Waiver For Immersion 1
Waiver For Immersion 1
Waiver For Immersion 1
Date: _________________
This is to inform you that I am giving permission for my son/daughter (Name) _____________________,
(Grade Level and Section) ___________________, to attend the (Activity)
__________________________________, which your department will hold on (Date) _______________
at (Place) __________________________ from _______________ until _______________.
It is understood that he/she is bound by the rules and regulations of Liceo de Cagayan University during
this activity and will be subject to the supervision and authority of duly designated representative/s of the
I have considered the benefits that shall be derived from the participation of our son/daughter in the said
activity with the undertaking that the necessary safety measures/precaution shall be taken.
I will not hold the school liable for any damages that may arise - for any accident or injury which may
occur as a result of any deliberate disregard on the part of my son/daughter to follow and observe norms
of safety or behavior prescribed by the school and its duly designated representative/s during the said
I further certify that I have understood the effect and all the consequences of this waiver and that the
school reserves the right to disallow my child’s participation in this particular activity for medical/health
or security reasons if and when necessary.
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
Signature over Printed Name of Parent/Guardian Complete Address & Contact No.