Comparing and Contrasting First and Second Language Acquisition
Comparing and Contrasting First and Second Language Acquisition
Comparing and Contrasting First and Second Language Acquisition
1. Neurological Considerations
One of the most interesting areas of inquiry in second language acquisition has been study
of the function of the brain in the process of acquisition. There is evidence in neurological
research that as the human brain matures certain functions are assigned - or "lateralized" -
to the left hemisphere of the brain and certain other functions to the right hemisphere.
Intellectual, logical, and analytical functions appear to be largely located in the left
hemisphere while the right hemisphere controls functions related to emotional and social
needs. Language function appear to be controlled mainly in the left hemisphere, though
there is a good deal of conflicting evidence.
While question about how language is lateralized in the brain are interesting indeed, a more
crucial question for second language researchers has centered on when lateralization takes
place, and how that lateralaziation process affects language acquisition. Eric
Lenneberg(1967) and others suggested that lateralization is a slow process that begins
around the age of 2 and is completed around poberty. During this time the child is
neurologically assigning functions little by little to one side of the brain or the other;
included in these functions, of course, is language. And it has been found that children up
to the age of puberty who suffer injury to the left hemisphere are able to relocalize
linguistic functions to the right hemisphere, to "relearn" their first language with relatively
little impairment. Thomas Scovel(1969) extended these findings to propose a relationship
between lateralization and second langauge acquisition. He suggested that the plasticity of
the brain prior to puberty enables children to acquire not only their first language but also a
second language, and the possibilty it is the very accomplishment of lateralziation that
makes it difficult for people to be able ever again to easily acquire fluent control of a
second language, or at least to acquire it with Alexander Guiora et al.(1972a) call
"authentic" (nativelike) pronunciation.
Obler (1981:58) notes that in second language learning there is significant right hemisphere
participation and that "this participation is particularly active during the early stages of
learning the second language."
Genesee(1982:321) concluded that "there may be greater right hemisphere involvement in
language processing in bilinguals who acquire their second language late relative to their
first language and in bilinguals who learn it in informal contexts."
2. Psychomotor Considerations
For me, the acquisition of a new language will remain a phenomenon of natural
fascination and mystery, not simply because it is a special skill of such incrediable
complexity that it remains one of the greatest achievements of the human mind, but
because it also is a testimony of how much we can accomplish within the
limitations that nature has placed upon us. We among all animals possess the gift of
tongues because we have a time to speak.
3. Cognitive Considerations
Human cognition develpes rapidly throughout the first 16 years of life and less rapidly after
adulthood. Some of these changes are critical, others are more gradual and difficult to
detect. Jean Piaget outlines the course of intellectual development in a child through
various stages:
The sensorimotor stage from ages 0 to 2
The preoperational stage from ages 2 to 7
The operational stage from ages 7 to 16
these stages with a crucial change from the concrete operational stage to the formal
operational stage around the age of 11. The most critical stage for a consideration of first
and second language acquisition appears to occur, in Piaget's outline, at puberty. It is here
that a person becomes capable of abstraction, of formal thinking which transcends concrete
experience and direct perception.
Ellen Rosansky(1975:96) offers an explanation noting that initial language acquisition takes
place when the child is highly "centered" : "He is not only egocentric at this time, but when
faced with a problem he can focus (and then only fleetingly) (fleet: a group of ships, car,
vehecals) on one dimension at a time.
The lateralization hypothesis may provide another key to cognitive differences between
child and adult language acquisition. As the child matures into adulthood, the left
hemisphere(which controls the analytical and intellectual functions)becomes more
dominant than the right hemisphere(which controls the emotional functions).
Another construct that should be considered in examining the cognitive domain is the
Piagetian notion of equilibration. Equilibration is defined as "progressive interior
organization of knowledge in a stepwise fashion"(Sullivan 1967:12), and is related to the
concept of equilibrium. That is, cognition developes as a process of moving from the states
of doubt and uncertainty (disequilibrium) to stages of resolution and certainly (equilibrium)
and then back to further doubt that is, in time, also resolved. And so the cycle continues. It
is conceivable that disequilibrium may provide the key motivation for language acquisition:
language interacts with cognition to achieve equilibrium.
The final consideration in the cognitive domain is the distinction that Ausbel makes
between rote and meaningful learning. Ausbel notes that people of all ages have little need
for rote, mechanistic learning that is not related to existing knowledge and experience.
Rather most items are acquired by meaningful learning, by anchoring and relating new
items and experiences to knowledge that exists in the cognitive framework. It is myth to
contend that children are good rote learners, that they make good use of meaningless
repetition and mimicking.
We may conclude that the foreign language classroom should not become the locus of
excessive rote activity - rote drills, pattern practice without context, reciting rules, and other
activities that are not in the context of meaningful communication.
4. Affective Considerations
Human beings are emotional creatures. At the heart of all thought and meaning an action is
emotion. As "intellectual" as we would like to think we are, we are influenced by our
The affective domain includes many factors: empathy, self-esteem, extroversion, inhibition,
imitation, anxiety, attitudes. Some of these may seem at first rather far removed from
language learning, but when you consider the pervasive nature of language, any affective
factor can conceivably be relevant to second language learning.
A case in point is the role of egocentricity in human development. Very young children are
totally egocentric. The world revolves about them, and they see all events as focusing on
themselves. Small babies at first do not even distinguish a seperation between themselves
and the world around them. A rattle held in baby's hand, for example, is simply an
inseperable extension of the baby as long as it is grasped; when the baby drops it or loses
sight of it, it ceases to exist. As children grow older they become more aware of
themselves, more self-conscious as they seek both to define and understand their self
identity. In preadolescence children develope an acute consciousness of themselves as
seperate and identifiable entities but ones which, in their still-wavering insecurity, need
protecting. They therefore develope inhibitions about this self-identity, fearing to expose to
much self-doubt.
Another affectively related variable deserves are the role of attitudes in language learning.
From the growing body of literature on attitudes, it seems clear that negative attitudes can
affect success in learning language. Very young children, however, who are not develped
enough cognitively to possess "attitudes" toward races, cultures, ethnic groups, classes of
people, and languages are unaffected.
5. Linguistic Considerations
It is clear that children learning two languages simultaneously acquire them by the use of
similar strategies. There are, in essence, learning two languages, and the key to success is in
distinguishing separate contexts for two languages. (People who learn second language in
such separate context are referred to as coordinate bilinguals; they have two meaning
systems, as opposed to compound bilingual who have one meaning system from which
both languages operate.)
One could refer to children who are acquiring a second language soon after they have
begun to learn their first language (say at age 3 or 4), or as late as age 10. For the most part,
research confirms that the linguisitic and cognitive processes of second language learning
in children are general similar to first language processes.
Adults, more cognitively secure, appear to operate from the solid foundation of the first
language and thus manifest more interference. But it was pointed out earlier that adults, too,
manifest errors not unlike some of the errors children make, the result of creative
perception of the second language and an attempt to discover its rules apart from the rules
of first language. The first language, however, may be more readily used to bridge gaps that
the adult learner cannot fill by generalization within the second language. In this case we do
well to remember that the first language can be facilitating factor, and not just an interfering