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Unitii-Logic Gates & Combinational Circuits
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‘Unit—2- = Logic gates & Boolean Algebra pot dae 2 Gates t CLogic gates] ee P Defaitten:— "a gate 1S ogre Chrau't which has A one -two more -iNputs and one output. 98 agtei— “An oe gote has two or more inputs and only one output, whreh FS equal -to the OR sum d la of all foputs.”. Fy (a) Shows ~the standard Symbol of oR gate, and Age 8) Shows the crrcust of two input OR gate , anit +wo tdeal dtodes Do: &O2. Figca) VeAte Dr R Aigt = the Chrourt Cfigcb)) “CONSISTS -of tov inputs AIB And -two Afedes Di&Da And Avesisty R. “The cllode has O property ef conduciin tf ave No tage iS applied, and it does nel Conduck if a-ve volEage Or nearly ov 15 opplied. aLThere are -four PosstbFlities In “woh?th the top Noltage ) appeays— IK lelhen both -A=ov and Bsov zie. —there (6 no voltage efthes} ot Aor B, none Of the concucks & Op Y=ov- of Lihen A=ov and B=| dfode Ds 15 ~forwaral biase ol hence Conducts givto htg li) Oulput, at Y, PF When A=land B20 the Code D, forward base d, aving high () cutpal at y. PF then As{and B=! then both diodes O16 D2 conduc giving High (1) outpat. [Taurth table ‘-for oR OR gate s— Y=AtB © el l ! E S - oslo QUO Gale! — “Ar AND gate Nas boo or more. Inpurts onel only one oulpet Uohich is equal to AND Produat ofatt inputs." ee SHOWS “the Standard “qymbo] of AND ele, Rath) shows ~the . ctreutt or AND gete usin diodes and vesistor. d+ov a Di . PR Pine ot KET 8 } fia) Do Y=A*B ok -figtb) the logtcal operation of -the Anv gale is as fo ow S 2— eT beth inputs Aand B ave low, D1& Da are CoNMecled to +BV- AS Such bolhd Di & D2 Ore -Forward biased and condu dt putting down the output to low value, of the inputs 1s lov the ether betng high then anodes of fodes op FY one the dfode votth low input conducts and ps loon the out pot to low value +The dtode with thebtgh Input betng cut off aeverse biased , gels wtoll. se PL both inputs are high. both foes hetng srevers based gel cut-off and “supply voltage high appears at output. Truth table for AND gatei— a | B y=A:B | Fo 0 0 ° ! 0 \ o . j ' \| Mgt gote?— “an inverter or NOT gale has only @ Single inpat and always a Stngle out pel signe » Ourtput 45 dhe complement of tbe input logte tes, loge 1g eet NOT same as input, due to which iE outpat is called NoT gate.” Fqca) Shows the logte Sym bol of fnverter or NoT gale . Figo) shows the clycutt -for NeT gate ustng transistor. ABV EVee) 1=8 Vo 2l— we vi Fg ae teh The logical Operation of NoT gate (Sas follows, — bIhen Wi [5S low lSay ov) then transiStey gets of cutoff and ?S unable to conduct thas -fult voltage of Mec Trees FOVIS Ovailable atthe oulpat -leemfnal bus» HW ut iS 109 Vo is htgh. —> then vi is high csaq +50) ft well Saturdle the ransistor gerng low ‘Vo (ov) Thas Vi iS high » Vo tS low. truth table for MoT gate? | Vi tA) Vol Y=) — 0 T ! oO- MON? gales YA negated AND gale {s Catled NoT-Anpdor NAND gate - Tt has “hwo or MOre frpulS » Eut onl one Output whith iS complement of -the AnD product] ” aca) shows Ihe Standard “symbo] ef all Inputs »" of NAND gate Figib) Shows it equivalent crauit- Dm * ° wae D—t>—. go ° figcb) the Standard symbol of Nano gale tS-the Same AS AND gale Symbol followed by a Smal) Circle OY bubble on the output séle, he bubble Actually vepresents -the Yrversfon operation, Fret AND Operattor fs clone » which iS then: followed &y faversfon C MoT. gale) ' | kuth table of MAND gates - A} B | Y=A-B Y=hea CAND) (NeND) © oO oO | ° | ° | I Oo ° | . ! ' i ° The dogical operation i— > When. all the ftnpuls are low or any of the i Ip ts @low the output fs high. I> Ithen all the inputs are high the olp fs low. NOP getes— “/ negertedl oR gel ft has “hwo or more complement of the or sun 4 the two ox More Trpart ¢ is Called - NeT-OR(OD Norgate. inputs but a Single oxrlpatuohtch if ry (a) Shows the Standard Symbol of Nor gate. figcb> Shows itS equivalent ctrauit- Figo) (b) AS Shovon in Figc a)-the bubble actually represen} the trviersion peratton . Truth-table #— aN A} & | V=AtB VeA+B (oR) (nor) Oo; o| o © | l 1 ° 1 | ! I J Lagi! operation — > When ail the Inputs are low -tbe ouput fs htgh. > llhen ong of the fo put is high ov all the tnpaty are high the output 7s low. ecoOm ape etadetony, Mukh — hable of NAND ATS ae cana er As Yo AB | A sp | YEN Cra! Y eae | | | o} o 6 y | ( o 0 : | | 0 ' 2 : | | [ 1 ' Il oO | the katubh table — NAND ve 75 Shown above, which can be easily | Obkained (210 Lhe fuk kable | 6 ANO gate and hen Stmply Tovecilstng om rolaeed | | %# & obtain Ihe final Oukpue of khe WAND rt: This We See bhake the final oukpuk “y ” hand arte te high va ™Y OF Me Topuks a6 Topuks ame lov. fe all tapyuks ase Hhe onkput og the | low on att high, then only | o¢ the nNAND 3 1s low. | NOR, 42 2 | " NoR re Seely MEANS NOT 0. TE has tuo Om weme Inpuks, buk only one ouk pul whfch tg bhe complement Cimvemleem ov NoT) of the OR Sam of the Fo om wome fepules” FIG CA) shows the Skandarel Syrrbol °F oR ak and -flact) Shows khe eoftvalent ctmewil: foo nom qoe a : a oe| Pa ce FICE the ksuakh table og eR ate 1S Shon bela, |wAtch can be easily obkafned! garm kth table °F OR we and bhen Stewply aeeae oy negnttna Hie BR obkatn the nal ouk Put of ul NoR gee |) eB | awe! wom | Oo | ° o I | 8 From kaukh Kable tk ts clea thnk Dj when beth Mmpuks CA=0,B=0) ane TH low skate the Oukput is Dae cy=) Ph when any one cg Ehe Mpuks ts high khen Khe Cukpuk 75 low. when bokh tpuks acre bia Ehen khe oukput ts leo. thas, fF fs clean Bhat the toutkh Kable og Now S opposite ky thak Sf OR Giake.Xor ee Crnclustve on re Othe Gaxchetve on Cabortevighed as XOR) oPeomkin Obeys eee ee Tapuk ctacutk fopuk h Mpa Provides am cukpuk when one O91 Khe othe» Es ane Present for XOR re A ° . Y=AB+ BT the x0R Opesiahton may algo be Skaked as “ae A=1& Bao rom % Bal and #20, then yas” the ©0217 SDomelty *6 Present buk wok When bo Ftacaa Show Khe Skandastd S¢mbol q Boolean exDression ts Y=AB+BA- Y=AB+ BT XOR ac 7S as Fotos:Dl When A='; B=0; Lhen A=0; B=] DY= 0.041 S04 =. >| When Ast; B=l; then Az0; Bs 0 > Y= 0-1 +045 0+t0=0. Peukh table for XOR Gioke: A BIT B_[Y=AB+BA on 1OB Qo oO | | 0 ° \ 1 0 ( ( oO ° I | | I o oO o From foukh kable Ht 1s cleay that P| When both fopuks asie low @ap alee Khen the MERU 85 Io Crea), 7] when any one ep the Sy puks 16 High Khen onl, Lhe Ou, d 4 Puk fg high.0 © Universal be ie Gates tH hy loge expre ssion can be implemented (Or) An togie Ctwcuit can be — conStsucted either ' usig conpieeys Nano re fon NoR gates: So, that — these logic qetes one cated Universal Logic Gates. Tenplementation 2 boas Gass y sig | NAN gates fo £. NAND as Y= A= Nor qe olp - yee gt x2A8 y-A8 “led P a ; 8 => YeA-B = Of of AND | qat — I 2 Za § a o kk > DY= PHB Of 4 OR gate A. NAND as X20R gate sim AS Nann),_| Y=(AG). (AB) a7 WE = Ga» az as = AB + AB - AB + B.A = A@® = wOR Jake ofpYS ss ueny . “Implementattos =f Nor ack te +. Nok gate gs Not gate +- ifp & odo aed Y= A> ofp x Mer a (S NeR gate as QR qate+ gh X=Ate : Wl Y= A+B i ! = ie Olp OR pey Ate Ato+ Are v) Y~ Byer ore Pet ee = R.BtA-B | = AB+AB | vl | Ofp ay #08 ‘a |Boolean Algebra + The ecientite = Gleorge Boole has discovered the Qlgehro of logic Kraun o£ Boolean Algebra the ee elgobr o Containing ser of lows: ANB Laws : OR Laws + Not Laws : on “8 1 Ato $A TF aro then ly. ev FA a. arty =) Soe =! then Heo BAe =O 3. Ada FO He aA:A =O ey A+R =1 wath 3 Distributive Lovet: | Cormmutative Laws * & Ssociative Lawes | 1) A948 = B+H N (+e, 4c = OtlBIO ABE) = O-B4A-6 a Oe =e Dlae)+ 6 = Alec) DAB) HO+e Otc) t | LSimpitg “the — —fotlowing Boolean Expreccions + Show that PC + Hec = He ? Giver Ac +Pee FAC Lins Ne +9Be ec (isa) Ce ce =] = ecu ac seus a]showo thar A+A:B =h ? CMO ry moa LUS 2 Adare A C1+eD fe ite er) =e | zRHs |There Demorgan's Statement $ Voriablet Compliment $ i) whee A tas = ot) Qs = oa ols TW) when on (ee io Wns ey stu W) when 6 uc = fay aus = 77 Las Hence oS LHe Demorgan’s Theorems + a are two theorern¢ ‘Theoters 1: Sum of the Compliment of the tivo ‘ ividual equal £0 the product of their Individua = led = ee ely Bed * 2d Fol so Le ~ Pale el; Ra so =6-0 =0 S Rae Memorgan s “Theorem 1 Proved.Deworwgan’s “theorem > Remeron | | |Staremene + Product Of the Compliment of the Wo vowiablef equal ~ to the sum of their IMA vidwal — Compliment £+ Oe 2 Bak e UMe =Rus cllerce — Demorgan's “Theorem? 1S press.(© : Sum of Products xpression (SOP)! ~ 1 the switching function expressed as the sum of all the ‘minterms’ is called the sum of products (Sop) oy disjunclive normal Expression. Minteym :- A minievm ts a product term which has cach of fhe variable etthey in complimented form oY uncomplimented fF!) the variable 14 sepresented in uncomplimented form if it has @ value ‘1’ and the variable is vepresented in | | complimented form if it has a value ‘ot The sop Expression 1s formed by all the minterms for which the fanclion attaining the value ‘t'- Find the sum of products (sop) form oF switching function f(A) B,o) switch is yvepresented by the tvuth table quer below:“Table £:- ' 6 a From above table it if Cvtdent that decimal value for which the function assumes the value ‘A! are 12) 4st ttus the function £(A,B,c) 1s the sum of these products term ive fu we) 2h (12749 6) { > Dol tol + 100 +110 £(AB 20) = BE CH ABC HABE FABT which is sum of products (Sop) form of the function -NM ® Produc ¥ tums Expression ( Pos) a The fattening Faction Eeprened 9+ Produch Of al the Matermns t, Caled Procure g cm (Pos) a Conjuneve N bret Eppres ten Hoxterm : Bo Mayer % Sum term rOHith he, ach of the Variable Cfter in Coraptmented Pim A. On Gmpltrented fan . The Variable > Nepresentee im Onesmplementea! Pion tH het a Valera tbe nants & Repmrentad & Complenected thn et he ew Ute I The Pos Leprenton 6 ames by att tee Magterms PR Which +e function aettetaieg, dye Uelne 0".¢ Cc PS oe ; . @ ar ee moe taiteaing Fanetion Lr, 0) Whteh Rep vereuted by the drat, -tebsle qin Lola. Table! suns Qeemat Velt, A RB ¢ ftase ° é (2) } oO ' >» o | I L a | O i 3 o | fo) h I o I = l oO I Oo 6 t 1 oO \ 4 r to! } Rom ahve ehle fH G evident thap deumer Vein th PAICh Pontren — Gkaumes “Tetue ‘o ave 6,3, 5, + gry the Panctton Stat) % Producer of 3,5,%) Pee fr terms (he) Alo cba (oret oy (6 +i+t) (12+!) (iter) ~ [ean ~ Carve) (av be2)(ReeO (FR) WWth @ Producer af bon tin of the —fometn _—_—_—_€Kawnavgh Nep Method ( k- Maps ) e Me» iN Hap boa qrepttcet devite tryed to Atmptify a Logie Lquanon t. to Convert ao dul, tbl ato tts CMesponding Aogie Civeath ex a Aimmple bdovly Proc” K- Hap & made OP of Spuares, here Cath Aquave /Aeptnents one term. Each 7 omap Conaiatn oF 2” Cet, a Stara. LUaweble 3B. Vanabe map vill Conaint of giag Shan a Can Ord a 4- Varese map will Coasnr af ata [b Cus fart - Vantable Krep iby Be Vawetle K-NapPardue fh. fmptifying Restean Gepremin Using k-Nap Lepr Bras the K-Mp ftom duly teble and a Plae 1a & thane Spars CM roponating Be te tn te ele Ce fay ‘O be cer Aernaining ~byuares - Sepa : Lypamine Py [A Which are Nt adjacenh To . : 1 ant tyr f b&b Colley Bastareq 1. frepa: Pamaten af OCker PMN Fe tae ome a ™ag mot be in te oop: cep: Paetion OF Guagq thar Ceonteina Lo & amb, dis rth heve Oh ahead been Avoped , maintain “Leminiowy Slumber at doopn. Step 5: Examine ty |6 Bd ae adjacey- to only ene ober 1 avd oop toa Petr. Cape, Hf ony tn tate Pee tem Pir WMH any 4 pnich alwode been Looped. lip ts Fam doe “oR Bua bebreen ol He dorms — fRvevated be each Roop:Ep. Conghur K Map Oud simplity the Obtained Sy presion ving Stven tok, tebe, 6 Lip lp & , x The Produr tern fb Oo o° 2 Bt o Ditty Ftanchey ofp L - o atmim | 4 ot | 0 Pec Abe oe. eee fo © ( . os Gt a i cle, ae ' eo | | ( Sept: Shue are No Vkcbted Mes % rep & Tine ore To 386Ottus fp 3s her ene Quad Aimed oy lle MOF shea Prt 4'n heve Aovped Reno wise fh thin Gust Hoop & A Celine wine AA datn Qua Avopo. Fiesy Sp pension ALA e( = all @ Motes Sf Re Rak Aoop a Pair one Us ehlo Ekiminatry , 7 Aoop Qua to Vanrgle, alent ey & St we oop Olt three Lbresl, Ltininated , Epa: im plety toe elon Lpprenion thi kk- Map fi. ABTD ABCD + Aacp + ARcD tA RCD I~ Pap + Pr. Sued loop Commer Ferry fm FS ¢ ABS B ermmen Ken tomy tam i PO + toe = AR ee Vartedlo be 1eD Hep: Feil 1's Li Bteparcive Prctuer term Steprs - Shur G OMe Jetted “4° Whee Proolee tenn AR cD tepe: Droo aw no B¢teto Sept: Trae G or Quad BNth Aeulin BD hey Coroment term fom Zoo BG Coton S DMeeps: Alt tye a's ax mapped epee, Prep Spprnvion ® [fEAReD + ap] fe: bs Simplity the belo Eppreveien) Univ Knapoo 1 OM YS Conbtnationel Gpuented aye Great Combination? Wgic Cheeta z oy Combinaterep Chrtvif ot any anerpup the OMtpuk entt Ae pends ary the Cnpuks Prego ak top meter, Om Hoe Serign BF Crerbireteuad Cieuits PND, OR, No? Operations aw Pregyuived « Epamples o Combine Hosp Prior [alu biett , Multipleyer, Retrultiploper Ewtedorn, Re todewn , Parity guasetts [Chouters ete- > ~ Cheatin oe Hots Nader 3 Hol Pater & % Gmblvericuef by Coo i Loy Chirk} wht 2 Aedgvad oY recting, ome kp ok Fre od ore And Grete. Sho holt crolder Chorenir es tuo inputs A ao B, WNeb ola hyo Empat Nyitn Ard GPrermra a “Sum & ¥ Caery" trop ‘numbers We Tap Obtetved G Arp on Camy.. uy PMs & Caller Heth Rader Ciruit.Ep-ok Fats, 70 find pote Ord Prddey i th adder Nich Awe} Produ, to oxtpeds. Tho Liar tro Enpubs ane A av B avd third fan : She cutpetn are cleripreted ow Sum & Cont: Chrett?s . Sam = of & Cem bP Sup_ Loser Expeenien a Sum = ( A xh i) KA Crm ~ AGL) OCn (A Aro) oR ConA xb.0) = (Ab) + Cin (A@B) Cont = + | ~~ poo 0 It ~~ 7+8-c000f Dpplianont . Half fatter i Use én Cotculatss, Computern , Rigiter een, Revites Quy Adder > Usee] on Multiple bit adblition, fgitap Prowotl ett- --Hultiporer ie A amul Hp exer ( ab0 Rye wy a Mux) defined ox Commbivaaef Chreui Hoar Aetects one Of Aeverap Olata Em putin Ard foods tt to Ahe Outpub. Mulkiplepers Ae ahi Kuoon a4 lata Aelortty. Multiplepers tot ave built hom Aogic er termed 03 Misitap Multip Leper sanles, ove Und & Bigtine Appiicanons.© PL Nutkpleser in x oltep Cfreutp thar Aeleeta + one of te mn! data énpuly On Aledrd CF toe output. he Aalachby Of ene OF tye 97) énpuls 2 clone by — So Aoler ane of ct a 2 need ‘am! Selocr Léros Auch toe en J. Ki Mallplerer <— pte | amultiperer > a Algctay Tulip per tap hes fur dar inputs, Aro Felaur Mrs, and one seapm ovtpub, TO buplenat | y-to-| Nux We need A AND Cot, a4 OR Gate Ard | 2 Not Gates ay a fal Me cur inputa ave Lertgaareg 24 Dp Di, Dn, D3 , Pho Aelecr duets dong . &s 4 we Ob oO y: Gy rae) Lig | Ctpuatt - Eppreriton > Ge DoF + DSS F515 DS"BAG OE bol Solocr impala geo, 5-0 ben -topmatr AnD ger b erabled Ane al oer Anp Cale clisabod. Jo Olan Enpuk DS Aeleetee Ong tawmiltes of OMtpur. Hence we per Ourpur” fr OF boty Seley enpuro Hol, 421 ten bottommat Ano fer 6 epete) oad Otyer AND Gate cletestog. So Atte tp Dy & selected avg owseltted of OUtpar. Hin, Yds. Teal Teele: Dee Muthplever $- P Semnultiplerer ba oak Mardi. Ped AbeNup St 5 Guile Opprth to Me Ste Prot a taMue Linfiuration fom Oe Empup And Pane ittag Oey _ one Of many OEP: fal: ) De t The BR te Aemultipleper Cornatst, OF Of fopubk, Buy ourputy , ing treo Contest Linas .cep) Tha Enpup Bit The impur BE Ds Yo, 1, 1 6h. dequimthes +o four app bth, R)diuing = When SS 2 O1 OPper a pro bo erablad nile Other Amn FS © clotted - Thuy ate Sp D> tonomilted oF 4 St Da doo YS dev & it DS Mm tro Nghe Lo tht Am Gare oom top Arvz Sp SS Crab aug Aowatutug oakley, D i Pavouittes 4p Mtper Yo: Ps a gz a olp 4 ——— bee Logica reedbb cop. @ ot Hulkeplevey :. Ao Rt 1 multiple bo A 'gctop emulkpleper that has two ata ome Beler Aine -nd Me output Mux be = “I 8 Gates. Cops , Te Comp lame -t-! AND Gales an OR Ale and 2 Not Um a &:} Mux tro cmputy are Atatyroted De, Py, | detec F6re# a Sand Leyte Syubel [) 5 : . y ol y D { Ds + PiS a - wearing JS tua fopak Seo" Koen Ane” a el Sp late emablea and AnD cixebled ve “ tmpak Dy Seend 274 transom ted TO MM Hence we ger oMtp or VePo Of Setee Epa S| then Ande © and PNPt disabled, Jo dee Adlecng and tanon'Hey t enabled Em por D, Curpur. Hente NE ger pee YeDr .ee © RS ¥ ° Do | 1 Dy | a pr) Begun s- The JX demultip erer _ Comisty Of one Cmput, Ro Mubputs and | Actor Aine - Ctrath 9 , Eppeenton rests Trafe —% 0 = DS a) Y, % 7 Try, ple Lowe fyb QDhe dmput S ‘D bith s as Selece Aigrap Oud %, as two cutpts. WALMg T= ASben Seo AND! % enabled Me Anpe ~ Slisabiag . Oh oleate yp Po Benamittey at % Ds lw Xb oot Diy neh % & Ash Up Se] Preps enasug , APP! ctiaab td . Dea Up Bo trensmttad ab % >@ Emeders + - An Encedev b « ae —. Civeuth thar Converts binary infimction inte N ’ , Pam of 2 Q) dopab dines Cote N ctpur Ane Which Aepresent N bit Code fs tye ao Sieople Encoder , ct aAtkve em pak adyernec| thap el, oe enpub dine & be: Consider Otte+ +o Binerg (2x3) Encoders. in Fetlowing Azure, an oct Einarg tote, & inpup Atnes On| GRneretes at a tme. Aig Bown encoder 3 orpur Aines. Do Dr * De. ——} EA y Ds Encoder |—___> Z,© Az deen dom try tbl | the Uipur & 900 Aen Dy > alkve s 001 Yen DiS Behe: O10 ten Dy 5 ace Aud “wo om. Céreutt Denplementetion !- / Fam the trite table, toe eMtpt tine Zi Active When eopub ocr agi 5 13 SAF. Nt ry gy tanen epee Ocrep ath 4 eee . . arr 2b bE at & x at fp. Cwper OUP icfe — Bodean Punto; “Duld be X= Dy rds tg te Yon Dat Dat Pete Zz D,+ D3 tds t De Dat Ds tet Ot Cinait :- Du R ae as OF > Do Da tD2t Det 3 yp—_ re oO = 03 D ; Dit DatDs TZ 2= pis oy . 2 .Recoder :- PL decoder oloes He Oppatte Job af an Emwecer. St & A Combinationey Cireah foap Comerts “a dine of tnpur Bato AP 247 tines eee So see ee ee eee Tear ‘Table !- fle err a, eas ‘SoD, De De Doe Dz Dz “a 6S o { ° * 2 os @ oo 2 ef Oo | 6 20 ec 2 oto See te ee 2 | at Soe (ee 2 2 | 2 6 eco0o le 8 Se fot 552 Oo fe 8 5S 6 ae OF te ( l © eee aa of o an 5 Pinplament=Hen i= Do & Nigh hen %=0,%o0,Z=0,In Ix IX Do = IN ON N IN ox ih (x ; 1 . D) = N IN a IN A~ XY Kx XK vow u Ww te a ie a fA (@\ X7N KON yan AON bile nA RH nA
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The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer
Siddhartha Mukherjee
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
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Steve Jobs
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Steve Jobs
Walter Isaacson
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Bad Feminist: Essays
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Bad Feminist: Essays
Roxane Gay
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Angela's Ashes: A Memoir
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Angela's Ashes: A Memoir
Frank McCourt
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The Yellow House: A Memoir (2019 National Book Award Winner)
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The Yellow House: A Memoir (2019 National Book Award Winner)
Sarah M. Broom
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
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Yes Please
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Yes Please
Amy Poehler
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
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Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America
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Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America
Gilbert King
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The World Is Flat 3.0: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century
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The World Is Flat 3.0: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century
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The Outsider: A Novel
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The Outsider: A Novel
Stephen King
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The Art of Racing in the Rain: A Novel
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The Art of Racing in the Rain: A Novel
Garth Stein
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A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
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A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
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A Heartbreaking Work Of Staggering Genius: A Memoir Based on a True Story
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A Heartbreaking Work Of Staggering Genius: A Memoir Based on a True Story
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Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln
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On Fire: The (Burning) Case for a Green New Deal
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Rise of ISIS: A Threat We Can't Ignore
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Rise of ISIS: A Threat We Can't Ignore
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Fear: Trump in the White House
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Manhattan Beach: A Novel
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The Unwinding: An Inner History of the New America
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