Recycling Campaign Lesson Plan: Audience: 8

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Audience: 8th Grade Time: 1.5 Class Periods

Objective (s): By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

- define recycling

- develop awareness of the benefits of recycle and how recycling can help the environment

- develop solutions to help increase recycling around the school

- create posters to promote saving the environment

-write persuasive letters to our principal about the importance of recycling and how implementing your
solution to recycling will benefit the environment

Materials: LCD and projector, photocopies of the recycling fact sheet 1, laptops, pens/pencils and art
supplies (i.e. cardboards, markers, glue sticks, scissors and markers)


Warm up:

Students will respond to the following question:

What is recycling?

Students will share out responses.

Intro to Lesson:

Students will follow along with my PowerPoint about recycling will taking notes to define what recycling
is and reasons why recycling is important.


Exploring Recycling:

As a class, students will be reading recycling fact sheet out loud and discuss their findings:

 Students will share which facts they already knew, which fact they did not and which
facts were surprising to them

Students will continue their search of information about recycling by doing their own research using
laptops. Students will continue to take notes on their findings

Students will be divided into groups of 3-4. Each group will have to brainstorm creative ways students
can recycle at our school.

 Students will create a poster of their ideas

o Posters should include a description of implementation of recycling and a
picture to display their idea
o Post should also include 3-5 facts about recycling


Students will participate in a class recycling campaign.

 Students will create final drafts of there ideas to hang around school.
 During lunch students will advocate to their peers and teachers about what they have
learned about recycling and the importance of recycling


Students will draft letters to our principal explaining the importance of recycling and how it can help our
school environment. In letters students will try to convenience the principal to bring their recycling ideas
to the school on a larger scale.

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