Chemistry: The Key To Our Future: Dr. Ravinder Singh
Chemistry: The Key To Our Future: Dr. Ravinder Singh
Chemistry: The Key To Our Future: Dr. Ravinder Singh
Chemistry has a central role in science, and synthesis has a central role in chemistry. The synthetic chemists should
focus their efforts to merge it with other fields to produce more interdisciplinary science. Chemical synthesis has
now reached an extraordinary level of sophistication, but there is vast room for improvement. The 3Rs (reduction,
recycling and reuse) of resources are particularly important. Such 'green chemistry' is creative and brings about
prosperity, and at the same time takes responsibility for society at large. Green chemistry must therefore be
promoted and supported by the scientific community as well as by governments, industry, and all other sectors of
society. Science is destined to be more closely involved with society in this century. It should be no surprise that
'Chemistry: the key to our future' is the slogan of the 2010 Chemistry Olympiad, to be held in Tokyo.
IJSRSET151119 | Received: 21 Jan 2015 | Accepted: 29 Jan 2015 | January-February 2015 [(1)1: 122-124] 122
human existence, but furthering our understanding globally produced chemicals are made using
of precise biological mechanisms through chemical catalytic processes. The importance of efficient
biology and chemical genomics aided by advanced heterogeneous, homogeneous and biological
biomolecular imaging technologies will lead to the catalysts2 is continually increasing. Practical
discovery of rational and more effective drugs in catalysts must enable reactions that are rapid,
the post-genome era. capable of being scaled up, and selective in the
products formed. Molecular catalysts displaying
Although the properties of molecules and their chiral efficiency that rivals or exceeds that of
assemblies remain unpredictable solely from their enzymes are highly desirable3-5.
constituent elements, the possibilities for atomic
and molecular manipulation are unlimited. At the same time, industry demands the
Chemical synthesis provides a logical basis for the development of thermally stable, salt-, poison- and
biosciences and materials sciences, and their acid/base-resistant synthetic enzymes, because
technological applications. Synthetic chemistry naturally existing enzymes are not robust. Catalysis
enables the flexible manipulations of elements — is thus critical to the production of commodity
we can create value-added substances from chemicals and also new substances in research
abundant natural resources such as oil, coal and laboratories. In providing a path of lower activation
biomass. In principle, we can create molecules that energy, however, it does not improve the ability to
have all kinds of properties at will. In view of the conduct endothermic processes, which require the
very nature of chemistry, its integration with other investment of extra energy or the use of special
research fields will have enormous scientific and product-separation technology to shift chemical
technological impacts. Chemical synthesis has now equilibria to favour the formation of a desired
reached an extraordinary level of sophistication, but product.
there is vast room for improvement.
There are many reactions that do not work under
Looking at the course of human history, we see that thermal conditions. To enhance the power of
man-made substances and materials have played a synthetic chemistry, photosynthetic catalysis
significant part in determining the quality of life. enabling otherwise energetically forbidden
Although chemical synthesis has now reached an transformations needs to be explored in greater
extraordinary level of sophistication, there is still depth. Similarly, current step-by-step organic
vast room for improvement. Chemical synthesis syntheses must be a combination of all
must pursue 'practical elegance'1 that is, it must be thermodynamically downhill reactions, limiting the
logically elegant but must at the same time lead to overall efficacy. Therefore, cascade syntheses6, or
practical applications. Many of the stoichiometric those that combine multiple components in a single
reactions used at present, although useful, can and step7, are particularly appealing. An intricately
should be replaced by more efficient catalytic designed device that can integrate multiple catalysts
processes. Catalysis has been, and will remain, one along with suitable cofactors to achieve this without
of the most important research subjects, because the necessity of human intervention is a worthy
this is the only rational means of producing useful goal.
compounds in an economical, energy-saving and
environmentally benign way. More than 80% of