The Business Environment
The Business Environment
The Business Environment
fifth edition
What roles do culture, diversity and ethics play in the dynamic world of business
today? How do unpredictable political and economic conditions affect an
organisation? What are the impacts of globalisation, social and technological change on
fifth edition
business decisions?
Using well-known examples and case studies from the public and private sectors, this fifth
edition of The Business Environment addresses these key questions and many more.
The Business Environment
Encouraging students to consider the challenges and opportunities that managers face in the Ian Worthington and Chris Britton
business environment, it provides a strong basis from which to build an overall understanding of
the context of business.
Key Features
Learn about the latest issues in business: technology
and e-business, corporate responsibility, and socio-
cultural influences
Apply theory to practice through diverse cases and
examples, such as Amazon, Toyota and the mobile fifth
phone market edition
Study online! Test your knowledge through self-assessment
questions, and find useful weblinks at
and Britton
Ian Worthington is a Reader and Chris Britton a Principal
Lecturer in the Department of Strategy and Management at
Leicester Business School, De Montfort University.
ISBN 0-273-70424-9
fifth edition
Edinburgh Gate
Essex CM20 2JE
United Kingdom
© Ian Worthington and Chris Britton 1994, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2006
ISBN-13: 978-0-273-70424-9
ISBN-10: 0-273-70424-9
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
10 09 08 07 06
Brief contents
Full contents ix
Contributors xviii
Preface to the first edition xix
Preface to the second edition xx
Preface to the third edition xxi
Preface to the fourth edition xxi
Preface to the fifth edition xxii
Guided tour xxiv
Glossary 496
Index 513
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Contributors xviii
Preface to the first edition xix
Preface to the second edition xx
Preface to the third edition xxi
Preface to the fourth edition xxi
Preface to the fifth edition xxii
Guided tour xxiv