pyometra; It is all too clear that the suckling of
it is thought that extending the interval to calves can markedly affect the resumption
of ovarian activity in beef cattle (Fig. 6.5); to pay for getting the cow pregnant on
for that reason, management routines have schedule.
been devised to temporarily suspend suck-
ling in order to facilitate reproductive Pheromonal effects
function. The frequency of LH pulses, and
hence ovarian activity, is known to be Workers in Scotland a decade ago found
influenced by several factors, acting either evidence of pheromonal influences on the
alone or in conjunction with others. In duration of the post-partum anoestrus in
Scotland, Sinclair et al. (2002) are among beef suckler cattle; cervical mucus from
those who have shown interactions cows in oestrus was found to contain agents
between suckling and body condition in (pheromones) capable of assisting in the
beef cows, suggesting that calf restriction re-establishment of breeding activity, par-
(suckling once daily rather than unlimited ticularly in cows with extended anoestrous
access to dam) could alleviate the suppres- periods. The same workers suggested that
sive effects of undernutrition on episodic this finding may have implications for the
LH release. design of housing for suckler cows; lack of
In beef cattle there have been reports opportunity to mix with other cows or keep-
showing that oestrus may be induced in ing cattle in small herds may exacerbate the
anoestrous cows nursing calves by way problem of extended post-partum intervals.
of short-term progestogen treatment allied In the USA, other workers reported that beef
to 48 h calf removal; this procedure, known cows exposed to possible pheromonal
as the ‘Shang’ treatment, was suggested by influences (bulls or androgenized–treated
a Texas rancher. For the ‘Shang’ method cows) in the early post-partum period
to work, the beef cows must be in reason- returned to oestrus earlier than animals
able body condition and on an adequate diet; isolated from such forms of stimulation.
a 24 h separation period was found to be The effect does not necessarily depend on
less successful than 48 h. Removal of the having an intact bull; some report that the
calf resulted in a 5% reduction in calf presence of a teaser (vasectomized) bull can
weight at weaning, a relatively small price stimulate ovarian activity. In the USA and
174 Chapter 6
the UK, it was found that teaser bulls signif- weaning weights more than it did during
icantly reduced the post-partum interval, early lactation.
but there was no benefit when cows were in
good body condition at calving.
6.2.3. Assessing nutritional status of animals
Boar effects
After weaning, contact with the boar can Numerous studies have examined the nutri-
induce the onset of ovarian activity and tional aspects of post-partum anoestrus in
advance oestrus in sows by days; boar cattle and related nutrition and body condi-
stimuli are probably important in activat- tion to ovarian activity after calving. Target
ing neuroendocrine pathways involved in condition scores for autumn- and spring-
the regulation of ovarian activity. Although calving beef cattle are indicated in Fig. 6.6.
boar presence can stimulate oestrus, It is well accepted that, as high-yielding
excessive boar stimulation is also known dairy cows enter a state of negative energy
to reduce the expression of oestrous behav- balance during early lactation and that as
iour; it is believed that increased boar lactation progresses, the animals regain
contact can reduce the responsiveness energy balance. However, the consequences
of the sow to such stimuli. of the previous imbalance for fertility have
been difficult to evaluate because factors
other than nutrition may be involved (e.g.
Lactation length metabolic or infectious diseases). In Spain,
The effects of lactation length on the Lopez-Gatius et al. (2003) conducted a
weaning-to-service interval, first-service meta-analysis to evaluate the effects of body
farrowing rate and subequent litter size condition score at calving and time of first AI
were studied by workers in the USA; on reproductive performance in dairy cattle.
they analysed 178,519 records from 13 com- They record that pregnancy rate at first
mercial herds to show that third-parity and AI significantly decreased by about 10%
older sows could be weaned after only 9 in cows calving in poor condition; animals
days of lactation and still retain the ability with a high body condition score at parturi-
to recommence oestrous cycles in an aver- tion showed a shorter interval to conception
age of 7 days or less with a subsequent than animals with an intermediate or low
first-service farrowing rate of > 70%. Sec- body condition. The Spanish workers con-
ond-parity sows could be weaned after 12 cluded that special attention should be paid
days of lactation or less. In first-parity sows, to the cow’s nutritional needs during the
however, those weaned earlier than 14 days periparturition period, between late preg-
required > 10 days to recycle. The study nancy and early lactation. This may be
showed that reducing lactation length from important in preventing metabolic dis-
20 to 15 days reduced litter size by 0.2 and orders. Overfeeding during the dry period
from 15 to 10 days by a further 0.2. has been associated with a predisposition to
The influence of feed intake during dif- accumulate fat in adipose tissue, increased
ferent weeks of lactation on the reproductive lipolysis after calving and a reduced ability
performance of sows was investigated in of adipose tissue to re-esterify mobilized
the USA, using data from 18,243 farrowing fatty acids.
records on 30 commercial farms in Minne-
sota and Iowa; data dealt with sows with
lactation periods between 7 and 22 days. 6.3.4. Current treatment protocols
It was found that increased feed intake
during early and mid-lactation reduced the Ovsynch treatment
weaning-to-service interval more than it did
during late lactation; greater feed intake According to several observers in the USA,
during mid- to late lactation increased litter there is interest in the Ovsynch oestrus
control protocol and dairy operations are treatments using progestogen, PGF2a and
utilizing this programme to inseminate lac- pregnant mare’s serum gonadotrophin
tating cows; for such reasons, it is important (PMSG) to induce ovulation and synchro-
to understand the mechanisms that influ- nize oestrus. For the induction of ovulation
ence pregnancy rates so that fertility may be and cyclicity after the third week post-
improved. Studies have shown a positive partum in suckled beef cattle, a suitable
association between body condition score protocol was that proposed by Yavas and
and fertility to the Ovsynch protocol, which Walton (2000); this involved the use of
suggests that body condition should be progesterone-releasing internal device
considered when determining the time (PRID) or controlled internal drug release
post-partum that cows are inseminated. It is (CIDR) intravaginal devices to establish
still unclear how low body condition may ovulations and normal cycles at 3–4 weeks
result in reduced pregnancy rates. post-partum. In France, Mialot et al. (2003)
compared the effectiveness of an oestrus
Suckler cows control and AI programme based on
GnRH + PGF2a + GnRH (Ovsynch) with the
In suckled beef cows, post-partum anoestrus standard PRID + PGF2a + PMSG protocol;
is the main factor which increases the the study involved Charolais and Limousin
interval between calving and conception, beef cows under French field conditions
particularly in primiparous cows. Efforts to after autumn calving, without calf removal
improve fertility have usually involved and in herds with a high percentage of
176 Chapter 6
cyclic animals. They found that pregnancy recorded with progestogens, there have
rates were similar in both beef breeds and been studies, in both dairy and beef cattle,
after both oestrus control treatments when suggesting that PGF2a treatment in the early
most cows were cyclic; however, it was post-partum period might decrease the
concluded that the Ovsynch protocol calving interval; again, the mode of action
should not be used in beef herds with a was not clear, but was seen to be of sufficent
low proportion of cyclic animals, which is interest to justify research to determine the
a common feature of French beef herds. way in PGF might achieve such an effect.
Control of Seasonal Breeding
Fig. 7.1. Autumn lambs by progesterone–PMSG (1953). Autumn-born lambs with their Half-bred mothers
on a Cambridgeshire farm in 1953. These were the first such lambs born in the UK after treatment with the
newly devised progesterone–PMSG treatment for the induction of pregnancy in anoestrous ewes.
for most lowland breeds, the season spans may be responsible for temporary infertility
the 6-month period running from Septem- in rams.
ber to February; a similar story would hold
true for many British breeds, as shown by Increased lambing frequency
Hafez in Cambridge half a century ago. The
seasonal breeding found in ewes, however, The short gestation length in sheep (~147
is not evident in rams to the same extent. days) enables the production of more than
Although reports at one time suggested that one lamb crop per ewe per year. However, the
rams were seasonal breeders, this is cer- seasonal breeding habits of the ewe limit the
tainly not true of the main breeds in the UK farmer’s ability to capitalize on this oppor-
and Ireland (Fig. 7.2). That is not to say tunity, although numerous strategies have
that seasonal fluctuations in semen quality been developed to facilitate out-of-season
and sex drive do not occur, but simply that, breeding, with varying levels of effectiveness
if they do, they do not materially reduce and cost efficiency. Authors in the 1960s,
the efficiency of the mating process. While reviewing attempts up to that time to increase
there is evidence of considerable seasonal the frequency of lambing in sheep, con-
variation in testis size and semen produc- cluded that there was no way in which this
tion in primitive sheep breeds such as the could be achieved consistently on a flock
Soay, such is not the case with rams used basis with the techniques then available.
in normal commercial practice. Among All this was to change in the early
environmental factors (day length, feed, 1970s when John Robinson in Aberdeen
climate) likely to reduce the effectiveness of demonstrated, using appropriate sheep and
the ram, elevated temperature would seem management, that it was possible to achieve
to be the most important. In both Australia two lamb crops every 13 months on a flock
and the USA, there are plenty of studies basis. Not only that, but it was possible to
showing that high summer temperature produce an average of twins each time,
180 Chapter 7
Fig. 7.2. Suffolk rams remain sexually active in all seasons. At one time it was thought that Suffolk rams
became sexually inactive during the spring and summer months. However, when effective treatments for
the induction of oestrus and ovulation became available in the early 1950s, it was found that the rams were
quite capable of mating at all times of the year, although their sperm output might be somewhat less in the
spring/summer period.
182 Chapter 7
with stallions that are among the élite and a later stage of development than during
the very élite. the mid-anovulatory period (Donadeu and
Ginther, 2003).
Seasonal changes in follicular activity
Year-round breeders
The annual reproductive cycle in mares is
characterized by minimal follicular activity Although categorized as a seasonal breeder,
during short days (anovulatory season) a small proportion of mares do not exhibit
and maximal activity during long days anoestrus and continue to exhibit oestrous
(ovulatory season). A sound understanding cycles throughout the winter months. There
of the processes involved in the growth is some evidence that this phenomenon is a
and development of follicles is essential characteristic of mares which exhibit high
for those working in oestrus and ovulation body-fat scores and the implication is that
control in this species. Many studies have the timing and occurrence of anoestrus may
been conducted, using real-time ultrasonics be causally related to body fat stores. It is
to determine the sequence of events in known that leptin concentrations reflect
follicular development in the mare since the level of fat-stores and may provide a
the early 1980s. There is a clear size differ- metabolic signal of nutritional well-being.
ence between ovarian follicles in the mare
and those in the other farm mammals; dur-
ing the oestrous cycle, the ovaries contain 7.1.4. Deer
several follicles greater than 10 mm in
diameter and a preovulatory follicle that Red deer (Cervus elaphus) are highly sea-
eventually grows to 35–55 mm diameter. sonal breeders, with polyoestrous females
Although follicle waves are evident during exhibiting the onset of ovulatory activity in
the cycle, they are categorized as major autumn and a high conception rate (~85%)
and minor waves; in major waves there is to the first mating of the season. Red deer
divergence of follicles into dominant and hinds in the UK can be expected to exhibit
subordinates, while in minor waves there oestrous cycles of 18–21 days’ duration at
is no such divergence and no dominant the beginning of October. In animals that do
follicle develops. Major waves are further not become pregnant, cyclical breeding
subdivided into primary and secondary activity continues for about 6 months. Hinds
waves, the former giving rise to a follicle are mated in the ‘rut’, usually in October–
that ovulates at oestrus and the latter to a November (Fig. 7.5). The ‘rut’ is the term
follicle which does not ovulate or ovulates used to describe the period of concentrated
after the primary wave to give a secondary sexual activity in wild deer, when individual
ovulation. Secondary and minor waves are stags appropriate a group of hinds. Calvings
believed to occur more frequently in spring occur in the mid-summer period after a ges-
than in autumn. tation period of ~233 days, which involves
Evidence presented by Irvine et al. a misalignment of pasture growth with the
(2000) indicated that gonadotrophins con- high energy demands of the milking hind
tinue to regulate ovarian function in the in pastoral countries such as New Zealand
autumn as at other times of the year and and Great Britain. For such reasons, there
showed that inadequate gonadotrophin is an obvious case for using hormonal and
in early dioestrus may be a critical event other means of realigning the calving
leading to suboptimal follicular and luteal season with the grass-growing season.
development and eventually the cessation of It is clear from many reports that red
oestrous cycles. Follicular waves have been deer, given adequate nutrition and manage-
demonstrated during the mid-anovulatory ment, are capable of exhibiting high fertility,
and the transitional periods; the higher with more than 95% of mature hinds bearing
follicular activity during the transitional single calves each year. In the absence of
period results in waves being detected at pregnancy, however, red deer hinds are
Fig. 7.5. Reproductive activity in red deer in the UK (from Perry, 1971).
polyoestrous and are capable of exhibiting year. The characteristic seasonal breeding
between four and nine continuous 17–19- patterns in this species, which have been
day oestrous cycles over a 3–6-month period reported in many countries, particularly
between autumn and spring. New Zealand under tropical climates such as in India,
studies have demonstrated that antral folli- are attributed to the ambient temperature,
cle growth and regression continues during photoperiod and feed supply. Although
both the breeding and non-breeding sea- authors may often refer to the buffalo as
sons. Oestrous cycles are characterized by a a seasonal breeder, this is because most
variable number (one to three) of follicular animals are concentrated in the tropical and
waves, from which a single large (> 6 mm) subtropical regions of the world; the same
follicle emerges; it is evident that anoestrus holds true for countries in the southern
in red deer hinds represents a period of hemisphere, such as Brazil, where buffaloes
dynamic changes in follicular activity. are reported to have a higher conception
A further consideration in deer farming rate during March to August, when the
is the influence of season on growth. In con- temperature is lower and day length is
trast to what the farmer expects with his/her shorter. In India, studies have shown a
sheep and cattle, growth in male deer is sea- majority of buffaloes exhibiting oestrus
sonal, which can impose limits on farmed between October and March, when days are
venison; red deer grow rapidly in the spring shorter and the temperature relatively cool.
and slowly in winter, despite ad libitum The breeding season in New World
high-quality feed. There is evidence that camelids in South America is usually
such seasonal changes are regulated by vari- confined to the autumn months, although
ations in growth hormone levels. Results both males and females are capable of
from New Zealand studies have shown that showing sexual activity throughout the year.
exposure of red deer calves to an extended Seasonal changes in semen characters were
photoperiod (16 h light, 8 h dark) could result observed by workers in Germany; sperm
in growth rates comparable to those nor- concentration was highest in November–
mally associated with spring and summer. December and lowest in summer. It was
concluded that male llamas have adapted
satisfactorily to European climatic condi-
7.1.5. Buffaloes and camelids tions. Camels are sexually active for a lim-
ited number of months each year, the period
Water buffaloes, like cattle, are polyoestrous of the ‘rut’; the time of their breeding period
and capable of breeding throughout the is likely to differ from region to region.
184 Chapter 7
show considerable variation among indi- the action of thyroid hormones in the devel-
viduals, but the length of the nocturnal opment of anoestrus in sheep. In the USA,
secretion of melatonin reflects the duration studies led to the suggestion that thyroid
of the night and regulates the pulsatile hormones need only be present for a brief
secretion of gonadotrophin-releasing hor- period of time near the end of the breeding
mone (GnRH) from the hypothalamus season for neuroendocrine changes to occur
(Fig. 7.6). Changes in GnRH release result that lead to anoestrus. It appears that the
in corresponding changes in LH secretion, reproductive neuroendocrine axis is not
which are responsible for the alternating equally responsive to thyroid hormones at
presence or absence of ovulation in the all times of the year.
ewe and varying sperm production in Evidence from several studies indicates
the ram. Melatonin does not act directly on that the relationship between thyroxine con-
GnRH neurones but apparently involves a centrations and the timing of the transition
complex neural circuit of interneurones. to anoestrus is quantitative; oral administra-
tion of drugs to induce hypothyroidism can
Thyroid hormones lead to a significant delay in the transition
to anoestrus, whereas administration of
It is now well established that thyroid thyroxine can cause premature anoestrus. It
hormones are essential for the seasonal is believed that a major factor responsible
suppression of LH secretion by oestradiol in for seasonal breeding in sheep is a change
the ewe. Several studies have investigated in the responsiveness of GnRH neurones to
Fig. 7.6. Light leads to action in brain and pituitary. SCG, superior cervical ganglion. (From Chemineau
and Malpaux, 1998.)
186 Chapter 7
Horses Deer
The physiological mechanisms governing Thyroid hormones are required for the
transition from the breeding season into the neuroendocrine processes involved in the
anovulatory season in horses are not well onset of the non-reproductive state in red
understood; transition may be due to a deer. Studies in New Zealand have shown
failure of LH secretion, since both follicle that, as in sheep, thyroxine is required for
development and FSH secretion continue the termination of the breeding season in
after the final ovulation of the breeding sea- red deer hinds and that thyroid gland secre-
son, whereas LH secretion does not. It is tions block reproductive activity during the
known that, during the anovulatory season, non-breeding season.
pituitary LH secretion and content decline
and total hypothalamic GnRH content and
secretion are decreased; pituitary FSH 7.2.3. Environmental and genetic factors
secretion, but not pituitary content, is
also reduced. During anoestrus, the lack Seasonal changes in ovulation rate
of gonadotrophin secretion results in little
follicular development, and no corpora Sheep from temperate latitudes exhibit
lutea are formed; the lack of ovarian activity seasonal variations in breeding activity that
Fig. 7.7. Seasonal variation in ewe fertility (Johansson and Hansson, 1943).
188 Chapter 7
it was found that the interval from develop- lower in tropical and subtropical latitudes
ment of a follicle > 30 mm to ovulation was compared with those of temperate areas, it
significantly shorter for mares on pasture has often been assumed that nutritional con-
than for those on dry feed. ditions are the main modulators of sexual
activity. Workers in northern Mexico, how-
Goats ever, demonstrated that male Creole goats,
fed constantly throughout the year, exhibit
Many reports have dealt with the annual large seasonal variations in sexual activity,
cyclic ovarian activity shown by goat breeds with the most intense activity occurring in
in various countries and in different lati- the May–December period; the authors con-
tudes. In Italy, for example, workers dealing cluded that food availability was probably
with Mediterranean goat breeds noted that not the main factor influencing activity
all such goats showed reproductive season- but that this was probably synchronized
ality, with a spring–summer period of by changes in the photoperiod.
anoestrus and a well-defined period of
cyclic ovarian activity in autumn–winter, Condition scoring in sheep
with the highest percentage of cycling
females in the November–February period; The effect of body condition score (BCS:
significant breed differences were also 1 = emaciated; 9 = obese) on the onset of
observed in the start and duration of the the breeding season in sheep has been
breeding season, as well as in the incidence examined in some studies. Condition scor-
of non-seasonal episodes of luteal activity. ing is assessed by handling over and around
the backbone, in the loin area immediately
Food availability behind the last rib and above the kidney,
using the fingers along the top and sides of
Studies with male goats under subtropical the backbone (Fig. 7.8). In the USA, workers
conditions have shown that local breeds have found evidence suggesting that poor
exhibit seasonality in their reproductive body condition (BCS < 3) inhibits the secre-
activity similar to that shown by breeds from tion of LH, which is associated with the
temperate latitudes, in which sexual activity onset of the breeding season, by altering
throughout the year is controlled by marked the relative amounts of insulin-like growth
changes in daylight length. However, because factor (IGF)-binding proteins within the
the amplitude of daylight changes is much hypothalamic–pituitary axis.
190 Chapter 7
Fig. 7.9. Response of anoestrous ewes to ram introduction. CL, corpora lutea. (From Knight, 1983.)
192 Chapter 7
Studies in Cambridge in the 1940s showed different countries apply this form of
this to be true for the stallion as well as treatment. In Poland, for example, recent
the mare. Currently, large numbers of Thor- studies concluded that PMSG injection was
oughbreds and sports horses are routinely required to induce a satisfactory response
maintained under artifical lighting during in Leine sheep treated with FGA sponges
the late winter and early spring months during anoestrus. In Tunisia, work with
in North America, Europe and Australasia. Thibar ewes and FGA sponges showed that
This is part of the breeders’ efforts to try to PMSG at sponge withdrawal significantly
mate their mares as early as possible in the increased conception rate and litter size.
stud season. In Syria, workers induced synchronized
oestrus and twinning using MAP sponges
and 400 iu PMSG at progestogen withdrawal
7.3.5. Use of progestogen–PMSG treatments in Awassi sheep. In Uruguay, Ungerfeld and
Rubianes (2002) compared the effectiveness
A great deal of research was directed of different progestogens and dose levels
towards overcoming the problem of when used over much shorter treatment
anoestrus in sheep during the 1960s, periods than the conventional 12–14 days in
mainly by Terry Robinson and associates in anoestrous ewes; they concluded from their
Sydney. It became clear that a highly effec- data that controlled internal drug release
tive treatment involved a 12-day period of (CIDR), FGA and MAP sponges were equally
treatment with intravaginal sponges (con- effective, with 6 days’ priming for induction
taining FGA or MAP), with a single dose of of oestrus.
gonadotrophin (PMSG) given at removal of
the device (Table 7.1). Breeding-synchronized ewes
Four decades later, reports are still
Much work was done more than 30 years
appearing in the literature as workers in
ago in devising ram management routines
to be used in sheep flocks synchronized
Table 7.1. Lambing outcome after progestogen by way of progestogen and PMSG; rams
treatment (fluorogestone acetate (FGA) and introduced 48 h after progestogen with-
medroxyprogesterone acetate (MAP)). drawal achieved significantly greater
success than when introduced earlier
Progestogen FGA MAP
(Table 7.2). The explanation apparently was
No. ewes treated 878.80 1176.80 largely a matter of ram mating psychology,
No. ewes lambed 628.80 846.80 as detailed in reports at the time. Presented
No. lambs born 1157.80 1150.80 with a bunch of ewes in oestrus, the ram’s
% ewes lambing 71.5 71.9 natural inclination is to mate once and
Lambs born per ewe lambing 1.80 1.80 then move on to a ‘fresh’ ewe. If the male
% ewes with singles 35.2 34.7
is present from the time of sponge with-
drawal, the first ewe to come into oestrus
% ewes with twins 48.8 50.3
% ewes with triplets or more 16.0 15.0
Lambs per 100 ewes treated 131.80 131.80 occupies his full attention and depletes his
sperm reserves.
Table 7.2. Effect of ram mating management on lambing outcome. Trials with 16 pens of sheep – ten
ewes and one Suffolk ram per paddock (P < 0.01).
194 Chapter 7
Controlling Multiple Births and Litter Size
Ovulation rate is the major factor deter- mind (Fig. 8.1). However, there are
mining the incidence of multiple births situations in which the term ‘litter’ may
in sheep, goats, cattle and horses and in be applied to sheep or goats, especially
determining litter size in pigs; multiple in breeds such as the Finn Landrace
ovulations are influenced by genotype and and Romanov in sheep, where it is not
environmental factors and are the result of uncommon for ewes to give birth to four
folliculogenesis. Control of folliculogenesis or five offspring. In cattle, it is rare for
lies with the gonadotrophins and local multiples in excess of two to occur, so
regulatory factors in the ovary such as the term ‘litter’ would seldom need to be
steroids, cytokines and growth factors applied in that species. In zebu cattle and
Normally, when talking about litters, buffaloes and in deer and camelids even
the pig is the farm-animal species in twins would be something of a rarity, so
Fig. 8.1. Large White sow and her litter of 14 young. The piglets were reared successfully on the
Herefordshire farm of Charles Coxon at Milton, Pembridge, in 1957. Although litter size in pigs is not
strongly inherited, it can differ according to breed and whether the sow herd is purebred or crossbred.
Apart from genetic considerations, several other factors can enter the picture, not only feed but also the
boar and system of mating.
©I.R. Gordon 2004. Reproductive Technologies in Farm Animals
(I.R. Gordon) 195
196 Chapter 8
multiples would be the term used in dealing producers are anxious to reduce twinning
with them. or eliminate it entirely. In this context, for
countries such as the USA, it is worth not-
ing that the administration of recombinant
bovine somatotrophin (rBST) as a means of
8.1. Advantages of Control Measures
increasing the milk yield of dairy cattle has
usually been accompanied by a significant
8.1.1. Sheep and cattle
increase in the incidence of twins in such
animals. Twinning is undesirable in milk-
Sheep ing herds because it can reduce repro-
Many economic studies in lowland sheep ductive efficiency by adversely affecting
over the years have clearly shown the conception rate in the subsequent lactation.
importance of high fertility as a major deter- Dairy cattle giving birth to twins have
minant of profitability in the enterprise; a a higher risk of serious problems such
small difference in the proportion of ewes as stillbirths, retained placenta, metritis,
carrying multiples can make a considerable displaced abomasum, ketosis and aciduria
difference to the net income from the flock. than cows calving singletons (Table 8.1).
In farming situations where the full genetic There is evidence showing a direct
potential of a particular breed is being relationship between milk production and
achieved and a further improvement in the incidence of double ovulations in lactat-
litter size is considered desirable, then ing dairy cows. It is believed that high milk
the introduction of a more prolific breed, production near the time of ovulation can
selection of certain ewes within a breed and increase the incidence of double ovulations
the artificial control of litter size (by the use and that this may result in an increased
of appropriate exogenous gonadotrophins twinning rate; the practical implications of
or immunization treatments) are among this relationship are important, for current
several of the options available. dairy management systems are usually
geared towards maximum milk yield per
cow. Although the specific physiological
Beef cattle
mechanisms that may predispose higher-
In some farming conditions, the availability producing dairy cows to exhibit an
of a reliable technique for inducing twin increased twin ovulation rate are currently
calving in beef cattle could be a valuable unknown, evidence suggests that high feed
means of increasing the biological and eco- intake in milking cows may increase hepatic
nomic efficiency of beef production systems. metabolism of ovarian steroids, thereby
Lifetime efficiency of the beef cow is closely altering the endocrine environment suffi-
related to reproductive rate, and increasing ciently to allow the development of two
the twinning rate could be one means of rather than one follicle during the selection
increasing the efficiency of the beef enter-
prise; the usual estimate is that twinning
could increase biological and economic Table 8.1. Some effects of twins in Irish dairy
efficiency of beef production by 20–25%. cattle: effect of natural twinning on dairy cow and
That said, it must also be emphasized that a calf performance (taken from over 10,000 calvings
high level of management is required for in the Moorepark herds) (from O’Farrell et al.,
twin-producing dams and their calves to
achieve the increased productivity. Single Twin
Abortion (%) 2 1
Dairy cattle
Perinatal mortality (%) 6 16
In contrast to what might be achieved by Calving difficulty (%) 8 7
twins in beef animals, there are likely to be Malpresentation (%) 3 11
Retained placenta (%) 3 19
many dairy farming conditions in which
period of a follicular wave. Once more is companies have adopted strategies that are
known of how increased milk production designed to increase litter size, with group
affects follicle development, it may be possi- nucleus breeding schemes using best linear
ble to devise strategies to avoid or reduce the unbiased prediction (BLUP) and artificial
negative effects of twinning on dairy opera- insemination (AI) to connect several herds
tions without compromising the animal’s to provide a large nucleus population. The
ability to become pregnant with a single Cotswold Group Nucleus Breeding Scheme
offspring. (Fig. 8.2) was designed to permit litter size
to increase by 0.2 live piglets per litter
annually when it was set up in the 1990s.
8.1.2. Pigs The question of litter size in pigs
involves not only ovulation rate but factors
It is generally accepted that, when the sow’s affecting the incidence of embryonic mortal-
ovulation rate is increased well beyond ity. Since the days of John Hammond in
the normal physiological limits (e.g. using the Cambridge of the 1920s, it has been
exogenous gonadotrophins), the benefits of recognized that the sow differs from the
any small increase in the average litter size other farm animals inasmuch as litter size
will almost invariably be outweighed by the depends less on the number of oocytes
variability in the size of the litters and in released from the ovaries and much more on
the birth weights of piglets in these litters. the number of fetuses that survive in the
The conclusion reached by many is that, uterus.
although ovulation rate should be kept as
high as possible by natural means, attempts Tropical regions
to produce increases artificially are
unlikely to be of commercial interest. How- One of the serious problems in pig produc-
ever, crossbreeding studies, dating from the tion in tropical areas is the comparatively
1930s, have shown that hybrid vigour can low litter size at birth. According to
lead to useful increases in litter size; it has Tantasuparuk et al. (2000), the sources of
become a widespread commercial practice genetic material in Thailand originate from
in many countries to use crossbred or temperate and subtropical areas, such as
hybrid sows as the breeding females in countries in Western Europe and North
commercial units. Some pig breeding America, where the climate is quite
198 Chapter 8
different from that in Thailand, which carried out between 1973 and 1996, were
has higher temperatures and humidity. The analysed; it was found that the incidence
same workers showed that sows that were of twin pregnancies increased significantly
weaned/mated during the cool season had and continuously from 0.9% for breedings
the highest litter size whereas those in February/March to 1.34% and 1.76%
weaned/mated in the hot or early rainy for breedings in April/May and June/July,
season had the lowest; it was concluded respectively; it was concluded that environ-
that high temperature plays an important mental factors increased the chance of two
part in explaining the seasonal variation in embryos surviving. In the UK, when the
reproductive efficiency in tropical areas. oestrous cycles of 1136 Thoroughbred
brood mares were monitored over a 3-year
Meishan pigs period, it was found that multiple ovula-
tions occurred in 22.4% of cycles. It was
The high litter size of the Meishan breed also found that ovulations, both multiple
has attracted much attention from those and single, were equally distributed
interested in factors influencing litter between the left and right ovaries and
size. In the USA, workers reporting on that the incidence of multiple ovulations
the prenatal development of Meishan and increased significantly with age. In Poland,
Yorkshire piglets concluded that, because a relatively high rate of multiple ovulation
uterine capacity sets the upper limit on and resulting multiple pregnancies was
litter size, the decreased endometrial among the major problems in Thorough-
surface area required per conceptus in bred reproduction recorded by Gorecka and
Meishans compared with Yorkshire pigs Jezierski (2003) in that country.
may well explain the increased litter size.
Dioestrous ovulations
to a method of increasing the lamb output ewes in the late stages of their cycle was
of ewes. This age-old practice of ‘flushing’ no easy task, involving a sterile teaser
sheep, whereby ewes are provided with ram and time-recording pre-injection heats
better feeding just prior to and during the in the flock – perhaps acceptable under
mating period, has long been the object collective-farm conditions in the USSR, but
of research to explain the mechanisms not necessarily appealing in other parts of
involved. Of more recent vintage has the world. For farmers in Ireland, it was
been the use of ‘endocrinological flushing’, a matter of waiting until the 1960s and
where the aim has been to use exogenous beyond when it became possible to com-
gonadotrophin (pregnant mare’s serum bine a mild form of superovulation with
gonadotrophin (PMSG)) to increase twin accurate oestrus control in sheep.
births in sheep. This approach was first
used on some scale in the former
Soviet Union among Karakul sheep and was
reported more than 60 years ago. Elsewhere, 8.2.2. Physiology and endocrinology of
serious efforts to examine the possibility multiple ovulations
of augmenting sheep fertility by gonado-
trophins date from the work of Terry The normal process of multiple ovulation
Robinson in Cambridge in the late 1940s. in farm mammals depends on the balance
He developed a technique using PMSG, in between the stimulatory effects of pituitary
which the ewe received an injection of the gonadotrophins on developing antral folli-
gonadotrophin in the latter stages of the cles in the ovaries and the negative-
oestrous cycle. Although ewes varied con- feedback effects of hormones such as
siderably in their response, such PMSG oestradiol and inhibin (Fig. 8.4). Knowledge
treatment proved effective in significantly of this was to lead eventually to the devel-
increasing the average ovulation rate and opment of immunization procedures which
the subsequent twinning rate (Fig. 8.3). sought to weaken the feedback effects of
Unfortunately, for the farmer, identifying androgens, oestrogens and inhibin; this
Fig. 8.3. Clun Forest ewe with quadruplets after PMSG treatment (1956). One of the members of a flock
of 750 ewes treated with PMSG for the induction of multiple ovulations on the Rushbrooke Estate of Victor
Rothschild in Suffolk.
200 Chapter 8
Fig. 8.4. Gonadotrophin secretion and negative feedback agents (from Henderson et al., 1984).
202 Chapter 8
in ovulation rate, fertilization rate and of some pigs; it appears that monozygotic
embryo survival as the cause of reduced twinning may be more prevalent in
lambing rates in ewes mated in February Meishan than in European pig breeds.
(late season) compared with those mated in
November (mid-season); it was concluded
that a seasonal decline in ovulation rate was 8.2.4. Genetic factors
the primary cause of the reduced lambing
rates observed in February. Prolific sheep
believed to be under the control of two major gene with a similar effect has been reported
genes. in Icelandic sheep (the Thoka gene) and
Elsewhere, a single gene of major effect in Javanese sheep. Workers in Scotland
has been identified that affects fecundity; reported on the introduction of the Thoca
the hyperprolificacy of Booroola ewes is now gene on lamb production in Cheviot ewes;
known to be due to a single amino acid sub- introduction of the gene to such breeds
stitution in the type-IB receptor for bone increased fecundity and the potential for
morphogenetic proteins (BMPR-IB). In Scot- more efficient lamb production. It should be
land studies revealed no qualitative or quan- noted, however, that, in prolific breeds such
titative differences in the pattern of secre- as the Finnish Landrace and the Romanov,
tion of pituitary gonadotrophins or ovarian there is no evidence of a major gene for lit-
hormones between ewes carrying the Boo- ter size; the indications are that at least two
roola gene and controls; it was concluded genetic control mechanisms for high
that the gene exerted its action at the level of prolificacy operate in sheep.
the ovary, as revealed by ovulatory follicles
and corpora lutea which were significantly Selective breeding
smaller than those in control ewes. A report
from New Zealand suggested that the higher Selective breeding among ewes of relatively
ovulation rate in carriers of the Booroola low prolificacy can result in dramatic
gene is attributable to effects at the level of increases in litter size; certainly, lowland
ovarian follicular development as well as at sheep farmers can ill afford to keep ewes
the level of pituitary FSH release. with a tendency for single lambs (Fig. 8.5).
It is now known that, in the ovary, the Genetic studies of prolificacy in New
presence of the Booroola mutation leads to Zealand sheep breeds have been reported
an advanced maturation of follicles due to by workers using data recovered over an
more precocious differentiation of granulosa 8-year period on 2180 élite (highly prolific)
cells. Studies in the UK, reported by ewes maintained at a research station;
Campbell et al. (2003), support the view ovulation rates for descendants of the
that the Fec-B gene acts at the level of foundation ewes averaged 2.15, 2.43,
the ovary to enhance ovarian sensitivity 2.15 and 2.96 for Romneys, Coopworths,
to gonadotrophic stimulation. Elsewhere, a Perendales and Inverdales, respectively.
204 Chapter 8
Some workers have examined the possibil- Litter size is of considerable economic
ity of using early endocrine tests to identify value in pig production and marker-
ewes of high fertility. There have been assisted selection (MAS) by pig breeding
studies showing that high concentrations companies for favourable alleles is likely to
of plasma FSH found in prepubertal ewe become increasingly important; the B allele,
lambs of prolific sheep breeds are not evi- discovered initially in Chinese pigs, has
dent in breeds or strains of sheep with a been shown to be significantly associated
limited ovulation rate. In Greece, evidence with a higher litter size. Although the B
was found that the plasma FSH concentra- allele is associated with larger litter size,
tions from 6 to 12 weeks of age of ewe lambs this does not appear to be due to differences
could be used for early selection for litter in ovulation rate or embryonic survival
size in Chios sheep. In Morocco, similar but to differences in fetal survival. In The
evidence was reported showing that the high Netherlands, Van Rens et al. (2000) demon-
prolificacy of D’man ewes (mean ovulation strated that fetal survival may be related
rate 2.9) is characterized early in life by to differences in placental size, which
elevated basal plasma FSH concentrations. results in placental insufficiency in pigs
with oestrogen receptor (ESR) genotype AA
Multiples and milk yield in goats but not in those with ESR genotype BB.
206 Chapter 8
recognized for some years that ovarian evidence that the ovary also produces non-
activity in sheep can be enhanced by immu- steroidal compounds, inhibins, which are
nizing the ewe against certain of the ovarian involved in regulating FSH secretion. It is
androgens/oestrogens or peptides (inhibin) believed that inhibins provide the chemical
that are involved in the negative-feedback signal indicating the number of growing
control of gonadotrophin release. Although follicles in the ovary to the pituitary gland
little was known in the 1970s of the to reduce the secretion of FSH to the level
physiological function of the androgen which maintains the species-specific num-
androstenedione, ewes immunized against ber of ovulations. There are actually several
this particular ovarian steroid showed sig- forms of inhibin; workers in the USA con-
nificant increases in ovulation. Androstene- cluded that eight different dimeric forms
dione is believed to be an active regulator of inhibin may be involved in regulating
of ovarian activity by way of its feedback basal FSH and gonadotrophin-releasing
action on the hypothalamic–pituitary axis. hormone (GnRH)-induced LH secretion by
However, it is also believed that immuniza- the pituitary.
tion against androstenedione increases The sequence of events illustrated
ovulation rate in sheep by decreasing earlier (see Fig. 8.4) is believed to suggest the
the incidence of atresia in preovulatory way in which inhibin produces its effect.
follicles; the mechanism responsible for After the initiation of luteal regression,
this phenomenon is not fully understood. progesterone concentrations decrease; this
One possibility is that immunization releases the pituitary from the negative-
decreases the effect of locally produced feedback effect of progesterone and there is a
atretic factors. rise of LH concentration. Together with ele-
In the early 1980s, an anti- vated FSH concentrations, the LH promotes
androstenedione vaccine was developed in the growth and maturation of those follicles
Australia and released commercially under that will eventually ovulate. Follicular
the trade-name of Fecundin. The treatment inhibin production is stimulated by andro-
called for two injections, given at 8- and gens, produced by LH action on the theca
4-week intervals, before the start of matings; interna, stimulating granulosa cell inhibin
in subsequent years, a single booster injec- production. While LH and oestradiol con-
tion was all that was required, administered centrations continue to rise during the
a month before introducing rams. Apart follicular phase, FSH level falls during the
from the cost of the product, the long mid-follicular phase due to the inhibitory
intervals between initiating ewe treatment effects of oestradiol and inhibin on the pitu-
and the time of expected response raised itary. When the ewe is actively immunized
difficulties in the commercial acceptability against inhibin, it is believed that this
of the technique. In New Zealand in the reduces the suppression of FSH during
mid-1990s came a report noting the devel- the follicular phase, thereby enabling more
opment of Androvax by the state research follicles to mature to preovulatory status.
organization AgResearch. The product was Studies in the UK have shown that
said to increase the lambing percentage by active immunization of ewes against inhibin
24% and was given 8 weeks before mating; (the bovine alpha 1–29 peptide, conjugate
there were claims that results were more form) is capable of increasing FSH levels,
consistent with Androvax than with ovulation rate and lambing rate; it was also
Fecundin. demonstrated that sheep can respond to an
inhibin vaccine with a sustained (at least
Inhibin vaccine 3 years) antibody response and a recurrent
increase in litter size. It has been suggested
Although it was widely accepted that that an inhibin vaccine could form the basis
the negative-feedback effects of ovarian of a practical, low-input system for promot-
steroids influenced FSH secretion and ovu- ing a recurrent increase in multiple births in
lation rate, the early 1980s saw compelling the less fecund breeds of sheep.
In Australia, much research in the early In the USA, Kreider et al. (2000) evaluated
1990s was directed towards developing the effects of immunization against ovarian
inhibin immunization treatments for steroids on ovulation rate and litter size in
commercial use in both cattle and sheep. gilts; they reported evidence indicating that
Although a prototype vaccine against litter size could be increased by immuniza-
inhibin was developed and tested in that tion against 17-a-hydroxyprogesterone. In a
country, it was found that ovulation rate study reported by Christensen et al. (2000),
in the cow was much more difficult to primiparous sows were actively vaccinated
manipulate by inhibin vaccination than in against follistatin (a protein isolated from
the ewe. Despite encouraging responses in follicular fluid) in an attempt to modify
small experimental groups, the vaccine litter size. Pigs were vaccinated four times
apparently failed to provide the targeted against a recombinant form of porcine
level of twin births required for its commer- follistatin and allowed to reach sexual
cialization. In Ireland, research effort was maturity prior to breeding; from the results,
also devoted to developing an immuniza- the authors concluded that vaccination of
tion approach to cattle twinning, mainly gilts against this agent increased litter size
based on the immuno-neutralization of in those pigs which achieved a high
inhibin. antibody titre to follistatin.
8.2.7. Embryo transfer
The effect of active immunization against
inhibin in goats has been examined by Cattle twinning
various workers. One group in China
actively immunized two strains of goat, Research over a period of three decades in
white and black, with inhibin (alpha Ireland was directed towards a cattle
subunit, 1.32 fragment), recording a 12.5% twinning technique based on embryo trans-
higher ovulation rate in white goats and a fer (ET) (Fig. 8.6). ET was used to introduce
9% higher rate in black. a second (donated) embryo into the
208 Chapter 8
contralateral horn of the cow’s uterus a few (IVP) embryos were produced using oocytes
days after she was bred in the normal way from Limousin, Simmental and Charolais-
(AI or natural service). The cow was given cross heifers; the oocytes were fertilized
the means of carrying twins in the form of using sperm from appropriate bulls (those
her own calf and a calf that originated from with proven records for easy calving and
the donated embryo; the additional embryo good growth rates). Suitable recipient ani-
could be produced by in vitro techniques or mals were selected on suitable farms (those
by conventional superovulation technology. already achieving good calving results
Irish studies of the late 1980s involved a with AI); the belief was that producers on
series of farm trials, using in vivo-produced such farms might be more likely to benefit
embryos, which showed that a combined from the twinning application. The recom-
AI and ET technique was capable of con- mended procedure was to select cows that
sistently producing a twin calving rate of would normally be identified as suitable
40–50% in those cattle that became preg- for breeding to a Continental bull, taking
nant. The largest field trial in which in vivo- into account body size and condition of
produced cattle embryos were employed the recipient cow. A field trial to examine
was in the Czech Republic. In this, embryos cow reproductive efficiency, twinning rate
were obtained from cull cows superovulated and overall calf output following the non-
prior to slaughter; one-embryo transfers surgical transfer of IVP embryos was then
were made to the contralateral horn of 7500 carried out. The technology involved a sim-
cattle (Table 8.2). ple in-straw freezing and thawing procedure
In Ireland, the opportunity to employ and direct transfer on the farm; data shown
low-cost beef embryos derived from in vitro in Table 8.3 deal with 469 cows that received
production technology arose in the early an additional embryo in large-scale field
1990s. High-quality beef in vitro-produced trials.
Similar applications have been
attempted in several other countries, nota-
bly Japan; such applications have revealed
Table 8.2. Large-scale twinning trial in Czech
Republic (from Riha and Petelikova, 1990).
problems not encountered in the Irish
Mean no. of eggs recovered per 12.08 work. In Japan, for example, Sakaguchi et al.
superovulated donor (2002) recorded results suggesting that one
Average no. of embryos recovered 9.32 cause of a high rate of abortions and
per donor stillbirths in twin-bearing dams was the
Embryos as % of all eggs recovered 70.4 difference in the mean gestation length
Average no. of transferable embryos 4.81 between native fetuses and those derived
from transferred IVP embryos.
per donor
No. of transfers carried out 7185.49
No. pregnant to first service 4124.49
Conception rate in recipients (%) 57.4
No. of calved recipients 3077.49 8.2.8. Litters and neonatal mortality
Twins in total 1487 (48.3%)
Single calves 1590.49 Increasing the number of young is of no
Total calf production 4571.49 avail if the extra births are lost by greater
Per parturition 1.49 neonatal mortality. Keeping young alive
Table 8.3. Twins after IVP embryo transfer (from Bourke et al., 1995).
210 Chapter 8
lambs must be born within a birth-weight twins rather than the usual singleton. It is
survival range. Other studies in the same known that maternal undernutrition in
country showed that ewes can be fed pregnancy may result in low birth weights
maintenance during mid-pregnancy after and impaired postnatal survival in sheep.
shearing, which could enable good-quality Studies in Scotland by Dwyer et al. (2003)
feed to be provided during the final trimester led them to conclude that even a moderate
of pregnancy (Jopson et al., 2002). level of undernutrition (35% reduction in
nutritional intake) can impair the bond
Gender between ewes and lambs by affecting the
maternal behaviour expressed at birth. The
It is well known that many physiological same authors also found evidence that levels
factors may affect maternal behaviour at of nutrition resulting in a decrease in birth
parturition and the development of bonding weight are likely to affect neonatal lamb
between ewes and their lambs at birth and behavioural progress. In dealing with preg-
during lactation. Numerous reports have nant ewes, changes in live-weight and body
dealt with lamb losses around the time of condition as a guide to the adequacy of
birth and in the weeks following. Factors nutrition during late pregnancy are not nec-
associated with some losses are more sur- essarily of great practical value, since such
prising than others. In Poland, for example, measures only provide information retro-
workers dealt with lamb losses on 6557 spectively. For those with access to labora-
lambs born over several years on four farms; tory facilities, a more immediate assessment
mortality of ram lambs was significantly of the adequacy of contemporary nutrition
higher than that of ewe lambs (13% vs. may be provided by the quantitative
9.6%); the same study revealed signifi- measurement of certain blood metabolites,
cantly greater mortality in single-born than such as plasma b-hydroxybutyrate.
in twin-born lambs (9.0% vs. 14.1%). In
such situations, presumably it is a matter of Pulse oximetry
lambs being of optimal size to suit the birth
canal rather than a question of gender or It is known that hypoxaemia during and
multiple births. immediately after delivery is a major cause
of perinatal mortality in lambs; some
Temperature during pregnancy studies found it to be the cause of 35%
of perinatal deaths. Recent work, however,
As well as evidence showing that shearing has shown that percentage arterial haemo-
sheep during pregnancy can influence lamb globin oxygen saturation (SpO2) can be
birth weights, it is also known that tempera- assessed by pulse oximetry; in human
ture can exert a very definite effect on preg- medicine, it is routinely used to monitor
nant sheep. In fact, birth weight may reflect perinatal babies. Pulse oximetry is a non-
the ewe’s ability to regulate its body tem- invasive technique for measuring SpO2
perature in a hot environment. Ways and based on the differential absorption of red
means of increasing the birth weights of and infrared light across vascular non-pig-
multiple-born lambs may increase survival mented tissue. The tail of the newborn lamb
rates to weaning, and are clearly of much is the most reliable site for the application
practical interest. of the oximeter probe; those who have
employed the technique suggest that the
Nutrition instrument may have a valuable role to play
in improving the perinatal care of lambs
In pregnant sheep, particularly those with and improving lamb survival rates by iden-
twins and multiples, it is well known that tifying those that need extra care. In the
requirements for energy and protein increase Cotswolds, one veterinary practitioner has
markedly during the final 2 months of preg- been operating an on-farm education policy
nancy. The same is true for cattle carrying to educate sheep farmers in methods to
minimize lamb losses; among the measures on neonatal mortality. In the UK, Cordoba
covered is the use of a resuscitation method et al. (2000) reported that feeding salmon
involving ventilation of the lungs, which is oil to pregnant and lactating sows reduced
now widely used by farmers in the area. deaths caused by crushing, probably by
increasing gestation length; it also seemed
Maternal behaviour in sheep possible that reduced deaths reflected
improved neonatal vigour.
Much research into various aspects of
animal behaviour has focused on the care Pigs at risk
given to young at time of birth, and the
factors that may affect this behaviour. It is In polytocous species such as pigs, there is
known, for example, that ewes learn to strong competition among siblings immedi-
recognize the odours of lambs within 2 h ately after birth for access to milk and other
of giving birth; workers at Cambridge resources; it is known that almost 80% of
proposed that such olfactory memory pre-weaning mortality occurs during the
formation induced at birth involves several perinatal period, that is, during farrowing
changes in the functional circuitry of the and the first 3 days after birth, a figure that
olfactory bulb. Factors controlling maternal appears to remain constant, despite the
behaviour in ewes and their implications many developments in pig production
for sheep production systems have been the and management. In Switzerland, workers
subject of various studies; a greater under- studied the effects of management on sow
standing of physiological factors affecting piglet-rearing ability; of sows with litters
maternal behaviour at parturition and the of > 12 piglets, almost 100% lost one or
development of bonding between ewes and more piglets before weaning vs. 15–50% of
their lambs at birth and during lactation sows with smaller litters. The same workers
could be of practical benefit. In Canada, observed 537 cases of pre-weaning mortal-
ewe and lamb behaviour at parturition ity, of which 60.1, 23.6 and 16.2%, respec-
was the subject of studies in prolific and tively, occurred on the day of birth, 2–7
non-prolific sheep; several differences were days after birth and > 7 days after birth.
found between such sheep in behavioural Although pig mortality has traditionally
traits at birth. In Scotland, it was found that been regarded as a matter of economic
suckling behaviour of the lamb was modi- importance, there is growing sensitivity to
fied by ewe behaviour and this could affect the welfare of farm animals, giving added
the strength of the bond between the two. impetus to research in this area. A study by
Tuchscherer et al. (2000) provided informa-
Maternal behaviour in pigs tion on determining traits that might be of
prognostic value for identifying piglets at
In a study of sow behaviour reported from a high risk of death; they concluded that
the UK by Marchant et al. (2001), it was reduced physiological maturity of piglets at
found, in common with many other studies, birth is mainly responsible for a high risk of
that piglets are most vulnerable to crushing mortality during the first days of life. The
during the first 24 h of life, when they are same workers recommend supervision dur-
spending much of their time near the udder ing the time of farrowing and the postnatal
and have relatively poor mobility; it is clear period, provision of an appropriate thermal
that coordination of behaviour between the environment and a guaranteed early colos-
sow and her litter is important to reduce trum intake as procedures to prevent pig
the risk of crushing. It is also important to death in the early postnatal period.
ensure that the design of open farrowing
systems incorporate knowledge about how Piglet mortality and birth weights
crushing deaths occur. Many studies have
been reported on the effect of various diets The effect of birth weight on piglet mortal-
and ingredients in the diets of pregnant pigs ity to 21 days of age was the subject of
212 Chapter 8
Relevant to a discussion of multiple births they are destined for slaughter rather than
are problems that arise in births of freemar- breeding and grow much the same as
tins, which are not found with singletons. normal heifers.
Intersexuality is a problem that has been The practical importance of being able
reported in all domestic species; inter- to identify the freemartin among animals
sexuality includes conditions of true herm- destined for breeding requires no emphasis;
aphroditism and pseudohermaphroditism, there are many examples cited in the past
abnormalities of accessory genital organs, of dairy heifers sold in open market for
gonadal dysgenesis and freemartinism. Any breeding turning out to be freemartins. Many
discussion of cattle twinning inevitably diagnostic techniques have been developed
raises the question of the freemartin, the for early fertility assessment in heterosexual
sterile heifer born co-twin to a bull; they are twin female cattle, including tests based
also known to occur in buffaloes and rarely on differences in the reproductive organs,
in other farm species. Reports in the litera- cytogenetic tests, sex chromatin tests, PCR
ture put the incidence of freemartins in analysis and endocrine tests.
naturally occurring cattle twins of unlike
sex at 92% (Fig. 8.8); among hormonally Effect of freemartin on co-twin bull
induced twins, there has been a suspicion
that the incidence of freemartins may be The reproductive normality of bulls born
greater in unilateral than in bilateral twins. co-twin to freemartins was accepted until
However, in the context of an induced evidence surfaced in the early 1960s show-
twinning programme in beef animals, ing the presence of X–X germ-cells in the
freemartins should present no difficulty; testes of newborn bull calves. There was
also evidence from other reports showing triplets in the normal course of events
that germ cells entered the circulation of the and it is to be expected that there might
25–34-day-old cattle embryo at a time when be some interactions between neighbouring
chorionic vascular anastomoses are already fetuses during pregnancy, particularly
established between partners. Apart from when fetuses of opposite sex are side by
its biological interest, an understanding side in the uterus. Although freemartins are
of germ-cell chimerism is of practical very uncommon in sheep, some studies
importance in view of evidence clearly have revealed that the extent of embryonic
showing that certain bulls born co-twin to mortality may be influenced by the position
freemartins may be either sterile or below of the ewe lamb in intrauterine life relative
average in semen quality and fertility. Sta- to male fetuses.
tistics show that more than 50% of chimeric
bulls are likely to be culled for poor fertility
in the first 10 years of life in comparison
with a figure of 5% for single-born bulls. 8.2.9. Animal welfare considerations
Occasionally, there has been debate as to
whether germ cells that migrate from the Animal welfare concerns often centre on
heifer into the bull testes are eventually protecting the weak and innocent and, for
capable of giving rise to sperm, with some that reason, the welfare of the newborn
observers reporting individual bulls born farm animal, whether singleton or one of
co-twin to freemartins producing excess multiples, deserves considerable scrutiny.
female offspring. Taking sheep as a case in point, perinatal
lamb mortality, usually defined as losses
Freemartins in sheep occurring within the first 3 days of life, is
a major cause of lamb deaths – estimates
Although the incidence of freemartinism is ranging from 10 to 25% of total lambs born
well documented for cattle, there are few – and represents a major animal welfare
reports of the condition in sheep; those who concern. It appears that there has been little
have reported freemartinism have recorded reduction in the incidence of perinatal lamb
a figure of 1–5%, while others have been as deaths over the past several decades, which
low as 0.033%. It is all a matter of how the makes concern all the greater. Many physio-
fetal membranes develop (Fig. 8.9). Most logical factors are believed to contribute to
lowland breeds of sheep in the UK and Ire- lamb losses, during the pre-partum, intra-
land give birth to twins and occasionally partum and post-partum periods; such
Fig. 8.9. Diagrammatic representation of fetal membranes in (a) cow and (b) ewe (from Robinson, 1957).
214 Chapter 8
Pregnancy Testing Technology
The practical importance to the livestock The availability of a simple on-farm early
farmer of ensuring that breeding animals pregnancy test has much to offer dairy farm-
become pregnant needs little emphasis. ers, especially one that can alert them to the
There are clear economic advantages in fact that the cow is not pregnant before
determining the pregnancy status of the first opportunity arrives to rebreed her
livestock at the earliest opportunity (i.e. 3 weeks after first mating); it should be
after mating; the simplest method, that of noted that such a test is not available but
observing return to oestrus, may often prove remains a desirable objective. Methods are
unreliable. Estimates made some time ago, available, however, by which beef cows can
for example, suggested that, of the cattle be bred at the first opportunity, but this
that do not exhibit a ‘repeat’ heat 3 weeks
after breeding, 15–25% are actually not
pregnant. Even with a high oestrus detec- Table 9.1. Pregnancy tests for the cow.
tion rate, there will be some percentage of Stage of
animals that are not seen to return to service gestation Method of pregnancy diagnosis
and will incorrectly be assumed to be preg-
nant; although these may well be detected 18–24 days Failure to return to oestrus
at a later stage, this may involve a loss of 18–24 days Persistence of the corpus luteum
several weeks. In goats, to take another 22–26 days Milk or plasma progesterone assay
30 days Scanning by real-time ultrasonics
example, the majority of does in which
30–65 days Palpation of the amniotic vesicle
oestrus control is applied out of season 35–90 days Disparity in size of uterine horn
would be expected to return to anoestrus if 35–90 days Palpation of the allantochorion
not pregnant; even in the natural breeding (membrane slip)
season, persistence of the corpus luteum 70 days to Palpation of caruncles
may lead to serious errors in distinguishing term
does that are pregnant from those that either 90 days to Fremitus in middle uterine artery of
have a long cycle or are pseudopregnant. term gravid horn
In terms of methods used in identifying 105 days Oestrone sulphate in milk assay
the pregnant female, what works well in to term
150 days Fremitus in middle uterine artery of
one species may be quite inappropriate
to term non-gravid horn
in the next (Table 9.1).
216 Chapter 9
involves oestrus control technology (see and appropriate nutrition for the different
Chapter 5, Section 5.5.2). animal categories.
pregnancy testing service, concern has been those concerned with storing embryos of
expressed about the disease risks posed by related species temporarily (days and
such a practice. months) at ambient temperatures rather
Pregnancy testing can also be based on than embarking on long-term cryopreserva-
detecting hormonal changes in sows. The tion. The duration of pregnancy in red deer
embryonic origin of oestrogens makes these is 227–234 days and in fallow deer 229–234
steroids of especial interest; many studies days. In roe deer, in which delayed implan-
have shown that measurement of plasma tation may occur, the period of gestation
oestrone sulphate concentrations shows may extend to 280 days. In the UK, workers
both high test sensitivity and test specificity, have recorded a gestation length of 283–284
but blood sampling may pose problems in days in Père David’s deer and concluded
applying the test on the farm. In measuring that this may imply a period of embryonic
the levels of steroids in pigs, blood is usually diapause or slow fetal growth in this
collected from the cranial vena or caudal- species.
auricular vein by retention of the nose,
which involves considerable physical effort
and the possibility of accidents; the proce- 9.2. Factors Affecting Establishment of
dure is also evidently stressful for the pig. Pregnancy
For such reasons, oestrogen measurement in
faeces, although aesthetically less appeal- In the days before sensitive hormone assays
ing, may be a possible alternative, as sample and ultrasonics, the usual way of determin-
collection is easy and non-invasive. ing whether a farm animal was pregnant
was by observing the occurrence or absence
Importance in mares of oestrus. If the sheep or goat was pregnant,
she would normally not show heat one
Efforts are constantly being made to cycle interval after mating (Fig. 9.1).
improve reproductive management prac- The problem with the non-appearance
tices in horses. In this context, there is of oestrus as an indication of pregnancy lay
ample scope for methods which can be in failure to detect the oestrus or the loss of
employed for the very early detection of an embryo at an early stage of pregnancy. In
pregnancy in the mare; a technique which goats, for example, a Norwegian study exam-
can be employed to detect non-pregnancy ined pregnancy diagnosis in dairy goats
early enough for the mare to be rebred at the using progesterone assay (radioimmuno-
first possible heat period is likely to be par- assay (RIA)) and oestrus detection; the
ticularly useful. In horses, perhaps more accuracy of diagnosis by RIA and heat
than in any of the other farm animals, it is detection was 93 and 86%, respectively.
often important to know as soon as possible Initially, progesterone assays in the study
whether a valuable mare has conceived. were based on plasma samples, but this was
quickly superseded by the simpler and more
acceptable milk test.
9.1.4. Deer
Consideration of deer brings certain unique 9.2.1. Physiology and endocrinology of early
aspects of pregnancy to light in certain pregnancy
of the species. The roe deer (Capreolus
capreolus), for example, is a ruminant Prolongation of luteal function
that exhibits embryonic diapause, embryos
remaining static in their growth in the Pregnancy in the farm mammal starts at the
uterus for several months before embryonic instant an oocyte is fertilized and continues
development resumes. Several authors have through until the fetus, fluids and mem-
examined the possible factors involved in branes are expelled at the time of parturi-
this phenomenon; clearly it is of interest to tion. Prenatal life can be divided into two
218 Chapter 9
Process of attachment
220 Chapter 9
tone during the time of embryo mobility in compounds (5-a-pregnanes and pregnenes)
mares. within the placenta and possibly within the
fetus and it is believed that some of these
Hormonal events (5-a-pregnanes) take over the role of
progesterone in maintaining myometrial
In the mare, the hormonal events in preg- quiescence in the mare.
nancy include several unusual features.
One feature is that equine chorionic Immunological aspects of pregnancy
gonadotrophin (eCG, pregnant mare’s
serum gonadotrophin (PMSG)) regulates Much useful information has been gained
luteal steroidogenesis in pregnant mares. In about the immunological aspects of preg-
the USA, studies have shown that PMSG nancy in mammals, using the sheep as
stimulates luteal androgen and oestrogen the domestic animal model. Pregnancy
production during pregnancy in mares. A involves major adjustments in the way that
prerequisite for a successful pregnancy is the animal body normally rejects foreign
the maintenance of a relatively quiescent tissue; clearly, adjustments must occur in
myometrium. In species such as sheep and the reproductive tract to prevent immuno-
goats, myometrial activity is inhibited by logical destruction of sperm and the devel-
progesterone; however, the factors regulat- oping conceptus. Pregnancy usually goes
ing myometrial activity in the mare are still ahead despite the immunological threat to
poorly understood. It is known that proges- the conceptus because expression of major
togen requirements of equine pregnancy are histocompatibility (MHC) antigens on the
met by the fetoplacental unit, commencing trophoblast is altered and there are changes
at 70–80 days of gestation. However, the in the normal function of maternal endo-
concentration of progesterone in maternal metrial lymphocytes due to molecules pro-
plasma falls to very low levels by mid- duced by the trophoblast (e.g. interferon-tau
gestation and remains low throughout the (IFN-t)).
second half of pregnancy.
It is evident that the mare possesses
unique steroid hormone metabolic activity 9.2.2. Nutritional and environmental
during pregnancy in that peripheral pro- influences
gesterone is undetectable by 220 days of
gestation. Various studies have investigated Sheep
steroid transformations in pregnant mares,
seeking to explain the absence of progester- Nutrition and pregnancy in sheep have
one and the presence of other progestogen been the subject of numerous studies. In the
metabolites in maternal circulation during UK, some research groups have focused on
mid- and late pregnancy. It is believed the production, regulation and function of
that progesterone is reduced to simpler the IGF system in the reproductive tract and
222 Chapter 9
fetal membranes of sheep and cattle; this implications for both intrauterine growth
system is believed to be important in alter- retardation and the fetal origin of diseases
ing placental development according to shown by humans in later life (e.g. diabetes,
the nutritional status of the dam. In New hypertension and coronary heart disease). In
Zealand, workers found that low nutrition Australian studies, high concentrations of
in early to mid-pregnancy could affect pla- inhibin, activin and follistatin have been
cental development in high-fertility ewes; found in amniotic fluid surrounding the
this, in turn, could affect fetal development, ruminant fetus; it is believed that the
lamb birth weight and lamb survival. These presence of such hormones indicates a role
workers concluded that ewes with twins in embryonic/fetal development.
could not afford to lose more than 4 kg from
mating to mid-pregnancy if the birth weight
of twins was not to be adversely affected. 9.2.3. Maternal recognition of pregnancy
Studies in goats have also examined the
effect of diet and other factors during It is now well accepted that normal
pregnancy. Work in Norway concluded that pregnancy in the farm animal depends
plasma progesterone level was affected by upon the early embryo signalling its
nutrition during pregnancy; higher proges- presence to the maternal system, a process
terone levels were found in goats with > 1 termed maternal recognition of pregnancy
fetus than in those carrying singles. (Fig. 9.4); it is well recognized that maternal
recognition involves the immune, vascular
Role of amino acids and endocrine systems.
The establishment of pregnancy in the
There are studies showing that amino acids cow is highly dependent on the precise
play a vital role in the development of timing of a functional relationship between
the conceptus (embryo/fetus and associated mother and embryo. The timing of the pro-
placental membranes). In the USA, workers gesterone rise is of critical importance; an
recently reported finding an unusual inadequately developed embryo is less able
abundance of traditionally classified non- to inhibit the development of the luteolytic
essential amino acids in allantoic fluid mechanism, thus compromising the normal
and suggest that this may raise important progress of pregnancy. Important areas of
questions regarding their roles in ovine con- research have involved IFN-t, the pregnancy
ceptus development. The developing fetus, recognition signal in ruminants, and
surrounded by the amniotic fluid compart- metabolic factors affecting pregnancy
ment and connected with the allantoic sac
via the urachus and placental vasculature,
receives nutrients mainly via the umbilical
vein. The amniotic fluid provides the fetus
with a unique aqueous environment in
which it can develop symmetrically;
swallowed by the fetus, amniotic fluid
is also recognized as being a significant
source of nutrients, whereas allantoic fluid
is traditionally regarded as a reservoir for
fetal wastes.
The studies of Kwon et al. (2003), how-
ever, have shown that remarkable changes
occur in the concentrations of amino acids
in ovine fetal allantoic fluid between days 30
and 140 of gestation, findings that raise
important questions regarding placental and Fig. 9.4. Maternal recognition of pregnancy in the
fetal metabolism and may have important ewe (from Niswender et al., 1994).
recognition; it is well accepted that for the During early pregnancy, embryos are
establishment of a successful pregnancy required to synthesize signal substances,
there is a crucial need for certain conceptus– both oestrogens and IFNs, above the thresh-
endometrial and epithelial–stromal inter- old level for maternal recognition of preg-
actions that maintain the endometrium nancy. As the conceptus starts to elongate
under progesterone dominance. during week 2 of pregnancy, concomitant
oestradiol-17b, synthesized and secreted
Interferons from the trophoblast, is the first maternal
recognition signal; beyond 2 weeks, IFNs
In ruminants, it is known that interferon are known to play a role, although pig
produced by the trophectoderm (IFN-t) is trophoblastic IFNs, unlike those of rumi-
recognized as the embryonic signal respon- nants, do not apparently exert an anti-
sible for maternal recognition of pregnancy. luteolytic effect in the sow. French studies
IFN-t is believed to act by down-regulating have suggested that, in early pregnancy,
oestrogen receptors, thus preventing the trophoblastic cells of pig embryos secrete
appearance of oxytocin receptors responsi- two distinct IFNs, one of which is IFN-g and
ble for the release of PGF2a by the endo- the other IFN-d.
metrium. At the time of their discovery French researchers examined the
in 1957, the term ‘interferon’ referred to involvement of porcine trophoblast IFNs
certain molecules produced by cells in in the maternal recognition of pregnancy;
response to a viral infection. It is clear that results confirmed that pig IFNs, unlike those
the original concept of one IFN with one of ruminants, do not have an anti-luteolytic
biological function was too simplistic; IFNs effect. Concepts of luteolysis and inhibition
are now known to be members of a large of luteolysis in pigs have been reviewed by
family of regulatory proteins, some of Ziecik (2002). Results reported by Joyce
which are involved in the regulation of et al. (2003) in the USA indicated that,
pregnancy. during pregnancy in the sow, induction of
IFN-stimulated genes (ISGs) is not exclu-
Goats and deer sively a result of high levels of oestrogen
secreted by elongating conceptuses. It is
Studies in France led workers to conclude known that ISGs are regulated by IFNs and
that the goat conceptus secretes IFN-t that porcine conceptuses secrete both IFN-g
during the period of maternal recognition and IFN-d on days 12–18.
of pregnancy but its rapid decrease suggests
that other factors are required by day 18 Horses
to take over its role in the maintenance
of luteal function. It is also clear that the In the mare, the growing equine conceptus
embryonic pregnancy recognition signal in must suppress the cyclical release of PGF2a
red deer is an IFN; recent studies suggest from the endometrium to effect maternal
that secretion of oxytocin and PGF2a are recognition of its presence in the uterus. In
suppressed in pregnant hinds by IFN as the mare, as in ruminants, oxytocin plays
they are in sheep. an important role in generating the endo-
metrial PGF2a releases, which bring about
Pigs luteolysis in cyclic mares during days
12–16 after ovulation; it is this luteolysis
Japanese workers have reported on events which must be suppressed by the young
in the maternal recognition of pregnancy in developing equine conceptus during early
the sow; it appears that four embryos are pregnancy. However, the equine conceptus
necessary for the establishment of preg- itself secretes physiologically effective
nancy after normal mating in the pig, quantities of PGF2a and PGE2 to stimulate
although two embryos may be sufficient to the uterine contractions that drive the
establish a pregnancy after embryo transfer. equine capsule to migrate throughout the
224 Chapter 9
uterine lumen to distribute its anti- within the uterus. Although the functions
luteolytic signal. Studies reported by Stout of the equine blastocyst capsule have not
and Allen (2002) led them to conclude yet been fully characterized, it is believed
that the equine conceptus effects maternal to be essential for embryonic survival and
recognition of pregnancy by inhibiting the both its development and its dissolution
ability of the endometrium to release PGF2a appear to be stage-specific.
during days 12 to 16 after ovulation;
the mechanisms whereby luteolysis is
prevented in the period 18–32 days after 9.3. Pregnancy Testing Methods
ovulation remain to be determined.
9.3.1. Palpation per rectum
Mobility of capsule
Recent studies in the USA have indicated
that an embryo-derived factor is the In large ruminants (cow, buffalo) and in
most likely cause of the suppression of camelids and the horse, pregnancy diagno-
endometrial-produced PGF2a and inter- sis can be readily performed by palpation
ruption of the oxytocin–PGF2a interaction per rectum; the small body size of the sheep
in mares during early pregnancy. Although and goat generally rule out this approach.
PGE2 and embryonic oestrogens have been Rectal palpation has been used for preg-
shown to be involved in maternal recogni- nancy diagnosis in cattle for many years
tion of pregnancy in some species, there is and has remained one of the most simple
no evidence that either has anti-luteolytic and valuable methods (Fig. 9.5); it has
properties in the mare. The nature of this the obvious advantage, in comparison with
embryonic signal remains unknown in the some other methods, of allowing an opinion
mare but, during the period when it must to be given immediately. However, this is
be transmitted, the spherical conceptus is likely to be a veterinary opinion, which
enveloped by a unique acellular glyco- obviously comes at a cost. In some
protein capsule and it remains mobile so countries, the stockperson may carry out
as to distribute the signal throughout the this examination; this is a question of scale,
uterine lumen. It is believed that the prosta- with the large beef herds of the USA provid-
glandins and the oestrogens produced by ing ample opportunity for stockpersons to
the equine conceptus play important roles maintain skills in a way not open to them in
in local fetomaternal dialogue, especially many other countries. With the veterinar-
the former, by stimulating myometrial ian, on the other hand, if the cow is not
contractions to induce conceptus mobility pregnant, then some indication of the cause
may be evident and steps taken to correct ruminants; those that have been used
problems. It is possible to apply rectal pal- include external palpation, palpation of the
pation from about 35 days after breeding, caudal uterine artery through the vaginal
which should enable a careful watch to wall, abdominal ballottement and Hulet’s
be kept for oestrous symptoms in non- recto-abdominal palpation technique. Then
pregnant animals around the 6-week mark. there are diagnostic methods based on radio-
graphy, ultrasonography and several hor-
Horses monal assays. None of the clinical methods
provides a reliable diagnosis earlier than
For many years, the most commonly used about 3 months of gestation, and techniques
method of diagnosing pregnancy in the such as ultrasonics may find little applica-
mare was rectal palpation, which can be tion, on the basis of expense, in developing
carried out at an early stage of gestation countries. In India, work recently reported
and yields an immediate answer. Numerous suggested a manual palpation approach
reports have appeared in the past 50 years may provide a simple, inexpensive and
showing that a satisfactory diagnosis could reliable clinical method for detecting preg-
be made between 20 and 30 days after ser- nancy in the goat as early as 28–30 days
vice by a person with sufficient experience after breeding; it is suggested that the tech-
of the technique. It is also known that it is nique may be useful in the reproductive
possible to estimate the stage of pregnancy management of small ruminants.
within a week or so by the rectal palpation
method (Fig. 9.6).
9.3.2. Progesterone and oestrogen assays
Sheep and goats
Although a variety of techniques have been
reported, there is no simple clinical method With the advent of sensitive RIA and
for detecting early pregnancy in small enzyme immunoassay (EIA) techniques in
226 Chapter 9
the 1970s came the development of embryo survival rate in dairy herds. In
methods whereby several of the hormones Ireland, Stronge et al. (2003) have also
of pregnancy could be readily detected, not demonstrated an association between milk
only in blood plasma and tissue fluids, progesterone concentration on day 5 after
but also in milk, faeces and even saliva. breeding and embryo survival rate; low
Non-pregnancy in the cow can be routinely concentrations of progesterone on day 5
detected with almost 100% accuracy by were associated with a low probability of
way of the progesterone assay; the high embryo survival.
degree of certainty associated with the
diagnosis of non-pregnancy is regarded as Buffaloes
the most valuable feature of the test. The
herdsman can confidently take appropriate Progesterone concentrations measured by
action towards dairy cattle that have clearly RIA in buffaloes have given an average
not conceived and at a much earlier stage progesterone concentration at oestrus of
than previously possible. 0.8 ng/ml, increasing to 8.5 ng/ml 24 days
later in pregnant animals; it is also reported
RIA and EIA techniques that after day 16 the concentration
decreases in non-pregnant animals but in
Until the development of enzyme-linked pregnant buffaloes it continued to increase
immunosorbent assays (ELISAs), progester- until day 22. Elsewhere, other studies
one determination was based on RIA and with progesterone levels in buffaloes have
for that reason confined to suitably indicated that a proportion of animals
equipped laboratories; ELISA test kits submitted for AI may have a progesterone
removed many of the constraints imposed concentration too high for conception to
by RIA. Kits for on-farm pregnancy and occur; such evidence supports the view
oestrus confirmation came on the market about difficulties in accurately detecting
in the mid-1980s; evaluation of results was oestrus by observation in this species.
usually based on either a colour or an agglu-
tination reaction, which was compared Pigs
with a known standard.
Many reports have appeared on pregnancy
Progesterone and embryo survival testing in sows using an on-farm blood pro-
gesterone assay. In Taiwan, workers have
The progesterone-based pregnancy test can developed a test in which results can be
only be applied at times when a non- read within 30 min by spectrophotometry
pregnant animal can be expected to have or the naked eye, using heparinized fresh
a low progesterone level; where cows are blood samples collected from the ear vein
bred by natural service without observing of sows 17–22 days after breeding. The
heats, the test is of little avail. Progesterone accuracy of diagnosis with this enzyme
in the cow’s blood and milk is derived from immunoassay was 93.1% for a positive
the cells of the corpus luteum and not from diagnosis and 83.3% for non-pregnancy.
the products of conception; for that reason, In Japan, workers compared the accuracy
luteal secretion in the absence of a viable of early pregnancy diagnosis in the sow by
embryo can lead, on occasions, to a false saliva and plasma progesterone measure-
diagnosis of pregnancy. The cow’s CL can ments; they concluded that the accuracy
continue secreting for some time beyond of saliva progesterone measurements was
the day at which embryo death occurs. little different from that of the blood test.
Studies carried out in the UK have shown
that low post-ovulatory systemic progester- Sheep
one or a delay in the normal increase in
progesterone concentration during the early Numerous studies on early pregnancy
luteal phase is associated with reduced diagnosis in sheep by RIA for plasma
Table 9.2. Pregnancy diagnosis in goats by oestrone sulphate assay (from Azevedo et al., 2002).
228 Chapter 9
significantly from the 11th month of commercial cow-milk testing kit took no
pregnancy and peaking at 11.5 months. more than 10 min and was easy to carry out.
230 Chapter 9
The advent of modern real-time scanning Some operators, while accepting that
techniques permitted the visualization of early pregnancy diagnosis by scanning is
the internal organs of the various farm valuable, emphasize that a recheck at
mammals, including the ovaries and the 60–70 days is essential to ensure that the
uterus. In the mare, French workers were conceptus has not been lost since the initial
among those reporting encouraging results; positive diagnosis. Scanning operators are
visualization of the conceptus was possible usually capable of dealing with 60 cows
from day 14 of pregnancy and a very an hour on a pregnancy detection basis; if
accurate (> 92%) early pregnancy diagnosis an estimate of calving date (i.e. fetal age)
shown to be possible. Comparisons between is required, the rate would be about 40. A
real-time ultrasonics and progesterone standard cattle crush is sufficient in most
assays showed that diagnosis could be instances; with dairy cattle, the test can be
made earlier (day 14 vs. day 18) and there carried out in the milking-parlour.
was no error arising from a persistent CL;
the scanning technique was capable of Twin-bearing cows
being learned quickly and had several
points in its favour compared with other Of the several methods, hormonal and
methods. Danish workers also showed otherwise, tested for the detection of twin-
that the technique could be employed to bearing cows, the most useful has proved to
determine the gender of the equine fetus, be real-time ultrasonics applied between 50
from day 64 of gestation. and 60 days of gestation. For several practi-
Real-time ultrasound scanning for preg- cal reasons, it is highly desirable that farm-
nancy diagnosis in large animals involves ers should be aware of cows carrying twins,
the use of a rectal probe, which transmits particularly in any commercial exploitation
harmless ultrasound waves through the of twinning technology in beef production
body tissues; waves are reflected to the systems. The sooner this can be carried out
transducer when they reach the fetus and are in pregnancy, the more useful it will be; in
Table 9.3. Ultrasonics in pregnancy diagnosis in pigs (values are percentages with the no. of
examinations in parentheses) (from Martinat-Botte et al., 1985).
Closed building
Tethered 90b (113) 93b (239) 96a (265) 95a (134) 96a (633) 95a (1384)
Retention box 80c (90) 87c (158) 94a (113) 92c (91) 93c (294) 90c (746)
Semi-outdoor building
Retention box 67c (9) 80c (40) 94a (18) 100a (13) 96a (47) 89c (127)
232 Chapter 9
begins to accumulate inside the embryonic dead fetuses were detectable by the absence
membranes within the uterus. This fluid of a heartbeat. The effectiveness of trans-
from the early embryonic vesicle can be rectal ultrasonics in sheep was also exam-
detected inside the well-defined uterine ined in Spain; workers concluded that
horns when using a 7.5 MHz transrectal pregnancy diagnosis could be reliably made
probe; for pregnant animals, this is in from day 23 of pregnancy, with an accuracy
marked contrast to the day 16–18 non- of ~98%.
pregnant uterus, in which fluid is typically
absent. Such early pregnancy diagnosis Goats
can be useful in breeding management.
If females are found to be non-pregnant In goats, accurate information on the stage
between days 18 and 21 after mating, they of gestation would be useful in drying off
can be checked more intensely for oestrus lactating does at the appropriate time and
and quickly rebred when they come into in monitoring goats near term. In Canada,
heat or culled if they fail to express oestrus workers were able to diagnose gestational
and show no ovarian activity. In Thailand, age in 96% of animals with a margin of ±14
Kaeoket (2003) described the uses and days on the basis of measuring placentomes
benefits of real-time B-mode ultrasonics by ultrasonics. In Argentina, workers exam-
for pregnancy diagnosis; the reliability of ined goats using real-time B-mode ultra-
diagnosis was dependent on the experience sonography from day 13 to day 40; they
of the operator and the type of ultrasound recorded the average age at which they first
apparatus employed; the author concluded detected heartbeats in at least one embryo
that the availability of an inexpensive, as 21 days (range 19–23). It has been
lightweight, portable ultrasound machine evident from the early 1980s that real-
will prove valuable in making management time ultrasonic scanning is a very useful
decisions based on accurate pregnancy method for use with goats and is one of the
diagnosis of gilts and sows. means of identifying the false pregnancies
that can be troublesome in this species.
Sheep Spanish workers in the 1990s, using
a transrectal 7.5 MHz ultrasonic probe,
B-mode ultrasonography is an accurate, recorded 100% accuracy in detecting
rapid and safe technique for diagnosing pregnancy at day 24 and 100% accuracy in
pregnancy in small ruminants; trans- detecting multiples at day 30.
abdominal or transrectal approaches can
be used with considerable accuracy. One Deer
important advantage of the transrectal
approach in sheep and goats is that it does Traditional methods of pregnancy diagno-
not require a special transducer; a regular sis, such as rectal palpation or progesterone
linear transducer can be used, just as for testing, are generally not options for use in
examination of larger animals. In Germany, deer. New Zealand workers have presented
workers used real-time ultrasonics on a data on the ultrasonography of the non-
single occasion between days 13 and 69 in pregnant reproductive tract and of the
1159 merino ewes in a standing position very early stages of pregnancy.
using a 5.0 MHz probe; the highest predic-
tion accuracy (89.1%) was in ewes scanned Camelids
between days 35 and 46; in a second group
of ewes scanned in dorsal recumbency The use of ultrasound in early pregnancy
with a 7.5 MHz probe between days 15 diagnosis in New World camelids was
and 64, the prediction accuracy was at studied by workers in Chile, who showed
least 80% from day 29. The German work- that diagnosis could be carried out as early
ers also recorded that prediction accuracy as 9 and 7 days after mating in alpacas and
decreased as litter size increased and that llamas, respectively.
234 Chapter 9
(bPAG) from fetal cotyledons led to an assay Working with sheep in Hungary,
which could be applied from 42 days Karen et al. (2003) evaluated the accuracy
of gestation onwards in cattle. Pregnancy- of a PAG–RIA test for early pregnancy and
associated glyoproteins (PAGs) and PSPB showed that it was a reliable method for
both belong to the aspartic proteinase using from day 22 after breeding and that
family and are secreted by the trophoblastic one advantage of PAG assay over a progester-
binucleate cells. These proteins are detect- one assay was in its ability to differentiate
able in the maternal blood around the time between pregnancy and prolonged inter-
of attachment of the fetal placenta, when oestrus intervals.
the trophoblastic binucleate cells start to Some workers have suggested that PAG
migrate and fuse to the endometrial cells, levels could be an early indicator of
forming the fetomaternal syncytium; the trophoblast distress and prove useful in
two glycoproteins are considered to be good detecting individuals that are at high risk of
indicators of pregnancy and fetoplacental pregnancy failure; sequential measurement
well-being. Using heterologous RIAs, sheep of PAG can detect the onset of disturbance
PAG and sheep PSPB can be detected in the of trophoblastic activity associated with the
blood of pregnant ewes around day 20 after death of a fetus. In one such study, PAG
mating. Levels of PAG were determined by concentrations were determined weekly
RIA in a study in Brazil. Concentrations of by workers in Belgium from 20 days of
this glycoprotein were significantly affected gestation; it was found that PAG fell
by week of pregnancy and number of under the positive pregnancy threshold
fetuses; after parturition, PAG levels when the trophoblast died. In other studies,
decreased rapidly. It is known that, in goats carrying two or three fetuses, PAG
throughout pregnancy, sheep PAG con- profiles have shown a marked fall in con-
centration varies according to the breed of centration, which could indicate placental
the ewe and the sex and number of fetuses; distress.
after lambing, PAG and PSPB concentra-
tions decrease rapidly, reaching their basal
level 2–4 weeks after parturition. 9.3.7. Other approaches
A report by workers in the late 1990s
dealt with an improved RIA for the detection Radiography
of PAG in the blood of the goat, which can
discriminate between pregnant and non- Although radiography was used to deter-
pregnant does as early as day 21 after breed- mine fetal numbers in sheep many years
ing; the value of the test lay not only in ago, this was usually only in small-scale
its ability to diagnose early pregnancy but research programmes. In the 1980s, New
also in its ability to discern between goats Zealand workers reported multiple preg-
with extended inter-oestrus intervals and nancy diagnosis in 4700 sheep in 21 flocks
those that are pregnant, which cannot be using a real-time ultrasonic body scanner or
determined either by oestrus behaviour X-rays (videofluoroscopy) and checked the
or progesterone assay. In a comparison accuracy of the two methods at lambing
of various diagnostic techniques in dairy time; the percentage of ewes accurately
goats, Rodriguez et al. (2003) reported that diagnosed for lamb numbers was
transrectal ultrasonic scanning and the 96.1–100% (19 flocks) for ultrasonics and
determination of PAG concentrations pro- 94.3–99.6% (13 flocks) for X-rays. However,
vide a very accurate pregnancy diagnosis the cost of the X-ray system was about 12
at 26 and 24 days after breeding, respec- times that of ultrasonics; clearly, although
tively; progesterone assays performed on technically on a par, the ultrasonic scanner
day 22 after breeding, on the other hand, was by far the winner. For sheep farmers
while accurate in detecting pregnant looking for an accurate answer on single-
animals, were not accurate for detecting and multiple-bearing ewes, the scanner was
non-pregnant animals. to prove very successful; greatest accuracy
was achieved in sheep tested on days 30–60 to detect PMSG involved the use of biologi-
of gestation. cal assays, these were replaced some time
ago by extremely accurate immunological
Detecting PMSG (eCG) tests. Several groups have reported on preg-
nancy diagnosis using a PMSG–latex test in
There may be occasions, with mares that mares. In Turkey, workers reported using
are either too fractious or too small for Rapi Tex, a commercial latex agglutination
pregnancy diagnosis by rectal palpation or test for PMSG, which gave results within
ultrasonics, when a blood test may be use- 5 min; its accuracy was 85, 94 and 100% at
ful. One way in which a positive diagnosis 40–45, 46–55 and 60–65 days of pregnancy,
is possible is by detecting PMSG in the respectively and 100% in non-pregnant
mare’s blood; this test does entail, however, mares. In Germany, other workers used a
the mare reaching at least 40 days after monoclonal antibody assay to distinguish
conception. The gonadotrophin PMSG is between concentrations of PMSG in mares;
secreted by the endometrial cups and is pregnancy could be diagnosed from day 37
present in the blood between days 40 and of pregnancy, using the assay on a single
130 of pregnancy; although early methods blood sample.
Controlling Parturition
There are many reasons why researchers The induction of farrowing within a repro-
and farmers alike are interested in the ductive management framework already
control of parturition. It may be a matter plays a considerable routine role in the
of providing more care to the newborn husbandry of the sow herd in many coun-
by having them born at a predictable time tries. The application of methods designed
when the care and attention necessary to synchronize the commencement of the
for their survival are at hand. On occasion, birth process and the management of far-
there may be the need to advance or delay rowing can be traced back to the 1970s.
the onset of parturition. Advancing parturi- With the availability of prostaglandins
tion in a cow which otherwise might have (PGs) at that time, various treatment proto-
a difficult calving could be a means of cols for synchronized farrowings were
reducing stress in both mother and calf. developed. Controlled farrowing would
Postponing calving for a few hours might enable all piglets to be born during the
enable the cow to be shifted safely to a normal working day or at other times,
more suitable location. In some situations, including the night, which might be con-
a valuable cow may find itself bred to sidered most appropriate to ensure the sur-
the wrong bull and there may be need vival of as many young as possible; ample
for recourse to a pregnancy termination evidence exists to show that the majority of
treatment. In following any or all of stillbirths in pigs could be prevented if a
these possibilities, the treatment must be skilled stockperson could be in attendance
based on a reasonable understanding of the at time of the farrowing (Fig. 10.1).
physiology and endocrinology of pregnancy
and parturition. In that context, one name
that immediately springs to mind is that
of Mont Liggins, a fetal physiologist in 10.1.2. Cattle and sheep
Auckland, New Zealand, who did so much
in the 1960s to elucidate factors that play a Calving is a major event in the life of the
part in triggering birth in sheep and other cow and any attempt to control or manipu-
animals. late the process artificially should only be
Fig. 10.1. Early moments in a piglet’s life. Piglet survival rate depends on sound management systems and
attention to detail. It is essential for the newborn piglet to start sucking the mother at the earliest opportunity
– many of the deaths that occur in the very young arise because of a failure to suck in the early hours of life.
238 Chapter 10
During late pregnancy in the cow (Fig. In most farm mammals, the onset of labour
10.2), several hormones are involved in is associated with a change from a state of
maintaining and ensuring a successful live progesterone domination to one in which
birth (see Kindahl et al., 2002). These hor- oestrogen exerts the strongest influence.
mones include progesterone, which is This is achieved either by conversion
secreted in high concentrations during the of progesterone to oestrogen (as in cattle,
whole pregnancy period by the CL and, to sheep, goats and pigs) or conversion of
some extent, by the maternal adrenals and progesterone to inactive metabolites (the
the placenta. A second steroid, oestrone horse). The resultant oestrogen : progester-
sulphate, shows elevated levels from about one ratio plays an important role in the
mid-pregnancy until the third stage of par- increased synthesis and/or release of
turition (expulsion of fetal membranes). For uterotonins, activation of the myometrium
the onset of normal parturition and the and ripening of the cervix. Among the
calving process itself, a change from proges- stimulatory uterotonins, PGs, particularly
terone to oestrone synthesis is crucial. PGF, play a central role in the stimulation
Observations on hormonal events during of myometrial contractions during labour in
the second half of pregnancy by Hoffmann most species. These PGs may act to induce
and Schuler (2002) led them to suggest that luteolysis (in species such as pigs, cattle
placental oestrogens and progesterone are and goats, which are CL-dependent) or
important factors controlling caruncular directly stimulate myometrial contractility,
growth, differentiation and function. or both. In recent years, it has been shown
Fig. 10.2. Developing conceptus in the pregnant cow (from Steven and Morris, 1975).
240 Chapter 10
that the increase in PG synthesis during during parturition, a minor part of the
labour is primarily due to an increase in the total hormone derives from a utero-ovarian
functional expression of the inducible form source, presumably the CL. Endogenous
of cyclo-oxygenase (the COX-II gene prod- opioids may also be involved in regulating
uct) in uterine and intrauterine tissues. the release of oxytocin at the onset of
The role of oxytocin has also been clarified, labour. Oxytocin-producing cells in the
with the recognition that expression of this hypothalamus and the noradrenergic inputs
peptide is increased in intrauterine tissues to oxytocin neurones are known to be
during late pregnancy, providing a local extremely sensitive to inhibition by endo-
source of this hormone. genous and exogenous opioid peptides;
withdrawal of exogenous opioid inhibition
Role of oxytocin may be necessary for neural stimuli from
the reproductive tract (e.g. head against cer-
Oxytocin is the most potent endogenous vix) to act shortly before the onset of labour.
uterine-stimulating hormone; this peptide, It is well known that there is a period of
or a close analogue of it, is present in all characteristic restlessness in cows shortly
mammals that have been studied so far. prior to labour, which may well result from
Release of oxytocin during parturition has such withdrawal of inhibitory opioids.
been demonstrated in cattle and several other
mammals, but diverging opinions remain Onset of lactation
about the importance of oxytocin in the
mechanism of parturition. Oxytocin recep- One of the important events accompanying
tors have been found in the myometrium parturition is the onset of lactation. In pigs,
and endometrium of all species studied; in for example, the periparturient decline in
most mammals, uterine oxytocin receptors plasma progesterone concentration provides
increase markedly at term, supporting the the trigger for lactogenesis in that species;
view that oxytocin plays a physiological it is believed that progesterone blocks
role in the process of normal parturition. lactogenesis in part by suppressing up-
In cattle, receptor concentrations in regulation of prolactin receptors. There are
the endometrium increase markedly at term, also hormonally induced changes in behav-
whereas those of the myometrium greatly ioural patterns to provide the care neces-
increase as early as mid-term and change sary for the welfare of the newborn piglets.
little thereafter. It is known from various Periparturient sows allowed freedom of
studies that, during pregnancy in the movement in their pens will show intense
cow, oxytocin is secreted intermittently, physical activity connected with nest build-
the amplitude and frequency of oxytocin ing occurring about 12 h prior to the start of
spurts remaining low until about 2 weeks farrowing (Klocek et al., 2000); the average
before parturition. The rate of oxytocin duration of parturition was 219 min. Sows
secretion then increases stepwise rather were observed to lie down very carefully to
than gradually, suggesting that ovarian nurse the piglets; this behaviour favoured
hormones may regulate its release. There the protection and safety of piglets and
may also be a neural reflex arising from the resulted in a low mortality rate (7.2%).
pressure of the fetal head against the cervix.
242 Chapter 10
Although less noticeable, the same princi- is generally accepted that ‘full term’ begins
ple would apply in sheep and goats. As at 320 days and foals born before this time
well as breed of sire and dam, factors such would usually be designated as premature;
as sex of the calf play a minor but signifi- foals delivered by Caesarean section before
cant role in influencing gestation length, 310–315 days may be difficult to maintain,
bull calves being carried a day or more, on even in intensive care.
average, beyond that of heifer calves. One
factor which can influence pregnancy dura- Gender and season
tion in cattle is the birth of twin calves,
which can be expected to arrive a week A paper by Karadjov (2001) found sex of
earlier than a singleton. progeny and month of parturition to be
significant factors influencing gestation
Gestation length in the mare length in mares; pregnancy was longer in
mares carrying male progeny and in spring
The duration of pregnancy in mares has parturitions. Data from 433 Thoroughbred
been recorded by many authors. The litera- pregnancies in the UK over a 10-year period
ture reveals large variations in the gestation were provided by Morel et al. (2002), the
periods of horses, with differences usually information being obtained by sequential
much greater than in cattle, sheep and pigs; ultrasonic scanning to enable the true gesta-
ten factors that influence gestation length tion length (fertilization–parturition) to be
are listed in Table 10.1. The average length ascertained. The overall gestation length
of pregnancy has been quoted as 335–343 was 344.1 ± 0.49 days (range 315–388
days. In Ireland, workers reported an aver- days), with colts being carried significantly
age of 340.7 days in Thoroughbred mares; longer than fillies (346.2 vs. 342.4 days).
in the USA, studies have shown gestation Month of birth had a significant effect, with
periods varying from 327 to 357 with an foals born in January having the shortest
average duration of 341 days. In the mare, it and those born in April having the longest
gestation lengths; mares carrying colts and
Table 10.1. Ten factors influencing pregnancy foaling in April are likely to have the
duration in the mare (from Vandeplassche, 1986). longest gestation lengths.
244 Chapter 10
due to studies conducted with the sheep an increase in the oestrogen : progesterone
as the experimental model (Fig. 10.5). The ratio. These changes result in the produc-
classic experiments of Mont Liggins and tion of PGs, which in due course initiate the
associates in New Zealand did much to involuntary muscle contractions of labour.
establish the role of the fetal pituitary– It is believed that a similar chain of events
adrenal axis in the initiation of parturition occurs in the cow and goat. In the mare,
in the ewe. currently there is insufficient evidence of
all the factors involved in the initiation
Liggins – the pioneer of parturition.
Fig. 10.5. Lamb fetus and its membranes. (A) Lamb fetus; (B) caruncle; (C) amniotic sac; (D) allantochorion
246 Chapter 10
248 Chapter 10
Table 10.3. Ewe and lamb behaviour at farming have been the subject of many
parturition. reports; retention is generally accepted to
be when the membranes remain attached
Pre-partum behaviour
Restless more than 8–12 h after calving. The inci-
Seeks isolation dence of RFM is usually quoted as about
Interested in lambs and birth fluids of other 7%, with a range of 3–12% in herds free
ewes from disease; the problem is often found
Duration of birth after abnormal deliveries (premature births,
Approximately 1 h difficult calvings, birth of twins). The prob-
Time for dam to stand after birth lem is much less apparent in beef cows,
Usually less than 1 min presumably because it either occurs less
frequently or does not have the same
Intense for first hour or two
undesirable sequelae reported for dairy
Abnormal maternal behaviour
Desertion of young cattle.
Moves from suckling attempts
Butting young Orientation of young at delivery
Progress of young after birth
Time to stand approximately 15–30 min Studies of the farrowing process show that
Time to suck approximately 1–2 h about 80% of piglets are delivered head
Frequency of suckling first; it is believed that tail-first deliveries
Approximately hourly initially are due to a fetus passing from one uterine
In mid-lactation approximately every 2 h
horn to the other before being delivered in
its reversed orientation. A summary of the
main features of the farrowing process is
provided in Table 10.4.
restlessness occurred in 79% of does 1–4 h
before kidding. Primiparous and multi- Management for live births
parous does behaved similarly, except that
restlessness was more intense among Calf mortality is a worldwide problem
primiparous does. Delivery in does while and methods of minimizing it, particularly
sitting was more frequent than while stand- where the calf is to be reared for beef or
ing. More than 90% of kids were born head as a herd replacement, justify thought and
first and with one foreleg preceding the attention. Figures in Ireland have shown
other while passing through the birth canal. an incidence of calf mortality of 12%, this
The duration of parturition (from appear- figure covering 1.5–2.0% abortions, 3–5%
ance of the water bag to complete expulsion perinatal deaths and 6–8% mortality
of the fetus) was 20 and 6 min in first and between birth and the age of 3 months. The
second parities, respectively; the interval duration of parturition, as this affects the
between individuals in a twin birth was birth of live young, differs among the vari-
6 min. ous farm species. In horses, there is little
room for delay in the delivery of the foal if
Expulsion of placental membranes it is to be born alive; dystocia in the mare
can be regarded as an emergency. Results
Behavioural studies in Spain recorded reported by Byron et al. (2003) showed that
multiparous goats standing during most dystocia duration has a significant effect on
of the first hour post-partum; expulsion of foal survival and methods should be chosen
the placental membranes was completed to minimize this time; the difference
after an average interval of 2.5 h. The cow’s between mean dystocia duration for foals
placental membranes are usually expelled that lived and those that did not was
between 30 min and 8 h after the calf has 13.6 min. Such information is important for
been delivered. The difficulties posed by horse care personnel and veterinarians if
retention of fetal membranes (RFM) in dairy they are to manage cases effectively.
Table 10.4. The farrowing process in the sow (from Signoret et al., 1975).
Feature Value
250 Chapter 10
a further reduction in the variation of the not be applied earlier than about 1 week
onset of farrowing among sows and reduces before the average date for lambing in
the duration of farrowing for each parturient the sheep in question. With oestrus-
sow. Induced farrowing eases the observa- synchronized ewes, it is possible to use
tion, recording and husbandry tasks induction treatments to achieve a remark-
required for the sow and neonatal piglets, able concentration of lambings, which may
facilitates an effective cross-fostering system be of practical appeal in certain commerical
and can reduce the incidence of dystocia and research conditions (Fig. 10.8).
and metritis, mastitis and agalactia (MMA) Induction of parturition has been
syndrome type disorders. induced by highly potent corticosteroid
analogues such as dexamethasone, a gluco-
Sheep corticosteroid with about 25 times greater
potency than cortisol; alternative steroids
In sheep, there are two ways in which the are betamethasone and flumethasone. The
timing of lambing may be influenced by usual dose of dexamethasone employed as
exogenous hormones; it is either a matter of an induction agent in sheep is 15–20 mg; the
prolonging gestation or shortening it. With more potent flumethasone is used at a dose
the shortening option, there are known lim- level of 2 mg. The actual day of gestation
its as to how far this may be taken. Workers when the agent is given can be expected to
in Oxford in the late 1950s concluded that vary with the breed in question; generally, it
lambs of gestational age less than 95% of would be 4–5 days ahead of the mean gesta-
normal were unlikely to be viable; in practi- tion length for the breed. Dexamethasone
cal terms, this suggested that, if lambs were injection leads to a lambing peak at 36 h,
to survive, an induction treatment should with births virtually completed by 72 h.
Flock management
14 or 12 days
18 days
Lambing Thursday
Fig. 10.8. Avoiding weekend lambings by induction treatment.
There are also studies showing that differences in kidding date between goats
oestradiol benzoate (ODB) at the 15–20 mg giving birth to singles or twins were not
dose level, administered in the last week of observed. In Turkish goats, it was con-
gestation, may be effective in the induction cluded by Alan and Tasal (2002) that, when
of lambings. compared with an intramuscular injection
In the early 1970s, New Zealand of PGF2a, oral or cervical applications
workers produced evidence implicating of a PG analogue (misoprostol) was less
PGF in the normal parturition process in effective at inducing parturition in goats;
sheep. PGs, however, have proved relatively applying misoprostol cervically may be an
ineffective in initiating parturition earlier alternative method for cervical priming and
than about a week from full term. In one induction of parturition or abortion.
comparison between a corticosteroid (2 mg
flumethasone) and a normal luteolytic dose Cattle
of PGF (15 mg) administered on day 141 of
gestation, 89% and 33% of ewes, respec- The first report on the use of corticosteroids
tively, delivered lambs within 72 h. Other in the induction of calving came towards
work, this time in the USA, showed that a the end of the 1960s. A considerable vol-
luteolytic dose of the PG analogue, clopros- ume of literature became available on the
tenol, was without effect as an induction response of cows to these agents as a result
agent. Studies have also been reported using of research in Europe and North America;
epostane, which prevents progesterone it was in New Zealand, however, that the
synthesis, and RU486 (mifepristone), an procedure was to become a feature of dairy
anti-progestogen, in the induction of farming for some years. In that country,
parturition in sheep. induced calvings were to rise from 2000 in
1970 to 400,000 by 1978, all in an effort to
Dairy sheep align calving dates with pasture growth.
Many different corticosteroid formula-
The induction of parturition in dairy ewes, tions and treatment schedules have been
using 10 mg dexamethasone on day 143, assessed; parturition can be induced reliably
was reported from Argentina; the treatment after day 255 and less reliably as early as
had a significant effect on gestation period day 235. When the aim is to induce calving
(145 days vs. 147.6 days for controls) and within the last 2 or 3 weeks of gestation,
on lamb mortality to 1 month of age (4% vs. single injections of a number of short-acting
15%). In Canada, other workers reported preparations of dexamethasone, betametha-
the induction of parturition in ewes with sone and flumethasone are known to pro-
dexamethasone or dexamathasone and duce reliable and predictable results. Earlier
cloprostenol; 29 of 33 ewes treated with in pregnancy such short-acting cortico-
dexamethasone and/or cloprostenol lambed steroids are less effective, and long-acting
within 72 h, with all lambs viable and no formulations are required. RFM was to be
ewe with retained placenta. a consistent feature in cows receiving the
short-acting preparations, but the calf was
Goats usually viable; with long-acting formula-
tions, there was a high perinatal mortality
Various reports in goats have dealt with the rate. In Ireland, researchers used a combina-
use of dexamethasone and PGF2a in varying tion of long-acting and short-acting cortico-
doses, administered on day 141 of gesta- steroids and showed this to be effective
tion. The induction of parturition in goats in about 90% of cattle within 80 h of the
by means of the PG analogue cloprostenol second injection; the combination resulted
was reported by workers in Brazil; the PG in satisfactory maternal preparation for
was given as an intravulvar injection on day delivery and acceptable udder develop-
145; the average time between treatment ment. The effectiveness of the cortico-
and parturition was about 30 h; significant steroid is believed to be dependent on the
252 Chapter 10
Table 10.5. Foaling after oxytocin induction (from Carleton and Threlfall, 1986).
I 5–10 Restlessness, anorexia, colicky pains (looking at its flanks), minor tail
15–20 Stall walking, frequent defecation, getting up and down, elevation of the tail,
repeated stretching, sweat on shoulders and neck behind the elbows
II 20–25 Restlessness, tail switching, sweat on ribs and flanks
25–30 Acceleration of respiratory and pulse rates, with rupture of the
allantochorion membrane and the start of abdominal pressing
III 35–40 Amniotic membrane at vulvar lips
45–50 Stage II completed with passage of foal
30 Initial phase completed with passage of placental membranes
254 Chapter 10
Horses Goats
Among the methods available for termi- There may be occasions when it might be
nating pregnancy in the mare, whether for necessary to terminate pregnancy in goats
reason of unwanted twins or otherwise, is that have been inadvertently bred by an un-
the use of PGs, either the natural PGF2a desirable buck. PGF2a has been found effec-
product or one of the analogues. Some tive; one report dealt with goats estimated
reports showed that a single dose of 250 mg to be about 3 months pregnant in which PG
of the fluprostenol analogue given on day induced termination very effectively.
35 terminated pregnancies, whereas the
same treatment given at 70–77 days proved Camelids
ineffective; however, multiple doses of the
analogue resulted in all pregnancies being In camelids, workers terminated an unwan-
terminated. When fluprostenol was given ted pregnancy in a llama with cloprostenol
on day 35, oestrus and ovulation were (150 mg) given intramuscularly. In this
exhibited within a day of abortion; at day instance, the fetus was expelled 108 h after
70, oestrus and ovulation were delayed for injection and the animal was successfully
some 40–50 days. remated 20 days after abortion.
Controlling Onset of Puberty
Some amount of research has been directed cattle, in favour of reducing the non-
towards the use of various management productive phase of the animal’s life, i.e.
strategies and hormones (progestogens, the period which ends at the time of its
prostaglandins, oestrogens and gonado- first breeding. In his classic work on cattle
trophins) in the induction of puberty in reproduction, John Hammond in Cam-
cattle and other farm species. There have bridge in the 1920s estimated the average
been many studies dealing with the role age of puberty in heifers of dairy breeds,
of genetic selection, the effect of exposure maintained under normal conditions of
to males and the influence of nutrition feeding and management, as being about
in achieving an earlier onset of puberty. 9 months, with a range from about 3 to 15
Within reason, the sooner the breeding months. In parts of the world, such as the
female ends the non-productive phase of USA, where first calving of beef cattle nor-
its reproductive life the better it suits the mally occurs at 2 years of age, animals are
farmer. In the case of seasonal breeders mainly early-maturing and feed resources
such as sheep, missing the boat in their first are relatively inexpensive and not severely
breeding season may mean an extra year limiting.
before they are bred. A relatively simple
treatment may mean they can become preg-
Puberty in bulls
nant in their first year. In pigs, inducing
puberty a week or two earlier may mean a The age of puberty in bulls varies according
useful saving in cost. to breed and the plane of nutrition; as a gen-
eral rule puberty is usually attained when
the animals attain about two-thirds of their
11.1. Practical Implications of Early mature body weight and when they are
Puberty still under a year of age. The rate of sperm
production by the bull increases gradually
11.1.1. Cattle with age and is directly related to the size of
the testes (Table 11.1).
Reducing the non-productive phase In terms of hormone activity, sexual
maturation in bulls can be divided into three
Factors affecting puberty in cattle have phases: the infantile, prepubertal and puber-
not received a great deal of attention in tal. The infantile period is characterized by
the past, relative to many other aspects of low episodic discharge of luteinizing hor-
bovine reproduction, although clearly there mone (LH); during this period, the pulse fre-
is much to be said, in both dairy and beef quency of gonadotrophin-releasing hormone
©I.R. Gordon 2004. Reproductive Technologies in Farm Animals
(I.R. Gordon) 255
256 Chapter 11
Table 11.1. Sperm production in the dairy bull (from Hammond et al., 1983).
Age Number of bulls Gross weight of testes Total Per gram testis
0–4 months 25 20 0 0
5–7 months 15 97 104 1
8–10 months 20 284 1750 7
11–12 months 15 370 3300 10
17 months 13 480 4480 10
3 years 10 586 6040 11
4–5 years 11 647 6530 11
> 7 years 11 806 8000 11
(GnRH) release is low. From 6 to 20 weeks of bred earlier than 60 weeks of age. In Brazil, a
age, an early transient increase in LH secre- study of Holstein heifers in 48 herds showed
tion has been observed in what is known as age at first calving to be about 30 months; it
the prepubertal phase. It it also known that was noted that age of puberty was signifi-
GnRH pulse frequency increases twofold cantly affected by herd, sire, year of calving
during the transition from the infantile to the and season of calving. In New Zealand,
prepubertal period and the sensitivity of the one recent study dealt with improvements
pituitary also increases at this time. The in the rearing of dairy heifers under the
pubertal period is one of active reproductive grazing conditions of that country; it was
development from 20 weeks of age until suggested that dairy heifers should reach
puberty (defined as 50 million sperm per ml 60% mature weight by 15 months of age for
ejaculate with a minimum of 10% motility), optimum fertility at first mating and 90%
which occurs at about 1 year of age. mature weight by 22 months for optimum
Testicular size (e.g. a scrotal circumfer- milk solids production in their first lactation.
ence of about 28 cm) and blood levels of LH Producing high-quality replacements
and testosterone are other important traits for the dairy herd at minimum cost is one of
included in studies on male sexual matura- the many challenges facing milk producers
tion. The development of the reproductive in the opening years of the 21st century. Var-
tract in bulls has been studied by measuring ious studies have sought to determine how
scrotal circumference; the weight of testes dairy replacement rearing systems affect the
and vesicular glands increase slowly during lifetime productivity and profitability of the
the first half of the sexual development in dairy cow. In some conditions, it might be
bulls and then more rapidly to the time useful to breed dairy heifers so that they
of puberty. Spermatogenesis is initiated calve at 20–24 months of age, but heifers
around 3–4 months of age, spermatocytes reared much faster than usual during their
appear by 6 months of age and elongated first year of life tend to give lower than usual
spermatids and sperm by 8 months of age. milk yields regardless of their age at calving,
not only in their first lactation but in later
Dairy heifers ones as well. In a Wisconsin study, for
example, it was recorded that accelerated
In dairy animals, the possibility of improv- postpubertal growth and early calving
ing the economic efficiency of milk produc- reduced performance during the first
tion by the early mating of heifers is clearly lactation of Holstein heifers.
a valid objective, but problems associated
with dystocia and with possible reduced Beef heifers
lifetime milk yield might outweigh possible
advantages. The general rule observed in Age at puberty in beef cattle is a major
the UK is that Friesian heifers should not be determinant of their lifetime reproductive
performance. The effect of season on age calving are usually much higher in maiden
at puberty of beef heifers can be attributed heifers than in older animals. Bearing in
to a range of factors, including photoperiod, mind that calf mortality in beef herds is
temperature, management and other vari- estimated to range from 5 to 20%, it is a
ables. One major factor influencing the matter of ensuring that appropriate care and
pattern of gonadotrophin secretion and the attention are directed towards the offspring
the time of puberty onset is nutrition; many of the young animal.
studies show that heifers fed a higher-
energy diet are likely to be younger at
puberty than those fed low-energy diets. 11.1.2. Sheep
When puberty is not reached before the
start of the breeding season, production Puberty in ewe lambs
costs increase. From various reports, it is
known that, using standard industry prac- Age of puberty in sheep can have important
tices in the USA, significant percentages practical implications. The efficiency of
of heifers in beef herds may remain pre- sheep production can be increased by
pubertal until after the initiation of the eliminating or reducing the unproductive
breeding season. Treatments to induce periods in a breeding ewe’s life; one of these
puberty in heifers may help to improve periods is from weaning until first breeding.
their reproductive efficiency by allowing Under lowland flock conditions, where
them to complete their subfertile first animals are kept under good feeding and
oestrus before the start of the breeding management, it should usually be possible
season (Fig. 11.1); such heifers can then be for ewe lambs to be bred to lamb at 1 year of
bred early in the season, enabling them to age. The advantages of breeding 7–8-month-
calve early and for their calves to reach old ewe lambs to give birth at about a year
greater weaning weights. Although calving include reduced maintenance costs before
beef heifers at 2 years of age has become the start of reproduction, a shortened gener-
the widely accepted practice among North ation interval, which results in more rapid
American beef producers, breeding animals genetic gains from selection, and increased
to calve at that age involves other consider- lifetime production. Induced mating could
ations; it is well recognized that losses at be of value in ewe-lamb breeding as
258 Chapter 11
foreknowledge of the lambing date permits growth may be achieved in various ways,
close supervision of lambing, which may varying from chronic undernutrition to
be necessary to ensure that lamb losses are uterine artery ligation. In Aberdeen, work-
kept to the minimum. It would also be true ers have evaluated the growing adolescent
to say that proper feeding in late pregnancy ewe (6 months old) as a model for investi-
may be even more critical in the ewe lamb gating the causes and consequences of pre-
than in the adult sheep. natal growth restriction; in this work, ewe
lambs were induced to ovulate by fluoro-
Puberty in ram lambs gestone acetate (FGA) sponge and pregnant
mare’s serum gonadotrophin (PMSG) treat-
Advancing puberty in ram lambs may ment at 21 weeks of age and were used as
be useful in sheep farming by enabling recipients of sheep embryos.
younger males to be used in the breeding In one Aberdeen study using such ado-
flock; younger males could help to reduce lescent ewes, it was shown that in rapidly
production costs, accelerate the benefits of growing animals on high dietary intakes the
genetic selection and permit earlier progeny anabolic drive to maternal tissue synthesis
and libido testing. It is also possible that the was maintained at the expense of the gradu-
advantages of early puberty in ram lambs ally evolving nutrient requirements of the
may be accentuated in year-round breeding gravid uterus; this resulted in a major restric-
programmes. It should be noted that the age tion in placental growth, leading to a highly
at which a ram reaches puberty is not neces- significant decrease in birth weight. It is pos-
sarily the time when he is fully effective in sible that the rapidly growing adolescent
mating. The ram passes through a period sheep could provide a new non-invasive
when semen quality is poor and his use model with which to study the causes and
may be followed by many repeats to service. consequences of prenatal growth restriction.
A January-born Suffolk ram lamb may well It is known that human adolescent mothers
be less fertile when used in July than in the have a high risk of delivering low-birth-
following October, even though he appar- weight and premature infants, who often die
ently performs satisfactorily in his mating within the first year of life; the sheep model
behaviour. Although females, whether may provide valuable information relevant
sheep, cattle, pigs or other farm species, to such human pregnancies.
also have a phase after reaching puberty
when their fertility is lower than at later
oestrous periods, this phase in the male can
extend over a longer period. 11.1.3. Pigs
The adolescent ewe as a model Many of the piglets produced each year are
farrowed by gilts; it follows that the age at
Quite apart from farming considerations, which these females attain puberty is of
there may be occasions in the research labo- considerable economic interest. In the UK,
ratory when the induction of oestrus and it has been estimated that between 15 and
ovulation in young sheep is employed in 25% of litters produced in pig units come
studies relevant to important aspects of from gilts; techniques for advancing the
human pregnancy. In humans, for example, onset of puberty, even by a relatively short
epidemiological data are now available sug- margin, are likely to be of practical interest.
gesting a strong association between fetal When considering the question of earlier
growth derangement and the development breeding in pigs, it is clearly desirable
of a number of health disorders in adult life. to have information on factors likely to
Current understanding of the origins and influence the attainment of puberty in the
consequences of prenatal growth retarda- gilt; it is also important to examine lifetime
tion are largely derived from studies of reproductive performance in relation to age
pregnant sheep, in which restricted fetal at first mating.
260 Chapter 11
some proportion of adult ewes after ram It is believed that in the pig, as in the
introduction in the ewe anoestrus. other farm mammals, puberty is brought
about by a reduction in the activity of intrin-
Follicular dynamics sic neural inhibitory mechanisms and/or a
decrease in the negative-feedback effect of
Puberty in the heifer is the age at first ovula- ovarian steroids; such events result in the
tion and at which regular oestrous cycles stimulation of pulsatile GnRH release and
begin; it is known, however, that heifer consequent augmentation of episodic LH
calves show evidence of follicular activity secretion, which in turn leads to ovarian
some time before the onset of puberty and activity.
the establishment of regular cycles. As early
as 2 weeks of age, in fact, ovarian follicles
Age and fertility
are seen to grow in a wavelike form, similar
to those of adult cattle. The onset of puberty There is ample evidence showing that the
in heifers is largely determined by age and reproductive performance of ewe lambs is
weight, although these two factors obvi- often considerably lower than that of adult
ously vary according to breed. If it is a beef ewes. This is mainly the result of early
heifer and she is to calve at 2 years, she embryonic losses, which can exceed 50% in
must be cyclic and fertile at 15 months of ewe lambs as compared with 20–30% in
age. ewes; recent studies in Wales suggested
In contrast to heifer calves and ewe that such losses may be associated with
lambs, researchers have usually failed to inadequate luteal function in ewe lambs.
induce follicular development or ovulation
in piglets in their first 2 months of life by Thyroid activity and puberty
exogenous gonadotrophins; this agrees with
observations that tertiary antral follicles do In sheep, it is known that thyroxine plays
not appear in the ovaries of the gilt until it is a role in seasonal reproduction and it is
more than 60 days old. There is also the fact possible to prevent the negative-feedback
that the pig differs from cattle and sheep in effect of oestradiol by removing the thyroid
its pattern of oogenesis, which apparently gland before the end of the breeding season;
continues after its birth (Fig. 11.2). this can enable the period of sexual activity
Fig. 11.2. Species differences in the pattern of oogenesis (from Thibault and Levasseur, 1974).
262 Chapter 11
to continue longer than normal. It is also circulates in the blood bound to a family of
known that administration of antithyroidal binding proteins.
compounds (e.g. propylthiouracil (PTU)) It is known that the amount of body
can also prevent the onset of oestrus. fat stored in the animal influences fertility,
Attempts have been made to examine indicating a link between adipose tissue and
the effect of such compounds as PTU on the reproductive system; it is believed that
puberty in sheep, so far without success leptin may act as a peripheral signal indicat-
(Wells et al., 2003). ing the adequacy of nutritional status for
reproductive function. It seems that low
Metabolic hormones as modulators of puberty leptin concentrations indicate a status of
inadequate nutritional stores, which could
The onset of puberty in the gilt may be instrumental in preventing an unwanted
be related to attainment of a critical body pregnancy, with its obvious demands for
weight or a minimum percentage of body additional energy. In humans, some believe
fat. Two metabolic hormones, insulin-like that puberty in girls may occur when suffi-
growth factor I (IGF-I) and leptin, have been cient leptin concentrations are reached;
implicated as possible modulators of repro- earlier menarche in obese girls than in
ductive function; increased IGF-I and leptin normal girls may involve leptin action.
concentrations are associated with onset of
puberty and follicular development. It is Role of melatonin
clear that pregnancy rates and litter size
after induced ovulation in prepubertal gilts Melatonin, a hormone known to mediate
may be much below those in more mature photoperiodic cues, is secreted from the
animals. The variable ovulatory response pineal gland in a circadian rhythm. How-
and low pregnancy rate have been attrib- ever, workers who have examined the
uted to abnormal follicular development role of melatonin in the pubertal process in
and corpus luteum function characterized gilts have concluded that nocturnal rises
by increased sensitivity to the uterine in serum melatonin are not necessary for a
luteolysin, low LH receptor numbers and gilt to attain puberty. There are also those
variations in progesterone synthesis. It is who have reported the failure of melatonin
believed that variable responses to the implants to alter the onset of puberty in
induction of ovulation and pregnancy gilts. In the USA, one recent study used
maintenance in prepubertal gilts may melatonin implants to elevate blood mela-
be related to maturation of the tonin concentration five- to tenfold without
neuroendocrine–ovarian axis. this affecting the timing of puberty onset.
Role of leptin
11.2.2. Genetic and environmental factors
Emerging evidence indicates that leptin is
related to reproductive function; this small Zebu and taurine cattle
protein molecule is secreted by adipocytes
and is known to play a role in the regulation Dairy cattle are known to be more preco-
of body weight and food intake. Since its cious than beef animals; zebu cattle (Bos
discovery in 1994, much information has indicus) are known to reach puberty at
accumulated in the literature on the physio- a later age than taurine breeds of cattle.
logical role of leptin, particularly its effect However, zebu cattle have well-proven
on the brain (see Williams et al., 2002). The advantages over taurine animals in
hormone is known to circulate in the blood certain regions; Brahman (B. indicus) and
of humans at levels paralleling those of fat Brahman-crossbred cattle are popular in the
reserves. It is believed that leptin communi- southern states of the USA because of their
cates information about nutritional status to tropical adaptation. Even within the one
regulatory centres in the brain; the hormone breed of cattle, there may be important
264 Chapter 11
Fig. 11.3. Season as it affects puberty in female sheep. Influence of season (spring or autumn) of birth on
the onset of puberty in ewe lambs as shown by the percentage of animals showing oestrous cycles (shaded
area). Spring-born lambs reached puberty at a much younger age and less synchronously than those that
were autumn-born. (After Senger, 1997.)
beef heifers via rectal palpation of the uter- 11.2.4. Puberty and conception
ine horns, ovaries and ovarian structures.
Using this system, heifers with an RTS of 1 Cattle
possess immature tracts, with no uterine
tone and with no palpable ovarian struc- There are studies showing that heifer cattle
tures. Heifers with a score of 2 show a uter- have a higher conception rate at their third
ine horn diameter of 20–25 mm, no uterine oestrus than at their pubertal oestrus. It is
tone and follicles less than 8 mm in size. well known that fertility, or conception
Heifers with a tract score of 3 show slight rate, in dairy heifers is consistently better
uterine tone and follicles of 8–10 mm in than fertility in lactating cows. The dairy
size. Heifers with a score of 4 show a uter- heifer is usually bred after several oestrous
ine horn diameter of 30 mm, tone to the cycles have occurred. Replacement pro-
uterus and > 10 mm follicles. Tract score 5 grammes in Holstein herds are usually
heifers possess a palpable corpus luteum. designed to have heifers calving at 22–24
Animals with a tract score of 1, 2 or 3 are months of age; as with cows, reproductive
considered prepubertal and those with a performance in the young heifer is depend-
tract score of 4–5 are considered to be ent on the efficiency of oestrus detection
pubertal. A study by Rosenkrans and and conception rate. The reproductive per-
Hardin (2003) demonstrated that the RTS formance of the animals is also influenced
system can prove to be a useful screening by the environment. A study reported from
test for herds, but not a tool to cull individ- Florida by Donovan et al. (2003) suggests
ual animals. that producers in similar hot environments
should avoid breeding heifers during the
summer months or restrict breeding to
Goats large-frame animals.
Studies reported from Mexico mention
vaginal cell exfoliation as being indicative Pigs
of cyclicity in goats at the onset of their
reproductive activity; the same work found The usual recommendation for mating gilts
that such exfoliation could be used as a tool after they reach puberty is for them to
to detect responses to hormone treatments be bred at the third oestrus rather than
in female goats. In male goats, an earlier earlier; results from a recent study in the
report from Brazil concluded that penis USA indicated that differences in embryo
detachment from the prepuce could be viability between gilts inseminated at first
employed as an indicator of sexual vs. third oestrus were related to the number
maturation; males in which the penis had of oestrous cycles and possibly to differen-
detached from the prepuce showed all tial nutrition. Although puberty normally
stages of spermatogenesis whereas those in occurs after 150 days of age for most
which the penis was not detached showed domestic breeds of pig, gilts can be induced
high levels of spermatids. to ovulate and pregnancies can be initiated
at 90–120 days of age. It is evident that the
Pigs gilt’s uterus is responsive to the hormones
of pregnancy well in advance of spontane-
Some authors have examined factors that ous puberty. The ability of such pigs to con-
may be useful in predicting the early onset ceive, however, is marginal and in many
of puberty in gilts. In the USA, a study gilts their corpora lutea are usually not
showed that vulva size (1 = infantile; maintained beyond cyclic lifespan; those
2 = normal; 3 = large) at 155 days of age is that do manage to maintain their preg-
related to the rate of sexual maturation in nancies usually have small litters. North
gilts; more gilts with a vulva score of 2 or 3 American studies have shown that uterine
achieved puberty by 200 days of age than responsiveness to progesterone develops
gilts with a score of 1. between 20 and 90 days after birth.
266 Chapter 11
Fig. 11.4. Pregnancy failure after induced oestrus in gilts. Although oestrus and ovulation can be induced
with relative ease in prepubertal gilts, the maintenance of pregnancy may not necessarily follow. This is in
contrast to what happens in sheep and cattle, where pregnancy is usually continued much the same as in
the postpubertal animal. Various strategies need to be employed with pigs to overcome the problem.
268 Chapter 11
of the effects of age on the induction of of oestrus in adult ewes, reports dealing
puberty in beef heifers by a progestogen with ewe lambs are much fewer. In France,
(6 mg norgestomet) implanted for 10 days at where controlled breeding has been used
9.5, 11.0 and 12.5 months of age; at 12.5 on some scale in ewe lambs, the FGA-
months of age more treated heifers exhibited impregnated sponge–PMSG regimen has
a pubertal oestrus within 5 days of implant been employed as the induction method;
removal than controls (82% vs. 9%), but the the general rule is that the animals must be
progestogen did not induce a response at the older than 7 months and at least 60–65% of
earlier ages. It was concluded that progesto- their adult weight. Clearly, there is little
gens induced puberty by hastening the merit in inducing oestrus in young sheep
normal cascade of endocrine and ovarian that are incapable of rearing lambs because
events associated with spontaneous puberty; of size or general unsuitability. Companies
age appeared to be a critical factor influenc- marketing sponges in France prepared
ing the efficacy of the hormone treatment. In devices specifically for ewe lambs. Care is
Kentucky, studies involved the short-term necessary to ensure that there is no tissue
(8-day) treatment of prepubertal Aberdeen damage as a result of sponge placement,
Angus heifers with melengestrol acetate which would otherwise lead to difficulties
(MGA); this was capable of stimulating in the removal of the device.
LH secretion and follicular growth and an
earlier onset of puberty. Immunization in sheep
The effectiveness of treating beef heifers
with controlled internal drug release (CIDR) Among methods employed experimentally
devices and oestrogen to induce puberty in sheep to advance puberty in ewe lambs
has also been the subject of studies in North has been active immunization against
America; results suggested that a combina- inhibin early in life. An Australian report
tion of short-term progestogen treatment with showed that immunization of ewe lambs
oestradiol benzoate adequately mimicked against one form of inhibin (alpha peptide
the normal endocrine mechanism for induc- 1-32) advanced puberty (time of first
ing oestrus and normal luteal function ovulation); immunization against inhibin
in most prepubertal heifers. An additional also resulted in persistent increases in
positive effect was that the induced oestrus ovulation rates in subsequent breeding
occurred within 2–4 days of removing the seasons. Although active immunization
CIDR devices. In South Dakota, workers against inhibin as a method to induce early
examined the effect of progestogen and and enhanced gametogenesis may advance
GnRH on the attainment of puberty in beef puberty in ewe-lambs, in ram lambs this
heifers; norgestomet-treated heifers were form of treatment has not been effective
26.2 days younger and 21.6 kg lighter than (Wheaton and Godfrey, 2003).
controls at puberty; norgestomet plus GnRH-
treated heifers were 30.9 days younger and Melatonin in deer
18.8 kg lighter than controls at puberty.
New Zealand workers have shown that
melatonin treatment can be used to advance
Sheep the breeding age of red deer hinds by about
a month; the majority of 14-month-old
Although there is a considerable literature hinds treated with melatonin implants for
now available on the control and induction 1 month showed early ovarian activity.
Cloning Technology
270 Chapter 12
272 Chapter 12
Table 12.1. Using cattle oocytes to produce buffalo embryos (from Atabay et al., 2004).
Water buffalo 61 (3) 67.0 ± 3.8 60.1 ± 4.6 16.2 ± 4.6 85.7 ± 7.6 (7)
Domestic cattle 83 (3) 67.4 ± 2.3 67.6 ± 3.4 21.2 ± 3.2 118.2 ± 8.0 (12)
and undermined the uniqueness of the particular genotypes (e.g. casein milk
human being. There are, however, those less producers) could be rapidly increased in
ready to see a horror in human cloning; number as required; (iv) the preservation
if cloning could be developed without the of genetic material could take the form of
risk of producing abnormal offspring, why frozen tissue samples rather than cryo-
should there be objections to the use of preserved gametes; and (v) cloning would
the technology in certain areas of human allow basic research to be focused on
assisted reproduction? After all, it is not as if problems such as genetic imprinting, mater-
human clones are unheard of; the medical nal effects and environment/production
literature records a set of identical twins, interactions.
and these are clones, once in every 250
births. Whatever the view taken, there has Emphasis on cattle
been huge human interest in cloning, the
Roslin report sparking off banner headlines Within 3 years of the birth of ‘Dolly’, several
in the world press and debates in countries laboratories had proved the feasibility of
far and wide. However, for those in farming this new technique in cattle. The transfer of
and those in biotechnology, the commercial a somatic nucleus into an enucleated recipi-
development of farm-animal cloning is ent oocyte has now been confirmed in sev-
likely to be dependent on three factors: eral mammalian species as a method which
economics, the views of regulatory agencies can give rise to live animals (Table 12.2).
and consumer acceptability. Despite its low efficiency, this approach has
been shown to be a new means of repro-
ducing mammals (reproductive cloning).
Cloning for biomedical purposes
Although initial commercial interest in
Commercial interest in cloning for biomedi- cloning technology centred on the produc-
cal purposes is now sharply focused on its tion of large numbers of genetically élite
use in the production of transgenic animals, animals for agricultural purposes, this par-
a process not necessarily limited by current ticular commercial avenue quickly lost its
inefficiencies in the NT procedure; often, appeal. Several companies in the USA and
only a few cloned transgenic founder elsewhere financed ambitious research and
animals are required. There are those who development programmes only to be faced
believe that cloning can bring many bene- with problems of low pregnancy rates,
fits to society, becoming an efficient, fast increased calf weights, neonatal anomalies
and useful method of producing transgenic and poor survivability of cloned calves. It
fetuses for cell therapies, adult animals was later to become clear that abnormal
for pharmaceutical protein production and placental development, especially the
organs for xenotransplantation. allantois, is responsible for much of the
274 Chapter 12
severe fetal loss observed in the early embryos with the genetic make-up of the
months of pregnancy. most outstanding animals from within an
élite nucleus population. Using such a sys-
Élite cattle tem, there would be an immediate increase
in the genetic merit of the resulting
There are two main ways in which NT is commercial offspring, which might be five
likely to be useful in cattle breeding: first, to ten times the current annual response.
the possibility of producing multiple copies Cloning could offer opportunities to supply
of élite cattle; and, secondly, NT from cul- markets with products of uniform quality
tured bovine cell populations can be used and the technique applied to hybrids
to produce genetically modified progenitor could be used to disseminate the benefits of
cattle, to introduce genetic change into hybrid vigour. All this, of course, depends
nucleus herds or to increase the rate of on a cloning method with a proven negligi-
genetic progress in the general cattle ble risk of producing abnormal calves;
population. whether that day arrives sooner or later
depends on research.
Commercial interest
Clones for research
Currently, there are probably more laborato-
ries worldwide working on cattle cloning Genetically identical animals are valuable
than on cloning in all other mammalian models for research; over the years, consid-
species combined. The success of several erable use has been made of monozygotic
groups to clone cattle is a result not only of twins in dairy cattle research in several
numerous research programmes focused on countries (Fig. 12.4). As natural mono-
bovine NT, but also on the enormous base zygotic twin calves are rare (about one set in
of knowledge that has been built up over 2000 births), NT has offered the possibility
the past 20 years in the application of of generating sets of animals with the same
assisted reproduction techniques in this nuclear genome. In cattle, cloned animals
species. Successful and repeatable proce- are already used as models for nutrition;
dures for in vitro oocyte maturation, in vitro some studies have reported that the coeffi-
fertilization and in vitro culture are now cient of variation of voluntary food intake,
better established in cattle than in any other eating time and rumination periods
species; each of these procedures is impor- between animals of the same clone was
tant for successful cloning. In part, this is reduced by 60% compared with non-cloned
due to the ability to obtain large numbers of animals. There have also been reports
oocytes from abattoirs for use in research at showing the growth pattern of cloned
relatively low cost. Exploitation of cloning cattle to be more homogeneous than that
opportunities in cattle is likely to depend of non-cloned animals. Work in France
largely upon optimizing procedures for NT: reported by Heyman et al. (2003a), the first
this can only be achieved through a greater systematic comparison of the developmen-
understanding of how factors in the oocyte tal potential of oocytes from cloned cattle,
cytoplasm act upon the DNA of the trans- indicated that cloned cattle yielded similar
ferred nucleus to regulate gene expression. numbers of oocytes and embryos to those of
non-genetically related control animals.
Speeding up genetic progress
276 Chapter 12
such embryos has proved to be particularly animals. There are two essential compo-
poor, with an extremely low rate of cloned nents of the NT process: the donor nuclear
piglet production. Some of the problems genome (karyoplast), which is the target
associated with successful cloning in pigs for clonal replication, and the enucleated
are species-specific; in the pig, there is the oocyte (cytoplast), whose cytoplasmic
difficulty that several (at least four) good- make-up is sufficiently competent to facili-
quality embryos are required to maintain a tate genome reprogramming and to support
pregnancy. Work in the USA by Polejaeva embryonic and fetal development to term.
et al. (2000) led to the birth of a litter of five
cloned pigs, by the use of a new NT method
in which fertilized zygotes were used as
cytoplast recipients. As developmentally 12.2.1. Oocyte sources
competent embryos are rare with current
NT technology, there is the need to transfer The sources of oocytes used as recipients
large numbers of reconstructed embryos in cloning programmes are likely to vary
into pig recipients. It is known that many according to the species. In the cow, the
factors are involved in the development source is likely to be oocytes artificially
of porcine SCNT embryos and that culture matured after recovery from abattoir ovaries
medium and recipient oocyte are important or by way of ovum pick-up (OPU) from live
factors. donor animals. In pigs, it may be a matter
of recovering oocytes from the ovaries of
Fetal fibroblasts pigs after predicting the time of ovulation
by real-time ultrasonics; a report by King
The developmental competence of porcine et al. (2001) in Scotland suggested that
oocytes/embryos derived in vitro is lower transcutaneous ultrasonography may be a
than those produced in vivo, which sug- reliable method of predicting the time of
gests that the current in vitro production ovulation after hormone treatment. In small
system is suboptimal. In South Korea, stud- ruminants and pigs, surgery is usually
ies by Hyun et al. (2003) showed that sow required to obtain oocytes from the ovi-
oocytes have a greater maturation rate ducts of live animals. In the cow, whether a
and developmental competence than gilt matter of using ovaries from abattoirs or
oocytes when used for SCNT, regardless of recovering oocytes from the live animal, the
the maturation medium used. Studies in procedures do not bring welfare concerns.
pigs in the same country reported by Lee
et al. (2003) demonstrated that the type of Nutritional effects
donor somatic cell is important for improv-
ing reconstructed embryo development Some studies in sheep have shown that the
after SCNT; they found fetal fibroblasts to nutrition of the oocyte donor ewe can influ-
be the most effective among the donor cells ence the success of somatic-cell cloning;
evaluated, using both in vitro- and in vivo- such results make it all the more important
matured oocytes as recipients. for more research on the effect of nutrition
on oocyte quality to be conducted. Quite
apart from cloning considerations, it is of
interest to understand the reasons for this in
12.2. Developments in Cloning the context of fertility in sheep as a whole.
Technology Results presented by Peura et al. (2003) in
Australia are among those showing that
Somatic-cell cloned animals, produced nutrition of the oocyte donor in cloning
by NT of cultured somatic cells into studies influences the outcome of NT,
enucleated oocytes, have so far been as reflected by a greater pregnancy rate
produced from most farm-animal species as in high-nutrition sheep compared with
well as in mice and some other laboratory low-nutrition animals.
278 Chapter 12
Fig. 12.5. Embryo aggregation to improve cloning efficiency. After aggregation, these mouse blastocysts
contained more cells and resulted in higher birth rates (+++). It is possible that this effect was due to
improved communication between the cells of the embryo, which favoured genome reprogramming
during embryo development. ICM, inner cell mass. (From Houdebine, 2003.)
cloned embryos by acting as a source of key normal development. Clones that have sur-
substances for reprogramming. Reviewing vived to adulthood have clearly shown an
this new evidence, Houdebine (2003) sug- ability to overcome epigenetic challenges
gests that embryo aggregation may be one derived from their somatic-cell origin. An
way of improving cloning efficiency, and adequate understanding of how this thresh-
it will be of interest to see whether this old is achieved in some clones but not in
approach can be extended to other species, others may suggest approaches that can
particularly farm animals. improve cloning efficiency.
It is evident from many studies that adult Early and late gestation losses in pregnan-
clones do not differ significantly from in cies from SCNT have been linked to the
vivo-derived animals, which is in marked incomplete reprogramming of the donor
contrast to the large variability that is karyoplast. There is evidence showing that
usually found within cloned fetuses and the incidence of fetal losses in bovine
newborn young. According to Cezar et al. embryo (blastomere) NT is significantly less
(2003) such findings indicate that there is than in SCNT. In the USA, Du et al. (2002)
an epigenetic reprogramming threshold for reported data suggesting that embryonic
and somatic nuclei require different recipi- supplemented medium yielded the best
ent cytoplast environments for remodel- results in promoting the production of
ling/reprogramming; this is probably due to better-quality blastocysts (Park et al.,
the different cell-cycle stage and profiles of 2004); treatment with ME + Hb apparently
molecular differentiation of the transferred decreased blastomere apoptosis in the
donor nuclei. For such reasons, Behboodi cloned embryos.
et al. (2003) used a recloning protocol in
an effort to improve the reprogramming
of SCNT; they used blastomeres from NT
embryos derived from transfected somatic 12.2.4. Gestational and perinatal losses of
cells as donors in their transgenic goat clones
founder programme. These workers found
that the somatic-cell-generated NT embryos Recently developed assisted reproductive
at the 16–32 cell stage could be used for technologies, such as in vitro embryo pro-
embryo cloning in goats. duction, cloning and transgenic technology,
Incomplete nuclear reprogramming have encountered perinatal morbidity
following the transfer of donor nuclei into and mortality of the offspring produced,
recipient oocytes has been implicated as a which has severely limited the commercial
primary reason for the low efficiency of the application of these techniques. Various
procedure (Miyoshi et al., 2003); although perinatal complications have been reported
many research groups are working in this after the transfer of cloned embryos to
area, the mechanisms and factors that affect surrogate mothers. These complications
the progression of the nuclear reprogram- include increases in the duration of preg-
ming process have yet to be fully elucidated. nancy, birth weight, incidence of parturient
Some of the factors known to be important in dystocia and susceptibility to neonatal
determining the success of cloning efforts infections. There have been studies, how-
are detailed in Fig. 12.6. ever, which have shown that such problems
may be alleviated by appropriate manage-
Improving competence of donor cells ment of animals at the time of delivery.
It is believed that many of the parturient
Studies in Korea showed it to be possible complications may be due to inadequate
to improve the in vitro development of signalling between mother and fetus during
bovine cloned embryos by exposing donor the preparation for parturition; in sheep, for
somatic cells to b-mercaptethanol (ME) example, it appears that in some instances
or haemoglobin (Hb). These studies were there may be problems with either the mat-
subsequently extended to show that the uration of the fetal hypothalamic–anterior
use of ME-treated donor cells and the pituitary axis or the signals necessary to
culture of cloned embryos in ME + Hb increase plasma cortisol levels.
280 Chapter 12
Production of Transgenics
284 Chapter 13
limited scale for producing pharmaceutical transgenes which they produced into
proteins. the dairy cattle population on a large scale.
Once a highly expressing founder line
has been identified, it becomes possible to
13.1.2. Cattle expand the number of homozygous animals
within a year by way of conventional repro-
Milking cows ductive technologies. Larger-scale produc-
tion herds would require the generation of
Productivity traits in cattle and goats that homozygous transgenic bulls, which could
are major targets for genetic engineering then be used to transmit the novel genotype
include the quality and quantity of caseins, rapidly and at low cost by way of artificial
lactose and butterfat. The milk of cows is insemination. Milks with increased casein
currently an important food source, whether content could be exploited in the manu-
in its liquid form or as cheese and a variety facturing of milk-protein concentrates and
of processed products. Approximately 80% casein products.
of milk protein is casein, which makes this Edible casein is used in vitamin tablets,
one of the most valuable components of instant drinks and infant formulas; technical
milk because of its nutritional value and acid caseins are used for paper coatings,
processing properties. For such reasons, an cosmetics, button-making, paints and textile
important research area in the production fabrics. There is a considerable international
of transgenic cattle lies in attempts to trade in casein and the development of
improve the quality and quantity of casein high-casein milks could have a substantial
in milk. Milk is also a unique source of economic impact. It is likely that designer
certain other proteins, such as those in milks, speciality milks or humanized milks
whey (a-lactalbumin and b-lactoglobulin). may be competing in the next decade to
capture part of the global dairy product
Altering milk composition market worth US$400 billion annually.
286 Chapter 13
it has been necessary to devise appropriate them more acceptable for human health,
strategies to deal with this problem. alter growth rates to make animals more
As noted by Prather et al. (2003), efficient and produce pig strains that are
clinical use of transplantation has become a resistant to specific diseases.
major feature in dealing with many forms of
terminal organ failure in human patients;
the authors point to more than 80,000 13.1.4. Sheep and goats
patients waiting for organs in the USA in
2001, but with less than one-third receiving Pharmaceutical proteins
transplants. None of the current human
possibilities offers a solution to this acute Although the production of valuable
shortage of organs for transplantation. The recombinant pharmaceutical proteins in
pig, on the other hand, in which the physiol- the mammary glands of transgenic livestock
ogy of most of the major organs is similar to has progressed to the stage where it may
those of humans, is available in large num- become a commercial possibility, the tech-
bers (> 95 million used for food annually in nology of generating transgenic animals is
the USA) and it possesses organs of the currently inefficient, time-consuming and
required size for transplantation to humans. labour- and cost-intensive. In comparison
with cattle, sheep and goats have the advan-
Islet transplantation tage of a much shorter generation interval
and a greater number of offspring. At least
Juvenile-onset diabetes is a major health five different pharmaceutical proteins have
problem and exogenous insulin therapy is been produced in the mammary glands of
only partially successful in preventing its sheep and the usual method of producing
many complications. Although islet trans- transgenic animals has been by way of the
plantation holds great promise for a cure, microinjection of DNA constructs into the
the number of potential human pancreas pronuclei of zygotes. In goats, animals have
donors makes it extemely unlikely that also been developed carrying genes that
there is enough islet tissue to provide for encode for pharmaceutical, diagnostic and
the needs of millions of human patients industrially important proteins targeted to
worldwide. The xenotransplantation of pig the mammary gland for expression. Among
islets is currently being investigated as such proteins, human serum albumin
a potential alternative clinical therapy; (HSA) is one which is regarded as
however, the use of islet tissue, as well as especially valuable; the normal source
hearts, must await clarification of certain of HSA is outdated donated blood. Among
health risks. Although genetic engineering reports in recent years is one by workers in
may overcome the natural immune barrier, Israel dealing with the birth of transgenic
xenotransplantation to human patients may kids carrying the HSA gene.
result in exposure to replication-competent
porcine endogenous retrovirus. Obviously, Developing industries
extreme caution is the keyword in all
attempts to make progress in this field of The production of recombinant proteins in
research. the milk of transgenic animals has attracted
the attention of several research groups
Carcass quality considerations in the past decade due to the outstanding
protein synthesis capacity of the mammary
Quite apart from the possible use of gland. Transgenic animals have the ability
transgenic pigs in biomedical applications, to produce recombinant proteins in a more
modification of the pig genome could have efficient way than traditional systems based
several useful applications on the farm. on microorganisms or animal cells. In
It could provide animals with an altered several countries, new industries are in
carcass composition which would make the process of development based on such
288 Chapter 13
towards pets, which in some ways are in (Fig. 13.2). Many transgenic animals were
danger of becoming substitutes for children. produced by this method, but the cost and
effort required were often considerable,
primarily because all the injected embryos
13.2. Producing Transgenics needed to be transferred to foster-mothers
and maintained to term until the small
13.2.1. Improving the technology proportion of offspring could be identified.
However, from 1998, somatic-cell transfec-
Improvements in the technology employed tion followed by nuclear transfer has been
in the production of transgenic farm ani- the method of choice in the production of
mals are important, for both biotechnology transgenics. The advantage of somatic-cell
and basic research. The main barrier in nuclear transfer is that gene transfer and
transgenic animal production remains the selection of transgenic cells can be done in
identification of more efficient systems of culture. Using cultured cells, gene transfer
transgene delivery and more effective can be done by various approaches, such as
methods of regulating transgene expres- electroporation or lipofection. Selection of
sion levels. Fortunately, the production of transgenic cells is done by incorporating an
somatic-cell clones derived from different antibiotic resistance gene into the genetic
tissue types of cultured cells has opened construct and culturing transfected cells in
the way to new approaches. Much evidence medium containing the appropriate anti-
is now available in cattle and other farm biotic; the surviving colonies are clones
animals that, when transfected donor cells of single transgenic cells. Although the effi-
are properly selected, a high proportion of ciency of development following nuclear
the young derived from nuclear transfer are transfer is low, all the offspring are
transgenic. transgenic.
Although the production of transgenic
pigs has relied on the DNA injection of pro-
nuclei for the past two decades, it is believed
13.2.2. DNA transfer by some that major changes are now likely to
be made in transgenesis technology. Accord-
Until a decade or so ago, the standard ing to Nagashima et al. (2003), in vitro-
method of inserting exogenous genes into matured oocytes will become dominant
an animal was pronuclear microinjection in porcine developmental technologies,
replacing in vivo-derived oocytes. Such a can contribute to all its tissues, including
transition is probable because of the work sperm and oocytes. The ability to use
done in cattle showing that artificially cells to transfer a predetermined genetic
matured oocytes are suitable as recipients modification to the whole animal would
in nuclear-transfer programmes. The same have obvious appeal in farm animals.
Japanese authors note that a combined tech- Workers in Scotland have described
nique of sperm vectors and in vitro-matured efficient and reproducible gene targeting
porcine oocytes would make the production in fetal fibroblasts and demonstrated that
of transgenic pigs quite feasible. viable sheep could be produced by using
the fibroblasts in nuclear transfers. The
Roslin work showed that nuclear transfer
in transgenesis does not require ES cell-
13.2.3. Transfected cells for nuclear transfer or primordial germ-cell (PGC)-derived cells
and avoids the need to generate chimeric
In pigs, it is now possible to combine the animals, which can be costly and time-
technology for homologous recombination consuming.
in fetal somatic cells with that of nuclear
transfer to create specific modifications
to the pig genome. One example of such
genome modification is the knocking out 13.2.4. Sperm-mediated DNA transfer
of the gene responsible for hyperacute
rejection when pig organs are transferred A report by Lavitrano and colleagues in
to primates. It should be noted that the Italy in the late 1980s describing the pro-
ability to generate mice with a targeted duction of transgenic mice using sperm as a
mutation in a particular gene has been one vector of exogenous DNA into the oocyte
of the most important advances in under- attracted much attention and some degree
standing the function of gene products and of scepticism. However, compelling evi-
has enabled numerous mouse models of dence of successful sperm-mediated gene
human diseases to be developed (Tymms transfer has been provided more recently
and Kola, 2001). The same type of tech- by Lavitrano et al. (2002), who reported
nology may be valuable in producing pig the birth of transgenic pigs for use in xeno-
models of human genetic disease. An exam- transplantation studies; they were able
ple given by Prather et al. (2003) is in using to show a 25-fold improvement in their
the transgenic pig to allow basic research success rate in comparison with pronuclear
and drug development in the treatment injection. According to the Italian team, it
of patients with cystic fibrosis. Although is necessary to free the sperm of seminal
producing pigs with specific genetic modi- plasma because of its interferon-1 content,
fications is now possible, improvements which usually prevents the sperm accept-
to cloning and transgenic technology are ing the new DNA; the majority of the piglets
still required to make this approach more born (up to 80%) in their latest work had
effective. the gene incorporated into the genome and
most transcribed the gene (human decay-
Gene targeting accelerating factor (hDAF)) in a stable
manner, with the gene being transmitted
For more than a decade, it has been possible to progeny. According to Wall (2002), it is
to modify endogenous genes in the mouse likely that sperm-mediated gene transfer
by manipulating embryonic stem (ES) cells; protocols will continue to be refined; if
researchers have been able to generate reliable gene expression can be achieved,
specific mutations and alter specfic gene then the method could become the method
sequences in ES cells. Such modifed cells of choice in species, such as the pig, in
retain their developmental potential and which manipulation of oocytes and zygotes
when inserted into a developing embryo presents particular difficulties.
290 Chapter 13
13.2.5. Retroviral infection of early embryos carrying non-transgenic fetuses. For such
reasons, the ability to identify those
According to Wall (2002), the advantages of embryos carrying gene inserts before they
retrovirus-mediated gene transfer include are transferred to recipients could be of
a high frequency of gene transfer across considerable value. Various methods have
embryonic membranes, high integration been reported. Early work in the 1990s
into the oocyte/zygotic genome and mini- attempted to identify transgenic embryos
mal embryo manipulation. Disadvantages by taking a biopsy sample of 10–30
include the fact that the technique can trophoblast cells and analysing these by
probably handle relatively small amounts PCR for the presence of the transgene. In
of genetic information (< 10 kb) in a field France, workers described a luminescent
where increasing emphasis is on the use of screening test to select transgenic cattle
increasingly longer gene sequences; there embryos; it was suggested that selecting
is also the complexity of introducing the luminescent blastocysts on the basis of
transgenes into the retrovirus, a process signal intensity and distribution could
involving many steps. A final difficulty markedly reduce the numbers of recipients
may be that of public perception of this required.
approach, bearing in mind the inevitable In Japan, a group reported the quick
connections drawn between viruses and detection of firefly luciferase gene expres-
human disease conditions. Some of the sion in early cattle embryos by photon-
other avenues explored in gene transfer are counting; in Poland, workers used a green
indicated in Fig. 13.3. fluorescent protein (GFP) gene reporter to
select cattle embryos and found this to be a
useful method for increasing the number of
transgenic calves born (Duszewska et al.,
13.2.6. Identifying transgenic embryos 2003). Work in Canada demonstrated that
GFP transgenic calves could be obtained
Various workers have noted the need for from transfected somatic-cell nuclei trans-
accurate methods for screening both GM ferred into either metaphase- or telophase-
donor cells and reconstructed embryos. enucleated oocytes (Bordignon et al., 2003);
There is also the fact that progress in the same workers showed that the GFP
transgenesis in farm animals may be limited transgene was transmissible in the germ line
by the high cost involved in maintaining and could be used to select bovine embryos
large numbers of pregnant recipient animals derived from a transgenic cloned bull.
Suppressing Reproductive Activity
farm that immunosuppressant approaches than in normal bulls, reaching only about
may prove useful; in the control of certain one-half the weight of the intact animal.
wild animal populations, they may have These males, although sterile, appear to
particular relevance. maintain normal testosterone levels and
a high rate of growth. Such animals have
increased growth efficiency and have leaner
14.1.1. Cattle carcasses in comparison with steers. This
procedure shows the importance of
Bulls have an advantage over castrated testicular cooling for normal fertility and
steers in being capable of producing 15% the importance of androgens for growth
more carcass gain and 15% more lean meat, and leanness.
while eating 10% less feed per unit gain.
Having a bull showing such characteristics
without its male aggression and sexual 14.1.2. Sheep and goats
behaviour has obvious commercial attrac-
tions. Unfortunately, although encouraging Cryptorchid lambs
at the research station, none of the vaccine
treatments thus far devised appears to be As noted above for cattle, there are occa-
commercially acceptable, at least not to the sions when it may be desirable to render
point where they can be considered suitable male sheep infertile, but without this
for extensive use. On the female side, again involving conventional castration. In New
dealing with cattle, the expression of behav- Zealand, Tarbotton et al. (2002) conducted
ioural oestrus in postpubertal beef heifers a survey of 400 sheep farmers to determine
may result in undesirable management the incidence and perceptions of crypt-
difficulties; such problems may include orchid lambs in the year 2000. The main
pregnancies, an increase in the number of reason for farmers producing cryptorchids
injuries due to riding behaviour and the was to achieve good lamb growth rates and
potential adverse effect on carcass value if lean carcasses without having fertile male
slaughtered during oestrus. There can be lambs; there was also the added benefit
sound commercial justification for having a that cryptorchids were cleaner and more
safe and reliable means of dealing with the easily managed than ram lambs. The survey
problem of oestrous beef heifers. showed that, although the production of
cryptorchids has declined in recent years,
Cryptorchid bulls the majority of farmers who currently
produce them have a preference for this
Artificial manipulation of the scrotum has method and were unwilling to change their
been used in the USA and elsewhere as a practice.
means of sterilizing bulls. In this, the scro-
tum is artificially shortened to hold the tes- Hormonally castrated goats
tes close to the body, resulting in elevated
testicular temperature and causing sig- Studies in Australia tested the usefulness of
nificantly reduced spermatogenesis. A bull immunizing goats against GnRH by way of a
subjected to such treatment is referred to as commercially available vaccine (Vaxtrate)
a ‘short-scrotum’ bull, and is effectively an which suppresses gonadotrophin secretion,
artificial cryptorchid. The testes are artifi- steroidogenesis, sperm production, the
cially forced into the dorsal region of the production of male odour and agonistic
scrotum by placing a rubber ring around the behaviour between males; in 90% of
lower portion of the scrotum. In 3–4 weeks, the immunized bucks, the testes remained
the empty scrotal sac sloughs at the junc- small for > 1 year after primary vaccination
ture of the rubber band because of restricted and a 2-week interval was as effective as
circulation. As might be expected, the a 4-week interval between primary and
weight of the testes in these bulls is less booster immunizations.
294 Chapter 14
puberty may explain some differences in the reproduction in cattle kept under extensive
way that female cattle respond to the proges- rangeland environments; the same technol-
togen. In non-European Union (EU) coun- ogy may have wider applications in cattle
tries, where beef heifers may be at pasture production systems.
rather than in feedlots, implantation may be
the method of choice. Work in Ireland at one Applications in horses
time showed that a single MGA implant
would hold heifers out of oestrus for about For various reasons, there may be the need
4 months, with a useful growth-promoting to delay the occurrence of oestrus in the
effect being evident during this period (Fig. cyclic mare that is to participate in racing or
14.2). Although the commercial availability showjumping. As in the other farm mam-
of progestogens such as MGA is banned mals, endogenous progesterone from the
under current EU regulations, in countries corpus luteum inhibits oestrus and ovula-
that do permit their use, principally the tion in the mare during the period of luteal
USA, there can be obvious economic activity. Based on this fact, many reports
advantages. have appeared over the past 40 years on
the use of progesterone or progestogens,
GnRH agonist implants administered in various ways.
Fig. 14.2. An MGA implant to suppress oestrus in the heifer reared for beef.
296 Chapter 14
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Appendix A
318 Appendix A
Senger, P.L. (2003) Pathways to Pregnancy and Stringfellow, D.A. and Seidel, S.M. (eds) (1998)
Parturition, 2nd edn. Current Conceptions, Manual of the International Embryo Transfer
Pullman, Washington. Society, 3rd edn. International Embryo Transfer
Simm, G. (1998) Genetic Improvement of Cattle and Society, Savoy, Illinois.
Sheep. CAB International, Wallingford, UK. Thibault, C., Levasseur, M.C. and Hunter, R.H.F. (eds)
Squires, E.J. (2003) Applied Animal Endocrinology. (1993) Reproduction in Mammals and Man.
CAB International, Wallingford, UK. Ellipses, Paris, France.
Appendix B
Journals Dealing with Breeding and Journal of Dairy Science. American Dairy Science
Reproduction in Farm Animals Association, Champaign, Illinois.
Journal of Reproduction and Development.
AgBiotech News and Information. CAB International, Japanese Society of Animal Reproduction,
Wallingford, UK. Tokyo, Japan.
Animal Breeding Abstracts. CAB International, Livestock Production Science. Elsevier Science BV,
Wallingford, UK. Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Animal Reproduction Science. Elsevier Science BV, Molecular Reproduction and Development. John
Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Wiley and Sons, Somerset, New Jersey.
Animal Science. British Society of Animal Science, Nature. Nature Publishing Group, London, UK.
Penicuik, UK. Nature Biotechnology. Nature Publishing Group,
Biology of Reproduction. Society for the Study of London, UK.
Reproduction, Champaign, Illinois. Reproduction. Journal of Reproduction and Fertility,
British Veterinary Journal. Baillière Tindall, London, Cambridge, UK.
UK. Reproduction in Domestic Animals. Blackwell
Canadian Journal of Animal Science. Agricultural Wissenschafts-Verlag GmbH, Berlin, Germany.
Institute of Canada, Ottawa, Canada. Reproduction, Nutrition, Development. Institut
Cloning and Stem Cells. Mary Ann Liebert Inc., National de la Recherche Agronomique, Paris,
Larchmont, New York. France.
Embryo Transfer Newsletter. International Embryo Science. American Association for the Advancement
Transfer Society, Champaign, Illinois. of Science, Washington, DC.
Journal of Agricultural Science (Cambridge). South African Journal of Animal Science. South
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. African Society of Animal Science, Hatfield,
Journal of Animal Science. American Society of South Africa.
Animal Science, Champaign, Illinois. Theriogenology. Elsevier Science, Oxford, UK.
Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics. Veterinary Record. British Veterinary Association,
Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New London, UK.
York. Zygote. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.
Abattoir(s) 5, 15, 16, 112, 113, 115, 118, 121, Ampullary–isthmic junction 220
123, 274, 276, 283 Anabolic steroids 259
Abbot Laboratories 56 Anaphase 120
Abdominal cavity 96 Anastomoses 213
Abortion(s) 241, 248, 253, 254 Androgen(s) 206, 221, 293
Accessory glands 28, 62 Androstenedione 206, 219
Aciduria 196 Androstenone 294
Acrosome(s) 67 Androvax 206
Acrosome reaction (AR) 30, 124, 125 Angiogenesis 153
Activin(s) 31, 222 Animal Biotechnology Cambridge Ltd (ABC Ltd)
Adhesions 96, 112, 118 76, 115
Adipocytes 262 Animal conservation 107
Adipose tissue 174, 262 Animal monoculture 107
Adolescent ewe 258 Animal protein 25
Adrenal(s) 239, 245 Animal Research Station (Cambridge) 269
Adrenalin 14 Animal welfare 1, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 41, 70,
Adrenocorticotrophic hormones (ACTH) 36, 78, 82, 87, 108, 145, 213, 284, 292
245, 247 assurance schemes 14
Agar 271 Anoestrus, lactational 167, 168, 169
Agonistic behaviour 293 in buffaloes 176
AgResearch 206 in deer 183
Allantochorion 47 in ewe 151, 157, 184, 185, 193, 261, 263
Allantoic fluid 222 in goats 180, 188
Allantoic sac 222 in horses 181, 182, 294
Allantois 273, 280 post-partum 173, 174, 175
All-boar litters 79 seasonal 167, 178
Alleles 46, 204 in suckler cattle 166
Allergen-free cats 287 Anterior pituitary 92, 167, 194, 245
Alpaca (Laca pacos) 27, 152, 227, 232 Anterior vagina 60
a-lactalbumin 285 Anthelmintics 11
Alpha-sl-casein 55 Antibiotic(s) 11, 41, 51, 62, 98, 165, 288, 291
American Quarter Horse Association 6, 57, 89 Antibodies 77, 93, 94
Amino-acid(s) 122, 203 Antioxidant(s) 66, 69
non-essential 222 Antithyroidal compounds 262
Ammonia 40 Antler 4
Amniotic fluid 222 Antral follicles 23, 38, 84, 91, 137, 151, 152,
Amphibian(s) 269 183, 184, 199, 261, 295
Ampulla 60 Apoptosis 121, 134, 279
Index 321
322 Index
Cervix 239, 240, 246, 296 Corticosteroid(s) 14, 36, 250, 251
internal os 96 Cortisol 13, 14, 168, 244, 245, 247, 250, 279
Cheese 285 Cotswold Group Nucleus Breeding Scheme 197
Chemotaxis 61 Cotyledons 234
Chicken(s) 59 Cranial vein 217
Chimerism 213 Crestar ear implant(s) 163
Chlormadinone acetate (CAP) 176 Crown–rump length 216
Chlortetracycline-fluorescence staining (of Crushing (in pigs) 211, 212
sperm) 125 Cryobiology 99
Cholesterol 67, 69 Cryocapacitation 66
Chorionic epithelium 220 Cryo-loop technique 132
Chromatin 126, 138, 212 Cryopreservation 56, 59, 64, 66, 69, 80, 82, 85,
Chromosome(s) 86, 87, 95, 98, 100, 102, 109, 110, 112,
X- 76 113, 124, 131, 132, 139
Y- 76 Cryoprotectant(s) 51, 58, 67, 85, 99, 100, 101,
Circadian rhythm(s) 238, 262 102, 132
Citrate 129 Cryptorchid(s) 293
Classification schemes (for oocytes) 118 Culling rate(s) 2, 161
Cleavage rate(s) 118, 275 Cumulus cell(s) 118, 119, 120
Clenbuterol 253 expansion 121, 122
Cloprostenol (prostaglandin analogue) 45, 194, Cumulus–oocyte complexes (COCs) 118, 119,
249, 251, 254 124
Closed circuit television (CCT) 145 Cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) 120
Closed herd(s) 86 Cyclo-oxygenase 104, 240
Clover Cyst(s), ovarian 42, 166
oestrogenic 41 Cystic fibrosis 289
red 41 Cytochalasin-B 102, 271
subterranean 41 Cytokines 195
Coconut milk 65 Cytoplasmic droplets, proximal 33
Co-culture systems/methods 114, 115, 129, 130, Cytoskeletal inhibitor 271
134 Cytoskeleton 102
Cogent Cattle Breeding Company 76
Cohorts (of follicles) 150
Colorado State University Foundation 76 Daily rate of gain 294
Colostrum 211, 214 Day length 178, 183, 184, 187, 192
Compact lambing(s) 18 Decapacitation 68
Compaction 133, 134 Deer 73, 123
Computer-assisted semen analysis (CASA) 59 fallow 59
Computer-assisted sperm morphometry analysis farming 5, 8, 35
65 management 5
Conception rate(s) 35, 37, 43, 45, 50, 53, 54, 55, Pére David’s 59, 114
69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 75, 143, 145, 164, 165, red 59, 95, 114
170, 183, 193, 196, 265 Dehorning 62
Conceptus(es) 46, 132, 198, 219, 220, 223, 224, Delayed ovulation 35, 36
227, 230, 231 Demi-embryos (half-embryos) 269, 270
Contractures 246 Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) 89, 105, 119, 126,
Controlled farrowing 249 274, 282, 288, 291
Controlled internal drug release (CIDR) devices Depolymerization 102
59, 95, 161, 163, 175, 193, 268 Deslorelin (GnRH agonist) 92
Copulation 26 Desmosomal junction(s) 131
Corpus luteum (corpora lutea) 40, 42, 43, 92, Dessication 81
151, 152, 153, 154, 158, 170, 189, 190, Dexamethasone (corticosteroid analogue) 250,
194, 198, 200, 203, 226, 238, 239, 240, 251
262, 265, 295 Diabetes, juvenile-onset 286
formation 59, 219 Diet(s) 257
persistent 71, 215, 230 high energy 257
regression 93, 147, 153, 160, 178, 218, 253 low energy 257
Index 323
324 Index
Index 325
326 Index
Index 327
328 Index
Nucleotide sequence analysis 138 Ovsynch 160, 161, 163, 175, 176
Nutritional status 187 Ovulation fossa 92
bilateral 201
Octylphenol (OP) 8, 9 unilateral 201
Oestradiol 14, 85, 94, 122, 123, 140, 160, 167, Ovum pick-up (OPU) 105, 109, 110, 112, 113,
185, 199, 206, 219, 223, 227, 228, 238, 115, 116, 117, 118, 120, 121, 276
244, 260, 261, 263, 294 Ovuplant (GnRH agonist) 58, 172, 194
Oestradiol dibenzoate (ODB) 163, 176, 251 Oximetry 210
Oestrogen receptor (ESR) 204 Oxygen tension 80, 129
Oestrone 219, 239 Oxytocin 31, 45, 46, 72, 149, 153, 154, 223, 224,
Oestrone sulphate 217, 227, 229, 230, 239 238, 240, 249
Oestrus control 17, 26, 55, 70, 71, 79, 154, 155,
157, 158, 159, 161, 163, 182, 205, 215,
216, 266, 267 Palpation, transrectal 57
Oestrous cycle 24, 26, 27, 33, 91, 95, 143, 146, Pancreas 286
147, 149, 151, 154, 158, 160, 166, 174, Parity-1 sows 172
182, 183, 190, 194, 199, 201, 228, 260, Parthenogenesis 128
261, 265, 294 Partial-weaning (cattle) 170
follicular phase 147, 149, 151, 156, 200, Parturient complications 279
202, 205 Pasture 12, 26, 41, 141, 155, 163, 182, 184, 187,
luteal phase 143, 144, 145, 147, 149, 151, 188, 192
154, 158, 159, 160, 170, 202, 226, Pathogens 101, 128
238, 260 Pedometer(s) 141, 142, 144, 145
Oestrus detection rate(s) 142, 143, 215 Pelts 237
Oestrus (heat period) 23, 24, 26, 140, 141, 143, Penicillamine 120
144, 149, 156, 158, 165, 166, 169, 173, Penicillin 62
174, 175, 181, 194, 198, 217, 232, 234, Pentose phosphate pathway (PPP) 126
247, 265, 267, 268, 293, 295 Percoll 124, 125
detection 45, 70, 141, 142, 143, 145, 158, Percoll density gradient(s) 126
160, 162, 164, 217 Perinatal mortality 117, 134, 210, 213, 237, 251,
synchronization 2, 7, 19, 52, 93, 159 279
Olfactory memory formation 211 Peristalsis 85
Olfactory stimulus 266 Perivitelline space 131, 277
Once-bred gilt system 259 Pesticide(s) 11
Oocyte(s) 112, 115, 116 Pets 287
activation 127, 128 pH 80
bovine 283 Phagocytosis 74
buffalo 110 Pharmaceutical protein production 272
developmental competence 115, 117, 118, Pheromone(s) 142, 143, 173, 189, 266, 294
122, 276 Photoperiod 19, 20, 149, 169, 183, 190, 192,
enucleated 269 260, 263
germinal vesicle (GV) 124 Photoperiodism 178
porcine 289 Phyto-oestrogens 41
quality 276 Piezo-drill/micromanipulator 128, 277
Oogenesis 137, 261 Pig breeding companies 56, 112, 204
Oogonia 137 Pig gonadotrophin 600 (PG600) 176, 259,
Ooplasm 113, 123, 271 266
Open-pulled-straw (OPS) vitrification method Pineal gland 184, 190, 191, 192, 262
100, 131 Pituitary FSH preparations 205
Opioid peptides 186, 240, 260 Pituitary–testicular axis 296
Organ transplantation technology 22 Placenta 89, 219, 238, 239, 280
Osmolarity 51, 67 Placentation 220
Osteopontin 121 epitheliochorial 219
Out-of-season breeding (sheep) 179 haemochorial 219
Ovamass Ltd 110, 114, 115 Placental membranes 248
Ovarian tissue(s) 132, 137 Placentome(s) 232, 281
Index 329
Planes of nutrition Progestogen(s) 28, 71, 85, 90, 93, 94, 95, 156,
high plane 263, 264 157, 158, 159, 161, 163, 173, 175, 176,
low plane 263 189, 190, 191, 193, 201, 205, 221, 255,
Plasmid vectors 291 267, 270, 294, 295
Plastic straw(s) 51 Progesterone-releasing internal device (PRID)
Platelet-activating factor (PAF) 65, 153 156, 163, 175, 205
Polar body 271 Prolactin (PRL) 30, 149, 170, 191
first 120 Prolificacy 203
Polyclonal antibodies 291 Prolonged gestation 241
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) 105, 138, 290 Prometea 275
Polypnia 38 Pronuclear microinjection 288
Polyspermy 61, 112 Pronuclei 113, 126, 286, 288
Polyunsaturated fatty acid(s) 40 Pro-oestrus 147
Porcine zona pellucida (PZP) protein 297 Propanediol (1,2-PROH) 51
Positive feedback 149 Prophase 120
Posterior pituitary 240 Propidium iodide 65
Post-mating feeding strategy 38 Propylene glycol 99
Post-weaning oestrus (pigs) 1555 Propylthiouracil (PTU) 262
Pregnancy-associated glycoproteins (PAGs) Prostacyclin 238
234 Prostaglandin(s) 34, 41, 45, 46, 64, 70, 72, 73,
Pregnancy diagnosis 216, 217, 226, 228, 230, 90, 92, 94, 147, 149, 153, 157, 158, 159,
232, 234, 235 160, 161, 166, 168, 175, 176, 177, 194,
Pregnancy rate(s) 38, 40, 42, 43, 46, 56, 57, 72, 217, 218, 220, 224, 236, 238, 239, 244,
73, 75, 77, 78, 79, 82, 83, 84, 86, 87, 91, 245, 249, 254, 255
97, 102, 103, 104, 105, 114, 115, 130, Prostate gland 157
131, 132, 133, 137, 155, 159, 160, 174, Protein, rumen-degradable 42, 48
175, 176, 262, 276 Przewalski’s horse 107
Pregnancy serum protein 60 (PSP60) 233 Pseudohermaphroditism 212
Pregnancy-specific protein B (PSPB) 233, 234, Pseudopregnancy 55, 296
244 Puerperal diseases 165
Pregnant mare’s serum gonadotrophin (PMSG; Pup(s), mouse 81, 99
eCG) 28, 55, 71, 90, 92, 94, 96, 123, 161, Puresperm 124
162, 176, 189, 191, 193, 194, 199, 205, Pyometra 172
221, 235, 258, 259, 266, 268 Pyruvate 67
Prematuration of oocytes 124
Premature births 241, 248
Premature luteal regression 94 Quantitative trait loci (QTL) 46
Prenatal growth restriction 258 Quarter-embryos 269
Prenatal life 217, 270
Prenatal mortality 76
Prepuce 265 Radiography 216, 225, 234
Preputial washing 62 Radioimmunoassay(s) (RIAs) 145, 217, 225, 226,
Primary sex ratio 76 227, 229, 234
Primordial follicles 92, 123 Ram effect 19, 189
Primordial germ cells (PGCs) 32, 289 Ram-seeking (behaviour) 140
Prion proteins (PrP) 284 Rapi Tex (latex agglutination test for eCG) 235
Probes (ultrasonic) Reaction time 64
5.0 MHz 230 Reactive oxygen species (ROS) 66, 153
7.5 MHz 230 Receptor(s) 31, 46, 47, 48, 120, 138, 147, 152,
Production agriculture 24 153, 170, 194
Progeny testing 51, 53, 55, 258 alpha 253
Progesterone 18, 26, 28, 36, 40, 43, 45, 93, 94, beta-1 253
95, 103, 141, 143, 145, 154, 156, 157, beta-2 253
160, 162, 168, 170, 177, 189, 190, 200, LH 121, 262
216, 218, 219, 221, 222, 226, 230, 232, oestrogen 223
233, 234, 238, 244, 245, 246, 262, 265, oxytocin 223, 240
295, 296 prolactin 240
330 Index
Recipient(s) 37, 87, 88, 89, 97, 98, 102, 103, Season
104, 113, 114, 132, 208, 270, 275, 276, anovulatory 182
290 ovulatory 182
oocytes 277, 289 Secondary ovulations (horses) 182, 198
Recombinant DNA technology 283 Secondary sex ratio 76
Recombinant proteins 20 Selection indices 19
Rectal palpation 162, 181, 224, 225, 232, 235 Semen analysis 24
Red deer (Cervus elaphus) 4, 27, 35, 47, 118, Semen evaluation 64
126, 182, 183, 223, 268 Seminal plasma 59, 60, 61, 62, 68, 156, 157, 289
Refractoriness 184 Seminiferous tubules 29
Regulatory agencies/authorities 273, 284 Sephadex filtration 67
Regumate (altrenogest) 176, 296 Sequential media 130, 138
Relaxin 73, 93, 238 Sertoli cells 9, 29, 31
Repeat breeders 46 Serum 136
Repeat breeding syndrome 36 bovine 103, 281
Repeat heat 215 cow 129
Reproductive cloning 272 fetal calf 98, 120, 129, 135, 281
Reproductive lifespan 123 oestrous sheep 126
Reproductive tract scores (RTS) 264, 265, Sex chromosomes 75
266 Sex control 17
Reprogramming of donor cell nuclei 271 Sex determination 291
Resuscitation (of lambs) 211 Sex drive (libido) 63
Retained fetal membranes (placenta) 171, 196, Sex ratio 76, 77
248, 251 Sex reversal 28
Retention box 231 Sex specific protein(s) 77
Retina 184 Sexual maturity 207
Retinoic acid 123 Sexual receptivity 140, 144, 156
Retrovirus 286, 290 Shang treatment 173
Ribonucleic acid (RNA) 119, 120 Shearing 209, 210
Riding behaviour 293 Shiba goat 180
Rismorelin (GnRH analogue) 45 Short cycles 260
Robertsonian translocation(s) 32 Short-day breeders 178, 184
Robinson, John 179, 240 Short-scrotum bull 293
Robinson, Terry 18, 156, 193, 199 Signalling mechanisms 46
Robotics 46 Sika deer (Cervus nippon) 229
Rocky Mountain Bighorn sheep (Ovis Silent heat 260
canadensis) 228 Silent ovulation 36, 189
Roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) 217 Single-sex bred heifer system 78
Roscovitine 124 Sire Reference Scheme(s) 19, 20, 54, 71
Rosette inhibition test 233 Skimmed milk 68
Roslin Institute 46, 269, 272, 273, 289 Slicing (of ovaries) 118
Rowson, Tim 83, 85, 89 Slow freezing 132
Ruakura 132 Smooth muscle 97
Rubber ring 293 Soay (sheep) 34, 179, 191
Rut 182, 183 Somatic-cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) 272, 275,
276, 278, 279, 280, 281
Southern blot hybridization 138
Saliva 13, 226, 266 Soybean extract 66
Salmon oil 211 Spanish fighting cows 91
Scanner(s) 116, 117 Spaying 292
Scanning (ultrasonic) 242 Specific pathogen-free (SPF) herds 287
Scottish Agricultural College 52 Spectrophotometry 226
Scrapie 47, 287 Speculum 70
Scrotal circumference 256 Sperm-coating 80
Scrotal temperature 29 Sperm-head decondensation 128
Scrotum 293 Sperm injection 127, 128
Searle pharmaceutical company 156 Sperm-mediated gene transfer 289
Index 331
332 Index