Diffusive and Displacive Transformation in Plagioclase and Ternary Feldspar Seriesl

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American Mineralogist, Volume 66, pages 763-769, I98I

Diffusive and displacivetransformationin plagioclase

and ternary feldsparseriesl
HeRnnRr KRoLL AND HANs-UrnrcH BeuneuBR
Institut fiir Mineralogie, Gievenbecker lile g 6I
D-4400 Miinster, Federal Republicof Germany


The temperature of the displacive triclinic/monoclhic transformatiotr, Zai"pr,of synthetic

plagioclasesand ternary feldsparswas determinedfrom high-temperatureX-ray powder pho-
tographs. To.o,increaseswith increasingAb + An content in ternary feldsparsand with in-
creasingAn content in the plagioclaseseriessuchthat plagioclasewith more than = 15 molTo
An cannot becomemonoclinic before melting. The temperaturesof the displacive and di-ffu-
sive transformationof plagioclasescoincide.K-exchangeexperimentsare usedto discussthe
Al,Si topochemistryof the samples.

Introduction Experinental
The first detailed and thorough accountof the dis-
placive transformation of plagioclasesand ternary
feldsparswas made by Laves (1952)and MacKenzie To investigatemeaningfully the displacive trans-
(1952). They determined the triclinic/monoclinic formation of feldspars the samples under consid-
transition temperatures from optical data or line eration have to be topochemically monoclinic.
splittings in X-ray powder diagrams.A study of the Becausethe temperaturesof the diffusive transfor-
transformation requires that the samplesunder in- mation are not known in the ternary feldspar field, it
vestigationbe grown with monoclinic Al,Si distribu- is impossibleto know a priori the topochemistry of
tion. Otherwise, a displacive transformation cannot the sampleswhich are to be hydrothermally synthe-
occur, and the extrapolation of extinction angles or sizedfrom gelsor glasses.Another problem in prepa-
line splittingsto zero resultsin a "simulated transfor- ration is causedby the large unmixing gap.
mation". Kroll el a/. (1980) and Kroll (in prepara- Both difficulties can be overcome by the K-ex-
tion) describe the characteristicsthat distinguish a changemethod of Viswanathan(1971).Severalsam-
"simulated transformation" from a true triclinic/ ples of low plagioclasesapproximately in the range
monoclinic change. Their investigations on alkali Aq to Anro were chosenfrom the Codett and Eber-
feldsparsare extendedin this paper to plagioclases hard (1967) collection and K-exchanged in molten
and ternary feldspars. The reader is referred to their KCI (850"C, 2-l2h). They were then dry heated at
papers for an explanation of nomenclatureand the ll00'C for l0 days. All samplesbetween Ano and
concept of treating the structural and metrical An=r, attained monoclinic cell dinensions at room
changesthat accompany the displacive and ditrusive temperature.Obviously, the (K,Ca)-microclinesinto
processes. which the plagioclaseswere convertedby the K-ex-
change had become topochemically monoclinic
(K,Ca)-sanidines.Several of these (K,Ca)-sanidines
I Secondpart of a serieson diffusive and were back-exchangedin molten NaCl (850'C, 2-
displacive transforma-
tion of felspars (Na,K,Ca)[(Al,Si)Si2O8]presentedIN MEMO-
l2h) to give topochemicallymonoclinic plagioclases.
RIAM FRITZ LAVES. The first part, "The high albite-monalbite Two sampleswere chosento prepare ternary series
and analbite-monalbil transitions," appeared n The American from the end-membersAbrrrAn,u.r-OrrrrAn,u.,and
Mineralogist,65 (l 192-l2l l, 1980). Abr22An2r.E-Orrt rALr, by homogentzingat 1000tC
/ 8r/0708-0763$02.00 763

weighed mixtures that had been pressedinto tablets cos'z(AlI l) vs.temperature.The resultantstraight line
(l kbar). In this way it is possibleto obtain topo- relationship can then be used to determine Tuoorby
chemically monoclinic ternary feldsparswhich can- extrapolationto l-cos'?(Alll) : 0 (Kroll et al., 1980,
not be directly synthesized. Fig. s).
Lattice parameters for the heat-treated, K-ex-
changed equivalents,their Na-back-exchangeprod- High temperatureX-ray powder camera
ucts, and the An , * ternary series (Tables I and 2) A Guinier-Jagodzinskitype camera that was de-
were determined by the Guinier-Jagodzinski tech- signed by Kroll (1971) and modffied by Schirmer
nique (CuKa, radiation). Further details on sample (1976)was usedto take the high temperaturephoto-
preparation and the procedureof determining lattice graphsin this study and that of Kroll et a/. (1980).Its
parametersare given by Kroll (1971) andKroll et al. main featuresare illustrated in Figure 1. The X-ray
(re80). beam (CuKc, radiation) penetratesthe sampleat an
angle of 45 degrees.The sampleholder is a Pt net of
Plagioclases 4 x 12 mm, sealedon a heat-resistantmetal frame
Only Na-rich plagioclasecan be prepared with a that is moved by * 5 mm on the focusingcircle. The
topochemically monoclinic Al,Si distribution. The furnace is a resistant-furnace,consisting of several
following sampleswere synthesized:Ano and An,, by bars of AlrO, ceramics around which a resistance
hydrothermal crystallization of gels at 1040"C, wire is wound. The bars are placed around the
P(HrO) : 5 bars for 15 days; An,o and An"o by dry sample holder and kept within a silica glass tube,
crystallizationof glassesat 1055"Cand l090oC, re- whose surfaceis coveredby Au foil to reflect the IR
spectively,for 15 days. The preparation of the gels radiation. The entire furnace is held in a water-
and glassesis describedby Kroll et al. (1980). cooled metal case.The maximum temperature that
Judging from the run duration and synthesistem- can be reachedis I100'C. This constructionprevents
peratures,the Al,Si distribution of the plagioclases any contamination of the sample during heating.
attainedequilibrium (alsocompareEberhard, 1967). . The temperatureis held constantto + 2.5oCbelow
about 500oCand + 0.5oCabove500"C by a thyris-
High temperatureX-ray meaturements tor-controller that is connectedto a ft-PtRh (DIN)
To follow the approximation to monoclinic cell di- thermocouple placed near the resistancewire. The
mensions with increasing temperature, the plagio- temperatureof the sample is measuredby a second
clasesand ternary feldsparswere X-rayed at elevated thermocouplein the immediate vicinity (0.5 mm) of
temperatures. The splitting of the (lll) line, Alll : that part of the Pt net which is penetrated by the X-
40(lll) - 40(l1l), was measuredand plotted as l- ray beam.The thermocouplewas calibrated by visu-

Table l. Lattice parameters of feldspars (a) that were prepared by K-exchange of low plagioclasesin molten KCI and subsequentdry
heat treatinent at ll00'C for l0 to 20 days, and (2) that were then back-exchangedin molten NaCl.

Sample 0r Ab An Heat treatment ax* bc d y V No.

N o .* | morFl r[ oc] t[ oays] t ffl r8l tBl tol L t"l tX'l fines
'r28.5(1) 40
i 4 s ? ( 1 1 0 )9 s . 9 0 4.1 1100 10 8 . s 7 0 4 ( 6 ) 1 J . o 3 o s (6 ) ? , 1 7 6 8 (s ) e o 1 1 s . e ? s (4 ) s o

14s5(B4) 83.s 0 16.s 1100 10 8 . 4 8 2 6 (7 ) 1 3 . o i 3 e ( B ) 7 . 1 6 4 e (6 ) e E 1 1 s . 9 6 8 (4 ) e o ?11.1(1) 37

4173( E4) 0 8 3 . 5 1 6 . 5 b a c k - e x c h a n q e dB ' 1 6 0 8 ( 8 ) 1 2 . 8 6 s 7 (B ) 7 . 1 o e e ( 6 ) e 3 . s 5 1 ( 6 ) 1 1 6 . 3 2 s ( s ) e o . 2 6 4 ( 5 ) 6 6 7 . 6 ( 1 ) 4 7

1 4 5 4 ( 1 6 6 )? 8 . 5 0 s1,s 1i00 10 8 . 4 5 8 3 ( 7 ) r 3 . o o e B (9 ) ? . 1 6 i 1 ( s ) 9 o 1is.e62( s) eo ?De.?('t) 27

1 4 8 4 ( ' t 7 o )? 4 . 7 E 2s.3 11oo 10 8 . 4 3 0 0 ( ' 8 ) 1 3 . o o 3 s (B ) z . i s s 4 ( 5 ) e o 1i5.s62( s) 90 785,2(1) 21

4'l7o(17a) a d.1639( 6) p.a742(

74.7 25.3 back-exchangE8 6 ) ? . ' t o | 7 ( 6 ) e 3 . 4 ? ? ( 5 ) 1 1 6 . 3 0 6 (4 ) e o . 3 4 s ( 4 ) 6 6 8 . 1 ( 1 ) 5 6
1 4 s 4 ( 1 s 3 )? 4 . 4 0 2s.6'1100 10 8 . 4 2 8 6 ( 8 ) 1 3 , o o 1 o (z ) ? . 1 5 6 s ( 4 ) e o 1 1 s . e s 6 (4 ) 9 0 ?o4.e(1) 22

1480(193) o 7 4 . 4 2 5 . 6 b a c k - e x c h a n q e d8 ' 1 5 5 0 ( 1 2 ) 1 z . B ? 4 3 ( 1 3 )? . 1 0 6 1 ( e ) 9 3 . 4 7 ? ( 1 o ) 1 1 6 , 2 7 5 ( 8 ) 9 0 . 4 0 4 ( ? ) 6 6 7 . 3 ( 2 ) 34

1455( 31) ?2.2 E 27.8 11OO 10 8.4141( 5) 12.eelo( s) ?.1s35( 3) eo 1 1 s . e s 4 (3 ) e o ?03.3(1) 41

' l ) ' t 2 . 8 7 6 6 ( s ) 7 . 1 0 7 7 ( s ) e 3 . 5 0 8 ( 6 ) 1 1 6 . 2 5 2 (s ) e o . 4 0 9 ( s ) 6 6 e . 3 ( 1 ) 36
1479( 3'l) O ? 2 . 2 2 7 . a b a c k - e x c h a n g e ds , 1 6 2 7 (
r+ss(ror) zz.o 0 28.0 1i00 10 8 . 4 1 7 7 ( 1 o )1 2 . e e 7 3 ( 9 ) 7 . 1 s 3 3 ( 8 ) e o 1 1 5 . e 4 1 (? ) e o ?03.8(2) 22

1 E s 2 ( 1 3 6 )6 4 . ? 0 3s.s 1tu0 20 8 , 3 9 9 9 ( 1 7 ) 1 2 . s ? 8 o ( 1 3 ) 7 . ' t4 s 6 ( 1 2 ) 9 0 . 7 1 5 ( 1 2 ) i 1 6 . i 0 0 ( 1 s ) e 0 . 0 ? 5 ( 1 3 )6 e e . e ( 3 ) 32

4431( 9i) 52.2 o 47,8 11oo 20 8 . 3 3 ? s ( 2 0 ) ' t 2 , s s 16 ( ' t ? ) 7 . 1 2 s 2 ( 1 8 ) 9 2 . 0 4 2 ( 14 ) 1 1 6 . 0 6 s ( 1 6 )e o . 3 e ? ( 1 6 )6 9 0 . 7 ( 4 ) 3 1

* Bracketed numbe!s co!!espond to the sample numbe!s of cof,lett and Eberha!d (196?).
** StandaId eDDors ars given in parentheses and refe! to the Last decimal place(s7.

Table 2. Lattice parameters of a series of ternary feldspars with a topochemically monoclinic Al,Si distribution. They were prepared
from samples(31) listed in Table I by dry homogenization at l000oC of weighed mixtures.

Sample 0r Ab An Homogehization a*i o c q

PY V No.
No.* LmorF] r[oc] tInours] t8l t fil tFl t tll tol LA J IINES

1455(31) 72.2 o 27.4 a.atzz('to) 12.ss73( e) ?.is33( B) e0 11s.941(7) eo ?03.8(2) 22

1529a 65 7 . 2 2 7, 8 1 0 0 0 26 B . i B B z ( e ) 1 2 . s s 3 3 (7 ) ? . 1 s o 2 ( s ) e o 1 1 6 . 0 0 ? (s ) e 0 780.4(1) 27
1529b 55 17.2 27.4 10EO 26 ) 0 . 1 s e ( 1 6 )6 e 6 . 5 ( 5 ) 1 e
e . s o a r ( r : ) 1 2 . 9 7 7 4 ( ' t E?) . i 4 6 0 ( 1 2 ) e 0 . z 1 B ( 1 3 )1 1 6 . 1 0 2 ( 1 2 e
1523 45 2 ' , 1 . 22 7 . 8 1 0 0 D 26 a.srse(ro) i2.s63o( a) ?.142s(6) e1.40s(B) 1i6.13?( 6) e0.23s(7) 6eE.e(2) 31
1529c 35 37.2 27.4 1EEO 26 8 . 2 7 7 4 ( e ) t z . s + o + ( e ) ? . 1 3 b 0 ( 7 ) e ' t . e e 1 (7 ) 1 1 6 . 1 7 2 (6 ) e 0 , 3 0 e ( 6 ) 6 8 5 , 3 ( 1 ) 2 9
l s33 25 47,2 2?,A 1000 16e a.246't(1s) 12.s2s\(iz) ?.i2Bo(11) e2.4s6( 9) i16.212( e) e0.345( 8) 680.?(2) 26
1326 15 5'7.2 2?,A 1000 14 8.22x( e ) 1 2 . s 1 3 6 (E ) 7 . ' t 2 1 7 ( B ) e 2 , ? a 6 ( 6 ) 1 1 6 . 2 4 2 (? ) e 0 . 3 e s ( E ) 6 7 7 . 1 ( 2 ) 3 1
't47e(3't) o 7 2 . 2 2 ?, A 8.1627( 7) 12.8766(e) 7.1077( s) e3.508( 6) 116.2s2( s) e0.40e( s) 668,3(1) 36

* Bracketed numbsrs correspond to t,he sample numbers of Corlett and Ebernard (1967).
** Standard errors are given in parentheses and refer to the tast decimal place(s).

ally observing the melting of several different sub- quired monoclinic topochemistryat ll00"C, but dis-
stancesranging between212"C and 1063'C (AgNOr, placively inverted to triclinic symmetry 61 seeling.
KrCrrOr, Ba(NOr)r, NaCl, Ag, Au). They were Their 7 anglesare definitely larger than those of syn-
placed on the sampleholder itself or usedin place of thetic high-temperatureplagioclases,which were K-
it (Ag,Au). We estimatethe accuracyof the temper- ixchanged by Kroll and Miiller, 1980 (Figure 2a).
ature measurementto t 5oC. This indicates that the two samples in question are
considerablymore disorderedthan high-temperature
Results plagioclaseswith the same An content, but without
of plagioclasesand their K-exchange further experiments it is not possible to decide
products whether they are truly topochemically monoclinic.
For monoclinic topochemistrythe room temperature
The low plagioclaseswhich were K-exchangedand monoclinic/triclinic inversion in this K-exchanged
then heated at llOOoC acquired monoclinic topo- serieswould correspondto that in the analbite-sani-
chemistry41d mel6slinic cell dinensions when their dine series.
An content was less than about 33 mol%o.Samples The a and y curves of the K-exchanged synthetic
with more than 33 mol%oAn, specificallyOr*rAnr' high-temperatureplagioclasesseparateat Ao,r-ro.
and OrrrrAnorr, retained triclinic cell dimensions, The An o lattice parameterscould not be evaluated
even after prolonged heating, as is seenfrom Figure with certainty becausethe powder diagram shows
2a. It is possible, however, that these samples ac- considerablepeak broadening, which indicates tri-
clinic geometry. We conclude that high-temperature
plagioclasesare topochemically monoclinic in the
\ - m o v e m eonfst o m p lheo t d e( r 5 m m ) compositional range Aq to Anr5-2o, but are triclinic
p-\- when the An content is greater than 15-20 moI%o.
m o t ofro r s o m p tm
e ovement
This is confrmed by a structure refinement of an
a w o t e r c- o o l efdu r n o c ce o s e An,., high-temperature plagioclase that was pre-
pared by dry heating from a low plagioclase.It was
s i t i c og l o s s t u b ew i t hA u f o i l
found to be topochemically triclinic (Kroll, 1978),
r e s i s t o n cf u
ernoce and accordingly, its K-exchange equivalent is geo-
s o m p theo t d e( rP t n et ) metrically triclinic (marked by crossesin Fig. 2a). By
contrast, Arr2r', which was K-exchangedin the low
monochromotic structural stateand subsequently heat-treated,is geo-
- r o yb e o m
metrically monoclinic, thus demonstrating its mono-
clinic topochemistry.
The structural differences between high-temper-
X - r o y t i t mo n f o c u s s i ncgi r c t e ature plagioclasesand Na-back-exchanged(K,Ca)-
Fig. l. Schematic drawing of the high+emperature X-ray sanidines are further illustrated by comparison of
camera used in this work and that of Kroll et al. (1980\. their lattice angle y (Fig. 2b). The y valuesof the Na-

= 450oCof K-feldspar with ?itn = 980oCof Na-feld-

spar (Kroll et al., 1980,Table 3).
. s y n t hh r g h - pl
l . untreoied
9r.0oi not lowplog : heot- treoted
not lowptog . |(- exchonged Displacivetransformationof ternaryfeldspars
heot- treoted
rt"l No-bock-exch Figure 3a, b demonstratesthe linear dependence
906 of l-cos'z(AlI l) on temperaturewithin the two topo-
chemically monoclinic ternary seriesOr,o-roAbrr r-r-
An,"., and Or,r-rrAbrrr-r72Arr2r", The points of inter-
902 section on the abscissacorrespondto the displacive
transformation temperatures(compare Kroll et al.,
. synthhigh-T pt : l(-exchonged 1980, Fig. 5). In Figure 4 these temperatures are
heot- treoted
9 3 + not lowplog K-exchonged
plotted vs. the Or content within the two series
o n o t l o wp l 0 g K-exchonged (curves2, 3). Curve I showsthe variation of ?:i"prin
d,d['] heot- treoted alkali feldspars (An ) that equilibrated at l000oc
(Kroll et al.,1980,Eq. l, Fig. 8). By analogyto curve
l, a parabolic fit was chosenfor curves2 and 3. The
ordinate intercept of these curves indicates the tem-
peratures at which topochemically monoclinic
9l plagioclasesAn,u, and Anr^ would become metri-
cally monoclinic if permitted by the solidus temper-
atures(compareFig. 6).

An[mot%] Ab172-572
Fig. 2. (a) Variation with composition of a and 7 anglesof Kroll
and Miiller's (1980)K-exchangedequivalentsof high-temperature :>. +
plagioclases(dots) plus K-exchanged and subsequentlyheated low
plagioclases(diamonds). (b) Variation with composition of the 7

I b
anglesof Kroll and Miiller's (1980)highaemperatureplagioclases L

(dots) plus Na-back-exchanged(K,Ca)-sanidines(diamonds). o

+ a\

=0 568

Aar, ate larger than those of the high-temperature U). Ab:rs-z:s0156
This con-firmstheir larger degreeof dis- I

order, which is anticipated from Frgure 2a where

their K-equivalents are found to be monoclinic. In 0
contrast,the K-exchangedhigh-temperatureplagio-
clasesare ldslinis when their An-content exceeds15-
20 moI%aIn Figure 2b, the An,u.,sampleplots near
the high curve becausean original high-temperature
plagioclaseof Anr6.sis closeto monoclinic topochem-
istry and thus cannot be distinguished from a Na- ro 288 716
back-exchanged(K, Ca)-sanidine. 0 sootu' looo
The (K,Ca)-microclinesdisorder much faster than T r - , . o[ yo C]
low plagioclases of the same composition when Fig. 3. Variation with temperature of the param€ter l-
heated at the sametemperature(e.9., ll00'C). This cos2lAlll; within the topochemically monoclinic series (a)
Or,o-soAb4r-r,,An,", and (b) Or15-55Ab57 2-112An27 g. The in-
is probably due to the fact that the diffusive transfor-
dicated temperatur€s of the displacive transformation, Tot"or,
mation of a (K,Ca)-feldsparoccursat a much lower fitting. Al I I : a0(l I l)
were determinedfrom linear least-squares
temperature than that of a plagioclase.Compare 7},' - 40(lIl), CuKay

1 18 " C


1000 n^, o
5U4 =6
800 an
a (J4

- E I

200 400 600 8m 1000 1200
I r - , . o[y" C ]

0 Fig. 5. Variation with temperature of the parameter l-

?0 40 60 cos2(AlI l) for four plagioclases.The intcrsectionwith the abscissa
corresponds to Tdi"elonly in caseof Aq.
Fig. 4. Variation of T6i"o1 idus curve at ! Anrs. Thus, there is only a small field
with Or contentin the ternary seriesof
Figure 3. Curve 3: Or15-55Ab57 2-17zAn r r, curve 2: Or,o-roAb735_
where (Na, Ca)-monalbiteexists.This result is in ac-
335An165. Curve I is a plot of the variation of Tai"o1in the alkali
cordance with the results obtained from the K-ex-
feldspars calculated from Eq. I of Kroll el a/. (1980) for an
equilibration temperatureof 1000'C. change experiments(Fig. 2a). The pronounced in-
crease of Tooo,with An content is as expected:
topochemically monoclinic anorthite is /ar from
Displacive transformation of plagioclases reaching monoclinic geometry even near its melting
The variation of l-cos'z(Alll) with temperatureis temperature(Czank, 1973).
plotted in Figure 5 for the four plagioclasesdescribed Three other data points (Ano,s,ro)
are plotted in Fig-
in the experimental section. The topochemistry of ure 6. They were obtained from the line splittings re-
thesesamplesis not known a priori. A comparisonof ported by MacKenzie (1952, Table l, "Crystallized
their temperatures of equilibration, [ooo, and the dry" and Table 3). They were linearized as l-
temperaturesat which the straight lines intersectthe cos'?(Alll) and extrapolatedto 939'C (Ano),967"C
abscissa,possibly representing Zooo,,gives an in- (An,), and 1023"C (tu,o). Although no crystalliza-
dication. tion temperatureswere given for the o'dry" samples,
As we discussbelow, a temperatureof intersection the extrapolation temperatures presumably corre-
that is higher than [0",, doesnot correspondto Zooo,. spond to the displacivetransition. This would not be
Otherwise,a topochemicallymonoclinlcAl, Si distri- true for MacKenzie'sAn o samplenor for any of his
bution would have acquired equilibrium in a triclinic hydrothermally crystallized plagioclases.Possible
unit cell. This is, however, a contradiction in itself reasonsfor the discrepancybetween Z*' in Mac-
because symmetrically non-equivalent tetrahedral Kenzie's and our samplesare discussedby Kroll (in
sites are energeticallynon-equivalent and thus can- preparation).
not contain equal amounts of Al (Laves, 1960).
Therefore,only the Ann samplewhere f*"1 (l040oc) Dffi sive transformation of plagioclases
) Io*p,(l005oC) is topochemicallymonoclinic. The temperature of the difusive transformation
In Figure 6, the curve of the displacivetransforma- Iu,* of Na-feldspar is = 980oC. We expect it to in-
tion in plagioclasesis drawn through the four data creasewith increasing An content based on the fol-
points available: An"(984'C, Kroll et a/., 1980, Eq. lowing reasoning.If we assumethat [,o is independ-
l), An6(1005oC, Fig. 5), An,65(ll95oc,Fig. 4) and ent of An content, a sample of Anro prepared at
An rs(l4l8oC, Fig. 4). This curve intersectsthe sol- l000oc would be topochemicallymonoclinic and its

Figure 2 of Kroll and Bambauer (1971),which was

1600 redrawn by Smith (19'14,1,Fig. 7-60). Contours are
I ['C] drawn for 25"C,500oC,and l000oC. If the samples
Or* rAnr, , and Orrr rAn T8are in fact topochemically
1400 ./'
aonsslinis, the contours continue along the dashed
curvestb the Or-An side.
1200 Transition temperaturesas given by Laves (1952)
6tidus and MacKenzie (1952) for some natural anortho-
1000 MA$l)-6
t ct.o
claseswere added. Lacking suitable data, we were
not able to redetermine these temperatures, and
therefore they are not directly comparable to our
o MocKenzie (1952)
800 o t h i swo rk
data. However, for one synthetic sample,
OrroAbroAn,o(MacKenzie, 1952, Table l), which
most probably is topochemically monoclinic, ?:i.er
600 was redetermined and is in excellent agreementwith
the contours.
Ab 10 20 30 As noted by Smith (1974,I, p. 353),the temper-
aturesfor the natural specimensare low comparedto
An[mol%] the synthetic samples(0'C to 250'C). This nlay be
Fig. 6. Variation of 766o1and Ta;6 in sodic plagioclases.As
discussedin the text, Zu,"ntand ?din are probably identical in the
due to some replacement of (Na,K,Ca) by larger
plagioclase series. For rapid cooling, therefore, the monoclinic/ mono- and divalent cations (Rb,Sr,Ba).
triclinic transition curve corresponds to the displacive In addition, Kroll e/ a/. (1980) observefrom their
transformation. For slow (equilibrium) cooling it corresponds to synthetic alkali feldsparsthat a decreaseof the equil-
the diffusive transformation. The two data pohts that plot above
the solidus curve were found by extrapolation of curves 2 and 3 in
Figure 4.
o MocKenzie(1952)
:synthetic An
' MocKenzie(1952)
"o Loves(1952)noturol
displacive inversion would occur at about 1450"C et ol (1980)
Kroll ond
(Fig. 6). This would mean that a topochemically thisworksynthetic80
monoclinic Al,Si distribution had equilibrated in a
triclinic unit cell. We reject this possibility for rea-
sonsstatedabove.Consequently,the increaseof Iai"or
with increasingAn content causesan increaseof Zo* ab
to at least the sameextent.
| -l

Furthermore, in alkali feldspars that are crystal- lt // t

lized just above T*, (Kroll et al., 1980,Fig. 8) fo*o,is

lower than 4* . This temperature difference de-
creaseswith decreasingOr content and equals zeto at ,*10/r4,';'X,';).'
Ab,oo.It is highly unlikely that a further decreaseof iiFts/'^ monoclinic
the relative size of the large cation (Na,Ca) with re-
spect to the framework size (<Si,Al - 0>) would
10 60 80 0r
cause Ii,"o, again to fall below Zainas in the alkali %l
feldspars.We have thus excludedthe possibility Zu," -['C] in the ternary system Or-Ab--
Fig. 7. Variation of Ta;"o1
( Zooo,as well as Tom) Iai"pr. Therefore, we con-
An. fdi"pr is indicated beside the data points. Contours drawn for
clude that, as for Na-feldspar, Zai.preeu&ls?u- in the 25'C, 500'C, l000oC are based on the synthetic samples.The
plagioclasesseries(Fig. 6). transition plane corrcspondsto T.qu : 1000- I 100'C. Increasing
Al,Si order within topochemically monoclinic samples due to a
Summary decreaseof 4q,ir lowers the plane (Kroll et al., 1980, Eq. 3).
Sourcesof data: Laves (1952), MacKenzie (1952), Ktoll et al.
The temperatures of the displacive transformation (1980,Eq. I for Z*,1: 1000'C), tlis paper:Figure 3 and 6 where
ofalkali feldspars,plagioclasesand ternary feldspars ?ai"pr : 1140'C is taken at ttre intersection of the curve of the
are summarized in Figure 7. This diagram replaces displacive transformation with the (dry) solidus curve.

Corlett, M. and Eberhard, E. (1967)Das Material ftir chemische
und physikalische Untersuchungen an Plagioklasen. (Tei-l I der
Laboratoriumsuntersuchungen an Plagnioklasen). Schweize-
rische Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen, 47,
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rapidly cooled, high-temperature ternary feldspars. The plane of Kroll, H., Bambauer,H.U. and Schirmer,U. (1980)The high al-
the displacive transformation is taken from Figure 7, the solvus bite-monalbite and analbite-monalbite transitions. The Ameri-
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that occur above the transition plane are Or-containing (Na,Ca)- Laves, F. (1952) Phase relations of the alkali feldspars. I. In-
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100"C causesZooo, to decreaseby 25"C to 30oC.The
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ternary feldspars were prepared from K-exchanged try of high temperature soda-rich feldspars. American Journal
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dicates approximately the highest temperatures at peraturenvon 650oCbis 900"C. NeuesJahrbuchftir Mineralo-
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We would like to thank Ms. G. v. Cdlln and Mrs. I. Schmie-
mann for their careful assistancein collecting the data and draw- Manuscript received, May 20, 1980;
ing tle figures. acceptedfor publication, January 6, 1981.

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