J Jeurceramsoc 2013 06 014
J Jeurceramsoc 2013 06 014
J Jeurceramsoc 2013 06 014
Received 26 April 2013; received in revised form 30 May 2013; accepted 8 June 2013
Available online 11 July 2013
Cristobalite is a common silica polymorph in ceramics, as it can crystallize in SiO2 -rich systems during high temperature processes. Its occurrence
in final traditional ceramic bodies remarkably affects their thermal expansion, thus playing an important role in the shrinkage upon cooling. The
quartz–cristobalite transformation kinetics is investigated by in-situ isothermal X-ray powder diffraction experiments and then correlated to the
average particle size (d) of the starting quartz using a model here developed. An Avrami-like rate equation, i.e. α(t) = 1 − exp(− k × t)n , in which
the n-term is assumed to account for the dependence on the average particle size, has provided the best fitting of theoretical to experimental data,
yielding activation energy values that range from 181 to 234 kJ mol−1 , and exponential n-coefficients from 0.9 to 1.5. Ex-situ observations have
demonstrated that the formation of cristobalite from quartz after 50 min, 2, 4 and 6 h at 1200 and 1300 ◦ C, exhibits a remarkable dependence on d
of quartz, showing comparable behaviours in the case of d equal to 15.8 and 28.4 m, but significant differences for d of 4.1 m. The formation
of cristobalite is boosted remarkably at temperature higher than 1200 ◦ C, with an increase by weight even of 500%, with respect to its content
at lower temperature. The method of sample preparation (dry powder, wet powder and tablet of compressed dry powder) seems to influence the
results only at temperature > 1200 ◦ C and in the case of fine powder.
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3404 L. Pagliari et al. / Journal of the European Ceramic Society 33 (2013) 3403–3410
Table 1
Granulometric characterization of the starting powders. Dv and RMS strain come from the analysis of the powder diffraction peak broadening (see the experimental
paragraph for the details).
Sample d (m) D50 (m) Mode (m) Dv (nm) RMS strain (×10−4 )
environments. The samples were heated at 1200 and 1300 ◦ C simplicity, through a histogram composed of a set of j-bins,
for 50 min, 2, 4 and 6 h, and then annealed. Heating treat- each bearing a ξ j fraction by weight of the original material with
ments and XRPD measurements were carried out with the same average 2Dj size. Let us introduce the following definition for a
instruments and experimental set-ups reported above. generic observable F that takes the values Fj in the jth-bin:
The third set of measurements was oriented to the study
of the reaction kinetics of the quartz–cristobalite phase tran- F= Fj × ξj . (4)
sition, by in-situ experiments. A θ–θ geometry Philips X’ Pert j
diffractometer was used, equipped with an Anton-Paar heating Assuming that the activation energy Ea is the same for any
chamber (HTK 16 MSW) and a Pt heating strip, which is able to particle size, one then can write the reaction kinetics equation
achieve a maximum temperature of ∼1600 ◦ C. Explorative heat- for the j-fraction as
ing ramps were performed on the finest and coarsest samples
(SA600 and SA10S, respectively): the maximum temperature Ea
g(αj ; pj ) = Aj exp − ×t (5)
was ∼1300 ◦ C, and data were collected from 19◦ to 75◦ 2θ at RT
room temperature before and after treatment, and from 19.5◦ to where pj is a possible parameter depending on the
27◦ 2θ, every 50 ◦ C, until about 500 ◦ C, and every 5 ◦ C from 500 jth-bin. In some case, it may be convenient to use
to 1300 ◦ C, with a step-size of 0.03◦ 2θ and counting time of 1 ln(g(αj ; pj )) = ln(Aj )(− Ea /RT) + ln(t); the formalism we are
s/step. Such 2θ-intervals allow one to record the most intense developing does not change, and hereafter we assume to proceed
peaks of quartz and cristobalite. Isothermal kinetics experi- with Eq. (5). If one sets αj = α+j and pj = p + δpj , then from
ments were then carried out by the same diffractometer and high Eq. (5) it follows:
temperature device, and using SA600-SA10S-SA250S-samples.
Each sample was studied along three isotherms, chosen as a
function of the preliminary ramp experiments. g(α + j ; p + δpj ) × ξj = exp − ×t× A j × ξj
XRPD patterns were collected for all of the samples, before RT
j j
and after thermal treatments. The quantitative analyses and (6)
the determination of the volume-average crystallite coherence
If one Taylor-expands in j and δpj the right-hand member of
domain size (Dv ) and root mean square (RMS) micro-strain9
Eq. (6), and
were performed by the Rietveld refinement technique combined
with the Warren-Averbach10 method (MAUD software11 and
(i) takes into account that j j ×ξ j = 0 and j δpj × ξ j = 0;
isotropic model). For all the experiments, we were not able to
(ii) neglects the second order terms in j and δpj ;
refine the RMS strain parameter of cristobalite if its content
then it follows
was less than 2 wt.%: in such cases the too low diffraction peak
intensity did not allow the separation of the size and strain profile
contributions. g(α; p) × ξj = exp − × t × A. (7)
3. Kinetic theory We tried out several kinetic models,12 and chose an Avrami-
like15–17 formalism as it proved to be the most satisfactory one
The fundamental equation describing reaction kinetics, in terms of: (i) matching between observations and theory, (ii)
which is reported below12 : and consistence between the inferred Ea s versus d of quartz. In
dα this light, the reaction rate is described by the general equation
= kf (α), (1) beneath
is often cast into its integral version, namely [− ln(1 − α)]1/n = k × t. (8)
g(α) = kt, (2) We take that the dependence on each jth-bin is transferred
to the exponential n, i.e. nj , and the equation above changes
where α is a generic coordinate that monitors the new phase accordingly into
formation (hereafter called “coordinate of transformation”, and
for which lim α(t) = 1), t is time, f and g are some functions 1 Ea
t→∞ [ln(− ln(1 − αj ))] × = ln(Aj ) + − + ln(t). (9)
nj RT
of α, depending on the nucleation-growth model. k is the rate
constant, whose dependence on temperature is described by the Summing over all bins one has and taking into account the
Arrhenius equation: fraction by weight for each jth-bin, one has
k = A exp − . (3) ln(− ln(1 − αj )) × × ξj = − + ln(t)
RT nj RT
The role of the particle size in affecting the reaction kinetics
+ ln(Aj ) × ξj . (10)
of a powder has earlier been discussed by 13,14 and it is here
re-considered. The PSD of quartz is modeled, by the sake of
3406 L. Pagliari et al. / Journal of the European Ceramic Society 33 (2013) 3403–3410
Table 2
Chemical and physical characterization of the starting raw powders.
Sample % min % max % max % max % max Loss on Density Specific surface
SiO2 Al2 O3 Fe2 O3 TiO2 K2 O ignition (%) (T/m3 ) (cm3 /g)
From Eq. (7) it finally follows: A decrease of the particle size is accompanied by an increase
of the peak’s broadening, indicating a general reduction of the
crystalline domain size and increase of RMS strain. The inverse
ln(− ln(1 − α) × = − + ln(t) relationship between crystallite size and RMS strain is very
nj RT
j well known in literature in materials subjected to mechanical
+ ln(Aj ) × ξj , (11a)
4.2. Characterization of the treated powders
and finally
Ea 4.2.1. Ex-situ experiments
(− ln(1 − α))1/n̂ = Â × exp − × t, (11b) The quantity of cristobalite obtained from the ex-situ exper-
iments at 1200 ◦ C and 1300 ◦ C for 6 h is displayed in Fig. 3, as
where (1/n̂) = (1/n) = j (ξj /nj ) and ln(Â) = ln(A) = a function of d and sample preparation.
j ln(Aj ) × ξj are the quantities measured by isothermal exper- Figure 3A shows the results related only to experiments
iments. with the maximum temperature of 1200 ◦ C, whereas Figure
3B collates the issues from both temperatures. The formation
4. Results and discussion of cristobalite through such treatments exhibits a remarkable
dependence on both d and sample preparation. Rising tem-
4.1. Characterization of the starting powders perature by 100 ◦ C causes the amount of formed cristobalite to
increase by more than 6 times, for the sample with the small-
Tables 1 and 2 show the results of a characterisation of the est particle size, and by 2–3 times, for the coarsest one. The
initial quartz powders. The volume-average domain size (Dv ) method of sample preparation influences the final quantity of
and the RMS-strain of quartz are presented in Table 1, and can cristobalite only when the firing temperature is 1200 ◦ C, and
be directly compared with the granulometric parameters in the in particular for the finest samples: the wet sample preparation
same table. In particular, one has that the smaller d the smaller boosts cristobalite (Fig. 3A), whereas the bare and dry powders
Dv . The differences in terms of Dv between starting powders yield the lowest amount; such difference nearly cancels out at
are expectable even by a bare inspection of Fig. 2, which shows 1300 ◦ C (Fig. 3B). This is likely ascribable to that wet prepara-
the portion of diffraction pattern wherein the main peak of quartz tion allows a better particle-particle contact, thus favouring heat
is located. transmission and solid state reactions induced thereby.
Fig. 3. Wt% of cristobalite after the ex-situ test conducted at 1200 ◦ C (A) and
Fig. 2. The main peak of quartz for the five starting powders under investigation. at 1300 ◦ C (B). B shows again results at 1200 ◦ C as a comparison.
L. Pagliari et al. / Journal of the European Ceramic Society 33 (2013) 3403–3410 3407
A 15
wt% Cristobalite
52min 2h 4h 6h
B 60
wt% Cristobalite
52min 2h 4h 6h
Fig. 4. Amount of cristobalite formed at 1200 ◦ C (A) and 1300 ◦ C (B) applying
the maximum temperature for different times.
Table 3
Results from the kinetics experiments.
Sample Average grain size d (m) Working T (K) n n ln(k) (s−1 ) A (s−1 ) Ea (kJ mol−1 )
Fig. 8. Arrhenius plot for SA250S, starting from the values of k obtained from
Fig. 10. Amount of cristobalite after the isothermal analyses for the three sam-
the application of the Avrami model.
ples investigated.
3 the average grain size influences n so as to lead to two distinct A-pre-exponential coefficients exhibit a remarkable scattering,
kinetic classes: the one including SA250S and SA10S, and without any apparent correlation to d.
the other SA600; After cooling to room temperature, full-range diffraction data
4 n seems to exhibit an inverse dependence on d. were collected and then analysed with the Rietveld refinement.
Fig. 10 shows the amount of cristobalite crystallized after each
Fig. 8, which represents the Arrhenius plot for the inter- isotherm. As seen before, the sample with the smaller grain
mediate particle-sized powder again, shows a reasonably good dimension (SA600) reacts more easily: cristobalite forms at
correlation (R2 = 0.84, which is similar for the other two sam- lower temperatures with respect to the other samples and in
ples) that allows one to determine the pre-exponential parameter larger quantities upon the same applied conditions.
A and the apparent activation energy Ea of the phase transition At a given temperature the amount of cristobalite formed
process. increases upon decreasing the grain size of quartz involved. The
The activation energies change from 181 to 234 kJ mol−1 , more the particle size increases, the more the temperature nec-
which are in keeping with literature values for such a kind of essary to crystallize cristobalite is higher and the less is the
processes (19–22,25 just as few examples). The Ea ’s are similar tendency of this phase to form. The latter aspect is shown by
to each other, and almost undistinguishable if one takes into that the slopes of the linear interpolations of cristobalite versus
account the uncertainties, determined by the errors propagation. T for each sample in Fig. 10 decrease as a function of d.
In this view, the grain size seems not to significantly influence By way of example, at 1250 ◦ C and α = 0.2, the α(t)-curves
the activation energy of the transition process, as shown in of SA600-SA250S-SA10S intersect each other at ∼1000, 700
Fig. 9, in agreement with the assumption of the model here and 1200 s, respectively; at t = 500 s and α = 0.2, they require
used that takes Ea as independent of the size-class. The temperatures as large as 1300, 1290 and 1320 ◦ C, respectively.
5. Conclusions
The present study has been undertaken with the aim to elu-
cidate the kinetics of the quartz–cristobalite phase transition
which occurs during the production of many ceramic materi-
als. In particular, the attention has been focused on the effects
of size reduction on the cristobalite formation at high tempera-
tures, considering both the obtained quantities of that phase and
the kinetic process of the transformation. On the ground of the
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