Goal: The Student Will Demonstrate: Teach Er: Scho Ol: Subje CT: Unit Title/Activit y Chemical and Physical Changes Lab

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Teach Aneni Scho MEMS Subje 8th Grade Science

er: ol: ct:

Unit 1 – Matter
Chemical and Physical Changes Lab
Goal: The student will demonstrate
1 – ways of think and acting inherent in the practice of science. The
student will use language and instruments of science to collect,
organize, interpret, calculate and communicate information
4 – the ability to use scientific skills and processes to explain
composition and interactions of matter in the world in which we live.
Indicator: The student will
Provide evidence to show that a chemical reaction has or has not
occurred by observing various types of changes and identifying the
evidence of a chemical change (formation of a gas, precipitate, color
change) to show that something new has been created

Make modifications to the handouts: larger font, different font,

different spacing, larger text boxes, different organizational set-up –
for example longer/smaller lines, different order. Time modifications
may be necessary to extend the lesson in certain areas
(Extended/Reduced time limits). Read and repeat directions and
definitions. Students have the ability to work in small groups and turn
in one paper rather than each doing all the work.
Students will… differentiate between chemical and physical
Lesson changes by making observations and citing evidence of
Objective chemical reactions.

1. Catalyst (5 min)
2. Wrap-up Mixtures Lab (10 min)
Agenda 3. Physical/Chemical Change Lab (55 min)
4. Chem Talk (10 min)
5. Product (5 min)
Assessment Product: Students will orally explain the difference between chemical
s and physical changes.
Homework Chemical / Physical Change Questions
ENGAGE (10 min): How will I focus, prepare and engage Differentiation
students for the lesson’s objective?
 Catalyst “What do you think” on page 433 of the Active Learning Style
Lesson Cycle Chemistry Text.
 Go over objectives and agenda. Learning
 Have a couple students share their ideas from the Modalities:
Catalyst and tell students that they will be introduced  Visual
to the concepts of physical and chemical change today.  Auditory
It should be intuitive for many students, but the  Tactile
prospect of seeing other examples to connect their  Kinesthetic
knowledge will hopefully engage them in the activity
today. Multiple
EXPLORE (30-40 min): In what ways will my learners  Linguistic
attempt to explain or do what I have outlined? How will I  Logical/Mathem
monitor and coach their performance? atical
 Spatial
 Students will investigate multiple types of change and  Musical
decide which type of change they each station  Bodily-
exemplifies Kinesthetic
 Students will have 4 minutes at each station (1 minute for  Interpersonal
transition).  Intrapersonal
 Teacher will circulate and guide students to finding the
key points on their own.
EXPLAIN (30-40 min): How will I convey the knowledge
and Modifications
and/or skills of the lesson? What will my students be doing
are noted above.
to process this information?
 Introduce key points and debrief the activity.
 Students must ensure the stations are in order for the
next class

EXTEND (10 min): In what ways will my different learners

attempt the objective on their own? How will I gauge
 Chem Talk completion – guided notes

EVALUATE (5 min): How will I have students summarize

what they’ve learned? How will I reinforce the objective’s
importance and its link to past and future learning? Will
they have homework?
 Student will complete post lab question
CLOSING (2 min): closing remarks, summary of what
learned, announcements, reminders.
 Students will clean up at their desks; they don’t get up
yet. The bell does NOT dismiss.
 Recap day by having one student explain HOW each
objective was met today.
 Give a brief explanation of what to expect tomorrow and
the rest of the week.

Handouts: Materials:
 Worksheet  Projector
 Lab Materials (see attached sheet)

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