Akupuntur Infertility
Akupuntur Infertility
Akupuntur Infertility
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Infertility is considered as the inability to conceive in a sexually active couple who
are trying to get pregnant for one year. 8-12% of the couples in the world are
facing problems with infertility, and in these modern times, the per cent is getting
bigger. 20% of the cases are due to both male, and female factor [1] [2] Problems
that are possible to arise in men are abnormal sperm, low sperm motility or low
sperm count. Causes can be genetic factors, long-term use of steroids, age, obesity,
stress, and inflammation of the testicles, cystic fibrosis, diabetes and other
diseases. In women problems that can arise are a polycystic ovarian syndrome,
hyperprolactinemia, thyroid problems, hormonal imbalance, poor egg quality,
cancer, AIDS, etc. Risk factors and causes are age, obesity, eating disorders,
smoking, alcohol, stress, infections and other [1].
By the theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) infertility occurs due to
disrupted vital balance and blockages in the Qi energy and Blood circulation flow.
When the free flow of the energy is blocked, it can cause deficiency, stagnancy or
heat syndrome [3].
Deficiency syndrome is blocking and disrupting the sexual and reproductive
function both in men and women.
The stagnancy syndrome disables the free flow of the energy and Blood and
restricts it from circulation to the tissues in the reproductive organs.
The heat syndrome is connected to inflammation processes which have an impact
on semen quality and gynaecological infections.
All three syndromes can be treated with Traditional Chinese Medicine, concretely
with acupuncture and herbs [4] [5]. When it is known which syndrome to treat, and
the problem is solved, the body returns to health and conception may happen
naturally. TCM sees every patient as unique, and the treatment is made by their
current condition and constitution. With such a long history for more than 5000
years, TCM is highly effective with no side effects. Acupuncture as part of the
TCM as a treatment for infertility is used for a very long time. With the insertion of
tiny sterile needles into acupoints located at specific points on the body the way the
body functions can be regulated and the problem that affects fertility can be
addressed. Acupuncture treatment can balance the hormones, strengthen the
immune system, regulate the energy and Blood flow, remove the stasis and phlegm
and stimulate the nervous system. With a combination of acupuncture and herbs, it
is possible to improve the ovarian and follicular function and increase the blood
flow to the endometrium [3] [6] [7].
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When treating infertility both male and female factor is very important. Therefore
both patients have done the treatment at the same time. On both patients were used
the same points. The male patient has done 4 treatments to improve the sperm
quality. Before the treatment, the patient has done one sperm test. Results from the
test show a small amount of progressively moving sperm cells (5%) and a limited
amount of immobile sperm cells (50%). The results from the sperm test done
before the treatment are shown in Table 1.
Table 1
Results from the sperm test analysis
Viscosity Normal
pH 7.5 7.2-7.8
No agglutination
Normal liquefaction
The female patient had ovarian endometriotic cysts or ‘chocolate’ cysts on both
ovaries. After 7 treatments the cysts were gone, and the patient got pregnant
spontaneously successfully. Figure 1, is shown ultrasound image done before the
treatment showing the cysts on both ovaries.
Figure 1
Figure 2
Table 2
Blood test results
Test Results Normal Range
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The points used in the treatment were chosen with the aim to help the patients to
improve the energy flow to the reproductive organs, warm the Blood for better
circulation and remove the blockages that cause stagnation in the flow. Ovarian
cysts can occur because of stagnation in the Liver Qi, caused by excessive
dampness. Excessive dampness is caused by blood stasis and fluids accumulated in
the abdomen which slowly becomes phlegm. Accumulation of phlegm and fluids
in the lower body is a problem of the Kidney Yang, i.e. a failure of the Kidney to
send the water upward. When the water stays in the lower body, then it transforms
into phlegm. Therefore the Kidney fails to support the Liver. The main function of
the Liver and Kidney meridians is to remove the toxins from the body. If this
function is weakened, then the immune system can be disturbed, and abnormal
immune reactions may be triggered by the growth of abnormal tissue in the female
reproductive organs. In TCM, if there is no good and free blood circulation in the
body, blood stagnation can occur and lead to disease [3] [5] [6] [8] [9].
When the cysts are formed because of accumulated water and fluids, the three
principal methods of treatments are: (1) yo warm the Kidney with the aim to
prevent further accumulation; (2) resolve the phlegm masses, and (3) restore
normal blood circulation to the affected area [5].
In TCM, infertility in male patients is also a problem of Liver Qi stagnation,
Kidney deficiency and accumulation of dampness and heat in the lower abdomen.
Therefore the treatment protocol is the same in both patients [10] [11]. The
treatment in both patients aims to remove the liver toxins, dissolve blood
stagnations in the liver, nourish the Kidney Qi, invigorate the Blood, lower stress
and stimulate the whole body to function better [3] [11].
In conclusion, acupuncture as a treatment for infertility shows great results both in
man and women. Acupuncture can be considered as successful treatment in
restoring fertility in the patients, by improving the sperm quality and ovaries
function and balancing the endocrine system and hormones.
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Funding: This research did not receive any financial support
Competing Interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist
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1. Nordqvist C. Infertility in men and women; Medical News Today. MediLexicon,
Intl. 2018.www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/165748 .
2. Cedars M, Jaffe RB. Infertility and Women. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology
& Metabolism. 2005;90(4):E2. https://doi.org/10.1210/jcem.90.4.9997. [Google
3. Shi J. Boosting Fertility and Conception with Chinese Herbs. Acupuncture, and
Diet. 2018.www.vitalitymagazine.com .