Article EN1992 PDF
Article EN1992 PDF
Article EN1992 PDF
EN1992 Eurocode 2:
Civil Engineering 144 November 2001
Pages 23–28 Paper 12643
Design of concrete structures
Keywords R. S. Narayanan
codes of practice & standards;
concrete structures;
design methods & aids
C I V I L E N G I N E E R I N G 23
Fig. 1. Specific rules for concrete bridge design will be provided in the second part of Eurocode 2, due out in 2005
• ENV13670 Execution of concrete for material to be applied in the nation the symbol fck (characteristic values of
structures concerned. The items to be covered in the parameters are denoted by k and design
• EN206-1-2000 Concrete: perfor- national annex are very limited—six in values—which are the characteristic val-
mance, production, placing and com- 1992-1-1 and three in 1992-1-2. ues modified by a partial safety factor—
pliance criteria The date of publication of the related are denoted by d).
• BS 8500 (parts 1–4, complementary documents cannot be predicted with cer- The quality control of concrete can still
British Standard to EN206) tainty. The following is anticipated. be carried out using the conventional
• prEN10080 Reinforcement steels EN1990 together with a number of load- cube test and the code tabulates the rela-
• prEN10138 Pre-stressing steels. ing codes are likely to precede the publi- tionship between the cylinder and cube
cation of EN1992-1-1. EN206 has already strengths. For fck values up to 60 MPa the
Of these, EN1990 is fundamental to been published and the complementary cube strengths can be approximately
designers as it specifies partial factors for British Standard is expected to be pub- taken as 1⋅25 × cylinder strength. The
loads and load combinations.1 There will lished soon. The product standards will code recommendations are valid for fck
also be a number of product standards for follow closely after the publication of values in the range 12 MPa–90 MPa for
particular precast concrete products (Fig. EN1992-1-1. normal concrete.
2). These may provide additional design In common with other Eurocodes, In Eurocode 2 the sign convention for
rules complementing those in EN1992-1- Eurocode 2 adopts limit-state design prin- compressive stress is negative.
1. Product standards currently in prepara- ciples and verification by the partial-factor For partial factors for loads and actions,
tion include method. In general, ultimate and service- all Eurocodes are required to refer to
ability limit states are considered. EN1990 Eurocode: Basis for structural
• EN1168-1 Pre-stressed hollow-core design,1 which provides recommended
elements Design expressions based on values. The actual values to be used in
• EN1168-2 Reinforced hollow-core ele- cylinder strength of concrete any country will be indicated in their
ments All the expressions in the code use the respective national annex.
• EN13743 Precast floor plates (parts cylinder strength of concrete, the charac- The recommended values of partial fac-
1–3) teristic value of which is represented by tors for ‘permanent’ dead loads (γG) is 1⋅35
• EN13224 Ribbed elements (1⋅4 in BS 8110) and for ‘variable’ imposed
• EN13225 Linear structural elements loads (γQ) is 1⋅5 (1⋅6 in BS 8110). Wind
• WI 002 290 10 Beams and block load is treated as any other imposed load
floor systems and γQ of 1⋅5 applies. The recommended
• WI 002 290 04 Stairs. value for partial factor on pre-stressing
loads (γp) is 1⋅0 when it is favourable and
Eurocode 2 along with the other design 1⋅3 when it is unfavourable.
Eurocodes 3–9 is generally expected to be Eurocode 2 recommends values for par-
used in conjunction with EN1991 tial factors for materials γM and these are
Eurocode 1: Actions on structures.2 Other also to be confirmed by national annexes.
loading codes can also be used but the The recommended values are shown in
designer should then be satisfied that Table 1. Partial factors for materials for
overall reliability of design is adequate. Fig. 2. Structural concrete designers will also serviceability limit states is 1⋅0. Annex A
When published, EN1992-1-1 and 1-2 need to refer to EN standards for concrete indicates possible methods of reducing
will contain national annexes, which will products, such as EN1168-2 for reinforced the values of γM on the basis of quality-
hollow-core elements
deal with matters such as partial factors control measures.
24 C I V I L E N G I N E E R I N G
‘‘ ’’
The durability requirements of Eurocode 2 are related to the exposure classes
defined in EN206
Table 1. Partial factors to be used for concrete materials in verifying ultimate limit state
C I V I L E N G I N E E R I N G 25
Fig. 4. Basic model for checking shear resistance of reinforced concrete sections
As,w V 1
= b ED
bss w.d 0.9fywdcotθ
Criteria for neglecting the second-order are similar to those in BS 8110.
effects are the same as before The ultimate limit-state requirements
for the design of members in bending where VED is the applied shear force,
λ ≤ 25(2- (M01/M02)) with or without axial forces have not fywd is the design yield strength of shear
changed. However, the value of the con- reinforcement, bw is the web width and s
where the slenderness ratio λ = effec- crete stress in the ENV pre-standard was is the spacing of links. The value of cot θ
tive length/radius of gyration and M01 α fcd, with a general value of α = 0⋅85. should lie between 2⋅5 and 1⋅0.
and M02 are the first-order moments in Now α = 1⋅0. This means that the Maximum value of the applied shear
non-sway frames. moment of resistance of sections (based stress is limited to
Limited calibration suggests that the on concrete strength) will be higher than
proposals for the curvature method give in the pre-standard. Similarly, there will
VED 0.9 υ fcd
similar results to the ENV version and be some enhancement in the axial load [ ] max =
bw.d (cotθ + tanθ )
BS 8110. The nominal stiffness method capacity of columns when controlled by
appears to be more conservative. compression—that is for combinations of
At the request of the UK, a section on axial load and bending moment above the where υ = 0⋅6[1–fck/250]. There are
flat slabs is now included. The provisions balance point in the interaction diagram. requirements for minimum and maximum
26 C I V I L E N G I N E E R I N G
Generally the results of Eurocode 2 and BS8110 will be comparable
stress checks
crack control
pre-standard. The partial factor for concrete
is 1⋅8 instead of 1⋅5 for reinforced concrete
C I V I L E N G I N E E R I N G 27
The code permits simplifications for the allowance for the risk of spalling is built tice but inevitably they will need to go
various analyses. It is also stated that into the tabulated data, where the mois- through a learning curve. On the whole
member analysis is sufficient to establish ture content is less than 3%. In the interi- the designs resulting from the two codes
the resistance with respect to standard or of most buildings with low humidity are likely to be reasonably comparable.
fire. Partial factors for materials are to be this is likely to be the case. Where neces- A number of initiatives are already
confirmed in national annexes but the rec- sary the local loss of cover concrete could afoot to produce design aids, manuals and
ommended value is 1⋅0 for both concrete be taken into account and a reduced load books on Eurocode 2 and these should
and reinforcement. bearing capacity arrived at. In general sur- assist the practitioner. It is hoped that the
face reinforcement should be provided above summary is also helpful.
Using tabular data for fire design when the cover is 50 mm or more.
In practice the majority of structures are Chapter 5 gives guidance for high-
designed using tabular data. The informa- strength concrete. A number of anti-
tion given is similar to that found in spalling measures are recommended and References
BS 8110 but considerably greater empha- at least one of these is required to be 1. GULVANESSIAN H. EN1990 Eurocode:
sis is given to detailing requirements. incorporated in the design. These include Basis for structural design (this issue).
Good detailing is essential for structures 2. ENV13670 Execution of concrete struc-
to survive fire conditions. The data have • surface reinforcement tures, CEN, Brussels.
been assembled on the basis of tests con- • protective layers 3. EN206-1-2000 Concrete: performance,
ducted in various countries in Europe. • addition of propylene fibres production, placing and compliance crite-
Minimum dimensions and axis distance • testing to demonstrate that the risk is ria, CEN, Brussels.
(the distance from the face of a member acceptable. 4. BS 8500 (parts 1–4, complementary
to the centre of the reinforcement) are British Standard to EN206), BSI, 2000.
given for slabs, beams, columns and walls The general verification procedure for 5. prEN10080 Reinforcement steels, CEN,
for fire periods from 30 minutes to 240 normal-strength concrete can also be used Brussels.
minutes. Where the reinforcement is in for high-strength concrete. The tabular 6. prEN10138 Pre-stressing steels, CEN,
several layers, the concept of weighted method for columns will be valid if the Brussels.
average is accepted to determine the axis axis distance is increased by 35%. For 7. EN1168-1 Pre-stressed hollow-core ele-
distance. The critical temperature beams and slabs the tabulated axis dis- ments, CEN, Brussels.
assumed is 500°C for reinforcement, tance values are required to be increased 8. EN1168-2 Reinforced hollow-core ele-
400°C for pre-stressing bars 300°C for by 10%. ments, CEN, Brussels.
strands and wires. The values of axis-dis- Other information is provided in annexes 9. EN13743 Pre-cast floor plates (parts
tance are given on the basis of the critical 1–3), CEN, Brussels.
temperature being just reached to support • annex A provides temperature profiles 10. EN13224 Ribbed elements, CEN,
the loading under fire conditions. for beams, slabs and columns Brussels.
The table for columns now introduces • annex B is concerned with simplified 12. EN13225 Linear structural elements,
the combinations of mechanical reinforce- calculation methods. Two alternatives CEN, Brussels.
ment ratio and load levels on the column are given—500°C isotherm and zone 13. WI002 290 10 Beams and block floor
(indicative of the reserve strength) in the methods systems.
normal temperature designed to arrive at • annex C gives the details of proce- 14. WI002 290 04 Stairs.
minimum dimensions. The current dures for assessing the buckling 15. GULVANESSIAN H. EN1991 Eurocode 1:
requirements could result in larger strength of columns—it includes a Actions on structures (this issue).
columns for the higher fire resistance peri- number of tables for minimum dimen-
ods. This matter is still under discussion. sions related to slenderness ratio and
The tabular data apply to normal weight load levels
What do you
concrete made with siliceous aggregates. • annex D provides a simplified practi- think?
Where calcareous aggregates are used in cal procedure for designing beams If you would like to comment on
this paper, please email up to
beams and slabs the axis distance in the and slabs. 500 words to the editor at
tables should be reduced by 10%.
If you would like to write a paper up
Reductions are also allowed for light- Conclusions to 2000 words about your own
experience in this or any related
weight concrete depending on the density. Designers who had familiarised them- area of civil engineering, the
editor will be happy to
Some advice on the risk of explosive selves with the ENV version of Eurocode provide any help or advice
you need.
spalling is given. The risk is a function of 2 will find that there are some significant
moisture content, aggregate type, perme- changes in a number of areas. However,
ability of concrete and the heating rate. the general process remains the same.
When the moisture content of the con- Those familiar with the methods in
crete is less than 3% by weight spalling is BS 8110 will find the Eurocode proce-
unlikely to occur. The code states that dures not too dissimilar to current prac-
28 C I V I L E N G I N E E R I N G