Section Two

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Section Two: Teacher Candidate Background Experiences


Being a teacher was not always in my cards, although it was certainly something that I

often considered. It wasn’t until I began my own family and started to really think about what I

saw myself doing in the future that I seriously considered teaching. I have always had a passion

for learning and expanding my own knowledge, and it is from my own love of learning, that my

desire to be a meaningful educator begins. My sister and brother in law are both truly inspiring

teachers and listening to their stories and their passion for education over the last 10 years has

kept the teaching profession at the back of my mind while I pursued my own education in a

different direction.

In section 1 I introduced you to this Portfolio project and went over what you can expect

in each section. Section 2 is a reflection of my past experiences that have shaped me into the

person I am today and the type of educator that I strive to be. In this section we will explore my

educational and work experiences, philosophy of education, school observations, classroom

applications, my personal resume and a conclusion summarizing the importance of my journey to

become an educator thus far. It is my hope that you will get a sense of why I have chosen to

become an educator as well as a sense of my passion and drive to be the best educator I can be.

Teacher Candidate Educational Background and Work Experiences

Educational Background

When I think back to my own educational experiences, I am grateful to admit that I had

very positive experiences all the way through. Of course, I had some teachers that were not so

memorable, but the memorable teachers I have encountered over the years have all served to
make a lasting impression and have all shaped my understanding of what being a truly incredible

teacher entails.

One of my most memorable teachers was my Grade 4 teacher. This particular teacher

created a special bond with every pupil that he encountered, and this bond enabled him to foster

a love of learning in each and every one of them. He had amazing story telling skills and treated

each lesson as a true learning moment. It was this year that I really sparked a love for learning

because my teacher made it so fun and exciting. I remember so much of what I learned in Grade

4, simply because my teacher took the time to come up with an interesting way of presenting the

material to us, usually in the form of some really engaging story. Reflecting back on how much I

enjoyed Grade 4 and realizing how much of it was made so enjoyable by my teacher’s love of

learning, I know that I will strive to create this type of learning environment for all of my

students in the future.

I was in the Extended French program from Grade 5 until Grade 12. The program eased

students into the French language by starting with basic vocabulary in Grade 5 and gradually

immersing us in the language until our classes were taught completely in French. This was a

challenging program since I had no previous knowledge of the French language, nor did my

parents. Given this, our teachers were our main support systems and we also relied on our class

mates. I was very lucky that our class was quite small (about 20 students), and it stayed that way

right through High School. The experience of going through school with the same students

meant that we were all quite close. It was a very humbling experience to know that I had a solid

set of peers on whom I was always able to rely on and go to with questions or concerns. My

experience with my teachers was also very positive. The teachers understood that we chose to

challenge ourselves by embarking on our education journey in a foreign language, and they were
all so incredibly supportive and encouraging. All of my teachers were there to provide extra

support when needed and always made us feel comfortable to admit that we were struggling. My

experience in the Extended French Program will prepare me to be a positive educator by

reminding me that teachers should act as a support system for their students – they should strive

to help their students and support them in and out of the classroom.

In University, I embarked on a very special journey – an exchange year abroad in Paris,

France. Going to school in a different country enabled me to grow as a person in so many

different ways, all of which will allow me to be a better educator. To start, it opened up my eyes

to a different culture and to many new people with differing ways of life than my own. It is

important that teachers understand that every single one of their students is unique. My

experience abroad allowed me to interact with individuals from all around the world, embracing

our differences and learning so many new things. Reflecting back on this experience, I believe

that it has made me understanding and respectful of peoples’ differences and backgrounds, which

is an important quality of a good teacher and something that I will be able to take into the


I am so fortunate to have had so many positive learning experiences over the years. All of

my experiences have shaped me into the person that I am today, and I can only hope that I will

be able to bestow upon my students the same sort of positive experiences that I had throughout

my education.

Work Experiences

My work experiences have pushed me toward the education field by allowing me to

reflect on what I really want out of my life. During my Master’s Program, I had a co-op position

with the Federal Government of Canada working on Employment Equity Legislation. It was here
that I realized I could not see myself working in an office setting. It was also here that I realized I

wanted a career where I could have a direct impact on the world. Working on Employment

Equity Legislation was very abstract and I was not able to see the direct effect that my work had

on the population, which was frustrating to me. I realized that, to get fulfillment out of my work,

I needed a career where I could see the direct impact of my work. This made me think about new

possible career opportunities, and this is when the idea of becoming a teacher entered in the

realm of possibilities.

My sister is a teacher, and we were out on a run one morning talking about my future

when she suggested I should go into teaching. It made me think back to all of the students that

she has taught over the years and has been able to leave a positive, lasting impression on. It also

made me reflect back on the teachers that I had and the way that they fostered in me a love of

learning. It was then that I realized that this was my calling.

I was fortunate to get hired with the District School Board of Niagara at McKay Public

School as a Levelled Literacy Intervention Tutor shortly after this. This experience made me

absolutely certain about my decision to go into the teaching profession. I went to the school four

days a week and worked with a group of students in Grade 3 who were all struggling readers.

This experience was so humbling as I was able to provide support to a group of students who

really needed it. Each day we worked on their reading skills and it was a truly profound feeling

when I was able to see improvement. It was during this experience that I realized, without a

doubt, I wanted to be a teacher. You get a feeling of pride when you are able to help your

students succeed, and it was through this experience that I was able to fully understand how

rewarding this profession is.

School Observations and Classroom Application

I was fortunate to have observed at two different schools and have been able to reflect on

these experiences so that I may apply them to my own teaching. I think that the process of

reflection is so important so that I may grow as an educator. I observed things that I would do in

my classroom to improve the learning process, and I also observed things that I would not in my


First Field Experience.

My first experience was in a Grade 3 classroom at McKay Public School in Port

Colborne, Ontario. I came into the classroom a few times a week and helped the teacher provide

extra support to her struggling readers. All of the students that I worked with were struggling

readers at a lower reading level than they should be for their grade level. It was really interesting

for me to see that some students had problems with phonics, while others excelled at phonics but

had issues with comprehension. The session was basically run like a round robin, with students

taking turns reading. We would start a new book each time and students would take that same

book home to re-read with their guardians. While the students read, I monitored for fluency and

comprehension. After the book was read, we would do a short phonics or grammar activity with

the students using whiteboards.

I witnessed quite a bit of improvement throughout the last few months, and there were

even some students that I stopped working with all together because their reading level improved

substantially. It was really rewarding for me to see this change happen.

Best Practice and Classroom Applications.

The best practice that I observed was an incentive system. Students were required to

bring home a new book each night to read with their guardian, and they were supposed to bring

the book back to school the next day. The teacher created a reading log and had the students’
guardians sign the log confirming that the student read the book and once the book was returned

to school, the student got a sticker on their reading log. For every 10 stickers (or every 10 books

returned to school) the student got a prize. This incentive system was used to encourage students

to read and bring their books back to school. It also got students excited about the reading

program. I found that when I called on students to come and read during a math lesson, they

were always eager to come with me. However, if the students were in a computer period, they

were quite reluctant to come and read. Having this incentive system got them a bit more excited

about coming to read. It is important for me as a future teacher to observe this best practice as it

is something that I might be able to implement in some shape or form to get students to do

something. It might not necessarily be a sticker and prize system to get students to bring books

back to school, but I could implement an incentive system such as a money or point system

where students get money or points for doing a good deed.

The idea of an incentive system falls in the category of Positive Behavior Intervention

Services, where you have a behavior system that focuses on positive behavior as opposed to

negative. It is rewarding the students that are making positive choices (or in this case bringing

their books back to school), and not rewarding the students who are making negative choices.

Those students who are not bringing their books back to school are not given a sticker and their

action is ignored. The incentive system is a great tool for classroom management. It also goes

along with B.F. Skinner’s Operant Conditioning theory (1963), which is all about modifying

behavior to modify the environment. Skinner advocated for the frequent use of reinforcement, or

rewards, to modify and influence student behavior. Personally, I see the use of compliments,

encouragement and positive reinforcement as a very strong component of classroom

management. It goes hand in hand with building positive and strong relationships with the
students. If they feel that you care and are happy when they do good work, they will continue to

try hard to continue receiving those positive reinforcements.

I also realized quickly how important it is to establish rules right from the start. When I

first started working with groups of students, I wasn’t sure of how it would work, and I did not

establish any rules. Students began talking out of turn and no one raised their hand when they

wanted to talk. I became more enlightened on the importance of established rules and routines.

When I got new groups of students to work with, I made sure to incorporate this new knowledge

and begin with my rules for the reading group. Having students raise their hands to ask questions

and wait until someone was done reading their page until they asked a question made our time

together more efficient. I will definitely take this knowledge and work hard on establishing rules

and routines right from the start when I start teaching in my own classroom. I have seen how it

improves student learning by creating a more efficient learning environment.

Second Field Experience.

My second experience was in a Grade 4 Extended French classroom at Princess Elizabeth

Public School in Welland, Ontario. I started volunteering there in January 2018 and went at least

once a week for the full day. Princess Elizabeth School is in a predominantly low-income area in

a small town. The students were quite diverse in terms of ethnicity and a large population of

students were on IEPs or identified as having a learning disability. There were 25 students in the

class and 11 of them were on IEPs. Princess Elizabeth School offers the Extended French

Program, and also has regular English classes as well. The class that I was volunteering in is part

of the Extended French Program and the students had been in the program since Grade 1. The

majority of their classes were taught completely in French, aside from ELA, Gym and Art.
I observed a lot of different lessons while I was volunteering in this classroom. I observed

Math, French, ELA and Science lessons. The teacher’s lessons did not involve her giving her

class endless amounts of information. Rather, she began each of her lessons with a small exercise

to get the students thinking, would teach them a new concept and then have them work in small

groups on some sort of hands-on activity to get used to the new concept. While students worked

on the activity, she was able to circulate and assist students who required assistance. She made a

good effort to get around to every group of students and address any misconceptions. She came

across as a very effective teacher in the sense that she ensured to address any misunderstandings,

and always made sure that she had an adequate amount of time to address students’


In particular, I really enjoyed observing her math lessons. Each lesson began with the

class answering questions up on the Smart Board. The questions made students think in different

ways, and the teacher ensured to call on numerous students to answer each question. She had

students respond and explain how they got their answer and allowed other students to share

alternate ways of getting to that same answer, which I really thought was effective. She always

ensured to incorporate some sort of hands-on activity so that students were able to fully

understand the idea. It was nice to see a class of students really engaged, especially in a math

lesson. I think the fact that they were utilizing blocks and other manipulatives made it that much

more engaging than simply answering questions on a sheet. When students got off task, she was

able to call on them and get them to quickly refocus their attention to the task on hand.

Best Practice and Classroom Applications.

I was lucky to observe many best practices throughout my observations at Princess

Elizabeth School. The one that really stuck out to me was the teacher’s excellent classroom

management skills. The teacher had such a strict structure of routine that each student knew

exactly what they were supposed to be doing and what was happening next, so it was easy to

keep everyone on track. It was truly an example of effective classroom management. Students

never seemed confused and always had an idea of where the class was headed. As soon as the

students got to their desks they were all required to pull out a book (any book of their choice)

and read silently for 10 minutes. This allowed students to transition quietly and efficiently. The

teacher also tried to stick to specific routines for work, such as, every Monday the students

would take out their “ELA Yellow Duotangs” and complete a grammar worksheet. This way,

students know what is expected of them at all times. Classroom management is such an

important aspect of the learning environment, so it was really beneficial for me to observe a

well-managed class. I was able to witness how a good structured routine brought about great

classroom management and enhanced students’ learning.

Another best practice that I observed was the arrangement of the classroom. Students’

desks were formed in groups of 4. The teacher explained to me that she strategically assigned the

groups so that each group would be a good mix of strong and struggling students so that, if they

had work to complete, there would be peer groups right at their desk and students would be able

to help each other. She also strategically placed her most struggling students at the front of the

class and, having all of these students close together, was able to focus on them when they were

completing assignments.

I also observed the students using signals so that the teacher could determine if they had a

question, or whether they simply had to use the restroom or wanted a drink from the water
fountain. If students raised their hand and were holding up 1 finger, that signaled that they had to

use the restroom. If their hand was raised and they were holding up 2 fingers, that signaled that

they wanted to go to the water fountain. If the student had their whole hand raised, they had a

question for the teacher. This way, if the teacher was in the middle of a lesson, she could avoid

interruptions and decide to only answer students who had their hand up with an actual question

regarding the lesson.

One best practice I observed was actually not being implemented the way that it should

be. The teacher had a part of the board dedicated to agenda for the day. It included the date, day

of the week and listed the periods and subjects going to be taught that day during each period.

This would be an example of a best practice, however, every time I went into the class the date

and subjects remained unchanged. The teacher should have changed the date and subjects every

day, however, it remained unchanged for weeks on end. This could be a best practice by

allowing students to see the agenda for the day and get them into a routine.

Marzano (2003) argues that communicating rules and clarifying expectations is key to a

smooth-running classroom. He discusses the importance of effective discipline and being

prepared for class. I think that this teacher did an outstanding job at communicating rules and

clarifying expectations and I was actually able to observe how this created a smooth-running

classroom. There was not a single time that students did not know what they were supposed to be

doing. Her classroom management style also made me think of Wong (1998) and his ideas of

establishing structure and routines in the classroom from the very beginning.

Reflecting on this experience has allowed me to think about what the classroom would

look if the teacher was unorganized and if there were not any routines implemented. I can

honestly say that it would look a lot different than the class I observed. I can only imagine the
chaos that would be created and the confusion for the students. The routine that this teacher has

built has allowed for effective student learning to take place. Effective teaching and learning

cannot take place in a poorly managed classroom.

This observation also taught me a lot about effective and engaging instruction, which

made me think back to Marzano (2003) and his idea of being creative and imaginative in daily

lessons to keep students engaged. The students were always actively engaged, and I think that

this reduced the prospect of them being inattentive. When students had finished an assignment

before others, the teacher always had extra work for them. She was able to create a balance in her

lesson for those students who were struggling, those who needed enrichment and for all of the

students in between.

Philosophy of Education


My philosophy of education is still a work in progress. With every classroom I enter and

every course I complete, my philosophy changes and grows. I can only imagine once I start my

career, that I will reflect back on my ideas below and expand on all my current thoughts on

education. Below is my philosophy regarding the school, the curriculum, learning, the learner,

assessment, classroom management and the teacher.

The School.

The school is one of the most powerful institutions in society and should be treated as

such. The school plays one of the most important roles in a society, it bears the responsibility of

educating our youth and creating productive citizens. The ultimate goal of the school is to create

productive and engaged citizens. We are educating our students to help them grow and become
contributing members of society. In order to reach this goal, schools need to be able to facilitate

relevant and effective learning. Being responsible for cultivating the minds of our youth, the

school should be given an infinite amount of funding to be most effective. Given that schools are

responsible for producing productive citizens, education must be available and free for all

citizens. It is imperative that access to education is universal and equal.

Each school should bring about a feeling of community and belonging. The physical

building needs to be welcoming and make students feel safe and empowered. If the building is

comfortable and students feel welcomed, learning will be able to take place effectively. The

school is there to help students learn and understand the world around them.

The school also needs to engage with the larger community to allow students to connect

their learning with the outside world. Schools should give students ample opportunities to

explore and engage with their peers and within the community.

The Curriculum.

The curriculum, including all of a student’s experiences in the educational process,

should be first and foremost student-centered. It is of utmost importance that the curriculum

takes into consideration that every student has different needs and different learning needs. There

is no one size fits all curriculum that will benefit each student.

Given that it is the schools’ duty to educate the next workforce, the curriculum needs to

be relevant in terms of creating productive citizens. The curriculum needs to be ahead of the

game and teach students the necessary skills that are going to be required when they enter the

workforce so that they may contribute to society. To this end, the curriculum should ultimately

be interdisciplinary rather than compartmentalized by subjects to ensure that connections are

made between disciplines. We need to understand that there is explicit and implicit curriculum
and we need to take great steps to ensure that whatever we do in our classrooms is meaningful

and relevant.

The curriculum should provide for collaboration between students. Students learn by

interacting and engaging with their peers, so the curriculum should allow for ample opportunities

to collaborate. Collaboration should be held to a higher regard than competition. Competition

creates stress, which can hinder optimal learning, whereas collaboration should stimulate further



I draw on many different philosophers when I think of my own philosophy of education,

but in terms of the role of a teacher and the learning process, I am really drawn to William

Bagley and essentialism. Learning needs to be effective and it needs to be very structured and

ordered. School and learning should happen efficiently.

I also draw a lot from Vygotsky and social constructivism in the sense that we need to

encourage our students to experiment in order to learn. I believe that a lot of emphasis should be

placed on collaboration and group learning. We are social creatures and we learn from our

interactions with others, so group work is a very effective way for students to learn.

Gone are the days of rote learning and memorization. Teacher instruction should be brief

and consist of activities that allow students to demonstrate and apply their understanding of

various concepts. Following the realist approach, I believe in the idea of sensory learning for

students to be engaged and learn new material.

Teachers need to understand that every single student learns differently and teachers

should rely on differentiated instruction in order to tap into all of these diverse learning needs.

Learning should be constant and students should be constantly building upon their prior
knowledge to extend their learning to the fullest. Teachers should continually reflect on past

lessons and assess students’ understanding to ensure that students have mastered a concept

before moving further.

Technology should be seen as both a means and a tool to relate to students and expand

their knowledge. Children today have grown up with technology and it is something that they

expect in their classrooms. Teachers need to draw upon this fascination with technology to make

learning engaging and connect with their students. Students also need to learn new technologies

in order to keep up with trends in the workforce and the world at large.

The Learner.

The most important thing for teachers to understand about their students is that no two

children are alike, especially in the way that they learn. Every student has different learning

styles and needs and teachers need to make it a priority to figure out how to connect with each

student so that they can reach their full learning potential.

Children are curious and teachers need to allow them to explore their curiosities for that

is how true learning will take place. Here, I draw on constructivist theories about student-

centered learning and discovery learning. Children learn the most when they are actively

exploring and learning by doing. Students do need to be guided by the teacher to ensure that they

learn everything that is in the curriculum, but they should still be able to make some of their own

choices. The teacher should serve as a facilitator of learning and allow the students to interact

and engage with activities that are hands on. Students should be able to take control of their own

learning, and in order to do this, teachers need to allow them to have time to explore on their

own and with their peers.

Assessment should be used as a tool for growth and not to generate competition.

Assessment and documentation is important to use to track observations and reflect on learning


The teacher should incorporate many different forms of assessment and observations to

ensure that all students’ learning needs are being considered. While some students might perform

outstandingly on presentations, others may lack the skills necessary to truly demonstrate their

knowledge in that form. It is very important that students are able to showcase their learning in

different forms. A best practice would be to allow students a choice between different


It is important to understand that assessment is not just for students. Assessment allows

teachers to reflect on their teaching methods to ensure that they are using the most appropriate

teaching methods to reach all of their students. It allows teachers to reflect and adjust their

practices so that the most effective learning can take place.

Classroom Management.

Classroom management is one of the most crucial areas to have under control so that

optimal learning can take place. Classroom management is so much more than just behaviors, it

has to do with how the classroom is organized, what the flow of the class is like, and the overall

feel of the classroom. All facets of the classroom need to be well structured so that effective

learning may take place. The way a classroom is organized is very important, students simply

won’t be able to learn in a chaotic environment. The room, materials and even students’ desks

should be thought out and organized so that learning can happen effectively.

It is crucial that teachers have an established plan for managing their class right from the

beginning. It is important to outline all routines and what to expect at the very beginning of the
school year instead of trying to deal with problems as they arise. Students should have an idea as

to what their school year will look like and what is expected of them. This way, everyone knows

what is expected and if a problem does arise, it can be dealt with in a timely manner.

Following a behaviorist approach, I believe in the use of reinforcement and rewards to

influence student behavior and assist with classroom management. The use of compliments,

encouragement and positive reinforcement are all a very important component of classroom

management. Teachers also need to strive to foster positive and strong relationships with the

students. If a student thinks that you care and are happy when they do good work, they will

continue to try hard so that they keep receiving those positive reinforcements.

The Teacher.

The teacher takes on many different roles in the classroom and in society at large. The

teacher’s most important role is that of facilitator so that the students are ultimately in control of

their learning, with the teacher acting as a mentor or guide to facilitate their learning. The teacher

should be seen as a mentor and someone that students can trust and feel comfortable with.

Teachers need to treat all students with respect and show that they care about them. If a student

thinks that their teacher truly cares, then they are much more likely to try harder.

Learning should be very engaging and hands on to be effective, and the teacher should be

observing the learning to ensure that objectives are being met.

The teacher needs to be educated in all subjects so that they can effectively teach students

all of the required curriculum. While they do not have to necessarily master in each subject, they

need to have a certain amount of knowledge in each subject in order to competently teach the

material to their students.

Teachers should remain in contact with parents and guardians of their students

throughout the school year. They should keep the families informed on how their child is

performing academically and if there are any issues. Even if there are not any issues, teachers

should strive to provide families with regular contact to let them know what is going on around

the classroom and in the school. The home-school relationship is a very important part of the

education system. Parents need to be involved in a student’s education in order to promote

growth and learning at home.


There are many ideas that make up my philosophy of education, but the most important

thing to me is that the teacher creates a safe and comfortable environment where students feel

respected and excited to learn. Learning should be child-centered with engaging, hands-on

activities where students are able to explore and ask questions to further their knowledge.

Teachers should be constantly observing and trying to improve and expand their students’

knowledge. We need to educate our children in a way that will help them become productive,

contributing citizens.



I am including a copy of my professional resume below to provide a summary of my

skills, abilities and accomplishments. My resume will highlight my experiences that are related

to the classroom and list my educational accomplishments. Being one of the first things that a

potential employer sees, I have taken great care to ensure that my resume is easy to read and

includes only my experiences that relate to teaching and showcase my professionalism.

My resume.
Alicia Cowal
12170 Gallinger St. Wainfleet, ON, L0S 1V0
phone: 289-687-1370 e-mail:


Master of Science in Elementary Education Anticipated Completion May 2019

Medaille College, Buffalo, NY

Bilingual Master’s in Public and International Affairs April 2014

Glendon School of Public and International Affairs, York University, ON

Honours Bachelor of Arts in Political Science April 2012

University of Western Ontario, London, ON

Exchange Year September 2010 – May 2011

Institut d’études politiques, Paris, France


District School Board of Niagara – Literacy Tutor November 2017 – June 2018
McKay Public School, Port Colborne, ON

• Experience teaching students who are struggling readers

• Observed and assessed student performance and kept thorough records of progress
• Taught phonics, grammar, pronunciations and comprehension strategies
• Planned sessions as per students’ needs

District School Board of Niagara November 2017 – Present

Volunteer at McKay Public School and Princess Elizabeth Public School

• Experience in classrooms from Grade 1-6

• Provided extra support to teachers
• Assessed students’ literacy levels according to benchmarks


Port Cares September 2014 - August 2015

Port Colborne Community Association for Resource Extension, Port Colborne, Ontario

• Assisted with the organization of an annual fundraising dinner and auction

• Responsible for contacting local organizations to confirm donations as well as for the pick-
up and drop off of numerous donation
• Gathered donations from local organizations for a pancake lunch to raise money for charity
Community Service Learning Program September 2011 - April 2012
Friends of Captive Animals (FOCA), London, Ontario

• Conducted research on animals in captivity which enabled the organization to garner more
• Increased awareness of captivity issues by successfully organizing and advertising an
educational event at the University of Western Ontario

International/Exchange Student Orientation September 2011- April 2012

University of Western Ontario - International Student Services, London, Ontario

• Welcomed and assisted incoming international/exchange students of diverse backgrounds

to the University ensuring a successful integration both in and out of school
• Prepared information packages which were handed out to incoming international students


Co-op Placement - Program Officer May to September 2013

Employment Equity, Labour Program, Government of Canada

• Responsible for the analysis of the mandatory reports submitted by federally regulated
private-sector employers and Crown corporations as subject to the Legislated Employment
Equity Program (LEEP) under the Employment Equity Act
• Provided support, guidance and confidential mentoring to hundreds of employers over the
phone and by e-mail on the requirements of the reports as well as the submission process
• Responsible for the vigorous tracking of submitted reports which required attention to detail

Hospitality Industry 2005 - Present

• Employed part-time in the hospitality industry throughout my education and while raising my
• Able to build business awareness and enterprise skills (hiring, scheduling, ordering, cash


Professional Development
DASA Training, 2018 – Medaille College

SMART Board, ELMO, MS Word, MS Excel, I-PAD

Available upon request

Although I have not always known that I wanted to be a teacher, I hope that this section

has provided you with insight into my experiences, values and beliefs that prove that I have what

it takes to be a meaningful and effective educator. I will always remember my own experiences

in school as positive and enlightening experiences, and I will always strive to create the same

environment for all of my students. I have learned the importance of being an engaging teacher

and the power of fostering a love of learning. I have also learned to interact with people from

different backgrounds, which will prove to be an important trait in today’s multicultural and

diverse classroom.

My classroom observations thus far have provided me with insight into many best

practices that I will implement into my own teaching. These observations have also allowed me

to reflect upon some practices that I might not implement as well. This process of reflection has

enabled me to grow and expand my own thinking about what it means to be an effective

educator. I was able to witness the power of effective classroom management on the learning

environment and understand how important it is to establish your rules from the beginning.

While my journey did not begin with the teaching profession at the forefront, I believe

that all of my experiences and the knowledge of what I want out of my life will only serve to

make me a stronger teacher. I think that one of the most important things that a teacher can do is

to instill a lifelong love of learning in their students, and I will try my best to do just that.

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