Esei Bi 2010
Esei Bi 2010
Esei Bi 2010
Title: The existence of International Political Economy in our world is relevant.
International Political Economy (IPE) is term that we recently heard in our daily
life and this term is being used in every country in the world. Since this term is so
famous, why some of us still didn’t know what is it international political economy?
issues that cross national borders and with relations between and among nation-states.
International economy politic is concern with the interaction between “the state” and
“the market”. The state and the market, in turn are associated with the political pursuit
of power and the economic pursuit of wealth. There are many definitions of international
political economy and the exact definition for international political economy still can’t
find. For Adam Smith, international political economy is the science of managing a
nation’s resources so as to generate wealth. Therefore, for Marx, it was how the science
Strange believed that international political economy is concerns the social, political, and
economic arrangements affecting the global systems of production, exchange, and the
mix of values reflected therein. From all these scholar definitions, International political
economy can be seen as the relationships between the roles of politics and economy in
liberalism and Marxism were the most famous perspective that always been discussed or
IPE emerged as a heterodox approach to international studies during the 1970s
as the 1973 world’s oil crisis and the breakdown of the Bretton Wood’s system alerted
the economic foundations of the world order. Before 1970’s, the awareness of the
linkages between politics and economics were not get attention from the world because
of the influenced of the liberal school thought that considered economic and political
matter to be largely separable. The idea of Adam smith (1723-90) who was the liberal-
theorists believed that economic system will functions best with the minimal interference
from government, this thought influenced the world to follow it. Besides that, IPE
scholars such as Eugene Low also asserted that earlier studies of international relations
had placed excessive emphasis on law, politics, and diplomatic history. Similarly,
heavily on historical sociology and economic history, IPE proposed a fusion of economic
and political analysis. In this sense, both Marxist and liberal IPE scholars protested
against the reliance of Western social science on the territorial state as a unit of
This theory is about the relationship between economic activity and state power. The
central focus of mercantilism is the problem of security, the role of the state and the
“Our economic rights are leaking away…. If we want to recover these rights… we must
quickly employ state power to promote industry, use machinery in production, give
politic economy. States is the decision maker in any economic activities and promote
exports and limit import, thereby generating surpluses to create power and wealth.
Mercantilist states in efforts to increase their exports of their manufactured goods, they
did not allowed exports raw materials and technology. This is because they wanted to
limit the ability of others to develop their own manufacturing capabilities in order to
preserve and protect their national security and independent. Alexander Hamilton is the
famous mercantilist and in his report said that “not only the wealth; but also the
of manufactures…..” They also limited imports manufactured and luxury goods, and only
imported raw materials that would reduce costs for their own manufacturers. (Report on
Liberalism is the most famous theory that had been used by most of the country
in the world. Liberalism emphasizes the importance of free market and private property
right and prescribes only a limited government role in economic activities. As a liberalism
scholar, Adam Smith asserted that the trade should be free and should be specialize in
what they could do best so that they will become wealthy and powerful. Meanwhile,
liberalism argues that when people are free to make their own decisions about how to
use the resources they possess, the social welfare will be in the high levels.
In this theory, individuals and private firms can freely express their economic
preferences and the state play the role as the “invisible hand” in preventing restraints on
competition in free trade and providing public goods such as roads and other
infrastructure. State should guide the allocation of resources through voluntary market-
based transactions between individuals. At the same time, John Maynard Keynes, also a
famous liberalism scholar said that state play the important role in economic activities
and necessary to intervene regularly in the economy. This is because Keynes view that
the market generated equilibrium between production and consumption might occur at
a situation where labor and capital are underutilized. This situation can contribute to
instability in the economy system which can due to stagnation (a situation where the
economy decrease and at the same time unemployment happens). When this happened,
the demand will decrease, and production and investment also will be reduced. To
overcome this situation, Keynes emphasis the need of government to make fiscal
increase demand.
Marxist identifies the relationship among classes as the main factor affecting the
economic and the political order. Each mode of production associated with two
opposing classes; the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. The bourgeoisie is the people
that own means of production or in other words, those who are rich. On the other
hand, proletariat is referring to labour or people that work for bourgeoisie and most
of them are poor. This theory was originated from Karl Marx when the revolution of
private feudal land holding could be converted into private bourgeoisie property
when capitalism replaced the feudal make of production. This theory also known as
society. Additionally the role of state in this theory is to support and defend the
happened in this theory where bourgeoisie exploited the proletariat. In Marxism, the
that proletariat get. In order to maximized profit and generate wealth, bourgeoisie
will try to produce goods by reducing the cost of production but, the goods were still
in a good quality that can fulfill their customer demand. So the labour will be the
saving machines in this situation because they can’t refuse to accept lower
this situation, there are gab between proletariat and bourgeoisie where bourgeoisie
wealth together with power to protect their country, this is why most important actor
in this theory is state. However, liberalism did not take state as the most important
actor because they believe individual and private firms can produces more wealth
than states. This is the liberalist objective to generate wealth by making more profit.
In this theory, state only plays their role in making policies and law. On the other
hand, Marxism also did not take state as the most important actor in generating
wealth but they used state as a tool to find market for capitalists. The terms of
monopoly has exists in this theory because the competition between capitalists in
free trade in order to get market for their goods. As a conclusion, we can see that
these three major theories are still used up to nowadays. Because of each theories
has its own good, maybe if our country combine these theories and apply it; our
country will be the first class country in the world which is powerful and wealthy.
Thomas Oatley. 2010. International Political Economy (interest and institutions in global
Theodore H. Cohn. 2003. Global Political Economy Theory and Practice. Second edition.
Robert E. Goodin. 2006. The Oxford Handbook of Political Economy. Great Britain.