Application of Software Development Method Variables

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Software development method:

Industry needs a software

Go to a company
1. Specify the problem / requirements
2. Analyze
3. Designing the software/ model
4. Implementation
5. Testing
Maintenance teams

Application of Software development method

Is a memory location or storage house/ is an identifier which changes when its value at the time of
Represented by any alphabet or names EX: a, b, num,
<datatype> <variable_name>
Name starts with alphabet
Consists of both alphabet and digits
Does not allow white spaces or any special characters except ‘_’
Is a name that can be given to various program elements such as variables, functions and arrays
Name starts with alphabet
Consists of both alphabet and digits
Does not allow white spaces or any special characters except ‘_’
Data types

The type of data stored in a variable

Data Type Char Specifier Length/Memory Range/Value
1. Float %f 8 byte -3.4e38 to +3.4e38
2. Char %c 1 byte -128 to +127
3. Int %d 2 bytes -32768 to +32767
4. Unsigned char %c 1 byte 0 to 255
5. Unsigned int %u 2 bytes 0 to 65535
6. Long %ld 4 bytes -2147483648 to +2147483647
7. Unsigned long %Ld 4 bytes 0 to 4294967295
8. Double %lf 10 bytes -1.7e308 to +1.7e308
9. Long double %Lf 16 bytes -3.4e4932 to +3..4e4932
Two types
1. Predefined data types 2. User defined data types
1. Predefined data types

<datatype> < variable_name>;

2. User defined data types

Type def is a user defined data type which is used to create user defined data

Is a data Value that cannot be change during the data execution
1. Integer constant

2. Floating point constant

3. Character constant

4. String constant

Camas and blank spaces cannot be included within a constant

Can be preceded with – if desired
Value can’t be exceeded specified maximum and minimum bounds


1. Arithmetic Addition(+), Subtraction(-), multiplication(*), Division(/), Modular Division(%)

2. Assignment Simple(a=10), Multiple assignment(a=b=10), Compound assignment(c=a+b)
3. Relational <, >, =, <=, >=, ==,! =
4. Logical Logical and (&&), logical or (‼), logical not (!)
5. Conditional Experiment1>experiment2?experiment1:experiment2
6. Unary Unary minus, size of operator, increment and decrement operators(pre/post)
7. Bitwise Bitwise and(&) , bitwise or (!), bitwise not(^), ones compliment(~), left shift(<<),
right shift(>>)
8. Comma Separate two or more expressions or variables

Is a combination of operators and operands

1. Primary expressions

2. Postfix expressions

3. Prefix expressions

4. Unary expressions

5. Binary expressions

6. Ternary expressions

Example Programs

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